How to turn off Skype on a laptop. Remove all contacts from your contact list

At all, blue screen of death occurs when an unexpected fatal error occurs in the Windows operating system. This means that in most cases this error occurs unexpectedly while the computer is running. And, as a rule, blue screen of death, does not occur constantly, but only a couple of times if this error occurs while the computer is running. But what if The blue screen of death occurs constantly when the computer boots, due to which Windows completely refuses to start.

Such BSOD error when booting computer, may be caused for various reasons. The Blue Screen of Death BSOD error message usually says: “A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer."

First of all, I want to say that this blue screen of death, can occur either due to a damaged operating system, or due to problems with the hardware of your computer. That is, either software or hardware problems. Let's look at what can cause such problems and how to solve them.

Software problems

Software problems include any incorrect settings or malfunction of the operating system, drivers, services and other programs. For example, this may be due to incorrect installed drivers. It also often happens that blue screen of death, may appear after noticing any boards in the computer, that is, hardware, and especially after replacing motherboard or simply after installing a hard drive, with already installed system Windows to another computer.

In order to understand that blue screen of death, occurs precisely because of software problems, you can try booting Windows into safe mode by pressing the F5 key at the very beginning when booting Windows. And if the computer boots in safe mode quite successfully, then there are certainly software problems with your Windows system. You can also try to boot your computer using a bootable Live-CD with Windows, for example, based on BartPE. If Windows boots normally, without blue screen of death, then it's for sure software problems.

In any case, all software problems can be easily resolved by simply reinstalling Windows. You can, of course, try in safe mode to roll back installed drivers and remove new ones installed programs, drivers and so on. That is, dig deeper into the system and make Windows work as before. But the easiest way is to reinstall Windows.

Hardware problems

Hardware problems include problems with the hardware of your computer, when any device conflicts with motherboard, for example, either an incorrectly configured device or incorrect BIOS settings. Well, if your computer is not portable, then solving hardware problems is not so difficult. It’s much worse if you have a laptop or netbook. Then, if there is a hardware malfunction with your laptop, then you will have to contact service center for repairs.

But if you have an ordinary laptop, then to solve hardware problems, just try to remove boards and other devices from the computer one by one and catch the moment when the computer starts working normally. Because, indeed, there are situations when a device conflict occurs. So the solution is most likely to replace boards or devices, or abandon some boards or devices.

I want to say that even experienced PC users often cannot successfully determine the cause of a blue screen, and even reinstalling the system does not always help solve the problem. The blue screen appears again. This is evidenced by numerous forums dedicated to blue screen In Windows, where the cause of the blue screen occurred, many managed to establish with great difficulty.

Usually the file system is damaged or a lot of errors have appeared on the hard drive, this happens in most cases from an incorrect shutdown of the computer, it froze for a bit and we got through it Reset button rebooted or turned off altogether. Of course, there may be problems with a power outage in your home. One of the results of all of the above will be a blue screen with error 0x000000E3 or error code 0x00000024 name NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM, which indicates problems with the file system and hard drive.

· Information on how we solved our reader’s blue screen problem and a few more similar problems, at the end of the article, but first we’ll look at why a blue screen occurs, how to decipher a blue screen error code, and what to do if the error code cannot be deciphered at all.

A blue screen instead of the desktop when loading Windows 7 and Windows 8 indicates a critical error in the operating system that makes further work impossible. Even if a blue screen appears to you from time to time when loading the system, this is still a reason to look for a possible error.

The most common causes of a blue screen in Windows 7 and Windows 8:

o Incorrect driver operation, you installed an incorrect or misspelled one into the system, or maybe old driver, does not work properly with any device. Or in other words, the driver tries to perform an impossible operation on the system (many drivers can make changes even to the system kernel) and Windows, protecting itself from severe system violations, blocks what it can and goes into a reboot, creating an entry in the system log, as well as postponing dump file to the C:\Windows\Minidump folder, with which you can determine the cause of the blue screen (a memory dump is not always created, more details below).

o Software conflict,for example damage file system or the simplest example - two antivirus programs and in addition a firewall. Naturally, a problem arises with startup: one program perceives another as a virus and blocks it, the result is a blue screen when the computer boots. Or there is often a conflict between the program and operating system, for example, many users sometimes try to install a 64-bit application on a 32-bit system.

o If there are small children at home,they probably press the red lit button often surge protector or big POWER button system unit, after which the computer naturally turns off abnormally, as a result of which the structure of some system file, also the cause of the blue screen. If this happens quite often, you just need to move the filter away and disable the POWER button "Control Panel->Power Options->Power Button Action->select When the Power Button is Pressed->No Action Required". And when you click on it, your computer will turn on, but not turn off. In this case, the operating system, for example, can be brought back to life through a system restore or update in the XP installation menu. In more complex cases, the file system is damaged and has to be restored (in detail below).

o Iron conflict or, in other words, incorrect operation of one of the computer components, For example random access memory, video card or hard drive. Once for a long time I could not determine the cause of the blue screen, and most importantly, reinstalling the system did not help. I began to ask what actions were performed in Lately with a computer. It turns out that the day before they added a RAM stick to the system unit, which not only operated at a different frequency from the others, but also had a different supply voltage.

o Viruses, The cause of a blue screen is quite rare.

Of course, to solve the blue screen problem on our computer, it is very good to first find out the reason for its appearance. To do this, the operating system displays the relevant information to us on a blue screen, which is basically the same, except for two small items - the name of the error and the error code.
How to decipher a blue screen error. Let's look at two cases you may have.

· A blue screen appears when the computer boots and remains on the screen for a long time, giving us the opportunity to read the name and error code.

· A blue screen appears when the computer boots for a second and disappears, and the computer then reboots again, so you and I don’t have time to read anything (about this complex version below).

You cannot rely on deciphering error codes alone to solve the blue screen problem. The same error, for example 0x0000008E, can indicate a faulty RAM and at the same time infection with a rootkit, and another error 0x0000000A IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL can indicate dozens of reasons. But you shouldn’t reinstall Windows right away if a blue screen occurs, you still need to try to figure out what’s wrong...

In order to ensure that in the event of a critical error your computer does not constantly reboot and you can read the error code on a blue screen, the first thing you need to try is to press the F-8 key on the keyboard when you turn on the computer and get to the menu Additional options boot, then select Disable automatic reboot when system failure,

If it doesn’t help, then it would be useful for you to know this information. I want to say that the operating system is able to save information about the blue screen error in a special file called a memory dump, it will be located in the C:\Windows\Minidump folder. But for this you need to enable debugging recording Windows information. Do it right now.

On Windows XP:
Click on My Computer right click mouse, then Properties->Advanced->Startup and Recovery Options->System Failure->Turn off the option Reboot automatically. Select Small memory dump (64 KB) and click OK.


For Windows 7 and Windows 8, 10 :
Start –>Control Panel –>System and Security –>System –> Extra options System ->Advanced tab ->Boot and recovery->Options, uncheck Perform automatic reboot. Select Small memory dump (128 KB) and click OK.
Let's now move on to specific examples(which I actually had to solve) fix the blue screen problem.
So the first option. We have logging of debugging information enabled. On the computer after installation newest game The sound disappeared, after updating the audio drivers, the computer went into reboot and got a blue screen with the following error. We write down the name and error code; the decoding of almost all error codes is given on the website You can also search for information about your error code on the Internet using any search engine. Anyone has already encountered it and some kind of solution can be applied to it.
In our case, the name of the error directly indicates the system compiled file HDAudBus.sys. belongs Microsoft program UAA Bus Driver for High Definition Audio large percentage that our blue screen is due to a problem with the system audio driver. Error code:
STOP: 0x00000101 (0x00000031, 0x00000000, 0x807c9120, 0x00000001)

In this case, you can try to reinstall the drivers on sound card. What to do if there is no name of the faulty file on the blue screen. In this case, you can download the utility on Ozone– to more accurately determine the driver or file that caused the blue screen Windows BSOD. I will now tell you how to use the BlueScreenView program. The program is very simple, we launch BlueScreenView and it immediately scans the folder for a memory dump file, which, let me remind you, is located at C:\Windows\Minidump.

We select the memory dump with the left mouse in the upper window of our program and immediately look at the lower window, information about the error will certainly appear there. By the way, if you press F-8 while the program is running, our blue screen will appear in the lower window.

Microsoft has its own debugging tool, but I would say the BlueScreenView utility works simpler, and the result is no worse.
You may ask, our computer won’t boot, how can we reinstall the audio drivers? Firstly, you need to try to roll back a certain period of time using system restore points, this can be done in safe mode or in the recovery menu Windows problems 7 (when loading F-8) or from the recovery disk of the seven. To remove the problematic driver in case of a blue screen, you can try to enter safe mode with command line support and type the command devmgmt.msc and you will be taken to the device manager.

After removal problematic driver, need to install updated versions drivers, preferably taken from the official websites of device manufacturers. Or vice versa, install an old and stable driver.

Now let's move on to more complex issue. What to do if a blue screen appears for a second and it is not possible to read the name and error code?

Be aware that if you are dealing with someone else's computer, you will often not be able to see the error code; a blue screen will appear for a second when you turn on the computer and disappear. Since not everyone unchecks the option Disable automatic reboot when the system fails. Now you know what to do so that the blue screen remains on the monitor and the computer does not immediately reboot, you could read it above.

In this situation, do not hesitate to ask on various forums, and remember particularly interesting cases. If you even know the error code, but you can’t fix the situation, just talk to people, ask what programs or drivers were installed last before the blue screen appeared. Which latest actions were carried out with a computer.
What else can you do if your Windows shows you a blue screen? Let's take an interesting case from our reader, especially since I had to solve a similar problem very often.
Real examples of eliminating blue screens in the Windows XP, Windows 7 and Windows 8 operating systems

Our computer at work broke down, the system

Windows XP, Windows 7 And Windows 8It reboots regularly, the screen is blue, appears for a second, the error cannot be read, although it shouldn’t be like this, since I unchecked the Perform automatic reboot option (see information above). There is a lot of important data on the computer, they all appeared on the computer within the last few hours and everything is on the disk (C:), on the desktop, everything needs to be obtained at all costs, and then you can restore the system’s functionality, for example, simply restore it’s from a backup that was made last night, but that’s if all else fails.

I opened the system unit - everything was clean, not a speck of dust, changed the RAM, then the video card, it didn’t help. I think let me boot the computer from the recovery disk (I always have two disks with me, 32-bit and 64-bit), maybe I’ll be able to get to system recovery. Well, I booted with sin in half from the disk Windows recovery 7, but I couldn’t find a single system

We write notepad , notepad opens, then File and Open, the Computer window appears, I open it, I think now I’ll go to the drive (C:) on the desktop, copy necessary files on a flash drive and reinstall the system, I look, but there is no drive (C:). There is a disk (D:), but there is no partition on which Windows 7 is installed, and therefore there are no necessary files located on the desktop C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Desktop.

I booted from a simple Live CD and the same thing happened there, there was no drive (C:).
Loading into the program Acronis Disk Director 11, my drive (C:) is visible and the data on it is all intact, but nothing can be done with it, during any operation with the partition, Acronis immediately gives the error The file system is damaged!

There is nothing to do, I decided to remove the hard drive and connect HDD to another computer with Windows 8 operating system installed.

Existing utility for checking in Windows 8 or 7 hard drive CHKDSK immediately detected a problematic disk with a broken file system and began checking it for errors in five stages: checking files, checking indexes, checking security descriptors, checking data in files and checking free space!
I had to wait three hours, then I rebooted and my system booted safely, and the missing partition of the connected hard drive also became accessible. In general, friends, this is the first sign that the hard drive will soon become unusable and needs to be checked special programs , on the subject bad sectors and Bad blocks (bad or bad sectors). If everything is more or less successful, in order to use such a hard drive, ideally completely format it and reinstall the operating system on it.

Friends, when your operating system does not boot due to errors on the hard drive, then to check it with the Chkdsk utility it is not necessary to remove it; you can boot the computer from installation disk Windows 7 or recovery disk, then enter the recovery environment, select command line, then enter the command:
chkdsk c: /f, which means run the scan system disk(C:) with /f parameters – checks for file system errors on the disk and corrects them. Details in our article: Chkdsk program.

Another example: one of mine old friend, I spent a long time looking for the cause of the blue screen on one computer. A newly installed operating system, with native drivers installed on all devices, after 5-10 minutes of operation of any active application(for example, games), went to a blue screen with the Stop error: 0x00000019. Tests were carried out on almost all components, including the Mem test program; the 512 MB RAM was successfully tested, which ultimately turned out to be the culprit. The fact is that on a computer with a relatively weak configuration, there was a powerful gig video card, and only 512 MB of RAM. He replaced the 512 MB RAM stick with a 1 GB one and the blue screen stopped appearing, but the old RAM stick still works on another computer with an integrated video card.

· My friends bought a computer, two years passed and they periodically began to experience a blue screen when playing games. We decided to reinstall the system. We reinstalled and started installing drivers on all devices; when installing the driver on the video card, the system went into a blue screen. Updating the driver on the official website did not help, the problem was solved only by replacing the video card. By the way, on another computer, this video card behaved the same way.
· Exactly the same case happened with a network card installed as an expansion card in PCI connector. We went through all possible and impossible drivers, during installation Windows drivers 8 showed a blue screen with an error and immediately went into reboot, preventing me from reading the name and error code. Network card Replaced it and everything started working fine.

· Sometimes people spend a long time looking for the cause of the blue screen, reinstalling the system and drivers, but the problem is simply overheating of the processor; once you remove the side wall of the system unit, look at the dust cap on the processor cooler, and everything will become clear.

· Overclocking the processor, also often the cause of a blue screen, can be treated by resetting the BIOS settings.

· Once, friends, they really asked me to save Windows system 8 from the blue screen, there was no time limit, they gave me the whole day. It was not possible to find out the error code; the operating system kept rebooting. First of all, just in case, I made a backup of the faulty system, namely the system partition-drive (C:). If I can’t fix the problem, I’ll deploy a backup and give the computer back without changes, maybe someone else can do it.

I tried almost everything that can be done in this case, the last thing I tried was this method - I replaced all the registry files SAM, SEKURITY, SOFTWARE, DEFAULT, SYSTEM from the C:\Windows\System32\config folder with the same files from the C folder :\Windows\System32\config\RegBack, in it every 10 days the Task Scheduler creates backup copy registry keys - even if you have System Restore disabled and Windows 8 boots safely.

The fact that some versions of Windows systems start up instead of the usual GUI can produce blue screens, almost all users know. And it is not always possible to determine exactly why this happens. To begin with, just see if when you turn on the laptop there is a so-called screen of death (BSoD) or if it is something like the “Desktop”, but without control elements. The second case is not as catastrophic as the first, since, quite possibly, the system is in a kind of waiting mode for loading all necessary components. But when the screen of death appears (or when the “Desktop” elements are not activated at all), you will have to take drastic measures.

Why does a blue screen appear once or constantly when I turn on my laptop?

As for the first option, part of this failure may be due to malfunctions Explorer services, responsible for starting the graphical interface.

If a blue screen appears when you turn on the laptop, but loading interface elements does not take a very long time, you can restart in safe mode and manually start the corresponding service by entering the command of the same name in the “Run” menu field (Win + R) or using “Manager” for this purpose. tasks." Possible failures can then be identified.

In the case of a screen of death, a special stop code, a description of the failure, and a link to the driver file are usually indicated (sometimes it may be missing). What caused this behavior of the system will have to be found out on your own. But most often, the appearance of a blue screen when turning on the laptop is associated with the following reasons:

  • damage to the components of the system itself;
  • incompatibility of new equipment with the system;
  • equipment malfunction or overheating;
  • driver problems;
  • conflicts with installed software;
  • incorrect set parameters BIOS;
  • exposure to viruses;
  • malfunctions of security programs.

Interpretation of errors on a blue screen after turning on a laptop or desktop PC

A few words should be said about quickly identifying the causes of the failure, in which the death screen appears. You should immediately look at the error description and stop code. Depending on this, it will be possible to take appropriate measures. If a faulty driver file is specified (usually in SYS format), the solution will concern exactly that component. Sometimes it happens that a blue screen appears when you turn on the laptop, but after a while or even when you reboot it disappears.

You can determine the malfunction using special utility BlueScreenView, in which, after clicking on the AppCrashView link, you can identify the faulty component. Then it will immediately become clear what exactly caused the failure to occur.

Restoring system functionality using the simplest methods

But we will assume that the user does not have such a program at hand, and the laptop or computer constantly gives an error. In this case, blue screen when turned on computer device you can try to remove it by using a special start menu, which is called by pressing the F8 key at the very beginning of the system boot.

In it you need to select the start of the last working configuration. If this does not give any results, you can try several times forced shutdown and turning on the terminal so that system recovery works automatically. Another option is to start in safe mode, and then either restore the system from a special partition, or start diagnosing computer components.

Checking basic computer components

As is already clear, a blue screen after turning on the laptop or desktop computer may appear due to hardware problems. But first of all, you should check whether there is enough space on your hard drive (in system partition). If anyone doesn't know, for normal Windows operation on drive "C" free space At least 10% of the total size of the partition on which the operating system is installed is required. Thus, it is necessary to get rid of excess computer junk.

But “hardware” components can also affect the appearance of a blue screen when turning on the laptop. We do not take hardware diagnostic methods into account, since it is unlikely that there is a loose contact somewhere, but it is imperative to check their operation, if a safe start can be used for loading. This primarily concerns testing the processor, RAM and hard drive.

For CPU it is better to use third party programs, but to check RAM, a utility built into the system (mdsched in the runtime console) is suitable. Checking hard it is better not to produce a disk regular means, and through the command line (CHKDSK command toolkit with additional attributes like the combination “/x/f/r” without quotes). For check system components Absolutely all experts advise using sfc team/scannow.

Actions with drivers

The main failures with the appearance of a blue screen when turning on the laptop are due to the drivers. In most cases, this concerns control software for video cards, since they are the ones involved in booting the system.

In this situation, the driver must either be updated or the device completely removed and rebooted. If the reason is a faulty updated driver, you should roll it back. For an update it is better to use automated programs like Driver Booster, but in this case you need to boot the systems in safe start mode from network drivers. To restore the old version of the driver, the usual “Device Manager” is also suitable.

Software compatibility issues

Sometimes, although not often, the cause of this phenomenon can be recently installed software that is incompatible with the operating system itself or with the hardware used.

At best, experts recommend using launch activation executable file programs in compatibility mode through the shortcut properties; in the worst case, completely remove the application with all its components. But for this it is advisable to use narrowly targeted applications like iObit Uninstaller, and not the “native” section of programs and system components.

The same situation can be observed with updates. In some cases, removing the last ones one by one helps installed packages with reboot, task manual search updates and subsequent exclusion of faulty updates from the installation list.

Note: To simplify operations, you can use the Show or Hide Updates program.

BIOS Settings

Another common reason why a blue screen appears when turning on a laptop is incorrect settings BIOS, overclocking and obsolescence of the primary system firmware, as a result of which it does not recognize new equipment.

To begin with, it is better to produce full reset settings using a menu item like Load Setup Defaults. Here's an update BIOS firmware It is not recommended to do it yourself without special knowledge. In the best case, if you have installed UEFI system, the update can be performed directly from Windows, but the installed firmware must fully comply with both the chip manufacturer and the developer of the corresponding software.

Viruses and security software

Finally, a few words about viruses and antivirus software. What viruses can cause similar phenomena, does not surprise anyone. It goes without saying that the system should be scanned for threats. If downloading is impossible in any of the modes, we can recommend using Kaspersky Rescue Disk, which when recording to removable media allows you to boot from it. But, no matter how strange it may sound, antiviruses themselves are no less capable of causing blue screens. A striking example of this is the vaunted free Avast antivirus!, for which such flaws were noticed. It should be removed entirely, using the “native” developer utility or uninstaller programs, and then install other security software.

Blue screen of death, also known as BSOD and blue screen of death, is Windows’ reaction to critical errors in the computer’s operation. White writing on a blue background suddenly appears on the screen, after which the device usually reboots, freezes, or turns off.

After restarting, the system works fine for some time. But then, if the error is not resolved, the BSOD appears again.

Sometimes this condition is caused by errors in drivers or failure of computer hardware. The reasons may also be a failure system settings, viruses or even installed programs.

What to do if a blue screen of death appears

Special services built into the operating system can help you.

If you have Windows 10, go to Start → Settings (gear) → Update & Security → Troubleshoot. Scroll to the bottom of the list of available services and select Blue Screen. Click “Run the troubleshooter” and follow the system prompts.

If you have more old version The OS or the tool mentioned above did not work, open the Windows Control Panel and go to the Security and Maintenance Center. In some versions of the OS, this path may look like this: “Control Panel” → “System and Security” → “Action Center”.

Expand the Maintenance tab and see if the solution recommendations appear here Windows problems. If yes, use the suggested tips.

If all else fails, move on to the next step.

The appearance of a blue screen of death can have hundreds of different reasons and each has its own solutions. Having learned cause of BSOD on your computer, you can find the best way to solve a problem.

On the Death Screen, Windows displays the error code that caused it. It can appear as a series of numbers and letters (0x0000000F) or a combination of various words written in uppercase and often connected by underscores (SPIN_LOCK_ALREADY_OWNED).

You need to enter the error code in a search engine and thus find individual instructions for fixing it. There may even be a special QR code on the blue screen. By scanning it through mobile device, you will be taken to the Microsoft website with interactive assistant to solve the problem.

If the computer restarts immediately after the blue screen appears and you do not have time to write down the error code, disable automatic restart. To do this, right-click on the “This PC” icon and select “Properties” → “Advanced system settings”. In the window that opens, go to the “Advanced” tab, click “Options” and uncheck the “Perform automatic restart” checkbox.

If you don't want to search the necessary instructions and delving into it or the solution found on the Internet does not help, use the methods listed below.

3. Try simple universal measures

These general measures affect many system parameters and help restore it. normal work. They can also fix errors that lead to the blue screen of death.

  1. In system settings, go to "Center" Windows updates» and check for updates. If they are available, install them.
  2. Check the system using .
  3. Update your drivers. You can go to your computer manufacturer's website and download all the drivers for self-installation. But you can also use free services like