What the lungs of a healthy person look like in the photo. X-rays of light

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Learning how to read without special training is not easy. There are several schools with different approaches to describing radiographs. The Leningrad tactic is considered the most popular among radiologists. Since Soviet times, its representatives have been considered one of the best radiation specialists. This article has been prepared based on their teachings.

How to quickly understand an x-ray

Every reader who will not spare us precious time will be able to quickly understand X-ray images.

An x-ray is a summary image of the anatomical structures through which x-rays pass. The degree of absorption by tissues varies, so the X-ray image consists of black and white shades of varying intensity (see figure).

Brightness on radiographs of various anatomical structures (according to Matthias Hofer)

Organs and tissues are represented by a cluster of shadows and clearings of varying intensity, to which the eye of a radiologist (radiologist) must “get used to”.

Reading X-rays of the lungs

To read x-rays of the lungs, you should study structural elements chest: pulmonary fields, mediastinum and bony skeleton. When training radiologists at the Leningrad School, professors used a practical approach and recommended that the doctor look at maximum amount normal pictures. Then they had to determine by touch which anatomical element of the skeleton was in their hands. Only after a few months it was possible to begin studying radiological syndromes. In an accelerated training course, we propose to study the structural components of a chest x-ray according to the diagram (see figure).

Scheme for reading an x-ray of the lungs and schematic x-ray anatomy (according to Hofer), where 23 are the collarbones, 27 are the shoulder blades, 26 are the spine, 22b are the ribs. Dark areas on the right and left of the chest are pulmonary fields (white areas appear in them during pathology)

In the above figure, number 26 is shown. On an x-ray, it is represented by intense shadows of the vertebrae, between which there are light areas - intervertebral discs, which have a cartilaginous structure, and therefore do not absorb x-rays. For pathological changes vertical axis Maybe:

  • deviate to the side (scoliosis);
  • “overgrow” with bone spines (spondylosis);
  • have a reduced height of intervertebral spaces (osteochondrosis).

In diseases, a decrease in the intensity of the vertebrae is also observed (osteoporosis, hemangioma).

Learning to describe x-rays of the sinuses

Anyone can describe X-ray images of the sinuses with (inflammatory fluid accumulation) on their own if they study the X-ray syndromes of the disease. It is enough to remember the normal intensity of the clearings formed by the frontal and maxillary sinuses in order to learn how to identify sinusitis or cysts (cavity formations filled with fluid) on an x-ray.

X-ray of the paranasal sinuses. The arrows indicate the maxillary (maxillary) and frontal sinuses
A fragment of a radiograph shows how to detect bilateral sinusitis

If you compare Figure 2 with the previous one, you can detect intense darkening ( white) in the projection of both maxillary sinuses against the background of bilateral sinusitis. They are formed by the accumulation of fluid.

To summarize: it is easy to read x-ray images of the lungs, and even teeth, only after studying the x-ray anatomy of the normal areas of study. This is what representatives of the Leningrad School of Radiologists advise, and we agree with them. Practical experience is required to identify fractures on photographs.

Lots of pictures to show you what healthy lungs look like. See our article.

The X-ray method for the diagnosis and prevention of bronchopulmonary diseases is not only publicly available and simple, but also accurate. About 80% of all diseases and pathologies of the lung are diagnosed by radiography.

Radiography provides an image that reveals even the earliest stages of diseases of the respiratory system. That is why fluorography is an annual mandatory method for the preventive diagnosis of tuberculosis, tumor processes and other pathologies.

Currently, about 600 million people in the world suffer from COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), a disease that affects all parts of the human respiratory system. It is the second most common non-communicable disease in the world. COPD in Russia ranks first (56%) in the structure of prevalence of respiratory diseases. According to WHO, COPD causes 2.2 times more deaths more people than from lung cancer.

An X-ray of the lungs of a healthy person allows the doctor to evaluate the soft and bone tissues, the structures of the boundaries. In the absence of any negative changes in the lungs, a normal photograph of a healthy patient will look like the photo above. An image of a sick person will be distinguished by the presence of darkening, thickening, and lightening, which are not present in the image of a healthy person.

X-rays of healthy lungs will be interpreted taking into account the age and gender of the patient. The radiologist will tell you in detail what normal lungs look like:

  • absence of visible focal, infiltrative shadows;
  • normal sizes roots;
  • absence of altered contours of the diaphragm and phrenic-costal sinuses;
  • heart shadow of normal shape;
  • soft tissues unchanged.

Healthy lungs on x-ray and in pathology are distinguished by minor changes that the x-ray will show. Displacements, intensification of the pulmonary pattern, increase in shadows - all these are direct signs of the presence of lung diseases, the onset of pathological processes requiring medical intervention. Only a qualified specialist can give a correct assessment of the research results obtained. A common person without medical education, he will not be able to distinguish a photograph of healthy lungs from sick ones.

X-rays of a smoker's lungs are different from those of a healthy person. In a smoker, the pulmonary pattern thickens and bronchiectasis is observed (cavity formations in the bronchi).

A photo of the lungs will show:

  • relative position of the organ among other structures of the body;
  • number of pulmonary lobes;
  • shapes, sizes, contours of the lungs;
  • intensity of the pulmonary pattern.

It is impossible to speak with absolute certainty about the patient’s health based on an X-ray examination alone, since not all changes can be diagnosed by this method.

Clean lungs do not have a number of signs that x-rays reveal. Fluorography can use these signs to determine the early stages of tuberculosis and other diseases.

Darkened areas may indicate pneumonia, tuberculosis, or neoplasms. Lung spots are classified by experts as follows:

  1. Partial darkening - pathologies, diseases affect part of the lung, pleurisy, pneumonia, atelectasis are diagnosed.
  2. Widespread darkening - the pulmonary field is almost completely changed, signs of pulmonary edema, effusion pleurisy, polysegmental pneumonia.
  3. Limited dimming – dark focus small size, tumor and tuberculosis sign.

Tuberculosis on X-ray

Radiography is not able to assess the following changes:

  • a small focus of inflammation less than 2 mm in diameter,
  • a small area of ​​enlightenment,
  • small thickenings less than 1 mm in size,
  • slight darkening with infiltrative changes in the bronchi,
  • small focal thickening of lung tissue.

In general, radiography provides a reliable picture of the condition of the bronchopulmonary system. Accurate and professional interpretation of lung X-rays saves many lives, making it possible to diagnose the early stages of diseases and prescribe effective treatment in a timely manner.

Radiography is one of the research methods, its basis is obtaining a fixed image using x-rays. The result is usually obtained on X-ray film or displayed (if digital devices were used) on paper. The study is based on the passage of X-rays through body tissue. X-rays are usually used as a diagnostic method. To obtain more accurate results, use an x-ray image in two projections.

Chest X-ray

X-ray of the chest organs (chest organs) is the most common examination method, which allows us to identify pathologies of the respiratory, as well as cardiovascular systems, ribs, and thoracic spine that arise from various injuries and diseases.

How do X-rays work? As they pass through the body and organs, they are absorbed in different ways. The result is an x-ray image. Tissues with a denser structure look white on it, those that are softer look dark. After development and drying, the radiologist evaluates the resulting picture. An X-ray of the lungs will show all pathologies, if any, and indicate possible diseases.

Modern digital devices simplify the procedure, while significantly reducing it. There is also mobile equipment that allows you to examine bedridden patients.

X-ray capabilities and interpretation of the result

A chest x-ray helps detect the following pathologies in the body:

  • Respiratory system: bronchitis, pneumosclerosis, cancer, pulmonary atelectasis, pneumonia. The doctor interprets the X-ray images and immediately sees the probable disease.
  • Cardiovascular system: myocarditis, pericarditis, changes in heart size.
  • Mediastinum: displacement of structures, mediastinitis.
  • Musculoskeletal frame of the chest: fractures of the sternum or ribs, vertebrae, hemothorax, pneumothorax, wounds of the mediastinum, heart.

X-rays are also used to track the dynamics of recovery in the treatment of pneumonia. However, X-rays cannot be called universal method diagnostics For example, x-rays cannot assess the nature of a tumor, nor this study limited for immobile patients. For such exceptional cases it is used

When deciphering the result of an X-ray image of the OGK, the doctor evaluates the size and shape of the mediastinum, the structure of the chest and soft tissues, the transparency of the pulmonary field, the intensity of the pattern, the position and structure of the roots of the lungs, the shape of the pleural sinuses and diaphragmatic domes.

Preparation and carrying out the procedure

To perform the X-ray procedure of the OGK, no special preparation is required. The doctor only recommends removing clothing and jewelry from the area that will be irradiated. You also need to remove all objects that may interfere with the examination (glasses, dentures). If there is a need for the presence of a relative of the patient, a protective lead apron is put on him.

Having taken off his clothes, the patient is positioned in front of the photographic plate. The doctor leaves the room to the console; on his command, you need to raise your shoulders, press against the plate and hold your breath for a while. You can't move while doing this. If the patient is unable to assume a vertical position, he is placed on a table. Relatives or a nurse help him with this.

The examination is painless and does not cause any discomfort. The only discomfort is the cool temperature in the room. The x-ray will be ready within 15 minutes. It will be given to you immediately along with a description. Based on this, the doctor will make a diagnosis or refer you for further examination.

X-rays of teeth

It has become widespread and not only makes it possible to track pathologies, but also reveals deviations in the structure, which is important when choosing optimal options treatment.

There are several types of x-rays in dentistry:

  • Panoramic. This image allows the doctor to evaluate the entire panorama of the location of the teeth, determine their number, and see unerupted teeth and rudiments. The anatomical structure of the jaw and nasal sinuses is also visible. Panoramic shot important for dental implantation, bite correction, and wisdom teeth removal.
  • Biting. Otherwise, such a picture is called interproximal radiography. A common type of photo. It is used to detect periodontitis and caries. Sometimes a bitewing photograph is taken after the crown is placed to verify the correctness of the procedure.
  • Sighting. With the help of a targeted photograph, you can see exactly what the diseased tooth looks like and determine correct scheme treatment. A targeted photo allows you to see no more than four teeth.
  • Digital. Safe modern diagnostics. 3D X-ray makes it possible to get a clear picture of the entire dentition and individual teeth. The three-dimensional image is displayed on the screen, after studying it the doctor determines treatment methods.

Snapshot Procedure

Before the examination, it is recommended that the patient remove all metal items and jewelry: they may distort the image data. The procedure depends on the type of image. The study takes a few minutes. Radiation has a minimal dose. The session takes place in a special room. The patient bites on the photosensitive film; it should be placed between the device and the tooth being examined.

When examining using a computer radiovisiograph, a special apron is put on the patient, the sensor is installed on the area under study and connected to the device. The result is displayed on the computer.

When using an orthopantomograph, an x-ray is performed as follows: the patient stands next to the device, the chin is fixed on a support. A block is clamped with the teeth, which prevents the jaws from closing. The patient must stand still. The device rotates around the head several times. Photos can be received on the same day.

Photo interpretation

Based on an X-ray of the teeth, the doctor writes a conclusion indicating the number of teeth, size and location. All detected pathologies will also be displayed in the report.

The picture shows the location of each tooth, the inclination, and the condition of the bones. Darkening in the image indicates the presence of pulpitis and denticles. Defects in tooth enamel mean caries. Where the density is reduced, brightening is noticeable. If the caries is complex, the tooth structure is deformed and granulomas are formed.

A cyst may be detected - clear outline homogeneous structure of oblong shape. The cyst is located at the root of the tooth, it can be small or large. Large cysts can affect two teeth at once. Chronic periodontitis is visible as a sharp darkening in the image at the apex of the root. With periodontal disease, a reduced bone marrow area is visible, atrophic processes and sclerotic changes are visible.

X-ray of the spine

  • For pain in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar region.
  • For lumbar muscular pain of unknown origin.
  • With limited mobility of the limbs.
  • For injuries, falls and bruises.
  • If you suspect degenerative changes in the bones.
  • When diagnosing curvatures, osteochondrosis, scoliosis.

X-rays are recommended to be taken in two projections: lateral and direct. Descriptions of X-ray images are made by a radiologist; he evaluates the contours of the vertebrae, the spaces between them, the intensity of color, and the presence of growths. After that experienced specialist able to immediately make a diagnosis, determine the likely prognosis and the need for surgical treatment.

How is the procedure performed?

No special preparation is required to take pictures of the upper spine. If the lumbosacral region is being examined, it is recommended to prepare in advance:

  • It is necessary to completely cleanse the intestines, otherwise it will be difficult to make a correct diagnosis.
  • Eliminate foods that promote fermentation from your diet two days before the procedure: bread, milk, legumes, coarse fiber.
  • You should exclude dinner the day before and breakfast before the procedure.
  • Quit alcohol and smoking.
  • Before the procedure, cleanse the intestines with an enema.
  • There should be no metal objects on the body at the time of shooting.
  • Stay still.

The examination is absolutely painless for the patient. It is carried out for 10-15 minutes. Photos with descriptions are immediately available.

X-ray images for bronchitis are not characterized by specific changes reflecting the inflammatory process, but show indirect changes due to functional failure, hypoventilation of the lungs
X-ray images of the chest with bronchitis, how do they differ from healthy lungs? X-ray images with bronchitis do not show chronic inflammation of the bronchial tract. X-rays do not visualize the structure of the bronchial wall. Some radiologists describe in their conclusions the possible inflammation of the bronchi, which is assessed by indirect signs. The approach is not rational, since diagnosis requires verification of clinical, radiological, and auscultatory syndromes of the disease.
Let's consider the main aspects of diagnosing bronchitis.
What is bronchitis, how to detect it on an x-ray
Bronchitis is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bronchial tree. According to the flow, acute and chronic diseases are distinguished. An acute process is formed characterized by severe inflammation with the severity of all symptoms. On radiographs at this type pathology, an increase in the pulmonary pattern and heaviness of the roots can be seen.

Photo x-ray for bronchitis

The chronic form of the disease develops over several years. Accompanied by a periodic cough with accumulation of sputum. Manifestations of the nosology are observed in the mornings, when a large amount of thick secretion accumulates inside the bronchial tract overnight. The consequence of the condition is emphysema, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. With this form, the radiograph shows a deformation of the pulmonary pattern in the lower pulmonary fields of a looped or cellular type. The image shows a ring-shaped or hook-shaped course of the pulmonary pattern.
The main symptoms of acute bronchitis:
Hard breathing;
Slight increase in temperature;
Soreness behind the sternum;
Chest pain;
Poor sleep;
Severe symptoms of chronic bronchial inflammation:
Intermittent cough streaked with blood;
Frequent upper respiratory tract infections;
The above symptoms are not enough to establish a diagnosis of chronic bronchitis. Chest radiographs are not revealing. To make a diagnosis, many criteria need to be checked.
What X-ray images of healthy lungs look like. X-ray images of healthy lungs reveal certain anatomical structures:
Pulmonary fields;
Blood vessels of the mediastinum (aorta, pulmonary artery);
Enlarged lymph nodes (with pathology);
Ribs, collarbones, sternum.
An X-ray of the chest reveals traumatic, infections, and organic changes in these structures. Additional intense “plus shadows” are clearly visible in the image at sizes greater than 7-10 mm, if they are not blocked by other organs.
With bronchitis (acute or chronic) there are no organic or traumatic injuries. If there is severe swelling inside the bronchial wall and the passage of air is disrupted, a collapse of a section of lung tissue can be observed (atelectasis, hypoventilation). To thoroughly verify the pathology, 2 types of images are taken - in frontal and lateral projections.
During the screening examination, 1 x-ray is taken. Fluorography is always done in a direct projection. If suspicious shadows are detected on it, additional x-rays are taken in the required positions (determined by the doctor). In some healthy patients, X-rays show specific changes characteristic of bronchitis. An increased pulmonary pattern may be a sign of occupational hazards when dust particles accumulate inside the bronchial tract.
The heaviness of the roots of the lungs according to the vascular type may be a sign of insufficient oxygen supply to the blood in cardiovascular diseases.
What does an x-ray of healthy lungs look like:
1. Pathological clearings and darkening of the lung fields are not visible;
2. The shape and size of the lungs do not differ from the anatomical ones;
3. No additional masses are detected;
4. Pleural spaces are free;
5. There are no rounded or lumpy shadows visible in the roots;
6. The diaphragm on the right is higher than on the left;
7. The right root is 1 cm higher than the left;
8. The cardiac shadow is not displaced;
9. Absence of foreign objects and artifacts.
X-ray signs of damaged lungs;
1. There are pathological clearings and darkening;
2. Increase in cardiac shadow;
3. Non-physiological position of the domes of the diaphragm;
4. Veiling of the pleural sinuses;
5. Dilation of blood vessels;
6. Pleural effusion;
7. Collapse of the pulmonary field (pneumothorax);
8. Lumpiness, roundness of roots.
Among the abnormal symptoms on the x-ray, indirect manifestations of bronchitis are not described - deformation, thickening of the pulmonary pattern, lack of structure of the roots. Such symptoms are characteristic of many respiratory diseases - emphysema, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pneumosclerosis, emphysema, bronchial asthma. X-ray images of bronchitis - what they show
Classic photographs of the chest organs during bronchitis and chronic obstructive disease show not only changes in the pulmonary pattern and roots of the lungs. The long course of the pathology is accompanied by an increase in the size of the heart, emphysema, and shortness of breath. Despite the non-specificity of X-ray signs, European doctors recommend taking pictures of the lungs of smokers every 1-2 years. The analysis is recommended for the early detection of cancerous tumors, aneurysms, and vasodilatation.
With prolonged chronic bronchitis, the following symptoms can be seen on x-ray images:
Flattening of the diaphragm dome;
Increased pulmonary fields;
Long, narrow heart;
Abnormal focal accumulation of air (bullas).
An X-ray of healthy lungs does not exclude the existence of bronchitis, since X-rays do not visualize the internal structure of the bronchial wall. An X-ray for this pathology is more specific for determining tuberculosis, pneumonia, heart failure, and lung cancer.
Photo of a radiograph of a patient with bronchitis (thickening of the bronchial wall can be seen)

X-ray and other methods for diagnosing bronchial inflammation

Radiography is not a specific method. There are other ways to diagnose bronchial inflammation. To make a diagnosis, many tests are used:
1. Physical examination can detect abnormalities in the functionality of the cardiopulmonary system. Impaired breathing during bronchitis is accompanied by increased cardiac activity (tachycardia);
2. Auscultation of the pathology reveals rough, noisy breathing. Using a phonendoscope, it is possible to listen to wheezing in the lower parts of the lungs during inspiration;
3. Weakening of vesicular respiration is observed mainly in the upper pulmonary fields, where emphysema develops (areas of increased airiness);
4. Shortness of breath on inspiration is prolonged;
5. Visual inspection shows blue discoloration of nails and skin;
6. At the initial stage, the x-ray does not show even indirect signs of bronchitis. In severe cases, thickening of the walls appears, which leads to a specific symptom of “tracks” mainly in the lower lung fields on both sides.
There are European studies examining the structure of the bronchi after the use of bronchodilators. In a healthy person, after taking these medications, the size of all bronchi can be seen to normalize. In chronic bronchitis with deposits of fibrous tissue, the bronchial tree does not return to normal state even after the introduction of the most powerful bronchodilators.
The analysis showed incorrect prescription of medications for respiratory diseases. Prescribing antibiotics on an outpatient basis does not eliminate the accumulation of coarse sputum inside the bronchial tree. The use of antibacterial drugs does not restore breathing, since the cause of the pathology is blockage of the bronchi with pathological secretions.
When studying computed tomography images in patients with bronchitis, a point accumulation of sputum in the form of inclusions that are intertwined with air pockets can be traced.
The lower part of the lung fields is characterized by flattening of the diaphragm and accumulation of fibrous tissue. Changes are detected by bronchography.
Fluoroscopy allows us to identify patterns of changes in regional lymph nodes and impaired ventilation of the pulmonary fields.
During an acute inflammatory process, an increase in the number of leukocytes is detected. Even without flare-ups, your white blood cell count may be elevated. In the later stages of the pathological process, the concentration of oxygen in the blood increases. To diagnose the condition, an analysis of bronchial secretions is performed. Stained Pap smears can reveal an increase in the number of neutrophils. A large number of bacteria are found in the secretion, but it is difficult to identify the causative agents of the disease among them. The bronchial tract contains opportunistic flora, which is activated only when immunity decreases.
During bronchoscopy, a tissue sample is taken, which shows the nature of the inflammatory process and allows one to detect atypical cells.
X-ray diagnostics for bronchitis - to summarize
X-ray diagnostics for inflammatory changes in the bronchi is focused on indirect signs associated with impaired ventilation of the lungs, functional disorders of cardiovascular activity, and blockage of bronchial patency with thick secretions.
Radiographs show swelling, lamellar, focal atelectasis (areas of collapse of the pulmonary fields). With a bacterial complication, inflammatory areas (pneumonia) can be observed. Restriction of the respiratory mobility of the diaphragm leads to an increase in the pulmonary pattern. Areas of increased pneumotization are characterized by a sparse pattern. In the areas of swelling, small branches of arterioles can be traced, large vessels lose visualization.
X-ray examination in chronic bronchitis allows identifying the affected area, but does not indicate the morphological substrate of the pathological pattern. Emphysema with foci of acinous compaction is noted. Functional and morphological changes in the bronchial tree form persistent changes that do not respond to the use of medications (bronchodilators, antibiotics).

Photo x-ray for chronic bronchitis

Strengthening of the pulmonary pattern develops due to areas of compaction of the bronchial wall. When analyzing the orthograde bronchi (on a cross section), wall thickening can be seen. Pulmonary hypertension is visualized around the pathological area. The change in pattern is diffuse, but more pronounced pathological disorders can be seen more in the lower pulmonary fields. An uneven increase in transparency determines the abnormal distribution of world circulation and the presence of areas of increased airiness.
Transparency is more pronounced in the upper pulmonary fields. Deformation is at the bottom. Loss of differentiation of the roots is formed due to changes in the contours of the vessels, the bronchi lose their clarity. Linear heaviness develops with cor pulmonale against the background of chronic bronchitis. Long-term persistence of the condition is accompanied by lengthening of the heart shadow.
Specific changes are noted during bronchography. Bronchograms show neural contours and diverticulum-like protrusions. Upon careful study of the x-ray, an uneven caliber of the bronchi is noted due to the alternation of narrowed and expanded areas.
Chronic bronchitis is accompanied by the proliferation of fibrous tissue, which leads to changes in the angles of divergence of the bronchi. Small bronchioles are not filled with contrast during inflammation. When contrast is attempted, bronchiectasis is observed.
In conclusion, let us recall that the most common cause of chronic bronchitis is smoking. This factor is the main etiological link of the disease in the United States. The intake of nicotine and its vapor provokes a more serious pathology - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease!

Radiation diagnostics - medical science of use electromagnetic radiation for getting images of internal organs human body.

Based on these images, doctors make diagnoses, assessing the condition of organs and their functions,

X-rays can also be used to detect pathological education

X-ray of the lungs: what is it done for?

Radiography - research method internal structure body using radiation, in which the resulting image of the object is fixed on physical media- X-ray film.

Reference! X-ray is the most widely used method for examining the lungs.

The doctor prescribes a chest x-ray if there is a suspicion of:

  • pneumonia;
  • pleurisy;
  • pulmonary form of tuberculosis;
  • neoplasms in the chest area;
  • diseases associated with occupational characteristics - pneumoconiosis(dust diseases: silicosis, carboconiosis, metalloconiosis, silicosis, etc.);
  • sarcoidosis;
  • Availability foreign body in the respiratory tract;
  • heart disease and others cardiopathology;
  • chest injury.

What healthy lungs look like on an X-ray

X-rays normally show the following structures:

    Lung fields. The lungs are projected on an x-ray as pulmonary fields. The mediastinal organs have their own anatomical features, which determines The difference between these fields: the right one is short and wide, the left one is longer and narrower, this is a normal case.

    In a healthy person, these areas are transparent, as they are filled with air, which does not reflect radiation. The pulmonary fields are intersected by smooth and clear stripes - costal shadows, running obliquely.

  1. Osteoarticular apparatus. In the spinal column, the bodies of the first three to four vertebrae are most clearly identified. At the same level their transverse processes are visible.
  2. At the top of the photo the apices of the lungs are conventionally delimited by the shadows of the collarbones, which are located almost horizontally.
  3. It may sometimes appear on x-ray manubrium of the sternum.
  4. Heart muscle- dense tissue, so it reflects X-rays well. On a plain X-ray in direct projection, an intense, homogeneous cardiac shadow is localized in the central region, between the pulmonary fields, gravitating to the left side.

Important! Places of fixation of the ribs to the sternum not displayed, since this joint is represented by cartilage, which weakly reflects X-rays.

Norm for other elements

In the superolateral part of the image, non-intense additional shadows of the pectoral muscles can be detected (mainly in men) of a triangular shape on both sides.

For women in the lower area of ​​the image mammary glands are visible. Also, shadows of the mammary glands can be visible in older men.

Reference! The root of the lung is a complex of certain anatomical structures that passes through the hilum of the lung and connects the lung with organs located in the mediastinum.

This complex contains the pulmonary artery and vein, bronchi, lymph nodes and vessels, nerves, tissue and pleura. The most important element in this shadow formation is vascular-bronchial component, other structures are covered by the mediastinum.

The shadows of the roots are organized asymmetrically: the left root is higher than the right one by one edge. They are heterogeneous, their width no more than 1.5 cm.

Reference! Pulmonary pattern is a representation of the blood vessels of the pulmonary circulation. It looks like intertwining thin strands of shadows.

Towards the peripheral part of the lung, its visibility is weakened, as the number and diameter of the vessels decreases. The pulmonary fields are delimited below by the shadow of the upward-facing dome of the diaphragm.

Under the left dome you can see 1-2 clearing is gas at the bottom of the stomach.

On the inferolateral sides, between the shadow of the diaphragmatic dome and the chest wall there are sharp angles - the cardiophrenic sinuses.

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X-ray of the chest of a healthy person can't be seen:

  1. Airways. At the level VI vertebra the larynx passes into the trachea, which continues to the IV or V thoracic vertebrae. Here it is divided into the main bronchi: right and left.
  2. Trachea and bronchi. In a healthy person, they are not visible on an x-ray because their walls are too thin to reflect radiation. They are visible only when displacement of the tracheobronchial tree to the affected side(with atelectasis - collapse of the lung), pleural effusion, pneumothorax (presence of air in the pleural cavity).
  3. The lymph nodes. They can be detected during inflammation in the main bronchi and during cancer metastasis in the form of enlarged round spots with smooth contours.
  4. Articulations of ribs and sternum. Calcification of the first rib occurs in 30-36 years old. Ossification of the cartilaginous part of the remaining ribs appears after 50 years for various pathologies of the endocrine system.

White spots

White spots (focal opacities) in the lungs may be a sign of:

  • pneumonia(contours are unclear, blurry, intensity varies);
  • tumors;
  • atelectasis(triangular in shape; the end is directed towards the root, coincides with the size of the segment);
  • tuberculosis(various).

Photo 1. An example of how an X-ray of a healthy person’s lungs should not look like: an image with a tumor.


The cavity indicates:

  • tumor decomposition;
  • abscess lung;
  • hearth tuberculosis.

Small lesions

Small scattered foci can be detected when:

  • silicosis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • sarcoidosis.

A high position of the diaphragm cone is possible with postthromboembolic syndrome.

For emphysema the diaphragm flattens.

Deformation of the cardiac shadow indicates diseases of the cardiovascular system or pathology of the mediastinal organs.

What determines the quality of an x-ray image?

Chest X-ray is one of the most informative methods for diagnosing the respiratory system, if it is done correctly and interpreted correctly by a doctor. In this case, it is necessary to follow the rules of installation and procedure.

Factors influencing the result of X-ray diagnostics:

  1. Symmetrical body position. If the patient does not stand straight during the procedure, the sternoclavicular joints will be located asymmetrically, which can be considered rotation of the thoracic vertebrae.
  2. Image Hardness. Medium hardness is preferable, since with a soft image some formations may not be visible, but with a hard image, on the contrary, unnecessary shadows (artifacts) will appear, which a specialist may mistake for pathology.
  3. Accompanying illnesses which may affect the chest.
  4. Completeness of coverage(a good photo shows the apexes of the lungs at the top and the costophrenic sinuses at the bottom).
  5. Shoulder blades should be positioned outside the chest to avoid image deformation.
  6. Image clarity. The patient is asked not to breathe during the shooting to immobilize the musculoskeletal system of the chest.
  7. Contrast. Adjusted by a doctor on the device; The radiation power is set depending on the patient’s muscle and fat mass.

Photo 2. To receive good result The patient is required to stand straight and hold his breath for a short time.

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