How to install a new version of unreal engine 4. What is a game from the point of view of a programmer engineer

After reading the tutorial you will be able to draw your first scene using the Unreal Engine 4

We are starting a series of articles devoted to studying game development using simple examples. In the first article, we will explain the basic principles of how video games work as computer programs. We will also make our first acquaintance with a professional tool for creating games of different genres - the engine Unreal Engine 4.

What is a game from the point of view of a programmer-engineer?

Computer games, like any other programs, are a certain sequence of instructions, that is, an algorithm. Any video game that is any more complex than the well-known “guess the number” video game cannot be a wooden linear algorithm, otherwise too much effort would go into creating each, even the simplest game from scratch.

Typically, games consist of many modules, which in turn consist of various classes, methods, parameters, and so on. Previously implemented modules can be used for subsequent projects. This is exactly what smart game developers do.

Almost any modern (and not so modern) game includes the following universal modules:

  1. Graphics engine. Responsible for the picture that the player ultimately sees. Often (and probably unfortunately) a core component of any game. It is extremely important, because no matter what you say, any person evaluates games primarily by their graphics.
  2. Sound engine. A module responsible for the sound in the game. If sound, as such, is not required, then this module may not be implemented at all.
  3. Scripted (to put it simply – logical) engine. A subsystem of any game that is responsible for its logic, that is, for the interconnection of all components and modules of the game. To implement the game logic, special scripts are often used, which in fact are mini-programs. Such scenarios are called scripts.

As we can see, a game is a complex set of systems that perform different tasks. Working with off-the-shelf components simplifies development, thereby lowering the entry barrier. After all, you will agree that implementing all the subsystems of the game and implementing only the mechanics are radically different things.

Which engine to choose

As mentioned above, today there is no need to implement all the subsystems of your game from scratch. You can use a ready-made set of professional tools called a game engine.

Which engine should you choose for your first project? There are many solutions: from primitive construction sets that even a child can use to create a game, to professional software packages. This is a key stage for the project.

  • Choosing a system that is too complex will make game development tedious and slow(especially if the developer is a complete beginner), choosing a primitive platform will doom the game to uninteresting gameplay, ugly graphics and other joys of low-grade and crude projects.
  • Choosing a powerful, but at the same time simple development environment will allow your project to get not just a quick, but a reactive start and quickly acquire the status of a full-fledged, finished product.

All game engines are divided into two classes:

  1. Game designers. They allow you to quickly (10-15 minutes) assemble a game prototype, but they seriously limit the developer. Well-known systems will be a good example of game designers Construct And GameMaker .
  2. Real development environments. Such systems give the developer freedom of action, but mastering them will take a lot of time. A developer who is fluent in such tools will be able to create an interesting and high-quality product.

Modern leading game engines have a low barrier to entry without losing any functionality. Therefore, learning how to make games at the entry level is quite simple. Almost all development systems have become constructors of some kind; for example, there is such a feature as “visual” programming.

Choosing a game engine for the first project

If we are talking about serious products, then there are only 3 main platforms: CryEngine, Unity, Unreal Engine.

We immediately dismiss CryEngine, since it is a complex professional product used by large teams to develop AAA games. Such systems often suffer from the lack of structured documentation and, especially, any lessons for beginners. You can only use them if you already have extensive experience in developing games and other applications.

Unity has a much lower entry threshold than Unreal and is more tailored specifically for two-dimensional graphics. The graphics component in three-dimensional space “out of the box” is quite mediocre and to get a stylish and beautiful picture you will have to study shader programming languages, as well as the logic of the graphics adapter. Unity does not support the latest graphics technologies (for example, voxel volumetric lighting), but it is a good option for a beginner, as the engine uses user-friendly C# as its main scripting language.

Unreal Engine, on the contrary, is much more complex, but it is the most technologically advanced modern engine. All graphics technologies are primarily imported here. The developer is not required to have knowledge of shader programming (for example, the GLSL language, which is necessary when working with shaders in Unity); it is enough to understand a simple visual programming system. To write game logic, the engine has a powerful visual scripting language called BluePrints. However, if the developer wants, then the game logic, and indeed anything else, can be described using the C++ language, which gives greater freedom of action and allows you to optimize the game.

Download and install Unreal Engine 4

Using Unreal Engine 4 you can create games of any genre, from simple 2D games to AAA titles for new generation consoles. The engine underlies such games as: , , , .

Development in Unreal Engine 4 is easy to understand even for beginners. Using the Blueprints visual scripting system, you can create finished products without writing a single line of code! Unreal Engine 4 has a simple and intuitive interface.

The series of articles is designed for beginners, both in game development and programming. Here are the main steps that will be covered in this article:

  1. Installation of the engine and its basic configuration.
  2. Import of “assets”, that is, resources.
  3. Construction of the first scene.

To install, launch and subsequently use the Unreal Engine 4 game engine, you must use the launcher program Epic Games Launcher. The installer can be downloaded from the official Unreal Engine 4 website. To start the download you need to click the button Get Started Now.

You will also need to create an account with Epic Games. Once you have downloaded and installed the program, open it. You will see the following window:

Enter your account information and click the Sign In button. After logging in, you will see a control window:

You must select the Unreal Engine tab and start the process of downloading the engine files and then installing them by clicking the corresponding button in the dialog box. In the installer dialog box, it is advisable to select the following engine components: Starter Content, Templates and Feature Packs, Engine Source for download and installation.

  1. StarterContent is a collection of assets (resources) that you can use in your projects for free. The collection includes various materials, models and animations.
  2. Templates and Feature Packs– templates include large sets of source codes that almost completely implement the functionality of object behavior for games of the selected game genre. For example, when you select the First Person genre, a project will be automatically created and configured, including a template for the main character, as well as the main classes necessary to create games of this genre.
  3. EngineSource is the complete source code of the Unreal Engine 4 game engine. Epic Games allows any enthusiast to change, supplement and improve the source code of the engine, thereby increasing functionality. For example, if you need some editor function that is not in the standard editor module, you can look for a plugin that implements it or write the functionality you need by editing the engine source code.

Next, the installer will ask for assemblies for which platforms you want to install. Be sure to select your platform (the one on which you will develop the game), otherwise you will not be able to check and play the build (ready-to-use assembly) of the game. Other platforms do not need to be installed. To begin with, they are not needed. Once you have selected all the required components, click the Install button. The process of downloading and unpacking all necessary archives will begin. This will take about 30 minutes, provided you have a fast connection and a powerful processor. At this stage, you can take a break and drink a cup of coffee or tea (or something else).

Creating a Project

In order to create the first project, you need to click on the Launch button. The game engine will begin loading and preparing for work (for the first time, this may take up to 10 minutes). Once the download is complete, you will see the Project Manager welcome window.

In order to create your first game without using programming (which is exactly what we need), switch to the Blueprint tab. Next, you shouldn’t touch any settings (everything is already set in the best way for a quick start), it’s better to click the Create Project button. The project will be created in the root folder of the user under whose name you are logged in. If you are not satisfied with this arrangement, you can change it. To do this, you need to specify the final saving folder in the Folder text field.

Analysis of the engine editor interface

After the project creation process is completed, the editor will automatically open. The engine interface is divided into several panels containing functional controls.

The editor itself consists of several support panels:

  1. Content Browser: This panel displays all the files involved in your project. Use this tool to create folders and organize files logically. You can search for your files using the search bar as well as using filters.
  2. Modes: This panel is needed to switch between various tools for viewing and editing a scene.
  3. WorldOutliner: This panel is needed to display a list of all objects in the viewed (edited) scene. You can create new objects, delete them, and edit them.
  4. Details: Almost any object in Unreal Engine 4 has certain properties that can (and sometimes need to) be edited. The Details panel is used for this. It provides a very convenient set of diverse tools for editing the properties of game objects.
  5. Toolbar: The name speaks for itself. The panel contains icons for starting and stopping various engine functions. One of the most frequently used is the Play function.
  6. Viewport: A panel displaying your level (edited scene) in full detail. You can control the camera by holding down the right mouse button using the standard WASD key set.

Importing resources (assets)

The last thing we'll look at today is importing various resources into the engine. An empty stage is not interesting. Let's display at least something on the screen, for example, a soccer ball (download the test fbx file of the 3d model).

Unzip it and move it to your project folder. Before you can use the downloaded file as a 3D model, you need to import it. Use the button Import to open the download window.

The import process will begin, during which the engine will load materials and meshes from the file. This may take up to 2 minutes.

Using Assets

After the engine has imported everything it needs, you can start using assets. In the panel ContentBrowser, select object Ball_ FBX and drag it to the tab Viewport. You'll see something like this:

We don't see the ball because it's very small. Go to the tab Details and set the parameter Scale at 100.0 on all three axes. You'll see something like this:

Position the ball the way you like and click the Play button on the Toolbar. That's it, your first scene is ready!

Today we have mastered the very basics of such a complex art as game development. I promise that in the following articles we will do something more interesting and unusual. I wish you good luck in your projects!

  • Translation
  • Tutorial

Unreal Engine 4 is a set of tools for game development that has wide capabilities: from creating 2D games for mobile devices to AAA projects for consoles. This engine has been used to develop games such as ARK: Survival Evolved, Tekken 7 And Kingdom Hearts III.

Development in Unreal Engine 4 is very easy for beginners. With Blueprints Visual Scripting, you can create complete games without writing a line of code! Combined with a user-friendly interface, this allows you to quickly produce working prototypes.

In this part of the Unreal Engine 4 tutorial, we will get acquainted with the main features of the program. Here are the main topics that will be covered:

  • Engine installation
  • Importing assets
  • Creation of materials
  • Using Blueprints to Create Objects with Basic Functionality
We will explore all these possibilities using the example of a turntable with a banana on it.

Note: The tutorial will consist of eight parts:

  • Part 1: Getting to know the engine

Installing Unreal Engine 4

To install Unreal Engine 4 is used Epic Games Launcher. Go to the Unreal Engine website and click on the button Get Unreal in the upper right corner.

You will need to create an account before downloading the launcher. After creating it, download the launcher that matches your operating system.

After downloading and installing the launcher, open it. The following window will appear:

Enter the email address and password you used to download the download program and click on Sign In. After logging in, the following window will open:

Press Install Engine in the upper left corner. The launcher will take you to a screen where you can select the components to install.

Note: Epic Games is constantly updating the Unreal Engine, so your version of the engine may differ slightly from the one shown in the screenshots. For example, after writing the first draft of this tutorial, the version has already been updated to 4.14.3! The tutorial is suitable for you if you have a version no lower than 4.14.

Selected by default Starter Content, Templates and Feature Packs And Engine Source. It's better to leave it that way. They will be useful for the following reasons:

  • Starter Content: this is a collection of assets (resources) that can be used for free in your own projects. This includes models and materials. They can be used as temporary resources or in a finished game.
  • Templates and Feature Packs: Templates define the basic capabilities of the selected game genre. For example, when choosing a template Side Scroller a project will be created with a character, simple movements and a camera on a fixed plane.
  • Engine Source: Unreal is an open source engine, meaning anyone can make changes to it. If you need to add additional buttons to the editor, you can do this by changing the source code.
Below the list there is a list of possible platforms. If you do not plan to develop a game for a specific platform, then you can safely uncheck all the boxes.

After selecting the components you need, click on Install. After installation is complete, the engine will appear in the library. Now it's time to create the project.

Creating a Project

Click on one of the buttons Launch to open the Project Browser. Once it opens, click on the tab New Project.

Click on the tab Blueprint. Here you can select one of the templates. However, since we are starting from scratch, we will choose the template Blank.

Additional options will be listed below.

Here's what each option does:

  • Target Hardware: when choosing Mobile/Tablet Some post-processing effects will be disabled. You can also use a mouse for touch input. Select an option here Desktop/Console.
  • Graphical Target: when choosing Scalable 3D or 2D Some post-processing effects will be disabled. Select here Maximum Quality.
  • Starter Content: You can enable this option to add Starter Content. To make it easier for us, let's choose No Starter Content.
Additionally, there is a section to select the project folder location and project name.

You can change the project storage folder by clicking on ellipsis at the end of the field Folder.

The project name is not the game name, so don't worry if you want the name later. Select text in the field Name and enter BananaTurntable.

And finally click on Create Project.

Interface navigation

After creating the project, the editor will open. It is divided into several panels:

  1. Content Browser: This panel displays all project files. It can be used to create folders and organize files. Here you can also search through files using the search bar or filters.
  2. Modes: in this panel you can switch between tools, for example Landscape Tool And Foliage Tool. The default tool is Place Tool. It allows you to place different types of objects in a level, such as lights and cameras.
  3. World Outliner: displays all objects at the current level. You can organize your list by organizing related items into folders, and you can search and filter them by type.
  4. Details: All properties of the selected object are displayed here. This panel is used to change object parameters. Changes made will only affect the selected instance of the object. For example, if there are two spheres in the scene, then when you change the size of one, the changes will affect only that sphere.
  5. Toolbar: contains many different functions. Most often we will use Play.
  6. Viewport: This is a level overview. You can look around by holding right mouse button And moving it. To move around the level you need to hold down right-click and use the WASD keys.

Importing assets

What's the point of a turntable if there's nothing to show on it? Download this banana model. There are two files inside: Banana_Model.fbx And Banana_Texture.jpg. You can also use your own model, but why if there is such an amazing banana?

In order for Unreal to use the files, they must be imported. Go to Content Browser and click on Import.

Using File Manager, find the folder containing Banana_Model.fbx And Banana_Texture.jpg are. Select both files and click Open.

Unreal will offer several options for importing the .fbx file. Remove checkbox Import Materials, because we will be creating our own material. The remaining parameters can be left unchanged.

Press Import. Two files will appear in the Content Browser.

When you import a file, it is not actually saved into the project unless you explicitly specify so. You can save files by clicking on the file right mouse button and selecting Save. You can also save all files at once by selecting File\Save All. Try to save often!

Please note that in Unreal models are called "meshes" ( meshes). Now we have our banana mesh, it's time to add it to the level.

Adding Meshes to a Level

While the level looks pretty empty, let's make it more interesting.

To add a mesh to a level, right click And drag and drop Banana_Model from Content Browser to Viewport. Let go left mouse button and the mesh will be added to the level.

Objects on the level can be move, turn And to scale. Hotkeys for these actions - W, E And R. After clicking on them, you can use the manipulator:

About materials

If you look closely at a banana, you can see that it is not yellow! In fact. it looks almost completely gray.

To give the banana color and detail, you need to create material.

What is "material"?

The material determines the appearance of the surface. At a basic level, the material defines four aspects:
  • Base Color: surface color or texture. Used to add detail and color variations.
  • Metallic: how metallic the material appears. In general, a pure metal object has a maximum Metallic value, and a cloth object has a maximum value of 0.
  • Specular: controls the shine of non-metallic surfaces. For example, ceramics will have a high Specular value, unlike clay.
  • Roughness: a surface with maximum roughness will not have any shine. Used on surfaces such as stone and wood.
Below is an example of three different materials. They have the same color but different attributes. Each material has a high value for its corresponding attribute. The value of the remaining attributes is zero.

Creation of material

To create material, go to the Content Browser and click on the green button Add New. A menu will appear with a list of assets that can be created. Select Material.

Name the material Banana_Material, and then left click twice on the file to open it in the material editor.

Material Editor

The Material Editor consists of five main panels:

  1. Graph: this panel contains all nodes (nodes) and nodes Result. You can move around the panel by holding right mouse button And moving with the mouse. Scaling in progress scrolling mouse wheel.
  2. Details: The properties of the selected node are displayed here. If a node is not selected, then the material properties are displayed here.
  3. Viewport: contains a preview mesh representing the material. You can rotate the camera by holding left key And moving scrolling mouse wheel.
  4. Palette: a list of all nodes available for your material.

What is a node?

Before you start creating your material, you need to learn about the objects that are used to create it: nodes.

Nodes make up most of the material. There are many types of nodes that have different functions.

Nodes have inputs and outputs, represented by a circle with an arrow. Entrances are located on the left and exits are located on the right.

Here is an example using nodes Multiply And Constant3Vector, adding yellow color to the texture:

Materials have a special node called a node Result, which in our case has already been created as Banana_Material. All nodes end here over time. What is connected to this node determines the appearance of the final material.

Adding Textures

To add color and details to the model we need texture. Texture is simply a two-dimensional image. They are usually projected onto 3D models, giving them color and detail.

To texture the banana we use Banana_Texture.jpg. The node allows you to apply a texture to a material TextureSample.

Go to the Palette panel and find TextureSample. Add a node while holding left mouse button And by dragging it on the diagram.

To select a texture, you must first select a node TextureSample. Go to the Details panel and click on drop-down list, located to the right of Texture.

A menu will open that lists all the textures in the project. Select Banana_Texture.

To see the texture on the preview mesh, you need to connect it to a node Result. Hold left mouse button on white node output contact TextureSample. Drag it to the input contact Base Color but yes Result.

Return to Viewport to see the texture on the preview mesh. You can rotate it (by holding down the left mouse button and moving the mouse) to view other details.

Press Apply in the Toolbar to update the material, and close the Material Editor when finished.

Use of materials

To apply a material to a banana, you need to assign it. Go back to Content Browser and double click on Banana_Model to open it. The following editor window will appear:

Go to the Details panel and find the section Materials. Press drop down menu, located to the right of Element 0, and select Banana_Material.

Close the Mesh Editor, go back to the main editor and look at the Viewport. You will see that the banana now has texture. Congratulations, you now know everything you need to know to become a level designer!

Note: if the lighting is too dark, you can change it by going to World Outliner and clicking on Light Source. In the Details panel, find the option Intensity and increase its value.

About Blueprints

Even though the banana looks great, it will be even better if it starts spinning on a turntable. The easiest way to create it is using “drawings” Blueprints.

In its simplest form, a Blueprint is a “thing.” Blueprints allow you to create your own behaviors for objects. The object can be something physical (such as a turntable) or something abstract, such as a health system.

Want to create a moving car? Use Blueprint. What about a flying pig? Use Blueprints. What if you need a cat that explodes when touched? Blueprints.

Like materials, Blueprints uses a node-based system. This means that you just need to create nodes and connect them - no code required!

Note: if you prefer to write code, then use C++ instead.

Blueprints are easy to use, but not as fast as C++ code. That is, if you need to create something “heavy” from a computational point of view, for example, a complex algorithm, then it is better to use C++.

But even if you prefer C++, there are times when it is best to use Blueprints. Here are some of the benefits of Blueprints:

  • Typically, development with Blueprints is faster than development with C++.
  • Easy to organize. You can divide nodes into different areas, for example, into functions and graphs.
  • If you're working with people who don't know how to code, changing Blueprints is easier because they're clear and intuitive.
A good approach would be to create objects using Blueprints. And when additional capabilities are required, convert them to C++.

Creating a Blueprint

Go to Content Browser and click on Add New. Select from the list Blueprint Class.

A window will open asking you to select a parent class. Your Blueprint will inherit all variables, functions and components from the selected parent class. Take the time to explore the capabilities of each class.

Note: since we can arrange the classes Pawn And Character, they are also actors ( Actors).

The turntable will be in place, so the class will be most suitable Actor. Select Actor and name the new file Banana_Blueprint.

Double click on Banana_Blueprint to open it. Press Open Full Blueprint Editor if a window like this appears:

Blueprint Editor

First, select the Event Graph tab in the Blueprint editor.

Blueprint editor consists of four main panels:

  1. Components: contains a list of current components.
  2. My Blueprint: this section is typically used to manage graphs, functions, and variables.
  3. Details: The properties of the currently selected element are displayed here.
  4. Graph: this is where the magic happens. All nodes and logic are located here. You can move around the panel by holding down right mouse button And moving mouse. Scaling in progress scrolling mouse wheel.
  5. Viewport: All components that have visual elements are displayed here. Navigation and browsing are performed in the same way as in the main editor's Viewport.

Creating a turntable

To create a table we need two things - a base and a stand. They can be created using components.

What are "components"?

If Blueprint is a car, then components are the building blocks that make it up. Examples of components include doors, wheels, and the engine.

However, components can be more than just physical objects.

For example, to make a car move, you can add a motion component. You can even make a car fly if you add a flight component.

Adding Components

To see the components, you must switch to Viewport mode. Click on the tab Viewport to switch to it. This is what it looks like:

Note: component DefaultSceneRoot It is not displayed when the application is launched, it is only visible in the editor.

The turntable will use two components:

  • Cylinder: a simple white cylinder. This will be the base on which the banana rests.
  • Static Mesh:- this component will display the banana mesh.
To add a base, go to the Components panel. Press Add Component and select Cylinder.

It would be nice to make the base a little shorter. Activate scale manipulator by pressing R, and then scale it down (the exact size is not important, you can change it later).

To display a banana, select a component Static Mesh and then click on the tab Details. Press dropdown lists on the right side Static Mesh and select Banana_Model.

Move the banana if it is in the wrong position. To do this, activate movement manipulator by pressing W, and then move it up.

About Blueprint nodes

Now you need to make the turntable rotate. And here we need Blueprint nodes.

Unlike their close relatives - material nodes - Blueprint nodes have special pins called pins Execution. The contact on the left is the input, the contact on the right is the output. All nodes have at least one input and output.

If the node has an input contact, then it must be connected for it to work. If a node is not connected, all subsequent nodes will not be executed.

Here's an example:

Node A And Node B will execute because their input pins have a connection. Node C And Node D are never executed because the input pin Node C has no connection.

Rotation of the turntable

Before we begin, let's take a look at the Components panel. It can be noticed that Cylinder And Static Mesh there is an indentation, and DefaultSceneRoot- no, because they connected To DefaultSceneRoot.

If you move, rotate or scale the root component, the same will happen to the components attached to it. Thanks to this behavior you can rotate Cylinder And Static Mesh simultaneously, not separately.

Creating a node

To start creating scripts, switch back to the tab Event Graph.

Implementing object rotation is so simple that it only requires one node. Right click to an empty space in the graph to open a menu of available nodes. Find AddLocalRotation. We need to rotate the base and the banana, so we'll just rotate the root component. Select AddLocalRotation(DefaultSceneRoot).

Note: if the node is not in the list, uncheck the box Context Sensitive at the top right of the menu.

A new node will now appear in your graph AddLocalRotation. Entrance Target will automatically connect to the selected component.

To set the rotation value, go to the input Delta Rotation and change the value Z on 1.0 . This will allow Blueprint to rotate around the Z axis. The higher the values, the faster the table will rotate.

In order for the turntable to rotate continuously, you need to call AddLocalRotation in every frame. To execute the node in each frame, we will use the node Event Tick. It is already in the graph. If it doesn't exist, then create it in the same way as before.

Drag the node's output pin Event Tick to the input pin of the node AddLocalRotation.

Note: in this implementation, the rotation speed depends on the frame rate. This means that the turntable on slower computers will rotate at a slower speed, and vice versa. This is fine for the tutorial because I don't want to complicate things, but I'll show you how to fix it in the future.

Finally, go to Toolbar and click on Compile to update the Blueprint, and then close the Blueprint editor.

Adding Blueprints to a Level

Before adding the Blueprint, go back to the Viewport in the main editor and delete the banana model. To do this, select the model and then select Edit\Delete or press the key Delete.

Adding a Blueprint is the same process as adding a mesh. Hold left mouse button on the file and drag and drop it in Viewport.

Go to Toolbar and click Play to see the results of your labors!

Note: If you do not delete the original banana model, you may receive a warning that the lighting needs to be rebuilt. If you delete the model, the error will no longer appear.

What to do next?

The finished project can be downloaded from here.

You've learned a lot in this part of the tutorial, but it's only a small part of Unreal. If you want to continue learning, stay tuned for the next part of the tutorial, where we'll take a closer look at Blueprints.

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Editor Project Settings gives access to configuration settings that specify information about your project, and also determine how the engine behaves when the project is launched. Some of these settings are specific to the game, while others are more general in nature regarding the engine or platform you are working on.

All these settings are stored by default in the Engine.ini configuration file), and can be manually edited there if desired. Editor Project Settings has a simple and intuitive user interface.

Accessing Project Settings

Editor Project Settings can be opened from the menu Edit:

Categories and Sections

Editor Project Settings divided into various categories and sections with corresponding options. The categories are displayed as headings, and each section as a hyperlink that opens the option for that section in the editor.


When viewing options within a specific section, the following controls are available at the top of the dialog box:

Project Category

Contains options that describe how the project behaves.

Name Description
Description Allows you to set information about your project, such as: project name, version, company name, copyright, etc. This is mainly information about the project, and does not affect how the project works or behaves
Maps & Modes Contains options to specify which maps and modes are loaded by default and how they are loaded. There are also settings for the local multiplayer screen.
Movies Allows you to set how movies start and some settings for how they should work.
Packaging Contains parameters used to package your game, such as setting the location of content, localization, building configurations, etc.
Supported Platforms Specifying the target platform of the project.
Target Hardware Lets you choose how your project should be optimized based on the target hardware (PC or mobile)

Engine Category

Contains options for specific systems and engine parameters.

Name Description
AI System Contains basic options for AI systems.
Animation Contains parameters for animations used in the editor.
Audio Contains options for setting the default level of sound quality and subsequently increasing it.
Collision Gives you the ability to set and configure various collision settings
Console Allows you to set your own in-game console commands.
Cooker Contains various packaging options; such as texture compression quality.
Crowd Manager Contains a set of customizable options to control crowd AI
Garbage Collection Setting up how Garbage Collection will work in your game.
General Settings Contains options used by the engine and editor during initialization and startup, such as default fonts, base classes, materials, frame rate, etc.
Input Lets you customize actions and axis bindings (button bindings and other bindings) for your game.

Button bindings are for the game, not for the editor.

Navigation Mesh Contains options for configuring how navigation meshes will be generated and displayed.
Navigation System Allows you to configure the navigation system.
Network Contains options for network operation.
Physics Contains the default physics options for your game. It also allows you to set your own surface type for your physics materials and specify how accurate the physics calculations will be.
Rendering Contains default settings for many rendering options. There are also many options for setting default post processes, textures, lighting, etc.
Streaming Allows you to configure various streaming options for packet streaming, I/O, and level streaming.
Tutorials Allows you to set what training will be available in this project.
User Interface Contains settings that control Slate and UMG, such as DPI scaling, cursor, and Render Focus Rule.

Editor Category

Contains options for how the editor should look and feel at the project level.

Platforms Category

Settings for various platforms and their SDKs.

Plugins Category

Contains settings for the selected plugin.