How to increase wifi distance. How to strengthen a Wi-Fi router signal and increase its range

Very often we have to increase the range of a Wi-Fi router in order to easily transfer data between several computers. There are many ways to solve this issue. And which method to choose is up to you.

Some modern Wi-Fi transmitters can connect an external antenna through a special connector. To choose it correctly, you need to know the frequency ranges at which the device operates. You can buy an antenna in stores that sell computers, or you can even make it yourself using the “Cantenna” type. It, like the Wi-Fi router, should be placed higher and facing your computer. You should also configure your PC. If you work with a laptop or netbook, then it is worth purchasing an external receiving device to replace the monitor built into the lid. It should be connected not directly, but via a USB extension cable. With the help of such a cable you can gain an extra five meters.

In addition, you can use the so-called “WokFi” system, where instead of a conventional antenna it is possible to connect a parabolic one, with which you can significantly increase the signal transmission range. To do it correctly, place the router at the focal point of the antenna, and take any metal object, such as a tray or basin, as a reflector. To connect, you will also need an N-type microwave cable.

The transmission range will also be affected by electrically conductive barriers, which can interrupt the signal completely, or dielectric barriers, which partially weaken the connection between devices. For example, in an office you should place the devices in the hallway, or to connect between two houses, place the devices near the windows. And for transmission between floors, we recommend using “Powerline” adapters, with the help of which the signal will be transmitted through electrical wiring. There are several other ways to increase the range of a router. For example, using equipment from one manufacturer for reception and transmission, installing several routers or a Wi-Fi repeater. You can also combine several of the methods described above.

And in conclusion, it should be said that it is illegal to increase the range of a Wi-Fi device with a power greater than 0.1 W (100 mW). It is also illegal to increase the signal range if you do not own the access point, even if they are free and publicly available.

I had an old netbook that was almost ten years old. And during the entire time of its use, I experienced a little discomfort, since it received Wi-Fi very poorly. I didn’t pay special attention to this fact until I got my hands on a laptop; the short one had simply excellent reception of even a weak signal.

The same router was caught differently on different machines: on my PC there was one division, and on the other laptop the full reception level. And then I started thinking.

Reworking the built-in antenna

After reading the forums, I learned that Wi-Fi antennas are located near the display. The first thing I decided to do was look at them.
I pulled out the plugs with a utility knife.

I unscrewed the screws and removed the front panel.

There were two antennas, which were located on the sides of the camera. They were made on a printed circuit board using the dipole principle.

There was a long wire leading to them that went around the perimeter of the display.

Further, it turned out that the built-in antenna was partially hidden under aluminum foil, which shielded the screen.

As a result:
  • The long cable caused significant attenuation.
  • The original antenna had terribly poor sensitivity.
  • Plus, it was partially covered by a screen, which simply ruined it.
Not surprisingly, given all these factors, the reception was very poor. I decided to remove the original modules and make a simple whip antenna, similar to router antennas.
You will need:
  • Round thin metal tube 25 mm long.
This is all. You will need 2 pieces, since there are two antennas.

We cut off the built-in modules to the root. We put on the phone. We place the future whip antenna approximately in the middle.

Next, we strip the braided screen of the wire to the tube and fluff up the tip.

The tube is compatible with the end of the braid.

Solder carefully without melting the central insulation of the middle core.

Now we cut the central wire at a distance of 25 mm from the beginning of the tube.

Our new antenna is ready. We do the same for the other one on the other side of the display.

And lo and behold! The sensitivity has increased and is no worse than that of another laptop.

Now you can throw away the old built-in antennas and enjoy normal computer operation.

This is a fairly simple way with which you can modify any laptop and increase its sensitivity, since native antennas may not always work well.
The most important thing is to strictly maintain the distance when making a homemade whip antenna. For any deviation even by a millimeter can significantly worsen its reception characteristics.

On Tp-Link routers, open the tab Wireless - Wireless Advanced. Paragraph Transmit Power allows you to adjust the signal strength. The High value means maximum power.

These settings will be more useful if you want, on the contrary, to reduce the signal strength of your Wi-Fi router.

How to increase the range of a Wi-Fi network using additional devices?

1 Installing a repeater, or setting up a second router in amplifier mode. Of all the recommendations that you will see here, or generally find on the Internet, this method is the most effective and reliable. True, you will have to spend money on a repeater.

Ordinary routers can act as a repeater. Here are the instructions for setting up ZyXEL and Asus routers in repeater mode:

If your Wi-Fi does not reach some rooms, then installing a repeater will solve this problem. And if you have a house with several floors, then you can install a router on the first floor, and a repeater on the second. Excellent and working scheme.

2 Changing the router antennas to more powerful ones. If your router has removable antennas, you can buy more powerful ones, and thereby slightly increase the coverage of your network. Why a little? Yes, because replacing antennas usually does not give a very good result. It is there, but not enough to increase the radius by several rooms. In any case, you will have to spend money on antennas. And it seems to me that this money would be much better spent on a repeater. Yes, it will cost more, but the benefits from it are much greater.

If you decide to change antennas, then take powerful ones with a gain of 8 dBi. But they are expensive, and several of these antennas will cost as much as a repeater.

I already wrote, you can see the results.

3 Buying a new router, switching to 5 GHz. You can buy a more powerful, expensive router. Better yet, a router that supports the 5 GHz band. What is the advantage of the 5 GHz range? It is practically free, now most all networks and other devices operate in the 2.4 GHz range. Less interference means more speed and greater network range.

There are places where a 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi network practically does not work. It glitches all the time, connection drops, low speed, etc. And all because there are so many different networks. In such cases, switching to 5 GHz solves all problems.

1 Select the correct location for your router. In fact, this is very good and effective advice. As a rule, everyone installs routers at the entrance, or in some distant rooms. The correct location of the router will allow the signal to be distributed correctly, thereby increasing the Wi-Fi range.

Simply put, you need to install the router as close to the center of the house as possible. Yes, this does not always work out, since you need to lay a cable to the router, and pulling it to the middle of the house is not very convenient. But even minor movements of the router can increase the network level in the rooms you need. Also, you need to remember that walls are the enemy of Wi-Fi networks.

2 Homemade amplifiers for Wi-Fi antennas. You can find many instructions that show how to make amplifiers for a router. As a rule, this is ordinary foil and tin cans. It turns out that if we place a sheet of foil on one side of the antenna, the signal will bounce off it and be directed in the direction we need.

I think this is all nonsense. Firstly, a cut beer can or a piece of foil on the back of the router doesn’t look very nice, and secondly, it has virtually no effect. You can check.

These are the tips. I think you have found a suitable way for yourself to increase the range of your Wi-Fi network. Share your tips in the comments!

IEEE 802.11. To some extent, the term Wi-Fi is synonymous with 802.11b, since 802.11b was the first standard in the IEEE 802.11 group of standards to become widespread. Today, however, the term Wi-Fi equally refers to any of the 802.11b, 802.11a, 802.11g, and 802.11n standards.
The Wi-Fi Alliance certifies Wi-Fi products to ensure that all 802.11 products placed on the market meet the standard's specifications. Unfortunately, 802.11a, which uses the 5GHz frequency, is not compatible with 802.11b/g, which uses the 2.4GHz frequency, so the market for Wi-Fi products remains fragmented. For our country, this is not relevant, since the use of equipment of the 802.11a standard requires special permission and it is not widely used here; moreover, the vast majority of devices that support the 802.11a standard also support the 802.11b or 802.11g standard, which allows us to consider All WiFi devices currently sold are relatively compatible. The new 802.11n standard supports both of these frequencies.

What equipment is needed to create a wireless network?

Each device participating in a wireless network requires what is also called a wireless network card. All modern PDAs, some, are already equipped with built-in wireless network adapters. However, in many cases, network adapters must be purchased separately to create a wireless network.
Popular network adapters for laptops have the PC Card (PCMCIA) form factor, respectively, for desktop computers there are models with a PCI interface, wireless USB adapters can be connected to both portable and desktop systems, for PDAs there are adapters with CompactFlash and SDIO interfaces .
To create a small wireless local network of two (in some cases, more) devices, it is enough to have the required number of network adapters. (They are required to support AdHoc mode).
However, if you want to increase the performance of your network, include more computers on the network, and extend the range of the network, you will need and/or.
The functions are similar to those of traditional wired routers. They are usually used in cases where a wireless network is created from scratch.
An alternative is that allows you to connect a wireless network to an existing wired network. are used, as a rule, to expand a network that already has a wired switch (switch) or. To build a home local network, just one is enough, which is quite capable of providing the required range. Office networks typically require multiple access points and/or routers.
Access points and network cards with a PCI interface, as a rule, can be used with more powerful antennas instead of standard ones, which significantly increases the communication range or coverage radius.

Adapters Other
Network of two wireless devices without connection to a local wired network 2 - Network adapters must support Ad-Hoc mode; in some cases, more than two devices can be networked this way.
Small home or office network of By number of devices 1 If you plan to connect wired devices to the local network, then you need an access point with the functionality of a router (Wireless Router).
Bridge between wired LANs - By the number of networks, if there are more than two, you need to make sure that the selected access points support Point-To-MultiPoint Bridge mode -
Organization of a large wireless office or corporate network By number of devices The quantity is selected based on the optimal coverage area and operating speed. Some access points can operate in repeater or WDS mode.

What is the standard range of a Wi-Fi network?

The range of your home Wi-Fi network depends on the type of wireless access point used or. Factors that determine the range of wireless access points include:

The type of protocol used is 802.11;
Total transmitter power;
Gain of the antennas used;
Length and attenuation in the cables that connect the antennas;
The nature of obstacles and interference in the signal path in a given area.

The range with standard antennas (2dBi gain) of popular access points and routers of the 802.11g standard, provided that they are connected to a device that has an antenna with the same gain, can be approximately estimated at 150 m in open areas and 50 m indoors, more accurate figures for different standards are given below in the table dedicated to the transmission speed.
Obstacles in the form of brick walls and metal structures can reduce the range of a Wi-Fi network by 25% or more. Because 802.11a uses higher frequencies than 802.11b/g standards, it is the most sensitive to various types of obstacles. The range of Wi-Fi networks that support 802.11b or 802.11g is also affected by interference from microwave ovens.
Another significant obstacle can be the foliage of trees, since it contains water that absorbs microwave radiation in this range. Heavy rain attenuates signals in the 2.4 GHz range with an intensity of up to 0.05 dB/km, dense fog introduces an attenuation of 0.02 dB/km, and in a forest (thick leaves, branches) the signal can attenuate with an intensity of up to 0.5 dB/meter.
You can increase the range of a Wi-Fi network by combining several wireless access points into a chain or by replacing the standard antennas installed on network cards with more powerful ones.
Approximate range and network speed can ideally be calculated using equipment-oriented D-Link, but the formulas and methods used there are suitable for any other.
When creating a radio bridge between two networks, you need to be aware of the fact that the space around the straight line drawn between the receiver and transmitter must be free of reflecting and absorbing obstacles within a radius comparable to 0.6 of the radius of the first Fresnel zone. Its size can be calculated based on the following formula:

In a real situation, the signal level at different distances from the transmitting device can be measured using.

What is networking in Infrastructure mode?

This mode allows you to connect a wireless network to a wired Ethernet network via a wireless access point. For connection to be possible, the wireless local area network (WLAN), wireless access point, and all wireless clients must use the same SSID (Service Set ID). Then you can connect to a wired network using a cable and thus provide wireless clients with access to wired network data. In order to expand the infrastructure and provide simultaneous access to the wired network to any number of wireless clients, you can connect additional access points to the wireless LAN.
The main advantages of networks organized in Infrastructure mode compared to networks organized in Ad-Hoc mode are their scalability, centralized protection and extended range. The downside, of course, is the cost of purchasing additional equipment, such as an additional access point.
, designed for home use, are always equipped with a built-in access point to support Infrastructure mode.

How fast can a wireless network be?

The speed of your wireless network depends on several factors.
The performance of wireless LANs is determined by which Wi-Fi standard they support. The maximum throughput can be offered by networks that support the 802.11n standard - up to 600 Mbit/s (using MIMO). The throughput of networks supporting the 802.11a or 802.11g standard can be up to 54 Mbps. (Compare with standard wired Ethernet networks, which have 100 or 1000 Mbps bandwidth.)
In practice, even with the highest possible signal level, the performance of Wi-Fi networks never reaches the above theoretical maximum. For example, the speed of networks supporting the 802.11b standard is usually no more than 50% of their theoretical maximum, i.e. approximately 5.5 Mbps. Accordingly, the speed of networks that support the 802.11a or 802.11g standard is usually no more than 20 Mbit/s. The reasons for the discrepancy between theory and practice are protocol coding redundancy, signal interference, and changes in the Hamming distance with changes in the distance between the receiver and transmitter. In addition, the more devices on the network simultaneously involved in data exchange, the proportionally lower the network bandwidth per device, which naturally limits the number of devices that make sense to connect to one access point or router (another limitation may be caused by the characteristics of operation of the built-in DHCP server, for devices from our range the final figure was in the range from 26 to 255 devices).
A number of manufacturers have released devices that support proprietary extensions of the 802.11b and 802.11g protocols, with a theoretical maximum operating speed of 22 Mbit/s and 108 Mbit/s, respectively, but a radical increase in speed compared to operation on standard protocols is currently not observed from them.

Protocol Frequency used Maximum theoretical speed Typical speed in practice Indoor communication range Communication range in open areas
802.11b 2.4GHz 11Mbit/sec 0.4MB/sec 38 140
802.11a 5GHz 54Mbps 2.3MB/sec 35 120
802.11g 2.4GHz 54Mbps 1.9MB/sec 38 140
802.11n 2.4GHz, 5GHz 600Mbit/sec 7.4MB/sec 70 250
In addition, the speed of any pair of devices drops significantly as the signal level decreases, so often the most effective way to increase the speed for remote devices is to use antennas with high gain.

Is wireless communication safe for health?

Recently, there has been a lot of talk in the media that prolonged use of wireless network devices can cause serious illnesses. However, to date, there is no scientific data that would confirm the assumption that microwave signals have a negative impact on human health.
Despite the lack of scientific data, we dare to suggest that wireless networks are safer for human health than mobile phones. The frequency range of a typical home wireless network is the same as that of microwave ovens, but microwave ovens and even cell phones are 100 to 1000 times more powerful than wireless network adapters and access points.
In general, one thing can be stated with confidence in this matter: the intensity of human exposure to microwave radiation from wireless networks is incomparably less than the impact of other microwave devices

The procedure for registering radio electronic devices is described in Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 12, 2004 No. 539 “On the procedure for registering radio-electronic equipment and high-frequency devices” and dated July 25, 2007 No. 476 On amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 12, 2004. No. 539 "On the procedure for registration of radio-electronic equipment and high-frequency devices"

According to Resolution N 476 of July 25, 2007, user (terminal) radio access equipment (wireless access) in the radio frequency band 2400 - 2483.5 MHz with a transmitting device radiation power of up to 100 mW inclusive is EXCLUDED from the list of radio electronic equipment and high-frequency devices subject to registration. We remind you that the standard transmitter power of all currently sold consumer WiFi devices is within this figure, and the installation of any antennas that do not have active elements does not increase it.

Access Point Mode(Access Point) - Access Point mode is designed for wireless connection to laptops, desktops and PDAs. Wireless clients can access the access point only in Access Point mode.

Access Point Client/Wireless Client Mode(Wireless Client) - AP Client or Wireless Client mode allows an access point to become a wireless client of another access point. Essentially, in this mode, the access point performs the functions of a wireless network adapter. You can use this mode to exchange data between two access points. Communication between the wireless card and the access point is not possible in Access Point Client / Wireless Client Mode.

Point-to-Point / Wireless Bridge(Wireless Point-to-Point Bridge) - Point-to-Point / Wireless Bridge mode allows a wireless point to communicate with another access point that supports point-to-point wireless bridge mode. However, keep in mind that most manufacturers use their own original settings to activate Wireless Bridge mode. Typically, this mode is used to wirelessly connect equipment in two different buildings.
Wireless clients cannot communicate with the access point in this mode.

Point-to-Multipoint / Multi-point Bridge(Wireless point-to-multipoint bridge) - Point-to-Multi-point / Multi-point Bridge mode is similar to Point-to-point / Wireless Bridge mode with the only difference being that it allows the use of more than two access points. Wireless clients also cannot communicate with the access point in this mode.

Repeater Mode(Repeater) - Operating in wireless repeater mode, the access point extends the range of the wireless network by repeating the signal from the remote access point. In order for an access point to perform the functions of a wireless range extender for another access point, it is necessary to specify the Ethernet MAC address of the remote access point in its configuration. In this mode, wireless clients can exchange data with.

WDS(Wireless Distribution System) - allows you to simultaneously connect wireless clients to points operating in Bridge (point-to-point bridge) or Multipoint Bridge (point-to-multipoint bridge) modes, but this reduces the operating speed.

All access points currently sold are easily configured via a web interface, for which you need to access the specific IP address specified in the documentation for the device when connecting them to your network for the first time. (In some cases, special TCP/IP protocol settings will be required on the computer used to configure the access point or also specified in the documentation) Equipment from many manufacturers is also equipped with special software to make the setup procedure easier for users. The specific information necessary to configure the router to work with your provider can almost always be found on the provider’s website.

Initially, to ensure security in 802.11 networks, the algorithm was used WEP(Wired Equivalent Privacy), which included an RC4 encryption algorithm with a 40-bit or 104-bit key and a means of distributing keys between users, but in 2001 a fundamental vulnerability was found in it, allowing one to gain full access to the network for a finite (and very short time) regardless of the key length. It is strictly not recommended for use at this time.

Therefore, in 2003, a wireless certification program called WPA(Wi-Fi Protected Access), which eliminated the shortcomings of the previous algorithm. Since 2006, all WiFi devices are required to support the new standard WPA2, which differs from WPA by supporting a more modern encryption algorithm AES with a 256-bit key. WPA also introduced a mechanism to protect transmitted data packets from interception and falsification. It is this combination (WPA2/AES) that is now recommended for use in all closed networks.

WPA has two modes for authorizing users on a wireless network - using a RADIUS authorization server (targeted at corporate users and large networks, not covered in this FAQ) and WPA-PSK(Pre Shared Key), which is proposed for use in home networks, as well as in small offices.

In this mode, password authorization (from 8 to 64 characters long) is performed on each network node (access point, router or computer emulating their operation; the password itself is pre-set from the access point settings menu or in another way specific to your equipment).

Also, many modern household Wi-Fi devices use the Wi-Fi Protected Setup mode ( WPS), also called Wi-Fi Easy Setup, where client authorization on the access point is carried out using a special button or by entering a pin code unique to the device.

For cases when a fixed set of equipment is used on the network (i.e., for example, a bridge created using two access points or a single laptop connected to the wireless segment of the home network), the most reliable way is to restrict access by MAC address (a unique address for of each Ethernet device, both wired and wireless, in Windows for all network devices these addresses can be read in the Physical Address column after issuing the ipconfig /all command) by entering a list of MAC addresses of “your” devices in the access point menu and selecting access permission to the network only to devices with addresses from this list.

Also, any wireless network has a unique identifier - SSID(service set identifier), which is actually displayed as the name of the network when viewing the list of available networks, which is set when setting up the one being used (or a device replacing it). When you disable broadcasting (broadcast), the SSID network will appear to users browsing available networks as nameless, and to connect you need to know both the SSID and password (in the case of using WPA-PSK, however, disabling the SSID in itself does not make the network more resistant to unauthorized penetration from outside.

What is the radius of wifi coverage, what distance does it cover and how to increase it? These questions worry everyone who is faced with organizing a WiFi network. Today we’ll talk about ways to increase the range of a wifi router and the characteristics of the main devices when organizing a wireless network - a router and a receiver - which you should pay attention to first of all when purchasing them.

Why do you need to increase the distance of your wifi router?

For a standard city apartment, the simplest router and the adapter built into the laptop are sufficient for stable network operation. However, it may be necessary to increase the coverage radius if you want, for example, to create a single local network with a neighbor living in the house opposite. Or if you live in a private house and want to network a house and, for example, a garage or a summer kitchen. In this case, you will have to take a closer look at the characteristics of the devices or even use some other devices that increase the range of wifi coverage.

Range of wifi router and adapter

I have already said that for safety and for good reception, the router should be located in the center of the apartment, next to the receiving device and, if possible, away from devices that create interference. But like any electronic device, each model has its own characteristics that can affect the operation, in our case, the “firing range”. As a rule, the specifications for each product, be it a router or a receiver (wifi adapter), that we are talking about today, indicate how far it operates in open space under ideal conditions. But these data are just a theory, but in reality they are simply unattainable.

The easiest way to determine signal quality is by the characteristics of the antennas that the devices are equipped with - one for transmitting the signal, the other for receiving. Antennas can be either hidden, built-in, or external, screwed onto the device itself. Antenna power is measured in DBI. The higher its value, the more powerful the antenna.

Below is a sample USB adapter-receiver with an included external antenna.

If you have noticed, there are models of routers and adapters that have several antennas - two or even three. Using several pieces, you can significantly increase the reception range of the wifi adapter and the distance of the wifi router. That is, a unit equipped with one 8 dbi antenna will broadcast weaker than a model of a higher level and cost, equipped with 2 or 3 8 dbi antennas.

When choosing a receiver, also look at the values ​​of the “Receiving mode” parameter - the higher it is, the better the reception.

Ways to increase wifi range

However, this will not be enough if we are talking about a decent distance of up to 100-150 meters. In this case, some additional methods will help us ensure the desired range of the wifi signal, which will be discussed in other articles:

5. Use of equipment from the same manufacturer on all network devices.

6. Router amplifier

7. Combining several methods

It has now become normal for a house to have several computers and devices, as well as smartphones and TVs that need to be connected to the World Wide Web. To provide all devices with a high-quality Internet connection, it is advisable to use a powerful WiFi router. But not all routers advertised by numerous manufacturers are able to fully satisfy the user's needs. This article outlines all the criteria for choosing the right powerful and high-quality WiFi router for a large house or apartment.

How to make the best choice?

Most people purchasing WiFi routers focus all their attention only on the number of antennas on the supposedly best and most powerful WiFi router and on its cost.

And in some ways they are right, because a powerful router usually has several antennas that serve to ensure a stable connection, but the power of the device is influenced not only by the number of antennas. First, you should understand the differences between routers of different price segments. In addition to ensuring a good wireless signal at home, it is also advisable not to overpay for unnecessary functionality of the device.

Wi-Fi routers with a long range

Obviously, when living in a large cottage or house, you have to pay attention to powerful devices with the maximum possible range. At the same time, you should think about purchasing a more powerful adapter for your PC or laptop. It is necessary to immediately draw the attention of such people to one unpleasant fact: already on the box of the router it is usually indicated that the device operates in full compliance with the international requirements of “ISO IEEE 802.11”. This means that the vast majority of routers have a maximum range of 0.15 km, and this is in the absence of any obstacles in the path of the wireless signal, and in a home or apartment this figure drops to fifty meters.

Main criteria when purchasing a router

We list the following main criteria that you need to focus on when purchasing a device:

  1. Antennas and broadcast area. The first ones are produced in 2 types of execution: 1) built into the device and 2) external. Of course, outdoor ones have a better signal;
  2. Wireless signal standards and data transfer rates. It is recommended to purchase a device of the 802.11n standard, and in order to work comfortably on the Internet, you must choose a router with a speed no less than that supplied to the user by the Internet provider;
  3. \*Brand of equipment. Despite the banal sound of the criterion, the brand plays an important role in the quality of the purchased router, since during subsequent operation, as a rule, problems occur less often with them and, most importantly, devices from famous brands of manufacturers are easier to update with software.*\ Current firmware ensures stable functionality of the device and allows you to avoid many failures.

List of the best equipment

Many people are not able to purchase the most expensive router with a huge number of different features, but even in the not the most expensive lines of routers there are high-quality models with an optimal set of functions and the strength of the transmitted wireless signal.

Inexpensive devices with optimal quality

Below is the main list of currently optimal devices in terms of price, functionality, data transfer speed and quality of the filling.

Despite its simplicity, the device has good power and wide capabilities. Provides speeds of up to 150 Mbit/s, which is enough for active use at home or in an apartment.

The device operates in the most common data transfer protocols and supports dynamic and static IP. It has a firewall that protects against infection of the user’s devices with malicious software. The device is equipped with an external antenna with a significant range.

It is also a representative of the Link brand, but is equipped with 2 antennas, which provides a Wi-Fi coverage area with a radius of at least 150 meters with direct visibility.

Speed ​​- up to 300 Mbit/s. The available four LAN connectors will allow you to organize a network of several PCs at home.

This router has the ability to use 3G mobile Internet and is also equipped with 1 additional USB connector.

Comes with two antennas. Supports interactive television IPTV.

Powerful, mid-priced devices

For this router you will have to pay at least 4,000 rubles, but it is already equipped with 1 Gbit Internet ports and a powerful processor. Speed ​​up to 300 Mbit/s.

It has two antennas and a Wi-Fi coverage area with a radius of at least 150 meters with direct visibility.

Despite the built-in antennas, the device has a good signal. It operates in two bands (2.4 and 5 Gh) and works in all popular protocols. But the cost is already slightly higher and amounts to at least 4,500 rubles.

If the user is interested not only in functionality, but also in the appearance of the device, then the manufacturer offers this device in different colors. Like the previous one, the router works successfully in 2 bands. The speed can reach 1167 Mbit/s. Cost about 3300 rub.

The most powerful

When purchasing a router from this category, you will have to pay at least 6,000 rubles.

Price from 7000 rub. It has 3 antennas, which is guaranteed to cover the owner’s large home with a high-quality signal. Can operate in 2 frequency ranges. Speed ​​up to 0.9 Gbit/s. Equipped with a huge number of different features, for example, it can organize a separate guest network, it is possible to control consumed traffic, parental controls, etc.

Among home router models, this brand is rightly called “top-end”, but its price starts from 15,000 rubles. Of all those present in our description, this is the most powerful home router. Equipped with 4 antennas.

The manufacturer claims a Wi-Fi coverage area of ​​465 square meters. Speed ​​- up to 2.3 Gbit/s. Has a dual-core processor. And absolutely all the features indicated for the routers described above.

A little trick for the router user

You can increase the signal strength, even on a device of a low price category, through the control panel, where you need to specify the country “USA” in the router settings in the “Location” section. In this country, there are slightly different laws and requirements for Wi-Fi power, which already corresponds to a range of 0.25 km in the absence of any obstacles in the path of the wireless signal, and in a home or apartment this figure drops only to seventy-five meters. By adjusting the settings in the control panel and restarting the device, the user immediately notices a significant increase in Wi-Fi coverage and power.

Note: A router that is too powerful and extends its range beyond legal requirements may interfere with other networks. Therefore, government officials have the right to confiscate such a device.

Please note that some software may be presented in the form of demo versions and have shareware distribution.

Finally, let's make a retreat. One of our customers, having familiarized himself with our device, was very surprised by its possible use and wrote to us - you have made equipment for WiFi theft!

Of course, an attacker can use the “WiFi Agent” for illegal purposes. But, with the same success, one can blame the ax sellers for the fact that the new “Raskolnikov” will buy an ax and attack the old money-lender. And dishware sellers are generally accomplices of criminals. There are knives, rolling pins, and a terrible weapon - a cast-iron frying pan.

In light of recent laws, it should be noted that our device does not contain any cryptographic encryption tools and is not a WiFi router. The “WiFi Agent” USB WiFi adapter with a directional antenna does not use any means to hack other people’s networks and does not make the process of “theft” one iota easier than a standard laptop WiFi adapter.

We believe that the issue of using any devices within the framework of the law is the direct responsibility of the consumer. Therefore, of course, when performing any action, it is always necessary to remember the legal side of the issue.

We recommend using “WiFi Agent” in situations where the standard WiFi adapter of your laptop or PC receives a low-level WiFi network signal, as well as in cases when you need to use your WiFi network while being at a great distance from the router.

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