How to enable turbo in Yandex. Enabling Turbo mode in Yandex Browser

How to enable turbo mode in the browser if the Internet speed does not allow you to quickly load content and there is no time to wait? In the settings of any browser you can find options thanks to which you can load the page even at low speed, saving traffic on the size of images and animations.

We will not study all browsers, but will focus on the most popular: Opera, Chrome and Yandex.Browser. For convenience, let's see how turbo is turned on in mobile and desktop versions of browsers.

How does turbo mode work?

There is no magic in turbo mode, and it does not increase Internet speed. But the page loading speed is noticeably and positively affected. When turbo mode is enabled, the contents of the open page are sent to the server of the company that owns the browser. Important: turbo mode does not work on pages that are protected by the HTTPS protocol, because they open directly in the browser.

All media content is compressed, banners, pop-ups and other animations are cut out, after which the page is returned to the user and opened in the browser in an optimized form. It helps .

Another advantage of the turbo mode is the ability to access sites blocked in the country without a proxy and. This does not always work, but if the server to which the page is sent for optimization is located outside the Russian Federation, then geoblocking will not help.


On older versions of the browser, the turbo mode switch was located in the main menu. After the next update, the button disappeared, so now you have to perform additional steps to enable traffic saving mode.
  1. Open Opera settings(Alt+P).
  2. Select a tab "Browser".
  3. Check the box "Show advanced settings".
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the Browser section and check the box "Enable Opera Turbo".

There is an alternative option - installing the Turbo Button extension, after which the turbo mode control button will appear near the address bar. The convenience of the extension is that the mode state can be controlled by the Alt+T key combination.

The option has not yet been hidden in the mobile browser. Click on the red “O” to bring up the main menu, go to settings and in the “Traffic saving” section, turn on turbo mode and monitor the statistics of its operation.


The desktop version of Chrome does not have a special function that would enable data saving (analogous to Turbo mode in Opera). To add this feature, you need to install the extension.
  1. Expand Chrome main menu.
  2. Select "Additional Tools" and go to "Extensions".
  3. Call up the additional menu and open Chrome Web Store.
  4. Find and install “Traffic Saving” extension from a Google developer.

Traffic saving mode will turn on automatically when Internet speed decreases. To deactivate the feature, click on the extension icon and uncheck the box. Here you will see statistics on traffic consumption and savings.

In the mobile version, unlike the desktop version, the saving function was added to the settings initially. To make sure it works:

  1. Open browser main menu.
  2. Go to settings.
  3. Find an item "Traffic saving".

Inside you will find a switch and performance statistics. It is recommended to enable traffic saving on your phone, since situations where the Internet speed is not enough happen much more often, especially when using mobile data.

Yandex browser

To enable turbo mode in Yandex Browser on your computer, open the main menu, go to settings, go to the “Turbo” subsection and set the value to “Automatic” or “Always on”. Check the “Notify about speed changes” and “Compress video” checkboxes. If you want to turn the turbo on/off manually, you don’t even have to go to the settings.

The mobile browser also has the ability to enable and configure the turbo mode.

  1. Call Main menu.
  2. Open settings.
  3. Go to section "Turbo mode"
  4. Select operating procedure: Automatic on/off or always active state.
  5. Check the box "Compress video" to save more traffic.

When you select automatic switching, the mode turns on when the speed drops below 128 Kb/s and turns off when the speed reaches 512 Kb/s. The rocket icon in the address bar indicates that the turbo is working.

Yandex Browser implements the so-called Turbo mode. It helps not only save traffic, but also speed up page loading. This is possible due to the fact that the content of the site page is compressed on Yandex servers and only then transmitted to the user’s browser. Some page elements do not load at all. This is a very convenient mode if, for example, you have a low Internet connection speed.

By default, Turbo mode is turned on if the download speed drops below 128 Kbps, but you can always turn this mode on permanently.

Browser for computer

Launch Yandex Browser. At the top of the window, click on the icon consisting of three stripes. After the menu appears, select the “Settings” section.

The settings page will open. Find the “Turbo” subsection on it and check the box next to the “Always on” item. I also recommend checking the box next to “Compress video.”

Now you will always see a rocket icon in the browser bar - this means that Turbo mode is running.

Mobile browser

If you use Yandex.Browser on a phone or tablet, you can also use the Turbo mode, which is especially important since the mobile Internet in many cities is not characterized by its stable speed.

Launch your browser. There is a button in the form of three dots in the upper right part of the screen. Tap on it and a menu will appear. Select “Settings” from the menu.

On the settings page, select the “Turbo Mode” subsection and click on it.

Check the box next to “Enabled” and also next to “Compress video.”

You don't need to do anything else. You open any website and see a rocket that confirms that Turbo mode is enabled.

Despite the fact that Internet providers provide their users with fairly high Internet connection speeds, sometimes users have problems and they cannot load certain sites, or they load very slowly. This can happen for various reasons, and measures to solve this problem can be different.

The most common problem is that sites are too “heavy” and the current Internet speed is simply not enough to quickly display content. A browser with “Turbo” mode can help in this particular case.

What it is

What is turbo mode? This is a pre-installed option for the Internet browser from Yandex. In the active state, before loading the site onto the end user’s computer, it is “run” through certain servers in Yandex, where all content is optimized to the maximum and compressed by special algorithms. This happens in a fraction of seconds and as a result, a person receives an optimized and “light” version of the resource he needs. This mode will be useful for those who have weak hardware, who have problems with the Internet connection or limited traffic.


In order to figure out how to enable turbo mode in the Yandex browser, you need, of course, to download the Yandex browser. Next, install it on your device to access the network.

There are two ways to activate this option:

Method 1 (using the mode button)

This is a new option, and it is the fastest and most convenient. Appeared in the latest versions of the Yandex browser, which simplifies access to this option. In order to activate this option, you need to:

  1. Open a web browser;
  2. Click on the menu icon;
  3. In the drop-down window, select “Enable turbo”.

If everything went well, then an active mode button in the form of a rocket will appear in the address bar of our browser. If you click on this icon, you can view basic information about this option (how long it works, the amount of traffic saved), and also enable/disable additional security properties for this program:

Method 2 (via settings)

The second method takes longer. To enable the option you must:

  1. Open the menu.
  2. Go to the “Settings” item (or follow the direct link browser://settings).
  3. In the window that opens, find the “Turbo” section.
  4. Select the necessary settings.

Auto mode

As stated above, When the acceleration option is activated, Yandex compresses the content to load it quickly, but downloaded videos, music, and pictures lose quality. In order not to constantly monitor the Internet speed and not turn it on/off, the developers took care of automatically changing the Internet browser operating options.

If you check the box next to “Automatically enable on slow connection” in the settings, the browser itself will monitor slow loading times and enable/disable acceleration if necessary.

How to disable "Turbo"

If this option has lost its relevance, or for some reason it was initially activated on devices with normal Internet access, you can disable turbo mode in the Yandex browser. The procedure is carried out exactly the opposite way:

  1. Click on the “Menu” icon of the browser;
  2. Select "Turn off turbo".

Or, through the settings in the “Turbo” section, put a checkmark next to the “off” item.

That’s actually all the “wisdom” of activating the turbo mode. And now, if you are trying to download something, and it takes a long time, download the Yandex browser with turbo mode completely free, enable this option and enjoy your favorite sites without any hang-ups.

At the end of the 2000s, developers from Opera came up with and implemented the “Turbo” function in their browser. This function allowed users of the global Internet to always be in touch, even with poor signal quality. At the moment, this function is not as relevant as before, but sometimes it would be very useful. Unfortunately, the developers from the Mozilla Corporation team do not want to follow their direct competitors from Google Chrome and Opera and did not introduce the “Turbo” mode into their search engine. There is no turbo mode as such; there are only means that simulate the functionality of a useful mode to save Internet traffic. Although, according to rumors, in the near foreseeable future a new ultra-fast Internet browser “Firefox Rocket” is preparing to be released, which is already available to residents of Indonesia.

Therefore, this article will not talk about how to enable turbo mode in Mozilla, but how to save Internet traffic by using your favorite browser without changing your preferences.

  1. Option .
  2. You can try the following:

Open the hidden menu of the Mozilla Firefox browser by typing “about:config” in the search bar, accepting all risks in case of changes to factory settings.

Among the many parameters, you need to find “network.prefetch-next” and double-click with the left mouse button to change it from “true” to “false”. This feature will be disabled, and the technology of preloading web content will not waste precious traffic.

  1. Option to use additional extensions.

Are you experiencing a slow internet connection and your browser is having trouble loading web pages? Not a problem if you use a browser from Yandex! It has a special function that allows you to speed up the launch of Internet pages. It's called "Turbo Mode" and is available to all users. Next, we will detail how to enable turbo mode in the Yandex browser.

How does a turbo work?

The main idea of ​​turbo mode is to automatically speed up the loading of web pages on a slow Internet connection. Thus, if you enable the automatic launch of turbo mode, then when the Internet speed decreases, page loading will be accelerated using this function. For example, you are launching a significant page, but there is not enough internet at all. At this time, turbo mode will try to speed up the loading of the web page, even taking into account the fact that there is practically no Internet.

How to enable turbo on a computer

So, you can activate turbo mode on your computer in several ways. The first is when the turbo turns on automatically, and the second is when the mode operates on a permanent basis. Both functions can be configured in the browser settings. Let's look further at an example.

Activate turbo permanently

Turbo mode on an ongoing basis will be useful for users who constantly use low-speed Internet. This way, you can maintain a good connection at any time of the day. To take advantage of all this, use the following instructions:

After following the instructions, your Yandex browser will be connected to turbo mode. You can disable it if necessary in the same menu.

Automatic switching on

In order to activate the automatic inclusion of turbo mode, you need to return to the menu that we opened in the previous section. After that, set the item to the “Automatically turn on when connection is slow” mode.

This method is well suited if you often move with your laptop and connect exclusively to a wireless network, which does not always work reliably.


How to enable on Android

Instructions on how to enable turbo mode on Android devices:

Turn on turbo on iPhone

Turbo mode is also relevant on iOS devices, which tend to also experience slow Internet speeds in distant places. You can use the mode in the following way:

As you can see, enabling turbo mode in the Yandex browser is not difficult even for a novice in using technology. Let me remind you that to use it, you need to go to the settings of the application or browser, and check the “Enabled” item in the “Turbo mode” section.