How to insert an invisible table in Word.

Microsoft's text editor has become so familiar to Russian user, that the very name “Word” is now almost a household name. Offices, student libraries, and home computers must have a standard Office suite installed. But formatting still causes difficulties for some users, as do some other functions. And questions, for example, about how to make a table in Word, are still relevant.


Naturally, you need to run the program itself. Someone may still have Office 2003. This article will discuss how to create a table in Word 2010 version. The 2003 interface is very different from later versions of the program. They are intuitive, there is no need to search for this or that function: opening each tab, the user almost immediately sees all its capabilities.

So, after starting the program, the monitor window will display blank sheet. Now the user needs to go to the “Insert” tab. The top one will display icons of objects that can be placed on the sheet. Among them there are tables.


If you hover over the icon called “Table”, a drop-down window will appear. You can choose several construction options from it. Word will automatically display a table with ten columns and eight rows. You can reduce this amount, but you will have to increase it from the sheet.

To make the answer to the question of how to make a table in Word more clear, let’s build it, for example, with five columns and three rows.

In order to increase the number of rows, you need to left-click in any cell, then right-click. Select from the drop-down menu the right command. Word offers several of them:

  • add lines below;
  • add lines on top;
  • add a column to the left;
  • add a column to the right.

Creating a header

The table presented above is quite simplified. To enter data, you often have to merge cells. Let's look at how to make a table in Word with a header. To do this, the user must again select the number of columns and rows. Initially, their number may differ from the required one. We already know how to add a row or column.

For example, let's create a simple table. It will have six columns and seven rows.

The hat should eventually combine the top ones in pairs so that the number of remaining cells remains the same. To do this, select the first two columns in top line. Then click right click mouse and select the “Merge” command. The result will be a table like this:

Similarly, we combine the remaining columns in pairs. As a result, the table will look like this:

Eraser and Draw Table tools

There is another way to set the “cap”. Each edge can be removed using the eraser. If you click on any cell, then above command line An additional tab “Working with tables” will appear. If you click on it, you will be able to use the Eraser tool. Its icon is located in the upper right corner.

Clicking on the “Eraser” tool turns it into an image of an ordinary drawing eraser. By bringing it to any edge, the user can easily delete any line with one click of the mouse button.

It should also not be difficult to answer the question of how to make a table in Word using the “Draw Table” tool. This function can be used from the initial window in the “Insert” tab. By selecting the line called “draw table”, the user will see a pencil instead of a mouse pointer. When you hold it close to the paper, a rectangular shape appears, labeled Drag the pencil to the right size, the user thus draws the first line. Then you can continue drawing the table or use the already familiar method of adding and separating cells, rows, and columns.

How to make a table invisible in Word?

Sometimes it is necessary to create a “header” in a document and arrange information in it so that there are no edges at all. For example, let's create a table of one row and two columns in the usual way.

Then we'll use the Borders and Shading tool. To do this, right-click on any cell and select the line with the same name from the drop-down menu. The “Borders and Shading” window will open, in which you need to select the “Type” submenu. It provides several formatting options. In order to make the table invisible, you must select the “No” box. As a result, the “hat” will take this form.

There is another way for Word to make a table invisible. To do this, we will use the already familiar Eraser tool. This method is convenient because some edges can be removed and others left.

Now it’s clear that creating a table in Word is not too difficult. You can draw it, add and delete rows and columns, merge and split cells, the main thing is to know which menu to access at one time or another.

If you need to format text specifically in a table in a Microsoft program Office Word, but for some reason its boundaries should not be visible, then this is quite possible. Depending on your tasks, there are two ways to bring this idea to life: remove the table borders altogether after all the work in the editor, or make them white, matching the color of the sheet. Master both methods with this article.

How to make a table invisible in Word by removing borders

  • To do this you need to find a small square on the left top corner tables. It will appear as soon as you hover your cursor over it. Left-click and the entire table will be highlighted.
  • Once the entire table is selected, find the “Designer” section in the program header and go to it.

  • On the right side of the work area you will see the “Borders” field. Click on the small triangle next to it.

  • A pop-up list will present many options for framing the table. You can make it enclosed in dotted lines, bold lines, even diagonals. IN this moment, select “No border”.

  • You will receive absolutely invisible table, although the text formatting will be done in cells. You can change these settings at any time, or cancel them using the blue arrows in the main section of the Word program.

How to make a table invisible in Word using color

If the first option does not suit you for one reason or another, then you can resort to a color palette so that the table merges with the white background.

  • Start by selecting all the table cells that you want to make invisible. Click on the small square in the upper left corner of the table.

  • Click on the right mouse button and find the line “Borders and fill...”

  • A small window will appear in front of you, go to the “Border” section. Here you will see the “Color” workspace, click on it.

  • In the palette that appears, check White color. If you are going to print your document on colored paper, then you need to match the color to the sheet. By clicking on the words “Other colors”, you can use the full palette.

  • This way you get a transparent table that has borders when selected. It is possible to return it to black at any time by again resorting to the color palette.

Both ways will make your table in Word program absolutely invisible when printing a document. In the electronic version, you can only see the table designed in the second way, since it is visible when selected.

Type plain text into Microsoft Word It’s not difficult, these skills are taught even in school. If you often work with electronic documents, learn all the nuances of the Microsoft Word program. The ability to create tables is no less important than the ability to quickly type text.

You will need

  • - Computer;
  • - Microsoft Word.


  • When working, pay attention to the version of Microsoft Word. The options for inserting tables into a document differ, for example, in more earlier versions This tab is in the status bar as a separate tab; in later ones, it can be found in the “Insert” tab. Click the "Table" button, you will see a list with several ways to insert a table. Select the first line - “Insert table”, a new small window will open in front of you. Select the required number of rows and columns, click “Ok”, and a table will appear in the working document. Format the created table as you wish - change the size of the columns, add rows.
  • Right-click on the table. Select Table Properties. You will see a window with several tabs - “Table”, “Row”, “Column”, “Cell”. Go to the “Table” tab, at the bottom right there are the items “Border and Fill”, “Options”.
  • Select Border and Shading. This menu contains the following tabs - “Border”, “Page”, Fill”. Go to the "Border" tab. Select “type”, the parameter refers to the line type of the table you created.
  • Use scrolling to select the most suitable type for your table. In the same column there is a “Color” tab - this also applies to table lines. Select the desired option, make the table completely transparent by selecting White background. The table itself will not be deleted, it will simply become invisible.
  • Try another method. When creating a table, select the second option – “Draw table”. Click on this line, instead of the cursor you will see a pencil. Using it, create your own, individual table, with different cells and a different number of columns. When creating a table, select the desired pen color, line type, and draw a transparent table.
  • Multifunctional text editor MS Word has in its arsenal a fairly large set of functions and ample opportunities for working not only with text, but also with tables. You can learn more about how to create tables, how to work with them and change them in accordance with certain requirements from the material posted on our website.

    So, as you can already understand by reading our articles, we have written quite a lot about tables in MS Word, providing answers to many pressing questions. However, we have not yet answered one of the equally common questions: how to make a transparent table in Word? This is exactly what we will talk about today.

    Our task is to hide, but not delete, the borders of the table, that is, to make them transparent, invisible, unnoticeable when printing, while leaving all the contents of the cells, like the cells themselves, in their places.

    Important: Before you start hiding table borders, you need to enable the grid display option in MS Word, otherwise working with the table will become very difficult. You can do this as follows.

    Enabling the grid

    1. In the tab "Home"("Format" in MS Word 2003 or "Page layout" in MS Word 2007 - 2010) in the group "Paragraph" click on the button “Borders”.

    2. Select the item in the drop-down menu “Display grid”.

    Having done this, we can safely move on to the description of how to make an invisible table in Word.

    Hiding all table borders

    1. Select the table using the mouse.

    2. Right-click on the highlighted field and select context menu paragraph “Table Properties”.

    3. In the window that opens, click the button located below “Borders and Shading”.

    4. In the next window in the section "Type" select the first item "No". In chapter “Apply to” set parameter “table”.Press the button "OK" in each of the two open dialog boxes.

    5. After you complete the steps described above, the table border will turn from a solid line of the same color into a pale dotted line, which, although it helps to navigate the rows and columns and cells of the table, is not printed.

      Advice: If you turn off the grid display (tool menu “Borders”), the dotted line will also disappear.

    Hiding some table borders or some cell borders

    1. Select the part of the table whose borders you want to hide.

    2. In the tab "Constructor" in Group “Framing” click on the button “Borders” and select the desired option to hide borders.

    3. The borders in the table fragment you selected or the cells you selected will be hidden. If necessary, repeat the same action for another fragment of the table or individual cells.

    4. Press the key "ESC" to exit table mode.

    Hide a specific border or specific borders in a table

    If necessary, you can always hide specific borders in the table without bothering with selecting a separate fragment or fragments. This method is especially good to use when you need to hide not only one specific border, but also several borders located in different places of the table, at a time.

    1. Click anywhere in the table to display the main tab “Working with tables”.

    2. Go to the tab "Constructor", in Group “Framing” select instrument “Border Styles” and select the white (that is, invisible) line.

      Advice: If the white line does not appear in the dropdown menu, first select the one that is used as the borders in your table, and then change its color to white in the section “Pen Styles”.

    Note: In earlier versions of Word, to hide/remove individual table borders, you need to go to the tab "Layout", section “Working with tables” and select the tool there “Line style”, and select the option in the drop-down menu "No limits".

    3. The cursor pointer will change to a brush. Just click it in the place or places where you want to remove the borders.

    Note: If you click with such a brush on the end of any of the outer borders of the table, it will disappear completely. The internal borders surrounding the cells will be deleted individually.

      Advice: To remove the borders of several cells in a row, left-click on the first border and drag the brush to the last border you want to delete, then release the left button.

    4. Press “ESC” to exit table mode.

    We'll finish here, because now you know even more about tables in MS Word and know how to hide their borders, making them completely invisible. We wish you success and only positive results further development of this advanced program for working with documents.


    When working, pay attention to the version of Microsoft Word. The options for inserting tables into a document differ, for example, in earlier versions this tab is in the status bar as a separate tab, in later versions it can be found in the “Insert” tab. Click the "Table" button, you will see a list with several ways to insert a table. Select the first line - “Insert table", a new small window will open in front of you. Select the required number of rows and columns, click “Ok”, and a table will appear in the working document. Format the created table at your discretion - change the size of the columns, add rows.

    Right click. Select Table Properties. You will see a window with several tabs - “Table”, “Row”, “Column”, “Cell”. Go to the “Table” tab, at the bottom right there are the items “Border and Fill”, “Options”.

    Select Border and Shading. This menu contains the following tabs - “Border”, “Page”, Fill”. Go to the "Border" tab. Select “type”, the parameter refers to the line type of the table you created.

    Use scrolling to select the most suitable type for your table. In the same column there is a “Color” tab - this also applies to table lines. Select the desired option, do table completely, choosing a white background. The table itself will not be deleted, it will simply become invisible.

    Try another method. When creating a table, select the second option – “Draw table"Click on this line, instead of the cursor you will see. Use it to create your own, individual table, with different cells and different numbers of columns. When creating a table, select the desired pen color, line type, draw a transparent table.


    Format the table using the Merge - Split Cells tab.

    Helpful advice

    Using the “draw table” option, first draw a rectangle, add rows and columns later.

    Related article

    Sometimes when working with text document a table may be needed. Draw it and paste it into Microsoft program Word is easy. Usually, this process takes a few minutes.

    You will need


    Create a new document or open a previously created document into which you want to draw and insert a table.

    Place the cursor on the line where the table should be located. Then on top panel tools, find the “Table” section and select “Draw Table” in the drop-down window. Then go to the document page and drag the cursor to create a rectangle. You can make a lot of them, any height and width. But this option is only convenient for creating simple tables.

    Another method is more convenient, in which a table consisting of the required number of rows and columns is immediately inserted into the document. To place it in a document, go to the “Table” menu and select “Insert Table”. Then, in the new window that appears on the page, in the appropriate fields, indicate the number of rows and columns in the table. If you know the exact number of columns and rows in the table, it is best to make them extra. You can safely remove the excess ones at any time. It will also not be difficult to attach the missing ones, but with any changes they will be more difficult to edit.

    In the settings window, you can also select automatic selection of column widths: constant, by content, by window width. By clicking the “AutoFormat” button, in a new window, select the most suitable table style for your data and the design of the header rows, first column, last line and the last column. To make it easier to imagine what the table will look like, a sample of it is presented in a special field.

