How to close all windows in Windows 10.

Windows in Windows 10. If you know English language, then we realized long ago that the name operating system Windows, translated into Russian as Windows. And this is not without reason. The fact is that all the processes that we run on a computer with the Windows operating system occur in graphical interface in the form of a window. Thanks to this, working in all programs has become much easier and more convenient. It is enough to remember the most necessary elements of such windows, and you will quickly be able to find your way even in a program that is unfamiliar to you.

Basic elements of windows in Windows 10

Let's look at the main elements of windows using an example program Microsoft Word, which you all probably have on your computer.

All the windows you open on your computer have basic elements:

  1. Title bar
  2. Collapse button
  3. Expand button
  4. Close button
  5. Vertical scrolling
  6. Horizontal scrolling
  7. Status bar
  8. Program work area

Purpose of Windows 10 window elements

Title bar available in most programs. This line usually contains the name of the document (file) that is currently open.

Collapse window button allows you to quickly minimize the window to Task bar. The window will not be closed. It will just disappear with Desktop until you call it again. To do this, just left-click on the icon of this program in the taskbar, and the window will again expand to full screen.

Expand button allows you to expand the program window to full screen. You can also expand the window by double-clicking right click mouse on the title bar. If the same action is repeated in a window that is already fully open, it will take on the appearance it had before. If the window does not have an “Expand” button, then you will not be able to get such a number.

If the window is not expanded to full screen, then you can expand its borders using the mouse. To do this, move the mouse pointer to any border of the window, or to any corner of it, and when the mouse pointer changes to a double-headed arrow, click on left button mouse, and without releasing the button, drag the mouse pointer in any direction.

But again, this method is only suitable for those windows that have a “Maximize” button.

Close button closes the program window, and also closes the program itself. In operating system setup programs, only this button may be present, because Buttons for minimizing and maximizing windows are not needed there.

Scroll bar can be vertical or horizontal. They usually appear only when the contents of the window do not fit on one screen. In order to view the contents of a window that is out of sight, you need to grab this scroll bar with the left mouse button and, without releasing it, move it in the desired direction.

If your mouse has a wheel, then it is better to use it for vertical scrolling. You just need to place the mouse cursor in the window and simply rotate the wheel in the desired direction. This method of scrolling a page is called scrolling.

Status bar This is for informational purposes only and does not apply to all windows.

Window working area Every program is different. Usually it contains the tools of the running program.

Secrets of Windows 10 windows

And finally, a couple more secrets with windows.

  • Windows can not only be minimized and expanded, but they can also be moved. In order to move a window, you need to move the mouse cursor over the title bar, press the left mouse button, and without releasing it, move the mouse. The window will move along with the mouse pointer. As soon as you release the mouse button, the window will remain in the place where you released it.
  • You can open multiple windows in one or different programs, but only the window that is in the foreground will be active. In order to make another window active, you need to left-click on any visible part of the other window, or click on the icon of the other window on the Taskbar.
  • If you grab a window by its title bar and move it to the top edge of the screen, the window will expand to fill the entire screen.
  • If you drag a window to the left or right corner of the screen, it will expand to exactly half the screen.
  • If you have many windows open, but you only need one of them, which is currently active, i.e. is located on top of all windows, then grab the active window by the title bar with the mouse and shake it (quickly move the mouse from side to side. All windows will be minimized to the Taskbar, and only the active window will remain. Shaking again will return all windows to their original position.
  • You can place everything open windows on the desktop at the same time. To do this, open program windows or one program, then right-click at the bottom of the desktop on free space Taskbars. A context menu will open in which you must click on the link “ Arrange windows in a cascade», « Stack windows", or " Place windows nearby" Try all three options and see how it looks.

These are the functions that windows perform in Windows 10. Almost all the same things can be done with windows in other Windows operating systems.

In this article, I will show you how you can expand a window to full screen and what keyboard shortcuts to use for this on Windows 7, 10 and MAC. Widespread use computer mouse was a revolutionary innovation that greatly simplified the use personal computer. Today, most users use this device to navigate the system and enter simple commands. However, all common operating systems allow you to perform these necessary tasks without using a mouse.

The window is not full screen

As practice shows, knowledge certain combinations keys allows you to expand the window to full screen with higher speed, which has a positive effect on overall labor productivity. Once you get used to it, performing common tasks using short keyboard shortcuts will seem more convenient than moving the mouse.

Read also: Download on-screen keyboard.

Benefits of keyboard shortcuts

The transition to using a keyboard to perform routine operations is most common among programmers, webmasters and representatives of other professions whose work involves the need to enter large quantity information. Among the significant advantages of this approach, it is worth highlighting the following.

When you use hotkeys to maximize a window to fill the entire monitor, you don't have to focus on the mouse, which makes the task much easier, especially in the long run. The point is that entering text or commands using the keyboard requires the use of a certain part of the brain. Using a mouse involves slightly different areas because it works fundamentally differently. Therefore, there is not only a waste of time physically moving the hand to the side, but also a switching of attention to another area of ​​activity. From the point of view of an ordinary user, this is not critical, but for a professional who spends hours at the computer, it can be quite significant.

How to minimize/maximize an application window

As an example of such keyboard manipulations, consider minimizing/maximizing an application from windowed mode to full screen and back. Moreover, due to the peculiarities of the functioning of a particular operating system, the key combinations will be slightly different, while the principle itself will be approximately the same.

Open on Windows 7 and Windows 10

Windows 7 and 10 OS are the most common versions of the operating system, and therefore it is worth starting to consider the issue with them. So, in order to minimize or maximize any window running application you need to use the simultaneous pressing of the “Win” keys (with the image of the system logo, it is located closer to the lower left corner of the keyboard) and the up/down arrows. The application will change its display from windowed to full screen.

WIN key

The same effect can be achieved in another way. It is somewhat longer, but some may find it more convenient. You must simultaneously press Alt+Space, in the context window that appears, use the arrows to select the required action, and then confirm it Enter key.

Full size window

Maximizing the window in MAC OS

On an operating system from Apple The algorithm of actions will be approximately the same. You must press the Command+Power keys simultaneously. Depending on the situation, the combination will either collapse active application into windowed mode, or expand it to a full-screen version of the display.

Using the “hot keys” described above, you can significantly simplify expanding a window to full screen, as well as increase the efficiency and speed of actions performed. By the way, there are quite a lot of similar combinations, so there is always room for improvement.

Windows 10: Keyboard shortcuts

Many of us use keyboard shortcuts to complete some common task faster. Everyone knows shortcuts such as Ctrl + C (copy), Ctrl + V (paste), Win + D (minimize windows) or Win + E (open Explorer). Windows 10 has introduced several useful keyboard shortcuts that are also worth remembering and using.

Snap mode in Windows 10 has been improved, and with it the convenience of working with multiple windows simultaneously located on the screen. The following combinations will help you quickly place windows:

  • Win + (expand to full screen)
  • Win + ↓ (minimize window)
  • Win + → (pin to the right side of the screen)
  • Win + ← pin to the left side of the screen)
  • Win + → Win + ↓ (window takes up a quarter of the screen in the lower right part)

All open applications on one screen

In Windows 10, you can usually switch between open applications using Alt+Tab, but to see all open applications at once and virtual tables, you should use the Win+Tab combination. It's really convenient!

Virtual desktops

Please note that in the lower right corner of the screenshot there is a “Create Desktop” button. This feature is also available through the View Tasks button in Control Panel. Virtual desktops are another useful innovation in Windows 10, which we also talked about on the Windows Blog. To work with multiple desktops, you will need the following abbreviations:

  • Win + Ctrl + D (create virtual desktop)
  • Win + Ctrl + F4 (close virtual desktop)
  • Win + Ctrl + → /← (open adjacent desktop)
More information about keyboard shortcuts in Windows 10 can be found here.

Windows 10 Hotkeys

In the Windows 10 operating system, for more comfortable work on a computer, you can use keyboard shortcuts. You can use certain keyboard shortcuts to perform certain operations in Windows and in applications.

To manage new Windows functions 10, the operating system developer Microsoft Corporation, has added new hotkey combinations for fast execution necessary actions in the system or applications. In some cases, when controlling the computer from the keyboard, it will be possible to perform necessary actions faster and more convenient than using a mouse.

It should be borne in mind that the bulk of the hotkeys in Windows remained the same, the functionality of some was slightly changed, and some new hotkey combinations were added. You can read more about hotkeys in Windows here.

Next, we will look at the keyboard shortcuts in Windows 10 for the main functions they perform: system-wide keys, managing applications on the taskbar, managing windows, virtual desktops, multimedia functions, command line.

In the Windows 10 operating system, you can use keyboard shortcuts for more productive and convenient work on your computer.

All keyboard shortcuts (hot buttons) in Windows 10

In this article we want to tell you about all the possible types of keyboard shortcuts (hot buttons) in Windows 10. Many of them migrated from previous versions Windows and most of the combinations in this article are suitable not only for 10 but also for 8, 7 and even Windws XP.

What are hot buttons (keyboard shortcuts)? These are combinations of several keys that can be pressed to perform tasks that many people do with a mouse or other pointing device. Keyboard shortcuts save time and effort when working in Windows and other applications.

You can see the keyboard shortcuts yourself in the application menu; hot buttons (keyboard shortcuts) are written next to some actions. When a letter or word in a menu is underlined, it usually means that you can press both the ALT key and the key corresponding to the underlined letter to select a menu item. Using touch keyboard some keyboard shortcuts appear when pressed CTRL keys You can view them, for example, on a Windows tablet.

When you press ALT keys Some applications, such as Paint and WordPad, display commands with additional keys, which are needed to create keyboard shortcuts.

First, we will describe the most used keyboard shortcuts; we recommend that you remember them as they save you the most time when working at the computer.

The most commonly used keyboard shortcuts in Windows 10

New keyboard shortcuts

Windows key +A

Opening the Support Center

Windows key +S
Windows key +C
Windows key +TAB

Opening Task View

Windows key +CTRL+D

Adding a virtual desktop


Switch between created virtual desktops from left to right

Windows key +CTRL+LEFT ARROW

Switch between created virtual desktops from right to left

Windows key +CTRL+F4

Closing the virtual desktop you are using

Windows Key + Up Arrow

Maximize the window to full screen

Windows Key + Down Arrow
Windows Key + Right Arrow

Dock the window to the right half of the screen

Windows Key + Left Arrow

Dock the window to the left half of the screen

Windows key + → + ↓

The window takes up a quarter of the screen in the lower right side

Basic keyboard shortcuts


Rename the selected item

Find a file or folder in Explorer

Display the Address Bar List in Explorer

Refresh the active window

Cycle through screen elements in a window or desktop

Activating the menu bar in the active application

Closing an active item or exiting an active application

Cycle through items in the order they were opened

Execute the command corresponding to this letter

Display properties of the selected element

Opening context menu active window

Move up one page

Move one page down

Switch between open applications

Closing the active document (in applications that are maximized to full screen and allow multiple documents to be opened simultaneously)

Selecting all elements in a document or window

Copying a selected item

Delete the selected item and move it to the Trash

Refresh the active window


Insert a selected element

Cutting the selected element

Move the cursor to the beginning of the next word

Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous word

Move the cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph

Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph

Use the arrow keys to switch between open applications

CTRL+arrow key (to move to item)+SPACEBAR

Multiple selection individual elements in a window or on the desktop

CTRL+SHIFT+arrow key

Selecting a piece of text

Switch keyboard layouts if there are several of them

Turn the Chinese input method editor on or off

Open the context menu for the selected item

SHIFT+any arrow key

Selecting multiple items in a window or desktop, or highlighting text in a document

Deleting a selected item without first placing it in the Trash

Open the next menu on the right or open a submenu

Open the next menu on the left or close a submenu

Stop or exit the current task

Keyboard shortcuts with win() button

Windows key

Open or close the Start menu

Windows key +A

Opening the Support Center

Windows key +B

Setting notification area focus

Windows key +C

Open Cortana in listening mode

Windows key +D

Show or hide the desktop

Windows key +E
Windows key +G

Opening the menu of a running game

Windows key +H
Windows key +I

Open the Options window

Windows key +K

Call fast acting connections

Windows key +L

Blocking your computer or changing your account

Windows key +M
Windows key +O

Locking the device's orientation

Windows key +P

Selecting a presentation display mode

Windows key +R

Open the Run dialog box

Windows key +S
Windows key +T

Cycle between apps on the taskbar

Windows key +U

Opening of the Accessibility Center

Windows key +V

Cycle between notifications

Windows key +Shift+V

Cycle through notifications in reverse order

Windows key +X

Opening the quick links menu

Windows key +Z

Show commands available in the application in full screen mode

Windows key + comma (,)

Temporarily enable desktop display on hover

Windows key +PAUSE

Displaying the System Properties dialog box

Windows key +CTRL+F

Search for computers (if there is a network)

Windows key +SHIFT+M

Restoring minimized windows on the desktop

Windows key + number

Open the desktop and launch the application pinned to the taskbar with the specified number serial number. If the application is already running - switch to this application.

Windows key +SHIFT+number

Opening the desktop and launching a new instance of the application pinned to the taskbar with the specified serial number

Windows key +CTRL+number

Opening the desktop and switching to the last active application window pinned to the taskbar with the specified sequential number

Windows key +ALT+number

Opening the desktop and jump list for an application pinned to the taskbar with the specified sequential number

Windows key +CTRL+SHIFT+number

Open the desktop and a new instance of the application located in this place taskbar, as administrator

Windows key +TAB

Opening Task View

Windows key +CTRL+B

Switch to the application that displayed the message in the notification area

Windows Key + UP ARROW
Windows Key +DOWN ARROW

Removal current application from the screen or minimizing the desktop window

Windows key +LEFT ARROW

Expand an application or desktop window to the left edge of the screen

Windows Key +RIGHT ARROW

Expand an application or desktop window to the right edge of the screen

Windows key +HOME

Minimize all windows except the active desktop window (restore all windows on a second click)

Windows key +SHIFT+UP ARROW

Stretch the desktop window to the top and bottom edges of the screen


Restore or minimize active desktop windows vertically while maintaining width


Move an application or desktop window from one monitor to another

Windows key + SPACEBAR

Switching input language and keyboard layout

Windows key +CTRL+SPACEBAR

Return to the previously selected input language

Windows key +Enter
Windows key + forward slash (/)
Windows key +plus (+) or minus (–)

Zoom in or out using magnifier

Windows key +ESC

Quit Magnifier

Keyboard shortcuts for dialog boxes

Keyboard shortcut in Windows Explorer


CTRL+mouse scroll wheel

Resizing and appearance file and folder icons

Display all folders that contain the selected folder

Show all folders under a selected folder

Display the contents of the selected folder

NUM LOCK+minus sign (–)

Collapse the selected folder

Displaying the Viewport

Open the Properties dialog box for the selected element

View the folder that contains this folder

View previous folder

View previous folder

Show the selected item (if collapsed) or select the first subfolder

Collapse the selected item (if it is expanded) or select the folder in which the folder is nested

Display the bottom edge of the active window

Show the top edge of the active window

Maximize or minimize the active window

Virtual desktop shortcuts

Taskbar shortcuts

And that's not all the combinations. Some you can customize for yourself, for example, a keyboard shortcut to change the language and others like that. Also, many applications have the ability to configure hot buttons in the application itself, and you can configure them too. If you know any useful combinations that we have not indicated here, write them in the comments and we will add them. If the article was useful, do not skimp on likes.

Windows 10 Hotkeys

Many users don't even realize how hot they are Windows keys 10 make working on the computer easier, and those who use Windows 10 hotkeys can do things much faster the right job. Check yourself, in this article we have selected for you many convenient keyboard shortcuts for working in Windows 10, perhaps some of them are already familiar to you, and some will be new. Don't forget to bookmark the article and share it with your friends.

Choose a couple of hotkeys that will be useful to you, this will make it easier for you to work at the computer and save your time. What hotkeys do you use in your work? Write in the comments.

Having been rejected in the past, Modern applications (aka modern, and more recently universal) are gradually becoming an integral part of the operating process of Windows 8 and beyond. later versions operating system, according to at least,on touch devices.

Very often, however, these applications exhibit peculiar behavior when working with them, and this can be terribly annoying. One of the most common problems This is due to the fact that at one point they can simply stop launching for no apparent reason, and recently I encountered another strange behavior: applications minimize or close themselves immediately after opening.

This issue is already known to Microsoft and I hope it will be resolved in one of the upcoming updates, or at least in Windows 10. But for now, if you are facing this issue on your system, here is what you can try to fix this the snag.


Making mistakes when managing the registry can negatively affect the operation of the system. So be careful when editing registry entries, or better yet, if you create one before proceeding.

1. Press +R and run the Regedit command in the Run dialog box to open Registry Editor.

2. In the Registry Editor window, right-click on the branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and select "Permissions" from the context menu.

Repeat steps 2 and 3 for the remaining registry branches.

4. Now navigate to the Program Files folder inside system disk. This folder located in C:\Program Files, assuming the operating system is installed on drive C. Right-click on the folder and select Properties.

6. Finally, in the window " Extra options security for Program Files" ensure that the subject "ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES" has access "Read and Execute", which applies to this folder, its subfolders and files. This is important, and if other settings are applied in your case, take ownership of the Program Files folder with and assign permissions to "ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES".

Repeat steps 5 and 6 for the Program Files (x86) folder in case you are using 64-bit Windows.

After completing steps 3 to 6 and setting the appropriate permissions, reboot the machine. After a reboot the problem should be fixed.

Have a great day!

You may need to minimize all open windows if you want to find something on your desktop, or just look at your favorite wallpaper.

Universal method

The easiest way to minimize windows is with the Win+D key combination.

When pressed again, the windows will return to their places. It is very convenient, fast and works in all mentioned below Windows versions. You just need to get used to doing it this way and you won’t need other methods.

How to minimize all windows in Windows 7, 8, 10

In addition to this, in modern versions There is an OS for minimizing all windows special button in the lower right corner of the screen. In Windows 10 it looks like this:

In Windows 8.1 it’s almost the same:

In the “seven” it is more noticeable:

'Collapse all windows' shortcut in Windows XP

This shortcut is present in the panel quick launch(quick launch):

If you do not see this panel, you can enable it:

  • Right-click on the taskbar.
  • Select Toolbars.
  • Check the Quick launch box:

Many people probably remember the “Minimize all windows” button in Windows XP. It was usually located on the control panel on the left side. In Windows 7, it was moved to the lower right corner and made inconspicuous (in the shape of a vertical rectangle). After I installed Windows 10, it seemed to me that this button completely disappeared. It turned out that she was there, but became even less noticeable. Yes, and get into it with the mouse big screen became problematic. But there is a way out - use the Win+D key combination.

The Win key is the button at the bottom left of the keyboard that displays the Windows logo. Usually located between the left Ctrl and Alt. I assure you, it’s much faster and more convenient. Use hotkeys and you will be happy. By the way, the next click on the Win+D combination will again expand the previously minimized windows.

How to minimize all windows except one on your desktop in Windows 10?

There is a program popular program RocketDock. I need it to “put things in order” on the desktop, because I find it more convenient to have all the icons in a row. (see screenshot). The problem is that when I’m sitting in the browser and want to quickly open something with Rocketdock, I click “close all windows” in the lower right corner and all windows are minimized, including rocketdock, which I need at that moment. And minimizing the browser itself is not convenient due to the fact that there are a bunch of other windows underneath it. Before that I used Fences, which solves this, and when you minimize all windows, only the desktop and Fences itself remain.

  • Question asked over a year ago
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Complete list of hotkeys for Windows 10

Using Windows 10 hotkeys, you can quickly call up the necessary menus and perform many actions without using the mouse, which is much easier and faster. The “ten” has implemented a lot of new keyboard shortcuts for accessing new functions of the operating system. By gradually memorizing the most used ones, you can significantly simplify and speed up your work at the computer.

The combinations in the review are divided into categories for ease of study, because first of all it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the new sequences, which provide access to previously missing functionality in a number of operating systems Windows systems.

New keyboard shortcuts

Before we begin to familiarize ourselves with the combination of keyboard buttons with the actions associated with them, it should be noted that a key or Windows means a button located in the lower left part of the keyboard with a window icon, which is the emblem of Microsoft operating systems. Usually it is located between Ctrl and Alt, but in laptops there is also an Fn key, which can be located on either side of it.

Win + X - will bring up the menu of the same name, which will provide fast access to the most popular functions and tools of the operating system (analogous to the Start context menu).

Win + A - will open the Windows 10 Action Center, provided that it is not deactivated.

Win + I - quick way visit "Settings".

Win + S - open the search bar.

Win + Q - call a search using Cortana for countries where the assistant is supported, otherwise - an analogue of the previous combination.

Of the most used pairs of buttons that appeared in the top ten, this is all. Next, we’ll look at hotkeys for performing actions related to Explorer.


To work with files and windows of the built-in file manager, the top ten has actually nothing new.

Win + E - opens Explorer in the My Computer window.

Ctrl + wheel up/down - change the size of icons in the window, switch the type of their visualization.

Ctrl + N - opens a duplicate of the current Explorer window.

Alt + left/right - move through the history of directory visits one level back and forward, respectively.

Alt + up - move up a level in the folder hierarchy.

Ctrl + C, duplicated Ctrl + Insert - copying selected objects.

Ctrl + X - cut selected files/folders to the buffer.

Ctrl + V, duplicated Shift + Insert - inserts the contents of the buffer into the selected directory.

Ctrl + A - selects the entire contents of the window, the combination works in virtually all editors and file managers, and not just in the operating system environment.

Ctrl + F - call search string or search dialog (applicable for command line and most applications).

Shift + left/right when viewing elements as a table or grid - move along the columns.

Shift + up/down - select files.

Shift + left/right when visualizing explorer elements as icons - highlighting the next folder/directory.

Ctrl + arrow (depending on the way icons are visualized, similar to the previous case) - move through files/directories without selecting, Space - select the object under the cursor.

Shift + PgDown/PgUp or PageDown/PageUp - moves the cursor to the end of the page and selects all elements after it.

"Ten" is distinguished by the presence of window binding relative to the boundaries of the work area. This function appeared in “Seven”, but has undergone changes and improvements. Options have become available for placing windows on top of each other and securing them in the corners of the screen using a 2x2 grid.

Left/right - stick a window to the corresponding side with a size of 50% in width with full height, the second part of the monitor will be occupied by a list of tasks, as in the case of switching by Alt + Tab.

Up - expands the current window to Full Screen, attaching it to the top border.

Down - minimizes the window to 1/4 full size.

Command line

Combinations starting from the sixth in the previous section are also supported for the command line. Such sequences are especially relevant for her.

  • Ctrl + up/down - scroll one line higher/lower.
  • Ctrl + M - display, highlighting the cursor.
  • Ctrl + Home - scroll to the beginning of the first page.
  • Ctrl + right/left - select a character.
  • Ctrl + Shift + left/right - will highlight the whole word.

Activation of the function to support the above and other keyboard shortcuts is activated through the “Properties” of the command line, called up by right-clicking on its title. In the “Edit” section in the first tab, activate all the options and apply the new settings.

Windows environment

To work in the “top ten” there are still many keyboard shortcuts available for quickly performing popular actions.

Ctrl + Alt + Del - opens the lock window.

Ctrl + Shift + Esc - launch Task Manager.

Win + R - open the command interpreter "Run".

Shift + Del - permanently erases selected objects.

Win + Space - visually switch the keyboard layout.

Alt + Enter - opens the object properties dialog.

Win + L - PC lock.

Win+ Tab, Alt + Tab - switch between current tasks, with the first combination switching virtual desktops if available.

Win + Ctrl + D - creating a virtual desktop.

Win + Ctrl + left/right, Windows + Ctrl + left/right - scrolling between desktops.

Win + Ctrl + F4 - closes the current desktop.

Win + 1-9 - launch a utility pinned to the taskbar under the corresponding number.

Win + T - switch between taskbar icons, Enter - launch the selected program.

Win + D - minimizes all windows.

Win + Shift + M - expand minimized windows.

Win + Home - minimize everything except the active window.

Alt + F4 - closes the active program/window.

Win + W - call Windows environment in WorkSpace.


Windows 10 also has a few surprises for gamers.

  1. Win + PrtScr - create a screenshot and save it to a directory with pictures.
  2. PrtScr - creating a screenshot and copying it to the clipboard.
  3. Win + G - call the game panel.
  4. Win + Alt + R - start/stop video capture.

Select frequently used functions and remember the keys to call/use.

Windows 10 Hotkeys

To control the new functions of Windows 10, the developer of the operating system, Microsoft Corporation, has added new hotkey combinations to quickly perform the necessary actions in the system or in applications. In some cases, when controlling a computer from the keyboard, it will be possible to perform the necessary actions faster and more conveniently than using a mouse.

It should be borne in mind that the bulk of the hotkeys in Windows remained the same, the functionality of some was slightly changed, and some new hotkey combinations were added.

Let's look at the keyboard shortcuts in Windows 10 for the main functions they perform: system-wide keys, window management, multimedia functions, taskbar application management, Explorer, virtual desktops, command line.

Now you can use keyboard shortcuts in Windows 10 for more productive and convenient work on your computer.