How to make money in Minecraft: creating maps, server hosting and selling resources. How to make money in Minecraft: creating maps, server hosting and selling resources How to make real money on a Minecraft server

Minecraft is a famous computer game that has been around for almost 10 years. Some gamers hate it, others love it and enjoy the process. There is also a large group of those who earn real money by playing Minecraft. How do they do it? Is it possible to make money quickly in Minecraft and in what way?

The methods, as well as the profit, are varied. There are users for whom the game brings hundreds of thousands of rubles a month, and some can barely cover their Internet costs. So everything is individual.

Now about the most popular ways to get money in Minecraft. It could be:

  • creating your own server;
  • custom construction;
  • development of plugins, new textures, addons;
  • thematic blog or YouTube channel;
  • partnership programs.

Own server

The first obvious option is to create a Minecraft server. This will require patience, time and the desire to understand the technical intricacies. You must download it to your computer from the official Minecraft website to access the latest versions.

After downloading, the required file will be in a folder on the computer - the user will need to open ports, make other settings, and then launch their own server and log into it.

Now you can start earning money, but how? Just like hundreds of other gamers do. The new playground should be attractive and convenient for visitors, because they need to not only attract, but also retain.

The server owner usually sells services or specific things for a fee. Ideally, you can build a large gaming network with multimillion-dollar income - this requires a unique concept, a team of professionals, high-quality technical support and serious start-up capital.


Construction is an alternative opportunity to make money on Minecraft. This option is suitable for creative people who have everything in order with their imagination and free time. Their task is to build ready-made cards for subsequent sale.

There are always customers for such products. These are the same owners of the new servers. They don’t want to invest money in creating full-fledged game locations, so they buy ready-made maps from builders.

Development of plugins, mods

How can we make Minecraft work in a new way and become even more exciting for players? Rework the game, improve it by adding new plugins, textures, mods.

There are two ways to monetize services:

  1. By registering on freelance exchanges and fulfilling client orders.
  2. Creating plugins, addons, mods and selling them on specialized sites. One of them is CurseForge.

There is a demand for interesting new products, because server owners try to make them unique and memorable, so they are happy to purchase new developments.

Thematic blog or channel

The main topic of the blog or YouTube channel is Minecraft and everything connected with it. A blogger can tell you how to earn coins, share chips, show interesting moments after editing or in real time.

There is an opinion that this niche is already oversaturated, it’s too late to create a new channel - you won’t be able to break through due to competition. In reality, everything is not so simple: practice shows that high-quality content is always in demand, and therefore finds the target audience, regardless of the number of channels.

A blogger must be on topic, tell a fascinating story, have charisma and a sense of humor, and find those aspects that will definitely interest viewers.

Once he has built an audience, he can make money from advertisements placed on his blog or videos. As the popularity of the project grows, income will also increase. Gradually, the topic can be expanded to include other popular games in periodic reviews.

Partnership programs

The affiliate program is a separate area that benefits everyone. Users who have received partner status can sell their plugins, maps and other developments in the official Minecraft gaming supermarket.

Minecraft has strict requirements for potential partners. Only entrepreneurs can become one - this solves the issue of taxation and responsibility to customers.

The second condition is experience. The applicant must attach a link to his work to the application for participation in the affiliate program. The curators of the affiliate program will evaluate their quality and then make a decision.

Before the works reach the gaming supermarket, each one will undergo a selection process. The sale is guaranteed to include high-quality content that gamers are interested in.

All parties benefit: players receive new cards, screenshots, and mods. Their creators are the target audience and the opportunity to sell their developments to them. The corporation that owns the rights to the game receives a commission on each sale.


Today we will talk about how to make money on a Minecraft server or how to get income from a Minecraft server. We remind you that you can download various server builds here. In order for us to start making money on our server, we need to be constantly online, this is the most important thing, in other words, we need regular players, read here.

Let's start...

If we are talking about making money on the Minecraft server, then all those who have income from it make it by selling various VIP privileges, various items, or the local currency of the server. (The latter with an established automatic LC)

Basically, servers are created by enterprising and purposeful people; I know from my own experience how much effort and patience it takes to create a high-quality server if the required finances are not available. The server is income. And this income depends on the hands of its creator, that is, on the quality of the server, the most important thing to understand here is this scheme: there will be income from the server only if the server is constantly visited. A player, logging into a server with 5-10 people online, and even in the evening, will not buy VIP in order to be at an advantage for 10 people. In general, you need to remember: that first of all the server should be made for ordinary players, and only then think about getting income from it. If you have 50-70 people online throughout the day, then of this number, if you have an impeccable server, 5-10 people will want to buy VIP from you. When generating income from a server, it is necessary to find a fine line between the privileges of ordinary players and the privileges of VIPs. That is, both should enjoy the game.

In the early days of a server’s existence, when it has 5-10 people online even in the evenings, I would recommend that you put all your efforts into it and not into monetizing it. In general, as soon as the time comes to think about how to still get income, I advise you to set the price at about 60-70 rubles per month. And in general about how to choose Minecraft server we will write later. The main thing is not to open your wallet when renting a server for the first time; what's the point of paying for the extra idle 90 slots?

To make money from sales of various items and server currency, you need a certain Personal Account - Personal Account. Which is placed on the site, and is completely closely connected with the server, that is, by logging into it, any player can easily enter real money there, which will be converted into game currency on the server, and you will receive the $$$ entered by him. Also, almost all personal accounts have their own built-in store, in which other players can sell their items for the server’s game currency; thanks to this personal account, the server forms its own economic system. In addition to these not a few important services, there is one more, this is unbanning for money, that is, players who messed up on your server and got banned can easily unban themselves only by paying you some money. In general, in fact, any Personal Account for your server is a very useful thing, since it organizes passive income for you. Passive, that is, you will not have to do anything, and the players themselves will interact with the LC, thereby paying you $$$.

If you already have your own Minecraft server, then you can read about it.

Well, I tried to tell you about how to make money in minecraft. Liked? Tell your friends!)

Minecraft won the hearts of players already eight years ago. At the moment, people are thinking about monetization of Minecraft.

In normal hands, you can make very decent money on Minecraft.

Creating a server

Of course, the first thing that comes to mind about making money in Minecraft is creating your own server.

When creating your server, you may encounter certain types of problems:

  • Server administration, software configuration, ensuring its uninterrupted operation;
  • Website creation, incl. with the implementation of financial functions;
  • Formation and management of a community on social networks;
  • Attracting and retaining players;
  • Development and implementation of a gaming server concept.

The scale of the server greatly affects your income. You also need to understand that if you have created a server, it will not immediately begin to generate crazy income. It may turn out that at first you will work at a loss, but with the right approach and creativity you will come out as a profit.

Construction in Minecraft

If you are a creative person and have a lot of free time, you can start creating a game world; for this you only need a working version of Minecraft. You will become a client of those who decided to organize their own server and in order not to waste a lot of time creating beautiful locations, they usually buy ready-made maps from Minecraft builders.

A very famous team that has received contracts with BlockWorks and the London Museum can encourage you to build in Minecraft. They became famous for their creativity and unconventional approach to business.

Development of plugins, mods, texture sets and addons

Many Minecraft fans are improving the game, making it better and more interesting. You can start creating plugins or addons, you can also start drawing new textures.

The best way to distribute your brainchild and monetize it is the sites: CurseForge and BukkitDev

Custom development

Many developers of mods, plugins or addons sit on freelance exchanges and carry out personal orders mostly for server owners who strive to create a unique world on their server.

Earning money on YouTube and Twitch

In fact, it’s too late to create your own channel dedicated to Minecraft, well, at least there is such an opinion. But in fact, it’s never too late to create new channels on any topic, because the main thing is not the crowded market, but the quality of the products. If you can speak beautifully and joke well, you play Minecraft well and you have something to tell your viewers, then put your hands in your hands and create your own channel.

Minecraft Affiliate Program

If you become an official Minecraft partner, your maps, mods, plugins or skins will be listed for sale in the official Minecraft store on Windows 10 and Xbox.

I have long wanted to write an article like this because I often play on different servers with donations. For those who don’t know, donation is payment for various game items in games, various kinds of bonuses, gold, game currency, admin modes. If you are reading this article, then you most likely have already played on WOW, CS, Minecraft servers and bought game items.

I am a player myself with many years of experience. For me, it’s easier to buy anything in the game that will speed up leveling in the game or good gear than to waste time farming and knocking out.

A small part of players think about how much game server administrators earn. Most players always reproach the administration of game projects for greed and the desire to earn as much money as possible.

Many players do not like servers with donations, but without them they cannot pay for the maintenance of the server and the support of the game.

You already know roughly how to make money on a game server, but you have no idea how much you can earn and whether it’s worth getting involved. To do this, I will try to talk about gaming earnings and how much money players bring to the administrators of such projects.

Your own game server and earnings on it

In order to earn at least something you need to invest a little. For our server, we will need to rent servers from a hosting company. For almost any of the games WOW, CS, Minecraft, a server for 3,500 rubles per month is suitable. You can rent cheaper from 1500 to 3000. For a beginner server, this is just right, but it’s better to immediately rent a more powerful server, so that you don’t have to transfer everything to a more powerful server when your online presence grows.

A rented server is a powerful computer with a wide Internet channel. Minimum 100 m/bit sec. On such a computer, you download software remotely from your computer. That is, you download a server program for playing WOW, CS or Minecraft.

Users download the client and enter the IP address of your server, connect to it and can play. You will be given an IP address when renting a server. In other words, you rent a powerful computer with the Internet, which you can control from your computer and which is available 24 hours a day. Such servers host websites, including this one you are reading now.

Registration and payment for server rental takes place online from your home. You won't have to go anywhere. Everything is done via the Internet. This is how you start making money on your server. First, we rent a server, then download the server program for the games WOW, CS or Minecraft.

If you do not have skills in program settings, then I recommend buying a paid and customized version of the game server. Search through search engines. There are a lot of advertisements for the sale of customized game servers.

How to make money on Wow server

If you like playing World of Warcraft - WOW and you decide to create and make money on your own server, then I will tell you how and how much money you can earn from this.

For example, I’ll take the game server with the game version World of Warcraft 3.3.5a, which is the most popular version. Of course, other versions are no less popular and you can create a server on them, but I will use this version as an example.

The server employs a whole team that receives a monthly salary. This project started with one person who created it for fun. Donations from players - donations - have helped and are helping to develop this project, pay for the rental of a dedicated server, pay salaries to the programmer and moderators and, of course, earn the owner a lot of money.

Now on the Internet there are entire projects dedicated to WOW game servers. You can download the ready-made World of Warcraft 3.3.5a server along with the site.

In order for users to find your server, you will definitely need your own website, which will also be located on the game server. If you find it difficult to copy a finished server (program) to a rented server (computer), then you can hire a specialist. Such server programs for WOW can be downloaded completely free of charge, but if you buy them, they will help you set up everything and you will get a better product.

This is the best option when everything will be installed, copied and configured for you for a small fee. As a result, you will receive a working World of Warcraft 3.3.5a server with no one on it. You will have to attract players. To do this, you need to promote your server, order advertising, attract players with promotions and bonuses, and participate in server ratings.

At first glance, this seems difficult and such a variety of actions can be intimidating, but this is not the case. You don’t have to spend all your free time creating a game server and quit your job for it. First, practice. There are a lot of tips and descriptions on the Internet on how to set up servers and attract players.

So I created my own WOW server, how can I make money on it? This is the first question after setting up and installing your game server. Money doesn’t just appear out of thin air; it will be paid to you by players for in-game purchases. Below is a list of what can be sold in the Warcraft game.

Gold, crystals and any other game currency

Clothes, clothes, weapons and armor

Quick start, that is, level 80 right away

Fast upgrading of professions

Increase the player's characteristics by several percent 1, 3, 5 and so on

Berserker – increased damage by 800% (or any percentage)

Sale of game pets, vehicles

Selling hand-drawn items

In order for players to come to you, you need to take care of character transfer (transfer from other servers) and promotions for newcomers.

At first, you will have to regulate the entire game and set the prices yourself. As the online world grows and earnings on the game server increase, you can hire a programmer, moderators, and Game Masters.

To promote, be sure to create a group on Odnoklassniki and VKontakte. Keep feedback with the players and listen to their requests. The players themselves will tell you what they would like to see on the game server, and all you have to do is implement it.

Now I’ll give you the numbers, which are probably the most interesting.

The server administrator earns from 10,000 to 50,000 rubles per day, and from 300,000 to 1,500,000 per month. The minimum amount of earnings in the WOW game is three hundred thousand rubles per month, isn’t that enough?

It is worth subtracting from this amount:

Server rental – 3000 rubles

Programmer’s work – 20,000 rubles

Work of 2 moderators and 2 game masters – 20,000 rubles

Total 300,000 – 43,000 = 257,000 rubles for nothing.

Don't believe me? Here is a screenshot of several donations from players, one bonus costs 10 rubles. As you can see in the picture, the player paid 600*10=6000 rubles for virtual services. I specifically watched for half a day how the donation table was changing. During the estimated half day, the players transferred 18,000 rubles. And this happens all the time. People pay more often during holidays, because... 20-30% discounts apply.

I think that with the average salary in Russia being 30,000 rubles, this type of income looks very promising.

To register your game server, you only need a scan of your passport, you don’t need to open an individual entrepreneur or LLC, and you don’t have to pay taxes.

Earning money on Cs go server

Oh, this counter strike. Many players still play Cs go all the time. Unlike WOW games, in Counter Strike you don’t need to level up and you don’t need to gain levels. I immediately picked up the weapon and started playing.

I was even surprised how you can make money on a CS server? It turns out that you can make money playing counter strike and even make good money.

To start your server, you will need to download the server program, which can be done completely free of charge. It is advisable to create a website or download a ready-made one. Upload it all to a dedicated server and run it.

You can buy money on Counter Strike servers for top weapons and best armor. You can also sell privileged accounts with the ability to choose cards and kick cheaters.

Many players pay money for this on a monthly basis. Earnings on a CS game server depend on the number of players. The more interesting you make the game, the more players there will be. People love various competitions with prizes and cash payouts and are willing to invest more money than they can get.

According to my experience and observation, the average gaming server brings in 40-60 thousand rubles monthly. We are talking about a young and unpromoted server. If you are an experienced player and want to try to make money, then go ahead

Earn money on minecraft server

So I reached my favorite game minecraft. Minecraft is played by many players from all over the world. You can download and install your own server with the game according to your own rules.

They make money in the game minecraft by selling game items and various privileges. I noticed that many such projects do not live long and do not have their own websites. Often such servers are created by schoolchildren for fun. If you approach it wisely, you can make money on a minecraft game server. The game takes up very little space and is probably the easiest option for creating your own gaming business.

Ready-made sites and servers for Minecraft can be downloaded completely free of charge. If you don’t understand anything about such words as hosting, website, dedicated server, then on the Internet you can easily find specialists who will do everything for you for little money. To attract players, create VKontakte groups and participate in ratings.

You can earn more money on your Minecraft game server than in CS and WOW. Medium projects with low traffic allow you to earn about 100,000 rubles per month.

Your own game server with donations

Let me remind you once again that a donation is a player’s purchase of in-game currency, in-game items, and various privileges. The player pays real money for virtual pleasures.

It’s not difficult to create your own game server for the games WOW, CS or Minecraft; it’s also easy to hire a specialist who will install and configure everything himself. The difficult thing is to make your project a unique virtual world that players will like. The abundance of such game servers on the Internet does not make them high quality.

I'll tell you from my own experience. For example, I was looking for a WOW server with drawings to play. Well, I wanted to wear items that are not in the original version. I went and played on one server and there is no balance on it. Mages and priests kill everyone, so it’s not interesting to play. On another game server with donation, the situation is the opposite. Inflated haste (attack speed) makes melee characters too strong. Naturally, no one likes such projects, where, for example, only magicians play.

If you want to make serious money, you need to retain players longer. To do this, hold various events, competitions, prize drawings and lotteries. The server must live, and the administration must listen to the players. Often people come up with good ideas that competitors don't have.

Let me sum it up. If you have forgotten what the article is about, since it turned out to be very long, then I will briefly remind you.

To make money on your game server, you need to rent a dedicated server, install a server program for the game on it, install a website, set it all up and start inviting players. The more you have online, the more money you will earn.

Answers to the most frequently asked questions.

1 . I live in another country (Kazakhstan, Belarus, Ukraine, Germany, USA), can I earn money in this way? Sure you can. You can live anywhere. There are many players all over the world who speak different languages.

2. Can I order all this and have everything installed for me since I don’t understand anything about it? You can find freelancers on the Internet who will set everything up for you for a small fee.

3. Is it necessary to set up an individual entrepreneur, LLC and pay taxes? I think it's your personal responsibility. If you earn 100,000 rubles a month, then I think you should formalize your earnings and pay taxes.

4. Is it worth opening a game server and quitting your main job? It's better to start small. Start a project and devote time to it. As soon as you start earning more than at work, you can leave work for the sake of the server.

5. I am a school student, can I make money on a game server? Why not?

Views: 14517
Added: 04/19/2017

7 ways on the topic how to make money in minecraft, You will find out in this article and you can start earning income immediately after reading this article.

Method No. 1

So, the first way to make money in Minecraft is considered very primitive and consists in the fact that after you receive a resource that has some value, you go to a store, be it an admin shop or a hobby store, and sell your own resources there .

To do this, you need to select the resource that you want to sell and click the left button on the table. After familiarizing yourself with the store’s assortment, that is, with the resources that you can sell, you can choose a specific profile for yourself.

For example, if you like to mine iron and coal, then you can earn money sitting in check all day long. If you want to sell cobblestone or sand, you can sell quarries and sell these resources.

Method number 2

You can also create your own store in which you will sell goods. But when you create it, you may encounter the problem of competition. Unfortunately, there are a lot of stores on the servers that already sell products that are the same as yours and at the same prices.

Therefore, in order to earn money in this way, you will have to work very hard to promote your store.

Method number 3

You can buy a valuable product and sell it to a person who is willing to pay much more money for the same product. This method is both the most profitable and the most difficult way to make money in Minecraft. But if you have a lot of free time and energy, then earn money this way.

Method number 4

Experience is highly valued on servers, so you can use this element to your advantage. By enchanting tools, weapons and armor, you can make good money. You can also create your own workshop for repairing objects for money.

Method number 5

Having found spidermobs, know that this is a gold mine that will bring you a lot of profit. To do this, you need to properly create and equip a mob company and let people in for a certain fee.

Method number 6

You can make good money from records. This method is quite complicated, which explains the expensive price of records. But if you can comprehend this, then you are guaranteed a good income.

Method number 7

If you have good builder skills, you can create houses and then sell them profitably. In addition, you can build custom houses.

Method number 8

Another way to make money on a minecraft server is to find a job. This is quite easy to do since there are a lot of employers on the server and you will definitely find exactly the right job. Which you will like.

There is no need to make money in just one way. Use several options, then everything will work out for you, you will play with interest and earn the maximum amount of money.