How to remove all drivers from windows. Removing unnecessary device drivers in Windows

In Windows, when installing or updating device drivers, older versions of drivers are saved in the system. This gives the user the opportunity to return the old version drivers if new driver works unstable ( useful opportunity, as the case with which had to show). However, Windows does not automatically clean or remove older versions of drivers, so over time, the amount of space taken up by drivers on system disk gets pretty big. In this article we will talk about ways to remove old versions of drivers (duplicates) using internal system tools (without using third-party software).

Windows stores all driver files in its driver repository (), located in the directory %WINDIR%\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository.

In my case on home laptop with Windows 7 (the system was installed almost 8 years ago), the FileRepository directory takes up about 11 GB and contains >5000 files. Quite a lot! In particular, this directory stores more than 20 different versions Nvidia video drivers.


  1. Under no circumstances should you manually delete driver files from the DriverStore directory.
  2. Before cleaning drivers, it is strongly recommended to create a system restore point (Checkpoint-Computer -Description "BeforeDriversDelete") or .
  3. After clearing the storage, when connecting new devices, you may have to download and install drivers manually.

Finding and removing old driver versions in Windows 7

Let's look at how to search and delete outdated drivers for Windows 7 (Windows 8 and Windows 10 have more simple methods removing old drivers (they are described below).

Let's get a list of everyone third party drivers, available in the system, and upload them to text file. To do this, in the command line with administrator rights, run the command:

dism /online /get-drivers /format:table > c:\tmp\drivers.txt

We import the resulting file into Excel and delete all unnecessary data so that only a table remains with the lists of repository drivers in the format: driver number in the system ( oemXXX.inf), name of the original inf file, device class, manufacturer, installation date and driver version.

We sort the resulting table by column B (contains the name of the original inf file) and column F (driver installation date). Among the groups of drivers of the same name, we mark all driver versions except the latest one for removal. In my case, it can be seen that most of the older driver versions belong to NVIDIA.

To remove the driver, you can use the pnputil command:

pnputil.exe -d oemxxx.inf

Note. In some cases, you can remove the driver only with the key –f: pnputil -f -d oemxxx.inf

For convenience, we will form commands in an empty column to remove each driver using the formula =CONCATENATE("pnputil.exe -d ";A21)

All that remains is to copy the generated commands and execute them in the command line or bat file.

Thus, I removed about 40 old versions of drivers from the system, thereby freeing up about 8 GB of space (mainly due to NVIDEA video drivers).

Removing old drivers in Windows 10/8 using Disk Cleanup utility

Windows 10/8.1 has more handy tool to remove old versions of drivers - the familiar disk cleanup utility cleanmgr.exe, which also allows you to clean the disk from .

Note. In Windows 10 and Windows 8 Upd 1 there is an option available in the system in a separate directory.

The cleanmgr utility will remove all old unused driver versions. However, at the same time, you need to understand that in the driver properties in the device manager, the “Roll back driver” button will become inactive.

We continue to clean the system of accumulated garbage. Today we will touch on the topic of drivers. In the article, I only showed a little at the end how you can remove drivers. But in the article it was a matter of “firewood” and it was necessary to remove it. There I described in more detail.
Therefore, if you want to remove or roll back drivers, read one of the articles above. Or better yet, both.

Now closer to the point. The method described below will help you see and remove all drivers that are on the system and not in use. What kind of firewood is this? Yes, all kinds. These are also those that were installed when you “stuck” some other person’s flash drive once. This includes firewood that was installed along with some program for video or sound processing, as well as antiviruses, etc. software. Subsequently, you have already deleted these programs, but the tails in the form of drivers may remain. Also, this rubbish may remain after an incorrect reinstallation of Windows.

Now we will delete them in a standard way Windows system.

Opening Properties of the system. This can be done in three ways:

1) Win + Break/Pause

2) RMB on the icon My computer and in context menu choose Properties

3) Start -> Control Panel -> System

In Windows 7 and 8 you also need to select on the left Extra options systems

In this window, click the Create button in the “System variables” field

Now in this new small window we enter Variable name How devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices, A Meaning there will be 1

Then click OK everywhere until the System Properties window.

All that remains is to open this same Manager.
Or in this very System Properties window, select the tab Equipment:

Or call and enter Devmgmt.msc or start devmgmt.msc into it

All. Now you can open the lists and you will see that there are translucent or exclamation mark. That's what we need:

Right-click on them and delete:

You can also simplify all these actions (before opening the Manager) by entering command line Set devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices=1
Then you can open the manager, show hidden ones and delete them.
The thing to keep in mind here is that after a reboot this option will disappear.

That's all. And as a conclusion I would like to give a few notes:

1) If it doesn’t work, try doing it as Administrator

2) If not displayed, click on the "Update hardware configuration" button or restart the Manager

3) Watch carefully what you delete. If something doesn’t start later, it’s not my fault.

4) The list does not always show unnecessary ones. Everything that was installed may be present there. Therefore, think again about whether you need to delete it and whether it will definitely no longer be used. Although the firewood will then be reinstalled again, but not for all devices.

Created based on

Each device, when connected to a computer under Windows control is identified using drivers - software, without which its operation is impossible. During "life" desktop computer or a laptop, dozens, if not hundreds of devices are connected to it. External hard disks, flash drives, scanners, printers, gamepads, keyboards, mice - these are just some of the accessories that automatically install their drivers on the computer or the user does it manually. This applies not only to devices that are connected externally to the computer, but also to internal components - video cards, hard disks And so on.

If the operating system is not reinstalled on your computer for several years, hard formatting disk, hundreds of drivers are stored in the computer's memory, which are unlikely to be useful to the user. Removing unused drivers is easy, and in this article we will tell you how to do it. Before proceeding with the steps described below, create a file so that you can return to it if problems arise due to deleting unnecessary files.

How to remove unused drivers

The privilege to remove drivers from a computer is only available to an administrator, so before you begin the steps below, make sure you have sufficient rights to do so. To clean your computer from unused drivers do the following:

Please note: Some versions operating system display of hidden devices is disabled on program level. If you encounter a situation where, after checking the specified checkbox hidden devices did not appear, you need to follow the steps described below in the article in a separate paragraph.

Interesting fact: On your computer, drivers for even one device are stored in several folders. It’s quite easy to verify this; you need to press on an unused device right click mouse and select “Properties”. Next, go to the “Driver” tab and select “Information”. The "Driver Files" column will display dozens of files that are software just one device.

What to do if hidden devices do not appear in Device Manager

As we noted above, there are situations when hidden devices are not displayed in the “Device Manager” even after checking the box (or this item is not in the menu at all). In such a situation, you need to do the following to make them appear:

  1. Launch the “Run” line using the Windows + R key combination and write in it next command:
control.exe /name Microsoft.System

For it to be active by default, in the “Variable value” column you should put the number 1, then click “OK”.

New variable environment will be created and will appear in the Device Manager list. hidden options, drivers for which can be removed following the instructions described above.

Almost every user connects a phone, tablet, reader, flash drives and external HDDs. When working with these devices, Windows installs their drivers. After use, they are not deleted from the computer (that is, they gradually accumulate) and, just like temporary files, unnecessary entries in the registry clutter up the system.

In addition to this, if devices are disconnected from USB port incorrectly (pulled out without software shutdown function "Extract"), then installed drivers not only remain in the system, but also continue to function. Because of this, they often become the cause of a software conflict when connecting another USB device (the system “does not see” the device, gives errors, freezes).

This article will help you avoid all these troubles: it will tell you how to completely remove the driver of an unused USB drive or gadget from the operating system, and how to automatically uninstall all USB drivers.

Removal using standard means

Surface cleaning

1. Open the Start menu.

2. Right-click in the “Computer” panel that appears. From the list of commands, select “Properties”.

3. In the left column, click “Device Manager”.

4. In the dispatcher window, in horizontal menu, open the View section and click Show hidden devices.

5. Open the “USB Controllers” directory.

6. Remove an old or unused driver: right-click on its name → click “Delete”.

Deep cleaning

1. Hold down the Win key and press the Pause/Break key. Or open: Start → right-click Computer → Properties.

2. In the window that opens, in the left panel, click “Advanced system settings”.

3. On the Advanced tab, click the Environment Variables button.

4. In the top block, click “Create”.

5. In the New User Variable window:

  • in the “Variable name” line, enter - devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices;
  • in “Variable value” - 1.

6. Click OK in the Variable panel and in the Environment Variables window.

7. Return to the system properties window (Win+Break) and click “Device Manager”.

8. In the manager, open: View → Show hidden...

9. Click the “Update configuration...” button (the last one in the panel).

10. Icons of unused drivers in the manager are colored grey colour(that is, you can remove this driver). Open the following directories one by one and remove unnecessary elements (right-click on the name → Delete):

Non-plug and play device drivers

Advice! In this directory you can also remove old drivers, installed by programs that have already been uninstalled from Windows (for example, the Comodo firewall package).

This device section displays installed drivers for flash drives, readers, and hard drives. Transparent object icons indicate that they are not in use (not connected). This means you can safely get rid of them.

11. Once cleaning is complete, restart your PC.

Automatic removal by USBDeview utility

1. Copy to address bar browser this link - (official website of the utility). And then press "ENTER".

2. On the page that opens:

  • if you have a 32-bit system, click the first link “Download USBDeview”;
  • if 64-x, the second - “... for x64 systems”.

3. Unpack the downloaded archive: right-click on it → select “Extract all...” → in the “Extract...” window, click “Extract”.

4. Open the unzipped folder. Run with administrator rights executable file USBDeview.

5. The utility window displays a list of all drivers installed in the system. Disabled elements are marked with red “chips”.

To remove a driver from Windows, select it with a mouse click, and then click the “Trash” icon in the USBDeview panel. Or right-click on it and select “Uninstall Selected Devices” from the context menu.

Note. In addition to the removal function, USBDeview allows the user to disable/enable the driver and view its properties.

Removing all USB device drivers

Global driver cleaning can be performed using the DriveCleanup utility (download link -

1. Unpack the archive downloaded to your computer.

2. If you have 32-bit Windows, open the “Win32” folder; if you have 64-bit, open the “x64” folder.

3. Run the “DriveCleanup” file as administrator.

Once launched, the utility will automatically perform cleaning. When the procedure is complete (when the message “Press any key” appears in the console window), press any key.

Good luck in setting up the system!

In a Windows environment, there is usually no need for such a procedure as removing drivers. In most cases, the system gets along with the drivers of replaceable peripherals. Yes, even when changing the internal hardware of the computer latest versions Windows 8.1 And 10 , as a rule, they start up calmly, without leaving BSOD what happens to Windows 7 (and older versions) when replacing a processor or motherboard. New versions of the system usually reset the connection to the hardware themselves and automatically install everything they need.

However, cases of driver conflicts do occur, and sometimes there may be a question of removing them with our user intervention. Another reason for this procedure is experimental goals. So, how to remove drivers from Windows environment?

1. Removing driver applications

Drivers are service files of formats ".sys" , ".dll" , ".vxd" , ".drv", stored in special Windows directories. Most of them are installed using files ".inf" and does not have its own interface for user control. But there are third-party drivers that come bundled with their proprietary applications. These exist for video, audio cards, printers and other peripherals. And they are installed into the system according to type third party programs. It is not always possible to get rid of such drivers through regular uninstallation; their hidden components may remain in the system. And at best, it takes up disk space as a dead weight, at worst - conflict with new drivers . In this case, special cleaning programs will help.

One of best programs Among the advanced uninstallers is . Firstly, it will help to correctly uninstall the driver applications themselves, i.e. remove them by clearing any residues in the registry and on the disk.

Secondly, the program displays not only the main directory with third-party software, it also has two separate directories with hidden and system components. Remaining components of third-party drivers may be hiding there, and knows how to forcefully delete them.

A program is specifically designed for correctly removing video drivers. It is narrow-profile, intended only for Windows cleaning from video card drivers Nvidia , AMD And Intel along with all their branded applications installed. It is recommended for use before replacing the video card, so that the next time Windows startup it was possible without unnecessary problems implement a new video driver. In its window on the right you need to select the desired brand of video card - Nvidia , AMD And Intel. And on the left indicate the desired action - remove video driver, and then either do nothing, or reboot the system, or turn it off.

2. Removing regular drivers

Problems with hardware and peripherals can sometimes be caused by information about old devices of this type left in the system. Such devices may no longer exist, but Windows stores their drivers. Plus, they also take up disk space. How to remove drivers for old, no longer existing hardware and peripherals?

For externally connected equipment, you can try to use the device manager. It needs to be configured to show hidden devices.

And remove those that are no longer used. They will be marked with faded icons.

As for the internal filling of the computer, everything is not so simple. To correct the conflict situation, you can unlink the component drivers using standard utility, designed for deploying Windows on corporate and OEM -devices.

It returns the system to the state of the first launch, and the entire hardware of the computer is defined in a new way.

But it is preferable, of course, to use this utility before replacing important components.

The drivers themselves (their service files) neither in the first nor in the second case do they disappear anywhere. Is it the installation files? ".inf" Some of them can be deleted in order to clear disk space WITH . This is done using standard means disk cleanup or special third-party programs.

3. Removing drivers from the Windows system directory

Completely removing regular drivers from the Windows environment - with the destruction of their service files and installation files - is possible only in a barbaric way by interfering with the system Windows directory. It is advisable to hold such events if there is absolutely nothing else left. And then, with the obligatory creation of a backup of the drivers, as well as a backup of the entire system, if its contents are of value. Or when we talk about experimental purposes using virtual Windows, systems on other disks, etc. It is not recommended to perform the following steps without proper training on basic computers.

We go to the device manager. Double click open the properties of the device for which we are going to remove the driver. Go to the tab, click.

Here in a new window we will see the path to the driver service file. For some devices there may be several such files. We remember all of them, their location in system directory, or better yet, write it all down or take a screenshot.

Next, close the window and return to the device properties. Now open the next tab. In the drop-down list, indicate and record its value somewhere. This is the installation file ".inf" drivers.

Now we turn off the device in the manager.

We go to the Windows system directory, where its service file is stored ".sys" , ".dll" or other. And we delete it.

If there are several service files, then it is necessary to delete all of them in this way. We return to the manager and see that the device is displayed with an exclamation mark. And this means that the driver for it is not installed on the system. Let's try to update it.

In our case, the experiment was carried out with a network card, so there is no point in searching on the Internet. Immediately select local search for drivers.

Click on the selection from the list of available drivers.

Restoring the driver became possible because we deleted its service files in the system directory, but we have not yet touched the installation file ".inf". To make it impossible to install the driver in the future, we follow the path:


And delete the previously recorded file in this folder ".inf" .

But the system will not want to delete it, it will ask for access with rights TrustInstaller . And, having received such rights, he will come up with new reason refusal. Moreover, the system will not want to delete not only the file ".inf", but also service files of some drivers. In the above case, deleting the file ".sys" occurred due to the selection of a device that the system does not consider vital – network card . It will not allow you to remove drivers for vital components. In such cases, you need to boot from any Live -disk with file manager on board. And delete all service files recorded inside the system and, if necessary, the installation file ".inf" .

After removal installation file ".inf" a system without the Internet or the help of third-party software will not be able to install the device driver.

From the installer downloaded from the official website;
Search the Internet or the Update Center;

Seek the help of a specialized third party software;
Extract from previously made backups.