How to delete a blank page in Word. How to delete a page in Word editor

The people's truth has been said for a long time: “what is written with a pen, everything is done by the way, you can’t cut it out with an ax.” No, cunning and resourceful comrades can, of course, object here. So to speak, to counterbalance the argument. Why not, for example, tear out the sheet with writings that are no longer needed, and throw it out - in the trash or burn it completely. It is possible, but what is not! But you have to work hard, sweat, sweat... Especially if pages need to be quietly destroyed in some report, diary, magazine or (God forbid!) art book.

It's another matter to delete a page in Word. This is where the freedom of action and fullness of sensations come from editing a virtual canvas for writing. There are no operation costs, no signs of “execution” on the sheet, be it blank or with words. In short, user grace.

However, you need to know where these same buttons are located for this very thing and how to operate them correctly. Don't know yet? Then read the instructions below. And your work in Word will become much more comfortable.

The sheet is removed from the project different ways and functions, depending on the specific situation and user task.

How to delete a blank sheet?

1. Place the cursor on the blank page you want to delete.

2.Press simultaneously Ctrl keys+ Shift + 8. Or click on the ¶ icon (show all characters) in the Word interface panel.

3. After activating this function, special control characters will be displayed on the blank page. They are responsible for formatting the text, and normal mode text displays remain invisible. Delete them using the “backspace” button (“left arrow” above “Enter”) or “Delete” (Del). After cleaning blank sheet will disappear automatically.

How to remove a page with text?

Method No. 1

1. Place the cursor anywhere in the text on the page you want to get rid of.

2. Left-click on the “Find” option (the leftmost block in top panel Word).

3. Select “Go to...” from the drop-down menu.

4. B additional window Find and Replace, on the Go To tab, select the Page transition object.

5. In the “Enter number...” field, type the directive - \page.

6. Click the “Go” button. The text on the selected page will be highlighted.

7. Click “Close” and then press the “DELETE” key.

Method No. 2

1. Select all text on the page to be deleted: hold left button mouse, move the cursor from the beginning to the end of the sheet.

2. Click "Delete".

How to restore a deleted page?

Left-click on the left arrow icon (cancel the operation) or press Ctrl+Z, and the disappeared page will reappear in the project.

Enjoy using Word!

Document Microsoft Word, in which there is an extra one, empty page, in most cases contains empty paragraphs, page breaks, or section breaks that were previously inserted manually. This is extremely undesirable for a file that you plan to work with in the future, print it on a printer, or provide it to someone for review and further work.

It is worth noting that sometimes you may need to delete not an empty page, but an unnecessary page in Word. This often happens with text documents downloaded from the Internet, as with any other file that you had to work with for one reason or another. In any case, you need to get rid of a blank, unnecessary or extra page in MS Word, and this can be done in several ways. However, before we begin to fix the problem, let's figure out the cause of its occurrence, because it is this that dictates the solution.

Note: In case a blank page appears only during printing and text document It is not displayed in Word; most likely, your printer is set to print a separator page between jobs. Therefore, you need to double-check your printer settings and change them if necessary.

If you simply need to delete this or that, superfluous or simply unnecessary page with text or part of it, just select the required fragment with the mouse and click "DELETE" or "BackSpace". True, if you are reading this article, most likely you already know the answer to such a simple question. Most likely, you need to delete the blank page, which, quite obviously, is also superfluous. Most often, such pages appear at the end of the text, sometimes in the middle.

The easiest method is to go down to the very bottom of the document by clicking "Ctrl+End" and then press "BackSpace". If this page was added accidentally (by breaking) or appeared due to an extra paragraph, it will be deleted immediately.

There may be several empty paragraphs at the end of your text, so you will need to click several times "BackSpace".

If this does not help you, then the reason for the extra blank page is completely different. You will learn how to get rid of it below.

Why did the blank page appear and how to get rid of it?

In order to determine the cause of the blank page, you must include Word document display paragraph characters. This method is suitable for all versions of the Microsoft office product and will help remove unnecessary pages in Word 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, as well as in its older versions.

1. Click the corresponding icon ( «¶» )on the top panel (tab "Home") or use a keyboard shortcut "Ctrl+Shift+8".

2. So, if at the end, as well as in the middle of your text document, there are empty paragraphs, or even entire pages, you will see this - at the beginning of each empty line there will be a symbol «¶» .

Extra paragraphs

Perhaps the reason for the appearance of a blank page is precisely the extra paragraphs. If this is your case, simply highlight the empty lines marked with the symbol «¶» , and click on the button "DELETE".

Force page break

It also happens that a blank page appears due to a break added manually. IN in this case you need to place the mouse cursor in front of the break and press the button "DELETE" to remove it.

It is worth noting that for the same reason, quite often an extra blank page appears in the middle of a text document.

Breaking sections

The blank page may be due to section breaks set to "from even page", "from odd page" or "from the next page." In case the blank page is located at the end Microsoft document Word and the section break is displayed, just place the cursor in front of it and click "DELETE". After this, the blank page will be deleted.

Note: If for some reason you don't see the page break, go to the tab "View" on the top ribbon of Word and switch to draft mode - this way you will see more in a smaller area of ​​the screen.

Important: Sometimes it happens that due to the appearance of blank pages in the middle of the document, immediately after removing a break, formatting is disrupted. If you need to leave the formatting of the text located after the break unchanged, the break should be left. By removing the section break in this place, you'll make the formatting of the text below extend to the text that comes before the break. In this case, we recommend changing the type of break: by setting “break (to current page)", you will retain the formatting without adding a blank page.

Converting a section break to an "on current page" break

1. Place the mouse cursor directly after the break of the section that you plan to change.

2. On the control panel (ribbon) of MS Word, go to the tab "Layout".

3. Click on the small icon located in the lower right corner of the section "Page settings".

4. In the window that appears, go to the tab "Paper Source".

5. Expand the list opposite the item "Start section" and select "On the current page".

6. Click "OK" to confirm changes.

The blank page will be deleted, but the formatting will remain the same.


The methods described above for deleting a blank page will be ineffective if there is a table at the end of your text document - it is located on the previous (second-to-last in fact) page and reaches the very end. The fact is that Word requires an empty paragraph after the table. If the table reaches the end of the page, the paragraph moves to the next one.

An empty paragraph that is unnecessary for you will be highlighted with the corresponding icon: «¶» , which, unfortunately, cannot be deleted, by at least, by simply pressing a button "DELETE" on keyboard.

To solve this problem, it is necessary hide the empty paragraph at the end of the document.

1. Select a character «¶» with the mouse and press the key combination "Ctrl+D", a dialog box will appear in front of you "Font".

2. To hide a paragraph, you need to check the box next to the corresponding item ( "Hidden") and press "OK".

3. Now turn off the display of paragraphs by clicking the appropriate ( «¶» ) button on the control panel or use a key combination "Ctrl+Shift+8".

The empty page you don't need will disappear.

That's all, now you know how to remove an extra page in Word 2003, 2010, 2016 or, more simply, in any version of this product. This is not difficult to do, especially if you know the cause of this problem (and we have dealt with each of them in detail). We wish you productive work without hassle or problems.

MS Word is one of the most popular text editors. His functionality very wide. So, there are at least three ways to delete a blank page in Word. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

How to delete an extra page in Word - a simple way

On the Toolbar there is special sign which is called " Show all characters" In the screenshot below it is marked in red. To delete an extra page, you need to place the cursor on the unnecessary sheet...

press the key combination or the " ».

After activating the function, the page will display Special symbols, which are responsible for text formatting. In normal display mode they are invisible. They need to be deleted using the " backspace"(it looks like a left arrow above " Enter") or " Delete"(Del). After this, the blank sheet will automatically disappear.

In versions of MS Word 2007 - 2010, this button is located in the main section.

For the convenience of further work, you should disable the button to display all symbols " " To do this, just click on it again.

If you need to delete several pages, you should place the cursor at the beginning of the document, scroll to the end, and press Shift and click the mouse again. The selected part of the text must be deleted using the buttons " Delete" or " Backspace».

Here's how to quickly and easily delete a blank page in Word.

How to delete an unnecessary sheet in Word 2007, 2008

Let's consider an alternative way to delete a blank page in Word 2007 and 2008. First of all, you need to place the cursor in the place on the page from which you want to delete information. This can be either the very beginning or the middle of the text. Further in the section “ home"should go to the subsection" Find» …

Open in a new window to the "" tab.

IN search bar In the new window, you should specify the page number from which you want to delete information and click the “” button. If the extra sheet was filled with information, then selected text will appear and will be deleted.

If you need to delete a blank page in Word, highlighted paragraphs will appear.

All you have to do is close the window and press the " Delete», « Backspace" or a space.

How to remove a blank page in Word

Let's look at how you can remove a blank page in Word before or after special characters.

At the beginning or end of the document

If the information in a file begins with a paragraph, then sometimes the first page of the document is left blank. For the convenience of further work, it should be removed. To do this you need:

1. Enable a button to display all elements on the panel.

2. Place the cursor at the beginning of the sheet.

3. While holding LMB, drag the mouse down, coloring all the special symbols.

4. Press the " Delete" or " Backspace».

5. To remove an extra page in Word at the end of a file, you need to place the cursor at the beginning of the last sheet and do the same steps.

Extra paragraph

You can delete an extra paragraph in a test alternative way. So, you should place the cursor in front of an extra paragraph (usually it forms an empty line on the page) and replace two consecutive characters with one paragraph character. To do this, in the menu " Edit» – « Replace…" in field " Find» enter a space (press space). At the bottom of the window, click the " More", then " Special" and select " Paragraph mark" In field " Find" will appear " ^p" In field " Replace" insert " Paragraph mark» - « ^p" Press the button " Find next" All you have to do is press the “ Replace everything».

Section or page break

A blank page may appear inside a text file as a result of a page break. Because this special element is not displayed when standard viewing, necessary:

    Press the "" button

In work with Word application Everything seems to be clear: you press the keys, type letters, put punctuation marks, and periodically format the text using the convenient panel at the top. But there are pitfalls here too. For example, how to delete an extra page in Word? It seems like a simple question, but when you start to figure it out, you understand that you need to behave differently depending on how this extra page appeared.

The dependence on the version in the case of Word is not so serious, but there is still a difference in working with the 2003 program and the 2016 application. So I'll tell you about different versions of Word, including a program for Mac OS and an online editor. It definitely won't be redundant.

Removing an extra page

If you find an unnecessary page filled with symbols in your document, you can get rid of it using the Backspace or Delete key. But before clicking on one of the indicated buttons, select all the text on the sheet. This can be done in different ways:

  1. Place the cursor at the beginning of the page. Hold down the left mouse button and check the cursor to the end of the fragment that should be deleted.
  2. Place the cursor at the beginning. Scroll to the end of the section you want to erase. Clamp Shift key and left-click at the end of the sentence. Any text that appears between the two marks will be highlighted.

To erase the selected part, press Backspace or Delete. In principle, you can do without highlighting by erasing the letters one by one using the same keys.

This will take a little longer, but will result in similar resultunnecessary words and the sentences will be thrown out of the text, as if they were never there.

Removing a blank sheet

Why does a blank sheet appear? No, this is not an invitation from Word to write more than you intended. It’s just that the page contains extra paragraphs, page or section breaks, and other unprintable characters. By default, they are not displayed, which is why it seems like you have a blank slate in front of you. But if you click on this icon on the top panel, you can find all the non-printing characters. .

Note: if there are no extra sheets in the document, and they only appear when printing, check your printer settings. On some models, you can set the options to print a separator page between different jobs.

This convenient function, which allows you to quickly separate various documents, if they are printed in one pack. But if you don’t know about its existence, you will probably be surprised to see a blank sheet, for some reason sent through the printer.

If extra page located at the very end of the document, go to it using the Ctrl+End combination or simply scrolling down the screen. Make sure your cursor is at the very end of the document and press Backspace. This will be enough if the blank sheet appears due to extra paragraph marks or an accidentally inserted break.

Determining the cause

If simply pressing Backspace at the end of a document doesn't solve the problem, try to pinpoint the cause. To do this, turn on the display of non-printable characters and see what is happening on the blank page. This can be done on the “Home” tab - this is relevant for both Windows and Mac.

If the reason for the appearance of a blank sheet is extra paragraph marks, then you will see these symbols. They need to be selected and erased using Delete key or Backspace. If the void is caused by inserting a break, place your mouse cursor directly in front of it and press Delete. The operation is similar on Mac and Word Online.

If a blank page appears after a table inserted into a document, then it’s all about the blank paragraph mark, which is added by default.

You won't be able to delete it, but you can hide it.

If you do everything right, the blank sheet will definitely disappear along with the thoughts that you cannot cope with a simple text editing operation in Word.

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