How to order from Taobao - detailed instructions. Chinese store "Taobao": reviews and delivery

Online shopping has become increasingly popular in recent years. At first, purchasing things online was much cheaper than at offline points of sale, and later users simply got used to the extraordinary convenience of such shopping. This has led to the fact that today it has become not so easy to buy goods cheaper on the Internet. Therefore, in an attempt to save money, many turn to Chinese online trading platforms. One of the most popular among them is Taobao. However, making purchases using this resource is not so easy. Some face serious difficulties. How to order from Taobao to Russia without intermediaries? Instructions will be presented later in this article. Be careful.


It’s not difficult to figure out how to order goods to Russia from Taobao. For example, it is possible to order goods from the resource in question without even registering on it. Of course, there are certain restrictions for such users. Thus, they do not have access to those pages that contain the most inexpensive and at the same time high-quality products. Therefore, many still prefer to register in the system before ordering goods from Taobao to Russia.

How to do it? You will need to create two accounts at once. Moreover, one of them should be directly on the site in question, as well as on the resource of the Alipay payment system. It is with its help that payments for purchases will be made. But there is one significant catch. In order to register, you will need a Chinese phone number. This nuance significantly complicated the purchasing process for foreign clients.

How to proceed?

However, do not despair and forget about the site in question forever. Now there are several possibilities on how to order from Taobao to Russia by registering yourself. For example, through numerous intermediaries who offer their services on the Internet, you can purchase a Chinese SIM card and use it to create an account. Or specialized resources can help you with this for a fee. Let's talk in more detail about how to use the services of intermediaries in order to make purchases on the resource in question.

Through intermediaries

It’s not at all difficult to figure out how to order from Taobao to Russia through third-party organizations. First you need to select an intermediary site and register on it. To do this, simply go to the registration page, enter your email address, choose a password for yourself and confirm it. These simple steps will allow you to access your personal account on this site. After this, it is recommended to create an account by going to the appropriate tab and entering all the necessary personal information. Important: the data must be real.

When entering information, you must use Latin letters. In some cases, you will need to provide personal information contained in documents. For example, in order to fill out the “Personal Identification” form, you must write in the appropriate column the passport number, as well as its series. Please read all entered information carefully and then save the data. You can change any of the above later using your personal account.

Top up your balance

Once you complete the registration process, you will see that your invoice and account status is listed as Unpaid. Opening an account on such resources is usually paid. To do this, you will need to deposit an amount of up to three hundred yuan. Track changes in account status in the "My Accounts" tab. This kind of payment can only be made using your own balance on the site in question. Therefore, before ordering from Taobao to Russia, it is important to figure out how to top up the specified balance. To do this, go to the “My Account” tab and click on the “Top up account” button. The pop-up window will contain a form in which you need to indicate the amount and confirm by clicking on “Pay”. You can deposit funds in various ways:

  • through a mobile operator;
  • using a bank card;
  • through various payment systems.

After the balance has been replenished, it is necessary to pay for account registration from it. This can be done in the “Unpaid invoices” tab, selecting the one you need and clicking “Pay”. Similarly, following these recommendations, you will need to top up your account on the payment system website as well.

How to order on Taobao yourself to Russia will be discussed a little later. Now it is important to understand why the trading platform in question is so attractive to buyers, and what exactly can be purchased there.

What are they selling?

It is simply not possible to compile a complete list of what is sold on the Taobao website. There you can find absolutely any product that is produced in China.

What type of product is the most popular among what the online store in question offers? Of course it's clothes. Moreover, the vast majority of goods offered by the Chinese resource in this category cannot in any way be classified as “consumer goods”. Why can you safely say this? Competition, which continues to get tougher, dictates its terms to manufacturers, forcing them to focus on the needs and requirements of a specific market and improve the quality of their products.

Moreover, it is no secret that many fashion designers, clothing designers and even fashion houses have their branches and production facilities located in China. This means that local factories constantly produce products from popular brands. And not only counterfeit, but also original. Why is this happening? China is famous for its cheap labor resources, as well as its much more democratic tax policy. The situation is similar with the assembly of computers and other various electronics. Of course, there is always a chance to stumble upon a fake, since the production of low-quality, cheap equipment in China is also well established. How to distinguish an original from a fake? First of all, focus on cost.

Goods for children

A product category that deserves special attention is children's toys and clothing. Often it is because of these products that many mothers try to figure out how to order on Taobao themselves to Russia. The site offers a wide variety of children's clothing for every season and for every taste. If you can purchase things on the resource without fear, then you should be more careful when it comes to toys. Sometimes in their production such substances, materials and coloring compositions are used that have an extremely bad effect on the condition of the child’s body.

As for clothing, users from different countries are happy to purchase it in bulk. Moreover, you can find suitable products not only for children, but also for teenagers. The trading platform in question offers a wide range of such things: underwear for children, high-quality knitwear, socks, tights, bright T-shirts, unusual jeans, business suits in which you can go to school or even kindergarten. Clothes are available in all sizes and for babies of both sexes.

If you are interested in how to order products from the category in question from Chinese Taobao, you only need to select the “Clothes for children” catalog tab in the Russian version of this trading resource.

How to order?

Not all the information on the Russian-language version of the resource on how to order from Taobao without intermediaries to Russia is clear to the user. In addition, on the pages themselves containing the product name, all product data is posted exclusively in Chinese. Previously, the vast majority of buyers preferred to use an online translator. Now there are much simpler options. So, it is important to take into account that registered users do not have difficulties with how to order from Taobao to Russia.

The instructions still contain tips for those who in one way or another encounter problems during the purchasing process. The Russian-language version of the resource contains an extremely limited amount of information. For example, it tells you how you can register, who to contact, and the like. And what buyers are mainly interested in (product characteristics, prices, sizes, manufacturers) is described in Chinese.

If you need to talk about something with the seller (discuss order details, ask for a discount or bargain, clarify delivery conditions or delivery times), you can only do this through chat. What language should you use to communicate with such a counterparty? English will do just fine. However, unfortunately, not all sellers speak English. Some decide to use available online translators and use them to compose text in Chinese. However, it is obvious to everyone that such systems produce the finished text extremely distorted. This can significantly complicate negotiations. That is why many resort to using the services of competent intermediaries.

Purchases through intermediaries

Some are afraid to use the resource in question because they do not know how to order from the Chinese online auction Taobao. Of course, any online purchase involves a certain degree of risk. This also applies to this site. What is this kind of risk associated with?

In order to figure this out, it is enough to study the reviews on how to order from Chinese Taobao without intermediaries, what problems such buyers encountered, and how the site administration reacts. Often the goods had to be returned. Why? Most often the reason for this is a mismatch in size. Although, as a rule, the product page shows size ranges for China, Europe, Russia and the USA. Often, the buyer receives a letter to his email address asking him to take a responsible approach to choosing the size and additionally measure his parameters. Sometimes the shade of an item does not match the one shown in the photograph. Sometimes the quality of the product leaves much to be desired. This happens because the buyer is deprived of the opportunity to personally look at the product and touch it. How to avoid such difficulties?

Talking about how to order from Taobao to Russia, the instructions recommend contacting competent intermediaries. Of course, they should be chosen carefully, paying attention primarily to reputation and reviews. Among other things, such services are also provided directly by Chinese logistics companies. What will the mediator do for you? He will find the product as soon as you provide a link to it, personally contact the specific supplier, check the quality of the product, as well as how well the product meets the parameters indicated on its page on the website.

And if you are engaged in resale of things and this is why you make wholesale purchases, how to order from Taobao to Russia? Reviews also advise using the services of intermediaries. In this case, the latter will be able to compile a video or photo report and provide it to the customer. Or he will send several product samples by express mail. If everything suits the customer, he will make purchases and send all the cargo using the optimal method.

Is it profitable?

In what case is it beneficial to use this type of procurement? After all, only in this case do you need to think about how to order from the Chinese online auction Taobao. This makes sense when you have decided to purchase a number of necessary things. Purchasing one product on this resource is unlikely to be significantly cheaper. In addition, it is important to know that the lighter the package, the more expensive its delivery will be. And this, of course, is completely unprofitable.

Therefore, before ordering goods from Taobao to Russia, it would be best to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Carefully familiarize yourself with the entire assortment of the product group that interests you.
  • Research as many acceptable offers as possible (read reviews, consider similar offers from other suppliers).
  • Don't overlook the characteristics of certain products.
  • Make one general purchase of what you like.


So, it is possible to order goods from the resource in question to Russia. However, as the instructions show, this will require outside help one way or another. Thus, the buyer will be forced to purchase a Chinese SIM card or simply use the services of intermediaries who will deal with the whole range of issues related to registration, ordering and delivery. Many people consider it reasonable to contact such specialists and be confident in the quality of the purchased product.

Make purchases that you won't regret later. Happy shopping!

The Chinese language is recognized as the most difficult language on the planet, but it seems that everyone knows the word “Taobao”. This is such a virtual giant, a trading platform on which many online stores are based. Knowledgeable people can tell you how to order goods for various purposes from Taobao easily and profitably for a small wallet. Indeed, the main advantages of this resource are affordable prices and ease of ordering. And for those who have never visited this grandiose fair of Chinese products, it will be useful to read this article. Let's share our experience.

How to register on Taobao?

Let's start with the fact that you can make purchases on this Internet site without registration. True, then there may not be access to pages with the highest quality and inexpensive product. This means you need to register. This is where the fun begins. You need to create two accounts for yourself at once - directly on Taobao and on the website of the Alipay payment system, through which all purchases will be paid. But! To register, you need a phone with a Chinese number. This innovation may have made the work of the Chinese comrades easier, but it made life much more difficult for foreign buyers, and specifically for residents of the CIS countries.

There is always a way out

Our man will always find a way out, and more than one. Acquaintances or friends in China, as well as numerous intermediaries, are now offering to purchase a Chinese SIM card from them, register an account through them or on their website. They also offer options on how to order goods from Taobao using intermediary services. Perhaps this possibility should be explored in more detail.

Registration through intermediaries

On the intermediary site, you need to find the registration page and follow a simple procedure: enter your email address, password, and confirm the password again. And that’s it, you can go to your personal account with this data. In the left menu at the bottom of the page you need to find the “My data” tab. Create an account". In the registration form that appears, you must fill in all fields. To open an account on Alipay, you need to fill out another form by entering real data.

All data is written in Latin letters. In the “Personal Identification” column you need to enter a series and all that remains is to check the correctness of the entered data and click the “Save” button. This data can be tracked in your account on the “My data” page. My accounts."

Top up your balance and account

The status of the account and invoice after registration will be “Unpaid”. In the “My Accounts” tab you can find services for opening an account - within 300 yuan. You can pay for the service only from your balance on the website. This means you need to top it up on the “My Account” tab. Top up your account." In the form that opens, enter the amount, then click on the “Pay” button. Replenishment methods - bank card, mobile operators, payment systems. But that is not all. You need to pay for registration from the replenished balance. To do this, go to the “My Account” tab. Unpaid bills." Click "Pay". In much the same way, following the instructions, you will need to top up your account in the payment system on the website. How to order things from Taobao will be discussed later, but for now it’s worth asking what kind of product attracts users to the Chinese trading platform.

What are they selling there?

It’s easier to answer what they don’t sell there. Everything that is produced in the Middle Kingdom, from hair clips to computer equipment.

Perhaps the most popular type of goods offered by the Chinese Taobao store is clothing. It must be said that the concept of “Chinese consumer goods” in this case is not always justified. In conditions of fierce competition, manufacturers from China have nevertheless learned to focus on market demands and sew quality items. In addition, many small workshops and large factories produce products of famous brands - both counterfeit and original. How can it be? It is known that many designers and clothing designers open their branches in the Middle Kingdom - because of cheap labor and more affordable taxes.

In the same way, electronics and computers are assembled in China. Of course, along with this, the production of cheap and often low-grade goods - equipment, tablets, phones - is on a large scale. The price will tell you where the original is and where the fake is.

How to order goods for children from Taobao?

Children's things and toys are a special matter.

If clothes for all seasons can be selected by visually viewing website pages, then, for example, you need to be careful with toys. There are known cases when toxic compounds and dyes were used in their production, which have a bad effect on the health of children.

Users of the site are happy to order children's clothing in bulk - both for babies and teenagers. These are bright and high-quality knitwear, children's underwear, tights, socks, colorful T-shirts and original jeans for girls and boys, formal suits for kindergarten and school. If you are interested in how to order items in this category directly from Taobao, just go to the catalog on the Russian-language website of the trading platform and find the “Children’s clothing” tab.

How to place orders correctly?

Although there are Russian-language versions of the site, many are confused by the process of selecting a product and placing an order in the site’s stores - after all, all the information on the pages, including prices, is posted in Chinese. Until recently, by the way, I had to use an online translator. Now everything is much simpler. A registered user has no problems with how to order from Taobao on his own. The features of registration have already been discussed above.

Still, some difficulties remain. There is only a limited amount of information in Russian - how to register, where to apply, etc. And all the most important things - information about the product, sizes, prices, manufacturer - all this is in Chinese. Discussing order details with the seller, bargaining, asking for discounts, and negotiating delivery terms and conditions is only possible via chat. Without being a polyglot, you can try to express yourself in English (if necessary, with the help of transliteration). But the problem is that not all Chinese speak English, much less Russian. Of course, you can also make translations into Chinese in Google or Yandex. But anyone who has ever used these functions knows how distorted the output translation is. It turns out that there is reason to think about competent intermediaries.

Purchases through intermediaries

Shopping online always carries some risk. It is enough to look at reviews on Taobao to see how often customers are forced to return goods. Causes? The most harmless and most common is the wrong size. On the store’s website there seems to be a table of sizes, both Chinese, European, Russian, and American. In addition, you receive an email asking you to measure your parameters and double-check the size. And yet - “the suit doesn’t fit.” Or the color is not the same as in the picture. Or the quality is inadequate. This often happens when there is no opportunity to personally touch and examine the product.

This is the very case when it is advisable to resort to the services of intermediaries before ordering a batch of goods from Taobao. Of course, not the first intermediaries you come across, but those with a good reputation. Such services are provided, among other things, by logistics companies in China. The intermediary will find the product via the link, contact the supplier, and personally verify its quality and compliance with the stated parameters.

For those who are going to make wholesale purchases for resale, the intermediary can prepare a photo and video report and send it to the customer or send samples of goods by express mail, and then make purchases on the spot and send the goods by mail, courier service or with a transport company.

Is it profitable to buy goods on Taobao?

It doesn’t always make sense to spend money on shipping and waste time waiting. If, for example, you need one thing - a telephone, a toy for a child or, say, a steam mop - it is better to buy it in a nearby store, it will cost less. But if you decide to make a serious purchase - a couple of jackets for yourself, clothes, underwear for the children for future use, plus some jewelry for yourself and your sister as a gift - then, of course, the savings will be noticeable. By the way, the smaller the weight of the parcel, the more expensive it is. This means that before you order something through Taobao, you need to slowly study more offers and decide on a one-time purchase of everything that you like. And, of course, you need to be more careful, not be fooled by excessive cheapness, but look at reviews, compare the same product from different suppliers.

Shopping in China is often associated with Taobao because it is one of the largest online auction sites and has almost everything. Of course, everything is sold at very attractive prices, but there is one drawback - the site is only in Chinese. To buy something on it, you need to contact intermediaries, but, fortunately, there are a lot of them, the main thing is to choose the most favorable conditions for yourself.

The intermediary's website is in English and Russian, with a catalog in Russian. Let’s say right away that the catalog here is inconvenient: there are product categories in Russian, but then you are still redirected to Taobao in Chinese, and you won’t read anything about the product, just look at the photos. In addition, by clicking on the link to sofas you can be taken to a page with some socks.

The goods will travel by airmail from 10 to 40 working days, and delivery will cost 18 yuan (98 rubles) for the first 100 grams, and 15 CNY (81 rubles). If the parcel is large - 170.5 CNY (930 rubles) for 1 kg.

For those who are in a hurry, you can order EMS shipping at 201.5 CNY (1098 rubles) per 500 grams. Will arrive in 10-20 business days.

There are no restrictions on the order amount, there is a product check- before you pay for delivery, your goods will be checked for damage, photographed and repackaged in their warehouse, so the risk of receiving damaged goods is lower. Three days after sending, you will receive a tracking number and can track the parcel.

For services you will pay 10% of the order amount, and you can pay for both the goods and delivery in different ways: PayPal, bank cards, WESTERN UNION, WebMoney, etc.

This intermediary has a normal product catalog: there is a translation (albeit a little clumsy), the product is easy to find, and you can read its characteristics. In addition, prices here are in rubles, there are many filters, you can like or navigate by them.

Delivery here costs approximately 1181 rubles. for 500 g via EMS and 1120 rub. for 1 kg. via China Post.

The choice of payment methods is also varied:

The site regularly hosts all sorts of promotions, for example, now you can receive a 10% compensation of the order value and a 90% discount on packaging and services.

There is a list of products in Russian, and again terrible translations from Chinese, but it’s not difficult to understand.

The commission for services is slightly less - 9% of the order value, but not less than 70 yuan.

Among the advantages of an intermediary - 50% discount on delivery by EMS. To receive your items in 10-20 days, you need to pay only 298 yuan or 1353 rubles. for 1 kg. They will deliver by airmail for 215 yuan (976 rubles) per 1 kg, but, of course, you will have to wait longer.

This intermediary also has no commission for checking and combining orders; there is Russian technical support by phone, Skype, e-mail and VKontakte. Payment through Privatbank or Moskomprivatbank, Privatmoney or YANDEX money, Qiwi, Sberbank of Russia, WESTERN UNION. In your “personal account” there is a current exchange rate.

From this intermediary you can order not only a full list of services, like others, but also only delivery. This service is called Mail Forwarding, and its essence is that you yourself order and pay for the purchase in the online store, after which it is sent to the intermediary’s warehouse. There, your purchases are combined into one or more packages and sent to you. In your personal account, you can see how many items have arrived at the warehouse and independently combine them into a parcel.

If you don’t want to bother with purchasing on your own, the intermediary also offers the usual range of services with a standard commission of 10%. You can read about the services and details about delivery.

There is a Russian-speaking support service, you can insure your parcel - 2% of the cost of the goods, there is delivery by EMS, China Post, Light Airmail.

Firstly, at its cost. Prices for goods vary from super low to high, but they are always lower than ours. Sometimes several times.
For example, the cost of this jacket on Taobao is 109 yuan. This is approximately 17 dollars (1 yuan - 0.16 dollars). Of course, before the rate hikes, the prices were more favorable, but it’s still not bad.

Not the lowest price on Taobao, the level is average.

Secondly, the assortment. Taobao has everything, including counterfeits of well-known and not so well-known brands. Hundreds of VKontakte groups offering cheap Chanel and other luxury brands in most cases buy their goods on Taobao.

Thirdly, exotic. I ordered teas, coffee and cool little things for the home from Taobao. Something like this:

Why is Taobao bad? Disadvantages of shopping from this site

  • Shipping costs from China expensive and often higher than the cost of the product itself. Therefore, most Taobao buyers from other countries order many things at once, since postal rates are such that with an increase in weight, the shipping price increases slightly. And with each additional kilogram, the cost per 1 kg decreases. That is, the more, the cheaper.
  • Language and communication. Taobao is entirely in Chinese, and until recently it was a closed site and only accepted Chinese residents with their regional phone numbers for registration. Searching for the right product is inconvenient, communicating with sellers is difficult.

How to buy on Taobao. Self-orders from Taobao

Now you can order from Taobao yourself, the system accepts foreigners for registration, but this is quite difficult, since the site is in Chinese, all sellers speak Chinese, and, sometimes, English.

Not all Taobao stores are ready to ship goods abroad. And not every buyer who buys for himself is ready to order enough goods from one seller to compensate for the cost of international shipping. As I already wrote - single items (orders) are expensive.For myself, I found a way out - I use an intermediary who provides warehouse services in China (mailing address), parcel checking and delivery to Ukraine. That is, I only pay for delivery (the rest is free), but I don’t pay intermediary fees for ordering the product itself on Taobao.

Thus, I have the opportunity to order goods from various sellers, and then collect them in one pile at the intermediary’s warehouse, and then send them all in batches that are profitable for me to Ukraine.

Orders through an intermediary on Taobao

Until recently, you could only order from Taobao through an intermediary who bought the product for you.

  • Minuses- This is the intermediary’s commission, which can reach up to 20% of the cost of the goods.
  • pros- you avoid communicating with Chinese sellers, difficulties with translating the site, as well as making a purchase in Chinese - the translator recognizes the language very mediocre. And save time if you need to buy a lot of things. And usually you need a lot, otherwise it turns out expensive. Of course, everything is conditional, my parcels have never weighed more than 7 kg.

How to find a good Taobao intermediary and my experience

There are individual intermediaries who order and send things from Taobao, as well as entire companies. Each has its own commission and work rules.

I prefer companies that have online presences with functional websites and some history, since everyone intermediaries work on full prepayment and it is morally difficult for me to entrust my honestly earned money to a “private trader”, no matter what reviews about him are circulating on the Internet.

Review of Shopotam

I started with orders on Ebaytoday, which today began to be called It seems to me that he changed his name for a reason, since the number of negative reviews about him at one time was off the charts. This can also be explained by the enormous popularity of the service; more clients means more reviews.

My opinion is that you can order using them, but there are more disadvantages than advantages.


They have their own course for converting hryvnia-dollar-yuan, and it turns out to be much more expensive. Many people have their own course, but Whisper’s is somehow completely unprofitable. Cost of delivery quite expensive, prices higher than competitors, but I made allowances for the reputation of the intermediary and his reliability. “When ordering a group of more than 4 products, the minimum commission for each product in the group will be 15 ¥”. Plus, the minimum commission for an order is about $10. That is, their cheap little things will turn into gold if you add 15 yuan to the amount of each item.

My parcel took almost 3 months to arrive from China. Perhaps it’s not their fault, but an unpleasant aftertaste remains. The pluses are a normal functional website, a convenient search system, technical support answers in Russian, albeit with boilerplate phrases. Review of YoyBuy

After Whisper, I switched to an intermediary, with whom I have been for many years - YoyBuy

review about YoyBuy

Why yoybuy? Normal commission, it may subsequently decrease. As on Shopotama, it is 10% from the order amount, but the number of units of goods does not matter.

When I order 20 units of rings, bracelets and other small things, everything is promptly purchased. By the way, many intermediaries do not work with cheap small items at all. YoyBuy - works. If 10% of the entire order is less than $5.74, then $5.74 is paid, so it makes sense to choose an amount of goods so that the intermediary’s commission is more than $6 for the entire order, so as not to overpay.

The website has its own shipping cost calculator - it’s convenient. Parcels arrive consistently throughout the month, I always choose air (sea usually takes longer). Payment in 2 stages, first for the cost of the goods on Taobao, then, when all the goods arrive at their warehouse and are checked (for free), weighed, they can begin to form them into a parcel for shipment. You pay the cost of shipping, a commission to the intermediary based on the cost of the goods, and about a dollar for customs clearance.

On Yoybuy there is an option - pay for everything at once and send it, but it’s easier for me to work according to the old scheme, when I clearly see when and what I’m paying for. In this case, I can prepare the parcels myself, decide when it is better to send the goods. Everything is in order with technical support, in the mode of purchasing the goods they can ask me questions, clarify if they are unsure about something, or there have been changes in the price. I can leave them my comments when ordering (like “ buy only if the seller confirms that size s will fit height 170 "). I usually communicate in English, but they seem to understand Russian too. Cons of Yoybuy

Sorry for being blunt, but stupid translation into Russian their site is far from being native speakers. Sometimes it’s even funny to read their news, very serious mistakes. They also have a YouTube channel where their employees “speak Russian” and even read poetry. It seems to me that they were the ones who translated the site =) For me it’s not critical, I’m used to it. Yoybuy search engine does not take into account the discounted price, that is, the full price is shown, and almost all sellers on Taobao have some kind of discount. The purchase of the goods itself occurs at a real price with a discount, and if the seller provides an additional discount for VIPs, then Yoybuy honestly buys at it (which I have not seen with other intermediaries).

But because of this technical error, you have to add the amount for the product to your account as if without a discount. After purchasing the goods, money remains in the account. which usually go for forwarding or can be sent back. In general, this is not very convenient. Because of this, it is impossible to use the search system on the Yoybuy website; real prices are not visible. I always search on Taobao myself using Chrome and built-in website translator, and then I add links to the product in the YoyBuy system

However, I have not found a more convenient and profitable intermediary for myself, so my review is about only positive.

If a person buys the goods on his own, Yoybuy provides warehouse and product packaging services free of charge, payment is only for delivery. I think that their commission is already included in the shipping cost, but the shipping price is quite competitive. What is profitable to buy from Taobao

Of course, on Taoabao it is profitable to buy things that have very little weight, and preferably there should be a lot of them.

It is also profitable to buy very expensive items when the cost of delivery compared to the price of the item itself is symbolic.

If possible, it is good to complete orders with small items, which have almost no weight and are cheap. An example of one of my orders - a phone and a lot of jewelry:

About Taobao quality

When buying on Taobao, we get a lot of advantages: a variety of goods and wholesale discounts, exclusive and unusual items, inexpensive prices and other pleasant nuances. However, many people do not understand the delivery procedure from distant China, so users are afraid to order anything on this site. Let's debunk all the myths around delivery and learn how to arrange it correctly.

Delivery through an intermediary

A huge number of people on the Internet provide intermediary services for delivery from Taobao and similar web sites. As a rule, they have an account with a decent trading history, speak Chinese or English at advanced levels and will help you complete all purchases from start to finish for a nominal amount. Usually it does not exceed 10% of the order, and on average fluctuates around 5%.

Among the advantages of a good intermediary is his full responsibility for your goods, which he must receive, inspect and, if necessary, send back to the seller. Of course, with a full refund to the buyer. Therefore, it is very important to find a professional, reliable and proven, who will be recommended by your friends or serious sources. It is best if the intermediary has his own, well-designed website. There you can read about all the obligations and rights of the parties, get a certificate or contact information, and after the transaction is completed, leave a review (as well as read others written by previous clients). This will help you avoid mistakes and get only positive impressions from your purchases.

Delivery from Taobao without intermediaries

Until 2014, the site preferred not to deal with foreigners, allowing you to pay for purchases only with Chinese bank cards and send goods within the country. Therefore, our compatriots, one way or another, had to “feed” the intermediaries. Since 2014, everything has changed, as Taobao finally launched its own service for processing international parcels. It can be used by a citizen of any country who has a Visa or Mastercard, as well as a mobile phone. Below we will look in detail at the entire process of purchasing and delivery from Taobao to your address.

How to buy goods yourself and deliver them from Taobao?

So, you have visited the site and want to register. To do this, click the special button pointed to by the arrow in the picture. In the registration form that opens, select your country and enter a phone number with an international code (for example +7 for Russia). In the very bottom line we enter the code, which within 15 minutes arrives at the same phone number indicated above. It’s better not to go anywhere at this moment and not to delay the process - the code will be canceled within the next 15 minutes.

Next, the usual procedure occurs: entering your login and password, confirming them, indicating the delivery address and other important information about the buyer. You can change your current address in your profile by following the menu links Account manager -> Delivery Address. Check if the checkbox next to the line “ Set as default shipping address”, which means “ Set as primary delivery address“. Now sellers will know where to ship your product. You also have the right to add up to 20 delivery addresses, changing them as needed.

What to do after purchase?

When an item is added to the cart, a checkbox appears under it, by clicking on which you have the right to select the warehouse to which the purchase will be sent. Opposite the warehouses is information about delivery costs, their ratings and reviews. Check it carefully and click “ Confirm Order" (Confirm the order). We go to the payment window and pay using the card. Now we are waiting for the goods to arrive at the warehouse. This is convenient as it allows you to send parcels from different sellers together to one address. For the parcels to finally reach you, go to your Taobao profile, menu “ My TaoBao” -> “BuyBaby” and press the green button. Then click orange and pay for delivery.

Congratulations, you have successfully made your first purchase on Taobao without intermediaries. Let us remind you that goods are stored in warehouses for free for up to 20 days and are combined with a blue button when hieroglyphs appear opposite them 已入库 (meaning “In stock”).