How to find out its owner by phone number. Determine the owner by phone number for free: description of various methods

In some situations, a person needs to obtain information about the owner of a mobile phone number. You can use several different methods to solve the problem. Let's consider step by step methods obtaining information about the full name of the owner of an unfamiliar subscriber.

How to find out the owner of a phone by number - method 1

This method is considered classic and official, but the process of obtaining necessary information may take quite a while.

  • Contact the company office mobile operator.
  • Write a statement. It must indicate the question on the basis of which the user makes such a request to the office. The reason for wanting to know information about the owner of a particular number must also be stated.
  • Consultants must review the written application and decide whether or not to provide the requested personal information.

How to find out the owner of a phone by number - method 2

The method described below is also the official one.

  • Contact one of the law enforcement agencies.
  • Write a statement. It must indicate the reasons for the appeal and complaints against the owner of the number.
  • After reviewing the application, the issue of initiating a criminal case will be decided. In most situations, such cases are still initiated.
  • In this case, the operator company consultant must provide all available data about the owner of a particular number.
  • A special investigation will begin, within the framework of which the party who asked for help law enforcement agencies, will receive data about the person who owns the corresponding phone number.

How to find out the owner of a phone by number - method 3

It is possible to access databases, but this method will not be legal.

  • Visit the subscriber's mobile operator company and ask to top up the balance by calling the mobile number whose owner you want to know.
  • When making such payments, the operator on the monitor can view all the data about the owner of the number.
  • Ask the operator to name the name of the person whose balance will be topped up. This is usually done to prevent errors when making such payments.
  • If the operator in the branch refused to provide such data, then you can try to do the same in another office.

How to find out the owner of a phone by number - method 4

This method is also unofficial, but it is also the most unsafe.

  • It is possible to use telephone number databases. In most cases, you will have to pay to use this service.
  • However, today such directories may contain incorrect information or malicious software. For this reason, it is not recommended to use this method without trying the others.
  • In some cases, criminal proceedings may be opened for the illegal use of such information.
  • Using this method, you will probably be able to find out where the number is registered. Other information can be obtained using special paid forms.

Do you suffer from intrusive calls and want to find out who is calling your number? Surely you tried to get information about the person who called by calling contact center their operator, but received refusals. Indeed, the operators cellular communications and landline telephony never disclose such information. How ? With the help of our review, you can try to find a way out of the situation.

Looking for the owner of the number on the Internet

Many people use electronic boards, sending out advertisements for the sale of a car, apartment, kitchen set and other personal items. Thus, they publish a lot of data on the Internet:

  • Your mobile phone number;
  • City of residence;
  • First name (sometimes with last name).

Some people even indicate their addresses when selling real estate. Search engines index the published information, after which we can use it. If you want to determine the owner's phone number, use any search engine - enter in search bar number and analyze the information in search results.

There are a lot of search engines, so don’t be discouraged if the selected search engine doesn’t give you any results - try searching in another search engine. For example, in terms of searching by numbers and digital according to Google gives more results than the domestic Yandex. Sometimes the opposite happens, so we recommend trying all available search engines.

If there is no information in search engines, this means that the person you are looking for either does not use world wide web, or tries not to leave any traces on the Internet. This technique is best suited for searching for information about various companies and enterprises.

Search for owner using number databases

Is it possible online? There is such an opportunity, since on the Internet we can find many services that provide access to online databases of landline and mobile phones. Disadvantage of these databases:

  • Lack of normal performance – it can be very difficult to understand navigation;
  • Lack of completeness of the information offered - they ask for money for full disclosure of information;
  • Loss of database relevance.

Some services have such “crooked” sites that it is very difficult to figure out the search for numbers. Therefore, visiting such services makes you want to quickly close the browser window. Also some databases require payment in the form of sending SMS on short numbers – the thought of fraud immediately appears. In conclusion, the provided database may be out of date in time - the person has moved, changed his number or died.

In the process of writing this review Several open databases were found on the network that do not require sending SMS. Their analysis showed that they provide information that is ten years old. Some of them were unable to find the required subscribers at all, despite the fact that they really exist and the author knows their personal data (full name and phone number).

There are databases that need to be downloaded - they are not available online. They can be found for free or for money. All of them may turn out to be useless or hopelessly outdated. If you are offered a base for money, remember that the seller may be a scammer. It should be noted that the distribution of such databases is already a criminal offense - do not get involved with criminal elements.

Other search methods

Is it possible to find out the owner by phone number using landline help services? Unfortunately, by giving the operator a landline phone number, you will not receive any information on it. Available only reverse search, When you tell the operator your last name and address, and he gives you a phone number. If you get bored phone calls, you can file a report with the police - this is regarded as telephone hooliganism.

Depending on the behavior of the bully, his “fun” can bring him quite a serious punishment. If the calls contain threats, feel free to write a statement to the police - identifying the owner by phone number will not be difficult for the police.

There are times when you need to find a person knowing only his mobile number. In Russia this is possible. And it’s not even very difficult, since SIM cards are linked to the owner’s passport data.

How to find out the owner of a cell number?

There are many different ways find out the owner of the number cell phone. Below are the most common:

  1. Submit to the office mobile company a formal request indicating the reasons why you want to receive the phone number owner's details. This option will work if you or your family are in a dangerous situation, for example, you are being threatened.
  2. You can contact law enforcement agencies (FSB, FSO). In this case, we submit an application in which we describe all claims and demands. If the claims are significant, then a criminal case is initiated in which the operators mobile communications are required to provide information about the owner of the number.
  3. Ask a search engine (Yandex, Google, etc.) If the owner sold, bought, or gave any private advertisements in which he indicated his cell phone number, the search program will find this information.
  4. Contact a private detective. The method is not cheap, but reliable and fast.
  5. You can be cunning and call the number you are interested in and introduce yourself as a sociologist/volunteer/utility worker, in general, whatever your imagination allows. It’s worth coming up with a legend and questions in advance that will look plausible.
  6. You can find a database of owners mobile numbers. This can be done by doing a good search on the Internet. However, such a database is a pig in a poke.
  7. Go to the account replenishment point and, showing ingenuity and acting skills, try to get the necessary information. There is a small chance that you will be lucky and the employee will tell you the necessary information. In addition, if you desperately need to know the owner, you can even get such a job - then you will get access to the data.

It is worth noting that you should not contact dubious sites and send paid SMS for the service of providing data by number. Most likely, this is another type of fraud.

There are many ways on the Internet to find out who called from unknown number. It's not easy to look into a mobile operator's database, and all public web archives are most likely developed by scammers. You won't find them desired number, but just waste your time. We will tell you about the safest and most legal search methods that actually work.

Find the owner of a phone number on Google

To use this method to find an unknown phone number, you must be at least somewhat familiar with the syntax. If you simply enter a number into the search bar, the system will return either links where such a combination of numbers is mentioned, or extraneous information, has nothing to do with your goal. For search specific number quotes must be used.

Call an unknown number

Perhaps the simplest, but not the most obvious way to find the owner of the phone is to call this number. If using voicemail, his name will most likely be mentioned in the greeting text. If the phone belongs to any organization, you will probably receive an answering machine that will tell you the name of the company.

If you want to remain anonymous, do not call from personal number. Call back from someone else's phone or computer. But be careful - this may happen, and money will simply be withdrawn from your account.

Install Truecaller app

A special Truecaller application will help you find and block unknown number, from which you were called. The service collects a list of spam contacts, which is constantly updated by a community of 250 million users. By installing the application, you will find out all publicly available information about the desired subscriber. The program can be downloaded for free for