How to insert a detail in Photoshop. All ways to select and cut out an object in Photoshop

Beginner users often wonder how to cut and paste an object in Photoshop.

Selecting and further copying/cutting an element is the main task that you need to master for image editing.

Let's take a closer look at all the possible methods that even a beginner can quickly master.


Before performing any manipulations with parts of the drawing, they need to be selected. Only then is insertion or cutting applied.

Thanks to the function "Select-Insert" you can combine elements of several designs, choose your own background and create unique projects.

Before you start, choose an image whose background you like and a picture of the object you want to cut out.

Method 1 – Using the “Magic Wand”

"Magic wand" or “Magic Wand” is one of the simplest tools in Photoshop. With its help, you can quickly select a part and carry out a series of manipulations with it.

The advantage of working with this tool is its speed. A beginner will not have to deal with channels, backgrounds and layers.

The magic wand highlighting algorithm automatically detects the shades of pixels that border other parts of the photo.

Follow the instructions:

  • Open and create a new canvas or open an existing drawing with an object using the program;
  • On the left side of the window there is a basic toolbar. Click on the fourth element and select from the drop-down list "Magic wand" as below:
  • The wand creates selection boundaries based on the shades of objects in the picture. You need to click the cursor on the desired area of ​​the image to create a selection. We recommend using Magic Wand for large, solid-colored objects such as the sky, grass, mountains, etc.;
  • Let's select the sky in the next image. To do this, in Insurgents, click on the magic wand and select any part of the sky with the mouse. The following outline will be created around the part;

Fig.3 - sky selection

  • Often the Magic Wand does not select the entire part and users stop using the tool. This should not be done, because you can simply add the missing area to the general selection.
  • While most of the sky is outlined, move the cursor to another part of it. Hold down the Shift key and simultaneously click on the unselected area. This will allow you to add it to the desired part. We get the following result:

Fig. 4 – setting object boundaries

Method 2 – Working with the Quick Selection Tool

Quick Selection is another basic tool that every Photoshop user should learn to use.

It can be found in the same tab as the magic wand ( Toolbar-Selection - Quick selection). The function works like a brush.

With its help, you can create precise selections based on contrasting edges. You can choose the size and diameter of the brush yourself:

  • Select the tool as shown in the picture;

Fig.5 – Quick Selection

  • Now make a selection. You need to hold down the left mouse button and move the cursor inside the area you want to select. To indicate boundaries, draw near the edges. Thus, the contour line will gradually move towards the edge you need.
  • To undo a failed action, press Ctrl + D and try again. The image below shows an example of gradually selecting an area of ​​a flower using Quick Selection.

Rice. 6 – sketch with quick selection

As you can see, the boundaries of the resulting object do not extend to another part of the picture. Even with magnification and detailed viewing of each line, you will not see flaws or extra pixels.

Method 3 – Quick mask

Quick Mask is a tool with which you can... What is the difference between using a mask and the standard tools described above?

The fact is that standard methods are good at identifying parts of a picture that have contrasting pixel colors, but they cannot determine clear boundaries of an object, part of which is a gradient or a blurred area.

Also, it will be difficult to set the selection boundaries if the color of the part is very similar to the background.

The essence of Quick Mask: the user selects one part of the photo, and the other is automatically blocked and cannot be worked with. A mask is the outline itself, which separates the element from the main design.

A quick mask is a selection in which the selected part will have its original color, and the remaining areas will be covered with a translucent film.

Rice. 7 – example of a mask in Photoshop

The convenience of working with the tool lies in the fact that you draw the selected area yourself and can correct flaws at any time.

A quick mask will allow you to accurately select part of the image. Follow the instructions:

  • Select the Quick Mask tool from the toolbar or simply press the Q key on your keyboard while the Photoshop window is open;

Fig.8 – key for selecting Quick Mask

  • In the window that appears, select the type of brush, its diameter and other parameters depending on the area that you will paint;
  • Now just sketch out the unnecessary part of the picture, leaving only the object for cutting and pasting. The masked area will be colored red;
  • You need to apply the mask with the black color selected on the palette. To remove part of the masked area, select white.

Rice. 9 – creating a mask

You can do whatever you want with the resulting selection. Photoshop will not recognize the background, so you can select the subject very easily.

Use the tools already described above "Quick Selection" or "Magic wand" or click on the keyboard shortcut Ctrl -A, selecting the entire space (without the masked area).

Fig. 10 – area selection

If you need to select part of a picture, but you want the borders of the element to be gradient rather than clear (smoothly blending into the background of the new picture), you need to use a mask gradient.

The principle of creating a selection is similar to the previous instructions:

  • Enter the quick mask mode;
  • In the Options tab, select Radial Gradient Mode. On the color palette, make the foreground color black and the background color white;
  • Make sure that the gradient direction option is set to “Foreground to Background”, that is, from the main colors to the background color;
  • Now create a selection. Set the center of the object and carefully move the cursor from the center to the edges.

Fig. 11 – choosing the center of the object

Once you've finished creating the borders, copy the element onto the background of another image. The object will have a translucent appearance and blurred borders.

You can adjust these parameters in the layers window of the new drawing.

Fig. 12 – insert with gradient preservation

Method 4 – Magnetic Lasso

Magnetic lasso belongs to a group of more complex program tools. It should be used if you are cutting out complex parts of the picture.

For example, the human body, parts of the hands, hair and other elements that require pixel precision.

Fig. 13 – display of the Magnetic Lasso in Photoshop

The peculiarity of this element lies in its operating algorithm. It does not analyze the color of pixels, but looks for the edges of the object. Then a point is created to which the lasso is drawn.

In this way, a precise selection of a specific area of ​​the project is gradually created.

Take an image that has a difficult object to isolate. It is advisable that it contrasts well with the background so that it is more convenient for you to draw borders:

Fig. 14 – example of a drawing

Select a tool and zoom in on the image. Move the circle pointer to the edge of the object and click to set the starting point for creating the border.

Now release the mouse button and simply move the cursor along the edge of the element so that its lines do not extend beyond the cursor circle. A selection will gradually be created:

Fig. 15 – example of selecting boundaries using Magnetic Lasso

To quickly zoom in or out of an image, press Ctrl and + or Ctrl and –, respectively.

The path will automatically close when the last lasso point connects to the first. Then click on the first point to create a general outline.

If you need to remove part of the background that may be inside an object, press the Alt button and select it using the magnetic lasso - the subtraction mode will turn on without canceling the previous selection.

Fig. 16 - removing part of the background that overlaps the object

You can now move, cut, or paste an element into another project.

All extreme lines will look very realistic, without the need to remove flaws in enlarged mode.

Fig. 17 – the result of moving the selected area

Cut, paste and move

Once you've mastered one of the selection methods you like, you can move on to moving, cutting, or pasting an object.

To move the selected element to another part of the picture, simply press the spacebar. The “Hand” icon will appear instead of the cursor.

By clicking on the selected area, you can move it to any part of the project.

Fig. 18 - moving an object within one picture

If you want to move an element to another image, you should open it in a new program tab. Click on “File” - “New Canvas”. Then move the image into the Photoshop window.

Go back to the first project and copy the selected item using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl -C. Paste part of the previous drawing onto the new one by pressing Ctrl -V.

Fig. 19 – moving and inserting

If you need to cut an object, after selecting it, right-click on it. In the context menu, select "Cut" or "Delete".

Also, you can use the tab "Editing". It contains all the necessary functions for working with the selected part of the image.

Saving the final project

After editing the final image, click on the tab "File-Save As...". In the new window, select the desired file format, enter a name and decide on the final folder where the project will be moved.

How to cut an object and paste it onto another background in Photoshop

How to Cut and Paste an Object in Photoshop - 4 Best Methods

Now there are a lot of graphic editors. Some are paid, and some are freely available and completely free. I will talk about how you can cut out an image using the most famous and widespread Photoshop program.

The program is very functional and rich in various tools and filters. The same action can be performed in completely different ways. Therefore, each designer can choose a method that is convenient for themselves.

Today we will look at how you can cut out an image and overlay it on another background in various ways, and also look at the pros and cons of each of them.

First, a small digression. In order to make it clear what will be discussed, a few words about how work in Photoshop works.

We can open an existing image or create a new one. After this, we have active tools and menu options for editing.

We should pay attention to the layer window. This is where the main rearrangements and rearrangements of layers will take place. We will constantly need to select different layers. This is worth paying attention to!

In the event that you have something that is not copied, not highlighted, not edited, etc. Then perhaps you simply do not have the desired layer selected. In order to select the desired layer, you just need to find it in the window called Layers and make it active by clicking on it with the mouse.

We can also hide the layer, making it invisible or lock it to avoid unplanned edits.

1. Eraser.

Perhaps the easiest way to free up extra space not only in a notebook, but also in Photoshop. This tool can be called up with the E key.

The eraser itself is quite clumsy, but its modifications - “Background Eraser” and “Magic Eraser”, with careful use and a good initial image, can bring good results.

The background eraser erases the “background”, i.e. the area where you started using the eraser when you pressed the left mouse button. The background eraser automatically recognizes the rest of the area as more significant and does not erase it until you get too close to it.

The Magic Eraser tool works like the Magic Wand. Another tool that we will look at below. Pixels that are similar in color and brightness are highlighted.

In order to understand how they work, it is worth trying each tool in this series.

Using these tools, you can select images that are more complex in shape. One of the disadvantages of this tool is that cutting out too complex shapes is problematic. This is due, firstly, to the fact that information about the allocated area is stored in a temporary memory buffer, and if the allocation is too complex, then you simply may not have enough RAM, in which case the path you allocated will simply disappear, and you will receive an error message. Secondly, if you accidentally click twice with the mouse instead of once, you will inadvertently close the selection earlier than necessary.

Lasso selection is suitable for cutting out images of medium complexity. Once we have selected part of the image, we can edit it or cut it to the next layer by pressing Ctrl + C, and then Ctrl + V. Working with areas selected using the lasso is no different from working with other selections.

If we select the Magic Wand tool, we can adjust the selection options for it. To avoid unnecessary white pixels along the edges of a dark image, you should experiment with the Tolerance settings. To make the selection smoother, turn on “Smoothing”. In order to select pixels from all layers of your image, you need to check the box: “Sample from all layers.”

The quick selection tool can be very helpful if the image has a lot of contrast. Sometimes you can add contrast to an image in order to then use a quick selection, but this does not always have a positive effect. In general, in combination with other selection methods it gives a good effect.

5. Mask.

I consider the tool called layer mask in Adobe Photoshop to be one of the most valuable in this graphics package.

With it, we can very quickly and painlessly get rid of unnecessary pixels. Getting rid of unnecessary pixels will be painless for the simple reason that the layer mask allows us to easily return everything to its place.

In order to add a layer mask to an image, we just need to make the desired layer active, and then click on the “Add layer mask” icon, which is located in the window with layers.

Now to the right of our image we see a mask. If the layer mask is completely filled with black, then our image on the left is completely transparent, i.e. we actually don't see it at all. If our mask is painted white, then we respectively see the layer to which the mask is applied.

In order to edit a mask we need to make it active, i.e. Click on it in the layers window.

6. Quick mask.

The quick mask mode can be turned on in the toolbar (in Fig. 3 it is highlighted with a yellow rectangle), or by pressing the Q key.

By activating the quick mask mode, you can select the desired area using various fill tools. After we have activated the quick mask, we can fill our image with only one red color, and how the object will be selected will depend on the intensity of the fill. The essence of the quick mask is that the image that was painted in red will be selected (the fill color can be changed by going into the program settings).

By selecting the pen tool (hotkey P), we create a shape that we can later easily edit or export to another program, for example, Illustrator.

After we have outlined our object, we need to close the boundaries of the contour for subsequent correct selection and editing. Then we go to the window for working with contours and double-click on our contour, after which a dialog box appears asking us to name our working contour the name “Circuit 1”, we agree and click Ok.

Now, in order to select an area of ​​this shape, we need to hold down the Ctrl key and click on the image of this contour in the window for working with contours. After our outline is selected, we can work with it as with a regular selection.

8. Combined.

We haven't looked at all the tools that will help you select part of an image in Photoshop in order to cut it out.

But from personal experience I can say that the combined use of various methods is often the best.

About the author: s00v

    If I need to insert a face into a historical portrait, then as a rule I use hair from the portrait and therefore I simply outline the person’s face with a simple lasso tool and press Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V - a new layer with the face is formed and I drag it with the Move tool onto the picture. Then I call Free Transform Ctrl+T and hold down the Alt key and reduce the face to the desired size while setting the opacity of the layer with the face to 60% to set it in accordance with the size of the character’s head in the picture. An important detail for such portraits is that the angle of the head in the picture must coincide with the angle of the person’s head in the photograph - this way the picture looks more real. Here are some of the jobs I did:

    Use the magic brush or lasso to select the desired face and make a new layer with it. Then clean off everything unnecessary (the background on the layer should be transparent). Transfer to the desired photo as a new layer, stretch (reduce), adjust by color. This is short, but keep in mind that the face must fit in initially (look at least in the right direction)

    Simple and accessible tips can be found on YouTube. The video explains how to cut out an object from a photograph and then superimpose this object on another, or simply remove some current background from the picture. So, you can use the lasso tool.

    If you are a beginner, you will most likely have to learn a bit.

    In this case, your main task is to accurately select the objects you need. There are many ways to select in Photoshop. Different methods are convenient for different situations. There are many Photoshop tutorials on YouTube. As an example, I will give here two that are suitable for your topic.

    In order to cut out a silhouette of a person using Photoshop and put a different background, you can use the Lasso tool - it circles the desired object and then drags it onto the desired image. You can use video tips.

    In order to move a face from one photo to another in Photoshop, you need to do:

    • Berm magnetic lasso and outline the face, i.e. we highlight it;
    • copy the selected object to a new layer;
    • drag this layer to the desired location;
    • make adjustments to size and lighting.

    You can also use programs such as FaceDub, Face Swapper.

    Initially, you need to have two photographs with which we will work.

    Let's cut out the man from the first photo and paste him into the second photo with a different background.

    1. In order to cut out a photo in Photoshop, you need to select a person.

    Open the photo with the man, select on the Toolbar Quick Selection Tool, click on the image of the man and the selected area will be marked with a dotted line.

    If an extra background is highlighted, press Alt and click on this area.

    1. Let's go to the layers palette. You need to unlock the background layer, click on it 2 times with the mouse, and in the dialog box that appears, click OK.

    1. Invert the selection by pressing the keys Ctrl+Shift+I. In order for the photo to highlight not the person himself, but the background around him.

    1. Press the keys Ctrl+X and cut out the person from the photo in Photoshop. (Black and white cells mean that he is on a transparent background.) Save the person on a transparent background in Photoshop and paste it into any other photo.

    1. Open the second photo with a new background. On the Toolbar select Move Too l and drag it onto the photo with the cut out person.

    1. Go to the layers palette and place the layer with the new background at the very bottom using the mouse.

    1. The photographs were of different resolutions; the size of the mountains turned out to be very large in relation to a person. Apply to image free transformation- in the layers palette, select with the mouse the layer on which the photograph of the mountains is placed - Layer 1 and press the combination Ctrl+T. A frame will appear; to reduce the size of the photo, drag any marker with the mouse while holding Shift.

    1. In the same way we reduce the size of a man. In this case, select the layer Layer 0.

    This is the final photo.

    On this site you will find many lessons and useful information about working in the program Photoshop: Photoshop lessons and everything for Photoshop.

    Video tutorials - replacing a face on a photo in Photoshop (Photoshop).

    To cut face from one Images And insert to another you will have to master several tools from Photoshop and learn how to work with layers and masks. It is quite difficult to explain this within the framework of BV; the work is very painstaking and requires good practical skills. Watch several video tutorials, they show in sufficient detail and step by step how to do what you need and at the same time achieve professional quality images. But you will have to experiment a lot on your own.

    Photoshop- a professional program in which you can do almost anything you want with an image, but of course, working with this program will require quite a long and thorough training; it is very difficult to master it on your own. There are a lot of educational materials on the Internet, Youtube a huge number of video lessons for those who want to master Photoshop.

    But it happens that you need to quickly make an amateur collage and you don’t want to bother with Photoshop. To do this, I can recommend several specialized programs in which even a beginner can quickly make a collage without special training or knowledge of Photoshop. Of course, you will have to work, but in these programs everything is much simpler.

    I already gave similar answers to these questions on BV: How to select an object in Photoshop? , How to separate an object from the background in Photoshop? , In what program can you change a photo?.

    I advise you to try working in the programs Photo Montage Guide, AKVIS Chameleon And AKVIS SmartMask. IN Photo Montage Guide there is a built-in lesson - a demonstration of how to work in the program, for AKVIS Chameleon And AKVIS SmartMask On the developer’s website you can watch or download video tutorials and study detailed text manuals. Everything is very easy to learn. Try it, you won't regret it. These programs can be used as plugins or independently, separately from Photoshop.

    And another very good program FOTOMIX. It is absolutely free, with its help you can create almost any collage effects. I discovered this program not long ago, and now I only use it if I need to quickly change or insert something into a photo. With its help, you can, for example, make a collage like this in literally 10 - 15 minutes.

    The quality is of course worse than in Photoshop, but it’s quite suitable for an express collage.

Beginner users often wonder how to cut and paste an object in Photoshop.

Selecting and further copying/cutting an element is the main task that you need to master for image editing.

Let's take a closer look at all the possible methods that even a beginner can quickly master.

Before performing any manipulations with parts of the drawing, they need to be selected. Only then is insertion or cutting applied.

With the Select-Paste feature, you can combine elements from multiple designs, choose your own background, and create unique designs. Before you start, choose an image whose background you like and a picture of the object you want to cut out.

Method 1 – Using the “Magic Wand”

“Magic Wand” or “Magic Wand” is one of the simplest tools in Photoshop. With its help, you can quickly select a part and carry out a series of manipulations with it.

The advantage of working with this tool is its speed. A beginner will not have to deal with channels, backgrounds and layers. The tool is available in all versions of the editor.

The magic wand highlighting algorithm automatically detects the shades of pixels that border other parts of the photo. We recommend using a stick if the photo with the object has a wide palette of colors. In a photo with a large number of monochromatic similar colors, a part may not be highlighted correctly.

Follow the instructions:

  • Open Photoshop and create a new canvas or open an existing drawing of an object using the program;
  • On the left side of the window there is a basic toolbar. Click on the fourth element and select “Magic Wand” from the drop-down list, as shown below:

Rice. 2 – “Magic Wand”

  • The wand creates selection boundaries based on the shades of objects in the picture. You need to click the cursor on the desired area of ​​the image to create a selection. We recommend using Magic Wand for large, solid-colored objects such as the sky, grass, mountains, etc.;
  • Let's select the sky in the next image. To do this, in Insurgents, click on the magic wand and select any part of the sky with the mouse. The following outline will be created around the part;

Fig.3 - sky selection

  • Often the Magic Wand does not select the entire part and users stop using the tool. This should not be done, because you can simply add the missing area to the general selection.
  • While most of the sky is outlined, move the cursor to another part of it. Hold down the Shift key and simultaneously click on the unselected area. This will allow you to add it to the desired part. We get the following result:

Fig. 4 – setting object boundaries

Method 2 – Working with the Quick Selection Tool

Quick Selection is another basic tool that every Photoshop user should learn to use.

It can be found in the same tab as the magic wand (Toolbar-Selection-Quick Select). The function works like a brush. With its help, you can create precise selections based on contrasting edges. You can choose the size and diameter of the brush yourself:

  • Select the tool as shown in the picture;

Fig.5 – Quick Selection

  • Now make a selection. You need to hold down the left mouse button and move the cursor inside the area you want to select. To indicate boundaries, draw near the edges. Thus, the contour line will gradually move towards the edge you need.
  • To cancel a failed action, press the Ctrl+D key combination and try again. The image below shows an example of gradually selecting an area of ​​a flower using Quick Selection.

Rice. 6 – sketch with quick selection

As you can see, the boundaries of the resulting object do not extend to another part of the picture. Even with magnification and detailed viewing of each line, you will not see flaws or extra pixels.

Method 3 – Quick mask

Quick Mask is a mode in Photoshop that allows you to select an object in a photo. What is the difference between using a mask and the standard tools described above?

The fact is that standard methods are good at identifying parts of a picture that have contrasting pixel colors, but they cannot determine clear boundaries of an object, part of which is a gradient or a blurred area. Also, it will be difficult to set the selection boundaries if the color of the part is very similar to the background.

The essence of Quick Mask: the user selects one part of the photo, and the other is automatically blocked and cannot be worked with. A mask is the outline itself, which separates the element from the main design. A quick mask is a selection in which the selected part will have its original color, and the remaining areas will be covered with a translucent film.

Rice. 7 – example of a mask in Photoshop

The convenience of working with the tool lies in the fact that you draw the selected area yourself and can correct flaws at any time.

A quick mask will allow you to accurately select part of the image. Follow the instructions:

  • Select the Quick Mask tool from the toolbar or simply press the Q key on your keyboard while the Photoshop window is open;

Fig.8 – key for selecting Quick Mask

  • In the window that appears, select the type of brush, its diameter and other parameters depending on the area that you will paint;
  • Now just sketch out the unnecessary part of the picture, leaving only the object for cutting and pasting. The masked area will be colored red;
  • You need to apply the mask with the black color selected on the palette. To remove part of the masked area, select white.

Rice. 9 – creating a mask

You can do whatever you want with the resulting selection. Photoshop will not recognize the background, so you can select the subject very easily. Use the Quick Selection or Magic Wand tools already described above, or click on the Ctrl-A keyboard shortcut to select the entire space (without the masked area).

Fig. 10 – area selection

If you need to select part of a picture, but you want the borders of the element to be gradient rather than clear (smoothly blending into the background of the new picture), you need to use a mask gradient. The principle of creating a selection is similar to the previous instructions:

  • Enter the quick mask mode;
  • In the Options tab, select Radial Gradient Mode. On the color palette, make the foreground color black and the background color white;
  • Make sure that the gradient direction option is set to “Foreground to Background”, that is, from the main colors to the background color;
  • Now create a selection. Set the center of the object and carefully move the cursor from the center to the edges.

Fig. 11 – choosing the center of the object

Once you've finished creating the borders, copy the element onto the background of another image. The object will have a translucent appearance and blurred borders. You can adjust these parameters in the layers window of the new drawing.

Fig. 12 – insert with gradient preservation

Method 4 – Magnetic Lasso

Magnetic lasso belongs to a group of more complex program tools. It should be used if you are cutting out complex parts of the picture. For example, the human body, parts of the hands, hair and other elements that require pixel precision.

Fig. 13 – display of the Magnetic Lasso in Photoshop

The peculiarity of this element lies in its operating algorithm. It does not analyze the color of pixels, but looks for the edges of the object. Then a point is created to which the lasso is drawn. In this way, a precise selection of a specific area of ​​the project is gradually created.

Take an image that has a difficult object to isolate. It is advisable that it contrasts well with the background so that it is more convenient for you to draw borders:

Fig. 14 – example of a drawing

Select a tool and zoom in on the image. Move the circle pointer to the edge of the object and click to set the starting point for creating the border.

Now release the mouse button and simply move the cursor along the edge of the element so that its lines do not extend beyond the cursor circle. A selection will gradually be created:

Fig. 15 – example of selecting boundaries using Magnetic Lasso

To quickly zoom in or out of an image, press Ctrl and + or Ctrl and –, respectively. The path will automatically close when the last lasso point connects to the first. Then click on the first point to create a general outline.

If you need to remove part of the background that may be inside an object, press the Alt button and select it using the magnetic lasso - the subtraction mode will turn on without canceling the previous selection.

Fig. 16 - removing part of the background that overlaps the object

You can now move, cut, or paste an element into another project. All extreme lines will look very realistic, without the need to remove flaws in enlarged mode.

Fig. 17 – the result of moving the selected area

Cut, paste and move

Once you've mastered one of the selection methods you like, you can move on to moving, cutting, or pasting an object.

To move the selected element to another part of the picture, simply press the spacebar. The “Hand” icon will appear instead of the cursor. By clicking on the selected area, you can move it to any part of the project.

Fig. 19 – moving and inserting

If you need to cut an object, after selecting it, right-click on it. Select “Cut” or “Delete” from the context menu. You can also use the “Editing” tab. It contains all the necessary functions for working with the selected part of the image.

Saving the final project

After editing the final image, click on the “File-Save As...” tab. In the new window, select the desired file format, enter a name and decide on the final folder where the project will be moved.

Fig. 20 – Saving work in Photoshop

Bottom line

Now you can select objects in a picture in Photoshop and cut or move them. Before choosing a selection method, be guided by the recommendations described in the article. The quality of the result depends on how correctly you have decided on the type of drawing and the appropriate tool for the job.

Thematic videos:

Photoshop cut object and paste into another picture

How to cut an object and paste it onto another background in Photoshop

How to Cut and Paste an Object in Photoshop - 4 Best Methods

The amazing Photoshop program gives the user endless possibilities for working with photographs and images. Almost all graphic display on the Internet, books and other sources was made using this wonderful software. But, as everyone knows, these graphic elements are prepared by special people who are fluent in Photoshop. Very often people ask these same people for help with basic things that even an ordinary user can do.

Using graphic editor tools

At first glance, Adobe software may seem somewhat complicated for a beginner: a huge number of tools, various panels, tabs and other interface elements. But over time, you will be able to understand the principle of their display and, therefore, be able to predict where this or that instrument could be located. Since nothing will come to you without experience, you can start performing simple steps using tutorials (instructions) from our website. And today we will learn how to cut out an object in Photoshop. But first we need to learn how to insert a photo or drawing into the program itself. If you already know how to do this, you can skip this paragraph.

Let's take Photoshop CS6 as an example.

How to Open an Image in Photoshop

To begin with, we will, of course, need the Adobe Photoshop program itself. If your computer does not have this software, then you can purchase it on the official Adobe website. Like any quality product, Photoshop is provided to users on a paid basis. But Adobe also gives you the opportunity to try its product for free for 30 days from the date of installation. That is, you can try out Photoshop a little first before you buy it.

If you have installed our magic program on your computer and can open it, then we will try to open any image file there. Let's start:

  1. Open Adobe Photoshop from the desktop shortcut;
  2. On the top panel, select the “File” tab, then click “Open”;
  3. In the window that appears, as in the Windows Explorer menu, look for the required file and double-click on it with the left mouse button.

Click the "Open" button or double-click the mouse

If you perform these steps correctly, you will see that the image has opened in our program. In addition to this method, there is an alternative option:

  1. We look for the file needed to open and right-click on it. In the menu that appears, select “Open with...”.
  2. Now find Adobe Photoshop in the list of applications. If it is not there, click the “Browse” button in the right corner and select the Photoshop file (.exe format) in the folder with the installed program. As a rule, after proper installation, such manipulations are not necessary.
  3. Now left-click once on the Photoshop icon in the list of programs and click OK. But first, check if there is a checkmark next to the item in the lower left corner “Use for all files of this type.” It shouldn't be there, otherwise all your images will be opened in Photoshop in the future.

Cutting out objects in Photoshop

  1. Open the required file with a photo or picture in the program.
  2. Select a selection from the toolbar. There are several types of them, so let's look at everything.
  3. Lined rectangle icon. By right-clicking on it, you will see a selection of a rectangular shape, an oval area, a horizontal and vertical line.
  4. Below is the Lasso icon. Here are lasso (you select the exact area with the mouse): rectangular lasso (selection using broken lines), magnetic lasso (similar to a regular lasso, only it is attached to points on the image like a magnet).
  5. The next tool, just below the lasso, is a quick selection and a magic wand. There is no need to explain how they work; you should just try them in action.
  6. Now, using one of the listed tools, select the area that you want to cut out.
  7. Then click on the top tool of the left panel “Move” (arrow with an icon) and move the cut object to the desired location.
  8. If you want to completely delete an object, press the delete key and then OK. Now there is a white spot in our area that you can fill with anything.

The choice of tool depends on the intended purpose

In the same way, you can cut out absolutely any objects (for example, cut out hair in Photoshop). The main thing is to carefully select the required area with tools.

Processing a cut object

In our case, we insert the logo into the photo of the car.

What if you need to cut out an object and make it a separate drawing? Then you need to do the following:

  1. Open another image in an additional tab on which you want to superimpose the cut out object.
  2. Let's move on to our first drawing and select an area, as in the previous instructions. Now with the “Move” tool we move this part of the picture by holding down the left mouse button to another tab and after moving to the next image, release the mouse button.
  3. Now you have a combination of two images. If you think that the photo is too crooked or ugly, then you can smooth the image along the contour. You can do this using the Eraser tool in the left panel. Carefully erase the corners and edges to ensure high quality. By right-clicking on an image with the Eraser tool, you can adjust its size and hardness (erasing strength). The lower it is, the lower the erasing radius around which the blur effect will be. Make sure that the edges of the cut out object are of normal quality (you need to sufficiently smooth all parts of the figure).
  4. After processing the file, save its finished image: “File”, then “Save As...” and OK.

Small summary

Today we have added to our knowledge base by learning how to cut out absolutely any objects and shapes from a photograph. We also learned how to process the cut-out area so that its edges and corners do not look unsightly. Now you can easily see what hairstyle might suit you. Make a funny cut from photographs and pictures and share with us in the comments. Let's all have fun together! Have a successful and fruitful work, friends.