How to install a program with a distribution kit. Distribution: what is it? Examples of OS and program distributions

Let's consider a very important topic for beginners: how to use the update site, as well as download and install 1C distributions. I suggest immediately “rushing into battle” and moving on to practice. Open the website and go to the “Program Update” section, or go straight to the website. If you are asked for a login and password during the transition, but you don’t know where to get this data, you can read the article, or contact your service organization on 1C and request this data there. After going to the update site, a table will open with those available for download. program files. Here you are interested in sections with the technology platform and the names of your configuration.

The second column of the table shows the latest version on this moment release, in the third the release date of this release. The remaining columns contain information about upcoming releases.

Installing the 1C technology platform

Let's start the debriefing with the Technology Platform. For now current version platforms with the prefix "8.3". Older versions "8.2" and younger are no longer supported; "8.4" is still in the deep alpha testing stage. And so, if you need to update the platform, then we do the following. Click on the line “Technology platform 8.3”. You will see a list of all available versions.

Click on the most latest version. A window will open with distribution kits for different operating systems. Select "Technological platform 1C:Enterprise for Windows".

Click on the only line “Download distribution”. The download will begin. After downloading, unpack the downloaded archive by right-clicking on it (if you don’t have WinRAR to unpack, you can use free program ).

In the unpacked folder, run the “setup” file.

The installation wizard will open. Click "Next".

The list of installed components can be left as default; click “Next” again.

Click “Install” and wait until all the necessary files are installed. The process usually takes a few minutes.

Then you will see a window asking you to install a protection driver, uncheck this box. Click "Next", then "Finish".

Your technology platform has been updated. You can verify this by going to your database and clicking on the right top corner icon

The platform version will be displayed at the very top of the window that opens.

Installing update distributions for 1C configuration

Update distributions are downloaded and installed according to the same principle as the platform. The only thing is, let's immediately specify the folder for updates. The fact is that by default updates are installed in custom folder, which is not entirely convenient. The folder can be named whatever you like and created in any place convenient for you; in our example, the path will be “D:\1c\1c updates”. Launch the 1C shortcut on the desktop and click “Settings” on the right.

Click on green icon plus in the "Configuration template and update directories" section and specify the path to the updates folder "D:\1c\1c updates". After adding, the path will appear in the same section. Click "OK".

The preparatory stage is done, now let's look at what updates need to be downloaded. We return to the site and click on the name of your configuration.

Let's look at the example of "Enterprise Accounting 3.0" (naturally, you will have the name of your configuration). Click on this line, you will see a list of all available releases.

In any operating system, there are 4 main parts: the kernel, the file structure, the user command interpreter and utilities. The kernel is the core, defining part of the OS that controls the hardware and execution of programs. File structure is a system for storing files on storage devices. A command interpreter or shell is a program that organizes user interaction with a computer. And finally, utilities are easy individual programs, which, generally speaking, are no fundamentally different from other programs launched by the user, except for their main purpose - they perform service functions.

As mentioned above, to be precise, the word "Linux" refers only to the kernel. Therefore, when talking about an operating system, it would be more correct to say “an operating system based on the Linux kernel.” The Linux OS kernel is developed under general management Linus Torvalds and is freely distributed (based on GPL licenses), as well as a huge amount of other software, utilities and application programs. One of the consequences of the free distribution of software for Linux was that a large number of different firms and companies, as well as simply independent groups of developers, began to produce so-called Linux distributions.

A distribution is a set of software that includes all 4 main components of the OS, i.e. the kernel, the file system, the shell and a set of utilities, as well as a certain set of application programs. Typically, all programs included in a Linux distribution are distributed under the terms of the GPL, so it may seem that the distribution can be released by anyone, or rather by anyone who is not too lazy to assemble a collection of free software. And there is some degree of plausibility in such a statement. However, the distribution developer must at least, create an installation program that will install the OS on a computer that does not yet have any OS. In addition, it is necessary to resolve interdependencies and inconsistencies between different packages (and package versions), which, as we will see later, is also a non-trivial task. However, there are already more than a hundred different Linux distributions, and new ones appear all the time.

History of distributions

Linux - kernel

In 1991, Linus Torvalds, a Finnish student, became extremely interested in the idea of ​​​​writing a UNIX-compatible kernel (see Figure 1) operating system for your personal computer with a processor, which has become very widespread Intel architecture 80386. The prototype for the future kernel was the MINIX operating system: a UNIX-compatible operating system for personal computers that booted from floppy disks and fit into the very limited memory of a personal computer at that time. MINIX was created by Andrew Tanenbaum as an educational operating system that demonstrated the architecture and capabilities of UNIX, but was not suitable for full-fledged use from a programmer's point of view. It was Linus Torvalds who wanted to make a full-fledged kernel for his PC. He gave the name to his core freax, but later it was changed by the owner ftp server on Linux - a hybrid of the name of the creator and the word UNIX.

UNIX compatibility at this point meant that the operating system had to support POSIX standard. POSIX is a functional model compatible with UNIX operating system a system that describes how the system should behave in a given situation, but does not provide any instructions on how this should be implemented in software. POSIX described those features of UNIX-compatible systems that were common to different implementations of UNIX at the time the standard was created. In particular, POSIX describes system calls, which must be processed by an operating system compatible with this standard.

The most important role in the development of Linux was played by global computer networks Usenet and Internet. In the very early stages, Linus Torvalds discussed his work and difficulties with other developers in the comp.os.minix Usenet newsgroup about the MINIX operating system. Linus's key decision was to publish the source code of the still ineffective first version of the kernel under the free GNU GPL license. Thanks to this and the increasingly widespread Internet networks many people got the opportunity to independently compile and test this kernel, participate in the discussion and correction of errors, and also send corrections and additions to the source code of Linus. Now more than one person was working on the kernel, development went faster and more efficiently.

In 1992, the Linux kernel reached version 0.95, and in 1994 version 1.0 was released, indicating that the developers finally felt that the kernel as a whole was complete and all the bugs had (theoretically) been fixed. Nowadays, Linux kernel development is a much larger community effort than in the pre-1.0 days. The role of Linus Torvalds himself has also changed: now he is not the main developer, but the most authoritative member of the community, traditionally assessing the quality of the source code that should be included in the kernel and giving his approval for their inclusion. However, the general model of free development by the community remains.

However, just as you cannot make an operating system without a kernel, the kernel will be useless without utilities that use its capabilities. Thanks to the GNU project, Linus Torvalds immediately had the opportunity to use free utilities with Linux: bash, gcc compiler, tar, gzip and many other already known and widely used applications that could work with its UNIX-compatible kernel. So Linux immediately found itself in a good environment and, in combination with GNU utilities, represented a very interesting environment for software developers even at a very early stage of its development. The fundamental step forward was precisely that from the Linux kernel and GNU utilities and applications, for the first time it became possible to make a completely free operating system, that is, to work with a computer and, moreover, to develop new software using only free software. Stallman's ideal of completely non-commercial development could now be realized. Soon theoretical possibilities for realizing the ideal appeared, but this did not mean its immediate practical implementation. The compatibility of Linux and GNU utilities was due to the fact that both were written with a focus on the same standards and practices. However, this practice (that is, having many different UNIX systems) left a lot of room for incompatibility and various solutions. Therefore, at the initial stage of kernel development, each earned Linux application GNU was another achievement for Linus. Bash and gcc were the first. Thus, the combination of GNU and Linux made it possible to create a free operating system, but did not itself constitute such a system, because Linux and the various GNU utilities remained disparate software products written by different people who did not always take into account what others were doing . The main property of any system is the consistency of its components.

The emergence of distributions

After a certain period of development, a number of the most important GNU utilities were already working stably on Linux. The compiled Linux kernel with a small set of GNU utilities already compiled on Linux constituted a set of tools for a software developer who wanted to use a free operating system on his or her computer. personal computer. In such form of Linux it was no longer only suitable for developing Linux, but also represented an operating system in which it was already possible to perform some application tasks. Of course, the first thing you could do on Linux was write programs in C.

When the task of getting a computer with a Linux system constantly running on it became popular and quite common, developers at the universities of Helsinki and the University of Texas created their own sets of floppy disks, from which the compiled kernel and basic utilities could be written to a hard drive, and then the operating system could be loaded directly from it. These sets of floppy disks became the first prototypes of modern Linux distributions - software packages on the basis of which you can get a working operating system on your computer. It should be noted that the Linux distribution from the very beginning included software products GNU. In fact, whenever it says “Linux operating system,” it means “Linux kernel and GNU utilities.” The Free Software Foundation recommends calling it the Linux operating system.

However, copy everything necessary programs on the hard drive is not yet enough to get one suitable for the user's needs operating environment(even if it is a very professional user). Therefore, the first sets of floppy disks can only be conditionally called distributions. To get a working operating system, you need some special means installation and configuration of software. It is the presence of such tools that distinguishes modern Linux distributions. Other the most important task distribution - regular update. Software, especially free software, is one of the fastest growing areas, so installing Linux once is not enough, you also need to update it regularly. The first distribution in modern understanding, which became widespread was Slackware, created by P. Volkerding. It was widely known among Linux users by 1994.

Despite the fact that with the advent of the first distributions Linux installation no longer requires independent compilation of all programs from source texts, using Linux remained the lot of developers: a user of an operating system with it at that period of its development could engage almost exclusively in programming. At least in order to solve other everyday applied tasks in it (for example, reading Email, writing articles, etc.), he had to first spend some time programming and even developing the Linux systems to create the appropriate application programs for yourself or make them work on Linux.

All Linux software was open source, so soon more and more Linux applications began to appear, which were used by a larger community, making them more reliable and gaining new functionality. Ultimately, the idea arises that Linux and GNU applications for Linux, through the focused efforts of a small group of developers, can be made into complete operating systems suitable for a very wide range of users and sell these systems to users for money as an analogue and alternative to existing proprietary operating systems.

The benefit of an operating system consisting entirely of free software is obvious - those who assemble this system do not have to pay anyone for the programs included in it. Moreover, further development and updating of existing programs is also carried out by the developer community completely free of charge; there is no need to pay employees to do this. As a result, the costs of a company assembling a Linux distribution for a user are limited to paying programmers who integrate disparate applications into the system and writing programs to standardize installation and system configuration procedures in order to make these tasks easier for an untrained user, as well as the costs of self-publishing the resulting distribution. For the end buyer, this means a fundamental reduction in the price of the operating system.

First successful company Red Hat, which appeared in 1995, worked according to this scheme. Red Hat addressed its developments not only to professional programmers, but also to ordinary users and system administrators for whom a computer is primarily an office tool workplace or production server. Focusing on existing offers on the market for this class of users, Red Hat has always paid great attention to developing applications with graphical interface to perform typical system setup and administration tasks. Red Hat's business developed quite successfully; in 1999, the company went public - immediately after the issue, the shares grew in price very vigorously, but then the excitement died down. Currently, Red Hat's share of the Linux servers and workstations market is very large. Thanks to Red Hat in the community Linux users The RPM package format has become very widespread.

Almost simultaneously with Red Hat, the Debian project appeared. Its goal was roughly the same - to make a coherent distribution of Linux and GNU free software, but this project was conceived as a fundamentally non-commercial one, carried out by a community of developers, the norms of interaction in which would be fully consistent with the ideals of free software. The Debian developer community is international, whose members interact via the Internet, and the rules of interaction between them are determined by special documents - policies. policy).

The developer community does not make any profit from the sale of Debian, its versions are freely distributed, available on the Internet, and can also be distributed on hard media (CD, DVD), but even in this case their price rarely greatly exceeds the cost of the media and the markup that recoups the cost of publication . Debian's development was initially sponsored by the Free Software Foundation. The target audience for Debian distributions has always been primarily professional users, one way or another connected with academic software development, who are ready to read the documentation and organize with their own hands the necessary system profile that corresponds specifically to their tasks. Orientation towards such an audience predetermined some trends in the development of Debian: it never had an abundance of “simple” graphical tools for setting up the environment, all kinds of “wizards”, but a lot of attention was always paid to the means of consistent and uniform integration of software into unified system. It was Debian that introduced the package manager (APT). Currently, Debian is the most popular Linux distribution among users who are IT professionals.

Whenever free software is in demand, many alternative solutions immediately arise - this is what happened with Linux distributions. After 1995, a huge number of commercial companies and free communities, which set themselves the task of preparing and releasing Linux distributions. Each of them has its own characteristics, its own the target audience, your priorities. To date, several leaders have emerged on the distribution market that offer more or less universal solutions and are the most widely known and used. In addition to the already mentioned Red Hat and Debian, among the distributions aimed at the average user, the German SuSE and the French Mandriva (until 2005 - Mandrake) should be mentioned, among those addressed to specialists - Gentoo. But in addition to the “big” players in the distribution market, there are a much larger number of less common distributions. Now a user who wants to install Linux is faced with the question of choosing a distribution. Selection criteria - and tasks that are supposed to be solved with using Linux, and the level of user training, and technology, and upcoming contacts with the community that is developing the distribution.

Operating system distribution

An operating system distribution is a form of distribution of system software. Distributions exist because the form of software used to distribute it is almost never the same as the form of software on the running system.

The distribution usually contains programs for initial system initialization (hardware initialization, loading a stripped-down version of the system and launching the installer program), an installer program (for selecting installation modes and parameters) and a set special files, containing individual parts of the system (so-called packages).

The installation program also allows you to initial setup systems.

Distribution characteristics:

distribution policy

a document regulating by whom and how the distribution is developed, on what basis the software is included in it, what are the requirements (for placement in file system, interaction with other components of the distribution, etc.) are presented to the packages

bootloader program

hardware initialization, booting (usually) a stripped-down version of the system, media initialization


selecting installation options and packages to install

initial configuration program

initial system configuration

package management program

installing packages on a running system, updating packages, etc.

package sets

availability of programs, necessary for the user, distribution specialization ( general purpose, rescue, “live”, micro, etc., as well as focus on solving specific problems - cluster distributions, distributions for specific areas of science, etc.)


technical, administrative, financial and other solutions underlying the distribution, availability of user support


user competence, mutual assistance, exchange of experience among users

other characteristics

ease of installation and security, ease of configuration, longevity, stability of distribution development, paid distribution, etc.

Let's say you once heard a word like distribution, it doesn’t matter where - whether on the Internet, or from users, but the fact is that you don’t know the meaning of this word. We will talk about this in detail today.

So what is a distribution?

Distribution is a file or several files that contain various instructions intended for installing a program. In simple words this is installation file or program files.

For example, it might look like this: You downloaded some program that was packaged in rar or zip archive, then you unpack all the files in this archive and get a folder containing many various files. All together this can be called a distribution kit. Also, there are distributions packaged in ISO formats, which are also quite easy to unpack.

And in general, why all these difficulties with distribution kits and a bunch of files?

And everything is really simple. When installing a program from an installation file (distribution), the files are distributed according to certain folders, data is also written to the registry, so when installing a program, distribution kits are very important.

And by the way, the distribution kit and the program itself are two different things.

When we run the distribution installation file, most often the installation window will launch, which will help with installing the program. The installation wizard can check whether all conditions are met to install the program. This can be a check of the computer resources for running the application, as well as a check of the system requirements.

Therefore, with the help of a distribution kit, we can configure, for example, the program language, interface, and some additional files that need to be installed.

Typically the distribution has the extension exe or msi and consists of one file. They can be downloaded from the Internet, they weigh a little from several megabytes or more. This file has installation instructions and by launching it, all the necessary files will already be downloaded from the Internet.

For example, browser distribution Google Chrome weighs almost 1 MB and all other files are downloaded from the Internet and then installed.

Another example. Existing operating systems various programs, such as Photoshop or 3D Max have a large number of files - all this is called a distribution. These folders with many files usually contain a file Install.exe or Setup.exe, which launches the distribution installer.

How to run the distribution?

As I said above, the distribution has a file called Install.exe or Setup.exe. Launch it and the installation will begin.

Today there is a new interesting format for launching programs called Portable. The good thing about it is that upon startup the desired file, the program will already work and you don't need to install anything. This is very convenient, because such a program can be transferred to a flash drive and used on any computer directly from the flash drive.

Finally, I would like to say an important thing. When installing the program, it is advisable not to move it installed files or folders to another location, because of this, it most likely will not work. And all because the entries in the registry will not be found, therefore, you should not only not move files to another location, but also copy, for example, an already installed program from one computer to another, as most likely it will not work either work, but there are exceptions.

I think it’s worth ending here. I also advise you not to delete the distribution after installation, because it may come in handy, but that’s up to you to decide.

At the moment when a novice user approaches the process of installing and uninstalling programs. The word “distribution” itself comes from the English “distribute”, which in translation sounds like “distribution”, “to distribute”. In relation to a computer, the concept of a distribution kit means distributing a program for its installation (installation) in the form of packaged files (or a single file). You need to understand that the program itself and its distribution are two different things.

What is the difference between a distribution and a program?

A program distribution is a set of files (package) of the program itself, in a certain way, files with instructions for the operating system (where and what to install) and an installer file, which is a kind of instruction for the user, the so-called installation wizard, which will help you step by step through the entire process installing the program.

When you run the installer, your computer is checked for compliance with the program being installed (whether there is enough space, performance, availability of the necessary additional software, operating system version, etc.). If all conditions are met, the process itself begins, where the installation wizard, with the help of messages and prompts, will guide the user until the very end of the installation. During the installation process, all settings of the installed program are written to a special operating system database, the so-called “registry”. Without entries in the registry, the program will either not work at all or will work with errors.

Based on this, the folder with installed application You can’t just take it to another folder or to another computer - it simply won’t be able to work normally or won’t work at all. Although there are exceptions in the form of the so-called portable programs, working without installation, but complex and multifunctional applications require full installation from the distribution kit.

For better understanding You can give an example with cabinet furniture, which is sold (distributed) disassembled and packaged. For example, packaged cabinet elements can be called distribution files. To install the cabinet, you unpack its structures, and then, checking the attached assembly instructions (installation wizard), assemble the furniture for installation in the right place. Moreover, you have previously determined the installation location and accordingly selected the dimensions of the cabinet, based on which, moving the assembled structure to another place will be problematic due to the inappropriate dimensions of the place or cabinet itself (by analogy with moving installed program to another location or computer).

The word “distribution” is often found on sites dedicated to the Linux operating system. For many, this concept is not particularly clear. Thus, I will try to dwell on this issue in order to bring some clarity.

Firstly, I would like to tell you what a distribution kit is...

So, a distribution is a collection of programs (packages), a certain set of utilities, assembled together on the core of the system. Linux kernel is released centrally, and the Linux distribution, with certain knowledge and skills, can be assembled by anyone either from scratch or based on an existing distribution... Currently, there are a huge variety of distributions of the Linux operating system. Of this set, there are a number produced by commercial companies on a commercial basis, however, for the most part, distribution kits are distributed freely under the terms of a GPL license. Thus, the user has the opportunity to choose any of the distributions he likes, or, as already mentioned, subject to knowledge and skills, he can assemble his own system to his liking.

Theoretically (and for some practically) you can do without a distribution kit, for which you will need to download all the components future system: core, system utilities, software packages you need specifically for yourself, window managers, libraries and compilers, etc. Then all this will need to be compiled and installed on the system. We also need to remember about the interdependence of many kits from each other... In general, the system itself can be assembled without a distribution kit, however, why reinvent the wheel if everything was invented long ago before us?

Secondly, the question arises: what is the difference between one distribution and another?

The main difference is in the installation program and the initial configuration of the Linux operating system. In most cases, distributions, regardless of version, contain the most compatible and inheritable packages of programs and settings in order to maintain compatibility between versions, although some distributions are very difficult to update... In my opinion, this is a big omission and a minus for this assembly...

The next difference in the set of utilities and packages is the purpose and quantity. If desired, you can find minimalist distributions, the size of which allows them to be placed on several floppy disks. Usually these are intended for some narrow administrative purposes. And there are also huge universal assemblies that take up at least one DVD. Most distribution kits occupy one CD, most often (this trend emerged not so long ago) allowing the system to be booted without installation on HDD. This technique is called LiveCD (live compact disc). In addition, distributions differ in application areas: some are intended for use on servers, while others are for desktop systems and laptops.

Basic tools, applications and utilities are included in distribution kits in the form of ready-to-install software packages. This is also a difference between distributions: dependence on the package format. These are mainly: RPM (Red Hat format), DEB (Debian format) and TGZ (Slackware format). Some distributions have created their own package formats, however, for the most part, the three above formats “rule” the world of Linux distributions :)

DEB distributions

Deb is an extension of the file names of “binary” packages for installing, updating and uninstalling software in the Debian project operating system, as well as other Linux distributions that use dpkg as a package management system.

Deb, by the way, is part of the word Debian, which, in turn, got its name from Debra, the wife of the founder of this distribution, Ian Murdoch, as well as Ian from, in fact, his name.

Here are distributions that use the package format .deb and package manager dpkg, - actually Debian, Knoppix, MEPIS, Ubuntu (and Ubuntu-based Kubuntu, Xubuntu, etc.), Damn Small Linux... In general, there are a lot of such assemblies, there are more than a dozen Ubuntu-based distributions alone.

RPM distributions

RPM (Red Hat Package Manager - Red Hat Package Manager or RPM Package Manager) means two things: a software package format and a program created to manage those packages.

The program allows you to install, update or remove software. The RPM format is based on the format developed by LSB.

Initially this system package management developed by Red Hat for Red Hat Linux. Later, RPM began to be used in many GNU/Linux distributions, and, in addition, was ported to other OSes: Novell NetWare (from version 6.5 SP3), IBM AIX (from version 5) and others...

Representatives of distributions based on the control system RPM packages, and those in computer world there are a great variety - ALT Linux, Ark Linux, ASPLinux, CentOS, Fedora, Mandriva, openSUSE, PCLinuxOS, Red Hat, Red Flag Linux, Turbolinux, Trustix...

In addition to the systems described above, there are other variants of package systems, for example, Slackware-like distributions and distributions with original package systems.

The first type includes Slackware, DeepStyle, MOPSLinux, Sabayon, Slamd64, Slax, VectorLinux, Ultima Linux, etc... And distributions such as CRUX, Gentoo, Onebase Linux, Arch Linux use their original package systems...

Some distributions can be compiled in a commercial version, which is due to the inclusion of packages with a commercial license in the assemblies, but for the most part they also have free version(examples of commercial distributions: Libranet, Linspire, Linux XP, Mandriva PowerPack, Nitix, Novell Linux Desktop, Progeny Debian, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, SUSE, Thinstation, Xandros...

You can read more about Linux distributions and the features of each of them, for example, in