How to sign out of iCloud on iPhone. Correcting the email address of an old account on an iPhone? Getting rid of iCloud

iCloud (iCloud) is a very useful cloud i-service, which provides users of Apple technology with a lot of opportunities, and the most interesting of them is the option of creating backup copies of information stored on the device. Thus, if the phone is, for example, lost, data can be easily restored using and Apple ID ( unique account, created by users at initial setup iPhone).

It is noteworthy that you don’t need to do anything complicated to synchronize data with the cloud - you just need to go to “Settings” on your iPhone and iCloud menu indicate your account, and also select the types of information that should be backed up. Great, right? But! You should always remember - if you decide to sell your Apple, then, as an honest person, you are simply obliged to delete your account in the same menu (however, the reasons why you need to erase iCloud may be different), because if this If you don't do this, you will cause quite a few problems for the new user. However, don't worry, it's a hassle this procedure it won’t bother you, because it’s very simple to do if you remember your account details.

In this material we will tell you how to remove iCloud on iPhone, and also figure out what you can do if you have forgotten your Apple ID password or you don’t know it at all.

So, if you remember your account password, then you won’t have any problems logging out of iCloud, you just need to:

Now, in return for the removed account, the new owner will be able to easily indicate his Apple ID and use the smartphone without any restrictions.

How to delete an account if the password is forgotten?

This situation is more complicated, but it is still solvable. At creation of Apple The user ID must indicate some address Email— a link is sent to it to activate your account. This email will become a lifeline, of course, if you still have access to it. To recover your password you will need:

As soon as New Password will be activated, you can sign out of iCloud, following the instructions given in the first section of this article.

How to delete an account if the password is unknown?

But this is what is called a difficult case. In this situation, very often those users find themselves who purchased a smartphone second-hand, but the seller forgot or deliberately did not log out of the iCloud account. Is it possible to do something without a password? There are chances, but they are few. Let's see what options are available:

Special case: how to delete an iCloud account from an iPhone 5S if the password is unknown?

The first thought that will appear in the head of a person who reads this title must be - why are we talking about the iPhone 5S? Yes, because this smartphone is sold with pre-installed iOS 7, and several versions of the seventh iOS, namely 7.0-7.0.6, have a bug that allows you to remove iCloud without a password by performing a tricky scheme.

Also, the instructions below will help if you have one of the buggy versions installed on your iPhone 4 or iPhone 4S. Initially, these smartphones are released with lower iOS, but they support updates to the seventh version. But with the sixth iPhone (and older “brothers”) the trick will no longer work, iOS 8 is pre-installed on it, and you can roll back to a higher earlier version it is forbidden.

Attention! The instructions below are unofficial, and therefore the author of the article and the portal posting it are not responsible for the success of the operation, as well as its possible sad consequences!

So, to bypass the password, you can try the following:

  1. Go to iPhone Settings, then iCloud.
  2. At the same time, tap on the “Find iPhone” and “Delete account” items.
  3. If you were able to tap at the same time, a window will appear in front of you in which you will be asked to provide a password and confirm the action - at this moment, without confirming or entering anything, you need to long press the smartphone lock button to turn it off and then turn it on again.
  4. Once enabled, the iCloud account will be erased.

If this instruction does not work, try a more sophisticated one:

Let's summarize

Well, as you can see, deleting an iCloud account from your phone is a nonsense if you know the parameters of this account or at least set it up yourself. However, in the case when Apple password The ID is forgotten, the situation becomes much more complicated, and sometimes even hopeless. However, we hope that the loophole given in this article will work in your case, and you will be able to use your iPhone without any restrictions.

The desire to delete the account Apple entry most often due to the desire to free up an email address for registering a new one Apple ID. iPhone users need to remember the following: you don't have to erase your account to unpin your mailbox. absolutely– you just need to change your account settings by entering “ Email" another address. Doing this is much easier than achieving complete removal Apple ID.

How do I free up my email address to register a new Apple ID?

There are two ways to adjust your iPhone account settings. In the first case, you will need to go to the official Apple website, in the second, use a media combine iTunes.

Changing settings via the Apple website

Let's be clear: you can “unpin” an email address through the Apple website only if you offer in exchange another mailbox that you have access to. Change settings if necessary Apple ID Through the official website of the Apple company, you first need to log in to this portal - specify your email address and password.

Step 1. Use a search engine - enter the query “ Apple ID».

Step 2. Among the options that the search engine gave, find this one - “ Manage your Apple ID account information" Follow this link.

Step 3. On the next page, scroll down to the information block " Changing your account information" In the block, select the section “ Apple ID email».

Step 4. In the instructions that open, find the link “ Apple ID Account Page" and click on it.

Step 7. Answer two security questions. These are among the ones you selected when you created your account.

If you don’t remember what answers you gave during registration, click on the “Reset” link Control questions" You will be able to select other security questions and answer them again, but you will have to enter your password to do so. Apple ID.

Step 8. After you answer the questions, the service will require a code.

A letter with a code is sent to new address Email. It looks like this:

Enter the code and click " Continue».

After this the data Apple account will be adjusted, and a notification about the changes will be sent to the “unpinned” mailbox.

If the user does not have access to the new mailbox, he will not be able to find out the code to enter Necessarily. Previously, it was possible to enter a non-existent email, but recently Apple has introduced protective measures aimed at reducing the number of “fake” accounts.

In iTunes settings

A way to change your account via iTunes, very similar to the previous one - and also demands work email . Unlinking a mailbox from Apple ID Through the media combine it happens like this:

Step 1. Open iTunes and click on the tab " Account».

Step 2. Select " To come in».

You will have to enter the password for Apple ID again.

Step 6. On home page website, select the country where you live. Our choice is Russia.

The described methods of freeing an email address are unpopular among users and it is obvious why: if a person already has an available email address to which he can register a new Apple ID, why should he empty a box that is occupied?

How to remove Apple ID through support?

On this moment the only way fully To delete an Apple account is to contact the support service of the “apple giant”. When applying, you will have to write a letter in English. Therein lies the rub: main reason, Why domestic users avoid communication with Apple employees - poor knowledge of foreign languages.

In fact, everything is simpler than it seems - thanks to these instructions, you can send a letter to Apple without even knowing basic English. Proceed like this:

Step 1. Follow the link to the service page Apple support.

Step 2. Fill in the form - You must write only in English.

All fields may not be filled in. Only those opposite which are marked “ Required" - namely:

« Topic Area" - letter subject. There is a drop-down menu here - you need to select one of the options presented. The most suitable option is " How-To & Troubleshooting Articles» (« How to fix the problem?»).

« Subject" - title. Enter the following text here: “ I want to delete my Apple ID"(without quotes). It is recommended to make the title as concise as possible and consistent with the topic of the appeal.

« Comments"—the main text of the letter. This field should describe the reasons why you are refusing further use Apple ID.

If you are not well versed in English enough to write a letter yourself, write an appeal in Russian and use free translator Google Translate. An automatic translator, of course, will translate the text crookedly, but Apple employees will be able to grasp the main idea.

You can also rewrite the text from ready-made template like this:

In addition to those listed, you should also fill in the field “ Email Address" It is not mandatory to fill out, but is directly related to the topic of our appeal.

Step 3. When you fill in the fields, click on “ Submit Suggestion».

This will open a ticket to Apple Support. All you have to do is wait - within up to 15 days you will receive an email with a link to confirm deletion Apple ID. You will need to follow this link - then you will get rid of the identifier forever.

How to change account on iPhone without a computer?

Step 1. IN " Settings"find the section " iTunes Store, App Store " and go into it.

Step 2. You will see a field in which the current one will be written in blue. Apple ID– click on it.

Step 3. A menu will appear in front of you - select the option " Go out».

If you click on the “View Apple ID” button, you will get access to a link that will take you to a page where you can change the email address of an existing account.

As you can see, change your account iPhone recording incomparably easier than deleting Apple ID at all.

How to delete an iCloud account?

Erase account iCloud- a matter of minutes. A computer is not needed - all you need is the gadget itself:

Step 1. On the menu " Settings"find the section " iCloud" and go into it.

Step 2. Once in the " iCloud", scroll down to the end - you will find the item " Delete your account" Click on it.

Step 3. Confirm your intention to delete your account - in the window that appears, click " Delete».

Step 4. The iPhone will ask you what you want to do with your contacts and browser data. Safari– that is, with objects that are associated with the “cloud” iCloud. Option two: leave on iPhone or wipe it off– it’s up to you to choose.

Step 5. Enter your account password iCloud– this is necessary to deactivate the “ Find iPhone».

Then click " Switch off" On this you can consider your account iCloud remote.

Before you delete your account iCloud, you should ask what data will “go away” with it. You will lose photos from photo stream, achievements in games, application documents iWork, notes that have been saved in the cloud. Contacts, messages, music will remain in place - you don’t have to worry about them.


The only way to remove Apple ID is to contact the company's support service. The user will have to wait: it takes Apple employees up to 2 weeks to approve the deletion. If the owner of an iPhone needs to free up an email address for registering another account, it is better for him to change the details of the current one Apple ID– you can do this through the official Apple website.

operating room iOS system, installed on all mobile Apple phones, has long been renowned for its stability, user friendliness and ease of everyday use. Her functionality, perhaps they are no different special variety, but for the majority ordinary users There are even enough of them in excess. And one of the few problems that the owner of an Apple smartphone may encounter is the overly “responsible” operation of the function iCloud.

What does this mean? The application provides synchronization personal information, the ability to share it with friends and acquaintances, individual cloud storage and the function of searching for a lost or stolen phone. But, as often happens, good intentions do not always lead to the corresponding result..

iCloud was created for your own safety. Only those people who know the code word will have access to this device

Apple suggests that every smartphone owner can memorize a code word that confirms legal ownership of the device. In other words, if you lose your loved oneiPhoneor it will be stolen from you, no one else will be able to use your private information. In practice, rarely does anyone bother to save their password in a safe place, which makes it impossible to gain access to a locked phone. It is also possible that the device was purchased at a thrift store or on the market, and the seller “does not know” the access code. What to do in this case?

  1. If you have forgotten your password or simply don’t know it, but can access the mailbox to which your Apple ID was registered, use the iForgot service. A link with further instructions will be sent to it.
  2. If you purchased your iPhone from official dealer and saved the receipt confirming payment or number payment card, call the service technical support. Most often, its employees go to meet clients and help revive the account (of course, if you can prove the fact that you own the device on legally).
  3. If you bought your iPhone secondhand, don’t know the password and can’t prove anything to technical support, you’ll have to go to extreme measures. Let's go to iCloud settings and one by one we disable all (!) services from “Photo” to “Keychain Access”. After this, we create a new Apple ID account and specify the login for it in the AppStore settings, having previously deactivated the data from the previous connection. ReanimateiCloud similar method or accessGame Center, alas, it won’t work, but you can already use the phone more or less fully.

In the settings of your device, in the “iCloud” item, you can disable services you don’t need or delete your account altogether

Deactivating iCloud

If all necessary information you have it and you bought it usediPhoneon completely legal grounds, old entryiCloudIt's better to turn it off right away. To do this, go to the “Settings” menu and select “iCloud”, “Delete account” and “Delete” in sequence. After this, you will only have to confirm your intentions and agree to the destruction of the previous owner’s personal data.

Hacking iCloud

Attention! The information below is not official and may lead to complete inoperability of the phone. Because any responsibility for Negative consequences that arose after it practical use, lies entirely with the end user!

In early buildsiOS7 companyApple looked at a fairly serious vulnerability that allows you to get full control over the system and reset iPhoneto factory settings without going to service center . At the same time, the iCloud account is erased and the “Find My iPhone” function is disabled, which, in fact, is what we will use. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Go to settings and select the “iCloud” section.
  2. At the same time (!) tap on the items: “Find iPhone” and “Delete account”.
  3. After these steps, your phone will be locked, and two requests will appear on the screen: confirming your intentions and asking you to enter a password.
  4. When this happens, long press the “Power” key to turn off the iPhone and, after a short pause, launch the “client” again.

We have already talked about what will happen after this. You will (or at least should) have a clean phone that you can do whatever you want with it!

Video instructions in Russian

Video instructions in English

At the moment, iCloud is one of the popular and most important Apple services. Cupertino were the first to show how it should work cloud service, what necessary functionality it should have and this set the vector for the entire cloud sphere. Everyone has learned to use iCloud, but how to correctly change or completely remove iCloud from your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch few know.

In practice, removing iCloud account takes just a few seconds. It is only important to follow the following path: Settings -> iCloud -> Delete account -> Delete. And it seems like the job is done, but you need to understand that each device stores a lot of information that is synchronized with iCloud.

What data needs to be saved before deleting iCloud

1. Pictures from photo stream. To make it clear, every photo that ends up in the gadget’s library is first copied to the photo stream. Therefore, if your photo stream contains photos from other devices (for example, saved on a MacBook), they must be transferred to your gadget’s library, otherwise they will be lost. Before you decide to delete your account, it is important to clarify this point: it is better to check several times than to regret later.

2. When deleting or changing your account iCloud recordings, all documents will be erased from the device. We are talking about iWork applications. Therefore, if you need these documents, it is better to send them by email to iTunes or copy them in any other way. Also get ready to say goodbye to your game saves - they are stored in iCloud and will be deleted along with your account.

Other data: contacts, videos, SMS messages will remain unharmed. After deleting an account, information about calendars, contacts, reminders, etc. is not lost forever: you can go to the Internet version of and get everything you need there. But all information will be erased from your gadget in order to create a clean iCloud account with new information. If you suddenly decide to restore your old account, all information will return to its place.

Also interesting:

Often, the reason why iPhone and iPad begin to perform significantly worse than usual lies in the lack of free space in the device memory. If you notice that your device has become “brooding”, often freezes, and involuntarily reboots without a command, then it’s time to “ spring cleaning" It's time to clear the device's memory of extra megabytes, or even GB of software garbage. Agree, manually deleting each application and its files is not professional.

Today I will tell you how to quickly clear your device’s memory completely or partially, as well as how to reset your iPhone to factory settings.

IN iPhone settings, iPod Touch and iPad in the “General -> Statistics” menu there is an interesting section - “Storage”. This menu contains information about how much and what the device’s memory is occupied with. Take a look, you may be very surprised that even the most harmless, at first glance, applications, such as managers social networks, can store gigabytes of useless data.

Just recently, we were contacted by an iPhone owner who was faced with the problem of insufficient memory. This resulted in the device falling into . Restoring the iPhone was not considered as a solution to the problem, because... The user did not want to lose data from the device. Fortunately, everything ended well, the person still had to restore the iPhone through iTunes, and the information was recovered from the data, the existence of which he did not even know.

This precedent encourages us to always keep the device’s memory “clean,” or at least periodically clear it of information “junk.”

You can clean your iPhone radically, i.e. completely or partially removing individual applications and their files. This is quite easy to do in several ways at once.

Ways to clean iPhone

  1. Erase content and settings on iPhone.
  2. Erase iPhone in iCloud.
  3. Removing an application from the desktop.
  4. Deleting an application in the iPhone settings in the “Storage” menu.
  5. Removing an application from iPhone via iTunes.

The first 3 methods allow you to completely “zero” the device’s memory, as a result of which you will have a “clean” iPhone at your disposal. After cleaning, you will need to reconfigure it and restore the necessary data from backup copy in iTunes or iCloud.

The last 3 are classic, allowing you to delete individual applications and all their data manually.

ABOUT iPhone recovery We’ve already written enough, I don’t see any point in repeating ourselves. Let's try to erase content and settings on the iPhone and see what the consequences are.

How to erase content and settings on iPhone

This procedure is performed very simply, in just 5 “taps”.

To erase content and settings on your iPhone, you don't need to connect it to a power source, but make sure the battery level is at least 25%. Otherwise, if the battery is completely discharged during the erasing process, you may need to restore the iPhone using iTunes.

If you have a jailbroken iPhone or iPad (Pangu for example), as a result of erasing content and resetting the settings, the device will enter the “eternal apple mode”, but instead of Apple logo The process progress icon will spin on the screen. The iPhone will have to be restored using iTunes.

- Warning -
Please note that the application (program or game) is deleted along with all content. If, for example, you created files in specific program, Pages for example, and delete it, all files created in Pages will be permanently deleted. Save files created on iPhone to cloud storage(iCloud, Dropbox, etc.).

In addition to applications, free space on an iOS device they eat up photos, videos, music, contacts, notes and more important information. But there is another secret (for many) memory hog - Safari.

Works mobile web browser from Apple, like any other: when a site loads, it loads its contents into temporary storage (cache). This is done in order to speed up the loading of pages when accessing them again.

When you re-access web pages loaded into the cache, the cached data is not downloaded from the servers again, but is retrieved from the cache. On the one hand, this allows you to save on traffic and receive fast loading web pages, on the other hand, you have to put up with the fact that the cache “eats” memory.

So, if you actively use your iPhone or iPad to “surf the Internet,” be prepared for the fact that the Safari cache can take up quite a lot of memory space. This amount depends on how much data the server hosting the site has allowed to be cached. iPhone owner cannot limit this size, all that remains is to clean it periodically.

Advice: Make it a habit to clear your Safari cache periodically to improve the health of your iPhone and iPad.

How to Clear Safari Cache on iPhone

That's how it really is, it's simple. Now you know how to remove a “problematic” application from an iPhone or completely clear its memory.

If you have any difficulties or questions about the topic of the article, welcome to the comments.