How to set up a new tab in Firefox. How to change or customize a new tab page in Firefox Quantum


Launch your browser Mozilla Firefox- you will already have at least one tab open. At your choice, this tab can be an empty white form, or a web page designated as your home page, or even several pages at once - then when you start the browser, the corresponding number of tabs will open. In addition, it is possible to set as home page(new tab) express panel with visual bookmarks. So first analyze your situation and decide which one possible options the settings for you will be most preferable.

Don't leave a blank tab as your start page if you intend to visit a lot of the same URLs very often. Indeed, in this case, to go to your favorite sites, you will have to type these URLs manually each time, or look for the necessary links in bookmarks and a magazine, or even use a web search. It is much more advisable to in this case will set as the start page (new tab) the express panel developed for Mozilla Firefox. More detailed information For existing modifications of express panels (user reviews, advice on installation and settings), search the Internet.

Do not waste your time and computer resources on installing, configuring and operating an express panel with numerous visual bookmarks if you regularly visit only a couple of sites on the Internet. In this case, it is better to designate them as home pages. When you start the browser and/or when you click on the “Home” button, they will all open at once - each site in a separate tab, and rare transitions to other links can be done with blank page using ordinary means.

Make the necessary changes to Mozilla settings Firefox. Open the browser menu - it is called up by the orange button at the top left. Click on the "Settings" item. In the window that appears, start with the “Basic Settings” group - in it, specify the address(es) of the home page, and also select the most best option display tabs when the browser starts. If you don't know how to do this, click on the "Help" button in the lower right corner of the settings window.

Go to the next group of settings - “Tabs”. To select your preferred options, review the information in help system. Check all the required boxes and click OK to save your settings.

Download the add-on you like. Typically, you will need to restart your browser after the installation process is complete.

Mozilla Firefox Tabs is a magical browser feature that allows you to speed up work in the Internet browser and at the same time save work space in the program window.

Today I want to tell you what you can do with tabs in Mozilla Firefox. You will learn how to group and sort them, change size and color, pin and clone, how to implement a preview in a pop-up window when you hover over any tab, how to enable tab auto-refresh after a certain time...

I adore the Mozilla Firefox browser for its “flexibility” and it was very painful to switch from it to Google Chrome a year ago only because of the latter's incomparable speed.

But life goes on, everything changes, and after drinking some useful vitamins for the brain, the manufacturers in their twenty-fourth version tweaked the Mozilla Firefox engine so that the browser caught up with the speed of its work the product of the “good corporation”. In any case, visually I don’t notice any difference in their work.

By the way, I read somewhere online that the Mozilla Firefox 26 browser will be a bomb! The developers threaten to amaze the whole world with the speed of their browser and its capabilities. It seems like version 24 is just flowers. Well, we'll wait and see, but for now I'll keep my fingers crossed for them.

I'm not conservative and easily accept anything new or improved, so I returned Mozilla Firefox to the status of the default browser. Hooray!

The move was absolutely painless, since I had just recently learned save and synchronize all your visual bookmarks between different browsers.

Something took me to the wrong steppe, the article seems to be about Mozilla tabs Firefox?

So, we will improve and optimize tabs in Mozilla Firefox with the help of add-ons, this is natural. But first, I'll show you the browser's built-in feature for grouping tabs.

How to Group Tabs in Mozilla Firefox

Mozilla Firefox has learned to group tabs a long time ago, but not all users know about this and know how to use this feature when working in the browser. But everything is very simple and convenient...

Open a dozen tabs right now. Have you opened it? Now click on the button that lives at the top right of the window...

Don't you have such a button? Then click anywhere on the toolbar right click mouse and going to settings...

Find and drag (by holding left button mouse) it to the toolbar...

Don't forget to click "Done".

After clicking on this button you will be taken to the tab groups window. You will have one group, which for convenience can be stretched by the lower right corner.

Now drag any tab from this single group to empty place to the right or bottom and release the left mouse button. You have created a second group of tabs. In this new group you can drag and drop as many tabs as you need, for example, by topic of open sites.

You can give groups a title - just click on top line in the group and enter your name. You can also change the size of groups and drag them around the entire window, arranging them in the way that suits you.

In each group, your pinned tabs will be displayed on the right - very convenient.

And if you make a lot of groups and you don’t have enough space in the window, just make one group as small as possible and the tabs in it will form a pile. When you click on the square with arrows at the bottom of the group, a pop-up window will appear with detailed view groups...

I assure you, once you get used to using groups of tabs, you will be very surprised at how you managed without them before.

Tab groups are a built-in browser feature and do not affect the browser's speed in any way.

We will do all other optimization of Mozilla Firefox tabs using add-ons.

After installing ALL the add-ons described below, I did not notice any slowdown in the browser.

Add-ons to optimize Mozilla Firefox tabs

The most important addition for optimizing tabs is...

Tab Mix Plus

Just think about it - more than a million users have installed it! I simply cannot list and show all the features of Tab Mix Plus in this article. The settings of this wonderful add-on are completely in Russian, logical and simple.

I will show you those points that are important, but not immediately noticeable...

I personally really didn’t like it when closing the last tab caused the entire browser to close. Now this is not a problem - when closing last tab you can specify an action, such as opening a blank tab or home page.

If you have many open tabs, you can arrange them in several rows or scroll them using the mouse wheel in one row. You can also change the location of the tab bar and the add new tab button.

And here you can change the size of the tabs, enable their alignment and display of icons on the tabs.

Here we determine the composition context menu tabs. For example, you can remove those functions that you do not use and enable those that you need.

A transcript of each item appears when you hover over the item...

I think it would be optimal to freeze tabs rather than just block them. This way you will never accidentally close it and all links will open in a new tab - praise to the author of the add-on!

I enabled the option to auto-refresh the tab after a specified period of time. This is a very convenient feature, for example, for a tab with statistics or mail. Now, when you RIGHT-click on any tab, select “Refresh tab every...”...

...and we get auto-update of the tab. By the way, there used to be a separate add-on for this.

For lovers keyboard shortcuts There is a separate item for setting up hot keys.

The Tab Mix Plus add-on also has a very powerful and good manager sessions.

With a little insight and spending 10-15 minutes, you can forever optimize your work with Mozilla Firefox tabs. By the way, after all the settings you can save them...


Standard tabs in Mozilla Firefox are very boring, monochromatic and merge, which is not cool. I have already written to you about the importance of visual perception of information. Let's paint them with all the colors of the rainbow.

Using the add-on ColorfulTabs In addition to being more informative, we will receive a positive charge when working in the browser.

Initially, the color of the tabs will be assigned randomly, but you can easily assign your color to a specific site and quickly, subconsciously “snatch” it from a bunch of tabs...

Just click “Add Domain”, enter the website address in the left line and click on the right color button to select your favorite shade. The color code will be inserted into the middle line automatically. Now all the pages of a particular site will have the color that you personally assigned.

You can assign color generation to site domains (addresses) and all pages of one domain will have their own color, which the add-on will choose independently.

Tab Scope

The Tab Scope add-on will enable you to display a site thumbnail in a pop-up window when you hover over a tab. Such a gadget used to exist in good old opera. With many open tabs, this is also very convenient and informative.

I’ll wrap it up already, otherwise the article turned out to be long and you may get tired of it, and if you leave, you will no longer return to this site.

Of course, these are not all add-ons with which you can optimize Mozilla Firefox tabs. On the official website of the browser there is a whole section of add-ons called "Tabs". Wander there on your own and if you find something useful and interesting, write it in the comments for all readers of the site.

And most importantly, a large number of open tabs requires large quantity random access memory in computer! For comfortable work you need at least 2 GB of it - don’t forget about it, otherwise the browser will be offended and start being “stupid”.

By the way, I told you here how to overcome this problem.

Quick and unlimited internet To you! Best wishes!

Mozilla Firefox Tabs is a magical browser feature that allows you to speed up work in the Internet browser and at the same time save work space in the program window.

Today I want to tell you what you can do with tabs in Mozilla Firefox. You will learn how to group and sort them, change size and color, pin and clone, how to implement a preview in a pop-up window when you hover over any tab, how to enable tab auto-refresh after a certain time... And also not much about other browser add-ons!

I adore the Mozilla Firefox browser for its “flexibility” and it was very painful to switch from it to a year ago only because of the incomparable speed of the latter.

But life goes on, everything changes, and after drinking some useful vitamins for the brain, the manufacturers in their twenty-fourth version tweaked the Mozilla Firefox engine so that the browser caught up with the speed of its work the product of the “good corporation”. In any case, visually I don’t notice any difference in their work.

By the way, I read somewhere online that the Mozilla Firefox browser 26 It's going to be a bomb! The developers threaten to amaze the whole world with the speed of their browser and its capabilities. It seems like version 24 is just flowers. Well, we'll wait and see, but for now I'll keep my fingers crossed for them.

I'm not conservative and easily accept anything new or improved, so I returned Mozilla Firefox to the status of the default browser. Hooray!

The move was absolutely painless, since I had just recently learned save and sync all your visual bookmarks between different browsers.

Something took me to the wrong place, the article seems to be about Mozilla Firefox tabs?

So, we will improve and optimize tabs in Mozilla Firefox with the help of add-ons, this is natural. But first, I'll show you the browser's built-in feature for grouping tabs.

How to Group Tabs in Mozilla Firefox

Mozilla Firefox has learned to group tabs a long time ago, but not all users know about this and know how to use this feature when working in the browser. But everything is very simple and convenient...

Open a dozen tabs right now. Have you opened it? Now click on the button that lives at the top right of the window...

Don't you have such a button? Then right-click anywhere on the toolbar and go to settings...

Find and drag (holding the left mouse button) it to the toolbar...

Don't forget to click "Done".

After clicking on this button you will be taken to the tab groups window. You will have one group, which for convenience can be stretched by the lower right corner.

Now drag any tab from this single group to the empty space on the right or bottom and release the left mouse button. You have created a second group of tabs. You can drag as many tabs as you need into this new group, for example, by topic of open sites.

Groups can be given a title - just click on the top line in the group and enter your name. You can also change the size of groups and drag them around the entire window, arranging them in the way that suits you.

In each group, your pinned tabs will be displayed on the right - very convenient.

And if you make a lot of groups and you don’t have enough space in the window, just make one group as small as possible and the tabs in it will form a pile. When you click on the square with arrows at the bottom of the group, a pop-up window will appear with a detailed view of the group...

I assure you, once you get used to using groups of tabs, you will be very surprised at how you managed without them before.

Tab groups are a built-in browser feature and do not affect the browser's speed in any way.

We will do all other optimization of Mozilla Firefox tabs using add-ons.

After installing ALL the add-ons described below, I did not notice any slowdown in the browser.

Add-ons to optimize Mozilla Firefox tabs

The most important addition for optimizing tabs is...

Tab Mix Plus

Just think about it - more than a million users have installed it! List and show all possibilities Tab Mix Plus in this article I simply cannot. The settings of this wonderful add-on are completely in Russian, logical and simple.

I will show you those points that are important, but not immediately noticeable...

I personally really didn’t like it when closing the last tab caused the entire browser to close. Now this is not a problem - when closing the last tab, you can specify an action, for example, open a blank tab or the home page.

If you have many open tabs, you can arrange them in several rows or scroll them using the mouse wheel in one row. You can also change the location of the tab bar and the add new tab button.

And here you can change the size of the tabs, enable their alignment and display of icons on the tabs.

Here we define the composition of the tab context menu. For example, you can remove those functions that you do not use and enable those that you need.

A transcript of each item appears when you hover over the item...

I think it would be optimal to freeze tabs rather than just block them. This way you will never accidentally close it and all links will open in a new tab - praise to the author of the add-on!

I enabled the option to auto-refresh the tab after a specified period of time. This is a very convenient feature, for example, for a tab with statistics or mail. Now, when you RIGHT-click on any tab, select “Refresh tab every...”...

...and we get auto-update of the tab. By the way, there used to be a separate add-on for this.

For lovers of keyboard shortcuts, there is a separate item for setting up hot keys.

More in addition Tab Mix Plus There is a very powerful and good session manager.

With a little insight and spending 10-15 minutes, you can forever optimize your work with Mozilla Firefox tabs. By the way, after all the settings you can save them...


Standard tabs in Mozilla Firefox are very boring, monochromatic and merge, which is not cool. I have already written to you about the importance of visual perception of information. Let's paint them with all the colors of the rainbow.

Using the add-on ColorfulTabs In addition to being more informative, we will receive a positive charge when working in the browser.

Initially, the color of the tabs will be assigned randomly, but you can easily assign your color to a specific site and quickly, subconsciously “snatch” it from a bunch of tabs...

Just click “Add Domain”, enter the site address in the left line and click on the right color button to select your favorite shade. The color code will be inserted into the middle line automatically. Now all the pages of a particular site will have the color that you personally assigned.

You can assign color generation to site domains (addresses) and all pages of one domain will have their own color, which the add-on will choose independently.

Tab Scope

Addition Tab Scope will enable you to display a site thumbnail in a pop-up window when you hover your cursor over a tab. Such a gadget used to be in the good old Opera. With many open tabs, this is also very convenient and informative.

I’ll wrap it up already, otherwise the article turned out to be long and you may get tired of it, and if you leave, you will no longer return to this site.

Of course, these are not all the add-ons with which you can optimize Mozilla Firefox tabs. On the official website of the browser there is a whole section of add-ons called "Tabs". Wander there on your own and if you find something useful and interesting, write it in the comments for all readers of the site.

And most importantly, a large number of open tabs requires a large amount of RAM in the computer! For comfortable work you need at least 2 GB of it - don’t forget about it, otherwise the browser will be offended and start being “stupid”.

Fast and unlimited Internet to you! Best wishes!

Sincerely, Sergey Trofimov(not singer)

Today, Mozilla is one of the most common browsers used by millions of people around the world.

It has many names: the official one - Mozzilla Firefox - with the red fox emblem quite quickly turned into slang and today can be presented as Mozilla, Mozilla, Mazila, Fox, Fire Fox, Firefox.

The browser is perfect for both experienced Internet users and beginners who do not yet feel confident in the jungle of various terms.

First of all, you can and should download Mozilla for free only from the company’s official website. Downloading and installation are absolutely free, so do not agree to various offers to send SMS or pay for the program in any other way. You can always find the latest version of the browser. The Mozilla installation process is described step by step in the article ""

So, you installed Mozila on your computer.

First let's look at more early versions Mozillas - up to the 29th, that is, the 28th version, 27th, etc., and at the end of the article we will touch on the new 29th version.

12 buttons per home page Mozillas in Figure 1:

Fig.1 Twelve buttons on the Mozilla Home page

Let's look at the numbers 1 through 12 in Fig. 1 in order:

In Fig. 1, the address bar in Mozilla is outlined in a red rectangle, which is designated number 1.

The address bar in Mozilla, as in other browsers, is needed:

  • to enter the site address (for example, enter in address bar: website or enter: After entering, press Enter),
  • or the address bar in Mozilla is needed to enter the name of the site (for example, to check, type the name of this site in the address bar: Internet literacy with Nadezhda or enter the name of another site: Bolshoi Theater).

Number 2 in Fig. 1search line in Mozilla. Let's return to it in point 12, at the end of our list.

Number 3 in Fig. 1- button Home page . After clicking on this button, a window with the Home page will open in front of you, that is, with the initially specified (original) page.

Number 4 in Fig. 1Bookmarks (Favorites) in Mozilla, which is done by the user himself, so as not to lose the site he likes on the Internet. After clicking this button, a list of all sites that you have already added or will add to your Favorites is displayed. This is your personally selected list of sites that interest you. Subsequently, this list can be edited (delete, put into folders, etc.)

Number 5 in Fig. 1Settings Mozillas.

Number 6 in Fig. 1Tabs in Mozilla are at the top.

Number 7 in Fig. 1 – « Open new Tab» in Mozilla.

Number 8 in Fig. 1 – « Return to previous page", that is, to previous state screen (Back).

If we click on the “Left” or “Back” arrow (number 8 in Fig. 1), then we roll back a “step back” to the previous page. Clicking this arrow several times allows you to take several “steps back”, that is, scroll back several screens.

If there is a “Right” arrow (next to the “Left” arrow), then by clicking on it you can go to the next page (Forward).

Favorites in Mozilla

Number 9 in Fig. 1– The cute star under the number 9 in Fig. 1 allows you to add an open site to your Favorites, that is, where you can subsequently get to using button 4 (Fig. 1).

To bookmark in Mozilla, you need to, at the moment when the site you like is open, left-click on the asterisk indicated by the number 9, and in the window that opens, click on the “Done” button.

Number 10 in Fig. 1– “” – when you click on the small triangle indicated by number 10 in Fig. 1, a drop-down window opens with a list of sites you frequently use.

Number 11 in Fig. 1 – « Update current page " While you were on the site, changes may have occurred (for example, new information appeared on the site or the site “froze”, that is, the site does not respond to your clicks). To update the site, just click on the image of the arrow marked with the number 11.

Number 12 in Fig. 1– “Open the drop-down list of Search engines.” By clicking on button 12 in Fig. 1, we will see the list of search engines presented in Fig. 2. In this list, if you wish, you can click on any search engine and thus use the selected system to find the necessary information.

Rice. 2 Search in Mozilla

Let's look at frequently asked questions:

In the left top corner click on the bright orange Firefox button, move the mouse cursor to the Settings command (number 2 in Fig. 3), in the window that appears, click on the Settings command (number 3 in Fig. 3):

Rice. 3 Settings in Mozilla

How to add a tab in Mozilla?

If you click on the plus sign “+” (below in Fig. 4 indicated as “Open new tab"), a new tab will appear in Mozilla. This is convenient: you can open one site in one tab, another site in another tab, a third site in a third tab, etc. This way you can open several sites and move from one site to another by simply left-clicking on the tab with the desired site.

How to remove a tab in Mozilla?

To remove a tab in Mozilla, simply click on the cross in the right corner of the “Close Tab” tab (Fig. 4):

Rice. 4 Where to click to: Close tab, Open tab, Close browser

To close the Mozilla browser, click on the cross in the upper corner of the “Close browser” window (Fig. 4). If tabs were open in Mozilla, then after clicking on the “Close browser” cross, all tabs will be closed and then the browser will be closed immediately. I think it's right to close everything earlier first open tabs, and only then close Mozila.

12 buttons on the main page of Mozilla version 29

If your browser does not have an orange button in the upper left corner that says Firefox (in Fig. 1 this button is indicated by the number 5), then this may mean that you have a new one, latest version Mozily, namely the 29th. As you can see, there are also 12 buttons here, as in older versions of Mozilla, but some buttons are new version significantly changed. So, look at Figure 5 below and go through all the buttons of the new 29th version of Mozilla.

Rice. 5 Twelve buttons on the main page of Mozilla version 29

Number 1 in Fig. 5 – Address bar Mozillas (as well as number 1 in Fig. 1), which is also called “Smart Line” or “Smart Panel” for the reason that when you enter the first letters (symbols), a panel with hints from the addresses you previously typed may automatically appear. Just click on such a hint, and you will immediately be taken to the page you are looking for - quickly and conveniently.

Number 2 in Fig. 5 - search line in Mozilla (same as number 2 in Fig. 1). It can be seen that when searching we will use Google search engine. If you need to look for information using another search engine (and sometimes this helps a lot to find necessary information), just click on button 12 in Fig. 5 and select another search engine.

Number 3 in Fig. 5 – button Home page (same as number 3 in Fig. 1). This is the page that opens first when you open Mozilla. At any time you can click on this button (number 3 in Fig. 5) and return to the home page.

You can set your home page. To do this, just open the page that you want to use as your Home page. Then drag this tab onto the Home page button, indicated by number 3 in Fig. 5 and finally click on the “Yes” button.

Number 4 in Fig. 5 – Show your s linings (Favorites) in Mozilla (same as number 4 in Fig. 1). By clicking on this button, you can see everything that you found valuable and useful after long wanderings on the Internet. This button allows you to easily return to a site you like, provided that you previously bookmarked this site using button 5 in Fig. 5.

Number 5 in Fig. 5 – Add a page to Bookmarks(same as number 9 in Fig. 1) . If you add a site to your Bookmarks using this button, you can later find it by clicking on button 4 in Fig. 5. The algorithm is simple - first add a site useful to you to Bookmarks (number 5 in Fig. 5), then you can find this site in Bookmarks (button 4 in Fig. 5).

Number 6 in Fig. 5 - Tabs in Mozilla are on top(same as number 6 in Fig. 1). Here you can find all the sites and pages that you have opened while navigating the Internet. How to open a new tab in Mozilla? Click on button 7 in Fig. 5

Number 7 in Fig. 5- " Open new Tab» in Mozilla (same as number 7 in Fig. 1).

Number 8 in Fig. 5 - Return « Back to previous page», that is, to the previous screen state – “Back” (the same as number 8 in Fig. 1). Also, when you hover your mouse over this button, you can read a tooltip “Right click or drag down to show history,” which you can use.

Number 9 in Fig. 5 - « Open menu » (same as number 5 in Fig. 1). This means going to Mozilla settings. If you click on it, you can select “ Private browsing” – in this case, information about which sites you visited on the Internet is not saved on the computer.

Also, using the menu, you can configure which buttons will be shown in your browser instead of or together with buttons 3, 4, 5 in Fig. 5. To do this, in the Menu, click on the bottom line “Change”.

Number 10 in Fig. 5 - " Open drop-down list of frequently used sites» (same as number 10 in Fig. 1) – when you click on the small triangle indicated by number 10 in Fig. 5, a drop-down window opens with a list of sites you frequently use.

Number 11 in Fig. 5 - " Refresh current page» (the same as number 11 in Fig. 1). Allows you to see the changes that have occurred on the site while you were studying the information on it. For news sites, for example, where information changes frequently, this is a relevant button.

Number 12 in Fig. 5 - “Open drop-down list of Search engines”(same as number 12 in Fig. 1). By clicking on button 12 in Fig. 1, we will see the list of search engines presented in Fig. 2. Choosing a new one search engine and see what new things she finds based on our request.

How to customize website tiles in Mozilla Firefox?

Please explain to me how I can customize website tiles in Mozilla Firefox? These tiles are visible when you open a new tab in the browser. And these tiles display sites that I probably visit often. But I want to set them up myself. How can I do it?

Paul02-17 | 20 February 2017, 10:56
by default displays the user's most visited sites. In other words, those sites where you go most often are displayed in the form of tiles. You can remove tiles by using the crosses in the corner of each tile. Or you can add your own tiles by simply dragging them from your bookmarks onto the URL tile you need. You can drag a URL from the address bar onto the tile. You just need to click on the icon in front of the address text (in the Firefox address bar).

rome55ro5 | 21 August 2016, 15:29
I understand what you are talking about. You are talking about the tiles that appear when you create a new tab in the browser. I myself use these tiles and therefore, I can tell you in detail how to configure them. To begin with, I will say that these tiles display the sites you most visit. That is, the first tile displays the site that you view more than others. The second tile displays the site that ranks second in your traffic, and so on.

Now let's talk about customizing these tiles. To do this, you need to open a new tab, this can be done by pressing the combination Ctrl keys+ T. Then you need to press the button that looks like a nut. This button located under the browser menu button. Next, the value “Display your top sites” should be set. You can also disable tiles; for this you need to set the value to “Display blank page”. But in our case, the first value must be active. When set to "Display your top sites", the browser will automatically distribute sites to places on the tiles.

But you can also add the desired site to any tile yourself. To do this, you need to create a bookmark for the site you need. Next, go to bookmarks and simply drag the bookmark onto the tile. If the window with bookmarks has opened to full screen, then simply reduce the size of the window by clicking on the "Minimize to window" button. I will also add that the tile can be fixed in the position you need. To do this, hover your mouse over the tile and click on the button that looks like a pin. To remove a tile, you need to hover your mouse over the tile and click on the cross. That's all, now you know how to use tiles Mozilla browser Firefox.