How a customer can register in the EIS: step-by-step instructions. Instructions for registration Instructions for registration for procurement

Registration of a new certificate on the Government Procurement Portal.

Log in to your personal account using your old certificate or login and password.

If you have forgotten your password, see the explanation at the end of the document.

In the “User registration data” window in the upper right corner, click the link “Register digital signature certificate”

In the window that opens, under the line “Specify the file with new certificates,” click the “Browse...” link.

In the “Select File to Upload” window, select the path to the new certificate file.

When the path to the new certificate file is selected, click the “Download” link.

In the “user registration data” window that opens, if you logged in using a certificate, then click the register button, if you logged in using a password, then in the “Password” line, enter the password and in the “Password Confirmation” line, repeat the password again and click the register button

If the certificate is successfully registered, a message is displayed.

Recovering your password on the Government Procurement Portal.

If you have forgotten your password, then you need to click the “Forgot your password” link in the “Personal Account” login menu.

In the window that opens, you must enter the user login and answer the security question “enter the result of the operation..” and click the “Send password” button.

If the picture is not visible or due to a glitch the result of the security question is not recognized, press the “F5” key on your keyboard to refresh the window.

After the operation is completed, you will receive an email with a temporary password and a link to enter the site to the email address specified when registering as a user on the site.

Hello, dear readers of the ABC of Tenders online school! In this article we want to consider the issue related to the registration of procurement participants (suppliers) in a unified information system (abbreviated as UIS). Until recently, only organizations placing orders (Customers) were registered on the official website However, in December 2017, Federal Law No. 504-FZ “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On the Contract System in the Sphere of Procurement of Goods, Works, and Services to Meet State and Municipal Needs” was adopted. According to this law, from January 1, 2019, procurement participants will also have to undergo mandatory registration on the EIS website. But let's talk about everything in order.

Why will participants need to register on the unified information system website?

Until July 1, 2018, within the framework of 44-FZ, only one single procedure was carried out electronically - an auction in electronic form. Electronic auctions were held on 6 specially selected electronic trading platforms (abbreviated ETP). And in order to be able to take part in these auctions, the participant had to be accredited on electronic platforms. And since Customers are in no way limited in their choice of platforms for holding electronic auctions, suppliers had to undergo accreditation at all 6 sites in order not to miss the opportunity to take part in the procurement they needed.

From July 1, 2018, Customers received the right to conduct electronically not only auctions, but also tenders, requests for proposals, and requests for quotes. All these purchases are also carried out at previously approved ETPs, plus 3 new ETPs have been added to these sites.

But starting from January 1, 2019, Customers are required to make all purchases exclusively electronically. In this regard, a Unified Register of Procurement Participants has appeared on the EIS website, which will include information about each supplier. The maintenance of this register is assigned to the Federal Treasury. Until 2019, such registers of accredited procurement participants were maintained by ETP operators separately at each site.

From January 1, 2019, registration of procurement participants in the unified information system has become a mandatory condition for obtaining the opportunity to participate in all electronic procurements carried out within the framework of 44-FZ.

Thus, the supplier must first register in the Unified Information System, and then operators of electronic platforms, no later than the business day following the day the supplier is registered in the unified information system, accredit such a participant on the electronic platform. This accreditation is carried out through information interaction between the electronic platform and the Unified Information System.

By registering on the website, you will automatically be accredited on all electronic platforms. For suppliers, this is a definite plus, since there is no need to waste time on accreditation at each site. However, the accreditation period remained the same - 3 years. And no earlier than 6 months before the end of registration of a participant in the UIS, he has the right to register for a new term.

It is worth noting that when 4 months remain before the end of the supplier’s registration in the UIS, he will receive a corresponding notification from the site about the need to renew the registration for a new period. If a participant does not take care in advance about extending his registration period, then 3 months before the end of the registration period he will no longer have the opportunity to submit applications for participation in electronic procedures. Therefore, it is very important to re-register on the EIS website on time.

Procedure and deadlines for registering a procurement participant on the EIS website + list of required documents

According to Part 1 of Art. 24.2 44-FZ registration of procurement participants in the unified information system is carried out in electronic form on the basis of information and documents in the manner and within the time frame determined by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2018 No. 1752 “On the procedure for registering procurement participants in the unified information system in the field of procurement goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs and maintain a unified register of procurement participants and amend the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 8, 2018 N 656.”

Nuances of registering suppliers in the UIS

Below we have provided a list of important nuances regarding the registration of procurement participants on the website

  1. Registration is carried out electronically;
  2. There is no registration fee;
  3. Information about the participant and his documents are entered into the unified register of procurement participants (abbreviated as ERUZ);
  4. Registration is carried out for a period of 3 years, this procedure can be repeated no earlier than 6 months before the end of registration;
  5. If there are less than 3 months left until the end of registration on the EIS website, the participant cannot submit applications to participate in electronic procedures;
  6. During registration, it is not allowed to require from the participant information and documents that are not provided by the Government of the Russian Federation;
  7. The EIS does not allow registration of offshore companies;
  8. When accrediting to an ETP, the site operator does not have the right to demand additional information and documents from the participant;
  9. A procurement participant who has registered on the EIS website has the right to participate in all procurements conducted on electronic platforms within the framework of 44-FZ;
  10. Procurement participants accredited at the sites, but not registered in the Unified Information System, will be able to submit applications only until December 31, 2019.
  11. To register in the EIS, a qualified electronic signature is required.

Transition period

At the end of today’s article, we propose to consider how accreditation at sites and registration in the Unified Information System is carried out during the transition period. So…

From July 1, 2018 to January 1, 2019, the procedure for accreditation of procurement participants on electronic platforms to participate in electronic procedures remains the same (Part 49 of Article 112 of 44-FZ).

From January 1, 2019, accreditation of procurement participants on electronic platforms is carried out after registration of such participants in the Unified Information System in accordance with Art. 24.2 44-FZ (Part 48, Article 112 44-FZ).

From January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019 inclusive, procurement participants previously accredited on electronic platforms to participate in electronic procedures are required to register in the Unified Information System (Part 47 of Article 112 of 44-FZ).

Until December 31, 2019 inclusive, filing applications for participation in electronic procedures and participation in such procedures are carried out, including by persons who were accredited before January 1, 2019 on the electronic platform, whose information and documents are included in the register of participants in the electronic auction who have received accreditation on the electronic site. At the same time, they will not need to register in the Unified Information System (Part 50, Article 112 of 44-FZ).

The old procedure for accreditation of participants on electronic platforms ceased to apply on January 1, 2019.

That's all for today. If you still have questions, you can ask them below in the comments to this article. We will be happy to answer them.

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Guidelines for registration on the public procurement web portal


About the portal

The government procurement web portal is a state information system that provides a single point of access to electronic services of electronic government procurement.

The government procurement web portal provides the following functionality:

Registration of participants in the public procurement process;

Public procurement planning;

Collection of information on public procurements carried out;

Conducting electronic government procurement, including the exchange of electronic documents between the customer and potential supplier;

Providing information on planned, ongoing and completed public procurements through the public procurement web portal;

Formation of statistics and reporting on public procurements;

Publication of clarifications and regulatory and reference information in the field of public procurement;

Submission and publication of information included in public procurement registers.

Tasks solved by the System:

Reducing budget expenses for the purchase of goods, works and services for government needs;

A unified procedure for the formation and placement of government orders;

Reducing costs for public procurement procedures;

Creating equal conditions for competition among product suppliers;

Quick access to accumulated information;

Significant reduction in paperwork;

Increasing transparency and openness of the public procurement process;

Reducing the number of offenses in the public procurement process.


DEFINITIONS used in the System

      • NUC– National Certification Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan, provides means of reliable authentication and electronic digital signature for legal entities and individuals of the Republic of Kazakhstan
      • Electronic digital signature (EDS)– a set of electronic digital symbols created by means of an electronic digital signature and confirming the authenticity of the electronic document, its ownership and immutability of content.
      • Private key of electronic digital signature– a sequence of electronic digital symbols known to the owner of the registration certificate and intended for creating an electronic digital signature using electronic digital signature tools.
      • Public key of electronic digital signature– a sequence of electronic digital symbols, accessible to any person and intended to confirm the authenticity of an electronic digital signature in an electronic document.
      • Registration certificate– a document on paper or an electronic document issued by a certification center to confirm compliance of an electronic digital signature with the requirements established by this Law. In context, a synonym for the expression “public key certificate” is used.
      • Owner of the registration certificate- an individual or legal entity in whose name the registration certificate is issued, who lawfully owns the private key corresponding to the public key specified in the registration certificate.
      • IIN- an individual identification number consisting of 12 digits is indicated on the identity card. (See Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 223 of January 12, 2007 “On national registers of identification numbers”)

* IIN is indicated on the identity card. In the image it is indicated as number 1.

      • BIN- In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On National Registers of Identification Numbers” dated January 12, 2007, a business identification number (BIN) is a unique number generated for a legal entity (branch and representative office) and an individual entrepreneur operating as a joint venture .
      • Participant of the electronic public procurement system– an account of an individual and legal entity carrying out activities in the field of public procurement.
      • User of the electronic public procurement system– an account of a representative of a participant in the electronic public procurement system, automatically created when an individual registers on the electronic procurement web portal.

Submission by customers and organizers of information on public procurement will be carried out electronically through a web portal without the use of paper procedures. This will require the use of authentication tools and electronic digital signatures.

The issuance of authentication means and electronic digital signatures is carried out at the Registration Centers of the National Certification Center located at the Service Centers in the cities of Astana, Almaty, and in all regional centers of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

To obtain an electronic signature you must:

Identification data of a legal entity and individual entrepreneurs must be verified based on the following identification documents:

  • a notarized copy of the certificate of registration of a legal entity containing a business identification number (BIN), in the case of individual entrepreneurs, the original and a copy of the certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur;
  • identification documents of the authorized person (passport of the Republic of Kazakhstan, identity cards) and a copy indicating the individual identification number (IIN);
  • power of attorney to carry out legal actions on behalf of a legal entity, issued to an authorized person (Appendix 4). It is not required for individual entrepreneurs, as they must appear in person;
  • certificates from the place of work for the applicant - the owner of the registration certificate.

Based on the provided BIN, the registrar (security officer) of the CA verifies the authenticity of this information using the State Database of Legal Entities of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

A detailed list of required documents and a list of registration centers is available on the website of the National Certification Center



This section describes the procedure for registering on the government procurement web portal in the “Price Proposals” module.

To register on the public procurement web portal in the “Price Proposals” module on the main page of the public procurement web portal, you need to click on “Login to the “Price Proposals” module”


Editing a user profile occurs in the section "User Profile" menu "My office":

By clicking the icon, a request is sent to the user's TRN to INIS and the user's information is updated from INIS.

Clicking the icon opens the user data editing page.

By clicking the link The password editing page opens:

The email address is verified by clicking the icon. The system displays the following message:

An email with an activation link is sent to the following email address:

After activating an email address in the user's profile, a notification will appear next to the specified email address:

Note. When editing a verified email address in a user's profile to a new address, the "Email Verified" status will change to "Email Not Verified."



In order to enter information about the organization, after logging into the public procurement web portal, follow the link "Add organization"

1-case. Registration of a participant using a user certificate containing the organization’s BIN

When registering a participant, a request is automatically sent to INIS by BIN to confirm that the BIN belongs to an organization registered in INIS.

ATTENTION! A request to INIS can take up to 4 minutes. If, after the deadline for processing the request in INIS, the participant’s registration data is not displayed, you need to refresh the page or add the organization again.

ATTENTION! The name of the participant after registration on the public procurement web portal will be indicated in the state and Russian languages ​​according to INIS.

2-case. Registration of a participant using a user certificate that does not indicate the organization’s BIN

When registering a participant, a request is automatically sent to INIS according to the IIN for the IIN to belong to an individual registered in INIS. The system also checks the availability of registration of individual entrepreneurs and bank accounts in INIS.

ATTENTION! Registration of a participant who does not have a BIN specified in the certificate is only allowed for the role of “Supplier”, an individual.

When adding an organization after requesting and receiving data from INIS, the fields “Name of participant in Kazakh language” and “Name of participant in Russian” on the participant registration form must be filled in with the received data as follows:

      • If there is information about the registration of the taxpayer as an individual entrepreneur in INIS, the data obtained from INIS in two fields “Name of the individual entrepreneur in the Kazakh language”, “Name of the individual entrepreneur in the Russian language”, depending on the language, are recorded in the corresponding fields in the AIIS EGP;
      • If the INIS does not contain data for one of the fields “Name of the individual entrepreneur in the Kazakh language” or “Name of the individual entrepreneur in the Russian language”, then the field “Name of the participant in the Kazakh language” or “Name of the participant in the Russian language” for which there is no data must be filled in with the available data second field in INIS, regardless of language;
      • If there is no data in INIS for both fields “Name of the individual entrepreneur in the Kazakh language” and “Name of the individual entrepreneur in the Russian language”, the data from the fields “Last name”, “First name”, “Patronymic” is combined into a line, the prefix IP is added to the resulting line for Russian language or LCD for the Kazakh language. The resulting line is written as the name of the AIIS EGP participant;

If the participant is not an individual entrepreneur, the name of the participant is formed by combining data from the fields “Last Name”, “First Name”, “Patronymic” into one line.

ATTENTION! If a participant who is registered in our system is not satisfied with any of the registration data that was filled out based on data from the INIS, then the participant should contact the Tax Committee at the place of registration. After updating the participant’s registration data with the Tax Committee, a system user with the “Head” role in the “Price Proposals” module, when logging into the participant’s profile, can update this data using the “Update data from INIS” button.

Table 1. Rules for forming fields with the name of the participant in the AIIS EGP.

Name of the field in the profile of the AIIS EGP participant Data from INIS Rules for forming fields with the name of the participant in AIIS EGP
Field name Availability of data
1. Name of the participant in Kazakh language Name of individual entrepreneur in Kazakh: Yes Name of individual entrepreneur in Kazakh language
No 1) “Name of individual entrepreneur in Russian”, if there is data in the field “Name of individual entrepreneur in Russian”
2) LCD full name, if there is no data in the field “Name of individual entrepreneur in Russian”
2. Name of the participant in Russian IP name in Russian Yes IP name in Russian
No 1) “Name of individual entrepreneur in Kazakh”, if there is data in the field “Name of individual entrepreneur in Kazakh”
2) IP full name, if there is no data in the field “Name of IP in Kazakh”


ATTENTION! After registering as a participant, you must sign an AGREEMENT on the use of the public procurement web portal by the Participant, which appears in the user's profile.

The signing procedure in the "Price Proposals" module is described in the section Signing the Participant's agreement in the "Price Proposals" module


To edit organization data, the user should go to the menu "Participant Profile" section "My office":

Attention! Only a user with the "Manager" role can edit information about an organization.

When you go to the “Member Profile” menu in the “My Account” section on the left you will find the following menu items:

Menu items Functions
Identification data Contains data about the organization entered from the INIS system when registering the subject
Attributes Contains information about organization attributes.

Information is selected from the drop-down list:

  • Enterprise size
  • Economic sector code (corresponds to the second digit of KB)

Information selected by checking the box corresponding to the organization attribute:

  • international company
  • State monopoly
  • Domestic manufacturer
  • Domestic supplier
  • Domestic entrepreneur
  • Small business entity (SMB)
Employees Contains information about the organization's employees registered on the web portal.

The manager in the “Employees” section assigns roles (jobs) - by clicking on the active link to the employee’s full name, the role selection page opens.

Applicant Contains data about the employee who registered the organization
Founders Contains information about the founders of the legal entity
Contact Information Information about the location of the organization, contact details
Bank details Contains information about the organization's bank details
Participants Contains brief information about the organization and reflects the settings of the active organization
Activity Contains information about the types of activities of the organization

ATTENTION! When filling out the following fields from INIS:

KOPF (classifier of organizational and legal forms)

KFS (classifier of forms of ownership)

Enterprise size

These fields cannot be edited.

By clicking the icon, the data editing page will open:

The organization data editing pages have the following controls:

Currently in Russia, a significant number of government tenders are conducted electronically. Taking this fact into account, the question “How to register for government procurement placed on electronic trading platforms?” is quite relevant. Let's try to figure it out with him.

Since 2014, the concept of the Unified Information System in the Field of Procurement (hereinafter referred to as the UISZ) has been introduced and put into operation on the Russian market, which involves posting information about tenders on the official portal of the Federal Treasury.

It should be noted that registration on this portal is not required for all government procurement participants. Only customers are registered - state, municipal and other enterprises/organizations that have the right to place an order financed from the budget.

What is the first thing participants/performers need to know?

Due to the fact that the article is intended for the reader who in this process plays the role of a seller of goods/work/services, we will consider the issue of registration from the point of view of benefits specifically for this category of participants. Or, more precisely, let’s consider the question “How can suppliers register in government procurement?”

Electronic government orders are carried out at five sites. The list of which was approved by the Ministry of Economic Development and the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation in 2009.

This list includes such electronic trading platforms (hereinafter referred to as ETP), such as:

  • "Sberbank-ATS";
  • "EETP";
  • "Zakaz RF";
  • "RTS tender";

To make it easier for the supplier to decide which one is better to register with, we will provide several statistics.

According to information posted on the official portal of the UHIS, the total number of contracts concluded in 2015 was distributed among ETPs in the following proportion: Sberbank - AST - 47.5%, RTS - 28.6%, EETP - 17% , MICEX - 3.5%, AGZ RT - 3.2%. It is clearly shown in the photo below.

If we take the cost of orders (price of lots) as a basis, then the proportion is as follows: Sberbank ETP accounts for 50.5%, which is more than 857 thousand lots, followed by the RTS tender - 24%, EETP - 18.7% and the most insignificant The share falls on the MICEX - 3.5% and the State Insurance Company of the Republic of Tatarstan - 3%.

Features of registration using an example

As statistics show, Sberbank - ATS is the leader and, accordingly, the most popular platform among participants in government orders. Taking this fact into account, let’s consider registration using this particular ETP as an example.

Registration for government procurement instructions “Sberbank - ATS” are described in the regulations approved by them for organizing and conducting electronic auctions.

The process itself can be divided into four components:

  • obtaining an electronic signature (hereinafter referred to as EDS);
  • setting up the workplace and checking the correct operation;
  • obtaining accreditation;
  • User registration.

First and second stage

Any participant must obtain an electronic signature, without which it becomes impossible to participate in the electronic tender. Where can I get it? The answer is simple: only in authorized centers.

List of some of them:

  • TC "Sberkey";
  • "Tensor";
  • "Takskom";
  • TC "Garant";
  • SKB Kontur and others.

Advice! In case of registration on several sites at the same time, you should choose a certification center for issuing certificates, which is authorized by all ETPs. This will allow you to receive just one certificate and use it on all sites.

The period during which you can count on receiving an electronic signature is about 7 days (weeks). Once the electronic digital signature has been received, you can proceed to setting up the workplace.

Key points to pay attention to:

  • be sure to install an information security tool on your computer (CryptoPro version 3.6);
  • check your browser settings;

Third stage

Having successfully completed the first and second stages, you can proceed to obtaining accreditation.

A brief description of the actions that need to be taken for this:

  1. Log in to the official website of Sberbank - AST and fill out an application form there, selecting the form appropriate to the participant (individual, legal entity or entrepreneur).

  1. Scan the documents and attach them to the completed application.

Here is an example of a list of mandatory documents for entrepreneurs:

  • extract from the unified state register of individual entrepreneurs;
  • passport or other identification document.

Advice! When filling out the form for obtaining accreditation and attaching documents, you should check: whether the participant’s email address is filled out correctly, the quality of the scanned documents must be good (no more than 16 MB), and the documents must be readable. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in denial of accreditation.

  1. Sign the completed form (application) with an electronic signature and confirm sending with a code. The code is sent by email. The period for consideration of the application is no more than 5 days from the date of sending.
  2. Get the review result. Information about accreditation or refusal is sent to the participant via email.

Fourth stage

This stage involves obtaining participant access to the “personal account” on the ETP website. Government procurement: how to register as a user and gain access to enter the account of a participant in government procurement placed on the site:

  1. Fill out a user registration application on the website.

  1. Create a login for a new user. It is also possible to register a user without granting the right to sign, i.e. without being tied to a certificate.

Advice! The method of registering a user “without the right to sign” is advisable to use for enterprises/organizations or individual entrepreneurs who do not carry out all operations on the site themselves personally, but assign this to the duties of a specific employee.

The state, in order to systematize and prevent corruption, has created a single portal on which all public procurement is posted, and where all potential contractors are invited to take part in tenders.

In Russia, not all government procurements are required to be published on the website of the same name; secret procurements of the armed forces can be carried out in the format of a single supplier and are not required to be published. The basic law for public procurement is 44 Federal Law “On the contract system”.

There are several options for tenders in government procurement, let's understand them.


Open competition

Today, the most common method of tendering for public procurement is an open competition. Based on the name, its essence is immediately clear, so almost anyone can submit documents for this competition, and information about this competition goes to various channels, primarily to the government procurement website.

Despite the great popularity of this tender, it is very bureaucratic; the minimum time for conducting this tender rarely becomes less than 1 month. An open tender can be held not only directly by the customer, but also by another person on his behalf.

In this competition, its documentation sets out in detail the subject, selection criteria, and competition procedure. Also, this competition has a peculiarity: if only one application is submitted for it, then they will be considered invalid, since the tender implies the participation of at least two persons competing with each other for the right to carry out this competition.

The procedure for holding an open tender itself, despite all its bureaucratic and lengthy nature, is extremely simple: participants submit their proposals and prices in envelopes; at an open tender, the competition commission opens these envelopes and selects the most advantageous offer. Next, an agreement is formed with him, and a contract is concluded.

If the organization refuses to carry out the tender or it is impossible to reach an agreement between the parties, it is possible to conclude a contract with the person who took second place in the open competition.

Closed Competition

The procedural aspects of a closed competition are similar to an open one. But the entire closed competition has a significant difference; it consists in the fact that only those persons whom the customer himself invited to participate in the competition can take part in the closed competition. Since the competition is closed, the results are also not published.


Open auction

This auction is held via the Internet and accordingly is published on the government procurement portal, in the media, as well as on the official Internet portal of the customer conducting the open auction.

Notices of this auction in the listed sources must be published 20 days before the auction itself.

In some cases, the law allows for the possibility of holding this open auction with the publication of information about it 7 days before it is held.

An open auction resembles trading at an auction, only if the price usually goes up, then in this case the winner is the person who ultimately offered the lowest price for completing the order.

During an open auction, participants make bids, first the first bid is made, after each round participants can make one bid, but by a certain percentage less than the previous one (usually this percentage is 0.5, that is, each subsequent person who wants to lower the bid is obliged to reduce the price by at least one two-hundredth).

The auction is considered completed when no one has made a bid by the end of the round. To participate in an open auction, you must provide your bid for this purpose; as a rule, each participant contributes 3 percent of the original order price.

Closed auction

Auctions, like competitions, can be open or closed. Only the difference between them is colossal, the only similarity is perhaps the names open and closed. The essence of open auctions is that each bidder sees the bids made by their opponents, and in closed auctions the opposite is that participants do not see the bids made.

Applications for participation are submitted with an envelope containing the price for which the participant is willing to complete the order; after all envelopes are opened, the lowest price is determined, and whoever offered this price automatically becomes the winner of the closed auction.

Notices regarding this auction are also published in the media and on the customer’s official website twenty days before the auction itself. It should also be noted that this form of order is especially popular in carrying out orders related to state secrets, which are a formally closed version.

The customer also checks the access to state secrets of organizations applying for the tender. Since this auction is held in a closed form, as you understand, the possibility of an excessive price reduction is less possible than in an open auction, this announces the possibility of holding this state tender.

Electronic auction

An open auction is the most modern of modern auctions; the procedure for its conduct is regulated by 94 Federal Laws. It is held on electronic platforms accredited by the government of the Russian Federation or the Ministry of Economic Development.

All notices about this competition are published on the government procurement website, as well as directly on the site itself where the electronic auction is held.

Today, all open auctions are required to be held in electronic format, that is, they are documented to be held, but the form is not defined, and later the legislator determined that open auctions can only be held in electronic form.

Before the end of the auction, only the moderator of the site knows who is participating in the drawing, which reduces corruption risks.

How to register on the website

Step-by-step registration instructions:

  1. Before registering, obtain a certified electronic signature; upon receipt, ask whether this signature will be accepted for government procurement. Before registering for government procurement, you need to register for government services. To register for government procurement, first insert the electronic key into the computer, then go to the website, create a personal account on the main page, then a new window will open and click.
  2. To start working with the site, in the window that opens, click “Legal entities”, select “Through a crypto provider”, then click “Login”, fill in all the registration details of the organization, attach the necessary constituent documents, then click on the register button and click continue.
  3. Congratulations, you are registered. Now, whenever you participate in a tender electronically, you will need to use an electronic signature, and you will also need it when registering on the electronic platforms themselves; you can find out on which site the tender is being held in the notice on government procurement.

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