How to restore a mobile phone battery. How to revive a completely dead battery and bring your phone back to life

In general, there can be only two situations:

  1. The battery seems to work, but discharges very quickly.
  2. The battery is dead and doesn't want to charge at all.

First situation: loss of capacity

In the first case, the battery capacity has dropped and you will have to come to terms with it. Full recovery batteries after a deep discharge is impossible (this applies to all Li-ion batteries: 18650, 14500, 10440, mobile phone batteries, etc.). Even theoretically, it is impossible to restore the capacity of a lithium battery.

A decrease in capacity is an absolutely normal process. This happens during every charge/discharge cycle, no matter how properly the battery is used. However, if during operation deep discharges are often allowed or, conversely, long-term recharges (more than 500%), then the rate of capacity loss can increase significantly.

Recent studies have shown that lithium batteries lose their capacity even if they are not used at all. For example, during normal storage in warehouses. According to research, the battery loses approximately 4-5% of its capacity per year.

Second situation: does not want to charge

Now consider the second case - the battery is not charging.

This situation usually occurs when a device (phone, tablet, MP3 player) has been left idle for a long time with a discharged battery. Or if the lithium battery has been subjected to deep cooling.

In principle, there should be no problems with charging such batteries. Inside each battery - between the battery bank itself and the terminals that we see - there is a protection module that disconnects the battery from the terminals when the voltage drops below a certain threshold. Outwardly this appears as complete absence battery output voltage (zero volts).

In fact, as a rule, at this moment the voltage on the bank itself is about 2.4-2.8 Volts.

If the battery is blocked due to overload (short circuit in the load), the protection module also blocks the FET1 transistor. It makes no difference what the protection was triggered from - from overdischarge or from short circuit. The result is the same - open transistor FET2 and closed field switch FET1.

Thus, during a deep discharge, the protection board lithium ion battery does not in any way interfere with battery charging.

The only problem is that some chargers consider themselves too smart and when they see that the voltage on the battery is too low (and in our case it will be zero), they believe that some unacceptable situation has occurred and completely refuse to issue charging current.

This is done solely for security purposes. The fact is that if the battery has an internal short circuit, charging it becomes dangerous - it can overheat and swell (with all sorts of special effects like leaking electrolyte, squeezing out the tablet cover, etc.). If there is a break inside the battery, charging it becomes completely pointless. So the logic of operation of such smart chargers is quite clear and justified.

Read on to learn how to trick charging and restore functionality of a lithium battery after a deep discharge.

How to force it to charge?

Essentially, lithium recovery ion batteries after a deep discharge, it comes down to returning it to normal operation. You must understand that this in no way compensates for the loss of capacity (this is impossible in principle).

In order to still force a too cunning charger to charge our very low battery, it is necessary to ensure that the voltage on it exceeds a certain threshold. As a rule, 3.1-3.2 Volts are enough for the charger to consider the situation normal and allow charging.

You can only increase the voltage on the battery using a third-party (more stupid) charger. This is popularly called “pushing” the battery. To do this, simply connect an external power supply to the battery terminals, while limiting the maximum current.

For our purposes, any charger for cell phone. Most often, modern chargers have an output in the form of a USB socket and, accordingly, produce 5V. All we have to do is select a resistor that limits the charge current.

The resistor's resistance is calculated using Ohm's law. Let's take the worst-case scenario - the voltage on the internal bank of a lithium-ion battery is 2.0 Volts (we won't be able to measure it without disassembling the battery, so we'll just assume that this is the case).

Then the difference between the power source voltage and the battery voltage will be:

Let's calculate the resistance of the current-limiting resistor so that the charge current does not exceed 50 mA (this is quite enough for the initial charge and at the same time quite safe):

R = 3V / 0.050A = 60 Ohm

Now we find out how much power will be dissipated by this resistor in the event of an internal short circuit of the battery (then the entire voltage of the power supply will drop across the resistor):

P = (5V) 2 / 60 Ohm = 0.42 W

Thus, to restore an 18650 battery after a deep discharge, we take any 5V power supply, the nearest suitable resistor is 62 Ohms (0.5W) and connect it all to the battery as follows:

The power supply will be suitable for a different voltage; it will be enough to recalculate the resistance and power of the limiting resistor. And you need to remember that in li-ion protection circuits, as a rule, they are used field effect transistors with a small drain-source voltage, so it is not advisable to take a power supply with a high output voltage.

Small neodymium magnets will help ensure reliable contact when connecting wires to the terminals of the 18650 battery.

If the charge does not work(the resistor does not heat up, and the battery is at full voltage from the power supply), then either the protection circuit has completely failed protection in depth, either it has simply failed, or there is an internal break.

Then you can try to remove the outer polymer shell of the battery and connect our improvised charger directly to the can. Plus to plus, minus to minus. If in this case the charge does not go, then the battery is screwed. But if you do, you need to wait until the voltage rises to 3+ Volts and then you can charge as usual (with standard charging).

Of course, using this device you can charge the battery completely, but then you will have to wait a very long time (after all, the charge current is very small). In addition, in this case you will have to very closely control the voltage on the bank so as not to miss the moment when it becomes 4.2V. And, if anyone doesn’t know, the voltage towards the end of the charge will begin to rise very quickly!

Now the situation is different- the resistor, on the contrary, heats up noticeably, but there is zero voltage on the battery, which means that somewhere inside there is short circuit. We gut the battery, unsolder the protection module and try to charge the can itself. If it works, then the protection board is faulty and must be replaced. However, you can use the battery without it.

Perhaps, the main problem modern gadgets- this is their autonomy; batteries, even those with an impressive number of milliamps per hour, lose their capacity during operation, the devices discharge much faster. Now the norm is considered to be from 2000 mA/hour, but also the number of processes consuming precious energy, and general use increases. Each charge and discharge cycle reduces both capacity and efficiency, especially if these cycles occur randomly, with different currents and low-quality chargers. Of course, energy efficiency depends not only on the battery and all hardware of the device, but also on software, and perhaps to a greater extent. The Android platform has a reputation for being very gluttonous; Apple's iOS is doing a little better, this is due to the advantage of a full production cycle and more limited device customization. Enough theory and thought, let's get down to business.

If everything is done correctly, you can restore the battery and increase its capacity.

We began to notice that the smartphone did not hold its charge well, when normal use just asking to be plugged in? This means the battery capacity has dropped and it requires calibration; this is quite simple to do.

Easy way

  1. You need to charge the device completely (as usual, charge it overnight).
  2. Discharge the battery completely, use as usual until it turns off.
  3. Charge completely without removing the charger to 100% (do not use unless necessary).
  4. Repeat the process 5-6 times (it is important to think everything through and no matter what, follow the rules).

In principle, this is all that can be done without using additional equipment. After the procedure has been completed, you can install an application that programmatically configures battery Doctor, available for iOS and Android. I won’t say that they are effective, but the user rating and the number of installations inspire confidence.

If after the procedure there are no changes, and the battery still dies by noon, there is only one thing left - replacing it. If the battery is removable it's easy, otherwise service center to help you. Choosing a battery is also a whole science, there are a lot of fakes and misleading ones increased capacity analogues. Use originals or proven brands.

Optimize running applications, turning off unnecessary or rarely used ones, set up an energy saving mode and do not overheat the device. Proper operation will help extend the life of the battery and the operation of the device according to the stated parameters. Choose high-quality, serviceable chargers.

All these simple steps They will only partially help bring the battery into combat readiness mode, but there is a more advanced method, namely hardware.

iMAX B6 multifunction charger

If you have at least one battery in your house, you definitely need this device. Its capabilities are impressive: restore or properly charge the battery from a smartphone, telephone, any cordless tool or acid battery with a current of up to 5A. Not every device can do this, despite the fact that all this is reduced in a small package.


Charging batteries Li-ion, Li-pol, LiFe, NiCd, NiMH, PbAcid (all types of lead)
Fully automatic charging process controlled by microcontroller. Current and voltage cut-off for lithium batteries, temperature and ΔV for nickel. For all types - shutdown based on maximum time and capacity.
NiCd and NiMH training. Balancing charge of Li-pol batteries (for batteries with several banks)
Charge current up to 5A (0.1~5.0 A), discharge current - up to 1A (0.1~1.0 A).
Screen with readings of current voltage, current, capacitance. Uploading all these parameters to a computer and plotting graphs.
Powered by source direct current voltage 10 ~ 18 V (for example, from a car battery or AC power supply).
Power supply NOT INCLUDED
operating voltage: 11.0~18.0 volts,
maximum power: 50 W charge, 5 W discharge,
LiPo balancing current: 300 mA/can,
number of elements in NiCd/NiMH battery: 1~15,
You can train the screwdriver battery
number of elements in LiIo/LiPo/LiFe battery: 1~6,
Pb (lead) battery voltage: 2~20 volts,
Recommendations for installing Delta Peak for NiMh and NiCd batteries:
NiMh - 0.5 mV
NiCd - 0.8 mV
Recommended charge current: 0.3 A

Owners of modern mobile phones constantly face this problem - the battery stops holding a charge. Therefore, the question “phone?” is quite logical, because buying new battery I almost never want to.

Why does the battery hold a charge poorly?

Over time, the battery capacity decreases - this is a physical process that cannot be prevented. The battery has a shelf life, and when it reaches the end of its life, the battery's properties begin to deteriorate. However, the answer to the question “Is it possible to reanimate a phone battery?” remains positive - it is quite possible to extend its service life, and below we will tell you how.

In addition, the battery may hold a charge less well due to a physical malfunction - dirty contacts or swelling. Here, most likely, you will need to replace it.

Why is my phone not charging?

The battery does not charge usually due to some physical malfunction. Is it possible to reanimate a phone battery in such a situation? No, most likely it is not possible, since a breakdown will not allow this to be done. However, it happens that the battery cannot be charged if it has been completely discharged for a long time, that is, a deep discharge has occurred. And in this case, the phone battery can still be helped.

after deep discharge using a battery

If it has not been fully charged for a long time, then it may well not respond to regular charging. In this case, you can try charging it with another battery. For this procedure you will need:

  • Nine volt battery.
  • Ten centimeters of electrical tape.
  • Two ordinary thin electrical wires.
  • Directly “dead” battery.
  1. Wrap the wires with electrical tape, leaving the edges free on both sides.
  2. Connect one wire with one end to the plus contact, and the other wire to the minus contact. You can understand the contacts by the markings. Be sure to use two different wires.
  3. Cover the wires with electrical tape.
  4. Connect the other ends of the wires to the plus and minus of the battery, respectively. Be sure to connect the plus of the battery to the plus of the battery, and the minus of the battery to the minus of the battery! Otherwise, a short circuit may occur, resulting in electric shock and damage to both power sources.
  5. Tape the wires to the battery with electrical tape.

After these manipulations, wait until the phone battery warms up a little. This usually takes about a minute. After this, let the battery cool and place it in the phone. If your phone turns on, then congratulations - you've just learned how to revive your phone battery!

How to revive a phone battery at home with a “frog”

Another fairly simple way to restore a battery is to charge it with a frog device. This device allows you to quickly charge even a completely discharged battery. It is a block that plugs into an outlet. The battery is connected to it, then the “frog” contacts are connected to the “patient” contacts and charging begins. As a rule, it does not take much time. This method helps many people, although it is not always effective.

Battery freezing

Many of us have heard the question “How to revive a phone battery in the freezer?” The question seems strange, but in fact it is quite effective method. It is carried out in several stages:

  1. Remove the completely discharged battery from the phone.
  2. Place it in a bag. It must be plastic and sealed so that water does not get on the battery.
  3. Place the battery bag in the freezer for about 12 hours.
  4. It is better to place something under the bag so that it does not freeze to the bottom of the freezer.
  5. After 12 hours, remove the battery and let it warm to room temperature. Never insert a cold battery into your phone!
  6. Wipe the battery from moisture, insert it into the phone and turn on the mobile phone.
  7. If the phone turns on, put it on charge.

The low temperature slightly restores the battery's energy and allows it to be charged efficiently using conventional chargers. By the way, sometimes this helps even if the battery simply becomes worse at holding its charge.

Important Warnings

  • Never leave the battery connected to a nine-volt battery for a long time - this may lead to its explosion.
  • Sometimes if you leave them in the freezer for a long time. This is due to the fact that too long exposure to low temperatures is no less destructive for the battery.

  • If you think the battery is faulty, check first to see if there is a problem with the charger. Perhaps the phone is not charging because it is the device that is broken.
  • Try to charge only completely discharged batteries using a nine-volt battery. If the battery is working, it can easily catch fire or even explode.
  • Be sure to place the battery in the freezer in a sealed bag - this way it won’t spoil your food if it suddenly leaks.

If you follow these tips, the question of how to reanimate your phone battery will be solved for you quickly and without problems.

How to restore your battery to its original capacity

If your battery has not “died”, but has simply become worse at holding a charge, then at home with the help of a few manipulations you can restore its capacity for a while. To do this, you will need this part, a current source with power voltage regulation, a rheostat and a voltmeter.

  1. Connect a rheostat and a voltmeter in parallel to the battery.
  2. Reduce the voltage to one volt, but not below 0.9 volts.
  3. Make sure that the battery is not hotter than 50 °C. If it gets too hot, turn it off and cool to room temperature.
  4. Wait approximately 15 minutes.
  5. Connect the battery and ammeter in series, and the voltmeter and current source in parallel. Connect one contact of the voltmeter to the free pole of the battery, and the other to the contact of the ammeter.
  6. After this, slowly attach the temperature sensor to the battery and use the regulator to set the minimum voltage.
  7. Then carefully lift it until the current reaches one-tenth the battery capacity.
  8. Increase the voltage level every five minutes, and when the current begins to decrease, do this every hour.
  9. When the voltage reaches 1.5 Volts, simply leave the battery on charge.
  10. After 5-6 hours or less, the current will drop to zero. At this point, turn off the charger.
  11. Wait about half an hour and put the phone on a regular charger.

Sometimes this procedure needs to be repeated several times, but the results can be truly impressive.

Now you know how to reanimate your phone battery in various, even the most difficult situations. For some methods you will need virtually nothing, while for others you will need minimal skills in handling electricity. If you think that you do not have them, then try taking the battery to a service center. Sometimes they charge not so much money for its restoration.

If you still cannot restore the battery, then think about buying a new one - anyway, any device has one or another service life, and it is not always possible to extend it. And batteries, even branded ones, are not that expensive today.

Modern smartphones without a battery cease to be mobile, being “tied” to an outlet. The reliable operation of the gadget depends on the condition of the battery. But there are ways that will help boost and extend the life of the battery on your phone or Android tablet. How to find out the energy capacity of the drive on Android and calibrate it, which determines the service life, you will learn further.

The essence of the problem with the battery in the gadget

An ideal mobile device, while remaining turned on, should consume little energy - a maximum of a few milliamps of current per hour. The capacity of a modern battery is measured in thousands of milliamp-hours. This is how the simplest mobile phones work, in which there is nothing except calls, SMS and a system clock - this is, for example, the simplest children's phone"Beeline A100" or the ancient Nokia 3310 mobile phone. A full-fledged gadget with Android system, of course, cannot be compared with these mobile phones.

The essence of the gadget's energy consumption problem lies in self-starting Android processes and services. In second place in terms of battery energy consumption are numerous programs that independently user installed. Battery consumption can also be affected by Android version, not brought to mind.

How to turn off unused features on Android

Be that as it may, the consumers of battery energy are the following hardware and software:

  • too frequent calls, long conversations on the gadget;
  • active movement of the subscriber within the network coverage area, switching between 2G/3G/4G networks;
  • SMS/MMS sent in batches per day;
  • backlight brightness;
    Backlight levels help the device not waste energy on it
  • frequent requests third party applications to GPS in background; GPS services open by command: Settings - Location
  • auto screen brightness (light sensor activated);

    Give the command: Settings - Screen and check if auto-rotate the image is enabled
  • auto-rotate the image on the screen (the motion sensor is activated);

    The setting is also opened by the command: Settings - Screen
  • compass;
  • vibration feedback on-screen keyboard;
    Go to Settings - Language & input - Keyboard settings
  • Internet distribution via Wi-Fi to other devices; Give the command: Settings - More - Modem mode - Access point
  • connecting other gadgets and accessories via Bluetooth;
    Give the command: Settings - Bluetooth and check if the module is turned off
  • connection computer equipment and accessories via an OTG/microUSB adapter.

All these consumers additionally load the processor and RAM, involve peripherals (controllers and wired and wireless communication modules of a mobile device).

How to check your device's power consumption

Give the command “Settings - Battery”.

A gap in the usage chart means the gadget is turned off when charging

When the device is turned off, it does not keep track of battery energy consumption - this is only possible when the gadget is active.

Video: how to check and disable power-hungry features in Android

Practical measures to overclock the battery

Mobile device batteries can be recharged or recalibrated.

Calibrating the battery on an Android smartphone

Calibrating the battery controller is necessary for the gadget to access 100% of the battery capacity. Before calibrating the battery, you don’t have to do anything additional actions(shutdown Android animations, switching the device to airplane mode, etc.). The “swing” of the battery is as follows.

  1. Discharge the battery to 0% so that the smartphone or tablet turns off on its own.
  2. Wait after discharge for up to 5 minutes. This will allow the battery to “settle”.
  3. Charge the battery with a standard charger to 100%. Do not turn on the gadget until it is charged.
  4. Wait again up to 5 minutes after charging. It is allowed to disconnect the battery during this time (if it is removable). Before removing the battery from the gadget, turn off the charger.
  5. Repeat the above steps until the battery is calibrated. Most often, 2–3 help full cycle discharge-charge.

Manufacturers also recommend maintaining the first charge for up to 12 hours, without resorting to downtime between discharge and charge. But this recommendation is not entirely correct - it is a deliberate violation of calibration technology so that people change batteries more often.

After calibrating the battery, you can use mobile device normally.

Video: calibrating a non-removable battery in an Android tablet

How to “boost” a battery

Battery boosting is done to ensure that it reaches its maximum resource - and lasts as long as possible. IN modern devices lithium-ion (Li-Ion) or lithium-polymer (Li-Polymer) batteries are used, which, although devoid of the “memory effect” (unlike previously used nickel-based batteries), can be “boosted” again.

Before connecting charger For a smartphone or tablet, it is useful to make several attempts to completely discharge the battery. Often in Android devices, when you try to turn on a discharged gadget again by holding down the power button, a vibration signal is briefly triggered up to two times per second. Hold the power button (or hold it down with something) until the vibration signal in the gadget starts to sound less and less often - and soon it stops for a long time. This will cause the voltage on the controller to drop to the minimum threshold perceived by the device.

Old, “worn out” batteries last for years and beyond if they are not loaded. unnecessary programs and Android features.

Do the following.

  1. After disconnecting, try turning on the gadget again.
  2. Make several attempts to turn on until the device display stops responding.
  3. Remove the battery from the device for a couple of minutes and let it build up the voltage a little (without recharging!).
  4. Insert the battery back and hold down the power button again until the vibration signal emitted when you turn on the gadget completely stops.
  5. After making several such attempts to completely discharge the battery, connect the charger to the gadget and let it charge. The device itself must be turned off.

The build-up is achieved by reducing the lithium metal crystals in the working layer of the battery under the influence of fluctuations in battery voltage in the maximum permissible range of values ​​(from 2.5 to 4.2 volts). Do not overdo it - discharging lithium-ion batteries too deeply (up to 0–2.5 volts) and leaving them without recharging in this state will lead to an irreparable loss of their capacity.

If necessary, repeat the calibration of the battery controller according to the instructions above.

Video: how to restore a Li-Ion battery from a video camera or smartphone

Difficulties encountered during battery operation

Some manufacturers, in the interests of their own commerce, resort to additional tricks.

Firstly, it wears out the battery as quickly as possible. Little-known ones especially save on materials Chinese companies or completely underground producers.

A “disposable” controller in the battery itself behaves as follows. After 3-4 years (or up to 1000 discharge-charge cycles), it may one day turn off forever, generating, for example, a “breakdown” pulse and thereby self-destructing (if the controller itself is something special), but without causing harm to the device itself. The battery and, possibly, the gadget itself will need to be redesigned. Fortunately, this measure is one of the last resorts.

“Setting” the battery on glue, from which it is difficult or impossible to remove it, is sometimes used in the most expensive smartphones and Android tablets. This is reminiscent of gluing the battery in the iPhone 5x/6(s).

Additional locks, cables and other “tricky” devices make it much more difficult to remove/replace the battery.

The service life of a battery cell without a controller (this requires reworking an outdated gadget using a soldering iron) can stretch for 10 years or more until the battery is somewhat reminiscent of a capacitor, capable of holding only a very small charge - 1-2% of its original capacity. Such elements are useful only in all sorts of homemade products, which are unlikely to have anything to do with cellular communications and mobile data transmission. They require slow discharge-charge according to a special algorithm, unattainable in conventional chargers that have not undergone any modification, and regular monitoring of the condition of such batteries.

Completely “dead” cells that do not respond to attempts to recharge them (this is due to the steady aging of the electrochemical material of the battery), stubbornly showing 0 volts on the multimeter, are disposed of in accordance with local legislation and environmental protection requirements.

How to extend battery life on an Android phone or tablet

Ways to save battery power are purely software. They do not apply to interference with the “stuffing” of the gadget (for example, pulling out some of the display backlight LEDs, removing the vibration motor, etc.). Most of these settings are in the main menu Android settings and were discussed above.

Optimizing Energy Saving in Android

Don't keep apps you don't use on your device.

Close unused this moment programs - this will clear up the RAM.

Unnecessary applications are closed by swiping to the right

Turn off unused functions ( unnecessary applications, processes and Android services, "extra" wireless communication, bright backlight in dark time days, operation of built-in sensors, etc.). Root access will also help to permanently block unnecessary applications.

Root will help you disable unnecessary programs and services

Avoid places where mobile phones do not receive reception or constantly lose the network (long hauls between settlements, basements and underground garages, shielded rooms of secret laboratories and radiation diagnostics/therapy departments in hospitals, sensitive areas, etc.). Try to use one communication standard, for example, 3G.

Give the command: Settings - More - Mobile networks

If the charging device displays incorrectly on the screen or the device turns off prematurely due to battery wear, recalibrate the battery using the above method.

Maintenance of the battery and the device itself

Give the battery serial “runs” with a full discharge and charge - at least once every six months in order to “boost” the battery capacity and calibrate its controller.

The internal battery controller must be matched charging voltage. If the element itself is charged at a voltage greater than 4.2 volts, it is regularly recharged and gradually swells. This is noticeable after one or two years of intensive use of the battery. Over time, such a battery will no longer fit in the gadget and will protrude back cover(it will stop closing, its latches will fly off). If there is a significant discrepancy between the output voltage of the controller and the element itself, the battery simply explodes. In the 2000s, when the market Chinese smartphones As soon as it began to develop intensively, a swollen battery was a frequent occurrence. Over the years Chinese manufacturers controllers have become more accurately “tailored” to Li-Ion elements - but from time to time defective batteries are produced. Change such a battery as quickly as you can.

Dirt on the battery contacts and terminals of the device, although they are gold-plated (gold does not oxidize), is additional electrical resistance, from which the charge may be displayed incorrectly by the gadget. Clean such stains with medical alcohol.

Try not to unnecessarily pull the battery out of place, even if the SIM card and/or memory card slot is located underneath it.

It is permissible to use chargers with lower power - but not vice versa. Charging too powerfully will cause significant heating of the battery and the gadget itself. Do not expose the battery to prolonged heat above human body temperature (36.6). At 40 degrees or more, modern controllers turn off the charging current until the battery cools down again to an adequate temperature - elevated temperatures accelerate battery wear.

If the microUSB connector is dirty, battery charging may be “drip”, intermittent, or the charging current may not flow into the battery at all. Most often this happens if the gadget is used carelessly and in polluted air for several years. Clean the microUSB socket with a toothpick, a sharpened match, or blow with a vacuum cleaner turned on at maximum power.

Video: how to pump up and calibrate the battery

Proper battery care will extend its service life. But if no restoration helps the battery, replace it.

For modern phone The main and decisive criterion remains its autonomy, that is, how long the battery can work without recharging. The worst event for many is when the phone is so discharged that it does not respond to the charger. Why is this happening? How to revive your phone battery?


Each battery contains a power controller. It is thanks to him that we can see the battery charge percentage on the screen. The same element determines the device’s need to recharge. When the phone is discharged, the controller, after urgent demands to replenish energy reserves, goes into mode to protect the battery from complete depletion.

It is worth noting that the battery is charged through a charger, which has This information contains a way to revive the phone battery - by applying current directly. To ensure that this does not pose a danger to life, there are several simple ways, which are discussed below.

Elementary way

As surprising as it may sound, leave your device charging for a day. For some devices, the push will be one of the pulses received from the charger. Roughly speaking, at some point the battery will “grab” the current and begin to accumulate charge. Don't get mad if your phone responds to your charger dark screen. IN in this case there's no need to rush. Other methods should be tried only after this method.

Power supply, resistor and voltmeter

For the second, more complex and time-consuming method, you need a power supply with constant voltage up to 12 volts. It is better that the voltage is from five or a little higher (it’s safer). You can use the power supply from the router and even the charger from the smartphone itself. A resistor is suitable as an assistant, which is designed for a power of 0.5 watts and a nominal value of 330 ohms.

As for the voltmeter, this is more of a whim than a necessity. So its presence is by no means necessary, although it is very desirable.

The connection diagram is simple to the point of primitiveness: we connect the minus of the source to the minus of the battery, and the plus through a resistor to the plus of the battery. Where is the plus and where is the minus at the source? If you have a charger like a plug from a Wi-Fi power supply, then the plus is the inside of the cylinder, and the minus is the outside. For charger USB type You need to do a test with a multimeter first. This will allow you to check where is the plus and where is the minus by ringing each channel.

After everything is securely fixed, you need to apply current. If you observe the voltmeter, then you should wait until the voltage rises to 3.5 volts - this is about 15 minutes of continuous operation. This perfect way for old type batteries, but it is also suitable for smartphones. Again, take your time and remain calm. A mistake can cost your battery life.

Third way

A less time-consuming method is to use a power supply with a controller designed to restore and charge all types of batteries. Such blocks are used when restoring Ni-MH batteries. This device is similar to the Turnigy Accucell 6. How to use it? The same as with cables in the second method.

It is important with this method not to try to charge the battery completely through this device. Why? Over time, the battery wears out and its capacity decreases significantly. In order not to ruin the battery, charge it through a universal charger up to 3.5 volts, and then through the phone or tablet itself - the device whose battery we reanimated.

Fourth method

In terms of simplicity, this method can be compared with the first. Unfortunately, it does not work on all types of devices, but it has to be, since it does not oblige you to have optional equipment or skills. This way to revive your phone battery at home looks like this:

  1. Remove the battery from the smartphone.
  2. Connect the charger to the device.
  3. Insert the battery into place.
  4. Leave the phone on charge for 10-12 hours.

Why might this work? As mentioned earlier, the battery needs to be “pushed”. Such a sudden flow of current can become such a shock, and the battery will return to normal, starting to accumulate energy.

A simple battery will help

This method also does not always help, but nevertheless is extremely popular. To do this, you need to take a fully charged battery or powerful battery and connect using conductors, observing polarity. After ten minutes, you should try to insert the recoverable battery into the phone and connect the charger.

This method is based on the method that motorists use to “light” the battery from another car. And, just like in cars, don’t let anything get hot!

Is it just to revive?

Another, no less strange way is freezing. Some who have already conducted similar experiments with the battery of their device claim that they were able not only to “resurrect” it, but also to increase its service life. The principle of operation of this method is to deceive the controller, which was mentioned above, because at a reduced temperature, chemical reactions in the battery slow down significantly.

Before you restore your phone's battery capacity, make sure it is not a lithium-ion battery. This type of battery may not survive such experiments.

The resuscitation process itself is as follows. To begin with, a battery discharged below the level is sent to freezer for no more than half an hour. Then charge it for a minute. In this case, turning on the phone is strictly prohibited. Next, you need to remove the battery from the device and let it warm up to room temperature on its own. There is no way to heat or rub the battery.

As soon as the battery reaches room temperature, it needs to be placed in the device and charged in the usual way. Such charging can last more than a day, in some cases even two.

What's better?

Before the phone is completely discharged, it is worth deciding which method is most effective. All these recovery methods are good in their own way, but some are not confirmed to be safe, others require special skill and tools.

In fact, the first and fourth methods are not only ways to revive your phone battery, but also a real guide for emergency. Such methods will not harm or worsen the situation of the smartphone.

There is quite a bit of controversy about freezing, since low temperatures are what can cause the battery to swell. Some say that this is a way to give a “dying” battery a “painkiller” so that its death will then occur quickly and painlessly.

Even Ni-MH batteries are restored using the second and third methods. But if you don't have access to necessary equipment and are simply far from electronics, it is better not to take risks and turn to the masters of this matter.

Whatever method suits you, the best solution the problem is its prevention. Try to ensure that your smartphone does not turn off because its battery is low. Carry a charger kit or remote battery with you and recharge the battery as needed. Try to avoid friction, shock and large temperature changes - this greatly reduces the performance of the battery and shortens its lifespan.