How to use a search engine conveniently. How to search correctly in Yandex - advanced and family search, query language and settings

Every day we search for something on Google. I probably search for something on Google 200 times a day. I check any information, learn something new, and instantly find the answer to my question. A question arose - I typed it into the search bar and got the result. What could be simpler? But sometimes difficulties arise when searching for specific information. A few tricks will help you always find what you're looking for.

We have written more than once about the secrets of searching on Google. I decided to check which tricks still work and refresh your memory a little.

Search for a specific phrase

Sometimes it is necessary to find a phrase exactly in the form in which we enter it. For example, when we are looking for the lyrics of a song, but we only know one phrase from it. In this case, you need to enclose this phrase in quotation marks.

Search by specific site

Google is an excellent search engine. And it is often better than built-in search on sites. That is why it is more rational to use Google to search for information on a website. To do this, enter Putin did.

Search for words in text

If you want all the search words to appear in the search results, enter before it allintext:.

If one word of the query should be in the body and the rest anywhere else on the page, including the title or URL, put before the word intext:, and write the rest before that.

Search for words in the title

If you want all the query words to be in the title, use the phrase allintitle:.

If only part of the request should be in the header, and the rest elsewhere in the document or page, put intitle:.

Search for words in URL

To find pages that have your request in their URL, enter allinurl:.

Search for news for a specific location

If you need news on a specific topic from a specific location, use location: to search Google News.

Search with a certain number of missing words

You need to find a sentence in a document or article, but you only remember the words at the beginning and end. Enter your query and indicate approximately how many words there were between the words that you remember. It looks like this: “At the Lukomorye AROUND (5) oak volume.”

Search if you forgot a word or number

Forgot some word from a saying, song, quote? No problem. Google will still help you find it. Place an asterisk (*) in place of the forgotten word.

Find sites that link to the site you are interested in

This item is useful for blog or website owners. If you are wondering who is linking to your site or even to a certain page, then just enter link:website.

Exclude results with unnecessary word

Let's imagine the situation. You have decided to go on vacation to the islands. And you don’t want to go to the Maldives at all. To prevent Google from showing them in search results, you just need to enter “Vacation on the islands - Maldives”. That is, put a minus before the word Maldives.

You want to find all your competitors. Or you really like the site, but there is not enough material on it, and you want more and more. Enter and admire the result.

Search "either-or"

There are situations when you need to find information relating to two people at once. For example, you want to laugh at Vova, but you haven’t decided whether to laugh at Zelensky or someone else. Just enter “Vladimir Zelensky|Zhirinovsky” and you will get the result you need. Instead of the "|" symbol You can enter English OR.

Search for different words in one sentence

To find connections between objects, or simply to find mentions of two individuals together, you can use the "&" symbol. Example: Freud & Jung.

Search by synonyms

If you're lazy like me, then you don't have the patience to Google multiple times for different synonyms of the same word. For example, cheap firewood. The "~" symbol can make your life a lot easier. We write “~cheap firewood” and get results for the words “cheap”, “inexpensive”, “affordable” and so on.

Search within a specific range of numbers

Very useful secret search on Google if you need to find, for example, events that happened in certain years, or prices in certain range. Just put two dots between the numbers. Google will search in this range.

Search for files of a specific format

If you need to find a document or just a file of a certain format, then Google can help you here too. Just add it at the end of your request filetype:doc and instead doc Substitute the format you need.

10 more useful features

1. Google can work as a good calculator. To do this, simply enter the desired operation in the search bar.

2. If you want to find out the meaning of a word, and not just look at pages on the topic, add to the word define or "meaning".

3. You can use the search engine as a converter of values ​​and currencies. To call the converter, type a request with a translation, for example, “centimeters to meters.”

4. WITH using Google you can check the weather and time without having to go to websites. Type the queries “weather “city of interest””, “time “city of interest””.

5. To view the results and schedule of matches of a sports team, simply type its name in a search engine.

6. To translate a word into any language, write to search bar"translate " the right word“into English (any other) language.”

7. For the query “sunrise “city of interest”” Google shows the times of sunrise and sunset (for the latter - a corresponding query).

8. sometimes a very helpful function for searching a site in the Google cache. For example, when newsmakers delete news. You can read them thanks to Google.

9. If you enter a flight number into the search bar, Google returns full information about him.

10. To see a table of quotes for a specific company, simply search for "stocks of 'company of interest'," such as "Apple Stock."

If you have your own ways to use Google more effectively and find faster necessary information, share your tips in the comments to this article.

No, don't pass by. This is a very pressing problem, especially for beginners. Many people don’t know how to search and are even afraid of it. I know what I’m saying—I encounter this often.

Do you think what’s so complicated about this - you typed “kala-balya” in the search bar and pressed “Enter”, that’s all? So it is possible search for information on the Internet for hours. Need to be able to use search. Having mastered this science, you will quickly and easily find answers to ALL your questions.

Everything is on the Internet, many people know it. You just have to reach out and take it. Let's make our life easier and learn to search correctly.

In addition to the basic principles of searching on the Internet, you will learn how to search in two search engines simultaneously, in one window. 😯 Yes, it is possible and very easy to do. The quality of the results increases significantly.

How to use search- step by step, in detail and with examples in pictures...

I will try to briefly and clearly explain the basic (there are a lot of them, this is a whole science) principles of search. So, let's go...

In any browser there are two fields − address bar(this is the one on the left), into which you enter the known site address, as well as the search string (on the right). This is what we will do...

By clicking the small triangle, you can select the search engine in which you will search for your query...

Can you add another one? search service. For example, if you found out the address of a good search engine, enter it in the search bar and press “Enter” on the keyboard...

And the entire “sheet” of text that appears is the result of the request...

But we only need the first line. By the way, Google has a nice feature - you can press the right arrow on your keyboard and a preview of the site will appear. Left arrow - hides. It's a small thing, but nice. We got distracted, a little. Let's move on. Click on the first line and go to the main page of (very good search engine, By the way)…

Now, if we press the triangle again in the search bar of the browser, we will see that new item- "add…" . So let’s press it...

How to add search engines to your browser figured it out. Using this method, you can add your favorite sites and search in them without even going to them first - very convenient.

Now let's talk about the rules of the requests themselves.

If you think that people answer your questions, you are mistaken. The conversation is with a robot. The program. And she's stupid. She needs to be more precise in asking queries consisting of several clarifying words. But don’t get too excited, 2-4 words are enough. If you didn’t find the answer, rephrase it, ask in other words.

Capital letters are not needed. The search engine will figure it out on its own. Also, if you started to enter a request and forgot switch keyboard layout- don’t stop, write further without looking at the screen and press “Enter”...

No comments.

Now, about the operators. These are the ones special signs, which search engines use to refine searches. For example, you are looking for...

...and the result...

...not ice, right? But if with quotes...

...well, there are no monkeys on the Internet.

Got the point, I hope? There you are description of Google system operators. And here, Great Yandex operators. Read it, it will be useful.

Each search engine has its own advanced search. Google has it on the left...

Click “Pictures” and search in the pictures...

“Only in Russian” to exclude other languages...

And here comes Yandex...

And we sorted it out. Now the sweetest part...

Have you noticed that different search engines answer the same question in their own way? This happens due to different algorithms for their operation. Sometimes you search for half a day in one, and the other immediately understands you. From personal observations - smarter than Google. But I won’t offend Yandex - it’s also good. (Otherwise he’ll ban you and throw you out of the index). I wish I could unite them. Easily!

In Mozilla Firefox, enter the following address in the address (on the left) line...

We press Enter on the keyboard and we get a query input field on a huge, clean page. We are not afraid. Without leaving this page, click on the familiar triangle in the search bar and select...

Now let's check what happened...

Quick navigation on this page:

For those who spend a lot of time on the Internet, the expression “search query” is familiar. However, it is also known that it is not always possible to find the required resource based on the entered query. But gradually, by selecting several word forms, it is possible to achieve the desired result. This means that there must be a certain search algorithm that is characteristic of different search engines. And such an algorithm really exists. But in order for it to be used effectively, you need to figure out how to use the search engine correctly.

How does a search engine work?

First of all, to achieve an effective search, you need to understand that a request to a search engine is a set of words in a certain sequence. It is entered in a special browser line. However, you need to know that there are so-called stop words that are not considered search engine. The category of such words includes interjections and prepositions.

Moreover, the search algorithm both in Google and in Yandex system It works in such a way that in the search results the entered words will appear without a certain sequence. So it turns out that by entering a phrase, for example, “apply for and receive a loan for a car,” search engine will only consider the words “apply, receive, loan, car” and they may look in different sequences.

For example, “car, loan, issue, receive.” In addition, these words can be recognized in different cases and declensions. As a result, a search may return sites where the following word forms are found: “credit, registration, receive, auto.” Although they may be different depending on the order of words, but still, with this approach it is sometimes difficult to quickly find necessary information.

What additional characters are entered into the search engine?

But to organize the search in the form in which the words were entered, you can put an exclamation mark (!) in front of the phrase.

If you need to find words by synonyms, you need to enter the “~” sign in front of the searched word.

Operative word inurl, preceded by no space search word will allow you to find a given word only in the page address, while the remaining words of the entered phrase will be searched throughout the entire text of this page.

In some situations, it is useful to use a minus sign (-), which allows you to avoid too much cluttering of words during a direct search.

But the plus sign is interpreted differently by search rules in search engines. search engines differently. For example, in Yandex this means priority of this word. For example, in the request “apply for and receive a loan for + car”, special emphasis during the search will be placed on the word “car”. In Google, this location of the plus means that additional words must be included in the search procedure: “apply for + and get a loan for a car,” the search will also consider the conjunction “and.”

Vertical line "|" corresponds to the meaning of the word “or”. That is, the meaning of “apply and | receive a loan for a car” will be perceived as “apply or receive.”

In order to understand how to use a search engine, you must keep in mind that the search system provides for entering correct queries, distinguished by:

Navigation queries – designed to search for a place on the Internet (a specific company website)

Informative requests - help to find specific information at different addresses.

Transactional requests – confirming the intention to perform something (downloading, subscribing, etc.).

Fuzzy queries are general terms with a wide range of interpretation, such as “cinema”, “video”.

That is, to achieve the desired search result, you must enter the correct data, taking into account the entered characters, and then the search engine will provide the necessary information immediately.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to continue the topic and move on to a description of my main tool, which I have been using for the second millennium.

Historically, I usually lead search in Yandex, and only then, if nothing worthy is found, I switch to Google (recently, by the way, I wrote about what tools can be used and how they can be used).

Yandex, just like Google, has its own (but very similar) query language, an advanced filter, as well as family search. True, there is not such a rich set of filters in the search results itself (the page with search results), but there is a display of the filters that are present in this search results. I don’t know about you, but this thing really helps me to quickly find sites worthy of my attention, which I trust and whose answers previously satisfied me.

Is it convenient to search in Yandex?

In general, of course, it looks a little strange that I am writing about the main tool of the Yandex corporation (read,) after I had reviewed other (minor in relation to search) services:

This probably happened because the process of searching for information on the Internet has become for us as much a matter of course as breathing, walking, talking, etc. We do not focus on this, although if you approach this process wisely and carefully, you can significantly save your time, nerves and find something that would normally escape our attention.

So let's go over appearance pages with search results and the tools that are present there.

At the very top there is a list of other Yandex services and thematic searches that may interest you. However, the results of the general search results results from searches for news, products, pictures, etc. are mixed in. For example, on the right, images are displayed just from the image search.

For some types of queries, Yandex (as well as Google) can give quite specific answers. The RuNet mirror calls this feature names a sorcerer. There are quite a lot of sorcerers (you can read and see about them on this page). Sometimes the sorcerer displays his block, similar to what I described in the article about, and sometimes he only gives a link, for example, to.

When requesting weather, immediately after entering the request form, you will see a weather wizard:

Settings and search options

If you have Slow internet channel (for example, via a mobile phone), then you can disable display of graphic banners and pictures located on the right (the “Settings" button on the right top corner delivery window).

By default, the search window settings also enable the display of site icons (favicons), which allow you to visually very quickly find among the results those sites that you are accustomed to trust. It will also be possible to increase the number of answers on the results page to 50, which, personally, is what I do, because in the top ten there is, as a rule, a lot of noise.

You can enable the display of separate statistics for each of the words contained in your query (displayed under the query entry form), but this will be an unnecessary overkill for the vast majority of users. Yes, you can sometimes see in Yandex search results dialogue prompts(see gray buttons in the previous screenshot under the request entry form), which allow you to quickly view the results for a refined request.

Search tips and what is important can be seen in the results (results)

Yes, I'm still talking about search tips Yandex didn't say. They now become personalized by default and take into account all the requests you previously typed and all other nuances of your personal life.

You can disable their personalization either on this page, or by clicking on the corresponding link (My queries) directly from the drop-down window with these same search tips.

You see, this settings page is different from the general search settings page. For some reason, Yandex has several such pages and the functionality of some of them overlaps. behold All possible settings search Runet mirrors will be available on the page.

Previously, I also chose to display a more detailed snippet taken from the site text (in the area "Document Description" option “Advanced”) or its description, so as not to once again go to those resources where the answer to my question most likely will not be found. Now, with enough fast internet(), it’s easier to go to the site than to read the snippet, which is generated by the RuNet mirror and is not always successful and informative.

Below the snippet there is a chain of links leading to the document found on this site (similar to breadcrumbs), which in some cases can stimulate additional clicks if they are attracted by the name of the category or section where this very page lives. Usually, these chains are taken bread crumbs available on the site.

The title of the document is taken from, although exceptions may sometimes be made. But this is rather important not for those who search in Yandex, but for those who want to be found ().

The user is more interested in, for example, a link "Copy", which allows you to view a copy saved in the search engine cache of this document. This may be necessary in the case or in the case, which will lead to the impossibility of switching to it from Yandex.

In addition, on the copy page, the keywords you typed will be highlighted in bright yellow background, although this can be disabled simple removal check the “highlight query words” field. Using the arrows to the right and left of the query text, you can move between the found keywords and in the text.

But there is more The best way to see something that is no longer there is . Very interesting thing and even about thin or not very humor of Yandex itself can tell us (the source is located, and the selected fragment is visible only when selected, because it is written in white font on a white background, which is strictly prohibited by the rules of the search engines themselves).

You also probably noticed that, as a rule, in the search results of Yandex, and Google too, most often there is only one page from the site. Here. And if you are interested in this particular resource and all the information on the problem you are interested in found only on it, then the button will come to your aid "More".

Much less often you can find the inscription "Found via link", which will tell you that the words from your request were not found on this site, but there are links leading to this document, in the anchor of which such words were present. In a similar way, Bush Jr.’s website was successfully searched using a completely unflattering phrase that could not have been in the text of its pages. Guess how this happened?

The next area of ​​the Yandex search settings allows you to select the language in which you would prefer to see answers, and it is also possible to disable the automatic correction of typos or errors you made in the request. In fact, there used to be such a trend as promoting queries with errors that are often repeated. But now Yandex itself corrects them and the feature no longer works.

Family Search, Live Stream and Related Searches

Here you can enable or, conversely, disable filtering of adult content (who needs what). By default, a moderate filter is used, when adult content will be shown only if you explicitly express your desire to see it in your request. If children use the computer, then it would be best to switch to Family search, in order to avoid all sorts of unpleasant incidents.

Well, if you certainly want to prevent the possibility of including adult content in search results, then you can use a special Yandex website for family search, which looks exactly the same as home page RuNet mirrors, and which can be added as the default search and home page in the browsers you use.

They also have a special search for people, where you can search for a person using all popular networks, and for some individual of them.

Since we are talking about special Yandex sites with specific searches, how do you like this option? Dnez-search, when you click the “Find” button, the output for one of the currently typed queries will be shown:

It will also be very interesting to follow the link "Live " and see in the background exactly what queries and at what point on the planet are typed by those who are trying to search for something in Yandex.

In the last part of the search results settings, you can enable or disable Yandex tracking you and taking into account the received data when generating tips and search results.

Just like in Google, those who decide to search for something in Yandex will have a dossier created, which can be viewed by clicking on the “My Finds” link. That's it, the settings are done.

By the way, at the bottom of the search results window you can often find related queries, which were entered by the same users, trying to find an answer to the question that was tormenting them. Firstly, you can click on them to see a page with these search results, and secondly, webmasters can choose here for their future articles.

Unlike Google's rich sets of filters, in the Runet mirror we see only sort switches by relevance (compliance with the request text) or by date. Moreover last method displays sites that are extremely far from what you wanted to see when entering your request.

Advanced search and Yandex query language

All filtering capabilities are concentrated exclusively in Yandex advanced search, which we will now quickly consider.

Thus, not only experts in the query language of this search engine (by the way, it is very similar to the Google query language), but also ordinary untrained users can search professionally in Yandex. First, you enter your query into the "I'm looking for" field, where you can use one or more operators to narrow your search. In Google, in this regard, advanced search is more functional.

Let's go over those now search query language operators that may actually be needed:

    By default, between all query words, Yandex places logical operator OR. However, if you need one of the words in the search results would definitely be present, then put a + sign in front of it without a space on the right, but with a mandatory space on the left:

    Website promotion + Moscow

    Just like any other search engine, the RuNet mirror ignores words that appear too often in queries. These are the so-called safe words and most often these are prepositions, particles or pronouns. In order for these stop words to be taken into account by you, again it will be enough to put a + sign in front of them without a space:

    Engine + for the site

    You can also search using negation operator. For example, you need to find a review of some item, but the results show only online stores with this product. What should I do? Quite simple. It is enough to put in front of the words that you do not want to see in the results a double tilde ~~ (with a space between them and the word), or, at worst, a minus sign (without a space on the right, but with a space on the left):

    Ipad 4 ~~ prices ~~ buy Ipad 4 - prices - buy

  1. Often people are looking for quotes and for this it is possible to enclose this phrase in double quotes so that Yandex searches for these words in the same sequence.
  2. If you forgot one or more words in any quote, proverb or saying, you can replace them with an asterisk sign or signs * separated from other words by spaces: “he rested in *”
  3. By default, Yandex understands the morphology of the Russian language and searches not only for those word forms (cases and numbers) that you used in the request, but also for all others (smart type). True, this does not apply to parts of speech (if you specified a noun in the request, then adjectives derived from this word will not be searched). But this is no longer important.

    Another thing is that in rare cases you may need prohibit Yandex from searching based on morphology. This can be done using exclamation point placed without a space before the word that will need to be searched only in the form in which you used it (case, number).

    "!website promotion"

    Moreover, if the searched word is usually written with capital letters(for example, last name), then an exclamation point before such a word will force the search engine to search only for words with a capital letter:

    Lev! Nikolaevich

    There is also the option of using a double exclamation mark, which forces the RuNet mirror to search by the dictionary form of this word, but I am far from linguistics and did not understand in what cases this could be useful.

    Often a situation may arise that the search on a site that interests you is so stupid and stupid that it is better not to use it. In this case, you can, of course, use the Yandex advanced search (see screenshot just above) and specify the address of the desired site (or several sites separated by commas) to limit the search area.

    But anyone can do this. It will look much more effective to use Site query language operator, which will look something like this:

    Website promotion site:https://site

  4. The advanced search also allows you to select document type, in which the phrase you need will be searched ( regular internet pages, pdf documents, Word files and something else). It’s convenient when the essay or thesis is found in exactly the format required to submit it - there is no need to make unnecessary gestures. However, the operator Mime It will be much cooler to use: website promotion mime:doc
  5. It’s not entirely clear why this might be needed, but the RuNet mirror has had operators since ancient times & And && , which allow you to search for words separated by it in one sentence or in one document (in fact, && replaces the default logical OR operator with the AND operator)
  6. Even more mysterious to me is the Yandex query language operator in the form slash "/", which allows you to set the interval (measured in the number of words) that will be maintained when searching for your query. The distance between adjacent words is assumed to be equal to one.

    Promotion of /2 sites

    This means that there cannot be more than one word between the words “promotion” and “site” in the documents found. There are also options for using a plus or minus sign in front of a number to determine the order of words. Yes, and you can also shove & (&&) in there, so that the poor user’s tower is completely blown away:

    Promotion of &&/(-1 +2) sites

  7. And as you can see from the last example, we can use parentheses to create super complex queries.
  8. In advanced search, you can limit the scope quite subtly by specifying a specific time interval when these documents were created or updated. There are also query language operators that allow you to do the same thing - Date. It allows you to set both a specific date and intervals.

You will find examples of using all the mentioned and forgotten operators; perhaps this will help you search in Yandex more productively, quickly and with less nerve cells.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Among the billions of pages of Internet content, only search engines can help out the network user and help him find this or that information. But only a few have at their disposal knowledge regarding effective search in major search engines Google systems and Yandex, because everywhere has its own secrets and features.

ABOUT Google search engine I already wrote in the post. And today we’ll talk about the search engine Yandex/Yandex.

Yandex is a search engine that can, based on your request, find the most relevant web pages, news, pictures, encyclopedia articles or products in the Russian-language part of the Internet, or answer questions about the weather or cultural events.

All you have to do is type a question, just as you would ask a librarian or a know-it-all polymath. For example, where do crayfish spend the winter? or brightest star in the northern hemisphere

Yandex is just program, not a person. There is no need to endow him with omnipotence: they say, everything will be found, just tell him.

No matter how hard its developers try, artificial intelligence So far no one on the planet has succeeded in creating it. Take this fact into account and do not try to ask Yandex “human questions”. This is of little use - he won’t understand.

Therefore, let's start with the most important subtleties of information search. The most important and basic thing here is the correct placement of the query in the search engine string. The request must clearly describe what you need to find in the depths of the Internet. For example, for one non-specific request “apple”, in the search engine results we notice the website of a political party, and explanations of the term “apple”, and various recipes, and many other pages (useful and not so useful). So in each of your requests you must clearly answer the question: what is the object about which you want to find information on the search results pages.

By the way, when you type a query, Yandex itself will offer you the most relevant options - search suggestions.

Now about the query: a very long query can either improve search accuracy or worsen it.

It is better to search in Yandex using phrases
consisting of two or three words.

Once you receive the results, wait to click immediately. Take a quick look at the suggested links. Rate: is this exactly what you are looking for? If not, then simply refine your request by adding new words.

If the topic of the query is specific, for example, regarding “the digestive system of the Spanish hedgehog”:o), then the query should consist of no more than 5-6 words (in most cases). When regarding your long (several words) query, the search engine produces nonsense, then you need to reduce the number of words in the query in order to expand the search area; in extreme cases, this is better than not finding anything at all. Perhaps in this option you will not get 100% what you wanted, but alternative approximate information is also good, for lack of anything better.

Advice: in case of very incorrect results for your request, the method of selecting synonyms and rephrasing your request helps. Sometimes, this significantly helps to find the necessary information, because search engines focus on entry keywords in the text of the page, and if you change the request, then the output changes accordingly.

By the way, there are a couple of secrets here.


Search engines have this interesting feature,
as "Advanced Search".

Advanced Yandex search is available at:

In the window of this most advanced search, you can slightly manipulate the results by setting certain parameters, thereby narrowing the search area.

As you can see, in the Yandex advanced search window, we can configure a specific region, word location, page language, page format, date added and much more. Similar and intuitive clear interface The Google search engine also has advanced search.

Secondly, know:

Yandex generates the result taking into account
geographical region in which
the user is located.

In most cases it is really convenient. But what should we do, for example, if we want to order delivery of roses to a friend living in Ufa, but we ourselves are in Murmansk? This mode will interfere.

You can search in Yandex without taking into account the region using the advanced search form -

The form is convenient to use for a one-time operation. If you are making a series of requests, first set the region using the link in the upper right corner.

Thirdly, before searching in Yandex:

decide what exactly you want to find:
links to sites or an answer to a specific question.

With the first option, everything seems to be clear. We entered the words, got the result, then we began to methodically explore the proposed sites. Familiar, but long.

The second option is not so obvious. By the way, many (the same 85%) do not know about it.

Look, Yandex visits per month almost all sites Runet, even not particularly well-known and little-visited, and downloads all the pages somewhere to itself (on a dimensionless HDD). When you enter a query, then Yandex searches not on websites, but in its own pages that have already been downloaded, on that same dimensionless disk, or, as experts say, in the cache.

What does this mean? But the fact that

you can get the answer immediately in the search results,
quickly and without crawling sites

For example, we want to know the year the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood was built. Just enter the query “savior on blood” and the results will be:

"The Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood (architect A. Parland) was built by order of Alexander III and the decision of the Synod in 1907 on the site of the tragic death of Emperor Alexander II."

Got a response? Yes.

This is a simple example. Complex ones require knowledge special teams and dexterity. I’ll help with the first, the second will come with experience.

In order to effectively search the Internet, you need to know at least basic principles functioning of search engines.

So, Yandex commands for searching:

1. If necessary search for the entire phrase, we put it in quotation marks.(By default, the search words can be anywhere on the page or absent altogether, and quotation marks force Yandex to search for the exact phrase.)

Example: "Red roses"

2. If the search words must be in the same sentence and it is allowed that there may be other words between them, then insert the ampersand symbol.

Example: Red Rose

3. If you need to withdraw pages that necessarily contain some word, then we add it to the request and put it in front of it plus sign

Example: "red roses" +Ufa +prices

4. The plus sign is convenient to use when you need to search taking into account a preposition; by default, the preposition can be ignored.

Example: "red roses" + in Ufa

5. If you put before a word space and two tildes, That Pages containing this word will be removed from the results.

Example: "red roses" +Ufa +prices ~~Russia ~~wholesale

6. If the word has synonyms or other words that are similar in meaning, then they can be listed through a vertical line, and we frame the entire listing in parentheses.

Example: "red roses" +Ufa +(prices | cost) ~~ (Russia | wholesale | wholesale)

In this example, the result will be pages containing “Ufa” and one of the words “price” or “cost”, while none of them should contain: “Russia”, “wholesale”, “wholesale”.

The entire list can be viewed in the Yandex help or in the memo; a link to it is in the advanced search form.

What is taking into account morphology when searching?

I'll show you with an example...

In Russian, words can have different forms (cases, singular and plural, etc.) Whatever form the word appears in the text of the page (even different from the form of the word in the request), Yandex will find it. For example, if the query is “go”, then the search result will find documents containing the words “go”, “is going”, “was walking”, “was walking”, etc. The request “window” will return information containing the word “window”, and the request “revoked” will return documents containing the word “revoked”.

Please note that when selecting word forms for search, Yandex distinguishes between parts of speech. For example, if you search for “computer” (noun), pages with the words “computer” or “computers” will be found, but not “computer” (adjective).

Basic techniques search queries.