How to find out what the temperature is. Processor temperature: testing the CPU and fighting overheating

If you need to find out the optimal temperature of your processor, video card or other component of a computer or laptop, then this article is for you. Here we will talk about what the temperature of each component should be.

The need to measure the temperature of a particular component arises in some cases, often not very positive ones, for example when a laptop or computer overheats. Perhaps in this case, first of all, you need to measure it, so today we will consider such points as normal and critical temperature, for all computer components separately.

There are more than enough utilities for measuring the temperature of components, so you can familiarize yourself with them and download any of them there, it could be the lightweight HWMonitor utility, or maybe professional program For full diagnostics computer - Everest. The choice is yours, but if almost any user can figure out the first, the latter is more likely for professionals.

Optimal temperature of components.


What temperature is normal for a processor? It all depends on the company and model of the processor. For AMD this is one set temperature, for Intel it is another. They are designed according to different technologies and use different architectures.

For AMD normal temperature 35-45 degrees Celsius. The maximum permissible temperature is on average 65°C. If it’s higher, then it’s worth thinking about how to deal with processor overheating.

For Intel processors maximum permissible temperature, some models can be considered 80°C, while the normal temperature, in idle mode, is 40-50°C.

What can we say in general:

Normal temperature for any processor (average value) is 45°C

The maximum temperature for the CPU will be 60°C

Adhering to this norm, the processor will not fail prematurely. Also, do not forget that for a laptop these standards may be slightly higher than for a PC.

Video card

For a video card, the optimal temperature will be 40-60°C

The maximum permissible temperature for the GPU is 85°C

Higher temperatures have a bad effect on performance graphics card. Special attention It’s worth paying attention to the temperature, you shouldn’t overclock it to critical temperature.


For hard drive normal temperature - 30-40°C

The maximum temperature for HDD is 45°C

Temperature changes are especially dangerous for a hard drive; because of this, it fails very quickly. Even more dangerous for the HDD is low temperature; it is not recommended to turn on the laptop immediately outside, especially in winter. The same goes for , otherwise your media may simply stop working.

In general, any component, or even the entire laptop, can fail due to high temperature, so I recommend checking the temperature of your computer at least occasionally and preventing it from overheating.

From this article you learned what the temperature of the computer (laptop) components should be and what indicators are normal. The following articles will be devoted to combating overheating if the temperature is too high, so do not miss out on useful information.

It's no secret that the processor tends to heat up when the computer is running. If the PC has problems or the cooling system is not configured correctly, the processor overheats, which can lead to its failure. Even on working computers with long work Overheating may occur, causing the system to slow down. In addition, an increased processor temperature serves as a kind of indicator that the PC is damaged or is not configured correctly. Therefore, it is important to check its value. Let's find out how this can be done different ways on Windows 7.

Like most other tasks on a PC, the task of determining the processor temperature is solved using two groups of methods: built-in system tools and using third-party software. Now let's look at these methods in detail.

Method 1: AIDA64

One of the most powerful programs with which you can find out a variety of information about your computer is called in previous versions. Using this utility, you can easily find out the temperature indicators of the processor.

Using the AIDA64 application it is quite easy to determine temperature readings Windows processor 7. The main disadvantage of this method is that the application is paid. And the free period of use is only 30 days.

Method 2: CPUID HWMonitor

An analogue of AIDA64 is the application. It does not provide as much detailed information about the system as the previous application, and it does not have a Russian-language interface. But this program absolutely free.

After CPUID HWMonitor is launched, a window is displayed in which the main parameters of the computer are presented. We are looking for the name of the PC processor. Under this name there is a block "Temperatures". It shows the temperature of each CPU core individually. It is indicated in Celsius, and in brackets in Fahrenheit. The first column indicates the current value of temperature indicators, the second column indicates the minimum value since CPUID HWMonitor was launched, and the third indicates the maximum.

As you can see, despite the English-language interface, finding out the processor temperature in CPUID HWMonitor is quite simple. Unlike AIDA64, in this program you don’t even need to perform any additional actions after launch.

Method 3: CPU Thermometer

There is another application for determining the temperature of the processor on a computer with Windows 7 - CPU Thermometer. Unlike previous programs, it does not provide general information about the system, and specializes mainly in CPU temperature readings.

After the program is downloaded and installed on the computer, launch it. In the window that opens in the block "Temperatures", the CPU temperature will be indicated.

This option suitable for those users for whom it is important to determine only the process temperature, and are of little concern to other indicators. In this case, there is no point in installing and running heavyweight applications that consume a lot of resources, but such a program will come in handy.

Method 4: Command Line

Now let's move on to describing the options for obtaining information about the CPU temperature using the built-in tools of the operating system. First of all, this can be done by using the introduction special team to the command line.

As you can see, this option for determining temperature central processor much more complicated than previous methods using third-party software. In addition, after receiving the result, if you want to have an idea of ​​​​the temperature in the usual measurement quantities, you will have to perform additional arithmetic operations. But this method is performed exclusively using the program’s built-in tools. To implement it, you do not need to download or install anything.

Method 5: Windows PowerShell

Second of two existing options viewing the processor temperature using built-in OS tools is done using system utility Windows PowerShell. This option is very similar in algorithm of actions to the method using command line, although the command entered will be different.

In addition, the processor temperature can be viewed in the BIOS. But, since the BIOS is located outside the operating system, and we are considering exclusively the options available in Windows environment 7, then this method will not be discussed in this article. You can familiarize yourself with it in a separate lesson.

As you can see, there are two groups of ways to determine the processor temperature in Windows 7: using third party applications and internal OS tools. The first option is much more convenient, but requires the installation of an additional software. The second option is more complicated, but, nevertheless, the basic tools that Windows 7 has are sufficient to implement it.

Modern computers and laptops, as a rule, turn off (or reboot) themselves when the critical processor temperature is reached. Very useful - this way your PC won’t burn out. But not everyone takes care of their devices and allows them to overheat. And this happens simply due to ignorance of what normal indicators should be, how to control them and how this problem can be avoided.

Normal laptop processor temperature

It is impossible to clearly name the normal temperature: it depends on the model of the device. As a rule, for normal mode, with light PC load (for example, browsing the Internet, working with documents in Word), this value is 40-60 degrees (Celsius).

Under heavy load (modern games, converting and working with HD video, etc.), the temperature can increase significantly: for example, up to 60-90 degrees.. Sometimes, on some laptop models, it can reach 100 degrees! Personally, I think that this is already the maximum and the processor is working at its limit (although it can work stably and you won’t see any failures). At high temperatures, the operating life of equipment is significantly reduced. In general, it is undesirable for the indicators to be higher than 80-85.

Where to look

To find out the processor temperature, it is best to use special utilities. You can, of course, use Bios, but as long as you restart the laptop to log into it, the indicator may be significantly lower than it was under load in Windows.

The best utilities for viewing computer characteristics are. I usually check with Everest.

How to lower your scores

As a rule, most users begin to think about the temperature after the laptop begins to behave unstable: it reboots for no reason, turns off, and “brakes” appear in games and videos. By the way, these are the most basic manifestations of device overheating.

You can also notice overheating by how the PC starts to make noise: the cooler will spin at maximum, creating noise. In addition, the device body will become warm, sometimes even hot (at the air outlet, most often on the left side).

Let's look at the most basic causes of overheating. By the way, also consider the temperature in the room in which the laptop is working. In extreme heat 35-40 degrees. (as it was in the summer of 2010) - it will not be surprising if even a processor that was working normally before starts to overheat.

Eliminate surface heating

Few people know, much less look at, the operating instructions for the device. All manufacturers indicate that the device should be operated on a clean, level, dry surface. If, for example, you place your laptop on a soft surface that blocks air exchange and ventilation through special openings. It’s very easy to fix this - use a flat table or stand without tablecloths, napkins or other textiles.

Cleaning from dust

No matter how clean your apartment is, through certain time A decent layer of dust accumulates in the laptop, interfering with air movement. Thus, the fan can no longer cool the processor as actively and it begins to heat up. Moreover, the value can rise very significantly!

Dust in the laptop.

It is very easy to fix: regularly clean the device from dust. If you can’t do it yourself, then show the device to specialists at least once a year.

Controlling the thermal paste layer

Many people do not fully understand the importance of thermal paste. It is used between the processor (which gets very hot) and the radiator housing (used for cooling by transferring heat to the air, which is expelled from the housing using the cooler). Thermal paste has good thermal conductivity, due to which it transfers heat well from the processor to the heatsink.

If the thermal paste has not been changed for a very long time or has become unusable, heat transfer worsens! Because of this, the processor does not transfer heat to the radiator and begins to heat up.

To eliminate the cause, it is better to show the device to specialists so that they can check and replace the thermal paste if necessary. For inexperienced users, it is better not to do this procedure on their own.

We use a special stand

Now on sale you can find special stands that can reduce the temperature of not only the processor, but also other components mobile device. This stand, as a rule, is powered by USB and therefore there will be no extra wires on the table.

Notebook Stand.

By personal experience I can say that the temperature on my laptop dropped by 5 degrees. C (~approximately). Perhaps for those whose devices get very hot, the indicator will be reduced by completely different numbers.

We optimize

You can also reduce the temperature of your laptop using programs. Of course, this option is not the “strongest” and yet...

Firstly, many of the programs that you use can easily be replaced with simpler ones that put less strain on your PC. For example, playing music (): in terms of load on a PC, WinAmp is significantly inferior to the Foobar2000 player. Many users install the package Adobe Photoshop for editing photos and images, but most of these users use functions that are also available in free and lightweight editors (more about them). And these are just a couple of examples...

Secondly, have you optimized work hard disk, how long ago did you do it, did you delete temporary files, checked, configured?

I hope that these simple tips will help you. Good luck!

Hello, our dear readers! Computer portal website welcomes you to our website. Want to know what the processor temperature should be? In today's article we will tell you how to find out the temperature of the processor, and also explain what the normal temperature of a computer processor is. It's actually quite simple.

But many novice users do not know how to view the processor temperature, although this is one of the most important procedures to know. Let's find out together one by one how to check the processor temperature and determine what is meant by normal operating temperature and which program to choose for checking.

In fact, we were prompted for this publication by our articles “” and ““. Visitors ask many of the same type of questions related to monitoring processor temperature. Let's figure out what temperature is normal. First of all, you need to understand that there are different generations processors. Engineering thought has not always addressed efficiency and energy consumption. If you look at many older processor models, they have high heat dissipation, which in turn affects the overall temperature system unit and surroundings.

If you want to know the normal temperature of your processor, then first of all you should find out its model and generation. Old models from Intel And AMD could easily heat up to 70 degrees, which is basically not good. This was especially true for processors from AMD. These processors had a kind of “defect” in their design and “delighted” their owners with periodic overheating. Often even good cooling didn't help.

It is possible that you have just such an instance installed on your computer; we advise you to check it and look at the markings (or in a special program, which we will discuss below). In any case, if your computer is more than two years old, it is better to clean the cooler with the system unit from dust.

Today, manufacturers have already made progress in creating modern energy-saving processors that do not emit much heat. AND Intel, And AMD They try to make their CPUs cool enough. However, both new and older models have an optimal processor temperature and its limit.

Of course, a lot depends on cooling. It can be completely different, for example, for an ordinary desktop computer and laptop. In addition, as we wrote above, all processors are different. We advise you to take the normal processor temperature seriously, and find out the current value as quickly as possible if you have any suspicions.

Therefore, let's divide all processors not only by generation, but also by stone load. That is, if you look at the normal operation of a computer, when you are just typing, for example, the processor may not overheat, remaining cold. And when the load increases, its cooling may be insufficient, which can lead to the computer turning off or freezing. What is the normal processor temperature when idle and under load? Conventionally, two temperature limits can be distinguished:

  • Up to 45 degrees when the system is idle or when regular work, for example, when printing or using the Internet.
  • Working temperature processor up to 60 degrees. That is, the temperature under load, for example when playing, using special programs video conversion or archiving. On good terms, it is better that the temperature does not rise above 50 degrees.

We should also tell you what the permissible processor temperature is. This term was introduced rather by manufacturers, and denotes the temperature at which the processor structure will not be damaged. For many CPUs, the permissible temperature is 90 degrees Celsius, but this does not mean that the processor is capable of operating at such temperatures. Moreover, the temperature threshold is specified in all modern versions. Therefore, if the processor overheats and exceeds its normal temperature, the computer should shut down, preventing damage to it.

We will assume that now you know what the normal processor temperature should be. Of course it's not absolute rule, there are exceptions that are better to check again, but you can focus on it. Let's move on to the next section of the article and find out in what cases you need to look and measure the processor temperature.

In what cases is it necessary to control the processor temperature?

So, when is a good time to check your processor temperature? Here is a list of common problems and situations in which you need to measure the processor temperature and see if it exceeds the permissible limit:

  1. You bought a new computer.
  2. New cooling for the processor was purchased and installed.
  3. The computer turns off.
  4. The computer restarts.
  5. The computer slows down in programs and applications.
  6. The system unit smells burnt.
  7. The thermal paste on the processor has not been changed for a long time.
  8. The computer has not been cleaned of dust for a long time.
  9. You have decided to overclock your processor.

As you can see, there are many reasons for checking your temperature. For some of these items, temperature checks are simply a safety measure. And in some there is an urgent need. Let's move on to the last part of our article, where we will tell you how to view and find out the processor temperature.

How to view and check the processor temperature

First of all, we want to say that there is no need to rush between various programs. There are a lot of them, it’s better to look and choose one or two that are convenient for yourself, and check the temperature regularly with these programs. What is the best way to check the processor temperature? Here is a list of what we think is worthy of attention. We will focus only on those free programs that can check both the processor temperature and the temperature of other components. By the way, there are paid analogues these programs, for example the well-known system diagnostic complex Everest. But to check the temperature you can find a good one free program. These are the great apps:

    • Core Temp(can be downloaded at - is a compact application small size. This powerful program for monitoring CPU temperature and other vital important information. Core Temp is capable of displaying the temperature of each processor core in the system. You will be able to see temperature fluctuations in real time with different loads. The program is also capable of diagnosing the temperature of the motherboard.

    • SpeedFan(located at - another program for measuring processor temperature, SpeedFan is capable of monitoring temperatures from several sources. At correct setting, you can let it change the fan speed based on the system temperature. Of course, limiting the rotation speed of coolers needs to be done wisely.

    • HWMonitor( - an analogue of Core Temp, try to look at everything and choose the best program.

    • CPU-Z( - another program that cannot check the processor temperature, but the main difference from the previous program is that CPU-Z can test the processor under load (and also). With this program you can find out information about the processor, random access memory and even a video card.

The programs listed above are more than enough to find out the processor temperature and check the processor itself for overheating under load. All these programs run under popular operating systems Windows systems 7, Windows XP and Windows 8. We hope our article turned out to be useful and informative, and now you know what the processor temperature should be, measured the temperature and it no longer exceeds permissible norm. Go to website!

  • Rustam

    I understand that there are no built-in programs from Windows? And these ones you offer are also suitable for laptops? Is there anything in Russian? Thanks in advance!!!

  • Rustam

  • Narek

    Hello, such a problem, before this everything was fine with the computer, but when I turn on the computer, go into the game, it loads and everything slows down. Interference begins to occur, when entering any game it slows down, and this interference, like when the channel does not show on TV, I watch a video in the browser, the same interference occurs, and when I put more load on it, the screen turns off and that’s it, I press reboot. I reinstalled Windows, I don’t know what the problem is.

  • Abdrakhman

    Hello my ASUS laptop K55D with IceCool cooling system. I bought it six months ago. When I go into the game, it gets very hot and it is impossible to put your hand on the table on which it is standing. The cooler spins either quickly or slowly and the game works well, then it starts to slow down. Can you tell me what is the reason for the heating and how to solve it. Thank you.

  • Marie

    On the laptop, the temperature rises to 50 degrees in half an hour, maybe higher, but I turn off the computer so that nothing happens. What can you do about it? Recently a shelf with books fell on the corner of the screen. And the liquid has most likely spread all over the screen; the image is there, but in spots. And the processor overheats.

  • Sergei

    Thank you for the article. I installed Core Temp. But it’s not clear what: even with a minimum load of 1 - 2%, the temperature shows from 60 to 62 Celsius. I make sure that the load on the processor is more than 80% - the temperature is around 70 degrees. Judging by the article, these are high temperatures that must be dealt with. However, there are no signs of slowing down. Yes, and I touch the processor with my hand - it’s not hot. In the summer I remember it got very hot when it was hot, but even then it didn’t slow down. And one more thing: what is Tj.Max? In the picture in the article there is 98 degrees, I have 100.

  • Sweezy

    Hello, such a problem.
    The computer is already 2 years old, and a month ago it started to shut down, I vacuumed it, looked through all the hardware, adjusted all the wires and everything became okay. And yesterday the same problem again, but this procedure does not help. I looked through the entire computer, in my opinion everything is normal, but I don’t know for sure. CPU temperature 29 degrees ( Core program Temp) I look in the BIOS, there CPU Temp: 41 System: 49 (as I read, this is the norm; above 60 it is considered that it is already heating up). I ask for your help friends

  • Sweezy

    I didn’t really understand point 4, what kind of memory sticks are they?
    I’ll try to do the 5th point, but I’m afraid that something will go wrong when assembling the computer.
    I will also do the 7th point soon

  • Max

    Hello, I have 2 problems. 1) when I start the game everything works fine, but as soon as I exit it everything starts to slow down terribly for 10-20 seconds, then it goes away. 2) sometimes when the game is powerful (battlefield4) it also slows down, but then the computer turns off with There is a blue screen and there is a report, what is this?

  • Sergey

  • Yuri

    please tell me, I recently bought a computer, suddenly for some reason some fan picks up speed on its own and the temperature rises and the computer reboots CPU 53 degrees and reboots in operating mode, but if I start playing then just a split second and turns off what should I do?
    I took it to the service the other day, but waiting for them to look at it for me for 45 days can drive me crazy, I think I can do something myself, I don’t care about the warranty anyway, they don’t really do anything, they’re just dragging their feet, tell me what can be done in my situation

  • Yuri Yurievich

    Good afternoon. Tell me, give me some advice. Before, like everyone else, everything was fine and there were no signs of trouble. A friend gave me a Chieftek 620w PSU, I had a 450w, I don’t remember the brand anymore. At the same time, he told me that he cleaned it of dust .played games without turning off and complaining about the power supply. About two months ago the cooler on the power supply behaved strangely, vibrating in a way that was not childish. Then it passed. I recently replaced that cooler with a brand new one. But now when I go to my favorites games, for example WORLD OF TANKS, the computer began to turn off, then immediately upon entering the game, then after a while. And it turned on, then itself (after about 20 seconds) it seemed to turn on, showed the BIOS screen and turned off. Without entering the games, being in Opera behavior The computer is absolutely normal, I listen to music, watch movies, everything is OK. But as soon as I play the game, the problem is the same again. The thermal paste was changed about 2 months ago. I reinstalled Windows today (April 10, 2014). Tell me, what could it be? what is the reason for the shutdown? Computer Parameters: M5A97PRO System board 3 strips of 2 GigabaTDDR3/video card NVIDIA GeForcegTX560TI (1024MB)/disk drive HD103SJ SatadiskDevice (1000GB, 7200 RPM, SATA-II)/SATA-II)/AMD Phenom2 x processor AMD PENOM2 6 1100T 3.3GHZ

  • Vlad

  • Rodion

  • Michael

  • operdak

  • Dundee

  • helen

    Good afternoon, please tell me, I have a HP pavilion d6 laptop, the fan has been humming very loudly since the day of sale (and has been like this for 3 years), then it hums (and the laptop is hot at the bottom) then it calms down and works quietly, but now this is very rare, even when the laptop turned on and I don't use it, the fan is still loud. The laptop does not stand on the table, but on a special laptop stand with holes along the entire length of the laptop. Please tell me where to start, what to download, so as not to pick up any additional viruses. thank you very much in advance.

  • helen

    Regarding the stand with fans, it didn’t help, because... when I connect it to the USB connector, it pulls from the laptop, and accordingly the laptop fan starts working even more intensely and makes noise ((refused

  • helen

  • helen

    thank you very much, model HP pavilion d6
    A4 vision AMD, Windows 7
    I looked through it and found that on HP you need to press F10, I'll try tomorrow, because... Today is not my day ((
    Thank you!

  • Dmitriy

    Tell me please. CPU AMD Athlon 64 x2 64 Dual Core Processor 4800+2?50 GHz.RAM 2.00 GB. In a quiet robot, the CPU load is from 1-14 percent, when I launch the browser it can jump to 90-100%, then drops to 25.35, or stays at 40.50%. In my opinion, there are no viruses, since I reinstalled the system and ran it with antiviruses. I look in the device manager, the Opera or other browser is loading the processor, but this was not the case before. I will say one thing, I haven’t changed the thermal paste during the process for 7 years, maybe this is the problem :)??? If I change thermal paste, it is better to apply the paste to the radiator, or to the percentage. Thank you.

  • Dmitriy

    Thanks a lot. I didn’t demolish the system, but I found viruses, changed the paste, but definitely not very well. Now the temperature
    min. 33 max. 59
    min. 47 max. 66, probably bad? :)))

  • Loheedze

  • Lusy

  • Lusy

    That's it, I've run out of ideas why the computer turns off =\
    I’ll write here, maybe someone else can advise.
    The computer turns off, does not reboot, but turns off, as if you were pressing skip/restart or whatever it is correctly... I vacuumed, checked the temperature, everything seems to be normal, nothing rises above 60g. Everything freezes smoothly.
    I bought the paste, changed it everywhere - on the processor, video card, and on motherboard- turns on =\
    I tried the RAM strips one by one, with no results.
    I reinstalled the support - everything also turns on. I don’t understand what else he needs =\
    Before pouring, there are no lags/slowdowns at all, everything works like a clock. The main thing that is not clear is that the computer turns on without any regularity at all, it can work all 24 hours and everything is fine, or it can turn off a couple of times, or even more, in half an hour... and in any of its activities, be it a game some kind or just simple.

  • Timur

    Hello! I have the same problem, I changed the power supply to a Zalmanovsky unit! Everything was fine, but then my wife noticed that while she was watching a movie, the computer turned off and after a few minutes she was only able to turn it on! What could it be?? and this is the second time it turns off when my wife is watching a movie on the Internet !I'm playing and it doesn't turn off
    what could it be