How to find out the current processor frequency. Processor frequency and its correct understanding

The system unit is one of the main elements of a computer, which allows you to read and convert information. It also determines which programs, games, and operating systems will be supported on your device. A processor (SP) has several main characteristics: number of cores, frequency and model. It is especially necessary to monitor its temperature, since overheating will lead to breakdown, which is often impossible to eliminate. Another important factor- managing processor power parameters. On Windows, this is not too difficult to find out, but first you need to understand the characteristics of the device.

How to find out all the information about the processor in Windows

There are several ways to find out the frequency, number of cores and processor model without resorting to the help of third-party programs.

Using Computer Properties

  • While in Explorer, open the computer properties by clicking on the “My Computer” section right click mice.

    Open computer properties

  • In the “System” block, find the “Processor” line, which will contain all necessary information about your power supply.

    Let's look at the basic information about your system

  • Using the command line

  • Using search bar Windows, open a command prompt.

    Open the command line

  • Write the systeminfo command and execute it.

    Execute the command

  • After detailed information about your computer appears on the screen, find the Processor line, and in it - bit depth, frequency and other necessary data about the device.

    We look at the characteristics of the system unit

  • Using BIOS

    This method is suitable for cases when it is not possible to log in to the system for some reason.

  • Start turning on the device.

    Turn on the computer

  • As soon as the first signs of system startup appear on the screen, press one of the buttons to enter the BIOS: Del, F2, F Which one to use depends on which company owns your computer and its components. To enter BIOS or Boot Menu Other buttons may be used and are usually specified during system startup.

    Entering the BIOS

  • On home page BIOS in the Processor Type block you can find information about the number of cores of your processor, the frequency at which it operates, and its model.

    Finding information on the system unit

  • Find out what the temperature of the processor is

    If your computer constantly turns off on its own or slows down, the reason for this may be an overload of the system unit, which leads to its overheating. To make sure that the heating is higher permissible norm, you need to look at the processor temperature. How to do it:

  • Most easy way- take advantage third party program, which can be downloaded for free on the Internet. For example, you can use the Core Temp application ( - official website of the developer).

    Download the application

  • In the main program window you can find detailed information about the processor itself, as well as separate data on the temperature of all its cores. Normal temperature considered to range from 30–40 degrees Celsius at normal mode work and 70–80 degrees at heavy loads. If you see that your power supply is overheating too much, then you need to address this problem before it burns out.

    We look at the temperature of the cores

  • Computer power settings in Windows 7

    If you want to increase the power of your device to run more demanding programs and games, then one option to do this is to change the power settings. Please note that changing the settings towards increasing the load can lead to overheating or rebooting and, ultimately, equipment failure. Therefore, if you decide to take this step, always carefully monitor the state of the processor and try not to load it beyond what it was designed for.

  • Open your computer's control panel.

    Opening the control panel

  • Go to the Power Options section.

    Open the “Power Options” section

  • Activate the "High Performance" option.

    Select the “High Performance” mode

  • Go to mode settings.
  • Now you need to set following settings to optimize the power supply as much as possible:

  • Minimum number of cores idle: 99%.
  • Enable Power Down States: On.
  • Disable idle state: Enable idle state.
  • Minimum condition of P.: 0%.
  • System cooling policy: Active.
  • P performance kernel suspend kernel override: Enabled.
  • Maximum P. condition: 100%.
  • Maximum number of cores in idle state: 100%.
  • You can also select other processor power settings to customize its operation for yourself.

    Monitor your processor carefully, do not overload it. Don't forget that system unit, like the rest of your computer's components, must be manually cleaned of dust to reduce the chance of it starting to overheat. If you overclock your processor, be prepared for its performance to decrease, not increase.

    The performance and speed of the system greatly depends on the clock frequency of the processor. This indicator is not constant and may change slightly during computer operation. If desired, the processor can also be “overclocked,” thereby increasing the frequency.

    You can find out the clock frequency as follows: using standard methods, and using third-party software (the latter gives a more accurate result).

    It's worth remembering that clock frequency The processor speed is measured in hertz, but is usually specified in either megahertz (MHz) or gigahertz (GHz).

    It is also worth remembering that if you use standard methods of checking frequency, you will not see such a word as “frequency” anywhere. You will most likely see the following (example) − « Intel Core i5-6400 3.2 GHz". Let's look at it in order:

    1. "Intel"- these are the names of the manufacturer. Instead there may be "AMD".
    2. "Core i5" is the name of the processor line. Instead, you may have written something completely different, however, this is not so important.
    3. "6400"— model of a specific processor. Yours may also differ.
    4. "3.2 GHz" is the frequency.

    The frequency can be found in the documentation for the device. But the data there may differ slightly from the real ones, because... The documents say the average value. And if any manipulations were performed with the processor before, the data may differ dramatically, so it is recommended to obtain information only by software.

    Method 1: AIDA64

    functional program for working with computer components. The software is paid, but there is a demo period. In order to view data about the processor in real time, it will be quite enough. The interface has been completely translated into Russian.

    The instructions look like this:

    Method 2: CPU-Z

    – a program with easy and clear interface, which allows you to view in more detail all the characteristics of the computer (including the processor). Distributed free of charge.

    To see the frequency, just open the program and in the main window pay attention to the line "Specification". The name of the processor will be written there and at the very end the current frequency in GHz will be indicated.

    Method 3: BIOS

    If you have never seen the BIOS interface and do not know how to work there, then it is better to leave this method. The instructions look like this:

    Method 4: Standard system tools

    The easiest way of all, because... does not require installation of additional software or entering BIOS. Find out the frequency standard means Windows:

    To know current frequency very simple. In modern processors, this indicator is no longer the most important factor in terms of performance.

    Totally agree last month I posted two articles on the site that were somehow related to the processor. In one of them you can find out, and the second article will tell you how to find out. Today I will look at another issue related to the processor, namely, I will tell you how to find out its clock frequency.

    What is clock speed? I decided not to reinvent the wheel, but simply turned to Wikipedia for a definition. Here's what it says:

    Clock frequency - frequency of synchronous clock pulses electronic circuit, that is, the number of synchronizing clocks coming from outside to the input of the circuit in one second. The term is usually used in relation to components computer systems. To a very first approximation, the clock frequency characterizes the performance of the subsystem (processor, memory, etc.), that is, the number of operations performed per second. However, systems with the same clock speed may have different performance, since it takes different systems may require a varying number of cycles (usually from fractions of a cycle to tens of cycles), and in addition, systems using conveyor and parallel processing, can perform several operations simultaneously on the same clock cycles.

    More to the point in simple language, then the clock frequency is one of the most important characteristics processor, since the speed of the device in particular depends on it. That is, processor performance depends on the clock frequency, although not completely and not in all cases.

    Now let me tell you how to actually find out this value if you don’t know it.


    When purchasing a processor, documentation is always provided where you can see the full name of this device. For example, it could be: Intel Core i7-4790k 4GHz/8Mb/88W. Pay attention to the 4GHz characteristic - this is the clock frequency of 4 GHz.

    In some cases, the processor is shipped in packaging without any identification marks. No problem, take the invoice and look - it will always indicate the exact name of the device, where you can also see the clock frequency.

    This fully applies to those cases when you purchase an already assembled system unit. And if in this case all the characteristics are not indicated on the invoice, perhaps this was done intentionally in order to mislead the buyer (cheaper ones are installed instead of expensive components). Be careful.

    As for laptops, everything is the same here. But in the case of the latter, you can also dial the model number in search engine and see exactly which components are installed in the device.

    Computer information

    There is also a simpler option, thanks to which there is no need to raise documentation. You can use the built-in operating room Windows system utility.

    All you need to do is find the “Computer” icon on your desktop (if it’s not there, open the Start menu and you’ll see it there), right-click on it and select “Properties”.

    This will open a window to view basic information about your computer. One of the items will be “Processor”. Collected here full information about him.

    Third party software

    Of course, you can find out such a parameter as the processor clock frequency using third party software. I can’t say which program is best for you to use, since there are a great many of them and essentially everything depends only on your own taste. But I can say that the CPU-Z utility has long earned its trust, and it is distributed completely free of charge.

    Download the utility, run it (there is a portable version that does not require installation) and right on the main CPU tab, find the Specification indicator, where your processor model will be indicated.


    In some cases, if for some reason the above methods do not suit you, you can use the BIOS, but this is a completely last resort option.

    (most often you need to press the DEL or ESC key before booting operating system), then find the Processor item. Most often it is located right on the Main tab. Here you will see the processor model.

    If something doesn’t work out for you, you can always ask your question through the comments.

    Hello guys, I want to tell you a little about the processor frequency and how to view it in Windows 7. Although this method will probably work on another version.

    You probably already know that the higher the frequency, the better. But in reality this is not so... I thought so myself recently. But the trick is not only in frequency. Look, I have now Pentium processor G3220. This is still modern processor and quite good. Its frequency is average by standards, 3 GHz. But ten years ago there was a Pentium 4 processor and the top model there had a frequency of 3.8 GHz, you can even take the Pentium D which was the top one, not just dual-core, but also with threading functions (the frequency there was approximately 3.4 GHz). But nevertheless, my Pentium G3220 is three times more productive than those processors.

    What I mean is that it is not the frequency of the processor that is important in the first place, but its technical process, platform, core, revision... A processor with the same frequency can differ greatly in performance. Well, I hope it's clear

    Well, that’s right, there was some mini information just for you to note...

    Many users look up information about the processor, including the clock frequency, using special programs. Yes it good decision, but if you urgently need to know the frequency, then I know a way to see it without using programs. True, the method is unusual.

    See what needs to be done. Create a file on your desktop with any name, but it must have an nfo extension (for extensions to be shown, they must be enabled; this can be done using the Folder Options icon in the Control Panel). You can first create a text one and then replace .txt with .nfo in it. For example, let this be the info.nfo file:

    Now we just run this file, the following message will appear, do not pay attention to it, click OK:

    After this, the System Information window will open, and there you can see the processor frequency, there is other information there:

    This is what's in the frame operating frequency processor, that is, what you need. Also, immediately after the frequency there is the number of cores and the number of logical processors. These are logical, like the number of threads.

    Well, the second way is with the help of programs. And one of them is CPU-Z. It is small, does not require installation, and has been around for a very long time. In a word, she is the best. It’s everywhere on the Internet, so downloading it is not a problem. Download it, launch it, and after two seconds you will see a window like this, and it’s easy to understand what frequency it is:

    Sorry, I’m a little blunt, in short, sometimes the CPU-Z program needs to be installed, and sometimes it works without installation!

    This is the operating frequency, it may be higher than what it should be. If this is the case, then the processor is overclocked. That is, its frequency was increased by increasing the voltage, in technical side I don’t understand this shamanism well...

    There is another program where you can find out almost everything related to your hardware, this is . Not everyone knows, but with the help of this program you can even find out when the RAM stick was released...

    Speaking of frequency. The higher the frequency, the more commands are processed per unit of time. Multiple cores will allow these tasks to be performed in parallel.

    This is how you can find out the processor frequency in Windows 7, and as you can see, there is nothing complicated here, so try it and you will succeed.


