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Owners of a fashionable gadget know that they need to charge their iPhone every day. This becomes a habit - I put it on exercise in the evening, in the morning full battery. And some people believe that you can charge your iPhone only after it is completely discharged. Whose opinion is correct?

According to experts, lithium ion batteries needs to be charged every day. This also applies to charging iPhones. If you want your battery to last a long time, you don't need to charge it to capacity.

How to properly charge an iPhone

Experts have the following opinions on this matter:

  • You need to charge your phone often. That is, if the charge level has not yet reached 100%, then there is no need to wait for this. And there is also no point in allowing the battery to completely discharge every day until the device is turned off. This mode is detrimental to the phone, so it is better to charge the iPhone several times a day a little at a time rather than from 0 to 100%.
  • The charge level must be kept above the average level. That is, these numbers can range from 40% to 80, and you can connect even when the battery shows a 50% charge. But it’s best to turn off charging when the battery is not yet fully charged. A 90% charge is sufficient.
  • Full discharge and 100% charge – once a month. Battery drained to complete shutdown devices can be charged to the maximum level - 100%.
  • Many Apple product users find it convenient to charge their phone at night. In the morning the battery shows full charge. But in this way you can quickly drain the battery, because it does not charge throughout the night, and then remains in standby mode, but on recharge. This way the battery deteriorates faster.

How to charge an iPhone correctly - tricks or how to extend battery life

To ensure your battery lasts longer, consider the following:

  • if you constantly charge the battery to 100%, then such a device will last for a maximum of 500 cycles, while when the battery is charged only 70%, the battery life increases and then the battery will last for 2000 charging cycles;
  • Do not expose the device to hypothermia or overheating. The extreme temperature range is: from +15 degrees to +40 degrees. If there is a record high outside in the summer, the iPhone battery may lose 35% of its capacity;
  • The battery tolerates overheating worse than hypothermia. Therefore, it is better to refuse wireless charger or use it in case of emergency when connecting to the network is not possible. All wireless charging creates excess heat and wears out the battery life;
  • You can extend the life of your iPhone battery in this way: lower the screen brightness, turn off those applications that use GPS navigation. If the signal is bad and the phone is in standby mode, then it is better to turn on the “Airplane” mode;
  • turn on the “Energy Saving” mode. To do this, go to “Settings” - “Battery”, make the appropriate mark “On”.

Every iPhone user and the iPad sooner or later faces the problem of battery wear. For some, the rapid discharge of the gadget begins after a few months of use, for others - after several years. A “worn out” battery will have to be replaced, otherwise the device will not last even half of one charge.

To delay replacing the battery on your iPhone or iPad, you need to better understand the features of the battery in the gadget.

Let's ask the representatives of re:Store about this.

How does the iPhone battery charge?

Majority modern electronics complete with lithium-ion batteries, Apple technology not an exception. Such batteries charge quickly, last a relatively long time, weigh little and are cheap to produce.

The charging process of lithium-ion batteries can be divided into two phases: charging DC with increasing voltage and charge with constant voltage with decreasing current strength.

During the first phase, the battery receives from 0% to 80% charge, and during the second, the current weakens and the battery gains the remaining capacity. It is the presence of the second compensation phase that is designed to extend the battery life.

For devices with the function fast charging most often the second phase is greatly reduced, which leads to rapid loss maximum battery capacity.

What is a battery cycle

One cycle is considered to be the complete battery consumption from 100% to 0%. The cycle can be continuous if the battery is fully charged, or vice versa - consist of several intervals. In any case, the cycle will be considered to be the discharge of the full capacity of the battery.

Most often, after 500 cycles, the battery capacity drops by 15-20% of the maximum. Depending on the activity of operation, these five hundred cycles can be completed in 1-2 years. In another couple of years, the capacity may drop to 50-60%.

IN service centers recommend thinking about replacing the battery after 500 cycles and strongly recommend replacing a battery that has completed more than 1,000 cycles. Read more about how to find out the number of battery cycles.

Many people are mistaken in the belief that not fully discharging a battery is not a cycle and will extend the life of the battery. This is wrong.

The battery delivers excellent energy when the charge level is approximately 30% to 80%. A couple of such discharge intervals will be considered one cycle, but the battery will not be subjected to stress in the form of full charge or full discharge, as in one clean cycle from 0% to 100%.

A battery operated in this mode will not lose more than 10% of its nominal capacity after reaching 1,000 cycles.

Why long-term charging is harmful?

The rhythm of life of most users mobile technology does not allow you to recharge your smartphone’s battery during the day, and power-hungry gadgets ask to be plugged in by the evening. Without thinking too much, many people connect their iPhone to the charger overnight so that they have a full battery in the morning.

After being fully charged in standby mode, the battery may be discharged by 2-3%, which means that recharging will begin again with a small current to compensate for the resulting discharge.

This process has a negative impact on battery performance; the battery will quickly lose its maximum capacity.

What's all this for?

Now you know all the nuances of the charging process iPhone batteries, this will help you take care of your smartphone battery.

Everyone must decide for themselves: kill the battery with careless attitude and pay for a replacement after a year, or follow simple recommendations so that the device holds a charge well even after a few years.

Thanks to re:Store for the useful and interesting information.

Charging the device is carried out differently by each owner: some consider it necessary to make this procedure a daily ritual, regardless of how discharged it is, others, on the contrary, just wait complete discharge battery What to do with premium devices, such as devices Apple, how to properly charge an iPhone?

It may seem surprising to some, but many experts say that charging the device’s battery to the maximum 100% - harmful. Eric Leamer has done a lot of research on this issue; according to his conclusion, battery charging should optimally be between 50% before 80% . According to his experimental data, the charge that reached 100% , is capable of working less than five hundred cycles, and the one that stopped at 70% - over a thousand.

The only thing special is initial charge, so it’s important to figure out how to properly charge your iPhone. It is worth noting that it is necessary to fulfill all the requirements the first time and follow some recommendations from the manufacturers.

How to properly charge iPhone 5s for the first time?

Although new battery, which is included with the gadget, is equipped with a small amount of energy; it should be charged for the first time, and this charging should last about a day (but not less than 12 hours).

To charge a new battery:

  1. Connect the charging cable to the device;
  2. Connect the charger (charger) to the network;
  3. Leave for at least 12 hours.

This - first cycle, after it you need to actively discharge the new battery, required condition- completely, then perform a second cycle, completely similar to the first.

After the second cycle, the discharge-charge procedure is completely repeated. And the more times you repeat it, the longer the phone, provided with the required amount of energy, will work.

Discharge after the first and second cycle occurs in a natural way, however, it is better to speed it up and for this you can, for example, download large files With using Wi-Fi or start a long video.

Two years after actively using the gadget, it is recommended to replace the battery.

When charging the battery, you should not leave it on a windowsill during the day in the sun or in a hot car. This threatens overheating and leakage of liquid from it, and, as a result, failure of the device itself.

Users powerful smartphones complain about the rapid discharge of the battery, why this happens and how to correct the situation will be discussed in the next article. Today we will talk about how to charge an iPhone without charging, at home or in the field, it’s not so important. Let's look at a few effective ways, and we’ll tell you about “miracle” gadgets that will help fill your phone battery without a charger.

The article will be especially relevant for people leading active image life, travelers and extreme sports enthusiasts when the outlet is hundreds of kilometers away, but communication, blood from the nose, is necessary.

Charge iPhone at home

How to charge iPhone 5, 5s, 6, 6 plus, 7, 7 plus without charging at home? It's simple, especially if you have some tools lying around in the closet.

  • “Frog” is a special device for charging any battery; the principle is simple to the point of primitiveness. It will help if the lighting or micro-USB socket is broken. I'll leave a video about this at the bottom of the section, if anyone is interested, you're welcome. True, you will have to disassemble the iPhone, not many people can do this, so we will try more gentle options for recharging the iPhone at home.
  • Use a regular car or motorcycle battery to recharge your smartphone battery; every decent guy has at least one battery on his balcony)).
  • We charge the iPhone at home using a power supply from a laptop or other equipment. But here you need an adapter from 12 volts to five, and this is an extreme option, most likely it will burn out in 15-30 minutes. A car with a USB output that plugs into the cigarette lighter socket is ideal.

How to repair a lighting socket at home, read the following article.

If your smartphone does not charge, or you need to clean the iPhone 5 charging socket, read this article TYTS.

Let's look at the situation when you are in the city, but you do not have a cable or there is no outlet nearby, how to charge your phone without a charger in such a situation?

We are looking for helpers

  1. We agree with the seller at a nearby retail outlet, leaving him your iPhone for a while. In 5-10 minutes, the phone's battery is enough to charge to make 2-3 calls, or for 10 minutes of surfing the Internet. U this method there are risks - they simply may not return your iPhone, he said that this is the first time they have seen you.
  2. We are looking for a special stand for charging phones, in any self-respecting mall There are similar devices. Usually on such stands you can find a cord with lighting and micro-USB connectors.
  3. Let's go to the salon cellular communications and ask the seller to recharge the dead device, they will not refuse you, but they will take it small fee, usually no more than 50 rubles. This method has much fewer risks when compared with the first.
  4. We find a special kiosk where for a nominal fee (about 50 rubles per hour) you can refill the battery of your device.

To speed up charging time and not waste hours on full charge iPhone, just follow a couple of simple steps:

  • Turn on “Airplane mode” - it will help greatly save the time it takes to fill the iPhone battery, reduces the time by 30%
  • We reduce the backlight of the iPhone screen to the minimum, the backlight greatly drains the smartphone’s battery, you need to remember this.
  • After charging iPhone battery by 50-70%, turn everything off unnecessary functions, GPS, 3G, Wi-Fi, they, more than any other functions, consume valuable energy. This way we will give up the Internet, but will retain the opportunity to take an important call while we get to the outlet.

Advice for uncivilized people

If you are far from civilization, then you have probably prepared and taken at least one “miracle” of devices, which will be discussed below. If you are a novice traveler or extreme sports enthusiast, then you should familiarize yourself with a few more options on how to charge an iPhone of any model without a charger, away from home. Technological progress does not stand still; new methods and devices are being invented to produce electricity from unexpected sources.

Using solar panels

The most popular and convenient way for nature lovers. There are many products on the market that can generate energy from solar radiation. Over the past five years, Chinese manufacturers filled the stores with cheap, but quite functional Power bank with solar cells. You can find options with and without a battery, each of them has its own pros and cons.


  • Versatility
  • Ease of use
  • Reliability


  • Small margin of safety
  • Charges an iPhone or other smartphone for a long time

Dynamo machine

The second most popular answer to the question, how to charge an iPhone 5s without charging? Dynamo machines have been known for more than two centuries, with the help of them the first electricity was obtained, why not use this principle away from the city. These machines are not expensive; you can find working copies for less than 100 rubles.

Battery charger

Practical, comfortable, proven by many travelers. But to operate, you will have to periodically replenish the “cartridge” supply in the form of AAA or AA batteries.

Conquering the winds

How to charge your phone without electricity while away from home? Let's consider the option of using wind power. A wind generator for iPhone is a fairly popular item, especially among climbers and travelers to places where the sun does not shine so often. At sea and in the mountains, the scope of application is extensive.

Campfire charger

A handy little thing, but not particularly powerful, it can fill up the battery iPhone smartphone in 2-3 hours. It feeds exclusively on flammable materials; you can use anything, cones, leaves, dry grass, or ordinary sticks. Let's say thanks to the Japanese, they are the inventors, but production has already been established in China, so the price of the device should not be too high.

Electric boots

An extreme way to quickly charge your phone without charging. They work on the principle of a heat pump, energy is generated due to temperature differences environment and heat generated by the human body. Suitable for experienced tourists, for whom 30 kilometers a day is not a distance.

All methods are good, choose the one that works and go ahead to adventure.