How to remove the Adobe Flash Player module. Remove Flash Player from your computer completely and reinstall it

Probably everyone already knows what it is Flash Player and what it is needed for, so I will skip the description of this program. Player Adobe Flash Player can sometimes crash and freeze, like most other programs. Very often, completely removing the player and then installing a new version from the official website helps solve almost all problems with online video playback. In my article “” I wrote how to install new version player, now I want to tell you how to remove Adobe Flash Player in the easiest way.

We will remove Flash Player in two stages. First, you need to uninstall the program using the Windows Uninstall Programs utility. Naturally, go to the Start menu and open the control panel of our Windows.

Then click “Uninstall a program” in the control panel (if not found, then “Add or Remove Programs” or “Programs and Features”, depending on the version of Windows).

In the list of uninstall or change programs, find Adobe Flash Player ActiveX and Adobe Flash Player Plugin. These are the ones we have to remove. Try to read the article to the end and remember what you read, since you will have to close all browsers during the removal process. Click on Adobe Flash Player Plugin with the left mouse button, then click the “Delete” button above the list. The Flash Player uninstall window will open, close all browsers and click “Uninstall” again.

Adobe Flash Player will be removed from your computer, but that's not all. You need to delete the remaining files from the old player. Go to “My Computer”, open drive (C:) -> Windows folder-> System32 -> Macromed -> Flash. Manually delete all files that exist here. Let me remind you, select the files and press the Shift+Del keys at the same time. Adobe Flash Player has now been permanently removed.

On this page we will figure out how to completely remove it from your computer so that you can then reinstall it. Such actions are necessary when the player starts to glitch or does not work. A successful reinstallation with complete removal and subsequent installation allows you to fix many problems. Let's start with the elementary method.

Reinstalling Flash Player Using Control Panel

First of all, we will look at how to reinstall the flash player and analyze the whole process step by step.

Uninstall each version of the flash player, first closing all running browsers. If you forget to do this, the program will warn you about it. When this process is completed, restart your computer and reinstall the flash player from the link below.

Similar method does not completely remove all program components. And if it doesn’t help, then move on to another method.

Remove Flash Player completely from your computer

To allow you to completely remove Flash Player from your computer, Adobe has developed an uninstallation program. You need to download a program called Uninstaller from the following link:

Close all browsers. Now download and carefully read what the removal wizard says. Once it is finished, you will need to delete some files.

Open File Explorer (My Computer) and open the folder

Delete all files in this folder.

Delete files from folders as well, but if there is no such folder, look at others.

  • C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash
  • %appdata%\Macromedia\Flash Player
  • %appdata%\Adobe\Flash Player

The address can be copied and pasted into address bar.

There are already two fairly active topics on the site, one of which discusses why, and the other why. Today I will talk about how to properly remove this platform from your computer (this may be necessary, for example, if the player does not work properly and reinstalling it without first removing it is impossible).

Removal using standard Windows tools

Contrary to tradition, I'll start with more in a complicated way. It is suitable for those people who, for example, do not have access to the Internet for one reason or another.

The first thing you need to do is go to the “Control Panel”. To do this, click on the “Start” button, then select “Control Panel” on the right side of the window that opens. In the menu, select the “Programs and Features” section.

This way you will see a list of programs installed on your PC. We are only interested in one program - Adobe Flash Player. Find it in the list.

I want to make a small note right away. In my case, AFP appears once, but sometimes you can see several versions of the player at once. Don't be alarmed, this is normal. So, one of the versions can only be used for Internet browser Explorer, the other one is for everyone else. In any case, they will need to be removed.

So, find the utility, click on it right click mouse and click “Delete”.

A window like this will appear.

To continue deleting, you will need to click on the “Delete” button, after which the system will begin automatic removal utilities. If suddenly browsers are opened that use AFP at the time of deletion, the system will report this and offer to close these browsers, which you will have to do. Afterwards the operation will continue. When finished, click on the “Done” button.

And this would be the end of the story if Adobe Flash Player had not scattered its “spare parts” all over the world. various folders, which, by the way, can become a problem when reinstalling the program. Therefore, you will need to delete everything that is in the following folders:

  • %appdata%\Adobe\Flash Player
  • %appdata%\Macromedia\Flash Player
  • C:\Windows\system32\Macromed\Flash
  • C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash

Simply copy the addresses one by one, paste each one into the address bar in Explorer, and delete the contents.

In order to make sure that the flash player was finally removed, you need to check. To do this, we will go to the official website of Adobe. On the website click on the big one yellow button with the words “Check Now”, which is located immediately after the line “Check if Flash Player is installed on your computer.”

You should see that the player is not installed (in English - not installed).

Just in case, I would also clean the registry using .

Removal using a proprietary utility

For those who don't want to bother with removing Flash Player, invented by Adobe special utility, which will do everything for you on its own.

You need to open the Adobe website ( or just type in Google the query uninstall flash player (without quotes) and go to the first link.

We launch the utility, delete the flash player, and then do not forget to delete all the folders specified in the first method. Just in case, clean the CCleaner registry.

If you have questions, you can ask them using comments.

It's no secret that quite often you need to install or How to completely remove old version, will now be considered. In addition, let us pay attention to the feasibility of such actions.

Adobe Flash Player: how to remove the add-on? Is it necessary to do this? How to replace the extension?

Let's start, perhaps, by considering the issue of the advisability of uninstallation. Yes, indeed, if you update an extension in browsers, it must be removed. The only point here is that it is outdated and updated version may conflict with each other, not to mention the fact that the browsers themselves often begin to rush around, determining which modification to use to play multimedia.

Naturally, the browser requires Adobe Flash Player in any case. We won’t consider how to remove it for now, but will focus more on what to replace it with. As it turns out, there are practically no options here. As a last resort, you can install a similar addition to the system in the form Shockwave Flash. It works great in these powerful browsers, How Google Chrome or Opera, replacing the standard add-on.

Standard procedure

However, you need to pay attention to some nuances associated with the Adobe Flash Player plugin. How to remove it entirely? To do this, the main condition is to shut down all browsers installed on the computer. Often it is not enough to simply exit the browser (especially if there are several of them). You will have to use the "Task Manager" called combination Ctrl+ Del + Alt (Ctrl + Alt + Esc). You can also use the taskmgr command in the Run console (Win + R).

Next, you need to go to the programs and components section, where you select the version of the player (by the way, there may be several of them) to be removed. After that, use the standard system uninstaller. But that's not all. Firstly, it is advisable to initially remove the plugin by loading into safe mode. Secondly, please note that the built-in uninstaller does not always remove residual files and keys system registry. Therefore, first you should search by the name of the plugin, at least in Explorer, and then delete all files related to it.

Adobe Flash Player: how to remove the old version with system registry keys?

It’s still too early to rejoice at the end of the procedure. We'll have to dig into Windows registry, by calling the editor with the regedit command in the “Run” menu or by running the editor of the same name executable file EXE format from Explorer with admin rights. Again, in the editor you need to use the search from the file menu. In addition, it can be called with the combination Ctrl + F. But here you should be extremely careful, since the keys related to software products Adobe, including Flash format registration, can be a lot. And not all of them are related specifically to the extension being removed.

Using third party programs

Thus, you can get rid of the Adobe Flash Player plugin. How to remove it using more advanced programs so you don't have to deal with it unnecessary things? Yes, very simple. To do this, it is advisable to install or use some kind of portable version uninstaller. It is believed that it is best suited for these purposes iObit Uninstaller. The specificity of the program is that it can automatically search for residual files, folders and system registry keys, and then delete them. In addition, if for some reason the player is not displayed in the programs section, you can use the Forced Uninstall mode with a forced indication of the program location that was provided during installation.

Finally, one more (final) look at Adobe Flash Player. How to remove this add-on from the Yandex browser? Yes, just like from any other. To do this, initially you can simply enter the appropriate settings section and use the button or link to uninstall the extension. After this, however, you will again have to check the system for the presence residual files and registry keys. Therefore, in order not to deal with unnecessary things and waste time, the easiest way is to seek help from specialized applications, the operation of which does not require special user participation.

In any case, the most important condition is to initially disable browsers, since in most cases the problem with removing a plugin can only be in their active mode. Well, what to use for complete removal, everyone must decide for themselves. However, if you approach this issue from a practical point of view, it is still better to use automated utilities.

Dec 25 2012

Good day. Today's episode will be devoted to a topic related to the Internet, specifically how to remove flash player, I will show and tell you how to properly remove Adobe Flash Player. In the previous article we talked about this.

Flash player is a program that helps us watch animation, video and commercials in the Internet.

Let's say some pages on the Internet are displayed incorrectly. What actions need to be taken to solve this problem:

  1. Update Flash Player. If this does not help, then you can use the second step.
  2. Completely remove Flash Player from your computer.
  3. After uninstallation, you can download and install Flash Player again.

Installing Flash Player

In one of the previous issues of my blog, I wrote a detailed article. You can follow the link below, download the program and install it yourself.

Let's sum it up

Today we have discussed several ways to solve the problem. incorrect display some pages on the Internet. We learned how to update Flash Player and looked at several ways how to remove flash player and finally downloaded it again.

Finally, I suggest you watch a video tutorial on how to remove Adobe Flash Player.

How to remove flash player | website

If you don’t understand something or have any questions related to Adobe Flash Player, you can ask them in the comments to this article.

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