How to find out who blocked you on your phone. How to find out and understand that you have been blocked on Viber? What does a blocked user see on WhatsApp?

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Have you ever wondered if one of your WhatsApp contacts has blocked you? There's no way to be 100 percent sure, but there are some pretty obvious hints about what's going on. Today we'll show you how to find out that someone blocked you on WhatsApp and does not want to continue communication.

How do you know if one of your so-called friends has blocked you?

How to know if a WhatsApp contact has blocked you?

There are four ways to determine if you have been blocked by someone on WhatsApp. By themselves, they don’t make much sense, but when combined with each other, they allow you to conclude that your friend no longer wants to be friends with you.

Please note that WhatsApp developers have intentionally made this aspect of the service more complex to protect users' privacy. There is always a chance that you are worrying for nothing, even if all four points are true.

The last time a contact logged into the app is displayed at the top of the screen, right below their name. If you don't see information about when the user last communicated through the service, this is a bad sign. Of course, he didn't necessarily block you. You can disable the display of this timestamp without blocking it. Your friend must value his privacy, so don't burn any bridges just yet. Read on.

If you see this information, then everything is fine.

Pay attention to the double ticks

Checkmark icons in WhatsApp let you know what's going on with the message you sent.

The first checkmark means that the message was sent successfully. If a second checkmark appears, it means your message was received by the recipient's device. Perhaps the interlocutor has not yet read it, but it has definitely already arrived on his phone. When both checkmarks turn blue, you will know that your message has been read. Blue checkmarks indicate that everything is fine and you have not been blocked yet. Take a deep breath.

If all your messages are accompanied by one gray check mark, then you could indeed be blocked.

But there must be at least a small chance that you are still loved, right? Keep digging.

A single gray tick is a bad sign for any relationship.

Another indicator of a relationship breakdown is that no one answers your desperate WhatsApp calls.

Again, your friend’s phone might just break or their number might change. But if this occurs in combination with the above symptoms, everything is quite sad, isn’t it?

Your friend may not answer your calls because he hates you.

Has your profile picture or other information changed?

If you notice that a contact hasn't changed or updated their profile in a very long time, or their picture hasn't changed in months, you may have been blocked. Or the contact simply never updates his profile. The problem may turn out to be far-fetched.

Let's go further and log in from a different account, for example, using a mutual friend's smartphone. If you see a completely different image or changed data, then you have indeed been blocked. Given your behavior, your friend probably had every reason to do so.

Optional Method: Ask Directly

The most reliable way to find out about blocking is to ask about it directly. If your friend responds positively, it means he really has blocked you. If he comes up with an implausible excuse, he’ll probably block you too. But if the reason you're not getting replies to your messages is reasonable and you're invited to go out, that's fine. At least for now.

Do you know any other ways to find out about blocking on WhatsApp? Share your tips in the comments.

If you actively use WhatsApp, then you have blocked contacts at least once. And you probably yourself became the one who was blocked by another user, but you didn’t suspect it.

How do I know if a WhatsApp user has blocked me?

You will not receive any notification about this. There are no explicit indicators in the application. However, there are a number of signs that hint that you are on the blacklist.

  • In the chat window, you will no longer see the date when the person last entered the application. However, when you hide your visit time, you automatically stop seeing the visit date of all other users. Therefore, before drawing conclusions, take a look at the section “ Privacy» and check your visiting time settings.
  • The photo of the contact who blocked you will no longer be displayed. Instead, you will be shown an empty square, as if the user deleted their image. This could also be a sign that the person simply deleted the WhatsApp app.
  • The message you send will always have one check mark. It shows that the message was sent successfully. The second checkmark appears only if it was delivered to the user's device. While you are blacklisted, your messages will not be delivered. To make sure that you have been blocked, link another number to WhatsApp and write to the person from it: if in this case the message shows two check marks, your main number is blocked by this contact.
  • Try calling the person. If he has blocked you, the call will end at the very beginning.
  • To find out for sure whether you are blacklisted, create a group. Give it any name and try to add the desired contact to it. If he has blocked you, you will see a notification that you cannot add this user to the group.

The WhatsApp instant messaging program was originally designed for mobile devices, and is now a popular tool for communicating with any user located in another city or country. It has all the functions of the messengers we are used to, which is why it is extremely easy to learn. The application itself allows you to make calls, organize conferences, and share files.

It is in no way inferior to other instant messaging services, and in some places even surpasses them. In particular, you can make free calls to your phone from this application. All payments are made according to the rates of your tariff plan. WhatsApp weighs little, which is why you won’t have to overpay.

Each of you has probably encountered the fact that you have at some point had to get rid of unwanted contacts. Of course, you can simply not answer calls and messages, but this is unnerving, because among the unwanted calls and messages there may be one that is not from him. At the same time, you, too, have probably encountered the fact that the interlocutor one day simply stopped answering your messages and calls, and it was not clear whether they reached him. And then the question arises: has the interlocutor blacklisted us and how do you understand that you have been blocked on WhatsApp? The following signs may indicate this:

Here are the main features of what a blocked user sees on WhatsApp. If you observe at least one of the above signs in relation to your contacts, then you have been blocked by the subscriber for some reason.

Important: quite easy - you just need to select the appropriate command in the menu.

The social network Instagram cares about the comfort, convenience and safety of its users. To achieve this, mechanisms are constantly being developed to protect registered profiles from unwanted activities, fraud, and so on.

One of the mechanisms for punishing users for committing actions prohibited by the rules of the social network is blocking on Instagram. Blocking is also available for any user who wants to block access to their account for a specific person/people. Talk about how to understand that Instagram is blocked and why the block is imposed.

Temporary blocking

Temporary blocking is divided into 2 types: block of specific functions and block of the entire account. Most often, users are faced with the fact that the option of subscriptions, likes and comments is blocked. For example, you want to send a subscription to another person, but this action is not available. Don’t panic, the social network has limited its functionality for you for a while, and it will soon be fully restored. The main reason for the temporary suspension of any functions is that you did them too often or are logged into one account from several devices at the same time.

Thus, options are blocked as a result of their systematic use, that is, you sent subscriptions/likes an unlimited number of times, without stopping. Limits are set for any action based on the activity of the average profile. You can leave no more than 60 subscriptions, likes and comments per hour. And if the profile was created less than a week ago, the limit is 30 subscriptions/comments/likes per hour. When you exceed the limit, a block is imposed. The duration of the temporary block depends on how much you have exceeded the limit and lasts from 2 hours to 2 weeks.

The second type of blocking is blocking the entire account. In this case, the restriction is not imposed on a specific action on the entire profile. In this case, the social network sends an SMS or email to the user and asks to confirm the action to remove the block. In this case, the main reason for blocking is suspicious activity. For example, you used to log into your account from Russia all the time, and then you went on a business trip and tried to log in from Europe or Asia. To ensure security and data protection, the social network will ask you to confirm that the owner wants to enter the profile.

How long does an Instagram ban last?

There is no universal answer to this question; the block is imposed for a different period, depending on the specific case. The minimum blocking duration is 1 hour, the maximum is 2 weeks. Finding out the deadline that the system has imposed for your case is quite simple. Repeat the action that was limited and it will appear in front of you with this deadline. During this period, minimize your activity on the social network, especially do not commit the actions for which you were punished. Otherwise, the period will increase.

Eternal ban

A permanent ban is a permanent ban, meaning your profile will be blocked for the entire time. Previously, it was believed that it was impossible to unblock a permanent ban; the social network met halfway only 1% of users. The rest were forced to say goodbye to their profiles. Today, Instagram has significantly changed its support service; it is more individualized. Now, when this situation arises, managers consider each case and treat users more loyally. As a result, 90% of blocked profiles can be unblocked.

Why does the social network impose an eternal ban?

Let's look at the main reasons why a profile gets permanently blocked:

  1. Previously, the user had already received 3 warnings in the form of a temporary block, but still continued to perform prohibited actions.
  2. The user uses the social network logo on his own publications.
  3. If a user regularly posts photos of other people without tagging them in the photo.
  4. If the profile owner resorts to auto-posting. The social network is aimed at ordinary people who want to communicate with people and share photos. Therefore, any advances in automation are blocked and punished.
  5. If the user uses mass cheating. Again, the social network is for fair play, fair use of the profile.
  6. If you post information about another person's social security numbers, bank cards, identification cards, email addresses, and phone numbers in your account.
  7. For opening profiles on social networks through third-party resources. You can register and use Instagram only through the official application/official website.
  8. If you use 2-3 or more IP addresses at once. As a rule, this is observed when working with business accounts of large companies: administrators from different cities sit in the same profile.

How to protect yourself from a ban

Now let's look at how to avoid a permanent ban:

  1. First of all, you need to use verified accounts that have been in existence for six months or more. If you registered an account less than six months ago, you should not use it to promote products/services. Please note that the social network treats newly created pages with particular distrust and perceives all their activity as suspicious.
  2. If you want to publish someone else's photo on your profile, be sure to indicate the author by writing his username in the description.
  3. Do not sell copies of branded products through Instagram.
  4. If you sell products from well-known brands, do not place hashtags from these brands under product photos.
  5. Place only your logos on your profile.
  6. Follow the limits on the number of subscriptions, likes, comments, and so on.
  7. Do not leave too many comments under the photo description, and do not resort to mass tagging.

Autoposting and mass foiling

We have already said that most often temporary blocking and eternal blocking are imposed precisely for mass following and auto-posting. However, no modern algorithm can boast of being 100% effective; competent use of services, as a rule, gives the desired result. The main thing is to follow the following recommendations:

  1. Do not exceed the limits of the average user. We are not talking about the previously mentioned limits here. If you use mass following and auto-posting, they do not apply to you. However, it is important not to exceed 1000 subscriptions per day and 1000 likes, otherwise the social network will detect the fact of using third-party services.
  2. Consider behavioral factors. Any person needs time to view a publication, read the text, and get acquainted with the profile. Therefore, you should not perform actions at the speed of light, perform the same number of actions every day. Try to adapt as much as possible to the pattern of user behavior, increase the time between likes and other actions.
  3. Use proxy servers. On all devices, log into your account from the same IP address, it will be useful to get your own proxy services, it will cost 4-10 dollars for 1 month of use.

How to understand that you have been blocked on Instagram

It is quite simple to understand that the system has blocked you: you cannot perform certain actions, you cannot log into your account. the following error is displayed:

But there is also user blocking, when you are blocked not by a social network, but by a person.

How to find out if you have been blocked on Instagram? If you go to a user’s page, but his publications, photos and videos are not displayed in front of you, and when you click the “Subscribe” button you do not see any changes, this person has added your account to the Black List. It might look like this:

You can also click on the list of his subscriptions/subscribers and not see the list, which also indicates blocking. Try to send a message, this option will also be unavailable. It may also be displayed like this:

However, do not confuse concepts such as closing an account and including your profile in a blacklist. In the first case, the page is inaccessible to anyone except subscribers; it displays information that the profile is private. It is used to limit the profile from strangers. If the profile has blocked you, the “Subscribe” button will appear, but after clicking, the subscription will not be sent, and the button will be active.


We looked at what blocking is, how to understand what was blocked on Instagram and how to find out who blocked on Instagram, the system or a specific user. We have also listed effective ways to prevent temporary blocking and permanent bans. We hope this information was useful and there will be no more problems with blocking. The main thing is to work honestly and a positive result is guaranteed!

The popular WhatsApp messenger has millions of users who exchange a huge number of messages every day. They send each other photos, videos, links and other information. But communication is not always mutually positive, so the program has the ability to block an unwanted interlocutor so as not to receive any news from him. A blocked person will not receive any notifications, so it is useful to sometimes check whether you have been blocked on WhatsApp.

How to understand that a person has blocked you on WhatsApp

If you're suspicious, consider whether you may have caused the other person to block you. There are reasons for blocking:

  • spam that is sent by you (including without your knowledge) through the chain.
  • you send a huge number of pictures/videos to your contacts every day, which is distracting and annoying;
  • you have tired your interlocutor with your conversations or complaints, and he wants to take a break from you. It doesn’t matter whether it’s your client/work performer, a friend or a potential “other half” - the essence is the same: they (temporarily) don’t want to communicate with you, and this happens.

By protecting the secrecy of correspondence and personal life on the Internet, WhatsApp developers have made it so that it cannot be clearly established that your contact has added you to the ban list.
There are several ways to guess if a WhatsApp user has blocked you.

1. When was the last time your interlocutor got in touch?

Next to the person's name (or nickname), the WhatsApp client displays the time of last activity. You can turn off the display of your last online time by changing your privacy settings. Perhaps your interlocutor is more secretive than other people on your list - for example, teenagers do not want to show their particularly scrupulous parents that they stayed up until three in the morning “chatting” in gaming communities.

If you see, for example, the treasured “was at 20:35”, there is a chance that you are not on his black list. However, if there is no mention of his last visit under his name, there is no need to panic yet - he could have hidden this information with his privacy settings.

2. Have the avatar, status message, or general information about the contact changed?

If not, then the reasons for this “frozen” behavior of the WhatsApp contact are as follows:

  • Blocking. Do the following. Find one of your mutual friends and from his gadget look up information about the person who allegedly banned you. If on another smartphone or tablet the contact is displayed exactly the same as yours, everything is fine. If the contact is periodically updated on other devices, but you don’t see it on yours, there is a ban.
  • A person is simply not interested in editing his data: he entered it once when he changed the SIM card or the gadget itself - and forgot about it.

Many users do not change information about themselves in the messenger, so there is definitely no need to panic about data that does not change.

3. Message delivery and reading report

Normally, the sent message should reach the recipient - as evidenced by one gray “tick”. The appearance of a second one allows us to conclude that the message has been received - the message has been delivered to the user’s phone. The color of the checkmarks changing from gray to blue means that the received message has been read/listened to.

A single gray message indicating that a message has been sent, hanging for days (or even weeks, months) means the following:

  • He didn't receive your message because the system blocks them on the way. This means that for some reason the person does not want to communicate with you.
  • The recipient did not block you - he was just tired of WhatsApp itself, and he turned off Push notifications about received messages. It is quite possible that this person is a “business sausage”, and he will read you at the end of the week, when he has relieved himself a little from the pile of urgent and important matters.

As you can understand, even if the gray check mark remains on for several days, there is still a possibility that the person simply abandoned WhatsApp for a while. So it is impossible to say with 100% certainty that in this case you are blocked. But this is another call.

4. Try to call.

Do not panic. Call the person first directly on WhatsApp. Calls will not go through when:

  • You are on the blacklist. In this case, the system automatically drops all calls, and the user does not even see the missed call.
  • Your friend’s smartphone/tablet/PC, from which you previously communicated, has broken down. There is no way to turn it on - regardless of the reason: naturally, the “offline” interlocutor cannot receive calls in any way.
  • The call goes through, a person is on the line, but does not pick up.

If you don't even hear a beep and the call is immediately dropped, most likely you have actually been blocked. Or there is still a small chance that the interlocutor’s phone battery is simply dead.

5. Test the ban with a person in a separate chat

Do the following:

  • Give WhatsApp a simple name for your new group chat.
  • Type the name of the contact you are checking and try to add it.

In case of an obvious ban, the WhatsApp program will inform you that the person cannot be added. This sign is already difficult to ignore.

If the blocking of you by a WhatsApp user was almost 100% justified, then call this person on his mobile phone or send him an SMS. Use another messenger, for example, Viber, Telegram, ICQ or their analogues - if you have contact with the same person in them. If the cellular network responds that the number is not serviced (does not exist), your contact is quietly deleted “in English.” The last thing you can do is to actually find him and resume communication.