How to make a footnote at the bottom of a page in Word. Add a regular footnote

Footnotes- These are small notes to the text, usually placed at the bottom of the page and separated from the main text by a horizontal line. The font of footnotes in documents is made smaller than the font size of the main text.

Each footnote in the document has a designation in the text special sign footnotes - usually a small number in upper case.

Adding a footnote to a MS Word 2007/2010 document

To do in MS Office Word 2007 (2010) footnote, let's look at a simple example.

Let's say we have a piece of arbitrary text in Word document(Fig. 1):

In order to add a footnote to the text, place the cursor at the place in the text where the footnote will be - a link to the explanatory text.

Then, in the tool ribbon, select the " Links", and in the tool block " Footnotes» click the « button Insert footnote"(Fig. 2):

After adding a footnote, the cursor will move to the bottom of the document sheet, where the footnote number and a horizontal line will be displayed. Here you need to indicate the explanatory text for the new footnote. For example, as shown in Fig. 3:

Program Microsoft Word offers the ability to view an explanation of a footnote directly in the text. This means that there is no need to scroll the document to the bottom of the page to read the explanation of the footnote - you just need to move the mouse cursor to the number of the footnote or to the word after which this number appears, and hold for a couple of seconds. A tooltip will appear containing the text we added as an explanatory text at the bottom of the page (Fig. 4):

Endnotes in MS Word 2007/2010

Endnotes - These are ordinary footnotes in a Word document. They differ only in that horizontal line and explanatory text are located at the end of the document. This means that if your document takes up less than one page, then the explanatory text will be immediately below the main text of the document (Fig. 5):

At the same time, if a document takes up, for example, 10 pages, and the index number is on the first page, then the explanatory text will be located at the end of the document, i.e. on page ten.

To add an endnote to a Word document, select the " Links", then in the tool block " Footnotes» click the « button Add an endnote"(Fig. 6):

To remove an endnote, you need to follow the same steps as when removing a regular footnote in a Word document (see below).

Removing a footnote from a MS Word 2007/2010 document

To remove a footnote, you don't need to call special teams V Word program. To delete a footnote, simply place the cursor after the footnote number and press the " Backspace" (Space) on the keyboard, which will highlight the number, then press the " key Delete", i.e. just remove this character. As a result, the footnote associated with this figure will be automatically deleted.

This short article is intended to help novice users of the program Microsoft Office Word 2007 (2010) working with footnotes in documents. If you have any questions or requests, please leave a comment below. We will receive notification and will try to respond as quickly as possible.

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Technical points

When creating a footnote, you need to sequentially perform the following operations on the computer: Insert → Footnote → Normal → Bottom of the page → Number format 1,2,3... → Start from each page (or Menu tab “Links” → Insert footnote). Now throughout the text of the work, footnotes will be located exactly on the page where our quotation is located.

Footnotes in the work are page-by-page, that is, they are formed at the bottom of the sheet with separately numbered on each sheet or continuous numbering. The same formatting rules apply to footnotes as to bibliographies, with the only difference being that the page from which the information was taken is indicated. In the case of material taken from two pages, double values ​​are entered through spaces and hyphens (the rule for assigning pages to periodicals).

If the footnote refers to material taken from the Internet, then the full Internet path to this material is indicated.

The main text of the footnote is typed in Times New Roman font with a regular style and font size 10, with a single line spacing. Align font width.

The footnote sign is written together with last letter the last word in a sentence. The punctuation mark is placed after the footnote, also in conjunction with it.

For example: N.V. Samarina in her article analyzes the sociocultural basis of the relationship between the state and society 1 .

If on one page of text a repeated link follows the primary link to the same document (source), then bibliographic description is replaced by the words “Ibid” and the page number is indicated.

For example:

1 Legal communication. Statement of the problem / Ed. L.S. Mamuta. M.: Yurlitinform. 2012. P.45.

2 Ibid. P. 58.

For example:

1 Marchenko M.N. Decree. op. P. 98.

If several references are given in a row to various works the same authors, then in the second and subsequent references the names of the authors may be replaced with the words “He is the same,” “She is the same,” “They are the same,” “His same,” “Her same,” “Theirs.”

For example:

O. Shilokhvost, believing that the contracts provided for in part four of the Code can be built both according to the model of a consensual and the model of a real contract, nevertheless points out that “ optimal model should be considered a consensual agreement 1.

1 See about this: Commentary on Civil Code Russian Federation part four (item by article) / Rep. ed. L.A. Trakhtengerts. M.: Law firm“CONTRACT”, Infra-M, 2009. P. 45.

1 For more information about the autonomization of social norms and their features in primitive society, see: Murashko L. O. Initial types of social normativity // Journal Russian law. 2002. No. 2. pp. 83–95.

Citation in the text of the work can be either direct or indirect. When quoting directly you present the author’s thought (opinion) without changes and in quotation marks, while in the footnote after the number there is immediately a description of the publication.

For example:

The famous legal scholar Yu. A. Krokhina gives the following definition of the concept of control: “Control is a legal structure designed to ensure strict and strict execution of laws, compliance legal discipline government bodies, local government bodies, individuals and legal entities 2".

2 Financial law of Russia: textbook. A common part. / Yu. A. Krokhina. M.: Norma, 2008. P.135.

1 Tishaev B.B. Basic approaches to the classification of the economic and legal status of an individual // History of State and Law. 2008. No. 18. P.15.

When quoting indirectly you are retelling the author’s thoughts in your own words (that is, you are not using an exact quote), in this case quotation marks are not placed in the text, and in the footnote before the description of the publication “See:”, “See. more details: "etc..

For example:

O. Shilokhvost, believing that the contracts provided for in part four of the Code can be built both on the model of a consensual and on the model of a real contract, nevertheless indicates that the optimal model should be considered a consensual contract 1 .

1 See: Commentary on the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, part four (article-by-article) / Rep. ed. L.A. Trakhtengerts. M.: Law firm "CONTRACT", Infra-M, 2009. P. 45.

Social norms as generally accepted forms of behavior arose at the dawn of human society, and regulate a wide range of relationships that arise in the process of implementing political, socio-cultural tasks facing society or an individual 1 .

1 See, for more details: Murashko L. O. Initial types of social normativity // Journal of Russian Law. 2002. No. 2. pp. 83–95.

If you are making a reference to normative legal act , then the first time it is mentioned in the text, a link to the full output data of the document is required; in the future, if you again refer to the specified normative act, an additional link is not required.

For example:

For all forms of education within a specific basic general education or basic professional educational program The unified federal state educational standard or federal state requirements apply 1.

1 the federal law dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ (as amended on July 21, 2014) “On education in the Russian Federation” // Official Internet portal legal information 12/30/2012

Preparation of footnotes in abstracts, coursework and theses ah is regulated by the state standard GOST R 7.0.5-2008. In this standard you will find rules for bibliographic references. And we will look at the general requirements for footnotes in scientific papers, as well as the possibilities of inserting links and footnotes in the MS Word text editor.

Types of bibliographic references

Before making footnotes in a term paper or dissertation, decide which formatting method suits you best. Bibliographical references in scientific works they are formalized in three ways. They can be:

  • intratextual;
  • page-by-page;
  • beyond text.

Beyond-text links are presented in the form of a separate list, which is placed at the end of the work. Such links are continuously numbered throughout the text. The numbering of the list of links corresponds to their numbering in the text.

Formatting links

The in-text citation is followed by a footnote number or label. The reference number is indicated superscript Arabic numerals. The marking is marked with one or more asterisks (*). A period at the end of a sentence containing a quotation is placed after the footnote designation (behind the number or after the asterisk).

Bibliographic design must comply with GOST R 7.0.5-2008. Mandatory information given in the link: author, source name, output data and number of pages. When making references, the page number or range of page numbers on which the citation is located in the source is given.

For example:

  • "Text of quotation" 1.
  • "Text of quotation" 2.
  • __________________________________________
  • 1 Petrov, N. I. Theoretical basis econometrics. - M., 2000. - P.25.
  • 2 Ivanov, I. I. Results of a sociological survey. - Kazan, 2013. - pp. 8-9.

Adding footnotes

How to make footnotes in Word? Let's look at the algorithm for adding footnotes using an example text editor MS Word (2010).

  • Place the cursor immediately after the word, which should be followed by the reference number.
  • IN top menu program we find the tab Links - Footnotes. Select the “Insert footnote” option. Click it with the left mouse button.
  • We see a footnote window with its number at the bottom of the page.
  • Enter the contents of the footnote (bibliographic reference) into this field.

The footnote is formatted: a link is written below the line at the bottom of the page, its number is inserted in the text.

Footnotes can be numbered manually. You can also use the function automatic numbering. To do this, go to the “Footnotes” tab and click on the arrow in the lower right corner of this tab. In the window that opens, we configure the numbering, design and location of links.

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Adding footnotes to a document can sometimes be very useful; you can describe the meaning of a word, a translation, or indicate the source of data without interrupting the main text. Footnotes can be used in any type of text, from abstracts and scientific papers to fiction.

What types of footnotes are there?

Footnotes are divided into regular and endnotes:

  • regular footnote - the footnote will be placed on the same page as the text to which it refers. On each page, footnote numbering starts from the beginning;
  • endnote – such footnotes are placed at the end of the document in a single list, and there is continuous numbering throughout the entire text.

To manage footnotes, you need to open the “Links” tab in Word and find the “Footnotes” block there.

To add a new footnote, select the word you want to add a footnote to and click the “Insert Footnote” button (or use the combination Ctrl keys Alt F). The first footnote will be created at the bottom of the page; all you have to do is enter its text. Repeat the process as many times as necessary.

How to Add an Endnote to a Word Document

Highlight the right word in the text and click the "Insert Endnote" button (or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl Alt D). A section with footnotes will be automatically created at the end of the document. Endnotes are numbered in Roman numerals by default, you can change this by going to footnote settings.

You can choose regular numbers or letters.

How to Remove a Footnote in Word

Simply highlight the footnote with your mouse and click Delete button on keyboard. The footnote will be deleted, and the numbering of other footnotes will be automatically recalculated.

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While writing dissertations or coursework There will be words in the text that may not be clear to the reader. In order for a person to fully understand the meaning of a phrase, the author must know how to add a footnote that explains the meaning of the word or phrase. There are certain rules for the design of such links.

Before you make footnotes in Word 2007, you should decide what type you need. There are several options for placing links: in the middle of the text or at the end. If you want to make an explanation on the same page as an unclear word, then you should choose this design method:

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  1. In Word, make sure the file is in Page Layout mode. If it is not enabled, then the corresponding icon for switching is located in the lower right corner of the program window.
  2. Place the cursor at the place in the document where you need to insert an explanation.
  3. Go to the "Links" tab in the top menu of the editor.
  4. Select the “Footnotes” group, click on the “Insert” button.
  5. A numbered link will appear in the selected location, and a footer will be added at the bottom of the page.
  6. Enter the number corresponding to the link by clicking on the field.
  7. Enter your explanation text.

This design method is called “paged”. Each time you create links on the same page, they will be numbered in order. If you move to the next section of the document, the countdown will start over. If you are not comfortable using the editor menu, you can create annotations using a keyboard shortcut. Place the cursor at the desired location, then press Ctrl+Alt+F.

How to put a footnote at the end of the text in Word

Often there is a situation when all the notes are at the very end of the text. This is not as convenient as the explanation option on the same page where the unclear phrase is located. You can insert a footnote in Word 2010 or 2007 as follows:

  1. Place the cursor at the location that needs a note.
  2. Go to the Footnotes tab in the top menu.
  3. Find the Insert Endnote button.
  4. The editor will add a horizontal separator at the end of the document instead of a footer. After it there will be all the end quotes, the insertion of which was carried out throughout the text.

To make such a design, there is also a hotkey combination - CTR+ALT+D. Numbering style different types links will be different. Regular ones are marked with Arabic numerals, and the end ones with Roman numerals. If desired, the style can be made to suit you according to the design rules. When formatting, a special editor window will appear in front of you, here you will have the opportunity to change the style for end notes, regular notes in the Word document.

What are endnotes

Before you make a footnote in Word, you need to understand their types and clarify which one is necessary for your work. According to the rules for preparing coursework and dissertations, a specific format of notes should be made. Trailer - a link that is placed at the very end of the document, has uniform style design, continuous numbering is used throughout the entire list.

How to create a footnote in Word in accordance with the design rules

Some documents have certain requirements and parameters for formatting citations. Insertion of explanations must be carried out according to certain rules. Below is an example of how to make a footnote in Word according to the design rules for coursework:

  1. Interlinear. They must be installed on the same page where the quote is located (a description must be added under the footer). At the end of the phrase being explained, a small number is placed (the design style is similar to the power of a mathematical number).
  2. Inline. The explanation number is written inside square brackets immediately after the quote.

Footnotes are formatted with single spacing, regardless of this parameter in the document itself; the font is 1-2 units smaller than the main one. The inline should be the same size as the text. Typically size 14 Times New Roman is used. Explanations can be complete or brief; both options for linking are allowed unless the curator directly indicates otherwise.

Formatting Word Footnotes

If you already know how to make a footnote in Word, you may need to know how to change the format of notes. As a rule, they are created by default in font size 10, have dividing line. You can change these settings if necessary:

  1. Go to the "Format" section, click "Styles and Formatting". A panel should appear to the right of the document.
  2. Select the icon or go to the note text. The link's "Text" or "Sign" should appear in the top sample field on the taskbar.
  3. Place your mouse on this field and click triangle, which will open a list of commands.
  4. Click the “Change” option. A new Change Style window will appear.
  5. Click on the “Format” button (at the bottom of the window), click on the tool needed to change (Paragraph, Font, etc.), make changes.
  6. To save these changes for all subsequent documents, click on the “Add Template” button. Then you can apply it to any text.

How to remove the footnote separator

Standard settings for placing links create a separator that is not always suitable for the author of the work. If necessary, you can change appearance or remove it altogether. To do this, do the following:

  1. Switch to Normal mode using the View menu.
  2. Here, click the “Footnotes” button.
  3. In the window that opens, find “Footnote Separator.”
  4. You can edit the line to your liking or remove it completely.
  5. Click "Close".
  6. To restore the separator, click the “Reset” button.

Continuous numbering of footnotes

As a rule, continuous numbering is used only for end notes, but if necessary, this format can be used for regular notes. You need to add this function as follows:

  1. After inserting, specifying the type of note, you need to go to the “Format” section.
  2. Select the symbol that defines the numbering type and footnote.
  3. For continuous numbering, select the “Continue” option.
  4. When placing links on each page, you need to select in the “Numbering” item required value on the line “Start with...”.

Changing the number format

Each type of footnote design in Word has own format numbering. If necessary, you can make changes to standard settings in the following way:

  1. The cursor position should correspond to the section in which the footnote format will be changed. If the document is not broken, it can be installed on any part of the text.
  2. Go to the "References" section and click "Footnotes".
  3. Select Option.
  4. In the “Number format” section, select the option you require.
  5. Click "Apply".

How to paginate footnotes in Word

Page numbering of notes means that it starts anew each time on each page. For example, on page 12 of a document, the links have the sequence 1, 2, etc. On page 13 they will start again with number 1. If you need to change the numbering style of a previously created document, you need to do the following:

  1. Go to the "Footnote Options" section.
  2. Select the “Numbering” item.
  3. Set the value to “On every page”.

Video: how to make footnotes in Word 2010

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