How to close friends on Facebook. Facebook privacy settings

How to turn on invisibility on Facebook and access the site anonymously

How to enable invisibility on Facebook - detailed instructions

So, you can find out that you are on the site from the chat, which is located on the right side of the screen. There is a list of contacts (your friends) and their online status in the form of a green circle. If you don’t want visitors to see such a green circle on you, then you need to learn how to turn on invisibility on Facebook. Before turning on the invisibility, answer the question - from whom do you want to hide your presence?

Facebook chat

If you want to become invisible from a specific person, then doing this is quite simple. The algorithm for turning on invisibility is as follows:

  1. Go to the chat settings (the “options” menu) – the gear icon at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Select “Advanced chat settings” in the menu that opens.
  3. In the window that opens, enter the Name of the profile from which you want to hide your presence. After this, you will be hidden from this account.

This method is perfect for becoming invisible for a specific account. However, in order to prevent all friends from seeing you, other settings are required.

"advanced settings" options

In order to enable invisibility on Facebook for all friends, go to the advanced chat settings again. This time we do not enter the name of a specific person, but select the “turn off chat for all contacts” option. Now you will become invisible to all Facebook users. Note that anyone who is not your friend cannot know about your online status, because it is only available to friends. Now you know how to turn on invisibility on Facebook and maintain your anonymity. I hope the article was useful to you! Have fun on Facebook!

Are you annoyed by particularly curious individuals who are always monitoring changes in your friends list, or are you communicating with friends who are in a quarrel and you don’t want to escalate the situation? In that case, this instruction is just for you. They can be “hidden”.

Hide all friends

Ask how to hide your friends list on Facebook? Very simple! Read how to hide friends on VKontakte.

Hide individual friends

Now let's figure out how to hide a person in your Facebook friends list. I have to disappoint you, you can’t hide one friend!

The network is built in such a way that all participants are categorized in some way. And the hiding mechanism also works with these categories. Therefore, if you want to hide one, hide a specific group, for example, “Friends”.

Tired of one of your friends' news

If you don’t want to see posts from a certain person in your news feed, but you also don’t intend to delete him from your friends, there is an easy way out. News from any user can be hidden:

Thus, you have learned to hide your friends list from prying eyes, as well as hide news from individual people from your feed. Also, you can learn how to download videos from Facebook by reading the article

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You can learn a lot about a person from their Facebook profile. Not everyone wants to show their personal life to their bosses, parents, their exes, or just strangers. The social network’s settings are called confusing and complex, and it’s almost impossible to delete your page: your information will be stored on special servers. But still, if you dig deep into the Facebook menu, you can increase the level of privacy.

website shares with readers instructions that will allow you to protect your page from unwanted guests and “detectives” with bad intentions.

How other users see your page

  • Go to your page. On the right you will see the line “View Activity Log”.
  • Click on the button with three dots and select the line “View as...”.
  • You will find out how Facebook users who are not your friends see your profile.
  • At the top of the page, click on the line “View as a specific person” and enter the name of the person you need in the window that opens.
  • You can test how different people see your page by changing the settings below.

Who sees your posts

  • Click on the circle with a question mark at the top of the page.
  • Click on the "Privacy Check" line. Here Facebook will ask you to edit your level of openness.
  • You can make your posts public to everyone, friends only, some friends, or make yourself the only reader of your private posts. Don't forget to click on the word "More" to select the option you want.
  • Then you can change these settings for each new publication. When you want to write something on the wall, click on the button shown in the picture above and select a user category. These settings are saved for your next posts. You can also change the visibility of already written publications, hide and open them.

Who sees the apps you use

  • Next, edit the visibility of applications in which you registered or accessed them via Facebook. You can immediately select the “Only me” option everywhere.

Who sees your profile

  • Now set up the privacy of your personal information. You don’t have to delete your number or email from the page, just choose who will have access to the data - everyone, friends, only you, or also friends of friends.

Who sees your content

Who sees the content you're tagged in?

  • In the same menu you will see the question “Where can I see who can see my posts or content with my tags?” Click on the "Activity Log" link below this question. You will be taken to your Activity Log page.
  • In the menu on the left, click on “Chronicle Review”.
  • Now click on the gear icon on the right, next to the Notifications button.
  • The “Check History” window will appear in front of you. On the right, select the Enabled mode. Now you will see all the posts where you are tagged and choose whether they will be on your Timeline or not. Please note that unless you approve them for your Timeline, they will be visible to other Facebook users. If your friends have posted a bad photo of you, you can ask them to remove it.

Some Facebook users lead such an active social life that they have a number in their friend zone list that exceeds 5000. However, at the same time, some do not know how to delete all friends on Facebook at once.

How to add a friend on Facebook

Before you figure out whether it’s possible to delete them all at once with one click, you need to understand where they come from.

There are several options for adding a friend on Facebook:

    1. Search system.
    2. Friendly pages and their recommendations.
    3. Love the photography.
  1. Application from another user.

After registration is completed, the system prompts you to start searching for friends. The user is taken to a page where at the top of the command line you can see an information entry field. It contains the first and last name of the person you need to find. There is a system for entering search parameters, such as the user’s city of birth and residence, school, university.

When the right person is found, you can add him in two simple ways:

  1. On the search page, next to the thumbnail of the main account photo, there is a key with a plus sign against the background of a human silhouette and signature "add".
  2. To make sure that the account belongs to the person you are looking for, you need to go to its page and view the photos. There are also two buttons "add". One is gray, the other is green.

If the owner of a Facebook account has been making acquaintances for some time, then at any time he can “ come visit» to your contacts page and through their friend zone lists, you can easily find and add any user. Also, the Facebook search engine is designed in such a way that by clicking on the button "Find", the user is taken to a section where he will be offered a recommendation in the form of a list of people with the heading “ you may know them».

Every day, millions view photos of people posted on Facebook. They mark those they like with sympathy - "Like". By hovering over the thumbs-up icon, you can see who liked the photo. By clicking on his thumbnail, you can “visit him”, look at his photos if privacy settings allow, start communicating and from there send a request to be added.

It's not uncommon to see a command prompt notification at the top of the home page. It means that someone wants to add the owner of the account to their friend zone list. After pressing the button confirm the request", the user will be transferred to the friends list.

The maximum number of friends on Facebook is 10,000.

How to find out how many friends you have on Facebook?

To do this, just go to the main page, where the column with the appropriate name will display the number of people who are in it.

Why can't I see my friends on Facebook?

Some people wonder: " Why can't I see my friends on Facebook?“This happens because the user in the privacy settings has set a parameter that is comfortable for him for the visibility of his personal contacts. These parameters have extensive options, thanks to which friends can be hidden even from themselves and visible only to the account owner.

How to hide your friends list on Facebook?

You need to open the main page and go to the appropriate tab. Next to the search bar "find…" you need to click on the pencil icon "manage", then select the privacy configuration. The editor's context menu will open, offering control over the visibility of your contacts. If you click on the checkbox to the right of " friends list", you can view the context menu, which will offer one of three types of contact visibility functions. This menu also offers the option of more detailed settings for the visibility of a person’s page.

How to see hidden friends on Facebook?

There are two options for this:

How to remove friends from Facebook

Some people don't know how to remove a person from their contact list.

This is done in two ways:

How to block a user and remove unwanted contacts forever?

This can only be done by going to his page. Once there, you should click on the button next to the menu "message", which looks like three gray dots. It will open a context menu with the option at the bottom "block".

How to reset your friend zone list in one go?

The Facebook platform settings do not allow you to select and delete everyone at once. Utilities and browser extensions specifically designed for such digital manipulations, which can be found publicly available on the Internet, will help.

How to remove a friend from Facebook on your phone?

Network developers are constantly working to improve it, so the mobile version is not much different from the computer version. As for the issue of removing unwanted people, the algorithm of actions of the mobile version is identical to the full one.

Facebook (“Facebook” is the largest social network, the purpose of its creation was virtual communication, like in many other social networks, you can add friends on Facebook, post various information files on your page, manage confidentiality and privacy settings.

How to hide your friends list on Facebook

Not every social media user will like the idea that someone can go to a page and view their list of friends. For many this is critical. And probably many are interested, how to hide friends on facebook(our service ), it turns out everything is quite simple:

    Second, you should find the “manage” button with a pencil, it is located next to the “+” button - add to the list of friends. After clicking on it, you must select the “Edit privacy settings” tab. In the window that opens, you can configure the privacy of your friends list.

    Third, next to the list of friends there is a menu where you can see the current privacy settings. This is where you can make the list of your friends visible only to the user of the page - you need to select the “Only Me” button, or you can select some users who can view the list of your friends.

There are times when a user does not want to read the posts of his friends. To block unwanted posts, there are also certain settings:

    First, before how to hidefriends on Facebook, you should choose a friend whose posts are not desirable for your attention.

    Second, you need to hover your mouse over one of this friend’s posts, a small downward arrow will appear, then you should click this arrow, thereby opening the menu.

    Third, in the menu that opens, you must click the “unsubscribe” button; this action will delete the message and the rest of the posts will also be blocked from entering your news feed. You can restore everything as it was by clicking on the “restore” button, or on this friend’s page, click the “subscribe” button.

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Hidden friends on Facebook

Each person has an environment, and it is divided into close friends and just acquaintances. Sometimes you don’t want just some acquaintance to know more than necessary. For this, there are certain settings that allow you to, hidden friends on facebook did not see information that is intended only for best friends. These settings ensure that only the right people see the files posted on your page. If you have an account on Periscope, we will help you become more popular on this network - to do this, you just need to go to the following address .

    You need to go to the friends tab.

    Then groups will become visible, into which you can sort your list of friends, and accordingly close/open access to a specific group.

This option assumes that hidden friends on facebook They will not see your photos/files that are intended for a narrow circle of friends. You can get followers, retweets or “favorites” on Twitter