How to delete using the keyboard. How to disable Windows hotkeys

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We can’t do without a keyboard; we use it to type text, but not only that, you can use the keyboard to control the computer. It happens that the mouse does not work, then the keyboard will come to the rescue.

When you work with documents, you will probably navigate through them using the keyboard arrows or buttons PageUp(scroll up the page) and PageDown(page down).

  • To delete files, it is more convenient to use the key Del.
  • Menu, in which all programs installed on the computer live, is easier to call using special button with the Windows logo (four-color flag).

However, it is possible that this is a matter of taste... But there are cases when using a keyboard is much easier. For example, it is more convenient to switch the text input language (from Russian to English and vice versa) using the keyboard. Windows suggests using the combination Alt keys and Shift, which is not very convenient... But then, install the miracle program Punto Switcher on your computer. you can switch between languages ​​with one single key Ctrl. In addition, Punto can independently correct words typed in the wrong layout, turning rubbish like cby)