How to close the cloud on iPhone. How to log into iCloud from a computer

iPhone users have recently become acquainted with such a component as iCloud. What it is? For what purposes is it necessary? this service? The answers to these questions will be found further. In fact, iCloud can be extremely useful. Many were waiting for his release iPhone owners. What features should you pay attention to? What is required to register in the system?


"iCloud" - what is it? A similar question arises among people who have just gotten acquainted with the iPhone. It's no secret that everyone operating system have their own characteristics. iCloud is only detected on iOS.

Apple launched this service along with iOS 5. Not long ago, they made it possible to work with iCloud via a computer. But what about we're talking about?

iCloud is a data cloud. More precisely, it is a cloud service for owners of Apple products. The cloud works from both computers and mobile devices. Allows you to save information, do backups and recover data.

Why is it needed?

"iCloud" - what is it? As it has already turned out, this service is a data cloud. Why is it needed?

iCloud is simply indispensable for all users of Apple products. You can use it for the following purposes:

  1. Making purchases. All data downloaded iTunes help or AppStore will be automatically saved in the cloud.
  2. Works with any files that support iCloud synchronization.
  3. Quickly save photos and videos taken using iPhone/iPad. By default, they are automatically placed in the data cloud.
  4. Synchronization of mail, calendar, reminders. With the help of ICloud it is proposed to transfer data to all Apple products.
  5. iCloud ensures the security of storing data entered into the browser.
  6. Creating backup copies of data. Of course, with subsequent restoration of them on mobile devices.
  7. Control MacOS from another computer.
  8. Search gadgets on interactive map. iCloud has special service, which helps determine the location of Apple devices.

Accordingly, we can conclude that iCloud is an extremely useful, multifunctional service. What features are recommended to pay attention to? What is needed to work with the cloud?

System requirements

It's hard to believe, but iCloud has so-called system requirements. For comfortable work with all the capabilities of the service you will have to have iOS latest versions. But, as already mentioned, the data cloud initially began working on iOS 5. We can say that all modern gadget owners will be able to use iCloud.

ICloud also runs on computers. Usually there are no problems with this feature. But to the minimum system requirements clouds include:

  • Availability of iTunes 12 version;
  • installed browser Internet Explorer 10 (or any other software latest version);
  • Outlook 2007 (or later);
  • Windows 7 installed on a PC.

Of course, it is necessary to have permanent connection to the Internet. After all, iCloud only works if it is available. Otherwise, you will not be able to use the capabilities of the service.

About space

"iCloud" - what is it? A convenient and modern service that allows you to ensure data security. But with some restrictions. How much space is allocated for user information?

Today, each subscriber is offered 5 GB of cloud space. It's dedicated to contacts, notes, backups, and apps. However, iCloud can be expanded. But for a fee.

There are no space restrictions for photographs, but there is an upper limit on the number of images. The last 1,000 frames taken within 30 days will be stored in iCloud.

Registration and access

Some people are interested in how to create an iCloud. The good news is that no separate registration is required to log into the system. It is enough to have an Apple ID. This is what is used when working with the service. Accordingly, any iPhone user can start using the data cloud at any time.

What do you need for iCloud? Login is carried out, as already mentioned, using your Apple ID account. The subscriber must enter an identifier and an access password. After that you can use everything available opportunities clouds.

ICloud works from a computer using a browser. To log in to the system, you must visit Here, the Apple ID data is entered into the appropriate fields, after which the subscriber is asked to work with the data cloud.

Connect on mobile

As already mentioned, iCloud is an integral part of Apple products. But to start working with the cloud, you need to be authorized in the system. It's not that difficult to do this on a computer. But on mobile devices this task requires special attention.

Cloud storage connection is provided as follows:

  1. Turn on iPhone or iPad. Wait until the device boots completely.
  2. Go to "Settings" - iCloud.
  3. Click on the field where the example e-mail is written.
  4. Enter your Apple ID. We are talking about the email to which the account was registered.
  5. In the "Required" area, write the access password.
  6. Click on "Login". After checking the data, the system will prompt you to synchronize Safari with iCloud. Select one operation or another.
  7. iCloud will offer to enable Find My iPhone. It is recommended to enable it along with geolocation.

All actions can be completed here. Login to iCloud from a computer is ensured, as already noted, by visiting the cloud website. But in Apple gadgets you will have to work with the device settings.


"iCloud" - what is it? An extremely useful cloud service that can make the life of a modern user much easier. On different platforms Connecting to iCloud occurs in different ways. From computers, as it was emphasized, it is proposed to work with the site But this is for Windows. MacOS has closer synchronization with the cloud. Therefore, the connection to it is carried out differently.


  1. Go to "System Preferences" - iCloud.
  2. Enter your Apple ID and profile password in the appropriate fields.
  3. Allow or disable synchronization with the browser and the Geolocation service. To do this, you need to check the boxes next to the appropriate functions. Click on the "Next" button.
  4. If necessary, enable "keychain". The operation is confirmed by entering your Apple ID password.

This is where all the action ends. After the completed operations, data synchronization will occur. This applies to all information - calendar, AppStore, photos. "iCloud" will instantly process all data entered into iCloud Mac.


From now on it is clear what kind of service we are talking about. iCloud is a modern assistant for working with user data. It allows you to quickly save certain information, restore it or transfer it to another mobile device. Just a few mouse clicks or finger taps - and it's done!

How to work with iCloud? Login to the system is carried out either from the iPhone (through settings), or using a computer (through the website or iCloud service Mac). Initially, all features of the service are free. For some money you can expand the volume of the cloud. But this is done at the discretion of the user.

iCloud is cloud storage from Apple, which gives you access to your music, photos, documents and other files from any device.

Also with using iCloud you can back up iPhone and iPad data, find lost devices Apple and share various data with other people.

What else do you need iCloud for:

1. Shopping

All purchases in iTunes Store And App Store automatically become available for download on all your devices connected to your iCloud account.

2.iCloud Drive

Cloud storage that allows you to work with documents on any connected device. For example, you create text file on the iPad, and edit it on the iPhone. This functionality is available in applications that support iCloud synchronization.

3. Family Sharing

Any purchase from the iTunes Store or App Store becomes available to all family members up to 6 people inclusive.

Read more about " family sharing» read.

4. Photo

All photos and videos taken on iPhone camera or iPad, automatically become available on all devices connected to iCloud.

5. Mail, Contacts, Calendar, Notes and Reminders

Email, contacts phone book, calendar events, notes, and reminders are automatically synced across all your iCloud-connected devices.

6. Find iPhone, iPad or Mac

If you suddenly lost your iPhone, iPad or Mac - through iCloud devices easy to track, remotely block, erase personal information or leave a message with contact information.

7. Bunch iCloud keys and Safari

Your logins, passwords and data credit cards are synchronized across all devices connected to the same iCloud account.

8. Backup

Reserve iPhone copying and iPad in iCloud allows you to completely restore your notes, messages, phone book numbers, etc., in case of replacement, breakdown or loss of the device.

9. Apps from the App Store

Applications from Apple store, which support synchronization with iCloud, automatically upload their data (settings, backups, saves, etc.) to cloud storage. From there they are transferred to all devices connected to iCloud.

For example, you can play through one mission in a game on your iPhone, then pick up your iPad and pick up where you left off. Your account is used to authorize and manage the content of the iCloud cloud service. Apple entry ID.

We have already written about how to create an Apple ID in the articles “How to create an Apple ID account” and “How to set up a new iPhone”.

How to connect iCloud on iPhone and iPad

    On your iPhone or iPad, go to Settings > iCloud.

    Enter your Apple ID.

    Enter your password below Apple account ID and click “Login”.

    After verifying your Apple ID and password, you will be prompted to merge your data Safari browser on a device with data in iCloud storage.

If there is not enough space

iCloud gives you 5GB of storage for free. If free space will end, the system will offer to increase it for a monthly subscription fee.

Monthly subscription fee for additional 50 GB is 59 ₽ per month, 200 GB - 149 ₽, 1 TB - 599 ₽ and 2 TB - 1,490 ₽.

The amount will be debited monthly starting from the activation date tariff plan, from a bank card linked to your Apple ID.

How to log into iCloud from any device?

Access to your iCloud storage can be accessed from any computer, smartphone or tablet connected to the Internet.

To do this, go to the website and log in with your Apple ID.

After authorization, you will be able to view and edit contacts, photos, letters Email and much more. Changes made will be synced with all devices connected to this iCloud account.

Or other Apple technology, you will have to create your own Apple ID. Do this and remember the password, or better yet, write it down somewhere. An Apple ID is required to synchronize and store data in iCloud, as well as to download programs and media files from the App Store and iTunes Store.

Select what you want to sync

If you go to iCloud settings, you will see a bunch of items, and on the contrary - switches. Select the types of data that should be on all your devices: photos, contacts, calendars, notes. It’s better not to disable the “Find My iPhone” function - in case of theft or loss, you will thank yourself.

Additional items that can also be synchronized are hidden in other menu tabs. For example, you can receive calls on all devices, regardless of which one you are being called on. Just turn on the toggle switch in the FaceTime item. To sync all messages across devices, go to the “Messages” section. You can add everything there email addresses and telephone numbers where SMS messages should be sent.

When purchasing second hand, make sure that all data is deleted

If you are starting to use a phone that someone else has already used before you, take a look at the iCloud settings at the seller. Former owner device must delete all data from the iCloud, iTunes Store and App Store sections. You won't be able to do this yourself - the device will ask for a password. Make sure that the seller completely removes all data that was already on the phone/tablet. For your own peace of mind, you should reset all settings in front of the seller - the “Basic” item.

Guaranteed that your device will never remember previous owner, it will serve that he will remove the gadget from the list on the site. We advise you to check it.

Don't give your Apple ID to anyone

It's simple - never give your Apple ID to anyone. Even to the best friend, with whom you have been together since diapers. Stupidly, it might set up your devices to sync. In the worst case, change the password. If they did give you a password, check to see if someone else’s phone has been added to your devices. This can be done in iCloud settings.

If suddenly you did give someone your Apple ID and password, there is a huge chance that the devices have synchronized and are being monitored. This is especially true for separated couples: it was so romantic - general access in iCloud and App Store.

To understand whether your data is on someone else’s device, scroll through the photos in the photo stream - are there any strangers? The same should be done with the contact list and Safari. The latter knows how to show open tabs on synchronized devices. Don't forget to check your notes in the iCloud section.

Another sign of synchronization - extra contacts in iMessage. Try creating a new message and typing each letter of the alphabet in turn. Doesn't it show strange contacts?

Change your password and check your messaging settings and associated devices

The easiest way to correct the situation is to contact this person and ask him in a good way to erase your access from his phone, at the same time deleting all the data that has already been synchronized.

If a person does not want to get rid of your phone, then you need to change the iCloud password. Then go to the message settings and check which numbers and email addresses SMS messages from iMessage are sent to. Delete unnecessary ones in the “Sending / Receiving” section.

To delete all data from someone else's phone, you need to go to iTunes, connect your phone and look at the associated devices. Remove all other people's gadgets from the list.

After all the above manipulations, the data may stop synchronizing - or not. They can be deleted from someone else's device. Or not. If nothing has changed, contact the service Apple support. After much correspondence and questioning, they will definitely help you.

Don't let your Apple ID be hacked

Hacking of mail and accounts in in social networks Today you won’t surprise anyone. In order to get money, scammers hack your Apple ID, activate “Lost Mode” and turn your phone into a brick. To avoid this, first, never sign into someone else's iCloud. Secondly, install different passwords for mail and Apple ID (as well as for all other applications).

So, if you entered someone else's Apple ID and your phone is blocked, only support can help you. Call 8-800-555-67-34 and prepare a check. Without it, your phone can be sold for parts, unfortunately.

If the scoundrels found the password to your mail and account, you have a chance to get everything back. To do this, you need to reset your password. Let's go to the official website You will have to answer three questions and indicate your backup email address: the password reset email will arrive there. After this, you need to go to and in the “Find iPhone” section disable “Lost Mode”.

The most vulnerable spot the iPhone has this memory (unless of course you have a model with 256 GB of memory), so using cloud storage great idea. It’s incredibly convenient when files don’t take up space on your iPhone and at the same time they’re always with you.


Yandex.Disk is the most best service cloud storage in Russia. I asked my friends and acquaintances what cloud they use, they all answered Yandex.Disk. I asked my colleagues - most answered Yandex.Disk.

This is because Yandex.Disk has a large number of features such as an image editor, support for all platforms, a convenient sharing system and much more. Every year Yandex gives away 1 GB free space, and for referring friends you get 512 MB.

For registering Yandex.Disk you get 10 GB free space or you can sign up for an annual subscription for 2,000 rubles for 1 TB storage.

Google Drive

If you want to free storage with a larger volume and no less reliable, then pay attention to Google Drive. You get 15 GB of memory for free. Another advantage of Google Drive is Google Photos, which provides unlimited storage space for photos with a resolution of no more than 16 megapixels.

Like Yandex.Disk, Google Drive supports almost all platforms, and it is the ideal cloud storage. Google Photos allows you to store photos, Google Docs allows you to create and store documents, you can also create tables and presentations.

Google Drive is a range of great tools and cloud storage where you can download anything you create and upload to store from any device. This service is pretty hard to beat since it's all free.

If there is not enough free space, you can rent additional space

  • 100 GB — 139 RUR/month.
  • 1 TB — 699 RUR/month.
  • 100 GB - 1390 rub./year.
  • 1 TB — 6990 rub./year.


If you use iPhone and iPad but prefer Windows computers, not Mac, then try OneDrive. It's also available on almost anyone and works similarly to Google Drive. OneDrive is already installed on Windows 10 devices, so if you want to sync everything iPhone data with a computer, all you need to do is make sure you are logged into the same account on both devices.

OneDrive can also send real-time notifications when someone edits a document and shows who exactly. An exclusive feature of the program is the PDF commenting function, with its help you can highlight, draw and sign on any PDF file from iPhone or iPad. If you need the cloud to store your photos, OneDrive is also a good option, and it automatically tags photos and categorizes them to make them easier to find in the future.

5 GB of free space, you can also expand up to 50 GB for 72 rubles per month, 1 TB + Office 365 for 269 rubles per month and other tariff plans.

Cloud Mail.Ru

Mail.Ru Cloud is another excellent service; if for some reason you didn’t like the disks from Yandex, Google and Microsoft, be sure to try Mail.Ru Cloud. It's also a great service, with support for most platforms.

You can share files, watch videos popular formats, without actually having to download them to your device. Back up photos from iPhone and much more.

Mail.Ru provides 16 GB of free space, if you need more you will have to subscribe, so +16 GB will cost 379 rubles per year, and +256 GB: 229.00 per month or 2,290.00 rubles per year.


Another good cloud storage service, Apple noted this application as the best for business. Like the previous ones Box applications supports most platforms and working together with files.

You get 10 GB for free, but the size of each file is limited to 250 MB, if you decide to subscribe to the Personal Pro plan, you will get 1000 GB of storage for 5990 rubles per year and a limit of one file of 5 GB.

Real-time search allows you to find files faster, and you can rest easy knowing that all files are protected with encryption.

If you need to collaborate with files without using your Yandex, Google or Mail account. Box is the perfect option.

iCloud is a unique service from Apple that allows you to store and synchronize all your data between all iOS devices. A frame shot on an iPad instantly appears on your iPhone, and an updated The address book on iPhone updates data on iPad as well. The way iCloud works is quite simple and is clearly shown in the picture:

iCloud includes components such as Mail, Contacts, Calendar, Find My iPhone, iWork, Photo Stream, Notes, and Reminders.

In order to start working with iCloud, you need to log in to your AppleID. To do this you need to go to iOS settings and choose iCloud menu. After which we enter our username and password in the appropriate fields on the left. If you are already logged in as your user, you can skip this step.

Once logged in we will see a list of all the components that have been listed below. Opposite each there is a switch, which, as you might guess, is responsible for the operation of one or another component.

Each user has exactly 5 GB of storage available in iOS. You can purchase extra bed, but you will have to pay for it. For 10 GB you will have to pay $20 per year, for 20 - $40 and for 50 - $100, respectively.

I would like to convert Special attention to "Photostream". All yours photos taken, regardless of the device on which they were made, are sent to the same storage. However, the maximum number of photos is 1000 pieces, regardless of the tariff you choose. After you cross the border, the following scheme will work - the oldest picture is deleted and a new frame takes its place.

However, you will not be able to delete photos from the Photos application. Deactivating a photo stream will delete all photos from that device.

iCloud works almost the same on iPhone. A screenshot is immediately displayed, which provides information regarding the total space and used, as well as the global iCloud operation switch.

The list of components is completely similar and I don’t think it’s worth repeating.

It should also be said that the iCloud service has a web version, available at From this site you can access all stored data, delete and move information. You can not only upload documents, but also edit them online. This is very convenient - all changes immediately appear on all your iOS devices. And only in can you delete photos from the photo stream - in this case, devices will leave only those photos that were taken on the same devices, and the limit on the number of stored photos on iOS will decrease, increasing the space for the limit of a thousand photos.

iCloud is very useful and required service, which greatly helps when working with a large amount of varied information. Try it and see for yourself.