How to return the old VK design to your computer. Video: How to recover an unsaved or damaged Microsoft Word, Excel or PowerPoint document

New appearance Not everyone liked the social network VKontakte, but the developers removed the return to old design. What should those who are accustomed to the good old VKontakte do? Luckily there is one unofficial way return the old design of the VKontakte social network.


You can return the old VK design using one extension for Chrome browsers, Firefox and Opera. The Stylish add-on allows you to apply different styles to some sites, including VKontakte.

Download Stylish extension for the old VKontakte design:
Download and install the extension. After that open a special page with the old VKontakte design style. There, click on the “Install with Stylish” button.

Wait until the style is installed, and then just restart your browser- voila, you can use the good old VKontakte.

The developers of the style note that it is currently unstable. Many features are incompatible, but development is in full swing. Among big problems It's worth noting that the messages section is completely broken.

The fact that it gives a new impetus to refine the style. The developers promise to bring the style to a digestible form in the near future, so that those who wish can enjoy the old VK design without any problems.

how to restore the system by returning to previous restore points

System Restore,
by returning to previous
restore points

Theme for computers and laptops,
with Windows OS installed.

If you have serious problems with your computer
and you weren’t able to get rid of your problems in a simpler way
means for troubleshooting, then use
System Restore program.

How System Restore works

How the program works
"System Restore"

System Restore – uses restore points
for a refund system files and parameters to the state
at a certain point in time, without affecting personal files.

Restore points are automatically created weekly.
And also before significant systemic events, such
such as installing programs or device drivers.

System Restore will save your personal
data, photos, videos, music, documents. But programs
and drivers installed after the selected point
recovery - can be deleted.

Restore points are stored until full
disk space, reserved for system recovery.
As new restore points are created, old ones will be deleted.

Where to find System Restore on your computer

Where to find it, on your computer,
System Restore tool

The path to this tool is Start → Control Panel → in the “System and Security” section, select the “Search and fix problems” button. The following window will open

At the bottom of the left column is the “Restore” button.
Click and a new window will open.

(Click on the picture to enlarge)

In this window there are two buttons for system recovery.
The first one, which is recommended to be used first, is
"Start System Restore." This elimination option
problems that slow down or block your computer.

The second button is “Advanced recovery methods” –
restores a computer with very severe damage.
Using a system image or Windows installation disk .

How to run a computer system restore

How to start
System Restore

Before running System Restore, save your open
files and close all programs. Because, after confirming the point
recovery - the recovery tool will restart your computer.

Then click the "Run System Restore" button.

If your computer is configured to require a password, then after pressing
Click this button and you will be prompted to enter the administrator password.
Please enter your password.

The System Restore window will appear.

(Click on the picture to enlarge)

How to choose a restore point

How to choose
restore point

First, a window with restore points will open.

(Click on the picture to enlarge)

System Restore - Automatic
recommends the most recent restore point.

On my laptop with Windows 7 (Start) installed.
all restore points from Windows Update.
Since there are no other downloads other than downloading
Windows updates, during this period there was none.

By the way, sometimes problems with a computer can arise as a result of
Windows errors. And errors are most often associated with the update
and installing updates on your computer.

In general - descriptions of automatically created recovery points,
match the event name. In the screenshot (above), automatically
created restore points - Windows Update.

The word "Critical" right column- let you
doesn't bother me. This is what Windows names its updates.

You need, by dates or descriptions of events, to analyze -
when problems with the computer began to appear. And choose
the last restore point before problems arise.

You can click on the selected restore point before,
than click the “Next” button, check which programs
will affect the restore point you selected.

To do this, click the button
"Search for affected programs."

If the restore points shown are not enough, then set
checkbox to the left of “Show other restore points”. Will open
additional restore points.

When you decide on a restore point -
Click the “Next” button below.

The recovery process will begin.

System Restore on your computer

systems on a computer

Since, one of the conditions for the work of the “Restoration” program
system" is to disable all programs, then it is clear what to do
screenshots during the recovery process - I couldn’t.

Therefore, I will simply describe the order of the process.

2. The message “Please wait, recovery is in progress” will appear.
Windows files and settings."

3. The next inscription will be “Initializing system recovery.”

4. Next – “System Restore restores the registry.”

5. Next – “System Restore deletes temporary files.”

6. Next – “Recovery complete”

After reboot and Windows boot– appears first
a window informing you that the system is being restored
completed and user files not affected.

If the selected recovery point was created previously downloaded
programs or drivers – these programs and drivers will be removed.

System Restore, gets your computer back
into a state that existed.

For me, Windows downloaded and installed again
the same updates that were removed.

Because even the last restore point was
created by downloading and installing the latest updates.

If System Restore doesn't fix the problem
problem with your computer, you can try
Advanced recovery method .

Friends, I have long promised my regular readers to write an article about system recovery. Many of us have already encountered this situation more than once when we install some program, make some operating system settings, accidentally delete service files and do much more, which ultimately leads to incorrect and unstable functioning of the OS.

Today I will tell you? What needs to be done to return the operating system to working condition.

Friends, do not forget that there are no hopeless situations.

The algorithm discussed below will be useful to everyone. There are no people who don’t make mistakes and always do everything right. As wise people say: “Only those who do nothing make no mistakes.” But you should also be able to correct mistakes.

And for everyone who wants to find out, if necessary, cancel recent actions on the computer, I wrote a detailed algorithm.

Recovery checkpoint

So, Friends, check Point recovery is a copy of operating system service files, program settings, and the system registry at a certain point in time.

The operating system, as a rule, creates recovery checkpoints automatically at certain intervals in case of installing any software or as directed by the user.

It should be noted that when “rolling back” to the operating system restore point, the user’s personal files, such as music tracks, graphic files, documents, etc.

Attention! Returning to a restore point allows you to restore the operating system, but not the user's personal content.

1. Click on the “Start” button at the bottom right of the screen and select “Control Panel”. The main window of the operating room control panel will open. Windows systems 7:

2. Click on the very first section “System and Security” and in the window that opens, select the subsection “Restore the computer to a previous state”.

3. In the window that appears, click on the “Run system recovery” button.

4. The system will collect necessary information and launch the System Restore Wizard. In the first window that appears, you just need to click the “Next” button.

5. Next, the second Wizard window will open, where you need to select a restore point from the list provided. If you have just made some settings and want to cancel them, then select the top one the specified entry. You can also select any recovery point entry that suits you.

You can also run “Search for affected programs” by clicking on the corresponding button. The operating system will scan its service records, determine which programs will be deleted or restored during a rollback to a restore point, and present the analysis results in separate window. After reviewing the lists of affected programs, click the “Close” button.

7. A warning window will appear on the screen that it will be impossible to interrupt the system recovery. And once again they will ask you to confirm your intentions by clicking the “Yes” button.

After this, the system recovery process will begin. Which usually takes a little time - about 2-3 minutes. After which the system will reboot and you will see this window:

Your computer's condition has been restored to specified state. Now you can check the operation of the OS and other programs to ensure they are working correctly. Be sure to test the result of the system restore.

If operating system failed to restore the system, then the window will be different. This often happens when working antivirus program. Disable it and try again.

If you were able to successfully solve the “” problem, then I congratulate you. But in some cases, restoring the system did not lead to an improvement in the situation, but rather to its deterioration. The system began to freeze, some programs would not load at all, desktop icons disappeared, etc. In this case, it is best to cancel System Restore.

To do this, we carry out the entire algorithm, starting from point 1. When you complete step 3, the following window will open:

Select “Cancel system restore” and then follow the algorithm presented above.

So, Friends, we've covered quite a bit important question“how to restore the system?”, learned to “roll back” the system to restore points and cancel “rollbacks”.

It should be noted that it is possible to restore the system using this method, but only if there was no serious damage to system files, for example, as if the system was infected with a virus. At serious violations OS operation this remedy is ineffective and you cannot avoid resorting to one of the advanced system recovery methods.

In one of the following articles, I will talk about just such a tool - an emergency recovery disk.

How to return the old VKontakte design on your computer quickly, in 5 seconds? In May, VKontakte changed its design and address from to, which was an unpleasant surprise for many VK users.

Hi all!
Today I hung out on VKontakte, and as a result of communication it became clear what topics I could write articles on.
Today I had to answer this question twice today, asked in different word forms, but this did not change the meaning).
For example, there was another question.
How to switch to old version In contact with?
First things first.

August 17, 2016 social network VKontakte changed the website address from to, and also removed the old design, which for many was, to put it mildly, not a very pleasant surprise.
To be more precise, VK began to change the old design to a new one not at once for everyone, but gradually.
For example, I updated the design of my VKontakte page for the first time just a couple of weeks ago.

I’m sitting at my laptop, as always, I have a lot open tabs, you can chat there, you can look here, you can read here... in general, I click on the tab of my VKontakte page, it crashes a new version...then the first thought was - this is some kind of mobile version, I look at the address, ... the second thought is that it’s a phishing site. In general, I poked, I poked, my problem was that I have more than one account in contact, well, they like to freeze contact pages, for no reason, people openly scatter advertisements on the open walls of groups about cheating and selling VK accounts and this normal, here you throw a thematic link and they block you... In general, the meaning is that passwords for accounts are stored in the browser’s memory, and along the way, when I change new design on the old one, VKontakte’s security is triggered, I’m thrown out of the site and I can’t log in).
To sum it all up.
I don't like the new version of Contact.
Hell, it’s a matter of habit or design, but I don’t want this design, I like the old VK on the computer.
Many people say that the new design is eerily similar to the Facebook design.

Okay, I won’t burden you with my everyday life), let’s get down to business.

How to return the old VKontakte design

On this moment- This The best way! There are simply no others. Watch the video and repeat.

In fact, returning the old design is quite easy. I heard that someone has changed it irrevocably, it seems to me that they are lying, they are lying). The control killer at the end, but it just appeared not long ago).
I will show you 2 ways to change the new VKontakte design to the old one.

First way.

Scroll your mouse almost to the very bottom of the VKontakte page, click full version.
You will return the old design of your contact page.

If this does not help you, move on to the second option.

Second option.
Consists of adding the number "0" to the url
Just write before, add 0, you should get something like this: then your id.

I hope everything worked out for you.
If not, follow the link to this site
That's all.
I'm going on vacation, don't bother me for a week).
Good luck to everyone, see you here on July 14;)