How does a telephone harm human health? The effect of mobile phone radiation on human health

The cell phone, like other technological devices, has become a part of our lives. And we have even forgotten how 20 years ago we managed without such a convenient, such a necessary thing. Every year the number of cellular users around the world increases. The phone is constantly next to us, hanging on the belt of our trousers or on our chest, lying quietly in our pocket or on our desktop, even when we go to bed, we put it near the bed or even on the bed. And if we accidentally left our phone at home, we feel insecure, nervous, and walk around all day in a bad mood. Without a phone is like without hands.

It’s convenient for us, you can always contact the right person, and it’s easy for the children, dial the number and find out where your child is. The telephone replaced our clock and alarm clock, player and camera. And it no longer seems incredible to us that such a small box can perform so many functions, because you can not only call and send a message, but also watch videos, listen to music, play your favorite game. And in the morning the phone will wake you up instead of an alarm clock.

Impact on human health

A mobile phone is undoubtedly a very useful and necessary thing. Phone manufacturers claim that mobile phones are absolutely harmless to the human body, and today's new models do not have any negative effects on health.

But many scientists argue that cellular communications pose a real threat to human health and life. In many countries, studies are being conducted on the effects of a cell phone on our body, on internal organs - the heart, brain, reproductive organs. Russian scientists are also conducting research to study the effect of a mobile phone on human health. We are scared that electromagnetic radiation contributes to the development of cancer, but there is no exact evidence that it is the cell phone that contributes to this.

After all, electromagnetic waves come not only from telephones, but also from wires, transmitting devices, antennas, which cover all our cities, houses, and even apartments are full of instruments and technical devices that emit these same electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic waves are invisible, colorless and odorless, a person cannot feel them, and cannot protect themselves from the effects of these waves.

Sources of electromagnetic radiation, in addition to cell phones, are microwave ovens, televisions and computers and almost all household appliances that help us make our lives easier, but worsen our well-being and health, as they create electromagnetic fields that negatively affect the human body.

Each person reacts differently to electromagnetic radiation, some simply do not notice it, and some report weakness, headache, drowsiness, fatigue and even allergic reactions in the form of itching, burning, and skin rashes after talking on a cell phone.

Experiments conducted on animals show that electromagnetic radiation is harmful to animals. Thus, frogs placed in an electromagnetic field for only 10 minutes died from cardiac arrest, and the survivors had a low heart rate. And in rats, radiation emanating from a mobile phone led to changes in the activity of the heart, as well as in the brain, leading to damage to blood vessels and death of neurons.

It is assumed that in the future, cellular users may encounter Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases at an earlier age.

Parkinson's disease occurs in older people and is caused by changes and destruction in the brain and disturbances in the central nervous system. A person's coordination of movements is impaired, and trembling of the limbs and head appears at rest. A person can freeze without moving for several hours. A shuffling gait is noted, the patient moves in small steps, placing his feet parallel to each other, and his arms are pressed to his body when walking.

Alzheimer's disease is manifested by memory impairment, confusion of speech, impaired ability to pronounce and understand speech, and subsequently, complete memory loss.

It was also revealed through experiments that in people, radiation from a phone, even when it is simply in a trouser pocket, has a harmful effect on sperm, deteriorating the quality and quantity of sperm. So put your phones out of your pants pockets if you want to be a parent in the future.

There is an opinion that mobile phones can be conductors of electrical discharges, or rather electromagnetic waves emitted by phones, and during a thunderstorm it is not recommended to use phones, as you can get struck by lightning.

Such an incident occurred in China, with a group of tourists who were struck by lightning that struck the cell phone of one of the tourists who decided to call during a thunderstorm. There were no casualties, although tourists were injured and were taken to hospital with burns. But in China, there were also fatal cases.

Some scientists believe that a cell phone is not capable of attracting lightning, and that what happened to tourists was just an accident. But still, it is better not to use a mobile phone during a thunderstorm, as they say, “God protects the best.”

And sometimes cell phones, or rather batteries, if they are manufactured in violation of technology, ignite and even explode. And a person can receive injuries and burns to the body. So when buying a phone, ask the seller for a quality certificate and do not buy from random people.

How to protect yourself from exposure to harmful radiation

To prevent a cell phone from harming your health, you do not need to have long conversations or hours of showdowns. And many people spend too long on a cell phone and don’t communicate; long chats cost a pretty penny.

Use a headset for conversations; this will reduce the impact of electromagnetic waves on your head. It is recommended to use headphones or turn on speakerphone. From the harmful effects of electromagnetic fields, your immune system may suffer, and you will experience headaches, drowsiness, your body will be susceptible to colds, will not be able to resist the effects of viruses, microbes, and may cause damage to your vision.

Do not use the phone when you are in a metal garage or in the back of a car, while driving a car, it is believed that electromagnetic rays are reflected from the metal body and increase the harmful effects on the body, and talking on a mobile phone distracts attention from the road, which can lead to an accident and injury and even death. So talking on the phone while driving can be deadly.

You should choose a cell phone with an output power of -0.2-0.4 W, the output power should be indicated in the documentation for the phone, in the passport. Such a device will emit the least amount of energy and will be less hazardous to health.

The phone should not lie on your desk, on the bed or near the bed; it also has a harmful effect on the nervous system with its radiation and disrupts sleep phases.

You should not carry your phone on your belt, on your chest, or in the pockets of trousers and jackets. Electromagnetic waves have a harmful effect on internal organs.

It is not recommended to hold the phone to your ear during a call, as the first few seconds of the call the phone increases its power to detect and connect you to the called device.

It is necessary to teach children how to use phones correctly, and explain to them that radiation from the phone has a harmful effect on the fragile child’s body.

As mentioned above, you should not use your phone during a thunderstorm.

So what should you do, should you be wary of your cell phone? Of course not. All over the world, studies are being conducted on the dangers of cell phones, but there are no exact results, it is only assumed that the electromagnetic radiation of cell phones is harmful and has a negative impact on human health, but there are no specific examples that a person fell ill with a particular disease from exposure to a cell phone .

A person eats a lot of harmful things and poisons his body with poisons that are present in alcohol and cigarettes. And the environment itself is polluted with all sorts of chemicals, exhaust fumes from cars, and the air we breathe and the water we drink also negatively affect our health and blaming a cell phone for all the troubles is simply ridiculous.

And if a person wants to be healthy, then he will definitely listen to the recommendations of doctors and scientists, and limit the time he talks on a cell phone, and keep it at a safe distance.

Since the mobile phone has taken the place of an ordinary and even obligatory item for adults and children in our everyday life, a kind of Must Have device, attentive users and scientists have compared some facts and raised the question of its safety. And this is not surprising: a modern person does not part with his mobile phone even in bed; a huge number of men, women and even children sleep with a mobile phone under their pillow! And even more so they spend the whole day in his company. A family gathered at home in the evening consists of 3-5 people and the same number of telephones: at least one for each adult and child who has reached the age of at least 5-6 years.

But is it safe? Let's find out what the effect of the phone on the human body is: what exactly does it emit, what organs and systems of our body it affects, what it leads to, and most importantly - how to protect yourself from it?

Phone radiation - what is it?

The radiation from the phone is electromagnetic, these are microwave waves that are absorbed by the human body when using the gadget. The maximum specific power of this radiation is measured using SAR (Specific Absorption Rate), and all manufacturers must indicate this indicator among the characteristics of their products. Basically, modern phones have SAR at a level of 0.5 to 1 watt per kilogram, and the maximum permissible value adopted in the USA is 1.6 W/kg, in Europe - 2 W/kg.

Please note that when drawing up the standards for maximum permissible values, the characteristics of operation at maximum power were used. However, in reality, most of the time the phone operates in standby mode, that is, at the minimum power. Yes, even in this mode, the phone periodically sends and receives data from the base station, but this lasts literally half a second.

The next level of power is the operation of the phone in talk mode. In addition, it is at this time that we put the phone to our ear, that is, we bring it as close as possible to all vital organs: the brain, eyes, ears, heart (the latter happens to those who keep the phone in their breast pocket and at the same time use a headset).

The maximum power in the phone's radiation is in the mode of transmitting and receiving data via GPRS/EGDE or 3G protocols (when the phone is used as a modem for free access to the Internet from anywhere, wherever the owner of the gadget is located). If you use your phone to “surf” the Internet, place it on the table, and not on your knees or stomach, as many are used to.

The impact of cell phones on human health: who is at risk?

Experts have still not reached a consensus on whether mobile phones are harmful or not. Experiments and theoretical calculations on this topic have become a fashionable trend, grants are readily given for them, research is sponsored by both phone manufacturers and their opponents, and therefore there is a lot of information in the public domain (over 10 thousand works, as Wikipedia tells us), but all of it basically too controversial to be able to confidently say about the unequivocal harm or complete harmlessness of cell phones.

The truth, as usual, lies in the middle: the more we talk on the phone and “sit” on the Internet, the greater the negative effect it has, especially since it has a cumulative property, that is, the consequences accumulate in the body.

If you are a healthy and active person who does not tend to spend hours talking and online, since there is something to do without it, and you only need your phone at certain times for communication, it will do you more good than harm. But if you are at risk, then you should very soberly evaluate the pros and cons in order to make the most of the advantages and minimize all the negative aspects. The same applies to those who literally “live” on their phone, never letting it go for a minute, constantly talking or communicating on the Internet.

For whom is the harm of cell phones especially relevant? There are several vulnerable groups of people:

  • heart patients (especially those with implanted pacemakers);
  • women expecting a child;
  • children under adolescence (the younger, the more susceptible they are to radiation from the phone);
  • suffering from disorders of the central nervous system (neuroses, psychasthenia, epilepsy);
  • persons with mental disorders;
  • people with weakened immunity, with low protective abilities of the body.

Moreover, it is necessary to say something about children separately. They are much more vulnerable than adults: their skulls are smaller, their skull bones are thinner, and their tissues are more conductive, so their brains absorb at least twice as much energy from cell phone radiation. In addition, the main body systems that are affected by phone radiation are in the stage of growth and formation, which means that the risk of disrupting these processes is high. And most importantly, children grow up surrounded by mobile phones, they literally use them from birth (because if a mother feeds her baby and at the same time talks or communicates on the Internet, the baby is also exposed to radiation). And what the consequences will be, no one knows yet, because the generation of children who have not lived a minute of their lives outside the electromagnetic fields located throughout the apartment have not yet grown up and have not acquired their own offspring. We are talking about the negative impact of radiation on adults, but at least they managed to grow up in a “clean” environment. How the current situation will affect the health of children who grow up - only time will tell.

What's in the crosshairs: the body as a target for radiation

What exactly is negatively affected by phone radiation in our body? So far, the WHO identifies it only as a “possibly carcinogenic” factor for human exposure. This conclusion was made based on the final report of the International Agency for Research on Cancer in 2011 (the study was conducted for 12 years). The negative impact on the body is noted not so much during telephone conversations, but as a result of the accumulation of these consequences over many years.

Also, scientists from the University of Essex have proven the negative impact of phones on the sphere of human communication. Actually, this fact is obvious even without evidence: since mobile phones have become an integral part of our lives, the ability to communicate “live” is falling catastrophically, especially among children and teenagers who can no longer imagine communicating without them.

All other spheres of influence of radiation from phones are considered controversial, and it is certainly a myth that some “radiation from a phone” is harmful (unless you went with it to a contaminated area). However, we provide you with information with arguments for and against - but the decision is up to you.

  • Brain. Many researchers have attempted to establish a connection between the use of mobile phones and the occurrence of brain cancer due to long-term exposure to electromagnetic fields. However, a clear correlation (as, for example, when assessing the relationship between smoking and cancer) is not observed. However, from the moment a person starts talking on a mobile phone, scientists note a decrease in the alpha rhythm and theta rhythm of the bioelectrical activity of the brain in a person (however, this factor has a significant effect only during long conversations, more than 20 minutes).
  • Hearing. Long-term (many hours in a row) use of mobile phones reduces hearing. However, whether radiation is to blame for this, or whether there is too much load on the hearing organs, has not yet been objectively proven. Heating is also noted in the outer and inner ear and the area of ​​the brain closest to them (but whether the heating occurs due to radiation, or due to the combined operation of all components of the phone is also not yet known for certain).
  • Vision. Under the influence of the electromagnetic field created by the phone, the blood supply to the eye deteriorates, which means that the tissues receive less oxygen and nutrients, which can lead to clouding of the lens. In addition, by constantly looking at small text and pictures on small gadget screens, people overload their eye muscles, which can result in blurred vision and headaches.
  • Heart. Research into the effects of mobile phones on the human body began when users in the UK with heart disease began to complain of heart pain. The reason was that in the early days of cell phones, it was fashionable to carry them in the breast pocket (many still do so) - that is, in close proximity to the heart, which was already having problems. Currently, patients wearing pacemakers are strongly advised not to use mobile phones at all.
  • Potency. Disturbances in this area are closely related to changes in the nervous and endocrine systems under the influence of electromagnetic radiation, however, there are also specific aspects: information overload, preoccupation with affairs and problems to which your mobile phone constantly “ties you”, the inability to fully relax and get distracted do not allow men to tune in on pleasure and intimacy, and thereby contributes to a decrease in potency.
  • Reproductive function. With prolonged active use of mobile phones by men (more than 4 hours a day), the number of motile sperm in their semen decreases and their quality deteriorates. Such negative consequences occur even when simply carrying the phone in standby mode in a trouser pocket or in a case that is attached to the front of the belt. For women, the influence of electromagnetic radiation is also significant: they increase the risk of spontaneous abortions with intensive constant use during pregnancy, so it is better to minimize the use of this gadget while expecting a baby.
  • Dream. Even in standby mode, a mobile phone negatively affects the rapid and slow phases of sleep, changing their depth and duration. This is why it is not recommended to place your phone under your pillow at night.
  • Nervous system. WHO states a connection between the occurrence of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease in old age with exposure to electromagnetic radiation, but there is no convincing information about whether the phone's power is sufficient for such a side effect. But in case of epilepsy, the use of mobile phones is really recommended only in extreme cases, since the radiation from phones changes the electrical activity of the brain and can provoke an attack.
  • Cognitive sphere (cognitive function). Whether electromagnetic radiation from phones has a negative impact on a person’s ability to understand the world is unknown. However, constant conversations and “surfing” on the Internet simply do not leave time to understand the world around us. This is especially true for children and teenagers, so parents should think three times about the need for a gadget for their child. Here the negative impact is really visible, although radiation most likely has nothing to do with it - it’s the very essence and capabilities of phones that replace the real world.
  • Reaction, attention and ability to concentrate. The number of accidents that occur due to the fault of drivers or pedestrians concentrating on communicating on a mobile phone is enormous. That is why in many countries around the world the law prohibits talking on a mobile phone while driving. The number of deaths caused by this cause makes it mandatory to include it in the list of “influencing factors”.
  • Psyche in general. There is also a deterioration in memory and attention, resistance to stress, accumulation of fatigue and irritability, and the appearance of headaches. However, is it really the radiation that has this effect, or is it the total consequences of the overload of information that a mobile phone supplies us with? There are no clear studies.

Radiation protection: how to reduce the burden on the body

As you can see, the influence of the telephone on the human body is significant. But how to reduce radiation, are there any methods of protection? Let's discuss.

  1. When choosing a phone, choose the model with the lowest SAR ratings among the options considered.
  2. Use your mobile phone more outdoors than indoors.
  3. In buildings, the best place to talk on a cell phone is by the window.
  4. In a car, the radiation level will also be higher, so try not to use your phone on the road too much (and if you are a driver, then not only common sense, but also traffic rules require this of you).
  5. In those places where the signal is weakest (for example, in the subway, in underground passages, outside the city), the phone has to work at maximum power to ensure communication, so it emits much stronger. Hence the conclusion: if the phone “barely catches”, it is better not to use it unless absolutely necessary.
  6. When using the phone, do not cover the antenna with your hand; hold it by the bottom.
  7. It is best to carry your phone not in pockets (of any kind), but in a bag or briefcase, preferably with the display facing you (and therefore the antenna away from you).
  8. When there is a call, do not bring the phone to your ear - this is the peak of its power, start listening only after the connection is established.
  9. Do not lean the phone close to the skin - just a centimeter of distance reduces radiation absorption by about 4 times.
  10. You can use headphones (hands free headset) as a “lesser evil,” but hands-free communication is much safer: in this case, you do not have to lean any radiation sources directly against yourself and bring them closer to vulnerable areas - the brain, organs of hearing and vision. Therefore, wherever you can afford it, prefer this particular option for using a mobile phone.
  11. Don’t talk for a long time: any urgent problem can be solved in 10-15 minutes, and if you need more time, a personal meeting will be both more effective and useful.
  12. Give preference to SMS messages: they are much safer.
  13. If you use your phone to access the Internet, do not abuse it, in this mode it emits at maximum power.
  14. Turn off your phone at night and don't put it under your pillow. Well, if you are afraid of oversleeping, then keep in mind that the alarm clock goes off even when the device is turned off: as long as you reach the place where it lies to remove the signal, you are guaranteed to wake up.
  15. If you do not want to interfere with radiation from other people (your children, for example), when talking, move away at least half a meter.
  16. In places where provider repeater antennas are installed, it is better not to buy an apartment: they emit a powerful signal that is very difficult to shield.
  17. People at risk (especially pregnant women, heart patients and children) are not recommended to use the phone unless absolutely necessary.
  18. Remember that any “protective” cases and stickers on phones protect you from radiation by no more than the power of your imagination and gullibility: do not become victims of scammers who sell similar products on the Internet. Better use all the recommendations that we gave you above - they are much more effective.

Modern sensible people understand that a complete rejection of phones in our society is impossible: even if you throw away all your gadgets, every day you will inevitably find yourself next to people who use them, so “life without phones” is only possible far from civilization.

But how intensively and competently you will use your mobile phone, how significantly you will put your own body at risk, depends entirely on you. We hope our review will help you maintain your health and reduce the harm and negative impact of a mobile phone on human health to a minimum. Good luck!

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Currently, it is an absolutely proven fact that the ability of electromagnetic waves to stimulate changes at the cellular level in the human body, cause gene disorders, contribute to the emergence of diseased cells in the body and pathogenic tumors. Hence, the conclusion suggests itself: mobile phones are harmful to health. Is this really so, is there any harm from a mobile phone? And if so, which one, and most importantly, how can it be avoided without giving up connection with the world?

The dangers of a mobile phone: myth or reality?

Today, almost the entire population of the planet, scientists, physicists, and doctors are concerned about the problem of the impact of mobile phones on human health. First of all, this is caused by the daily, or whatever, hourly increase in the number of cellular users in geometric progression, and the uncontrolled growth in the number of base stations, which are the direct source of radiation. The already known effect of electromagnetic fields on the body and the proximity of the telephone handset to the head complete the colorful picture of panic in front of mobile phones.

But is it really so groundless? Experiments on animals have shown that electromagnetic fields can cause memory loss in animals. And chicken embryos, for example, irradiated with electromagnetic waves become three times more susceptible to cancer. But the registered increase in cases of brain tumors and deteriorating health of people everywhere make us especially wary.

  • “Voluntary exposure of the brain to microwaves from a mobile phone is the largest biological experiment on humans and humanity.”

    Professor Leif Salford.

  • Many will object to this: “Living in general is harmful, all the time someone dies for some reason! In our life, no matter what, everything is harmful, everything is destructive!” Perhaps, however, forewarned is forearmed, as they say. It’s better to know about the consequences in advance, and then it’s up to everyone to decide whether to listen to the advice or not. Moreover, it does not take long for a person to become an adult and smart person; this is usually preceded by the childhood stage, the method of “trial and error”, and a child, even if he is a member of all humanity, is not only possible, but must be protected in every possible way from mistakes, for his own sake. well-being.

    So what exactly is the harm of a mobile phone on human health?

    "Attempted murder" of the immune system.

    According to the results of a study conducted by scientists from Denmark and Norway, cellular users complain more often than others about frequent headaches, constant drowsiness and causeless irritability. Have you noticed such harmful effects of a cell phone on yourself? All these signs are characteristic of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

    Also, under the influence of harmful electromagnetic fields generated by a mobile phone, a reaction of the so-called immune system tension occurs in the human body. Doctors comment that this reduces the body’s resistance to disease and other external harmful influences. If you use your mobile phone as a regular home phone, that is, often and for an unlimited time, then your immunity is under serious threat and very soon you may experience the harmful effects of a cell phone on your health yourself.

    In the early 90s of the last century, a rather unusual process was won in the United States. American lawyers managed to prove in court that the cause of death of a woman who suffered from a brain tumor was direct damage from her mobile phone.

    Take care of your head.

    Scientists have found that mobile communications, like any other source of electromagnetic radiation (microwave oven, computer, radiotelephone or TV), is biologically active, in other words, it affects humans. Moreover, this action, according to doctors, has a clearly “negative orientation.” However, the harm of mobile phones is disproportionate to other devices, since a mobile phone at the time of operation, that is, the activity of electromagnetic radiation, is in close proximity to the eyes and brain. Moreover, the level of this radiation cannot be compared with other technical means, that is, the harm of mobile phones exceeds the harmful effects of a computer, television or radiotelephone tens of times.

    The radiation of the electromagnetic field of the radio frequency range, which is generated by the tube, is absorbed by the tissues of the head, brain tissue, in particular, as well as the retina of the eye, structures of the vestibular, auditory and visual analyzers. This radiation affects both individual structures and organs directly and indirectly, on the nervous system, through a conductor. Scientists have proven that electromagnetic waves, penetrating into tissues, inevitably cause them to heat up. Which, over time, adversely affects the functioning of the entire human body, in general, and specifically, the functioning of the nervous, endocrine, and cardiovascular systems.

    Damage to mobile phones for vision and immunity.

    Experiments on animals carried out in Russia showed that rats exposed to electromagnetic radiation with an intensity 20 times higher than normal mobile phone radiation had significant damage to their vision. Radiation also negatively affects the immune system of animals, only further confirming the harm of mobile phones.

    You say, “so what, these are rats, and the radiation is 20 times higher, what does that have to do with us?” But, firstly, rats are the most resilient inhabitants of the planet (cockroaches seem to be from the same category), capable of surviving and adapting to the most terrible conditions, unlike modern “sissy” humans. And secondly, the transmitter power of the phone increases by at least 3 times only if you hold the mobile phone by the top of your ear, accidentally covering the antenna with your hand. And this is in the open space of the street, but what if we take into account the concrete walls of apartments and other obstacles to the communication signal?

    Children and mobile phones are not compatible.

    Scientists warn: children who use mobile phones are at increased risk of memory and sleep disorders. The dangers of a mobile phone for pregnant women are not discussed at all - it is harmful, a priori, especially if the mother carries the phone hanging around her neck on a “string”.

    It is believed that the main cause of the disorder is low-intensity electromagnetic radiation, which can penetrate a child’s thinner and less massive skull. If adults are more or less protected from it, then children are absolutely defenseless. This radiation affects the child’s brain rhythms, disrupting them, and can cause significant harm to the immune system, which is in the process of development and formation. The harmful effect of a cell phone is similar to radio interference: cell phone radiation destabilizes the body's cells, disrupts the functionality of the nervous system, causing headaches, sleep disorders and memory loss. And it doesn’t matter whether the child has a smartphone or a telephone. The radiation prevents the brain from working normally, knocking down its “basic settings.”

    A mobile phone prevents you from getting enough sleep.

    It would seem that the harm of mobile phones should be limited to the time spent talking on it; if you say less, there will be less harm, but that was not the case. Even a non-working mobile phone, just lying next to the bed, can harm and prevent you from getting enough sleep. In fact, electromagnetic radiation from a mobile phone, even in standby mode, negatively affects the human central nervous system, disrupting normal changes in sleep phases.

    According to Russian specialists from the Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, electromagnetic radiation with a frequency of 900 megahertz, which is created by modern mobile phones, can interfere with natural electromagnetic radiation, which is created by living cells of the body. The frequency of the latter is also in the range between 800-1,000 megahertz. This means that this radiation can cause some disruptions in the functioning of human nerve centers that regulate body functions - for example, the alternation of wakefulness and sleep or the phases of slow and fast sleep.

    Caution: mobile lightning rod!

    It turns out that it is not only radiation from the phone that poses a danger to humans; the harm from a mobile phone can be even more sophisticated. Recent events in China have added “wood to the fire of the cellular inquisition.” Several people were seriously injured during a thunderstorm when their cell phones were struck by lightning. The French Meteorological Service has already warned residents of the country that using mobile phones during a thunderstorm is dangerous, as they are “conductors of electrical discharge that can cause lightning to strike a person.” And the main thing is that it is not at all necessary to call it; it is enough that the phone is turned on.

    Allergies to cell phones are no longer a joke.

    As for the research data from scientists around the world about the dangers of telephone electromagnetic radiation, they are very contradictory. Specialists from the Institute of Biophysics of the State Scientific Research Center of the Russian Ministry of Health are convinced that the problem is that different people react differently to the radiation generated by cell phones. In particular, 15% of the planet's population are particularly resistant and simply do not notice it, in 70% of people the body's compensatory mechanisms are triggered, and negative consequences can only appear after some time, but 15% of cellular users are hypersensitive to electromagnetic radiation. The latter, 15%, even as a result of a single conversation on a mobile phone, experience increased fatigue and problems with sleep, and subsequently develop a reaction that resembles an allergic one, pressure drops and headaches appear.

    The Swedish government has taken an unprecedented step: in this country, the existence of allergies to cell phones is an officially recognized fact. Moreover, all mobile allergy sufferers in the country can receive a very substantial amount of compensation from the state budget (about 250 thousand dollars) in order to move to remote regions where there is no television or cellular communications!

    Is it possible to neutralize the harmfulness of a cell phone?

    One way or another, in the modern world you cannot live without mobile communications. And, despite all the harm of mobile phones, it is unlikely that anyone who reads this article will give it up. But, after all, something needs to be done!? Fortunately, it is still possible to more or less avoid the harmfulness of a mobile phone, and most importantly, it is not at all difficult. To relatively neutralize the harm of a mobile phone, use the following techniques, published in descending order of effectiveness.

    Let’s make a reservation right away: the fact that you have a smartphone or a telephone is not of fundamental importance, the harmfulness of a cell phone is the same, the countermeasures are identical. So, what to do?

    • Call outside.

    If the weather permits, it is better to go for a walk during a conversation - the phone is mobile.

    The fact is that the walls of the room block radio waves in the range of 1-2 GHz quite strongly, reducing the signal power level by about 10-20 dB, in other words, 10-100 times. The peculiarities of communication standards cannot always ensure the availability of all the additional power when the mobile phone is taken outside, but the advantage is still obvious.

    When you can’t go outside, at least turn in such a way that your head does not block the phone’s “window view” of the street - this can give an additional 5 dB.

    • Do not hold the handset close to your ear.

    The attenuation of radio waves of a signal is proportional to the square of the distance traveled - such a physics lesson.

    Let’s assume that the distance from the antenna of the tube, which is pressed tightly to the ear, to the brain is approximately 1 cm. Then, by moving the tube away from the ear just 1 cm, you will double the distance from it to the brain, which means the power emitted by the antenna to the brain , will decrease by 4 times!

    • Hold the phone by the bottom.

    The antenna is located at the top of the telephone. If you cover it with your hand during a conversation, it loses its own effectiveness by about 5-10 dB, and therefore forces the transmitter to increase the power by at least 3 times.

    This is especially true for phones that have a hidden internal antenna. It is simply lowered into the body a couple of centimeters, which means it can be closed by hand more often and more tightly.

    • Hold the handset vertically.

    Even such short radio waves as 1800 MHz are polarized, so it is preferable that the receiving and transmitting antennas be oriented in the same way, that is, vertically.

    Experience shows that simply changing the orientation of the telephone handset from vertical to horizontal reduces the level of the received signal from the BS by an average of 5 dB, that is, 3 times. This means that using the phone is 3 times safer.

    • Switch the MHz band on your phone.

    For hand-held equipment, the GSM standard provides different maximum power levels: 2 W for 850 and 900, 1 W for 1900 and 1800 MHz.

    Usually, the range selection on the phone occurs automatically and the subscriber does not even know about its level. Set your phone to 1800 range.

    Blocking the lower band, i.e. 900 MHz, will reduce exposure to radio frequency radiation by half.

    Just don’t forget to turn on the dual-band automatic when leaving the city, otherwise you risk being left without any connection at all.

    • Don't listen to phone beeps.

    Raise the handset to your ear only after the person on the other end answers. At the moment of sending a call, the mobile phone operates at its maximum power, regardless of the quality of network coverage in a given location.

    The emitted signal power decreases to the minimum permissible level, 20 seconds after the “Call” button was pressed - that is, just at the very beginning of the conversation.

    In addition, please note that the very first long beep from the handset appears only at the 10th second, so there is no point in immediately putting the phone to your head after dialing the number.

    But in large cities, even this will not protect you. There is a dense cellular network there, so the phone can often switch between the most free base stations during a conversation (sometimes 10 times in one minute!). With each such switching, the power jumps to a maximum and then slowly decreases.

    • Choose a phone with a lower SAR.

    Specific Absorption Rate or abbreviated SAR is the specific absorption rate of electromagnetic energy. As a rule, it differs for different models by 2-3 times, fluctuating in the range of 0.3-0.9 W/kg. And, therefore, the impact on the user’s health differs proportionally.

    The last chord.

    If the harmfulness of a cell phone still causes you doubts, then finally read the draft official recommendations of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation regarding the use of cell phones. Excerpts from the official document:

    A little more about the dangers of a mobile phone, the harm of a mobile phone video:

    “Voluntary exposure of the brain to microwaves from a mobile phone is the largest biological experiment on humans.”


    Swedish neurosurgeon Professor Leif Salford

    Just recently, a cell phone was a fashionable but rare phenomenon, but now almost everyone has one, especially in big cities. New tariff plans provoke people to talk on the phone more and more.

    Consequently, the dose of electromagnetic radiation that a person receives per day increases. Since the advent of mobile phones, debates have not subsided: whether or not their constant use is harmful to human health. Opinions differ on this matter. Representatives of cellular companies claim that there is no harm and cannot be, and if there is, it is no more than from an ordinary household electrical appliance. Proponents of this opinion cite the lack of any long-term studies on this matter.

    Research into the influence of electromagnetic fields (EMF) on living organisms has been ongoing for decades. The World Health Organization (WHO) has even established a special program “Electromagnetic fields and human health.” This problem is receiving the closest attention all over the world.

    The most sensitive systems of the human body to EMF are: nervous, immune, endocrine and reproductive, although the entire body suffers from cell phone EMF. The biological effect of EMF under conditions of long-term exposure accumulates over many years, resulting in the development of long-term consequences, including degenerative processes of the central nervous system, blood cancer (leukemia), brain tumors, and hormonal diseases. Electromagnetic fields can be especially dangerous for children, pregnant women (fetuses), people with diseases of the central nervous, hormonal, cardiovascular systems, allergy sufferers and people with weakened immune systems.

    The most typical manifestations of the effects of a cell phone, which we ourselves have often felt, are: dizziness, discomfort, a feeling of “warmth” near the ear, nausea, neurological disorders, and increased fatigue. Moreover, the maximum increase in temperature was observed at approximately 30 minutes of exposure, up to 36-39°C.

    Let's consider the effect of a cell phone on the human brain. Already from the 15th second of the conversation, inhibition of the alpha and theta rhythms of the bioelectric activity of the brain is noted. Then there is an increase in the temperature of the ear, eardrum and adjacent area of ​​the brain. Thus, the expression that a mobile phone “fries the brain” is not without foundation. Prolonged exposure to cell phone radiation can damage the blood-brain barrier, allowing toxic proteins to enter the brain tissue. Research by Swedish scientists in 2003 proved that even a two-minute conversation on a mobile phone can cause damage to the blood-brain barrier, which is not restored even an hour after the end of the call.

    In 2006, Italian scientists said that cell phones, by stimulating the cerebral cortex, can cause an epileptic stroke in people with mild excitability of brain cells. Doctors do not recommend using mobile phones for people suffering from neurological diseases, including neurasthenia, psychopathy, psychasthenia, neuroses, the clinical picture of which is characterized by asthenic, obsessive, hysterical disorders, as well as decreased mental and physical performance, decreased memory and sleep disorders.

    Employees of the Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences recently discovered that a mobile phone operating in standby mode can shorten and disrupt the most important phases of night rest - rapid and slow-wave sleep. If you use your cell phone as an alarm clock, place it away from your head, at least at arm's length.

    Mobile phones also negatively affect our vision. As a result of electromagnetic irradiation of the head, blood circulation in the eyes worsens. The lens of the eye is less well washed by blood, which over time leads to clouding and further destruction. These changes are irreversible. This process is accompanied by pain in the eyes and noise in the head. And, according to recent studies, long-term focusing of the gaze on small cell phone screens near the eyes overstrains the eye muscles, which causes irreversible negative changes in the human eye. Cell phones also have an impact on the cardiovascular system. For example, in the UK, people with heart problems often complained of pain when they carried a phone in their chest pocket. And David Sheffield from the University of Staffordshire even managed to establish a connection between a cell phone and high blood pressure.

    Japanese doctor Hajime Kimata from Unitika Hospital (Kyoto) believes that microwaves emitted by mobile phones can “excite” antigens that cause allergic reactions such as asthma. Cell phones are also harmful to the reproductive system. Sexual dysfunction is usually associated with changes in its regulation by the nervous and neuroendocrine systems.

    Researchers from the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, in a study of 364 men, concluded that those who used a mobile phone 4 hours a day or more had lower sperm counts. Moreover, the sperm of these people was less mobile and of poorer quality. Reports from US researchers are confirmed by Hungarian scientist Imre Fejes from the University of Szeged. After examining 221 volunteers over 13 months, he found that mobile phones could reduce sperm quality by 30%. At the same time, you don’t have to talk a lot about it; you just need to carry it with you – in your trouser pocket or on your belt.

    Cell phones also have a negative effect on the reproductive system of women. Thus, women who talk on the phone all day are 1.5 times more likely to have miscarriages, and the number of children with congenital defects is 2.5 times more likely. Therefore, in many countries, women are strictly prohibited from using mobile phones from the moment the fact of pregnancy is established and throughout the entire period. The results of epidemiological studies allow us to conclude that the presence of contact of women with electromagnetic radiation can lead to premature birth, affect the development of the fetus and, finally, increase the risk of developing congenital deformities.

    The WHO medical organization in its program “EMR and Human Health” unequivocally states: “...medical consequences, such as cancer, changes in behavior, memory loss, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, sudden death syndrome of an apparently healthy child and many other conditions, including suicides are the result of exposure to electromagnetic fields.” Thus, the statement that cellular communications are harmless is not true.

    While “scientists are arguing,” Levi’s announced that it is preparing to release a new model of “Icon S-Fit” jeans that will protect its owner from harmful cell phone radiation. Their pockets will be made of impenetrable “anti-radiation” fabric.

    The National Committee for Protection from Non-Ionizing Radiation, as well as the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, recommends that cell phone owners:

    Do not use your cell phone unless necessary;

    Talk continuously for no more than 3-4 minutes;

    Do not allow children to use cell phones;

    Limit the use of cell phones by women during pregnancy;

    When purchasing, choose a cell phone with a lower maximum radiation power;

    In a car, use MRI in conjunction with a hands-free communication system with an external antenna, which is best located in the geometric center of the roof;

    Limit the use of mobile radios to people who have implanted pacemakers.

    The impact of new technologies on human health: mobile phone, cell towers, Wi-Fi. At what age can children use cell phones?

    For many years, research has been conducted to study the effect of cell phones on the human body. The fact is that technologies in the field of mobile device production are developing more and more rapidly every day.

    Cell phone manufacturers are constantly coming up with know-how for their gadgets. Each new model may be equipped with an innovation whose impact has not yet been studied. It is precisely these factors that complicate the task for scientists experiencing radiation from mobile phones.

    Probably the only thing that doctors and scientists know for sure is that phones emit radio waves or electromagnetic radiation. Naturally, such flows do not pass without leaving a trace for a person. They can leave their imprint and mark on his body.

    Impact of electromagnetic radiation on humans

    • Scientists have been able to establish that radio frequencies have quite an adverse effect on the human body.
    • There are no clear numbers and evidence, since this type of experiment needs to be carried out over a long period of time
    • The largest giant manufacturers of cellular gadgets stand in the way of scientists. Some sources claim that it is precisely these companies that mainly finance research into the effects of electromagnetic radiation on the human body. It goes without saying that it is in their interests to minimize the likelihood of any harm being caused to a person by the phone
    • In addition, there are facts of criminal cases being initiated against members of commissions participating in such experiments. The defendants are charged with receiving bribes on an especially large scale from mobile phone manufacturing companies in order to distort the true state of affairs.

    • Among other things, it is also difficult for scientists to work due to constant innovations in the telephone market. The inventors of such innovations claim that their devices are safer than their predecessors. Therefore, studies have to be carried out again and again, and, given the large amount of time required for each study, this further delays the announcement of the final results
    • In any case, the WHO classifies cell phones as Class 2B agents. This means that phones may be carcinogenic to humans. Yes, the wording is certainly not impressive. It only says that some of the investigative commission agreed with the dangers of phones, and others did not.
    • Group 2B also includes carcinogens such as coffee, DDT, gasoline, chloroform, etc. substances

    The effect of telephone radiation on the human brain

    The negative effect of electromagnetic radiation on the human brain is the heating of brain tissue. Such heating can lead to the formation of chromosomal changes in brain cells, their mutation and, as a consequence, the development of a brain tumor.

    A scientist from Scotland, William Stewart, began to prove this theory. He was able to establish that, under the influence of electromagnetic waves, the protein structure of the earthworm changed.

    William Stewart believes that under the influence of radio waves, the human brain can heat up and melt like food in a microwave.

    This hypothesis, of course, has its place, but its evidence base is too weak to convince all mobile phone users to give up constant communication with other subscribers. In addition, such exposure to radio waves must continue continuously and continuously over a long period of time.

    How does electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones affect children?
    • As for children, caution must be exercised.
    • The fact is that a child’s organs are formed throughout his childhood. Exposure to electromagnetic waves can disrupt their development and direct them in the wrong direction
    • Scientists believe that constant long-term use of cell phones by children can lead to brain cancer, autism, meningitis, etc. Such diseases are very dangerous, therefore, in the case of children, it is worth taking all precautions
    • In addition, exposure to radio waves can affect the mental and physical state of the baby. Some studies have proven that cell phones can cause sleep disturbances, lethargy, drowsiness, decreased immunity, memory impairment and mental disorders.

    Can a child use a cell phone? From what age?

    • For many parents, their child's cell phone is the key to their safety and peace of mind. After all, thanks to the “mobile phone” the child is under the constant control of his father and mother
    • However, the health of the baby should come first
    • It is advisable to delay buying a mobile phone for your child for as long as possible.
    • Sociologists believe that the most appropriate age for using a cell phone is from ten years of age. At this moment, the baby is more or less mentally prepared for such an important thing as a telephone.

    • Based on the question of the baby’s health, it is worth purchasing a mobile phone for him as late as possible
    • If parents believe that their baby needs a phone at an earlier age, they should make sure that their child’s phone conversations are as short as possible
    • The best way out of this situation is considered to be when the connection on the child’s phone is one-way. In other words, parents can call their child, but he cannot call them. The baby only has the opportunity to signal the need to talk to them
    • To do this, you can either purchase a special package for children, or simply not top up your child’s phone account

    Damage to mobile, cell towers

    • If a mobile phone emits electromagnetic waves, then the radio tower will also receive and spray the same waves
    • Many residents of houses close to the locations of cell towers are extremely concerned about such proximity. Some of them claim that after such a structure was installed near their home, their well-being and health deteriorated extremely. Some have noticed the absence of cockroaches in their homes, some even insist that homeless animals in such areas have begun to reproduce worse
    • All these statements can either have a scientific basis or be a complete fabrication or a manifestation of general panic.
    • In fact, radiation occurs, but the state clearly regulates the standards for such radiation. Moreover, the radiation rate in our country is lower than in other European countries

    Harm from Wi-Fi radiation

    Harm from Wi-Fi radiation

    Relatively recently, such a concept as Wi-Fi (WI-FI) entered our lives. WI-FI is wireless internet. It is sprayed into the air using the same radiation. Considering that today there are routers or routers in almost every apartment, cafe, restaurant, and even in parks and places of public recreation, it is almost impossible to hide from such radiation.

    However, it is worth considering that the sources of such radiation are not as close to the human body as the same mobile phone. In addition, you can turn off your particular router for a while while no one is going to use it.

    You can also compare the effect of Wi-Fi with other everyday objects in our lives:

    • the signal from the microwave is 10,000 times higher than the signal from the router
    • a cell phone emits as many waves as two routers and twenty laptops emit simultaneously

    In addition, in cases with WI-FI routers, their harmful effects on the human body can be minimized in the following simple ways:

    • It is best to place the router at a distance of more than forty centimeters from the person’s permanent location
    • If there is no need, it is best to completely disconnect the router from the power supply.
    • A laptop or tablet that receives WI-FI signals should not be placed on your lap

    Video: Harm from mobile phones

