How to uninstall an iPhone 4 program. How to remove an application from an iPhone

IN App Store there are a lot of applications. There are so many of them that any user of an iOS device simply runs wild. I would like to try both that program and this one. And so you download and install one first mobile app, then another, etc. But all this one day leads to clutter iPhone memory– the device begins to freeze and become unstable. The fact is that you need to get rid of unnecessary software. Ask how? Now we'll tell you how to remove unnecessary applications from an Apple smartphone.

You can easily and quickly remove programs through the built-in Settings application. This method works for everyone popular models iPhone – 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, SE, X, etc. What does the user need to do? Just a couple of simple manipulations:

  1. Go to “Settings”.
  2. Select the “Basic” section, then tap on the “Statistics” item.
  3. A list of applications will appear in front of you. At the top will be the “heaviest” programs that take up the most space in the iPhone’s memory. Usually this is Instagram, VK and various messengers.
  4. Scroll through and select the application to delete. If the list of programs is too large, then click “Show all programs”. At the same time, we pay attention to the information on the right, where you can see the weight of the application.
  5. Tap on the program that needs to be “deleted” from the iPhone.
  6. In the next window, click on the “Uninstall a program” button and confirm the action.

That's all! You were able to remove from iPhone app, which you did not want to use. But this is far from the only way getting rid of unnecessary software.

Method No. 2

To remove an application, you do not need to go to the settings menu. You can do everything on the desktop of your smartphone. Here's a short guide:

  1. We take the smartphone in our hands. We remove the blocking.
  2. We find on the desktop the icon of the program that needs to be deleted.
  3. Keep your finger on it. Literally a couple of seconds will be enough.
  4. All shortcuts on the screen should shake. Crosses will also appear in the corners of their icons.
  5. After which we just click on the cross icon of the program that we will get rid of.
  6. In the pop-up window, tap on the “Delete” option.
  7. If the icons of other applications continue to shake, then simply press the “Home” button.

Please note that after the described steps the program will be completely removed. That is, it will immediately disappear not only from the desktop, but also from the iPhone’s memory.

For reference! By the way, using the described method on a device with iOS version 10 (and above you) can erase not only self-installed ones, but also pre-installed ones standard applications, freeing up space in your iPhone storage.

Method No. 3

You can delete applications from iPhone (and iPad) even if iTunes help. Although this is not the most convenient and quick way. This option is most suitable for those who often synchronize their smartphone with their PC.

  1. We connect the gadget to a computer or laptop via a USB cable or Wi-Fi.
  2. Launch iTunes.
  3. Select the device in the sidebar on the left.
  4. On the management screen, click on the “Programs” tab.
  5. Find the unnecessary program in the list and click “Delete”.
  6. Or we look for the application in the “Home Screens” section, then double-click with the left mouse button and click on the “cross” next to the program icon.
  7. Finally, don’t forget to click “Apply”. As a result, after synchronization, the program will be deleted from the iPhone.

Helpful information! It is not recommended to clean open applications without unnecessary need. Otherwise, you will have to spend a lot of iPhone battery power to restart them. Therefore, resort to this procedure when work with the program will not be resumed.

Applications are not uninstalled: what is the reason and what to do?

What if the application is not uninstalled? Why did this happen? Most likely the reason is a system error. First of all, try to demolish the program different ways. Did not help? Then reboot your gadget and try again. It should help.

If the problem is that when you press it for a long time, the icons shake, but the crosses do not appear next to them, then the settings prohibit deletion. You can remove it like this:

  1. Go to "Settings"
  2. Then open the “General” section and tap on the “Restrictions” item.
  3. Enter your security password (note that there are only 2 attempts).
  4. Activate the toggle switch opposite “Uninstall programs”.
  5. Uninstall the application as usual.

For reference! There is also such an incident - the user accidentally deletes paid application. Now he needs to download and install it again. In this case, a person develops logical question: “Will I really have to pay for it again?” No. You will not be charged for re-downloading a deleted application.

Is it possible to erase data from the apps themselves on iPhone?

Finally, I would like to touch on one more important point. The fact is that many iOS users They ask: is application data and history deleted? Same progress in games? The answer is no. Applications from the AppStore are linked to account. So if you want to start the game again or completely delete all data from an application, then:

  1. Create a new account.
  2. Delete information via iCloud. This is done like this: go to settings, then “iCloud” / “Storage and copies” / “Storage” and switch the slider next to the application name. It is after deleting data from the cloud that you can be 100% sure that all progress in the game or the history of using the program is erased.

Almost every owner of an Apple phone sooner or later has a logical question: “How to remove an application from an iPhone if it is outdated or not used”?

In this article, we will look at three main ways to clean iPhone from unnecessary applications.

Important! Instructions for uninstalling junk from iPhonealso relevant for devices such asiPadAndiPod

Even a beginner knows that every program, game or application takes up precious space on the device.

At first there is a lot of space, but after several months of actively using the gadget, many are faced with the situation that there is no room for new photos.

The conclusion is simple: if it is not used, it should be removed.

There are three simple ways, how to remove outdated or unnecessary software from iPhone:

  1. Directly from your desktop.

Method number 1. Removing applications from your phone's desktop

This method is the simplest and easiest to remember, so advanced users recommend it to new apple growers.

Shortcuts to all programs installed in the gadget are located on the device’s desktops.

There are applications that are an integral part of the iOS OS, and there are those that are downloaded when the device is firmware or by the user himself.

The first ones cannot be removed; their absence may affect the performance of the phone.

User installed The software can be removed, and in some cases it is necessary.

To do this you need:

  • Tap the shortcut of any application installed on your iPhone. When touched, all icons begin to vibrate, and in the corner of those that can be deleted there is a cross.
  • Touch the cross of the selected program. The system will ask for confirmation.

  • Click "Delete".

That's basically it. IN earlier versions firmware, the system additionally asked to evaluate the operation of the remote program.

Method number 2. Removing through iPhone settings

Important! Ability to remove programs via standardSettings is available only for users of Apple phones with iOS firmware 5 and above. UsersiPhone, with firmware versioniOS4 and below, can clean their phone of junk using the first method or through an application installed on their PCiTunes, which we will talk about below.

In order to delete outdated program Through the “Settings” utility you should:

  • Launch Settings on your iPhone.
  • Go to the “Basic” tab.

  • Open the “Statistics” tab.
  • At the bottom of the screen, click “Show all programs”, and then select the one you need.

After selecting a program that is taking up space but is not used, a prompt will appear on the screen to uninstall it.

As you can see, uninstalling a program through standard “Settings” is quite simple.

Method number 3. Uninstall via iTunes

In order to use the iPhone cleaning method using iTunes programs, it must first be installed on your PC.

After installation, you should connect your iPhone to computer USB cable and start this application.

  • Find the iPhone tab.

  • In the window that appears, select the “Programs” section.

  • Place the cursor over the application to be uninstalled and click on the cross that appears in the corner of the shortcut.

  • We synchronize with the phone. To do this, click: “File” - “Devices” - “Sync with iPhone. If you do not carry out the synchronization procedure, the program will not be removed from the device.

As you can see, the entire cleaning procedure is quite simple and will not cause any difficulties even for a novice apple grower.

Today we decided to talk about how to remove an application from an iPhone. There are several options for how you can perform this action. If you have an iPad at your disposal, then all the instructions given will also become relevant and useful for you, since all the actions will be the same for all the devices given. We hope that after reading this material, you will not have any questions, and you will be able to independently remove applications you do not need.


We decided to start this article with a short introduction. for the most part will be relevant for beginners who have just recently begun to get acquainted with Apple devices. Remember that all application icons, including games, are located on the desktop. There you will be able to notice not only the programs you have installed, but also the standard ones. Unfortunately, you will not be able to remove the default applications, since they are part of the operating system. Apple systems iOS. If you still try to do this, you can only bring your device to incorrect operation. It is recommended to remove programs only those that you previously installed, of course, if this is required at all. You probably know how to close applications on an iPhone, but if you want to find out what methods there are to completely remove certain content from the device, then read our article to the end.

Cleaning process

Let's start with the most common method to answer the question of how to remove games from iPhone. In fact, this method is suitable for clearing any installed applications, but before engaging in such a procedure, we strongly recommend that you read the instructions provided.

On your device, go to and then touch the icon of the game that you want to delete. Keep touching until all icons start moving. But when all the symbols are shaking, you should move on to the next stage. Now the task is to select the program or game that you want to remove; to do this, click the cross in top corner icon. Further operating system You will be required to confirm that you have cleared the game or application. Be sure to remember that once you delete certain content, all of its data will also be permanently deleted. For example, even if you choose best apps on your iPhone and want to delete them, all information associated with them will also disappear along with them, for example, achievements in games.

No updates

By the way, this method can be used not only to remove unnecessary programs or games that are on the desktop, but also to clear content located in folders you created. If you are using old firmware and have not yet completed the update, then when you get rid of any application, the system will require you to rate the content on a five-point scale. In principle, you can decide for yourself what your voice will be. If you don't remember the name specific program, and you need to find out the name of the application on the iPhone that you previously wanted to delete, in this case, the method that will be described below will help solve this issue.


In the second method, we will tell you how to properly remove applications using standard section settings. Before using this method, you definitely need to find out what firmware is installed in your currently on your device because this method Only suitable for iOS 5 and higher. If you don’t yet know how to remove an application from an iPhone, then this option will definitely suit you, since it is very simple and does not require special skills and large quantity time. The first thing you need to do is launch “Settings”, and then go to a special section called “General”, however, you will quickly find it. Next, you should select “Statistics”, and there you can see everything installed applications. Including will also be highlighted and standard programs. In order to find out how to remove an application from an iPhone, you will definitely need to get into this section, so read all the points carefully.

Regularity of use

In the “Statistics” section you can see not only the names of applications, but also the space they occupy in the system. Naturally, if your device memory is full, you need to free it up, and the given method for this is the most convenient, since the system will independently select those applications that you use least often, and from this list you can already select unnecessary ones. As you can see, the question of how to remove an application from an iPhone is very simple, and now you know two popular ways to carry out this operation.

The iPhone is rightfully considered the smartphone with the most understandable and intuitive interface. You can easily figure out how to work with this gadget without detailed instructions. However, some procedures still cause difficulties for users who have recently become owners of such a device. For example, how to delete an application from an iPhone? We will devote the material to answering this question. The recommendations will also be useful for iPad owners and iPod touch.

Method number 1: on the desktop

How to remove an application from an iPhone of any version? We will be the first to offer you the most convenient, simple and common method.

So, instructions:

  1. Unlock your device or press the Home key. A desktop will open in front of you - a screen with application icons.
  2. Find the icon of the program you want to remove and hold it with your finger.
  3. As a result of this action, all icons on the screen will begin to tremble, and characteristic deletion crosses will appear in their corners. Now you can lower your finger.
  4. How to delete an application from iPhone? Click on the cross in the corner of the icon of the program you want to get rid of.
  5. In the pop-up dialog box, confirm the action by clicking on “Delete” (if you change your mind or make a mistake, then click on “Cancel”). Be careful, the program will immediately disappear not only from the desktop, but also from the gadget’s memory!
  6. While the icons are in edit mode (shaking and marked with crosses), you can erase other unnecessary applications.
  7. All is ready? Then we exit editing by simply clicking on the “Home” button.

So we’ve figured out how to remove an application from an iPhone using the first method. By the way, using this method, on a device with iOS 10 or higher, you can erase not only self-downloaded programs, but also pre-installed standard programs. If you need them again, you can easily download them from the App Store.

Method number 2: through the settings menu

We continue to tell you how to remove an application from an iPhone. This method is good because before erasing a program, you can also see how much space it takes up in the gadget’s memory.

And here is the algorithm of actions:

  1. On your desktop, go to "Settings", then to the "General" section.
  2. Scroll to "Storage Usage...".
  3. Tap on the "Manage" item.
  4. You will see a list with all the applications that are installed on your gadget. Opposite the name is the amount of memory occupied by the program.
  5. How to delete an application from iPhone? Click on the one you intend to erase.
  6. In the window that opens, tap on “Uninstall a program.” Confirm this action in the pop-up dialog bubble.

Some users complain that sometimes not all applications installed on the gadget are displayed in “Storage Usage...”. The problem can be solved simply: scroll to the end of this page and click on the inscription “Show all programs”.

Method number 3: via iTunes

Both from smartphones and tablets, players Apple You can erase programs using iTunes apps, which is pre-installed on your computer or laptop. The method is also quite simple.

So, how to delete an application from iPhone 6 s, 7, 5, 8, etc.:

  1. Connect your gadget to your computer using a USB cable.
  2. Launch iTunes on your PC.
  3. Click on the mobile device management tab - the phone icon at the top of the application window.
  4. On the right side of the iTunes screen, click on "Applications".
  5. The desktop layout of your smartphone will appear on the main window. Select the screen on which the application that turns out to be unnecessary is located.
  6. Hover your mouse over the icon for this program. A delete cross will appear in its corner.
  7. Click on it and the application will disappear. But be careful: in this way the program is erased without confirmation and irrevocably!
  8. When finished editing, click “Done” at the bottom of the screen. After synchronizing with the gadget, the application will be removed from it.

Hide apps from the App Store

Many readers are interested in how to remove deleted applications from an iPhone. After all, after you erase it, it will continue to be displayed in the “Purchases” of your profile in the App Store. To ensure that the program does not “shine” anywhere, you need to do the following:

  1. Go to the App Store.
  2. In the "Today" tab, tap on your profile icon in the upper right corner.
  3. Go to "Purchases".
  4. Find in the list remote application.
  5. Swipe the line with it to the left - a red "Hide" button will appear.
  6. Click on it - the application is completely removed!

If the program is not uninstalled

If after applying one of the presented methods the program is still not erased, then the problem may be system error. The solution is to reboot the gadget and try again.

If this does not help, then the problem may be established restrictions:

  1. Go to "Settings". Then - the "Basic" section.
  2. Tap on "Restrictions".
  3. Enter your device password.
  4. Opposite “Uninstall programs” in the next window, move the toggle switch to the active (green, not colorless) position.
  5. Now try again.

So we have looked at all the ways to remove applications from Apple gadgets. Any program can be restored back from “Purchases” in the App Store, if you did not hide it there in the way we indicated. But be careful: by deleting an application, you permanently delete some of the data stored in it!

Removing an application from an iPhone often becomes an urgent need for the user so that its place can be taken by another one that is more necessary. this moment program. Typically, the question of how to remove an application from an iPhone does not cause much difficulty for owners of Apple devices. But not everyone can figure out how to remove a program from an iPhone. Step by step instructions everyone possible ways How to remove applications from iPhone - in this article.

This is done very easily - through one of 3 methods. In this way, you can remove programs from gadget version 4, 4S, on iPhone 5S, iPhone 6S, iPhone 7 and other versions of Apple smartphones.

Instructions on how to remove a program on iPhone, 3 main ways:

1 Turn on the gadget and on the main screen mark with a cross those programs that are supposed to be permanently deleted from the phone’s memory. This must be done for each program separately. You need to click on the icon and hold it for a few seconds. A cross will appear at the top of the display, which you need to click to remove the program.

2 Another way is to remove the program on iPhone 4.5, six and other versions popular gadget from Apple through the device menu. To do this, you need to sequentially go through the following sections of the menu: settings - basic - statistics - storage. The user will be presented with a list of all installed programs and applications, from which you need to select the required one, click on it, and mark the “uninstall program” that appears.

3 The last method is to remove programs from iPhones 4, 5, 6 and other models via To do this, you need to connect mobile gadget via a USB cable to a PC or laptop and open iTunes. Next, go to the program section, select the one you want to delete, confirm the deletion.

Attention! At using iTunes After completing the deletion procedure, be sure to synchronize so that the changes made are saved.

As can be seen from the instructions above, remove applications and programs from iPhone 4 and gadgets latest versions easy enough. But of all the methods, the simplest and most efficient is certainly the first.

The second and third methods also have their advantages, although the user will have to tinker with them a little longer. For example, deleting through the settings menu is advantageous in that the iPhone owner can control the state of the device’s memory capacity.

As for iTunes, a number of users prefer to carry out almost all operations from smartphones through it, because Got used to the convenience of this program.

How to permanently delete an app from iPhone

Is it possible to do something to make a file with an application that is deleted or erased from the gadget’s memory disappear forever? It is known that remote programs after completion of the procedure, they are still displayed in “purchases” in the form of a cloud with an arrow.

This means that applications and programs in the iPhone 4 and other Apple smartphone models are not completely removed as such. At any time, if desired, the owner of the gadget can download them back.

Unfortunately, the user cannot permanently remove applications from this list. But they can be hidden so that they do not appear again each time.

It is important to note that subsequent downloads of previously purchased applications, even if you deleted them, will be free.

What to do to hide a deleted application

To do this, you need to connect your iPhone to your PC or laptop and open iTunes. Next follow these steps:

  1. Log in to iTunes using your Apple account.
  2. Select your name and then make purchases.
  3. Select those that you want to hide.
  4. Click on the crosses nearby. Programs and applications will be removed.

That's it, now there are no programs on your gadget, and even in iCloud storage she is also not visible. But these processes are reversible if the user wants to return something.

To make programs appear on the screen again...

If after a long time you want to look again at what programs you purchased previously and, perhaps, download them to your iPhone again, you will have to resort to iTunes again.

To return applications and programs back to the list, you must:

  1. Open iTunes and log in to your Apple account.
  2. Select your name and the Account Information section.
  3. If the program requires you to re-enter your password, you must comply with the requirement.
  4. Find the “iTunes in the cloud” section, then “Hidden purchases” and “Manage”.
  5. All previously deleted applications and programs will be lined up in a list.

When you click on the icon specific application, it will be displayed.

But sometimes restoring this data is not enough, since during the use of programs, games and applications, other information is also stored in the device’s memory - about the user’s achievements, the progress of the process, etc. Next, we’ll look at how to get rid of this type of data.

How to remove absolutely everything

Sometimes the user wants to start the game again, and in this situation the previous data that was saved earlier is of no use to him. There are 2 approaches to solving this problem, depending on where exactly the information that needs to be erased is stored:

  1. The information is saved on the game developer’s server and linked to the Apple user’s account. There is only one solution here - creating a new account.
  2. The gameplay data has been saved; in this situation, the user can delete it himself. To do this you need to go to the appropriate settings cloud storage, find information about specific application and erase it.

Only by getting rid of this data - traces of application operation - can we say that it has been completely deleted from the iPhone. But sometimes difficulties arise with the latter process.

Why applications on iOS devices are not erased

When removing programs from an iPhone, various kinds of difficulties may arise when something interferes with the successful completion of the operation.

The main difficulties when deleting applications and ways to solve them:

1 There is no cross on the program icon or the “delete” inscription. This is probably due to the fact that the deletion function is blocked, because... restrictions were set. You can fix the problem by going to the accessibility section. 2 The application itself is deleted, but the icon is displayed on the display and cannot be erased. Also, the application may remain in a loading state and is not removed from the screen. Rebooting the device may help here. In most situations, after its implementation, everything unnecessary icons disappear from the screen. 3 Not all applications are deleted; some of them are not marked with a cross. Perhaps the user is trying to erase the applications of the developer himself - for example, a calculator, weather, etc. There is no way to remove them. Also, programs downloaded via jailbreak cannot be removed.

Finally, a few words about the most important thing - will you have to pay for the application or program again if, after deleting it, after some time you want to have it in your gadget again? The answer is clear - no. After all, applications are not tied to the device, but are connected directly to iTunes. In other words, by deleting a game purchased with money, the user will be able to return it whenever he wants without having to pay a penny again. The process of erasing an application will only capture data inside the device - for example, traces of game processes and so on. Therefore, uninstall any program without fear if your gadget does not have enough memory to install a new application that is currently more necessary for you.