How to restore your computer settings to a day ago. How to restore the system to a specific date

Very often a situation arises when a computer or laptop begins to work unstably after installing a particular program, or after being infected with a virus. In this case, a function that will return the computer’s state to a few days ago will be very useful, thereby undoing unwanted changes to the system. This Windows OS feature is called System Restore. We will tell you how it works and how to use it in this article.

Restoring Windows to a previous state

This option is really very useful. You can always use it after the computer becomes unstable after making certain changes, such as, for example, installing a program or updating a driver.

But there are two conditions that must be met to successfully use Windows System Restore:

  1. The recovery option itself must be activated;
  2. There must be a restore point with a rollback date that suits you.

In order to check whether the recovery option is activated on your computer, you need to do the following:

Right-click on the “Computer” icon on the desktop or in the “Start” menu and select “Properties” from the menu that opens.

System protection

In the window that opens, opposite drive C should be “Enabled”. This means that recovery on the system disk is activated.

Checking the activation of the recovery function

As already written above, the second point is to have a restore point, the date of which suits you. Well, let's say you want to roll back to the state of the computer that was yesterday, and the closest point is only a week ago. In this case, you must understand that if you use this restore point, then everything that has happened to the computer over the last week (installation of programs, configuration of services) will be canceled.

To view the list of available recovery points, you need to click the “Restore” button in the same “System Protection” window.

If there is a “Display all restore points” checkbox at the bottom, then you need to check it.

If there is a point in this list that suits you by date, then to restore the computer to this date you need to select the point in the list with a single left click of the mouse and click “Next”, agreeing with all the suggestions of the recovery specialist.

Selecting a restore point

After this, the computer will restart and return to those few days ago.

Friends, I have long promised my regular readers to write an article about system recovery. Many of us have already encountered this situation more than once when we install some program, make some operating system settings, accidentally delete service files and do much more, which ultimately leads to incorrect and unstable functioning of the OS.

Today I will tell you? What needs to be done to return the operating system to working condition.

Friends, do not forget that there are no hopeless situations.

The algorithm discussed below will be useful to everyone. There are no people who don’t make mistakes and always do everything right. As wise people say: “Only those who do nothing make no mistakes.” But you should also be able to correct mistakes.

And for everyone who wants to find out and, if necessary, undo the last actions on the computer, I have written a detailed algorithm.

Recovery checkpoint

So, Friends, a recovery checkpoint is a copy of the operating system service files, program settings, as well as the system registry at a certain point in time.

The operating system, as a rule, creates recovery checkpoints automatically at certain intervals, in the case of installing any software or at the direct direction of the user.

It should be noted that when “rolling back” to the operating system restore point, the user’s personal files, such as music tracks, graphic files, documents, etc., are not affected.

Attention! Returning to a restore point allows you to restore the operating system, but not the user's personal content.

1. Click on the “Start” button at the bottom right of the screen and select “Control Panel”. The main Control Panel window of the Windows 7 operating system will open:

2. Click on the very first section “System and Security” and in the window that opens, select the subsection “Restore the computer to a previous state”.

3. In the window that appears, click on the “Start system recovery” button.

4. The system will collect the necessary information and launch the System Restore Wizard. In the first window that appears, you just need to click the “Next” button.

5. Next, the second Wizard window will open, where you need to select a restore point from the list provided. If you have just made some settings and want to cancel them, then select the topmost entry indicated. You can also select any recovery point entry that suits you.

You can also run “Search for affected programs” by clicking on the corresponding button. The operating system will scan its service records, determine which programs will be deleted or restored during a rollback to a restore point, and present the analysis results in a separate window. After reviewing the lists of affected programs, click the “Close” button.

7. A warning window will appear on the screen that it will be impossible to interrupt the system recovery. And once again they will ask you to confirm your intentions by clicking the “Yes” button.

After this, the system recovery process will begin. Which usually takes a little time - about 2-3 minutes. After which the system will reboot and you will see this window:

Your computer has been restored to the specified state. Now you can check the operation of the OS and other programs to ensure they are working correctly. Be sure to test the result of the system restore.

If the operating system was unable to restore the system, then the window will be different. This often happens when an antivirus program is running. Disable it and try again.

If you were able to successfully solve the “” problem, then I congratulate you. But in some cases, restoring the system did not lead to an improvement in the situation, but rather to its deterioration. The system began to freeze, some programs would not load at all, desktop icons disappeared, etc. In this case, it is best to cancel System Restore.

To do this, we carry out the entire algorithm, starting from point 1. When you complete step 3, the following window will open:

Select “Cancel system restore” and then follow the algorithm presented above.

So, Friends, we looked at a rather important question: “how to restore the system?”, We learned how to “roll back” the system to restore points and cancel “rollbacks”.

It should be noted that it is possible to restore the system using this method, but only if there was no serious damage to system files, for example, as if the system was infected with a virus. In case of serious malfunctions of the OS, this tool is ineffective and you cannot avoid resorting to one of the advanced system recovery methods.

In one of the following articles, I will talk about just such a tool - an emergency recovery disk.

Hello, dear readers of the Internet Business blog! Restoring your computer system may be necessary if you see the following failures:

  • the operating system runs at a snail's pace,
  • programs freeze
  • the menu opens by itself and disappears,
  • Windows displays numerous error messages while running,
  • The computer makes strange noises from time to time.

There is something to be upset about! If this happens, you will want to return to the time when the computer worked well. Do you think time can't be turned back? Believe me, it's possible! The wonderful tool Windows 7 will act as a time machine System Restore.

How to restore the system? Every day, Windows 7 remembers vital OS settings and saves them, creating a restore point. When serious failures occur on a computer, its normal operation can be returned from a restore point, that is, transported to a prosperous past that was saved by the system.

It is important to know that when you access a recovery point, your documents are not deleted by the recovery system. But programs that were installed after the restore point was created will be lost and will need to be downloaded again. You can cancel System Restore and use another restore point.

How to restore your computer system

Click on the button Start, select All programs. Go to section Standard, open submenu Service, select menu System Recovery s, after which a dialog box will appear.

You can use another way: Start ==> Control Panel ==> Recovery ==> Running System Restore. The same dialog box will open.

2. Select a restore point.

The following commands are available in the computer system recovery program:

Cancel system restore. This command is needed in case you are not satisfied with the result of the restore; it appears only after using the restore point.

Recommended system recovery. Use the suggested restore point, this is the best chance to fix the situation with your computer. As a result, the latest updates, drivers, or software installed are uninstalled because they may have caused the crash.

Show other restore points. This command is always available; after selecting it, a list will open from which you can select any recovery point by creation date.

You can test how these settings affect your computer. To do this, click on the button Find affected programs, and you will receive a list of those programs that will be affected by the selected option.

3. Check again that all open files are saved and click on the button Next, then Ready.

After a short pause, the computer will reboot and work normally. Even if there are no crashes on your computer, I advise you to create your own restore point. Give it a descriptive name, for example “Before the doctor was needed” and you can easily find the desired recovery point by name.

Creating a restore point

1. In the menu Start click on the folder Computer right click and select command Properties.

A dialog box will open on the screen System, which displays all the most important functions of the computer.

A dialog box will appear System properties.

3. Click on the button Create in the tab System protection.

In the dialog box System protection Enter a name for the new restore point.

Save the restore point by clicking on the button Create. By creating a restore point in advance, you will always be able to choose the state to which it is best to return in the event of a system failure.

If you discover that your computer is infected with viruses, before you disinfect it with an antivirus program, delete all existing restore points. They may contain viruses!

Removing recovery points infected with viruses

In the dialog box System properties you need to click on the disk C (System), then on the button Will set up b.

In the dialog box System protection click on the buttons Delete ==> Continue ==> OK. Close the window and start removing viruses.

After you have disinfected your computer, create a new restore point. Name it accordingly, for example, “After disinfection.”

Restoring your computer system is a simple but very important task to keep Windows 7 in working order. When you know the functions of your computer well, it is no secret to you how to restore the system; you do not need to look for a specialist or knowledgeable friends. You can handle this task perfectly on your own!

Good luck to you and see you on the pages of the Internet Business blog!

I would really appreciate it if you use these buttons! Thank you!

Friends, I have long promised my regular readers to write an article about system recovery. Many of us have already encountered this situation more than once when we install some program, make some operating system settings, accidentally delete service files and do much more, which ultimately leads to incorrect and unstable functioning of the OS.

Will I tell you today? What needs to be done to return the operating system to working condition.

Friends, do not forget that there are no hopeless situations.

The algorithm discussed below will be useful to everyone. There are no people who don’t make mistakes and always do everything right. As wise people say: “Only those who do nothing make no mistakes.” But you should also be able to correct mistakes.

And for everyone who wants to find out and, if necessary, undo the last actions on the computer, I have written a detailed algorithm.

Recovery checkpoint

2. Click on the very first section “System and Security” and in the window that opens, select the subsection “Restore the computer to a previous state”.

3. In the window that appears, click on the “Start system recovery” button.

At work, I have to constantly test various programs, so my computer needs regular maintenance.

Windows 7 System Restore

Most often, the function of restoring the computer to a working state is required if some program was installed and after that the system began to slow down. You should also restore the system to an earlier state if the computer was subject to a virus attack. In most cases, the computer is infected or cluttered with programs so much that the recovery operation can only be performed from safe mode.

System Restore in Windows 7

Hello, I have already written an article about how to enable system restore and how to create a restore point. Now is the time to write about how to perform a system restore in Windows 7. To put it simply, now I will write about how to perform a system rollback.

If you have some kind of problem with your computer, for example, it has become very glitchy, or even worse, it won’t start at all, then the first thing you need to do is to try a system rollback, thereby we will return the settings and system files from the backup that was created for example two days ago, when the computer was still working normally.

This is a good opportunity to quickly repair your computer and return it to normal operating condition.

We perform system recovery on all versions of Windows, order a technician by phone

You can return your computer settings to WindowsXP using the “System Restore” item. In order to do this thing on your computer, you need to reboot and press the F8 key until the boot menu appears in which you need to select “

You can rollback your computer for many reasons, for example, you reinstalled the drivers, but they don’t work properly, or you installed a lot of programs and games, many of which were installed incorrectly, or you made an update after which the system didn’t work properly, or Windows simply won’t start. This can be done in different ways. Some methods by which you can roll back and restore the system are universal, and some are suitable specifically for a specific reason.

How to roll back to a restore point

If Windows does not start on your computer, then this method is not suitable, but it is suitable for rolling back the system to Windows after installing games or programs, after an unsuccessful experiment with the settings in the system, after an unsuccessful update or after removing drivers. A restore point is created automatically, usually after installing a program, but you can create a system restore point manually. To see all your recovery points, you need to open them by simultaneously pressing two WIN+X keys on your keyboard. A context menu will open in which you need to select Control Panel.

Using the Control Panel you can roll back your Windows 7 system

In the Control Panel window that opens, enter the word in the search field recovery. After this you need to click on Recovery which appeared at the very top of the Control Panel.

By selecting this item you can roll back the Windows system.

In the next window there will be several items, and you need to click on the item Starting the recovery system to roll back your computer. If you need to create a restore point manually, then you need to click on the System Restore Settings item and in the next window click on the Create button located at the very bottom of the window. A new Restore system files and settings window will open in which you need to click Next.

Windows 10 rollback point

In the next window, Restoring the computer to a previous state, to restore the computer retroactively, you need to check the box Show other restore points. Then click on the date when everything was fine with your computer and click Next. After this, perform a system rollback and after rebooting, the computer will return to the state of the selected date.

How to roll back from Windows

This method, like the previous one, is not suitable if Windows does not start. Using this method, you can roll back the system to factory settings with the loss of all data or partial loss of data. As in the first case, open the Control Panel and go to the Recovery window.

To open computer settings, click on the last line

In this window you need to click on the item If your PC is having problems, you can restore it in PC Settings. After this, a window will open on your computer Computer settings on the tab Recovery.

Windows 8 system rollback

There are three recovery options on this tab:
Recover your computer without deleting files. In this case, after restoring the system, files and all programs will be lost except for files located in the system folders Music, Video, Documents, Downloads and Images, and programs and applications that were installed from the Windows Store will also be saved.
Removing all data and reinstalling Windows. In this case, a clean reinstallation of the system will occur and all files will be deleted from the system disk and you will have to perform data recovery after reinstalling the system.
Special download options. In this case, you will need an installation disk that was used to install the system on your computer.
After selecting the desired option, click Next, and after going through the recovery procedure you need to reinstall your favorite programs.

System Restore via Command Line

Usually they do a system restore if Windows stops starting on the computer. This method is also called system recovery via BIOS or system recovery via cmd. To start rolling back the system through the BIOS, you need to press the Start button on your computer and immediately hold down the F8 key on the keyboard, and when the boot menu appears, release it.

How to restore a computer via BIOS

Next, to restore the system via bios, you need to select the item using the arrows on the keyboard Safe Mode with Command Line Support and press ENTER on your keyboard. A command line will open in which you need to enter %systemroot%\system32\restore\rstrui.exe and press the ENTER key on your keyboard. After this, the system rollback will begin in safe mode. When the system rollback is completed via the command line, you will need to restart the computer and it will start in normal mode.

There are cases when, after installing some program or other actions: the Windows operating system does not work correctly; programs that worked do not work; Previously running games do not launch. In this case, a very wonderful function from Microsoft will help us, likesystem recovery (rollback to restore point). This function can also help us if your computer is infected with banner ransomware. In this article we will tell you: how this is done, what is needed for it to work.

1. If the system is operational.

On the desktop, right-click on the “computer” or “my computer” icon and select properties,

h Then on the right side select system protection.

Attention! Here we can see: is this component enabled and

how it is configured.

If next to the specified system drive there is no message included, we will not be able to restore the system, but we can enable this function by clicking on any disk and pressing the button configure, h then check the box next to restore system settings and previous versions of files, select a specific space with the slider that will be used for recovery files. The more space is allocated, the more restore points the system will create. So if your component is enabled, click the button recovery

E if you are satisfied recommended recovery(the computer state date corresponds to the time when everything worked for you), click further, if not, then you need a tab select another restore point and so on.

In this window you need to check the box show other restore points and select the most desired point. Selected click further.

Click ready and wait for the process to complete (If you have a laptop or netbook, make sure the battery is well charged; if the charge is low, connect to a power source)

2. If the system does not turn on or a “ransomware banner” appears when turned on

When loading the operating system, press the key F8, further

computer troubleshooting and Enter.

select the desired language