How to restore an application button on Android 7. Factory settings Android Lollipop

Appeared thanks to the System UI Tuner tool added to Android 6.0. This is an experimental feature. To enable it, you need to expand the panel quick settings and hold your finger on the gear in the upper right corner for a few seconds. After this, the system will inform you that System UI Tuner is enabled, and the corresponding item will appear in the settings.

If you decide you want to save it and try to do it in standby mode, you'll be looking for it in vain. But here again we run into a minor problem. Widgets cannot be placed on the desktop. Although they are present, they can only be placed on the lock screen. Fortunately, in the case of this widget, the capacity remains displayed in notifications.

Although the error message appeared quite often that the application was not responding, however, this is enough to click “Wait” and the application immediately began to function. Problems are a problem when the computer goes into sleep mode while it is in standby mode.

To add your own items to the control panel, you will need to install additional application, but you should start by studying the System UI Tuner itself. This is a rather interesting thing, thanks to which you can forcefully enable or disable the display of certain elements in the quick settings panel, and also add a percentage indicator of the battery charge level.

After waking up, it does not behave as it should, for example, it cannot launch applications. The laptop even saw the required modem and then began the connection process, but often failed to complete the process. In this case, however, it may only be a defect on my device. Finally, I have a few other usage details. He even discovered a small lightning diode next to it that he can turn on and off. You can add buttons to the action bar through which you can perform the most important actions in a given application context.

Creating and adding your own elements is possible through the Custom Quick Settings application.

First the user will be shown the process activation System UI Tuner and then prompt you to create your own panel element.

Those that are not suitable in the bar or are not the most important are in a special hidden menu. Action bar with search and buttons hidden menu, where additional actions are available. Add an element for each element you want to place on the panel.

Download: Action Bar Icon Set

The icon attribute must be set to the image object ID. We already talked about this in the lesson “Creating a simple user interface”.

Up button in low level actions

All screens that do not represent the main application screen should include a "Top to Top" button in the action bar - this will allow the user to access the parent application screen.

The process is described step by step directly on the Custom Quick Settings screen. Let's try to go through it by creating, for example, an icon on the panel to launch the Lifehacker mobile application.

Here is an example of a declaration of excellence in a manifesto. To delete a specified route, tap the Route button on the navigation screen. The Waypoints screen appears. Now click on those 3 dots in the bottom right corner of the screen and then you will see several options including "Delete" - by clicking on it you can delete the route.

How to assign a route pointing to the map? To do this, you need to press on the point, but do not remove your finger, just hold it for a while until the corresponding screen appears. How to add a point to your favorite pointing it out on the map? We do the same as in question 2, only from the menu that appears we select “Add to Favorites”.

Tap on SYSTEM UI TUNER. The Quick Settings panel designer appears. At this point, you can set the location of each element, and also select the “Add a shortcut button” option at the bottom of the screen. Let's create a new button.

How can I disable it to have a flat map? Hold the wheel with your finger and then the right side of the screen can adjust the height of the building outline. We move the slider down, setting the height to 0%, and therefore the 3D outlines are no longer visible. We can add them by clicking the Route button - between the start and the destination there will be a suitable place to click.

If you want to remove that point or change your order, just touch the point with your finger and don't lift your finger, but hold it there for a moment. There are three dots in the bottom right corner of the screen, after which the bottom bar disappears. Clicking on these three vertical dots will display the bottom panel.

Tap on “Broadcast button” and give it a name. According to the instructions, each created button must have a name in the CUSTOMTILEx format, where x is serial number button you create. The countdown starts from zero, and therefore the first button created should be called CUSTOMTILE0.

You can disable the hide panel feature. Short - the shortest route, although excluding the worst categories of roads. Optimal requires time, but also distance. A compromise between short and fast. Easy - for less experienced drivers. Useful, for example, in winter, when side roads may be snowy or icy. Pedestrian - Pedestrian Mode: Move around in your pocket and you're good to go. Our experience shows that this regime should be interpreted in a very Eastern way.

Terenova is the shortest route, with the exception of the road category. Crossroads - a straight line between the start and the goal, useful, for example, in the forest or on a train. Why is the ring road not working? This may be related to the type of route used, for example the optimal route, not to mention the short one, often leads through the center of the route instead of avoiding the faster route. The solution is to switch the route type to fast. There is no detailed guide in the guidebook.

The button will appear on the panel designer screen. Along the way, you can specify its location.

In the Custom Quick Settings application, return to the instructions screen, check the “I have done this” checkbox and click Continue.

We didn't want to save a few hundred meters down the road to save a minute or two. To change this, click the Settings button, then the Route tab. There is also a "Navigation in Sleep" option. This option can be useful, for example, when cycling or hiking. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments.

Peter Surovetsky

All rights reserved. How to disable house numbers in the machine? Is there a way to get to the android on the route? The fastest route is the shortest route - tell us about the roads where you can do this? Once you have determined your route, you need to click the "Route" button at the bottom of the screen. If there is no Route button at the bottom of the screen, you need to click the three dots in the bottom right corner of the screen and a Route button will appear. And what should I do to turn off the entire machine? My device doesn't have a separate back button somewhere under the screen like phones do.

A round icon with a plus sign takes the user to the screen for setting up a new button. First we set the name of the button, in our case it is “Lifehacker”.

I only have what's on the screen. Are there hidden “close”, “end” or “off”? We haven't seen it yet separate button“Close.” Here's what we know about it. It's a pity from the creator that he didn't think to introduce a search for saved points. The same applies to those cats that mark the places where they were kept.

Does anyone know how to restore this lower beam? But there is no thick beam with options for the entire map. Just press it again. In the middle I have a main menu button. I have arrows on the right side and one on the left. This cannot be done over the phone. What to do in this situation, because the image of the auto card is very trashy.

Select an icon. There are many, many of them here. Life hacker is very useful, like a carrot, and therefore the carrot icon will be in the theme.

Now we set the action by tapping on the icon. The user can set the application to launch, navigate to a URL, custom action, or make a button that does nothing. In our case, this is launching an application, that is, Launch App. In the list of all installed and system applications that appears, we find “Lifehacker”. It is not necessary to specify an action for a long tap, and therefore you can skip it.

All that remains is to click on the round icon with a check mark, confirming the button settings, and then open the quick settings panel. As you can see, there is now a Lifehacker Carrot here.

This feature is only available in Android 6.0.

Android supports several menu types. First - there is a separate button on the phone Menu(in older phones), pressing which brings up the menu. In new devices, the separate button has been removed and replaced with a menu icon in the form of three dots in a vertical orientation. The second type is a context menu that appears when you press and hold your finger on the screen in the desired place (you can also press and hold the center button on your phone). The context menu, in turn, can have submenus. Today we will get acquainted with the first type of menu. This article will look at working with the menu on new devices running Android 4.0 and higher.

In the template Empty Activity there is no menu, so we will create it ourselves. This will help you understand the working principle and get general idea about the project. It is not necessary to remember the names of classes, methods, and code to handle menu item selections. In other templates, the menu will be built-in and you can use it right away.

Create new project based Empty Activity and run it. There is no menu yet.

Let's create several string resources in the file res/values/strings.xml, which will be responsible for menu items:

Settings Cat Cat Kitten

Now create a new folder menu in folder res res, | New | Directory). Next, create a file in the created folder menu_main.xml- the name indicates that the menu relates to the main activity MainActivity(right click on the folder menu | New | Menu Resource File). If you create an application with multiple screens, then each activity will have a separate menu with its own settings. Let's open the file for now menu_main.xml and add your code to the resulting template:

Let's open the file MainActivity. Currently there is only one method onCreate(). Let's add new method onCreateOptionsMenu(). This method is responsible for the appearance of the activity menu. Choose a menu in the studio Code| and in the next window, start entering the name of the method using the first letters. You can enter by first capital letters, i.e. ocom ( o n C reate O options M enu) to quickly find the desired line. Press the button OK and we get the workpiece.

@Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) ( return super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu); )

We add a method to the template that takes data from menu resources and converts them into menu items on the screen.

@Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) ( getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu); return true; )

In method inflate() you are pointing to a menu resource ( and a class object Menu.

In English, "inflate" is translated as inflate, i.e. According to the Android developers, we inflate an object, for example, a menu, with data. But in fact, the word "inflate" comes from the phrase in flat- to the apartment. There is an old tradition of letting a cat into the apartment first, who explores all the nooks and crannies of the house and declares his consent to live in it. This is how we run data from an XML file into a MenuInflater object.

Start the project. Now on the right side of the header you will see an icon from three points, lined up in a vertical line. Click on the icon to see the menu item Settings.

As you might guess, the element item is responsible for a separate menu item. Let's add three more items using the same principle, changing only the identifier and text for the menu:

Run the project and try calling the menu again. You will see three new items.

Options id And title don't need any explanation. Parameter orderInCategory allows you to set your own order for displaying menu items. Suppose you have created five menu items, but have not yet decided on the order in which they will appear on the screen. To avoid constantly moving entire blocks of code for menu items into in the right order, you can use this parameter.

And finally, an important attribute app:showAsAction defines menu behavior in ActionBar. Meaning never means that the menu item should not appear in the header, but only in the pop-up menu, i.e. be behind three points. If you set the value always, then point Settings will appear immediately in the header of your application. Values ​​also available ifRooms, withText And collapseActionView. Try it yourself. For example, ifRoom displays a menu item if space allows. If there are a lot of points, they will only get in the way. Typically, this option displays a very short word or icon for frequent operations to avoid unnecessary clicking on three dots.

Pay attention to the attribute app:showAsAction, which refers to the namespace xmlns:app="". There was a time when such a namespace did not exist and projects used the attribute android:showAsAction from the standard namespace. If the studio complains about the error, then edit the code.

While menu items are not executed useful work. Any click on an item simply closes the menu without visible consequences. We haven't written the code to handle clicks yet.

Selecting menu items

We learned how to create a menu. But for now it is useless, since the menu items do not react in any way to our clicks. Another method is used to handle menu item clicks. onOptionsItemSelected(). Let's add a method using the same principle as for the previous example. Let's get the blank.

@Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) ( return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); )

Parameter item is responsible for the menu item. You should get the menu id through the method getItemId() and indicate the code for it. Since the menu usually consists of several items, it is convenient to use the constructions if/else or switch. To display information, we will use a text label. Add a component to your activity screen TextView. You can use the existing one TextView with the inscription "Hello World!", just give it an identifier.

android:id="@+id/textView" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="Hello World!"/>

Let's add the code to the template for the selected menu item:

@Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) ( // get the identifier of the selected menu item int id = item.getItemId(); TextView infoTextView = (TextView) findViewById(; // Operations for the selected menu item switch ( id) ( case infoTextView.setText("You chose a cat!"); return true; case infoTextView.setText("You chose a cat!"); return true; case R. id.action_cat3: infoTextView.setText("You have selected a kitten!"); return true; default: return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); ) )

Launch the application, call up the menu and select any menu item. A message should appear in the text field.

Exists alternative way via XML similar to handling button clicks (since Android 3.0). You can add an attribute android:onClick in menu resources and you don't need to use a method call onOptionsItemSelected(). With help android:onClick you can specify the desired method when selecting a menu item. Add this attribute to the item Settings

Now in the activity code we will write the following:

// the Settings menu item attribute is set to android:onClick="onSettingsMenuClick" public void onSettingsMenuClick(MenuItem item) ( TextView infoTextView = (TextView) findViewById(; infoTextView.setText("You have selected the Settings item, better would choose a cat"); )


The appearance of menu items can be changed to a view with switches. To do this you need to add an element group with attribute android:checkableBehavior="single":

I don't see much point in this mode. And we won’t consider it.

Design Mode

IN Android Studio 2.2 added graphic mode building menus that are similar to a toolbar for adding new components to the screen. The menu panel consists of four elements: Menu Item, Search Item, Menu, Group.

The principle is the same, select the desired element and drag it onto the screen into the menu area. If you have studied manual menu creation, then this method will not cause you any difficulties. With it, you can quickly sketch out a menu structure and then adjust it manually.

Control buttons are divided into mechanical and software. The first ones are located on the body of your gadget - these are the power button, the volume rocker (two buttons with one rocker key) and sometimes the Home(V Lately more often it is software.

The second ones are virtual buttons located on the screen of a smartphone or tablet and also controlled by pressing a finger, but on the screen. This is a soft button Home, button Back and button Latest apps (sometimes this is a context menu button). The appearance of these buttons depends on the version of Android OS used. This can be, respectively, a house, a curved arrow and two rectangles one after another (Android 4.x version) or, respectively, a circle, a triangle and a square (Android 5 version).

Let's dwell on assignment of control buttons.

Purpose of the button nutrition and swings volume obviously. However, the peculiarity is that the inclusion turned off The smartphone is started by long (more than 2 seconds) pressing the power button, followed by the OS loading process. At working smartphone short press this button calls lock screen(if it is enabled in the settings) or directly going to the desktop. When the smartphone is running, long pressing the power button brings up the Menu, which contains items Shutdown,Data transfer, Offline mode and Reboot(Restart).

Mechanical button Home when pressed briefly, it calls up the lock screen or goes to the main desktop. Long press may cause list of recent running applications , A double tap- one of the programs (for example, in Samsung smartphones S Voice application is called up).

Software button Back causes a transition to previous screen, successive clicks - respectively, on several previous screens until the application is closed. Here it must be emphasized that in the latter case the application is unloaded from RAM, while pressing the button Home causes a transition to the main desktop, but the previously opened application remains in memory and continues work in the background.

Button Latest apps is very convenient, since if you need to re-launch one of the previously used applications, there is no need to look for it again in the general list of programs ( Applications Menu) or look for its icon on desktops. Applications in the list are always arranged in reverse chronological order of their launch (the most recently launched ones are first in the list). In addition, the list window contains additional buttons call the List of active tasks (running in the background of applications), the Search for applications button and the Clear the list of recent applications button.

The updated version of Android 5 Lollipop, although similar to the previous KitKat, has some differences that may seem unusual and inconvenient. There are many settings in “Lollipop”.

Some of them (such as contrasting text or inverting colors) are needed by a few, while others are needed by almost everyone. Let's look at the question of how to set up Android 5 in more detail.

Factory Reset Android Lollipop

One of the most important Android 5 settings – Factory Reset Protection. Activating this option will result in the fact that it will be impossible to reset the settings to factory settings without the login and password to your Google account.

Thanks to Android service Device Manager will allow the owner of a lost or stolen smartphone to remotely lock and wipe the device.

It must be remembered that the protection only works when the smartphone is locked with an activation screen.

Recovering data after installing an Android update

Another one useful option- ability to restore data after installing Android 5.0 Lollipop. At initial setup will be offered various options data recovery up to missed calls.

Android 5 setting up accounts

A user account manager may come in handy - by analogy with a full-fledged desktop, it will be possible to limit access to the capabilities of a smartphone.

There are 3 types of accounts available:

  • The Guest account has minimal rights. Any information is stored only temporarily. Each time you log in as a guest, the system will ask whether the user wants to start over or continue the last guest session.
  • “Profile” allows you to configure access to programs and services.
  • “User” is also the owner of the device. This account has the most rights. Any change to system settings, such as adding a Wi-Fi network, will apply to all other accounts on the device.

How to add users? It’s very simple - go to the settings and look for the inscription “Users”.

Initially, you will see the profile of the smartphone owner and the guest profile. You can also add users.

To add new users, you will need to enter their Google accounts. Each user will be able to customize the operating system for themselves. The owner of the device does not have the ability to control this process, but he has the power to allow or deny other users to send SMS and make calls.

Restricting access to Android 5 Lollipop

Another useful function is the so-called “Button”. If you give someone your smartphone and don't want them to rummage through it or change anything, use Button. It will limit the functionality of the device to only one application - the one on which it is installed. Access to everything else will be denied: “Enter your password.”

How to do it? Open Settings and select the “Security” option. Click on it. In the list that opens, click “Screen pinning”. Then switch the toggle switch to the “On” position. (On).

Now you can pin any application to your screen. To do this, launch the selected program and double-click on its window.

To exit a pinned app, press and hold the Review and Back buttons. In a few seconds you will be taken to your desktop.

How to set up interrupts in Android 5

Among other things, you can configure so-called “Interrupts” in Android 5.0 Lollipop - you can determine for yourself which contacts or applications can call you or send notifications.

How to configure interrupts? Go to settings, select “Sound & notification” and tap on this option. Below the sound adjustment sliders there will be an “Interruptions” option - click on it.

You can only be disturbed by favorite contacts or applications. Lollipop has the ability to turn on the “Important” mode according to the schedule you set - for this there is a special option “Downtime (priority interruptions only) mode schedule”.

You can quickly change priority modes by simply tapping the volume slider. Below it, the “Do Not Disturb” (None), “Important” (Priority) and “All” modes will be available.

The first two modes can be enabled indefinitely or for certain time. The “+” and “-” buttons allow you to adjust the time interval during which the selected mode will operate. The time period can be adjusted from 15 minutes to 8 hours.

Setting up Lollipop lock screen and notifications

In Android 5.0 Lollipop, incoming notifications are displayed on the lock screen. This is not always convenient. It’s unlikely that anyone wants to “share” personal information. For this case, there is a flexible setting in Android 5 for how notifications are displayed.

To do this, go to Settings -> Sound and notifications -> On lock screen -> Hide personal information. After that prying eyes they won't see her.

Mail in Android 5 has become more convenient

Postal gmail app, in addition to the new design, received support for accounts on other email services that support the IMAP and POP protocols. Now you don’t need to go into the browser to open a non-Google “box” - everything can be done from one application.

Android 5 Battery Saver Setting

If you want your smartphone to last longer on a single charge, you should learn how to set up the Project Volta battery saving mode in Android 5. According to the developers, it allows you to extend operating time by 15-20%. However, the device begins to noticeably “slow down”.

To enable this mode, go to settings, click on “Battery”, then on the menu button (three dots in the upper right corner) and select battery saving mode:

When the battery saving mode is turned on, the navigation and status bars of the smartphone will turn orange and a message will appear indicating that the saving mode is enabled:

If you want, you can turn off this mode immediately - there is such an option in the message that appears.

Setting up the Switch Access function in Android 5

The main menu is one of the main tools for user interaction with the application. In Android 2.3.x and earlier, it was “hidden” on the hardware Menu button, and the developers drew the menu as best they could. But starting with Android 3.0, the flaw was corrected, the menu became a standard component on the Action Bar, and received a number of new features. At the same time, the menu development process has remained virtually unchanged. A menu in Android is not just a set of buttons on which you can attach an OnClickListener . In Android, you can do a lot more with the menu than meets the eye.

In this article, I will tell you how to make a modern menu, how to adapt it to different screen sizes, how to make radio buttons directly in the menu, and how to dynamically control the visibility of menu buttons, hiding those functions of your application that will not work on that or another smartphone. As the article progresses, I will try to give as many of the menu options as possible, and will also provide links to official documentation on the topic.

This is how the menu of the same application can look different.

Our first button in the menu

Menus in Android are described in resource files or formed program code. The first option is recommended for a number of reasons: speed of development, clarity, ease of maintenance. Menu resources are located in the menu subdirectory of the application's res resource directory. Create a menu directory, then create a new Android XML File:

Select the resource type Menu, enter the file name. Since it will most likely be different in different ones, I recommend linking the menu resource file names to the activity names.

In the editor that opens, enter the code for the first button of our menu:

Let's look at the attributes used:

  • We specify android:id so that later in the code we can distinguish some buttons from others.
  • android:orderInCategory specifies the order of our button relative to others. Specify the order in increments of 10 or 100, this will allow you to add new elements anywhere in the future without rearranging the order of the rest.
  • android:showAsAction is the most interesting parameter, since it controls the behavior of menu items in different situations. It can take a range of values:
    • ifRoom - Show an element in the action bar only if there is enough space for it. If there is not enough space, the element will be automatically hidden in extra menu(the one shown with three dots on top of each other). This is the best way to customize the menu depending on the screen size of the device. On big screens tablets, the action bar will be filled with buttons, and on small phones the most important buttons will be shown, while the rest can also be reached, but only through an additional menu. Keep in mind that the additional menu is displayed in the action bar only on those smartphones that do not have a hardware menu button.
    • withText - The text specified by the android:title property will be shown next to the button icon. This parameter can be specified in combination with others, separating the parameters with |
    • never - The button will never be visible on the action bar, even if there is space for it. You will always have to get to such a button through an additional menu.
    • always - Always show the button in the action bar. This parameter should not be abused, since on small phones the buttons may begin to creep onto other elements of the action bar, for example, onto the application title. For each activity, define at most one most important button, which you cannot do without, and check always only for it. The rest (and if possible all) should be ifRoom .
    • collapseActionView - allows you to make a button that opens or hides additional element View in action bar. For example, you can set such a parameter to the search icon, and when you click it, it will show a field for entering a search query directly in the action bar.
  • android:title - defines the title of the menu button. It can be displayed next to the icon in the action bar or as the name of an element in the additional menu.
  • android:icon - button icon.

Menu icons

If you are developing a Holo style app you can use ready set icons from Google, which is available to everyone to download from the official website completely free of charge.

The set of icons is presented separately for the dark and separately for the light Holo theme, as well as for different screen sizes. If you can't afford a designer on your team, this kit is simply irreplaceable.

Connecting a menu to an Activity

Loading the menu from the resource is very fast. Open the Activity code and override the onCreateOptionsMenu method:
@Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) ( getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu); return true; )
Now the menu is displayed, but when I press the button nothing happens. You can attach a handler to a button using code or directly in the XML resource by setting the name of the handler method in the android:onClick property. To do the same with code, you need to override the onOptionsItemSelected method in the Activity:
@Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) ( switch (item.getItemId()) ( case // TODO: click handler here return true; ) return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); )

Create a submenu

A submenu is useful when we want to clarify how to perform an action presented in the action bar. For example, we have a shopping list and a “Sort” button. By pressing the button, you need to find out by what parameter the user wants to sort the list items: by product category, by name, or by the order in which they were added to the list. Let's look at the submenu code for this case:

Here we have declared another tag within a tag. A submenu is a group of the same tags, which allows you to create a submenu within a submenu, and so on, if necessary.

Radio buttons in the menu

We just made a menu to select the sort order for purchases. It would be great to show which sorting method is currently being used. The list can only be sorted in one of three possible ways, which fits perfectly with the idea of ​​a radio button. To make a set of radio buttons from our submenu, just specify the android:checkableBehavior="single" property to the tag. Possible values ​​for android:checkableBehavior:
  • single - selecting only one of the available elements, our case
  • all - select any number of available elements, similar to a check box
  • none - group items are normal menu items, this is the default value

The resulting menu code:

If you launch the application and try to select one of the sorting methods, nothing will happen. The menu does not show that any item is selected. This will have to be done manually by calling item.setChecked(true);
@Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) ( switch (item.getItemId()) ( case // TODO: click handler here return true; case item.setChecked(true); return true; case item.setChecked(true); return true; case item.setChecked(true); return true; ) return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); )

If you still have questions about working with the main menu, I will be glad to answer in the comments.

Android supports several menu types. First - there is a separate button on the phone Menu(in older phones), pressing which brings up the menu. In new devices, the separate button has been removed and replaced with a menu icon in the form of three dots in a vertical orientation. The second type is a context menu, which appears when you press and hold your finger on the screen in the desired place (you can also press and hold the center button on your phone). The context menu, in turn, can have submenus. Today we will get acquainted with the first type of menu. This article will look at working with the menu on new devices running Android 4.0 and higher.

In the template Empty Activity there is no menu, so we will create it ourselves. This will help you understand the working principle and get an overview of the project. It is not necessary to remember the names of classes, methods, and code to handle menu item selections. In other templates, the menu will be built-in and you can use it right away.

Create a new project based on Empty Activity and run it. There is no menu yet.

Let's create several string resources in the file res/values/strings.xml, which will be responsible for menu items:

Settings Cat Cat Kitten


To the application Settings you can get there: by clicking on the icon in the application menu (or on the desktop) or through the icon in the switch panel. The main screen of the application is divided into two tabs ALL and SUPPORT, in the latter you can find two links: Help Center/ Leave a review and Recommendations and useful tips. In some countries, in the support tab you can get help and ask a question to a live person in chat. All smartphone settings are collected into 4 groups: Wireless networks, Device, Personal data and System; and are divided into 22 sections. At the top there is a 5th group called Hints; interactive tips on setting up the system appear here. Another innovation is the presence of a Help/Feedback button in all sections/settings. All Settings screens except the main one have a side menu for quick transition to other sections.

Basic Applications

Telephone– on the main screen of the application the following are displayed: a search bar with buttons for voice search and calling up application settings, at the bottom, a button for calling the dialer. The Speed ​​Dial tab contains cards of frequently dialed contacts, the Recent tab contains a list of recent calls, and the Contacts tab contains all contacts. In the application settings, you can manage quick response templates and the list of blocked callers.

Contacts is an application for working with user contacts. In terms of functionality, it is not much different from the Contacts tab in the Phone application.

Messages– application for working with SMS by default. The main screen of the application contains a list of dialogs, search buttons, settings and creating a new message. The application looks as simple as possible and has primitive functionality. What’s unusual is how the application assigns each dialogue its own unique primary color.

Gmail is the default email application starting with the fifth version of Android. You can add mailboxes not only from Google, but also from others postal services. The main screen displays a list of letters and buttons for searching and creating a new message. Swipe from the left edge of the screen to call up side panel, which contains a list of folders and a settings shortcut.

Chrome- is system browser by default, its advantages include integration with Google services and ample opportunities for synchronizing tabs, forms, passwords, etc., the disadvantages are that it is not ideal user interface and excessive load on the processor and battery.

Watch– includes the following functions: alarm clock, world time, timer and stopwatch;

Camera. On the main screen there is a viewfinder and buttons: shutter release, switching to the front camera, gallery, turning on the timer, activating the flash, switching HDR+ mode, turning on the grid, selecting a white balance preset and Advanced. Switching between photo and video shooting modes is done by swiping to the side. In addition to the main shooting mode, there are four more: Slow motion - allows you to shoot at four times or eight times slow motion; Panorama – allows you to create panoramic photographs with a viewing angle of up to 360°; Photo Sphere – creating a photosphere; Blur – allows you to create photos with an artificial bokeh effect.

Photo– this application acts as a system gallery and at the same time is a client of the service of the same name from Google.

Calendar– the main view of the application is the Schedule, where all events are listed in one list, which is interesting: the beginning of each month in this list is titled with a nice picture reflecting the main essence of this month. To look at the month, you need to tap on the name of the current month in the header. The view can be changed to Day, 3 days, Week and Month. The add event button appears in the lower right corner.

Calculator– has standard and extended functionality. In portrait orientation, the panel with additional functions(sin, cos, tan, ln, etc.) is called by swiping from the right edge of the screen; in landscape orientation, this panel is always visible.

Cards is a client application for Google Maps. The main screen contains a search line and buttons: side menu button, voice search button, north orientation button, definition button current location and a route creation button. In the side menu, you can save the selected map area to your phone’s memory for further use of the application in offline mode. The “Chronology” section keeps a log of the user’s movements. The “Your impressions” section contains reviews of public places: restaurants, shopping centers, beauty salons, etc.

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Branded Applications

Play Store is an application store client and the main branded application from Google. It is used to purchase, install and update third party applications. The “Games and Applications” section is a virtual showcase where various product selections are displayed, for example, New Products or the Most Popular Games, in the form of thumbnails of applications heading the corresponding selection and links to the entire list. The “Movies, Music, Books” section is also a virtual showcase, but it presents relevant content and press, also in the form of selections and banners. For user convenience, the “My applications and games” section consists of two lists: Installed and All. The “Wish List” section shows all products the user has ever marked as wanted.

Play Games is a client application for the service of the same name. The “Home” section displays basic data about the user: name, level, how many experience points you need to gain to move to the next level. Below are lists of games: recommended games, games the user is playing, and what friends are playing. The “My Games” section contains three tabs: recent, all, and installed. The “Notifications” section in three tabs displays a list of invitations, a list of gifts and requests, and a list of quests. The “Players” section in two tabs displays a list of Added players and a list of Recommended players – friends of friends. The “Find Games” section also contains three tabs: Recommended, Popular and Online games.

Play Music- This music player and, at the same time, a client of the cloud music service of the same name. The “Home” section displays a list of the user’s latest actions: tracks listened to or purchased. The “Music Library” section displays all the user’s tracks purchased or downloaded from the computer, sorted in tabs by playlist, artist, album or genre. There is an interesting function “Automixes”, it greatly simplifies the creation of playlists from large quantity tracks, to create an automix, just specify the name of the artist, album or genre, and the application itself will create a new playlist. There is also a link to the Play Store in the side menu, because... tracks can be purchased only from it. There is now an equalizer in the settings.

Play Movies is a service client for purchasing/renting films and watching them on a mobile device. The “Home” section displays films, TV series and cartoons collected in playlists by genre and popularity. The “Library” section displays a list of films purchased or rented by the user. The side menu contains a link to the Play Store.

YouTube is a client of the service of the same name. The main screen is divided into four tabs: Home, Trending, Subscriptions and Account. The last tab contains sections: Watched, My videos, Alerts, Purchases and Watch later; as well as a list of playlists. The video viewing window is convenient and functional, but has one unpleasant feature: When you open a video, it starts automatic download, even if the device uses a mobile network to access the Internet. Therefore, if you opened the video not to watch it, but, for example, to view the description or comments, get ready to part with several tens (hundreds?) of megabytes of traffic.

Disk is an application for working with the Google Drive cloud storage service. The main screen displays the user's storage root directory and a list of recently opened files. The “Shared with me” section displays a list of files that other users have access to. In addition there are sections: Google Photos, Recent, Starred, Offline Access and Downloaded. The sidebar below shows how much disk space is occupied and how much is available to the user.

Last few years Apple and Google are consistently moving their operating systems towards each other, or, to be precise, trying to flank each other. Apple with every iOS version expands functionality and tries to make the system more flexible for the user and applications. Google is trying to fix traditional weaknesses: finally put things in order with notifications, make them uniform and more consistent, and overcome battery drain. And they, I must say, are moving in the right direction, it’s a pity that sometimes they are too slow.

What personally captivates me about Android 7.1 is: the multitasking mechanics and work with multiple applications are friendlier compared to iOS; flexibility in choosing tools to solve certain problems; deep integration with Google services, which I actively use; sleeker and more logical user interface. You can't help but notice how Google cleaned up the list pre-installed applications saving the user from junk. What doesn't suit me: the remaining drainage of the battery charge; inconsistency in the UI of the vast majority of applications and less efficient use of the screen surface. The system, despite constant improvements, still cannot be called completely safe; overall optimization in iOS is still better. To summarize, we can unequivocally say that Android up to the fifth version and now it is almost two different systems, I am glad that Google has found the right direction and is slowly and surely moving along it.

There are many hidden features that can be quite useful. System UI Tuner is one of them. After activating this menu, the user gets more customization options Android interface. In one of the articles on Trashbox we already.

Some developers have already adapted System UI Tuner to the needs of ordinary users. For example, which was also available on previous versions of Android, it uses the UI Tuner to add custom buttons to the quick action menu, which slides down from the top along with the notification shade. The coolest thing is that on Android 6.0 Marshmallow, using Custom Quick Settings does not require root access.

How it works

First of all, you need to activate the very System UI Tuner menu, which only works on stable version Android 6.0 Marshmallow. Some Android M preview versions did not receive this feature. You can read about activating the UI Tuner in our corresponding article, but if you do not want to go anywhere from this material, then: fully open the top “curtain” with quick action and notifications, press the gear button for 5–7 seconds, which leads to the settings menu - that’s it, System UI Tuner is activated. Now a corresponding item has appeared in the general Android settings menu, but you practically won’t need it. The Custom Quick Settings app does everything for you.

Next, install the Custom Quick Settings application itself, which is available for free, but with advertising. It can be removed through internal purchases - 99 rubles.

After installing the application, a custom button with an action in top menu you can add a couple of actions. By clicking on the plus Custom Quick Settings, you can select the name of the button, its action - opening any given web page, launching an application, going to some settings submenu, or activating a module. You can select an icon for the button (a total of 1,200 standard ones are available; custom ones are supported), as well as an additional action by long pressing. For example, you can create a quick link to Trashbox, and a long press will open any other site - very convenient thing.


You can also make a quick action that will connect the device to a specific Wi-Fi present in the list of saved ones. Custom buttons for launching applications will be very useful - there is no need to go to the desktop to open the desired program.

The options for creating quick actions are very limited - you can only set a connection to a specific Wi-Fi network or Bluetooth device. Here it all comes down to the functionality of the System UI Tuner.

The Pro version of the application allows you to add functional shortcuts with quick actions. There is IFTTT support. It's worth noting that all custom buttons added using Custom Quick Settings do not work on the lock screen - they simply do not appear in the curtain, which is quite expected.

Let us remind you that all these features are also available on Android 5.0 / 5.1, but are required for this. The developer notes that Custom Quick Settings does not use additional battery power - the program runs once when the system boots, and custom buttons are updated only after the user does so.

It's nice to see how the operating room Android system with each new version takes over functions that were previously only available with root rights. We hope that Google company will not delete System function UI Tuner in the future Android update 6.0.1 or 6.1. By the way, have you already updated to Marshmallow?

I'm creating a baby play app for Android. I need to disable all keys when it is in use. I installed the application as home application and disabled the rear key (which takes care of the home and back button). To clear the list of recent tasks, I created a list of Dummy Activites that start and then end when the application starts. Dummy Activites look like this:

Public class Dummy1 extends Activity ( public void onCreate(Bundle paramBundle) ( super.onCreate(paramBundle); finish(); ) )

And then in my app's onCreate I do: ComponentName(this, Dummy1.class), PackageManager.COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_ENABLED, PackageManager.DONT_KILL_APP); Intent localIntent1 = new Intent(this, Dummy1.class); localIntent1.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); startActivity(localIntent1);

This takes care of when someone tries to hold down the home key to show recent tasks when I create 8 of them and they are all blank so the user can't click to change apps.

Now the only button I can't disable is the Recent Tasks/Apps button (available mostly for HTC devices, i.e. One X, One S, etc.). This button still seems to bring up all recent tasks (even though my dummy tasks were created) and I can't find a "hook" for the event that fires when this button is clicked?

Note. I know it works because apps like ToddlerLock have done it... I just can't figure it out.

This will close the RecentActivity dialog. Place it in your activity class.

@Override public void onWindowFocusChanged(boolean hasFocus) ( super.onWindowFocusChanged(hasFocus); if (!hasFocus) ( windowCloseHandler.postDelayed(windowCloserRunnable, 250); ) ) private void toggleRecents() ( Intent closeRecents = new Intent(" .systemui.recent.action.TOGGLE_RECENTS"); closeRecents.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_EXCLUDE_FROM_RECENTS); ComponentName recents = new ComponentName("", "") ; closeRecents.setComponent(recents); this.startActivity(closeRecents); ) private Handler windowCloseHandler = new Handler(); private Runnable windowCloserRunnable = new Runnable() ( @Override public void run() ( ActivityManager am = (ActivityManager)getApplicationContext().getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE); ComponentName cn = am.getRunningTasks(1).get(0).topActivity ; if (cn != null && cn.getClassName().equals("")) ( toggleRecents(); ) ) )

You will need to specify the following permission in your manifest.

Have you tried this code?

Public void onWindowFocusChanged(boolean hasFocus) ( super.onWindowFocusChanged(hasFocus); Log.d("Focus debug", "Focus changed !"); if(!hasFocus) ( Log.d("Focus debug", "Lost focus ! "); Intent closeDialog = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS); sendBroadcast(closeDialog); ) )

You can't actually disable the task button. When you click on it, your activity calls onPause() and you can move your task to the front in this method. See my answer to the related question.

As far as I know, you cannot override the behavior of the home button (like how you can override the behavior of the BACK button) unless the user confirms it. In other words, by default, the app that currently handles the home button—that is, the current home launcher—will need to be cleared first.

You can disable StatusBar popups:

@Override public void onWindowFocusChanged(boolean hasFocus) ( super.onWindowFocusChanged(hasFocus); try ( if (!hasFocus) ( Object service = getSystemService("statusbar"); ClassstatusbarManager = Class.forName(""); Method collapse = statusbarManager.getMethod("collapse"); collapse.setAccessible(true); collapse.invoke(service); ) ) catch (Exception e) ( Log.e(TAG, "onWindowFocusChanged - " + e.getCause()); ) )

Also you should add this permission in AndroidManifest.xml

Hope this helps.