How to find out who stopped reading on Twitter. How to find out who has unsubscribed from you on twitter

Have you noticed that your list of friends on social networks suddenly noticeably thinned? Or can you not find in your friends the one with whom you have established friendly relations for sure? Sometimes you may need tools to show who has unsubscribed from you. Perhaps this will help you determine after which posts, tweets or photos in your grids there is a massive unfollowing.


In order to catch fugitives from your Facebook, the Social Fixer browser extension is perfect. This add-on has many features with which you can upgrade your account. And here's how to set up Friend Tracker:

Click on the Social Fixer settings icon;
- click on the "Layout" tab;
- put a tick in the box "Friend Tracker";

That's all, now logging into Facebook, you will see a list of those who have recently unsubscribed from you. Moreover, you will additionally see if they deleted their account or unsubscribed only from you. If Social Fixer is a little tricky for you, check out Unfriend Finder. True, you have to suffer a little to install it in Google Chrome. Since the app counts the unsubscribed at the end of a certain period, you won't be able to see who just unsubscribed.


There are many services out there that help you keep track of your subscribers. Which one you choose depends on which device you most often use Twitter on. The easiest option is Unfollowr, you just need to follow him on twitter and it will send you private messages when someone unsubscribes from you.

Another simple service is Who Unfollowed Me. It is a Twitter app that reports unsubscribes at the end of the week.

But neither service will provide you with instant information. If you primarily use Twitter on your desktop computer, then ByeByeBirdie for Mac is for you. No analogue for Windows has been found yet. Sayonara and JustUnfollow will come in handy if you use Twitter mainly on your smartphone (iPhone, Android), the moment someone unsubscribes, you will receive a push notification.

Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+

Instagram: Unfollowgram is an easy-to-manage system that works on both web and mobile. Sign up using your Instagram account and you will be able to see who unfollowed you, as well as who is following you unanswered.

Tumblr: XKit is similar to the Social Fixer for Facebook - it does a lot of different things, including the Follower Checker.

Pinterest: Currently, the only way to find out who has unfollowed you on Pinterest is to use the Followers on Pinterest iPhone app. But you have to fork out, it costs $ 2.99.

Google+: Uncircle Uncirclers + - a Chrome extension will help here. Shows who did not add you to their circles in response to your addition, as well as which of those who you did not add to circles excluded you from theirs.

Only when you find out who has left your friends, do not take it too personally. After all, these are just social networks.


Method 1 of 6: Use "Unfollowers for Twitter"

Click on "Recent Unfollowers". This option can be found on the left side of the window.

It will notify you of those who have unsubscribed from you using an optional email newsletter.

You can also download to receive on your Android device notifications about those who have unsubscribed from you.

Method 2 of 6: Subscribe to "Unfollowr"

As soon as someone unsubscribes from you, you will receive a private message. It's a quick and easy way to find out who has unfollowed you without using apps.

Method 3 of 6: Use "Qwitter"

Click on "Login with Twitter". This option can be found in the middle of the right side of the page. This will redirect you to a new page.

Enter your email address. If you want your subscribers to receive a weekly message with information about who has unsubscribed from you, select this option as well.

Open the email you received. Go to your inbox and open the email from Qwitter.

Method 4 of 6: Use "Goodbye Buddy"

Click on "Sign in with Twitter". All is ready.

Click on "Authorize App".

Visit the page once a day to check who has unsubscribed from you. Your unsubscribe statistics will be updated once a day.

Method 5 of 6: Try "Who Unfollowed Me"

Click on "Sign in with Twitter".

Click on "Sign In".

Click "who unfollowed me". This option can be found under your profile or on the right side of the screen.

Wait and you will find out who has unsubscribed from you. This may take a few minutes.

Method 6 of 6: Use the Zebraboss Service

Enter your nickname in the empty window (you can enter as many nicknames as you like, including strangers, the number is not limited).

In the line below enter your email, on which every day you will receive a report on changes in the list of subscribers.

The service is absolutely free and does not require registration.

You can unsubscribe from the submitted reports at any time.

  • You can find out if a person has unsubscribed from you or not. If you see a button with a picture of an envelope on his page, then he is subscribed to you, because messages can only be sent to them.
  • If you have unsubscribed from someone, get ready that they will unsubscribe from you too.
  • A lot of people call themselves #teamfollowback (if you follow them, they'll follow back), but sometimes they don't. If you are not subscribed within 24 hours, unsubscribe.

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Twitter is a popular microblogging service all over the world. It is used both for communication on the network and for making money and promoting another blog or site. Users who use Twitter for different purposes usually have two accounts, ...


Greetings dear readers! In the previous article I told you, now is the time to find out.

A follower is a person who reads you. You can see how many of them you have on Twitter under the photo in the "Readers" section. You have accumulated a lot of followers. How do you know who reciprocated and became your reader, and who did not?

Of course, you can do it manually, open the "followed" list and watch every account who does not follow you. But doing this is very long and inconvenient, especially since you have probably already accumulated a decent number of people in the "read" section.

So how to unsubscribe from non-reciprocal followers (readers) on Twitter? There are many different services that allow you to automatically get rid of an unnecessary number of non-reciprocal followers for free.

One of them is service... Convenient and simple service, I liked it, and I use it with pleasure, even though it has an English interface. But I assure you that by understanding this application, you will delete non-reciprocal followers in a matter of minutes.

This service has both paid and free functionality. I think that free functionality will be enough for you. With manageflitter, you can not only unsubscribe from non-reciprocal Twitter followers, but also find new followers and follow them.

How to remove non-reciprocal followers (readers) on Twitter

So, for a start, I propose to go to your Twitter account. Once you're logged in there, go to

Once on the main page of the service, click the "Start" button. Note that the buttons change within a few seconds. Button "Start", "Search", "PowerPost". After you have pressed the start button, we press the next button "Connect to Twitter".

If you have logged into Twitter in advance, then you will be immediately transferred to the application page, if not, then a form will pop up in which you will enter your username and password. Then the word "Unfollow" will catch your eye and on the left side you will see a list.

Now let's go through the list and take a look at the most basic ones that you may need to remove non-reciprocal followers:

Not Following Back - if you click on this line in the list, you will see a column of non-reciprocal followers (readers) who did not reciprocate or simply unsubscribed from you. And click Unfollow if you want to remove the reader.

No Profile Image - here is a list of those that do not have their own avatar. It is worth unsubscribing from such comrades, since most of them turn out to be bots.

No-Russian - non-Russian-speaking accounts, I usually delete these as well

Inactive - inactive followers who have not been active for a month. They should also be removed.

Fake (Spam) - fake accounts

Following Ratio - here are the accounts with either more or fewer followers. High Ratio (Bad) are accounts that have more Following than Followers, and Low Ratio (Good) - on the contrary, have more followers than Followers

Talkative / Quiet - This is the tab where Talkative indicates people who post more than 5 tweets per day, and Quiet is less than 1 tweet per day.

In the free mode, there is a limitation for unfollowing - you can remove no more than 100 people per day. But I think that's enough for you to start. To increase your daily limit for removing non-reciprocal followers at the top of the screen, click on the "Gift" image and complete the necessary conditions.

If suddenly you do not like this service very much, you can use others, for example these:


To search for followers, you can use the "Search" section, which is located at the top of the page. And enter a keyword by which you will search for readers. Click Follow and the person you have chosen will be in your "followed" list.

Well, that's all, a brief overview of the ManageFlitter service has been done and now I think you are no longer tormented by the question how to remove non-reciprocal followers (readers) on Twitter.

What services or methods of removing non-reciprocal followers do you use? I look forward to your comments.

P.S. Did you like the article? I advise you to receive new articles to your e-mail, so as not to miss the appearance of useful articles.

Sincerely, Anna Fedorova

Twitter users often need to unsubscribe from a group of people. The group can be small or large. Depending on this, the method will be chosen. You need to remove unfollowers on Twitter, for example, when the limit of 2,000 people has been reached or you are tired of reading people with an uninteresting feed.

Who are Unfollovers?

People you follow but don't read your account themselves are called unfollowers. The fact is that Twitter has a limit of 2000 subscriptions. If you are subscribed to 2,000 thousand Twitter users, but at the same time you are only read by, for example, two hundred people, then further following simply will not be possible, since Twitter will prohibit you from doing this. You can bypass the limit of 2000 people only if you gain the same number of your subscribers, but this is quite difficult to do.

How to get out of the situation? You need to unsubscribe from a certain number of people. This can be done manually. The process will be long and can get bored very quickly. That is why special services were created that help to massively unsubscribe from people who do not follow you. With just a couple of clicks, you can remove non-reciprocal Twitter users.

How do I remove followers?

How to unsubscribe from a person? Go to his profile and click on the "Stop reading" button. The person will be transferred to the list of your non-reciprocal followers. This person will either continue to read you, or unsubscribe from you in the same way.

So which services should you use for bulk unsubscribe? There are quite a few sites that provide such services on the network, so you should be very careful when choosing. There are many programs that in such a tricky way want to get access to your account in order to post their advertisements on your behalf in the future.

Non-reciprocal followers will be removed from the list fairly quickly using this service. Plus, the site allows you to get rid of the so-called "dead souls" - users who have not posted posts in their feed for a long time.

There is also a reverse option here - people who follow you are checked. However, it will be useful to you only if several hundred people subscribe to you per day.

The service interface has been partially translated into Russian. There is a limit on free unsubscription - no more than 50 users per day. The paid version allows you to unsubscribe from an unlimited number of people.

The service has the same range of options as the previous one. The difference is in the interface. Here it is more comfortable and pleasant, but in a foreign language.

Here, deletion is available by language, degree of activity, as well as by the presence or absence of an avatar in the profile.

You highlight unnecessary users and send them to the trash.

A paid account in this service assumes receiving any parameter by which you can remove people from the list.

The limit is 100 people per day in case of free use of the system. Subscribing to the official account of the system assumes an increase in this number to 300. If you make a post about this network in your blog, you will be able to remove another 200 people a day.

This service also has its advantages. For example, it does not need to be authorized. The interface is completely in Russian. It also shows followers that you yourself haven't reciprocated. This service, however, has a significant drawback - in it you will need to manually perform all the actions. Group unsubscription is not supported here.

Unfollowing when promoting a Twitter profile

Unfollowing is also needed in the case of Twitter account promotion. This is what the Twidium Inviter program does. She will subscribe you to people who are interested in the topic of your blog, and after a certain time, she will unsubscribe from those who did not reciprocate you without subscribing to you. Users who follow you will not be removed from your Reading List. Thus, it will be possible to follow with a limit of 2000 people. When 2000 or more people subscribe to you, you will have a different limit - 5000.

The program is available on the official website:

1.Download and install it following the instructions of the installer.

2. Log in to your Twitter account. Click on the "Settings" button, and then select "Account Settings". Click on the green plus button. We write the data and click on OK.

3.Open the "Project" section and select "Create a new project" and then "Unfollowing".

4. Select your account in the drop-down menu. We mark on the right the item "Unfollow without checking by filters" or the line "Unfollow if the last tweet was left later than ... days". You can also check the box next to “Remember those who are unfollowed” so that you don't follow them next time. You can also unfollow without filtering.

5.Click on the "Start" button.

You can remove unfollovers either manually one by one or in bulk. The second method is convenient if you need to remove a large number of people from the list, but do not have time or do not want to remove them manually.

Here we read interesting sites and blogs, subscribe to them on Twitter, follow the updates ... and we want to be read too - mutual falling, the so-called. How “nice” it is when a man even sends letters to the post office - sign and sign, you subscribe to him, and after 3 days he is no longer with you. Like he has such a promoted account that there are more readers than he reads himself (this is better for making money). I find such comrades and unsubscribe from them every few days. Non-reciprocal falling, what to do ... (Read more about the main types of users on Twitter in the following articles)

It's easy to unsubscribe from unread users on Twitter. I tried various ways. The best service in my humble opinion is

Using this service is easy and simple - and absolutely free, you can:

Initially, registration and confirmation from your mailbox is required, we indicate the address to which the confirmation request will come:

We log into our account on the service - it authorizes via twitter, therefore it is necessary to allow access to this application.
And we see a convenient and understandable panel - a list of features in English, but extremely accessible. Immediately you can see people who did not want to read you. Unsubscribe!
(enlarge the picture in 2 clicks)

If there are more than 50 of them, such a frame will pop up - the limit per day is 50 people. And they will offer to send a tweet from your account. Tweet of an advertising nature - they say, I found a cool service with which I clean my Twitter account from non-reciprocal users. You can send - and also add a limit for subscribers, but not by much, it is better to come the next day or clean twitter from time to time on a regular basis.
(enlarge the picture in 2 clicks)