How to choose a laptop and not overpay. Course: Computer User - Basic Level

For example, I took a Lenovo V580 laptop worth about 22,000 rubles (in 2014:). In general, you can take it home as regular laptop, and a gaming one with a very “interesting” price tag. For the purposes of this article, we’ll look at regular laptops.

So, let's see what characteristics Yandex.Market shows us:

A long line of incomprehensible letters and numbers immediately catches your eye. These are the main characteristics by which we can immediately imagine what kind of “fruit” is in front of us and decide whether it is worth looking further. And then comes the decoding of these parameters. Well, let's see.

Type, laptop size

The very first thing is the type. Here it is clear whether this is a laptop or a netbook. I don't recommend netbooks unless you need a small, compact computer to carry with you all the time. Netbooks have a small screen (with a diagonal of up to 10″ (one inch = 2.54 cm), no DVD drive and technically modest hardware. In general, netbooks are an endangered species, which is actively being replaced by tablets and “transformers”.

Comparison of laptop and netbook sizes

Installed operating system

Pay special attention to this point, because... the price and your headache in the future directly depend on it. Laptops come with Windows, Linux or DOS operating systems. True, there are also “MacBooks”, i.e. laptops from Apple with the Mac OS operating system, but I do not take them into account in this article. To buy a MacBook, you just need to come to the salon and choose a model that is suitable in size and price.

To save money, look at laptops with free operating systems Linux systems or DOS. The mere presence of these operating systems does not mean that you will have to work with them. These are “nominal” systems that no one actually works with. You will have to use such a laptop or invite a specialist. Nothing complicated about Windows installation no, and you can verify this by reading my article.

But, if your time is valuable to you and you don’t mind spending an additional $50-100, then take a model with the Windows 10 operating system installed. But keep in mind that when you leave new version Windows, it will still need to be installed manually. Regarding the choice between Windows 7 and Windows 8/10, I will say that there is not much difference. Seven and eight on this moment The OS is still normal, but the tenth version is rapidly gaining popularity, i.e. “what will happen, will not escape.” Windows 10 is tailored for tablet computers with touch screen, and many people don’t like it, but soon everyone will get used to it)

A fast processor is the heart of a laptop

Let's go further and look at the processor. It makes sense to consider laptops modern processors Intel or AMD. There is a strategic point here: Intel processors are faster than AMD, but AMD processors come with more powerful integrated graphics.

Therefore, if this is a laptop without a discrete video card (more on this below), but you want to play games sometime, then it is better to choose AMD A-series, but for comfortable work better than Intel, because they work faster office programs and on the Internet. For the home there is no point in looking for six- to eight-core processors; 4 cores are enough (for games), and in general even two cores. Phew, I hope I laid out the deck clearly!

Intel processors

Modern Intel processors for laptops are:

  • very budget Atom and Celeron
  • medium Core M3, M5, M7 and Pentium
  • powerful Intel Core i3, Core i5, Core i7
  • TOP Core i9
  • secret Xeon, for narrow tasks

Models one episode(first letter and number) differ only in the clock frequency at which they operate. For example, the Pentium B960 operates at a frequency of 2.2 GHz, and the B980 at a frequency of 2.4 GHz (this difference is almost not noticeable in operation). The more cache of the first (L1), second (L2) and third (L3) levels, the better. But this is tied to the model and does not change within the same series, incl. look only at the processor code.

For leisurely work at home, you can opt for a laptop with an Intel Celeron or Atom processor (x5, x7). But the Pentium (N4200 is preferable to the N3710) or the energy-efficient Core M, which operates without a fan and is quiet, is better. Their performance is quite enough to solve most everyday tasks.

Intel Core i3 has almost no advantages over its younger brothers, so for more comfortable work it is better to immediately take a platform with a Core i5 processor. Core processors i7 is even more powerful, but also costs significantly more. Intel Core i9 is very expensive, it is the fastest processor for a laptop. Within one line, the arithmetic of choice is simple: the more expensive and the more numbers in the model, the better.

AMD processors are:

  • E series (legacy E-350, E-450) and E2 (9000, 9000e)
  • A4, A6, A8, A10, A12 with good video card
  • FX series, no video at all
  • top Ryzen series

I do not recommend paying attention to ultra-budget laptops with AMD processors series "E2" and even more so "E". It is impossible to work comfortably on them! First, pay attention to the “A” series processors. Next in the name are numbers in which the operating frequency is encoded. For example, A4-4300M means a processor that operates at clock speeds of 2.5-3.0 GHz.

Please note that if you take two Intel and AMD Ax processors with the same frequency, then Intel will be faster! But AMD is faster graphics core, which means that games from several years ago will be played. True, in Intel processors Iris Pro graphics are also good.

AMD FX processors have a good price/speed ratio and do not have a discrete video card, so such a laptop always has a separate video processor installed, which makes them mid-range suitable for gaming applications. If you buy a laptop with an FX processor only for work, then you will normally overpay for the video card. In this case, it is better to look at Intel Core i5, i7.

Ryzen 3, Ryzen 5 and Ryzen 7 processors follow on the heels of Intel Core third, fifth and seventh series, respectively. These are top processors from AMD with the AMD Radeon RX Vega video chip. But more earlier versions There is no built-in video core at all, just like FX. In this regard, laptops with early Ryzen processors are equipped with a discrete graphics card, ranging from not the worst to the top-end. In this case, it turns out that there is almost no point in Ryzen 3, because... It's a little weak for games, but you'll have to pay extra for video, i.e. Better then Intel i3, because it carries built-in office-grade graphics.

Graphics adapter type

There may be a built-in video chip (for example Intel HD) or a discrete video card (read). The model of the built-in video core practically does not matter. Laptops with a discrete graphics card are significantly more expensive and are needed only by those who like to play modern games.

If the model in question has an NVidia GT 910M installed, then this is a very weak video card that is only slightly better than the built-in solution. Taking such a model does not make sense for financial reasons. You can take from NVidia GT 840M, 920M and higher. Among laptops with AMD cards, you should not pay attention to the Radeon 5xx, HD 7420G, 7470M models, and the amount of video memory does not matter.

More complete information about video cards can be found in this comparison. By the way, keep in mind that you won’t be able to play on a discrete video card using a battery anyway, because... it may simply not turn on.

Memory won't hurt us either

It's simple: the more, the better! For comfortable work on Windows 7/8/10 systems, 4GB of RAM is required. You can work on two, but I wouldn’t do it. All modern laptops are equipped with DDR3/4 memory, but it can work on different frequencies, for example at 1600 or 2133 MHz. The higher the frequency, the better.

pay attention to maximum size memory and the number of slots for modules. You can choose a laptop with 2GB or 4GB of RAM, and then add as much as you need. The memory itself does not cost much, but memory sticks can be replaced or added at the service center for a small fee. If you are planning to do this yourself, I warn you that not every laptop allows easy access to the memory slots! Some people just take it off back cover, while others require serious disassembly, so check this nuance in advance.

The screen is the Achilles heel of inexpensive laptops

Let's look at the following screenshot:

The fact is that inexpensive home laptops are equipped with disgusting screens! Immediately be prepared for unusually poor viewing angles and unclear color reproduction. Even the cheapest home monitor will show better than the screen on a laptop that is considered good.

I don’t know what this kind of marketing is connected with, they say that good, economical matrices are expensive (and all the components in laptops are energy-efficient), but they used to install normal screens! The person who bought Sony laptop 6 years ago, today I can’t find at least the SAME screen.

Screens are divided into glossy and matte. The situation is further complicated by the fact that the vast majority of laptops are equipped with matrices (screens) with a glossy finish. Such laptops look very advantageous on store shelves, but nothing more. Everything is reflected on the screen as if in a mirror! If you plan to walk around with such a laptop, then immediately get ready for the painful choice of the screen position in which you can work normally. Also, when working with glossy screens there is more.

Besides the beautiful appearance, glossy screens visually increase the contrast and color rendition of the image, so they are more preferable for multimedia applications (photos, films, games). Matte screens do not look like a mirror and are more comfortable to work with. Therefore, at all times corporate laptops they only put matte screens. But the contrast and color rendition of such screens are slightly worse than those of glossy screens (if we take them at the same level). However, you can also find decent options inexpensive.

Comparison of glossy (left) and matte (right) screens

I read that in America people took to the streets with banners to protest against the total installation of glossy screens in MacBooks. And this despite the fact that MacBooks have normal gloss, which does not glare so much. My opinion is that glossy screens will soon pass just as the fashion for glossy coatings is passing.

However, special films for glossy screens are sold that eliminate glare. But not every film will be applied smoothly to the screen, without bubbles, and will not degrade the image quality. Therefore, immediately choose the type of screen that suits your needs.

Another funny thing is that the quality of the screen somehow does not directly depend on the price of the laptop. It’s just that there are both successful models and outright G. The right option is to come to the store and see everything with your own eyes. You should not trust reviews on the Internet, because... Identical laptops of different production series can have different matrices installed.

In addition to the screen type, pay attention, of course, to the matrix size. The 15.6″ diagonal has become the de facto standard for office laptops. Compared to the usual 19″-21″ home monitor, this is not enough, but that’s why it’s a mobile computer. By the way, if you decide to buy a laptop just like home computer, then think again, maybe it’s better to buy a normal computer? Screens with a size of 17″ will be significantly more expensive, they are inconvenient to carry with you, the battery will drain faster, and still this is not enough.

Light-emitting diode (LED) backlighting is already used in almost all laptops. There is another characteristic that is not always mentioned - the maximum screen tilt angle. The small tilt angle will not allow you to tilt the screen cover enough to work with the laptop on your lap. Choose a laptop with a lid angle of 130 degrees or more.

Nowadays it is not difficult to find a laptop with a good matrix with the abbreviation IPS, they are much better than cheap TN Film ones. However, it is better to play dynamic games, such as shooting games, on TN matrices, because they have more fast time response, or on expensive IPS.

Hard disk and DVD drive

Consider whether you even need a drive to read discs. Many users have not used DVDs for a long time; everyone has switched to flash drives. As an alternative to expensive ultrabooks, there are thin laptops without a DVD drive that cost less and weigh half a kilogram less. If you need a disk drive, then note that you can find models with a BlueRay drive, which will read not only regular CD/DVD discs.

Large volumes of hard drives today are not needed as much as before. Few people store music and movies on disk anymore; everything can be watched and listened to online, and even worked with. But they still don’t install less than 500GB, and I think this is more than enough. The type of disk: HDD or SSD will have a much greater impact on the comfort of work.

Solid-state drives (SSDs) work many times faster, but the cost of capacious SSDs is still high and they are not installed in home laptops. You can independently buy an SSD drive and install it instead of an HDD, and enjoy life

And if you don’t want to choose between speed and free space, that is, laptops with both HDD+SSD drives. In such cases, the operating system is installed on an SSD, and the data is stored on a regular hard drive. I don’t recommend hybrid drives, because you’ll have to overpay, but there’s not much point.

IN budget segment You can find laptops without HDD at all, but simply with eMMC flash memory. You can only install an operating system on such a device.

Communication with the outside world and connected devices

When choosing a laptop, you should make sure that you have all the necessary communication means and inputs/outputs for external devices.

Network and Wi-Fi

Network card for connecting to wired network All laptops have it, usually using the Gigabit LAN standard with connection speeds up to 1000Mb/s. Today, all models are also equipped with an interface for connecting via Wi-Fi, but there is a catch.

Don't fall for outdated models that have Wi-Fi adapter Wi-Fi standard 802.11n. Do you need more new wifi 802.11ac because it supports high speed, better stability, greater signal coverage. No. There's nothing wrong with the "n" standard, it's good adapters, and at home you are unlikely to notice the difference. But why choose an “n” adapter if “ac” is available everywhere?

And if you do get caught good laptop, but with 802.11n, then note that some network Wi-Fi modules support speeds only up to 65-72Mbps, not 150-300Mbps. Moreover, this does not affect the price in any way, just such modules and that’s it. Presumably, the maximum speed is hardwired into the module parameters and is not a hardware limitation. Such a “trick” has been noticed in Broadcom modules.

Next comes Bluetooth, almost all laptops have it. It happens that a BT module is stated in the specifications, but in reality it is not there! But this is the exception rather than the rule. Bluetooth is needed for wireless connection between your phone and laptop, as well as for connection wireless headsets and speakers.

USB and video

Modern laptops have USB connectors 3.0 and 2.0. Unlike the more common USB versions 2.0, “troika” is an order of magnitude faster, but to take advantage of all the delights fast transfer data you will need the same high-speed, and expensive, device! Therefore, you should not chase the presence of a large number of USB 3.0 ports.

More important is the total number of USB ports. 3-4 USB ports can be considered optimal. For example, a wireless mouse radio module is connected to one, a flash drive to another, a USB headset to a third, a printer to a fourth, and so on. If there is a shortage of ports, you can purchase an additional USB hub (splitter).

VGA (D-Sub) and HDMI output is available on all laptops and allows for an external monitor. Please note that laptops are widescreen, and the external monitor you connect must be widescreen. But this is in the case of duplicating the laptop screen image. And if you use it as an additional, expanding desktop, then it doesn’t matter which one, the main thing is that it is convenient.


And here is the next “trick”. It's a hobby of manufacturers to install a combined headphone output with a microphone input! Well damn, there are just no words, they optimized it! We saved three kopecks, and people go around, suffer, buy adapters for 10 dollars to connect a microphone to such a miracle, but it still doesn’t work, because everyone’s standards are different. See right away what if you need to connect external microphone or a headset with separate jacks, then choose a laptop with separate input and output.

Combined input/output (left) and separate (right)

The combined input allows you to connect a headset with a four-pin plug, but not every one will work. All that remains is to buy an external USB audio device or an expensive USB headset. I understand that they would have made a combined input/output on the basis that you could use the microphone built into the laptop, but they manage to make it so that it becomes almost useless!

There is no need to worry about the sound quality; it is approximately the same average on cheap and expensive models. However, in laptops of above average quality and gaming ones, there may be a good headphone output. Also note that there is a digital S/PDIF output if you need it. Regarding the built-in speakers, they can be either very disgusting quality or more or less normal. Unfortunately, you won't know this from the characteristics.

But you can find out how high-quality the webcam is. The lowest quality cameras come with a resolution of 0.3MP. The good ones have 1.3 or 2 million pixels (may say 720p).

All laptops have a memory card slot. Just make sure it reads all the necessary, rare formats you work with. The memory card slot can be open or come with a cover.

Battery and ergonomics are not in last place

Let's look at the latest screenshot with the characteristics of the experimental laptop:

Do not pay attention to the battery life specified by the manufacturer, because... it is obviously overestimated. Refer to the indicated battery capacity. Laptops have lithium ion batteries with an average capacity of 4400 mAh. A laptop with a screen diagonal of 15.6 inches will work on average for 4-4.5 hours on such a battery.

Pay special attention to the ease of use of the keyboard. It is clear that the location of some buttons will be unusual - you will get used to it. The main thing is that the keys are pleasant to the touch, easily distinguishable, with clearly marked English and Russian layouts.

Nowadays laptops are equipped with practical and comfortable island-type keyboards, i.e. when each key is located on a separate substrate. The proprietary AccuType keyboard from Lenovo (IBM) is recognized as the leader. There are keyboards with and without backlight.

Decide for yourself whether you need a full keyboard with the usual number pad on the right. The fact is that the stripped-down keyboard (without digital block) has more buttons and longer distance between them. Make sure that the keyboard does not bend too much under the pressure of your fingers.

Full-size AccuType keyboard (bottom) and slimmed-down keyboard (top)

In addition to the keyboard, laptops are equipped additional devices input. This is the usual “touchpad” (touch panel) and “trackball”. Touchpads are also different. Modern laptops are equipped with multi-touch touchpads that allow you to work with two fingers, for example, to zoom in on a photo.

On some models you can find a trackball (touchpoint) - this is a special wheel that can be controlled by the mouse cursor:

Trackball in Lenovo laptop ThinkPad

But these are all the characteristics of the filling. I also advise you to pay attention to external quality laptop. So that nothing creaks or crunches anywhere, so that the screen cover is well fixed in established position and did not dangle at the slightest shock (for example, on the road). The metal finish of the case will give a more solid look and add durability to the laptop.


Main criteria home laptop I chose for myself: the type and quality of the screen, a comfortable keyboard and a fast processor. Everyone will have a picture of an ideal computer, but most likely this does not exist. Somewhere you will have to make a compromise. Do not buy used laptops at a reduced price, because... they often start to glitch over time and usually have a dead battery.

Finally, I suggest you watch this video from a colleague:

A laptop, like any high-tech device, requires responsible and careful attitude. Only if you follow the basic rules of care can your laptop last much longer than you expect from it.

The first thing to take care of is the calm environment in which the machine operates. Needs to be minimized mechanical influences- do not place heavy objects on the matrix cover, do not expose it to vibration, as this can damage the delicate mechanisms of the machine.

When working with a laptop, you should remember that it is sensitive to temperature changes, so it is not advisable to go outside with it in severe frost. But if there is such a need, when you get home, wait a few hours until the laptop reaches room temperature. If you turn on the machine immediately, this may cause condensation to form and lead to damage to its operating mechanisms. At temperatures below -10 °C, the lithium-ion battery suffers, after which it will be difficult to restore its capacity. Cooling another five degrees may lead to matrix delamination. If you still need to go out into the cold with a laptop, you need to think about reliable protection for him.

The next factor that affects the operation of a laptop is the ubiquitous dust. The higher its content in the air, the greater the likelihood that the laptop will not last long. Therefore, you need to periodically wipe the most important parts of the laptop from dust. The main symptoms of a dirty ventilation system are: frequent freezes, restarts, unstable operation. To avoid such glitches, you need to thoroughly clean the keyboard and ventilation holes, and also do not forget about the internal space under the covers of the units with the processor, hard drive and memory. To make the cleaning process easier, use compressed air cylinders or special rubber bulbs, which are very convenient and beneficial to use. If you don’t have either one or the other, use a soft brush to remove dust.

Attention! Neglecting to clean your cooling system electronic device, After 2-3 years of actively using it, you will need to look for an experienced technician whose specialty is laptop repair (

Special attention You need to pay attention to cleaning the screen. It is best to use ScreenClean, which not only cleans the screen, but also creates protective film, preventing dust from settling. As a result, the matrix will retain its original brightness and performance for a long time. But you need to know whether these wipes are suitable for your laptop - in some cases it is specifically stated that these wipes cannot be used to clean the screen. Therefore, reading the instructions is very useful in any case. Any solution is suitable for cleaning the case, with the exception of alcohol, since they can leave white streaks on the surface, or even damage the outer part of the coating.

Although a laptop is often intended for home use and the convenience of its owner, it is still necessary to limit the location of vessels with liquid near the laptop as much as possible. This is especially true for those who like to drink sweet coffee while working - liquids containing sugar are especially harmful to a laptop. If the PC keyboard cannot be replaced special problems, then on a laptop this is quite a troublesome task. If you do spill water on the keyboard, you need to dry the device to avoid interruptions in its further operation.

A laptop that requires mobility should not be placed on your lap - since the ventilation system is often placed on the bottom side, and its overheating can lead to system failure and loss of important data.

You should be especially careful with the laptop lid - you need to open the device carefully. If you open your laptop carelessly and abruptly, there is a high probability that the lock mechanism will quickly fail.

Separately, it is worth mentioning about battery monitoring. Modern laptops do not require a complete discharge before they need to be charged again. But sometimes, you still need to carry out preventative training - discharge the battery to the limit, without loading the system with complex applications, and then put it on charge.

An important point is the correct nutrition of your assistant. If the networks are unstable, it is best to use a voltage stabilizer. At the same time, you need to remember “ Golden Rule» working with the adapter - first connect network adapter to the laptop, and only then to the network.

By following these simple rules, you will make sure that your laptop is a durable and reliable tool for efficient work and have a fun holiday.

Rules for using a laptop - everyone should know this!

Attention! Improper storage or use of the laptop may void the manufacturer's warranty.

terms of Use

Operating the laptop is permissible only under the conditions recommended by the manufacturer (appropriate operating temperature, storage temperature, relative humidity, altitude, etc.).

Liquids and damp areas

It is not recommended to use the laptop in damp rooms, near sources of moisture, except for cases when the laptop is intended for use in conditions of high humidity, outdoors during rain, snowfall, and fog.

Power adapter

Before plugging the adapter into a power outlet, you must make sure that the power plug is firmly connected to the power adapter. The adapter must be connected directly to a power outlet. Use only the power adapter that came with the laptop or a power adapter approved by the manufacturer and compatible with the laptop to operate your laptop. The power adapter may become quite hot during operation.

You must disconnect the power adapter, all cables, and the battery when doing any of the following:

Opening the case to replace RAM or hard drive;

Cleaning the case or screen;

Damage to the cable or power plug;

Being in conditions of high humidity, liquid entering both inside and on the surface of the laptop case.

Turning on the laptop

It is recommended to turn on the laptop only if all its internal and external components are installed correctly. Operating a laptop with missing components can be dangerous and may damage the laptop.

I would like to draw your attention: before connecting the adapter to the network, you need to make sure that it is connected to the laptop. The adapter's no-load voltage is higher than the operating voltage, and if you connect first to the network and then to the laptop, a voltage surge occurs. I once inadvertently connected it this way and it destroyed the system.

Turning off the laptop

All laptops are designed for 24/7 work subject to compliance with operating rules. But you should remember that turning off the laptop incorrectly can lead to its inoperability.

You may only use special functions provided by the installed operating system. If you still had to resort to forcefully shutting down the laptop, you must next switch on perform a system check using built-in system utilities. Unresolved system errors, arising from incorrect termination system operation can lead to unstable operation of both the OS and the laptop.

Operating a laptop

It is recommended to place the laptop on a flat, stable work surface. The laptop must receive enough air to cool itself. When working with a laptop, do not place it on soft surfaces - this may impede the passage of air through the ventilation holes, place foreign objects on the keyboard, or insert foreign objects into the ventilation holes of the laptop.

It is worth keeping in mind that some parts of the laptop case can become quite hot during normal operation laptop.

Using connectors and ports

Do not force the connector into the port. When connecting the device, you need to make sure that the port is free of debris or dirt, the connector matches the port, and they are correctly positioned relative to each other. When connecting or disconnecting any device, you must make sure that it is hot-swappable, i.e. it can be connected and disconnected without turning off the power of the laptop. Otherwise, you should first turn off the laptop.

Using optical media

Optical media, built into laptops, there are two different types depending on the method of loading the disk: vertical (regular) or frontal (slotted). Slot-loading optical media often only supports standard wheels measuring 4.7 inches. Attempting to place irregularly shaped discs or discs smaller than 4.7 inches in size may damage the optical media.

Laptop battery care

If the computer is equipped with a Ni-Mh battery, then it would be a good idea to “train” the battery ( full cycle"charging-discharging") once a week (for Li-Ion batteries this procedure should be performed once every two to three months). It will also be useful to calibrate the battery by completely discharging and charging it. Before this, you need to disable (in the operating system's energy saving settings) the option forced shutdown laptop at a certain battery level. You can also use special utilities for this purpose, which are sometimes posted on manufacturers’ websites. When using a laptop with the power adapter turned on, the battery charges automatically. There is no need to disconnect the battery when connecting the laptop to the network via a power adapter. This does not affect the battery life of the laptop.

Handling other laptop components

If the display, touchpad, case, battery or power adapter are damaged, it is recommended not to use the laptop until it has been repaired by the manufacturer's authorized service center.

Transporting a laptop

When carrying a laptop in a bag or briefcase, you should make sure that there are no objects in the same compartment that could damage the surface of the laptop or accidentally get inside through the ventilation holes, slot optical drive or get stuck in one of the ports.

It is not recommended to transport a laptop in sleep mode. This can lead to premature hard drive failure. Before you take your laptop on the road, you need to turn it off completely by “shutting down” or using the “hibernation” mode.

Laptop storage

Long-term storage of the laptop should be carried out in accordance with the temperature and battery charge recommended by the manufacturer (see the operating manual).

Laptop care

To clean the surface of the laptop and its components, you must first turn it off and disconnect the power adapter. Use soft, damp by special means lint-free cloth for cleaning your laptop. Do not use aerosol sprays, solvents or abrasives that may damage the finish.

Cleaning the laptop screen

To clean your laptop screen, you must first turn off the laptop and unplug the power adapter. Then, after moistening the lint-free cloth with special means (just water is allowed), wipe the screen without spraying liquid directly onto it. It is convenient to use special disposable wipes to clean the screen.

User habits that are harmful to your laptop

Very often, the cause of laptop failure is the bad habits of its owner. For example, a glass of champagne or cola standing next to the laptop, as well as coffee and other rich liquids. If spilled, these liquids cause almost inevitable destruction of the electronic components of the laptop, even if you turn it off immediately.

If any liquid gets inside the laptop case, you should immediately turn it off, disconnect the power adapter and battery, and contact the manufacturer’s authorized service center as soon as possible. Of course, on warranty repair in this case there is no need to count.

Also, when working on a laptop, it is not recommended to eat food, which, if it gets on the keyboard, can damage it, and sometimes lead to the death of the entire laptop.

A pen, pencil or other foreign object left on a laptop keyboard can cause damage to the screen, which will inevitably lead to expensive repairs, wasted time and nerves.

Anything can happen in life, but don’t forget the main thing - the more careful you treat your laptop, the longer it will last.

Portable computers (laptops)

Laptop (from English.notebook- notepad, notepad PC) is a portable Personal Computer, which includes all the components necessary for the user’s work - a screen, a keyboard, a pointing device usually in the form of a touchpad, a compact motherboard with typical components for control and computing functions, a battery, and other devices.

A laptop works almost the same as a desktop computer, however, there are some differences, which we will discuss below.

Differences between laptops specific example

Let's look at the question of how to work on a laptop using a specific example - Dell laptop Vostro 500 (picture below)

As seen, display located on the laptop lid and is visible when it is open. To turn on the computer, you need to click on power button, which is located at the top in the middle of the keyboard. In this case, the laptop will start running on batteries if the electrical adapter is not connected. Laptop operating time from batteries reaches several hours, usually 2-3 hours. It mainly depends on the CPU load. The more programs that require computer resources, the less the computer will run on batteries, since more electricity is consumed during intense operation.

If you connect your computer to the network, then rechargeable batteries will start charging regardless of whether it is turned on or not. If the laptop is used only when connected to the network, then you need to unplug it from the power supply once a month and leave it turned on until the batteries are completely discharged, then connect it to the power supply again to fully charge it. Otherwise, destruction of the battery plates may occur, that is, as a result, the batteries will not hold a charge and they will deteriorate.

In order to connect the laptop to the mains, you need to connect it via adapter, which converts alternating current voltage 220 volts to constant, for example, 19.5 volts. On different laptops different voltage and often a different type of connector. Therefore, an adapter from one laptop may not fit another.

The adapter itself is shown below.

It has a wire that plugs into the laptop connector (picture below).

A cord is attached to the adapter, which is connected at one end to the power supply, and the other to the adapter (picture below).

Typically this wire is connected to the adapter and is not disconnected from it. Thus, the adapter has two wires: one for connecting to the laptop, the second to the mains.

There are stickers. Usually these are stickers from Intel, indicating that the native one is installed CPU this company and license sticker Microsoft, indicating that one of the operating systems is installed on the computer Windows systems. The second Microsoft sticker is placed on reverse side laptop case and contains a key to activate the operating system. This key is needed if you are reinstalling the operating system. The key usually looks like: ХХХХХ-ХХХХХ-ХХХХХ-ХХХХХ-ХХХХХ, where X is a number or symbol.

The laptop keyboard is slightly different than the standard one (picture below).

As you can see, the main difference is the absence of a digital block. However, it is present and is located in the place of the 7890, GSHSHCHZ and OLJ keys. On each such key there is a designation of the key name in white and the name in blue. Take for example the “7” key (picture below).

It shows 4 symbols. 3 characters are the same as on a standard keyboard: “7” is the character that will appear on the screen when you press this key in the English and Cyrillic layout, that is, when we type in English or Russian, the character “7” will appear. “&” is a character that will appear in the Cyrillic layout (Russian language) when you press a key Shift and this key. "?" - the symbol that will appear when English layout (in English) when you press a key Shift and this key. And finally, the fourth character will appear when we press the key called Fn and this key.

On a laptop keyboard, usually present new key, which is not on a standard keyboard - Fn. It is located at the bottom left in the keyboard area between the keys Ctrl and the Windows system logo key.

You can also use it to get the action of the other four buttons (their names are printed in blue on the buttons): Scroll Lk , SysRq , Pause , Break. These keys (they are located on the top right of the keyboard) are practically not used anymore, as they were previously used when working in the DOS system.

There are still a few keys left with mode icons on them. These buttons are different in different laptops may be different. Nevertheless, we will describe them in our version.

The arrow keys (picture on the right) have sun icons and when you press the key Fn and the up arrow key, the screen brightness will increase, if the down arrow key, the brightness will decrease.

If you press the keys Fn + F 3 , then a window with a battery indicator should be displayed on the screen. But this window appears only when a special utility is installed, which is included with the laptop. If the program is not installed, then this function will not be performed.

Fn + F 8 determines where the output will be sent: either to the laptop display screen, or to the external display screen, or to both the laptop screen and the external display screen. Each press will switch from one of the listed modes to another.

Above the keyboard, to the right of the power button, there is a display of three indicators (picture below).

There are three lock patterns on the scoreboard. The first one starts to glow when the button has been pressed Num Lk. When you press this key a second time, the indicator goes off again. The second one lights up when you press a key. Caps Lock and the third - when you click on Fn + Scroll Lk, that is, the keypad lock function is enabled.

To the right of the power button there is a board for controlling the sound operation (picture below).

From left to right, the buttons indicate: - rewind to the beginning, stop, pause and play, rewind to the end of the recording, mute the sound (speakers), decrease the volume, increase the volume.

The indicators that are located at the bottom left of the case are indicated as follows:

The power light is on when the computer is on and blinks when it is in power management mode, such as sleep mode;

Hard drive activity, which lights up during hard drive I/O operations;

Battery condition. When connected to the network: lights up when the battery is charging, flashes when close to discharge, off when not charging. When running on batteries: does not light up when charging normally, flashes when the battery has little charge, lights up when the computer is about to turn off due to insufficient charge;

Indicator wireless network: Lights up when connected to a wireless connection and has an access point;

Indicator Bluetooth operation: Lights up when Bluetooth is operating.

Now let's look at the bottom view of the laptop.

Thus, you can see that there are three compartments: for the battery, for the hard drive and for several internal devices(Central processor, RAM and mini-boards). That is, these are the devices that can be changed.

General remarks

Laptop computers allow you to work in conditions where there is no power supply nearby, on the road, in the country and in other places, since they have an autonomous power supply, although they can also work from the network. Due to the fact that they are light in weight and dimensions, all their elements are minimized both in size and in energy consumption, and therefore cost more than stationary ones.

The first laptop computers had a lot of weight, quite large dimensions and worked from the network. They were called portable, and nowadays they are more often called portable. Over time, their size decreased and batteries appeared so that they could work where there was no power supply. Such computers could be used on your knees when traveling by transport, so they were often also called laptops.

Modern laptop computers have dimensions comparable to the size of an A4 sheet and are small in thickness. Making them smaller is not possible due to the size of the screen and keyboard, which should not be too small, although there are collapsible computers in which the keyboard extends out of the case, but they have not yet become widespread.

The computer itself is designed like a small briefcase, opening the lid of which we will see a screen on the inside of the lid, and in the lower part of the case there is a keyboard and a special device (trackball, usually touchpad) for controlling the mouse cursor (a mouse can also be connected via a USB connector). There are also often computer status indicators and a computer power button. On the sides of the laptop there are connectors, usually a connector for connecting power via a small transformer, an output to an external monitor, that is, the ability to connect and work with an external monitor if necessary, USB, LAN, WireFire, connector for a docking station. On older laptops, the connectors were usually located on the back wall and were: a connector for an external keyboard or mouse, for a docking station, serial and parallel ports, LAN, USB. Dock station- a mechanism that expands the capabilities of the computer; it contains additional connectors and devices, for example, DVD-R OM drives, floppy disk drive, USB connector, etc. Can be used replicator, which, unlike the docking station, only has connectors for connecting additional devices. If there is an infrared port (IrDA), there is a special window on the case through which messages from these devices are transmitted/received.

Manufacturers of mobile computers do not recommend disassembling it frame. However, RAM, battery (in older computers), flex (in older computers), and HDD. At the bottom of the case there is a special panel (one or more) that can be removed, and a hole will open through which the RAM plates and hard drive are visible. They can be removed and replaced. DVD-R OM drives are located in a plastic container that can be removed (for some devices) and replaced with another module. If the laptop has a modem installed, then there is a corresponding connector for connecting to the telephone line.

For a laptop processor, there are special requirements for shock resistance and thermal energy dissipation, and for other components, weight reduction and miniaturization are required, so the cost of a laptop is higher than that of desktop computer. RAM in modern computers is standardized and can be changed (usually modern memory has the SO-DIMM form factor). Older laptops may have different types and standards depending on the manufacturer, so memory purchased from another manufacturer may not fit another laptop, for example, it may be smaller in size or have different characteristics.

Important when large quantities information entered have keyboard and a pointing device. Since they are quite inconvenient in laptops, it is better to connect an external keyboard and mouse when working at a desk. The keyboard is connected to a USB connector, in older ones to PS/2. In this case, you may need (in older laptops) to set the appropriate parameters in the BIOS. Modern models automatically detect a new keyboard and mouse and can work with both a portable and built-in keyboard, as well as a mouse. Sometimes it’s inconvenient when the trackball (touchpad) and external mouse are working. In this case, the trackball can be disabled using the BIOS.

Not all devices on a laptop computer can be used on a desktop computer, and vice versa. A laptop computer has a special slot into which cards containing certain devices can be inserted. As a rule, most laptops have a slot into which you can insert either two devices according to the standard PCMCIA I (type 1), or two PCMCIA II devices (type 2), or one PCMCIA III device (type 3). Each inserted card contains one device.

In addition to devices connected to the PCMCIA port, you can use external devices that connect to serial and parallel ports (for example, a modem or DVD-ROM). However, devices that have a card inserted into the slot motherboard, cannot be used on a laptop computer.

The advantages of a laptop include the presence of a pointing device on a keyboard, which can be of several types. It is either a ball that needs to be rotated (trackball); or a panel on which the finger slides (touchpad or touchpad), etc. Since there is fat on the fingers, the surface that the finger moves becomes dirty and the ball needs to be cleaned from time to time. This is a drawback of such a pointing input device, which is also not convenient for everyone. Recently, the trackball can often be used by the military and in medical computers, and by sound engineers.

Availability battery, which can be built into the case or separate from the case, allows the computer to work even when the mains voltage temporarily disappears. Laptops can last from one to three hours depending on the type of laptop, that is, the amount of energy consumed by its components, the type of battery, that is, the electrical charge it has, and the number of operations that need to be performed. Battery data sheets often say that they can withstand 1,000 charge and discharge cycles or more, but this can only happen if proper operation with him. There are five types of standards for these batteries, but they all have the same terminals and contact voltage, and are therefore interchangeable.

When the battery is discharged, the computer gives a signal about this, usually a sound and an indicator. There are programs that, based on counting the operating time of computer components, calculate how much energy is left in the battery. However, they sometimes give incorrect results, since batteries are different, for example, old or new and may have different discharge times; the program may not take into account the brand of battery, charging time, etc. Therefore, an incorrect message may appear indicating that the battery is low, or the power supply will stop even before this is reported. Older batteries may have given this message when the battery was not yet discharged, or may not have given it when discharged. However, modern batteries have a special controller that determines the actual remaining charge in the battery, the amount of time for recharging, and if the BIOS supports it, then a signal about the battery discharge will appear in a timely manner. Note that when the laptop is running on mains power, the battery is being charged at this time.

Most manufacturers recommend doing this from time to time (for example, once a month). complete discharge batteries and then recharge them. To do this, you must first enter the BIOS and set the mode to completely discharge the batteries (in old laptops), then turn on the laptop without connecting to the network until the batteries are discharged, then turn it on to the network and continue working. Modern laptops need to be discharged and then plugged in until fully charged.

If your computer hasn't been used for a while, batteries tend to discharge themselves, so if you plug it in, the battery will recharge. When working with a computer connected to the network, it is better not to remove the battery, since, firstly, it is recharged, and secondly, it plays the role of an uninterruptible power supply. If there is a temporary power outage, the computer will remain operational.

If you have two batteries (for old laptops), one in the computer and the other as a spare, then it is advisable to swap them from time to time. Batteries that do not work for a long time will become unusable faster than batteries that work.

IN mobile computers there is a possibility reduced power consumption, which turns off the hard drive and turns off the screen when they are not being accessed. You can set the processor clock speed to lower to reduce power consumption. All this makes it possible to work longer without connecting to the mains.

During power consumption, the display can have several shutdown levels, and the lower this level, the more time it takes for it to transition to the operating state. For example, if the computer is turned on but the screen is turned off, it quickly goes into working condition when a new image arrives on it. Many operating circuits can be disabled and the screen dimmed, in which case it is required longer time to enter the working state. Note that a liquid crystal display consumes up to about 30 watts, and a CRT on a desktop computer consumes about 150 watts. Like a stationary display, the liquid crystal display does not like touching with fingers, as this can cause color fringing around the image.

The processor can also enter a low-power mode, for example, when working with text editor, and when you press any key it goes into full operation mode. The processor cannot turn off completely, since normal operation requires a certain minimum amount of voltage, otherwise errors will occur. Not all devices in a computer can reduce power consumption; for example, RAM requires regeneration several million times per second, otherwise it will lose data. Processors that are used in laptops have certain features, for example, lower power consumption compared to stationary ones, the ability to switch to reduced energy consumption etc.

If you stop using your laptop and do not press any keys or touch the mouse for some time, it will go into low power mode. This may cause the hard drive to freeze and the screen to go dark. The time that elapses before the disc stops or the screen turns off depends on the settings BIOS settings or software. However, as soon as you press a key on the keyboard or touch the touchpad, the screen will quickly go into working mode, and the hard drive will start working as soon as there is a need to read/write data to it.

When working with a laptop you need to know that he does not like dust. There are special models for working in dusty areas. To clean the surface of the laptop, it is advisable to use special cleaning products. You can wipe the surface of the laptop with a slightly damp, lint-free cloth. There is no need to make any effort. In addition, it is advisable to use the same usual measures that are used in desktop computers. For example, do not pull the wires, do not apply great effort When inserting the plug into the connector, do not push foreign objects into the holes of the laptop, etc.

It is not advisable to expose the laptop to direct sunlight, leave it near heating devices, or expose it to electromagnetic radiation; especially, you should not expose it to rain or leave it in a very humid room. It should not be thrown or subjected to strong impacts, and no objects should be placed on it.

There are slots on the side and bottom of the laptop case that serve for ventilation of internal devices. There is no need to block them, as the devices may overheat. It is not advisable to place the laptop on rugs that may block air access. You cannot use the laptop at temperatures below 0 0 or above 50 0.

Thus, when buying a laptop, pay attention to what devices are in it, their characteristics and, in addition, the battery life, what devices this computer is compatible with (docking station, port replicator), what connectors are available. It's better to buy it right away laptop computer With the necessary devices, since it will be cheaper than purchasing them in the future.

Laptop computers are not designed for long-term, everyday use. If you are going to use the laptop for 10-15 minutes, then you can use it in the way that is most convenient for you - hanging, on your lap, on a table, etc. What is important here is the time to achieve results, and not the convenience of work, and such non-ergonomic use of a laptop will not cause any harm to health.

However, if you are going to use your laptop for work for 2 hours or more, it is very important that you follow the rules of ergonomics.

Rules for working with laptops at home

If a laptop is used in exactly the same way as a desktop computer, then all apply here too.

Additional rules for correct and comfortable work at the laptop:

– be sure to use an external mouse instead of the built-in touchpad;
– try, if possible, to work with an external monitor with a diagonal larger than 17" on, because 14-15-inch laptop matrices are simply not designed for long-term work with them.
– turn the screen backlight brightness to maximum.

But it’s a completely different matter, from an ergonomic point of view. correct use laptops, this means working with them in transport and while moving. Such use in itself is a harmful use of a computer. Constant shaking, lack of a comfortable stationary surface for installation, dim screen backlighting - all this leads to rapid fatigue of the eyes and neck muscles. The lack of a mouse and palm rests leads to numbness in the wrists and fingers. How can you reduce the impact of these harmful factors on your body?

Rules for working with laptops in transport

1. Try not to use a laptop on buses, taxis and other passenger vehicles, where movement is necessarily accompanied by shaking. Of course, it may seem to you that there is no shaking on a relatively smooth and new road. But in fact, even minor shaking puts a lot of strain on your eyes. Such work is very harmful to vision and leads to rapid fatigue.

2. If possible, place your laptop on a stand. On buses, planes, and trains there are tables built into the backs of the seats in front - this is the ideal solution for you in such a situation.

3. Your back should be straight and rest on the back of the chair. The elbows are bent at an angle close to 90 degrees. Feet should be firmly on the floor.

4. To obtain the correct angle of the surface of the laptop keyboard and its screen, there is a wide selection on sale special stands for laptops. Both simple (for $5-10) and more expensive, more functional ones with a special mouse pad, adjustable stand height and tilt angle. Many of them are equipped with special straps to secure the stand together with the laptop on tables in transport, which reduces the possibility of the computer falling while driving. If you often travel with a laptop, then this stand is a must for you!

5. Be sure to take breaks from working with your laptop and exercise during breaks. If possible, walk around the salon and distract yourself with something.

Here, in principle, are all the basic tips for working correctly and conveniently with laptops. Follow them and you will only enjoy your work!