What does a phone's touchscreen look like? What is the difference between the terms "display" and "screen"? Infrared touch screens

Just recently, few could believe that phones with familiar buttons would give way to devices that were controlled by touching the screen. But times change and the demand for push-button phones is gradually falling, and on smartphones it is growing.

The term “touchscreen” is formed from two words - Touch and Screen, which is translated from in English translated as "touch screen". Yes, that's right - a touchscreen is a touchscreen that you touch when you use your smartphone or tablet. In fact touch screens found not only in the world mobile technology. So, you could see them when depositing funds into your mobile device account through a terminal, at an ATM, in ticket devices, etc.

It's important to note that there are several different ways touch screens work, depending on where and what they're used for. Of course, the cost of technology also varies. So, there is no point in using high-tech touch screens for replenishment terminals mobile communications, which cannot be said about the same smartphones.

What is a touchscreen?

IN modern smartphones Capacitive touch screens are used. They are a glass panel on which a layer of transparent resistive material is applied. In the corners there are electrodes that supply low voltage to the conductive layer. AC voltage. The human body can conduct through itself electricity, and also has a certain capacity. Therefore, when you touch the screen, a leak occurs and the location of this leak is determined by the controller, which uses data from the electrodes at the corners of the panel.

PDAs, which are almost never found on sale today, use resistive screens, in which in addition to the glass panel there is a flexible membrane. The surface between them is filled with micro-insulators. When the screen is pressed, the membrane and panel close, after which the controller records the change in resistance and converts it into touch coordinates.

Remember, a capacitive screen does not respond to pressing an object or even the simplest one (you need a stylus with a special tip), while resistive screens respond to absolutely any touch.

Is it possible to replace the touchscreen?

If the user breaks the touchscreen or it fails for one reason or another (for example, it stops responding to touches), it is possible to replace the touchscreen. It is advisable to make a replacement in a specialized service with a guarantee.

What is touch glass (touchscreen)

Touch screen- an information input/output device, which is a screen that responds to touches.

Touch screen- this is a device for input and output of information through a pressure-sensitive and gesture-sensitive display. As you know, screens modern devices not only display an image, but also allow you to interact with the device. Initially, familiar buttons were used for such interaction, then the equally famous “mouse” manipulator appeared, which significantly simplified the manipulation of information on the computer display. However, the “mouse” requires a horizontal surface to work and mobile devices not very suitable. This is where an addition to the regular screen comes to the rescue - Touch Screen , which is also known as Touch Panel,Touchpad, touch film. That is, in fact, the touch element is not a screen - it is additional device, installed on top of the display from the outside, protecting it and serving to enter the coordinates of touching the screen with a finger or other object.


Today, touch screens are widely used in mobile devices. electronic devices. Initially, the touchscreen was used in the design of pocket personal computers(PDA, PDA), now communicators hold the lead, Cell phones, players and even photo and video cameras.

However, finger control technology virtual buttons on the screen turned out to be so convenient that almost all payment terminals, many modern ATMs, electronic information kiosks and other devices used in in public places.

Laptop with touch screen

It should also be noted that laptops, some models of which are equipped with a rotary touch display, which gives mobile computer not only greater functionality, but also greater flexibility in controlling it on the street and in the air.

Unfortunately, there are not many similar laptop models, popularly called “transformers,” but they do exist.

And finally, the latest mobile computer invention of mankind with a touch screen is tablet computers.

Now they are produced by almost all well-known companies. For example, Apple iPad, HTC, ASUS, Samsung and others.

In general, touch screen technology can be described as the most convenient when you need instant access to device control without preliminary preparation and with amazing interactivity: controls can change each other depending on the activated function. Anyone who has ever worked with touch device, the above is perfectly understandable.

Types of touch screens

In total, several types of touch displays are known today. Naturally, each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let us highlight four main structures:

  • Resistive
  • Capacitive
  • Projected capacitive

In addition to the above screens, matrix screens and infrared, but due to their low accuracy their scope of application is extremely limited.


Resistive touch panels are among the most simple devices. At its core, such a panel consists of a conductive substrate and a plastic membrane that have a certain resistance. When you press the membrane, it closes with the substrate, and the control electronics determines the resulting resistance between the edges of the substrate and the membrane, calculating the coordinates of the point of pressure.

The advantage of a resistive screen is its low cost and simplicity of design. They have excellent resistance to stains. The main advantage of resistive technology is sensitivity to any touch: you can work with your hand (including gloves), a stylus (pen) and any other hard, blunt object (for example, the upper end ballpoint pen or the corner of a plastic card). However, there are also quite serious disadvantages: resistive screens are sensitive to mechanical damage, such a screen is easy to scratch, so a special one is often purchased additionally protective film, protecting the screen. In addition, resistive panels do not work very well at low temperatures, and also have low transparency - no more than 85% transmittance luminous flux display.

Using a touch pen


  • PDA - (you can see touchscreens for PDAs)
  • Communicators - (touchscreens for communicators)
  • Cell Phones - ()
  • POS terminals
  • Tablet PC
  • Industry (control devices)
  • Medical equipment
  • Car radios - ()
  • GPS navigators - ()



Capacitive touch screen technology is based on the principle that an object with a large capacity (in in this case humans) are capable of conducting electric current. The essence of capacitive technology is to apply an electrically conductive layer to the glass, while a weak light is applied to each of the four corners of the screen. alternating current. If you touch the screen with a grounded object large capacity(finger), current will leak. The closer the point of contact (and therefore the leakage) is to the electrodes in the corners of the screen, the greater the strength of the leakage current, which is recorded by the control electronics, which calculates the coordinates of the point of contact.

Capacitive screens are very reliable and durable, their service life is hundreds of millions of clicks, they perfectly resist pollution, but only those that do not conduct electric current. Compared to resistive ones, they are more transparent. However, the disadvantages are still the possibility of damage to the electrically conductive coating and insensitivity to touch with non-conductive objects, even with gloved hands.


  • In secured premises
  • Information kiosks
  • Some ATMs

Projected capacitive

Projective-capacitive screens are based on measuring the capacitance of a capacitor formed between the human body and a transparent electrode on the surface of the glass, which in this case is a dielectric. Due to the fact that the electrodes are applied to the inner surface of the screen, such a screen is extremely resistant to mechanical damage, and taking into account the possibility of using thick glass, projective capacitive screens can be used in public places and on the street without any special restrictions. In addition, this type of screen recognizes pressing with a gloved finger.

These screens are quite sensitive and distinguish between finger and conductive pen presses, and some models can recognize multiple presses (multi-touch). Features of a projective capacitive screen are high transparency, durability, and immunity to most contaminants. The disadvantage of such a screen is its not very high accuracy, as well as the complexity of the electronics that process the coordinates of the press.

Apple iPhone


  • Electronic kiosks on the streets
  • Payment terminals
  • ATMs
  • Laptop touchpads
  • iPod -
  • iPad -
  • Tablet computers

With determination of surface acoustic waves

The essence of the operation of the touch panel with the determination of surface acoustic waves is the presence of ultrasonic vibrations in the thickness of the screen. When you touch the vibrating glass, the waves are absorbed, and the point of contact is recorded by the screen sensors. The advantages of the technology include high reliability and touch recognition (unlike capacitive screens). The disadvantages are poor protection from factors environment, therefore, screens with surface acoustic waves cannot be used outdoors, and in addition, such screens are afraid of any contamination that blocks their operation. Rarely used.

Other, rare types of touch screens

  • Optical screens. The glass is illuminated with infrared light; as a result of touching such glass, light scatters, which is detected by a sensor.
  • Induction screens. Inside the screen there is a coil and a grid of sensitive wires that respond to touch. active pen, powered by electromagnetic resonance. It is logical that such screens respond to touches only with a special pen. Used in expensive graphics tablets.
  • Strain gauges - react to screen deformation. Such screens have low accuracy, but are very durable.
  • The infrared ray grid is one of the very first technologies that allows you to recognize touches on the screen. The grid consists of many light emitters and receivers located on the sides of the screen. It reacts to the blocking of the corresponding rays by objects, on the basis of which it determines the coordinates of the press.


Multi-touch, which everyone talks about so much and is only growing in popularity, is not a type of touch screen. At its core, multi-touch technology - which is a loose translation of the phrase multi-touch - is an addition to a touch screen (most often built on a projected capacitive principle) that allows the screen to recognize multiple points of contact on it. As a result, the multi-touch screen becomes capable of recognizing gestures. Here are just a few of them:

  • Move two fingers together - zoom out image (text)
  • Spread two fingers to the sides - increase (Zoom)
  • Movement with several fingers at the same time - scrolling text, pages in the browser
  • Rotate with two fingers on the screen - rotate the image (screen)

Pros and cons:

Touch screens have been around for a long time in handheld devices. There are several reasons for this:

  • Possibility to do minimal amount governing bodies
  • Simplicity of the graphical interface
  • Ease of control
  • Ease of access to device functions
  • Expanding multimedia capabilities

However, there are more than enough disadvantages:

  • Lack of haptic feedback
  • Frequent need to use a pen (stylus)
  • Possibility of screen damage
  • The appearance of fingerprints and other dirt on the screen
  • Higher energy consumption

As a result, it is not always possible to completely get rid of the keyboard, because it is much more convenient to type text using familiar keys. But the touch screen is more interactive, thanks to faster access to menu items and settings of modern gadgets.

At first, touchscreens (touch screens) were quite rare. They could only be found in some PDAs and PDAs (pocket computers). As you know, devices of this kind never became widespread, since they lacked the most important thing, that is, functionality. The history of smartphones is directly related to touchscreens. That is why at the present time a person with “ smart phone“You won’t be surprised by a touch screen these days. The touchscreen is widely used not only in fashionable expensive devices, but even in relatively inexpensive models modern phones. What are the principles of operation of the 3 types of touch screens that can be found in modern devices?

Types of touchscreens

Touch screens are no longer too expensive. In addition, touchscreens today are much more “responsive” - they recognize user touches simply perfectly. It was this characteristic that paved the way for them to a large number users all over the world. Currently, there are three main designs of touchscreens:

  1. Capacitive.
  2. Wave.
  3. Resistive or simply “elastic”.

Capacitive touchscreen: operating principle

In touchscreen designs of this kind, the glass base is covered with a layer that acts as a charge storage container. The user, with his touch, releases a part at a certain point electric charge. This reduction is determined by microcircuits that are located in each corner of the screen. The computer calculates the difference in electrical potentials existing between different parts of the screen, and the detailed touch information is immediately transmitted to the touchscreen driver program.

A rather important advantage of capacitive touchscreens is the ability of this type screens to maintain almost 90% of the original display brightness. Because of this, images on a capacitive screen appear sharper than on touchscreens that have a resistive design.

Video about capacitive touch screen:

The future: waveform touch displays

At the ends of the axes grid There are two converters located on the glass screen. One of them is the transmitter, the second is the receiver. There are also reflectors on a glass base that “reflect” the electrical signal that is transmitted from one converter to another.

The converter-receiver “knows” absolutely exactly whether there was a press, as well as at what specific point it occurred, since the user interrupts with his touch acoustic wave. At the same time, the glass of the wave display does not have a metal coating - this makes it possible to preserve 100% of the original light in full. Due to this, wave screen represents best option for those users who work in graphics with small details, because resistive and capacitive touchscreens are not ideal in terms of image clarity. Their coating blocks light, which results in significantly distorted images.

Video about the operating principle of surfactant touch screens:

Past: about resistive touchscreen

A resistive system is ordinary glass, which is covered with a layer of electrical conductor, as well as an elastic metal “film” that also has conductive properties. Between these 2 layers, using special spacers, there is empty space. The surface of the screen is covered with a special material that provides it with protection from mechanical damage eg scratches.

An electric charge passes through these two layers as the user interacts with the touchscreen. How does this happen? The user touches the screen at a certain point and the elastic top layer comes into contact with the conductive layer - only at this point. Then the computer determines the coordinates of the point that the user touched.

When the coordinates become known to the device, a special driver translates the touches into commands known operating system. In this case, you can draw analogies with the driver of the most common computer mouse, because it does exactly the same thing: it explains to the operating system what the user specifically wanted to tell it by moving the manipulator or pressing a button. As a rule, special styluses are used with screens of this type.

Resistive screens can be found in relatively old devices. The IBM Simon, the oldest smartphone known to our civilization, is equipped with just such a touch screen.

Video about the operating principle of a resistive touch screen:

Features of different types of touchscreens

The cheapest touch screens, but at the same time the least clearly transmitting the image, are resistive touchscreens. In addition, they are also the most vulnerable, because absolutely any sharp object can seriously damage a fairly delicate resistive “film”.

The next type, i.e. wave touchscreens are the most expensive among their kind. At the same time, the resistive design most likely belongs to the past, the capacitive design to the present, and the wave design to the future. It is clear that absolutely no one knows the future one hundred percent and, accordingly, at the present time one can only guess what technology will have great prospects for future use.

For a resistive touchscreen system, it does not make any special difference whether the user touches the device screen with the rubber tip of the stylus or simply with a finger. It is enough that there is contact between the two layers. Wherein, capacitive screen recognizes only touches by some conductive objects. Often, users of modern devices operate them using their own fingers. Wave design screens in this regard are closer to resistive. It is possible to give a command with almost any object - you just need to avoid using heavy or too small objects, for example, the refill of a ballpoint pen is not suitable for this.

Display represents detail, to which image is projected. It’s not difficult to guess what exactly the display displays necessary information, bringing it to the owner of the device. If the display is damaged, the image is completely or partially missing, which is why you either see nothing or see black blots, streaks and uneven stripes.

Touchscreen is, in fact, touch glass . The way the touchscreen works is simple - touching it with your finger triggers some function or produces some action. A touchscreen malfunction is easy to detect: cracks on the surface that can be felt with your finger; loss of sensor sensitivity.

The wording “glass” is not relevant for all phones, but only for those that do not have a touchscreen. That is, their display is not protected by touch glass. It is important to consider that if you have a sensor on your phone, then, as a rule, there is no separate glass in it. The touchscreen does not have any protection in the form of glass; it cannot be purchased or installed. Even if it is damaged, but works perfectly, this does not mean that it does not need to be replaced, because the touchscreen is a single structure containing both the sensor and the glass.

If you went to service center In order to fix your device, avoid words like “screen”. Firstly, this is an unprofessional term. It means absolutely everything, right down to the body. Secondly, by using the term “screen” you mislead specialists, which is why they make an incorrect diagnosis. Therefore, if you are not sure what exactly is damaged - the display or the touchscreen - describe the problem in your own words: “Does not show the image”, “” and so on.

Over the past few years, manufacturers have begun to produce a prefabricated module consisting of a display and a touchscreen with glass assembly. These three elements are glued together with a transparent sealant. If such a collection is damaged, separate replacement of any part (for example, a touchscreen) is impossible; the entire module will have to be replaced. This is the most expensive part in a tablet or smartphone.

We hope we were able to help you understand these concepts. If you have The display or touchscreen is damaged, but you don’t know what exactly - they will instantly detect the damaged part and as soon as possible They will replace it with a 5 month guarantee!

Display represents detail, to which image is projected. It is not difficult to guess that it is the display that displays the necessary information, conveying it to the owner of the device. If the display is damaged, the image is completely or partially missing, which is why you either see nothing or see black blots, streaks and uneven stripes.

Touchscreen is, in fact, touch glass. The way the touchscreen works is simple - touching it with your finger triggers some function or produces some action. A touchscreen malfunction is easy to detect: cracks on the surface that can be felt with your finger; loss of sensor sensitivity.

The wording “glass” is not relevant for all phones, but only for those that do not have a touchscreen. That is, their display is not protected by touch glass. It is important to consider that if you have a sensor on your phone, then, as a rule, there is no separate glass in it. The touchscreen does not have any protection in the form of glass; it cannot be purchased or installed. Even if it is damaged, but works perfectly, this does not mean that it does not need to be replaced, because the touchscreen is a single structure containing both the sensor and the glass.

If you go to a service center to get your device repaired, avoid the word “screen.” Firstly, this is an unprofessional term. It means absolutely everything, right down to the body. Secondly, by using the term “screen” you mislead specialists, which is why they make an incorrect diagnosis. Therefore, if you are not sure what exactly is damaged - the display or the touchscreen - describe the problem in your own words: “Does not show the image”, “” and so on.

Over the past few years, manufacturers have begun to produce a prefabricated module consisting of a display and a touchscreen with glass assembly. These three elements are glued together with a transparent sealant. If such a collection is damaged, separate replacement of any part (for example, a touchscreen) is impossible; the entire module will have to be replaced. This is the most expensive part in a tablet or smartphone.

We hope we were able to help you understand these concepts. If you have The display or touchscreen is damaged, but you don’t know what exactly - they will instantly detect the damaged part and replace it as soon as possible with a 5-month warranty!

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