How to download new fonts. Installing new fonts in MS Word

Traditionally Microsoft company Together with the Windows operating system, it provides users with a good set of practical, readable fonts. However, many users find this set various reasons seems insufficient. Some people want to design a card or a greeting address and need fancy lettering. Someone is working with mathematical formulas- here you will need professional symbols. There are special signs even for recording chess studies! Of course, standard Windows fonts cannot cover all these and other cases. Fortunately, add basic set you can do it yourself. As will be seen later, this is not a difficult task at all.

How to choose

Before I tell you how to install fonts in Windows 7, I would like to give some tips on choosing them.

The computer user should remember that the main requirement for the design of printed text is readability. It doesn’t matter how beautiful the individual letters are, if reading what is written turns into deciphering a rebus, this will certainly interfere with conveying the idea contained in the text. Hence the first piece of advice: before installing into the system new font, look at examples of written words. The easiest way to do this is with double click by file.

The next thing you should pay attention to: many fonts for Windows 7 are intended only for writing, but most Russian-speaking users cannot do without the Cyrillic alphabet. Sometimes an indication of support for the Russian alphabet is contained directly in the name (“rus”, “kyr” are marker words), but not always. Again, it will help to accurately determine the availability of your native language. preview by double click.

And lastly, there are quite a few so-called font collections. This is an archive with tens or even hundreds of files. It is very unwise to install them all without looking - any garbage in the system folders slows down the computer over time. For example, drawing thumbnails of the Fonts folder when large quantities Installing fonts may take several minutes. Reviewing each file from a set before installation is also difficult. Yet optimal solution will download to the computer only what is really needed.

General instructions

Font files usually have the extension .ttf, less often .otf or .fnt. But they are often available in archived form (.zip extension, .rar, .7z, etc.) Any of the methods described below assumes that you have already unzipped the archive and extracted the fonts from it. Windows 7 can unpack .zip archives. For other file types, you will need a special archiver program.

Additionally, installing a new font requires administrative privileges. If you are not a computer administrator and do not know the administrative password, you will have to contact someone who has such authority to complete the installation.

Installation via context menu

This is probably the easiest way to install fonts in Windows 7. The operating system recognizes suitable files and adds a special item to them. All you need to do is right-click on the selected file and select “Install” from the menu that appears. It is done.

If you want to preview the font before installing, you should double-click on it. The window that opens will display the outline of all letters. There will also be an “Install” button at the top of the window. If you liked the writing, click the button.

The described steps are convenient when you need to install one or more fonts. If you plan to install a dozen or more files, then adding each of them one after another is a tedious task. In this case, the following method will do.

Copying fonts to the system folder

This option should be considered the most universal. The Windows\Fonts folder has existed in Microsoft operating systems since time immemorial, so this method is easy to use in XP or Windows 8 just as in Windows 7.

You can install fonts by simply transferring the corresponding files to the Fonts folder (or copying and then pasting them). You don’t even have to copy files, but simply create shortcuts to them.

At the same time, we must remember that the Fonts folder has the attributes “hidden” and “system”. To get into it, you will either need to do system folders visible through the settings in the Control Panel, or use file manager, which shows all objects on the computer regardless of their attributes, unlike Explorer.

Installation via "Control Panel"

Recommendations on how to install fonts in Windows 7 would be incomplete without mentioning a special tool for working with them in Windows. To use it, go to the “Start” menu, there we click the “Control Panel” button. Next, select the “Fonts” item, and if the panel has a “By Category” view, then first click “Design and Personalization”, and only then “Fonts”.

The window that opens will be the same Fonts folder that we wrote about above. Therefore, to complete the installation, you should proceed in the same way: drag the files with the mouse, copy and then paste them, or create shortcuts.

What is a font?

Font is a graphical representation of a set of characters (numbers, letters and symbols). Fonts that are compatible with various printers and programs are installed with the operating system.

Basic types of computer fonts

Font TrueType– a type of computer font that can be set to any size. Fonts TrueType are clearly displayed and readable at any size, and can also be output to any printer or other output device supported by the operating system;

Font OpenType– a type of computer font that can be rotated or scaled to any size. Fonts OpenType are clearly displayed and readable at any size, and can be sent to any printer or other output devices supported by the operating system;

Font, when used, they look clear and smooth when displayed on LCD monitors;

Font PostScript– a type of computer font created by a company Adobe Systems. Fonts PostScript– Smooth, detailed and high quality.

operating system Windows comes with many built-in fonts (eg Windows 7 with package Microsoft Office 2007 – 438 fonts; 339 MB; Windows XP with package Microsoft Office 2003– about 250; 50 MB).

It seems that there is such a huge number of fonts for all occasions in computer life, and, nevertheless, there is often a need to install additional fonts (for example, some characters in files are not displayed or some program does not work correctly). Typically, additional fonts are installed automatically when you install a program that requires them. But sometimes you have to install fonts manually.

How to install a font

To install additional fonts, you must first find them (for example, on the Internet) and download them.

You can install the font in several ways, for example:

Unzip the font file if it is zipped;

– right-click it;

- from select Install;

Click Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Fonts;

File -> Set Font...;

- in the window Adding fonts Install;

Click Start -> Run... -> in field Open enter %windir%\fonts –> OK;

– in the window that opens, select the menu File -> Set Font...;

- in the window Adding fonts specify the location of the font, click Install;

Open the folder \WINDOWS\Fonts;

– select menu File -> Set Font...;

- in the window Adding fonts specify the location of the font, click Install.


1. Before downloading a font, make sure you can trust its source.

2. If the menu File not displayed, press the key Alt.

3. Font files have extensions .fon(For example, courer.fon), .ttf(For example, courbd.ttf), .ttc(For example, gulim.ttc).

4. When installing the font TrueType, whose name completely matches the one installed on this computer font PostScript, Windows will not be able to distinguish between them, which may cause the font type to change. To avoid this, you should not install different types of fonts with the same names.

How to remove a font

– open the folder \WINDOWS\Fonts;

– select the font you want to remove;

– right-click it, select Delete;

– in the next window, confirm deleting the file.

Attention! When deleting fonts, be careful as some fonts are required operating system for work. These fonts include:

Often in Internet searches they write, How to insert a font in Word? This means that this question worries many. I also often have to write Greeting Cards for colleagues. Word does not always have the font you would like to use to write a congratulation text or draw up a drawing document. Therefore, you have to download the font from the Internet and install it on your computer. This way you can install an unlimited number of fonts. Fortunately, there are quite a lot of them on the Internet now, and you can download them for free. This is done very easily and should not cause you any difficulties. Read and put into practice.

Those fonts that are available in the operating system itself will not suit us. For text editor Word creates special fonts. They can be found on the Internet by searching “download free fonts for Word”, or “download free fonts for Word”.

  • Download the required font (or set of fonts);
  • . When unpacking you can choose Extract to current folder , if you placed the archive in some folder, or Extract to (archive name) ;


Place the archive in new folder. Call it whatever you like. If you just put the font archive on Desktop , and give the command Extract to current folder , then you will then collect font files all over your desktop. Imagine if there are a hundred of them?

  • Let's go to StartSettingsControl Panel ;

  • Find the folder in the Control Panel Fonts ;

So we looked at the question How to insert a font into Word. Thus, you can download as many fonts as you like. Create beautiful cards and congratulate your friends, family and friends.

I showed a lesson on how to install downloaded fonts in Windows. For some reason, many people decided that such fonts can only be used in Photoshop, which of course is not true. They can be used for headings, text, and design.

These inscriptions are written in a downloaded font, BUT I translated them into a drawing so that they would be visible to everyone. I write ordinary text in exactly the same font. BUT ATTENTION! They will be visible only to those WHO HAVE INSTALLED SUCH FONTS INTO THEIR SYSTEM. Those who do not have these fonts installed will see plain text.

Welcome to my blog

Welcome to my blog

And due to numerous requests, I am making it more detailed, step by step lesson with examples of how to DOWNLOAD and INSTALL such fonts on your computer. Let's GO TO THIS SITE, where there are many original Russian fonts that are easy to download and install.
I select the font I want to download. I'll take the very first one.

The font was downloaded automatically to the DOWNLOADS folder.

Who doesn’t know where this folder is located, then in the download window that pops up, click on the LAST DOWNLOADED FILE, press the RIGHT BUTTON, and select OPEN FOLDER WITH FILES. It will open up to you right away. (you can drag the font to the desired folder and directly from the download.)

I have created it on my computer special folder with fonts, from which I usually put them into the system. This is very convenient; you don’t have to specify the path every time. (You can install directly from the downloads folder.)
Therefore, from the DOWNLOADS folder, I drag THIS DOWNLOADED FONT into my FONTS folder. I simply open both folders side by side, take the downloaded file with the mouse and, without releasing the mouse button (left), drag it into the FONTS folder.

The font is now in my folder, but zipped, so I unzip it. To do this, I stand on the packed file with the mouse and press RIGHT button mouse and select EXTRACT TO CURRENT FOLDER

The file has been unpacked. And we received a font and a picture of what this font looks like. Now the archive and the picture can be deleted so that they do not interfere (the one in the blue frame)

You can immediately download several fonts you like, for example, I download the next two, I also transfer them to my folder and unpack them. This is what the folder looks like before installation. I removed the excess installed fonts V separate folder, and the three new ones downloaded are still standing. You don’t have to delete unnecessary things; it won’t hurt you when installing fonts.

That's it, now the font can be installed, as described in the PREVIOUS POST

Click “Start” - “Settings” - “Control Panel”.

Now ATTENTION. Since we need the FONTS folder, we need to switch to the CLASSIC VIEW.

ATTENTION! Who has it? old system, and there is no switch to classic look, then we do this. Click VIEW, select VIEW PANELS and look for FOLDERS in them.

An additional panel opens on the left. Finding the folder with fonts

Well, we install our fonts from the folder into it. Click - “File” - “Install fonts”.

In the tab that opens, select the path to the folder with your downloaded fonts. I have it on drive “C” - folder “FONTS” - 1. Double-click on the folder where your fonts are located, and see how they appear in the top window. We have three fonts in the folder, and they are all reflected. Then just click on the “Select All” button and click “OK”

That's it, the installation is complete and the fonts are on your system. I’ll tell you how to use them in your notes, design, etc. in the next lesson. Good luck with your creativity.

If you have a font on your computer that you want to use, then all you need to do is install the font in Windows. After that it will be available in any program, be it Photoshop, Sony Vegas or any other program that uses fonts.

To install the font, click “Start/Control Panel”. If you entered the control panel for the first time, the window will look like this (Fig. 1):

Figure 1. Panel Windows management XP.

Now in the “Control Panel” window (classic view), find the “Fonts” icon (Fig. 2) and click on it. A window will open containing all the fonts installed in Windows.

Figure 2. Fonts in the Control Panel Windows XP Control Panel.

However, an easier way is to simply copy the desired fonts to the “Fonts” folder using Explorer (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Installing a new font in Windows XP.

Installing fonts in Windows 7.

Installing fonts in Windows 7 is almost no different from installing in Windows XP, except that appearance. As in the first case, we need to click “Start/Control Panel”. In the window that opens, you need to click “Category” (Fig. 4) and select “Large icons”.

Figure 4. Windows 7 Control Panel.

Then find the “Fonts” icon (Fig. 5), open it, and use simple copying fonts in this folder- install new fonts in Windows 7.

Figure 5. Installing a new font in Windows 7.

How to download Russian fonts

And so, in order to install new fonts on your computer, you first need to get them somewhere. There are many fonts on the Internet, but to find those that support the Russian language, the query should look like this: “Russian fonts” (you can add the word download), or “Cyrillic fonts”.

When searching for fonts, you may find sites where you can see what it looks like before downloading a font. I consider this option the most convenient and I advise you to look for just such sites (Fig. 6).

Figure 6. Preview the font before downloading

But there is another option, which is to download fonts in entire collections, for example “2000 Russian fonts in one archive.” It seems that this option is much more convenient since you do not need to search for fonts one by one. However, as practice shows, after downloading such a package of fonts, most users “don’t bother” and install all these fonts into the system.

Thus, firstly, they create additional load on the system, which can significantly affect overall performance.

Secondly, searching for the right font among so many becomes much more difficult.

And thirdly, I personally doubt that anyone will use all these fonts in their work.

Therefore, if you download so many fonts, it is better to install only those that you definitely need.

To see what the font looks like before installing it, you need to open it using Notepad, which takes a lot of time. That is why I once again advise you to download fonts one at a time, carefully selecting only the ones you need.

And most importantly, do not forget that the font, first of all, should be “readable”, and then beautiful.