How to reduce font size on your computer: all about customizing fonts. How to increase letters in Yandex

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Welcome, dear readers, to the blog site. Today we will talk to you about one very useful feature of browsers that helps maintain the health of the webmaster and make his work more comfortable.

When I started working on the Internet a few years ago, I had perfect vision. I won’t say that now it has dropped to zero and therefore I have to wear glasses with thick lenses, but from time to time my eyes begin to hurt. Especially in early spring and autumn.

It’s clear that when you work for yourself, such problems cannot become an excuse to completely abandon the computer. We have to find ways that will somehow make things easier.

Today I will tell you how to change the font size in Yandex. You will learn how to work with individual pages and how to change settings so that this problem stops bothering you, if not forever, then at least for a long time.

All of you have probably come across pages that contain extremely inconvenient small fonts. It is quite difficult for a person to read, especially if there are still problems with vision.

The creators of the majority of browsers have enabled users to change the size of letters. Yandex was no exception. In order to reduce or increase the size of the text, you will need to follow simple steps.

Settings for all pages

First, let's figure out what actions you will need to perform to change the settings on all pages. One single action that allows users to customize the browser for themselves.

Open any page, maybe the main one, in your browser, and then in the upper right corner, find three parallel lines. Click on them and select “Settings” in the menu that appears.

Now find “Web Content” in the list. This is where changes will need to be made. You can simply change the scale of the page, then all the elements on it will increase. We will return to this point.

You can only change the font. From medium to large or extra large, and reduce it using the “Fine” and “Extra Fine” functions.

Or make a complete change through the “Customize fonts” function.

Now, all your texts are displayed based on these settings. Standard fonts are Times New Roman, which also comes as a font with notches; without them, Arial and Consolas are displayed as monospace. Under the main, standard font there is a slider thanks to which you can change the text size.

At the bottom there is exactly the same slider for minimal fonts. If you drag it to the right, the smallest letters on the page will not show up at least the size you put here.

This is the page xiaomi external battery on Ali looked like before the changes. Look at the picture below.

By the way, Power Bank has saved me more than once during travel and business trips. I highly recommend that you buy this thing. What it is? If you don’t have the opportunity to find an outlet, then this thing can be used to charge your phone, camera, MP3 player and any other equipment offline. Even a Playstation gamepad.

The last time I went on a trip, I didn’t even bother whether there were free sockets in the room and didn’t think about whether I would have an action camera or an electronic cigarette. As soon as I no longer needed the equipment, I connected it to the Power Bank. This was the only thing I charged during the entire vacation from the outlet.

If you have a traveler or careerist friend to whom you don’t know what to give, this is what you need. In any case, he will appreciate it in the first extreme situation.

But let's get back to the fonts. This is how the page with the Power Bank (external battery) began to be reflected after I made the edits.

Now all pages will look exactly the way you wanted: on mail, page, any information site, and so on. If you know something about , then be prepared that some resources will not look very attractive.

Designers are working on the portal and they assume that everything will be displayed slightly differently, according to their size. You may need to get used to it for some time or make more detailed adjustments.

By the way, please note that if you log into Yandex Browser from your account, which is synchronized with your tablet, then all the settings made on the computer will also apply to the tablet or phone.

How to change the size of a specific page

You all probably know how to stretch a page from a tablet. It is enough to move two fingers in different directions and any object will become larger. If adapted, then the texts will fit in the size you choose.

Despite the interruptions in my vision, as a rule, I do not change the Yandex settings. I enlarge the individual pages I need. First, I evaluate the design itself, try to understand how useful this resource will be for me, and then I change its dimensions.

To do this, I hold down the Ctrl key on the keyboard and move the mouse wheel away from me or toward me. There is an alternative - “-” and “+” instead of a wheel.

In the first case, we increased only the font, but in the second, all objects become larger: pictures, , including letters. It looks more attractive.

However, if you still have problems with your vision and you want to keep it intact, then you should probably neglect visual benefits. Don’t forget about the third option - increase the size of the entire window through the settings. I said this in the first place.

Decide how to act, because you already know all the tools.

And also subscribe to the newsletter. In one of the future publications I will tell you how to make Windows more beneficial for the health of not only the eyes, but also the psyche. You can be the first to know when this article appears, and also receive more useful tips for working on your computer and the network.

See you again and good luck in your endeavors.

"Web Content". At this point, you can select the fonts displayed on website pages (for the main text). You can select "extra small", "small", "medium", "large" and "extra large" font sizes. But you can configure fonts more clearly by clicking the “Customize fonts” button.

In the window that appears, you can select a font for a specific type of font, in case the webmaster indicates on the site the type of font for a certain text, but not the font itself. That is, for example, for such and such text a serif font is specified, it doesn’t matter which one, but the main thing is that exactly this type is used. Below the “standard font” selection there is a bar for adjusting the font size (default font size is 16). To change the size, hold down the right mouse button on the slider and drag it to the side. All selected fonts and sizes are immediately displayed on the right side of the window, that is, you can immediately see the selected font and the changed size. The number indicates the font size. After the changes, click the “Finish” button.

in the “page scale” section you can select the percentage of the displayed page to the real one, that is, you can enlarge everything that is shown on the page and reduce it (100% is the normal view of the page, if less, then the page will decrease, if more, then it will increase). Although it is more convenient to reduce and enlarge a page using the hot keys Ctrl and + (increase), Ctrl and - (decrease).

The following are the items marked with flags. Enabling the display of page addresses in the form “domain > header” means that if the checkbox is cleared, then only the email address (without the header) will be visible in the address bar, and if left, both the email address and the header will be visible.

In general terms, none of the points presented will be superfluous, especially at the beginning of learning how to use the browser. It is better to leave all checkboxes active.

"Turbo" mode - optimizes speed when using other connection points, for faster access to the site when the Internet is slow. If the Internet is fast, then it is better to leave it as it is - “Automatically turn on on a slow connection.”

A lot of questions arise on the topic - How to increase or decrease the font in the browser, so I decided to make this a separate lesson.
Often, when visiting the blogs of friends and acquaintances, the pages of their blogs open very stretched in width. Although on other sites and media the scale is normal. In the browser settings, in the computer too, everything is fine. What to do in such cases.

All popular web browsers ( Google Chrome, Mozilla FireFox, Opera, Internet Explorer) are equipped with a function to reduce or increase the scale of the displayed page. The zoom feature allows users to enlarge or reduce the font and images of the page they are viewing in the browser. This can be useful for people with low vision, or in cases where the screen resolution is excessively high or low.

Someone may have accidentally changed the size, and now he doesn’t know how to get it back. There are three ways How you can change the size of fonts and images in the browser: using a combination of keyboard keys, using a keyboard and mouse together, and also by changing the settings of the browser you are using. Below I will describe all the methods in detail.

1 way. Using the keyboard

Standard keyboard shortcuts for increasing and decreasing font in any popular web browser:

Hold down the "Ctrl" key and press the "+" key to zoom in.
Hold down the "Ctrl" key and press the "-" key to zoom out.

Method 2. Using the keyboard and mouse

Also the same for all browsers:

Hold down the Ctrl key and roll the mouse wheel up to zoom in.
Hold down the Ctrl key and roll the mouse wheel down to zoom out.

3 way. Setting up the image

Decrease or enlarge the font in the browser:


1. Click on the wrench icon and select the “Options” menu item
2. In the left sidebar, select the tab "Additional".
3. In the "Web Content" section, change "Page Scale".


1. Click the “View” option in the navigation menu at the top of the browser window.
2. From the “View” menu, click the “Scale” option.
3. Click the “Zoom Out” or “Zoom In” option. The page content will change in size.
4. Click the option "Text scale" in the "Scale" menu to display text modification settings. Move the slider to the left to make the font smaller or to the right to make it larger.

1. Open the Opera browser and go to the desired web page.
2. Click the “View” button on the status bar in the lower right corner of the browser window.
3. Drag the slider to a value less than 100 percent to reduce the page display size, or greater than 100 percent to increase it.

"Internet Explorer"

1. Open a web page in the Internet Explorer browser.
2. Click on the arrow next to the setting "Change scale", in the lower right corner of the browser window.
3. Click on the required scale level, selecting it on a special scale, or click the “Special” option, and then indicate the required scale in the line "Scale as a percentage." To reduce the size of the displayed page you need to enter a value less than 100 percent, to increase - more.


Internet Explorer allows you to choose from five preset font sizes on a page. To do this, you need to go to the menu, in the “View” section, hover your mouse over the “Size” item font" - this action will open a list of five items. However, this method will only affect texts on the page whose size is font which are not explicitly indicated by the author in her markup. An alternative option is to enlarge all page elements at once, including fonts. You can do this by pressing the CTRL and Plus or Minus keys, or by scrolling the mouse wheel while holding down the CTRL key. True, the proportionality of changes in the sizes of different elements is observed in this browser only up to a certain limit.

The Opera browser is much better than Internet Explorer at handling page scaling. Here you can also do this by pressing the CTRL and “Plus” / “Minus” key combination, or by scrolling the mouse wheel while holding down the CTRL key. Each step increases or decreases the size by 10%. The same can be done by going to the browser menu, to the “Page” section, and in it to the “Scale” section. In Opera, you can specify the use of your own style sheets with the font sizes you need. In this case, the browser will ignore the size settings specified in the page code, replacing them with those specified by you. To get to the settings for using styles, you need to press the keyboard shortcut CTRL + F12, go to the “Advanced” tab, then to the “Content” section and click the “Customize Styles” button.

The Mozilla Firefox menu also has a “View” section, and in it a “Scale” subsection, where you can change the size of all page elements. Here you can also check the box “Text only” - then only the text will be scaled dimensions fonts, leaving other elements unchanged. This setting will also apply when resizing by pressing the CTRL and Plus/Minus keys, and when scrolling the mouse wheel while holding down the CTRL key.

IN browser Google Chrome page scaling is placed directly in the menu. Clicking the wrench icon in the upper right corner of the window opens this menu and the size of page elements can be changed by clicking the plus or minus icons next to “Scale”. But pressing the CTRL and Plus/Minus key combinations also works here, as does scrolling the mouse wheel while holding down the CTRL key. There are also advanced font settings here. To open them from the same main menu, select Options and then go to the Advanced tab. There, in the “Web Content” section, there are drop-down lists for selecting font sizes and page scale. In addition to them, there is a button labeled “Customize fonts”, which opens a tab with options for setting the sizes of fonts of two types and the minimum allowed size.

IN browser Safari, if you open the “View” section of the menu, you can change the scale by clicking the “Zoom In” and “Zoom Out” items. The "Change text scale only" option allows you to change the size font without scaling other page elements. In addition, if you click Settings in the Editing section, and then go to the Add-ons tab in the Settings window, you can specify the minimum acceptable page font size. Scaling using the CTRL and Plus/Minus key combinations » works here as well as by scrolling the mouse wheel while holding down the CTRL key.

A huge amount of information has been collected on the vast expanses of the Internet. Many users view news articles and technology reviews, take all kinds of courses directly in the Yandex browser. Some even read books in their browser, which is facilitated by the ability to play the popular Fb2 “book” format. This article shows how to change the font, zoom in on the page and change the encoding in the Yandex browser.

Choosing the right font for yourself is very important. It can significantly influence the speed of reading text, the ease of its perception and eye fatigue. Many users have discovered their favorite settings through experience and would like to use them wherever possible.

Path to settings

To change the configurations you need, there is a special Yandex settings page. It contains many options, such as the bookmarks bar, appearance, work with search engines, synchronization and many other elements. Including management of fonts and encoding.

There are several configurations here that you can use to customize the display of texts as you wish.

Changing the font

The first item you can work with is “Font size”. It can be quickly changed using the drop-down list without affecting other settings. In this way, you adapt the browser to the specific current text. It can be enlarged if you sit far from the monitor, or reduced if you want to fit a lot of text on one page.

You can now open the “Customize fonts” tab. There are several different options here that allow you to change several variations of fonts.

  • Standart font (standard font) – is responsible for the overwhelming amount of information on the pages. Most content will appear this way. The slider below the list allows you to increase or decrease the size (the default is 16 pt).
  • Serif (with serifs) – is responsible for blocks of text that, according to the site style, must be displayed with serifs.
  • Sans-serif (sans serif) – similar to the previous paragraph, only in reverse.
  • Fixed-width is the content of various columns and, sometimes, image captions.
  • Minimum size is the smallest size of characters that the browser will display. Smaller letters will be automatically enlarged to this value.
  • Encoding is a set of characters used in a given language. It is not recommended to change it without understanding the matter.

Finally, you can change the zoom of the entire web page using “Page zoom”. For example, set the value to 125% to make the displayed objects slightly larger.

However, for this it is not at all necessary to go into the browser settings every time. The scale can be easily changed using a combination of the Control key and scrolling the mouse wheel. “From yourself” - to enlarge the page, and “towards you” - to move it away.

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Controlling the zoom of windows in the browser using the keyboard and special menus significantly reduces the time spent searching for information and browsing sites on the Internet. Using simple and easy-to-remember button combinations, you can easily place the required text, pictures or video in the visible area of ​​the window.

How to zoom out a page

Working with website page elements and their dimensions often means increasing the size of text and images. The need to reduce text or an image arises in several cases:

  • the user owns a small monitor (less than 19 inches) with a limited choice of resolution;
  • there are large pictures on the page that interfere with the perception of the text;
  • the website page designer failed to set the initial width or height for icons or letters;
  • Sometimes it is necessary to reduce the screen scale to fit all elements into view.

There are several popular browsers, each of which offers different features for resizing displayed content. Based on these programs, dozens of similar applications with similar functionality are created, so this article discusses only frequently used programs:

  • Google Chrome;
  • Mozilla Firefox;
  • Opera;
  • Internet Explorer;
  • Safari (Apple Mac platform).

To find out how to change the window scale inside a Yandex browser, use the data on Google Chrome. This program was created based on the freely distributed Chromium source code, just like Google's browser. Less popular software products use similar content management schemes. The program sometimes provides the ability to change hotkeys to ones that are more convenient for working with the window.

In the Settings menu

Using your mouse, click on the menu that opens at the top. This can be either a whole line with the inscription “View”, among others, or single icons. In Opera, this is an icon with the corresponding logo, and in Chrome, this element is located in the upper right part of the toolbar (a button with three horizontal stripes). Open the menu using one of the indicated methods, which will take you to the desired item and buttons to increase or decrease it. Click the item with the “–” sign until you are satisfied with the result.


An alternative to a series of mouse clicks in the browser window is to use hotkeys or key combinations to change the size of icons and symbols. Most browsers use the standard “Ctrl+–” combination, which resizes all elements in the window by a fixed percentage relative to the original value. The Apple Mac platform uses a similar keyboard shortcut, with the addition of different symbols for control keys.

How to zoom in on your screen

You can resize web content images to a larger size in the same way as above. The same menu is used to decrease or increase, as well as to reset the parameter to its original value. The increasing key combination is “Ctrl” and “+”. Use "+" on the secondary keyboard to avoid conflicts with other keyboard shortcuts. The ability to zoom in on the screen is used when working with text written in small letters.

How to change screen size on computer

The personal computer is equipped with a full-size keyboard, so it is easy to type the necessary keyboard shortcuts. Expanding or reducing page elements is used on any website. On VKontakte and Odnoklassniki, you will need reduction to improve the visual perception of the page. With multiple button blocks, you can change things up by using keys that are easier to reach. This means that you can enlarge the screen in VK using at least two keyboard shortcuts, and you can reduce the page in Contact using the same methods.

How to change zoom on a laptop

Laptop keyboards slightly limit the key combinations used to change the video or size of lines in a window. You will find at least one set of "+", "-" and "0" buttons on your keyboard for this purpose. Ctrl+0 comes in handy to change values ​​back to 100%, for example in a situation where you have overextended text or images. This combination reduces the content and returns the page to its original appearance. You can then zoom in on the page by another value.

Video: how to change screen extension

But, the other day I decided to open another section - “This is interesting and useful.” In which there will be articles of utilitarian content, i.e. something like lessons, descriptions, etc. This article, from this section, addresses one of the problems that many of us periodically face on the Internet.

Does it happen to you - you open, for example, a social network page, and see images and text in a small size? Sometimes it is so small that the text looks completely unreadable. You understand that this is a standard requirement for running blogs or websites. But I want to somehow change the situation.

After thinking about it, I found three easy and quick ways, How to solve this problem.

I tried to show how I do it. I accompanied the description with screenshots to make it clearer to those who want to use these methods.

Three easy and fast ways to resize the PC/laptop screen in Yandex and Google Chrome

  • Method one . Very fast, literally with one click (click) - using the so-called "hot keys".
On the keyboard I press two keys at the same time: 1) Ctrl (in the picture under the number 1) and a key with a minus sign (-) or a plus sign (+). They are listed under number 2.

That is, when I want to achieve an increase, I press “plus”. Accordingly, to reduce, I click the same way - on the Ctrl and minus keys. And that's it, the sizes instantly changed!

  • Method two. A little longer (well, half a minute) - in the settings of Yandex or Google Chrome.
Let's look at two examples in turn.
  1. So, in the upper right corner of Yandex I find the “puck” (number 1), click on it. And in the window that opens (see picture), I move the mouse cursor over the word “Scale”. The size in brackets reflects the size I am currently using.

For example, the scale was set to 125%. When you hover your mouse next to it, a new window immediately opens, with various options to choose from. The one that I currently have is already marked with a dot.

All I have to do is select another value and click on it. And immediately the computer screen will change its size! Everything happens quickly, much faster than described.

2. Now in Google Chrome. The algorithm of actions is the same. Only, fortunately, even shorter.

When you click on the “puck”, still in the same upper corner, a window will open.
And in it you just need to click on the plus or minus sign - depending on the need to enlarge or reduce the screen. If you try it right now, you will see for yourself that it is very easy and simple!

Now, when I open various website pages, they expand at the specified scale. That is, the result is saved, and when moving to other blogs, etc., I don’t need to re-install everything on the desired scale.
  • Third way Available in Google Chrome. And it allows you to set not only the screen size, but also fix the desired font sizes for web documents.
It is also done quite simply and quickly. Again, I open the Chrome menu in the browser toolbar, i.e. I click on the “puck”. Only now I select the “Settings” item.

I switch to a new tab. At the very end of the page you need to click on the line “Show additional settings”.

Here, scrolling down the page with the mouse, I stop at the “Web Content” item. Right there, without going anywhere, I click on the black triangle in the “Page Scale” line and easily change it.

And since I ended up on this page, I decided to use the font settings. Fortunately, this is very easy to do.
By clicking on the line “Customize fonts”, I go to a new tab.Here I note two parameters - I set the Standard and Minimum font sizes.

Now, when I go to different pages on the Internet, I see text of a fairly large size. This is very convenient; your eyes don’t get tired because the scale does not change on different pages.

Let's summarize. In order not to suffer when working on the Internet, straining my eyesight, I do the following:

    I immediately make settings in Google Chrome according to the third method;

    In Yandex - the second way;

    And it always remains “at hand” method No. 1. If suddenly the font on the site is initially quite large, I reduce it using “hot keys”. Or, conversely, when you need to quickly zoom in on a paragraph, I use quick zoom.

    Agree, these are, indeed, three quick and easy ways to increase the screen size on a computer or laptop when working on the Internet. I think if you didn't know about them, you'll definitely like them.

Using browsers to view web pages and surf the World Wide Web has long become something common for users. The developers made sure that everyone had equal opportunities in terms of access to information. Many people have certain restrictions. For example, people with low vision need to enlarge the page or font to read certain information. In this article we will tell you how to do this in the Yandex browser.

In order to enlarge the font, go to “Settings” by clicking on the icon with three sticks in the upper right corner. After this, in the drop-down menu you need to click on the “Settings” item. In the window that opens, scroll down to where the “Web Content” item will appear. There you can change the scale of the pages, set the desired font size, its type, and so on.

There is an even simpler option. Once on a page where the user needs to increase the font, he should again click on the button with three sticks.

By clicking on it, the user will be able to see a figure expressed as a percentage at the top, as well as the “-” and “+” buttons. Just click on the second one and the page scale will increase by 10 percent. If you press again, then another 10 percent. You can also reduce the scale to standard, but by pressing the “-“ key.

As you can see, everything is simple.

Each site has its own design and settings. Often we are not satisfied with the size of the text: sometimes it is small so that nothing is visible, sometimes it is too large. In Yandex Browser, we can customize the settings for ourselves.

To make the necessary changes, we need the “Settings” section. Login is easy and simple:

  1. We launch the Yandex browser itself.

  2. Open “Settings” (top right corner).

  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page that opens and click on “Show additional settings.”

  4. Next, look for the “Web Content” section. You need to scroll down the page until the name of the required block catches your eye.

  5. You can immediately change the size of our font (make it smaller or larger), as well as the page scale. If you don’t need all this, click the “Customize fonts” button.

  6. A window opens in which you will configure the parameters convenient for you.

Setting font parameters in Yandex Browser

  • standard font – by installing a specific font, almost all information will be written in this style on all sites. Next, use the slider below to change the font size (standard – 16 pt);

  • the next two points are responsible for displaying any blocks on sites with or without serifs. If you don't know what serifs are, take a look at the picture;

  • Next, you can set a fixed-width font to display mainly columns or photo captions;

  • Sometimes picture captions are so small that they can barely be seen, so you can set a minimum font size, after which all characters smaller than this size will be automatically enlarged;

  • The last point is responsible for encoding, but you shouldn’t do this without understanding the essence. In case you need this, remember that you may need to install additional fonts on your PC in order to display texts in rare languages;
  • click “Finish”.

These settings will be applied on every page. In order to change the scale of a specific page, just click on the menu icon in the upper right corner and select the size (“-” - reduces, “+” - increases, it is also possible to expand the page to full screen) or use hotkeys.

Changing the scale using hotkeys

For convenience, the font size (i.e. page scale) can be changed by pressing the hotkeys:

You can use the mouse in the same way:

  • “Ctrl” + scroll the wheel “away from you” - increase;
  • “Ctrl” + scroll the wheel towards you – decrease.

Removing settings for individual pages

  1. Open “Settings”, scroll through the page and click on “Show advanced settings”.

  2. We are looking for the “Personal Information” section.

  3. Next, click “Customize” in the “Scale” item.

  4. Next, a list of sites will appear; you just need to delete those addresses where you do not need to apply your settings.

  5. Click “Finish”. Close settings.

Without spending a lot of time and effort, you can customize Yandex.Browser “to suit you” so that you can feel comfortable and confident later.

Video - How to change the font in the Yandex browser