How to delete history for the day. Clearing history in Internet Explorer

All the pages we view on the Internet are recorded in a special log. And if someone sits down at our computer, they can get into it. This means he will be able to see all the places we visited, and even read the correspondence.

This journal is called History and, fortunately, entries from it can be deleted.

How to clear history on your computer

Google Chrome. To erase your browsing history in Chrome, you need to click on the button with three dots. It is located on the right top corner, under the “Close” button (red cross).

Select “History” and “History” again.

A list of Internet pages that have been recently visited opens. You can remove individual addresses from it. To do this, click on the small arrow button next to the page title and select “Remove from history.”

And if you need to remove all pages for a certain period of time (for example, today), click on the clear button at the very top of the list.

A small window will appear. At the top, select a time period and mark with birds what exactly needs to be removed.

Yandex. To clear the visit log, click on the small button with horizontal lines in the upper right corner and open History.

If you need to delete one page, hover the cursor over it and click on the small arrow that appears. From the list, select “Delete from history.”

And if you need to erase more data from Yandex, click on “Clear history” on the right above the list of sites.

In the window that appears, select a time period and indicate what exactly needs to be deleted.

Opera. Menu (most top button left) - History

To delete a specific page in the list, hover the cursor over it and click on the cross on the right.

If you need to erase more entries, click on “Clear history...” at the top right.

In the window, select the time period and data type. It is better to leave three birds, as in the picture below.

Mozilla Firefox. - Journal - Delete history...


In the window, select the time and data that you want to erase. I recommend leaving only three birds, as in the picture:

To delete pages manually (when you only need to erase a couple of addresses), go to full version log: - Log - Show the entire log. And there we delete it piece by piece through right button mice.

Internet Explorer. - Security - Delete browsing history…

To clear by day: - “Log” tab. Delete required pages or days/weeks via the right mouse button.


This way we erase log entries, information about downloads and clear the browser memory (pages, photos, videos). But all passwords and logins that the program remembers remain in place.

This means that if you, for example, logged into your mail or Odnoklassniki/Contact/Facebook without entering any logins or passwords, then everything will remain that way. And anyone at this computer will be able to do the same: type the address and open your page. That is, he will receive full access- will be able to read the correspondence, delete something, add something.

To prevent this from happening, you need to erase cookies and passwords. And for global cleaning, there’s also everything else. This is done by checking certain boxes in the deletion box.

And all because many users do not remember, and some do not even know, their login passwords. And after such cleaning, they are unable to log into their pages and mail. And then they write to me: save me, help me, what should I do?! But nothing can be done - previously you had to think and connect your mobile number to each page and mail.

How to prevent sites from being included in history

Nowadays every browser has a special private mode, the so-called Incognito. You can open your program for the Internet in this mode and then nothing will be captured. But everything will work as before: sites will open, files will be downloaded, bookmarks will be added.

Immediately after exiting incognito mode, the browser will erase everything that happened there:

Note: this will not protect you from viruses or make you invisible in in social networks.

How to open anonymous mode

Google Chrome. - New window in incognito mode

Yandex. - Advanced - New window in Incognito mode

Opera. - Create a private window

Mozilla Firefox. - Private window

Internet Explorer. - Security - InPrivate Browsing

"How to clear history in the browser
previously visited web pages."

For the convenience of the user, any browser by default saves the history of visits to websites. If necessary, the history of visiting websites can be viewed by any computer user with access to account. However, all Internet browsers provide the ability to delete your browsing history.

You can, of course, use it to delete your browsing history various programs. If you do not have the opportunity to use such programs, then this can be done manually without any problems, through the settings of the browser itself.

Exists a large number of browsers and, of course, each of them has its own procedure for deleting the history of visiting web pages.

We will consider the procedure for clearing the history of previously visited web pages only for the most common browsers.

1. For browser Internet Explorer just go to the menu "Service" on the browser taskbar, select "Browser Options". Next on the tab "Are common" In chapter "Browser Log" need to press a button "Delete". And in the window that opens, you can select what exactly you need to delete: Temporary Internet files, Cookies, Magazine(list of previously visited websites), etc. After that, press the button again "Delete".

also in "Browser properties" on the tab "Are common" In chapter "Browser Log" you can tick the box "Delete browsing history when exiting". Then, every time you close the browser itself, your browsing history will be deleted automatically. To save all changes, click on the buttons "Apply" And "OK".

2. For browser Opera you need to click on the icon "Opera"(in the upper left corner), select "Settings" and then select the item "Delete personal data". After that, in the window that opens "Deleting personal data" Check the box next to what you want to delete: cookies, history, cache, passwords, etc. Then click on the button "Delete".

3. For Mozilla FireFox need to go to "Settings" and select a tab "Privacy". Then in the section "Story" select item "Delete your recent history". Next a window will open "Deleting recent history" where to mark "Log of visits and downloads" or something else that you need to delete and press the button "Delete now".

4. For browser Google Chrome you need to press the keyboard shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+DEL, or select the item in the menu "Tools" and point "Deleting browsing data". This browser provides the ability to delete history to the depth that you need. The most important thing is to check the box "Clear browsing history" or "Browsing history", and only then press the button "Clear the history".

5. In the browser Apple Safari all browsing history is saved in the menu section "Story". Then select the item "Clear the history" and press "Clear".

Hello, dear visitors! When working on the Internet on someone else's computer, we unwittingly leave traces. The browser stores your browsing history, site settings, cookies, history of downloaded files, etc. In this article I will tell you how to clear your browser history, as well as all personal data.

You will learn how to delete the history of browsers such as:

  • Mozilla Firefox;
  • Google Chrome;
  • Internet Explorer;
  • Opera;
  • Yandex browser;
  • Safari.

Deleting history in Mozilla Firefox

To delete history in the Mozilla Firefox browser, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Go to Main Menu Mozilla browser Firefox and select Magazine.

Journal in Mozilla Firefox

  1. Left-click on the item " Delete history...»

Proceed to delete history

  1. A small window will appear where you will need to select the period for which the history will be deleted (from 1 hour to complete removal for the entire period) and data that needs to be deleted: log of visits and downloads, log of forms and searches, cookies, cache, active sessions, offline website data, site settings. Usually it is enough to select the first four items. Then you need to click on the “ Delete now»

Delete window Mozilla stories Firefox

  1. It may take some time for the history to be deleted. At the end of the cleaning process, the history deletion window will automatically close and you can continue working in the browser.

Delete history in Google Chrome

For Google browser Chrome challenge The history deletion window is slightly different:

  1. Click on the Main Menu button (1). Hover your cursor over " Additional tools"(2). An additional drop-down menu will appear where you need to click on “ Deleting browsing data"(3).

Main Google menu Chrome

  1. You will be taken to the clear history page. Here you need to select the period for which the history will be cleared and the data that you want to delete: browsing history, download history, cookies..., images and other files, passwords, autofill data, hosted application data, content licenses. After that, click on the “ Clear the history».

Cleaning window Google history Chrome

  1. Clearing your history may take some time. Once complete, you will be taken to the settings page. Now you can close the settings tab and continue working in Google Chrome.

Clearing history in Internet Explorer

Now let's move on to standard browser Windows, which is installed on everyone operating systems Oh Windows family. To clear history in Internet Explorer, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the gear in the upper right corner (1), hover over the item " Safety" (2) and select " Delete browsing history..."(3).

Internet Explorer main menu

  1. A window will appear where you can select the data to delete: temporary internet and website files, cookies and website data, history, download history, web form data, passwords, ActiveX filtering and tracking protection data. When you are finished selecting items, click on the button Delete.

Delete window Internet history Explorer

  1. Clearing the history takes some time. Just wait until the clear history settings window disappears. After this, you will be able to use the browser to its full potential.

Clearing history in Opera

In the Opera browser, clearing history is done as follows:

  1. Go to the main menu (1) located in the upper left corner, then hover over " Other tools" (2) and select " Clear browsing history"(3).

Opera main menu

  1. A history clearing window will appear, where, as in other browsers, you will need to select the period to clear and the data to be deleted. To start the cleaning procedure, you need to click on the “ Clear browsing history»

Opera history clear window

  1. When clearing history in the Opera browser is complete, the clearing window will close and you will be taken to the settings tab. Just open new tab and continue working in the browser. The settings tab can be closed.

Clearing history in Yandex Browser

Deleting history in a Yandex browser is practically no different from other browsers:

  1. Go to the main menu (1), located in the upper right corner, hover over " Additionally"(2), in the drop-down menu that appears, select " Clear the history"(3).

Main menu of Yandex.Browser

  1. In Yandex Browser, the history clearing window is the same as in Google Chrome. In the same way, select the period and data to clear and click on the “ Clear the history».

Yandex Browser history clearing window

  1. When clearing history is finished, the settings tab will open. You can now continue using your browser as normal.

Clearing history in Safari

IN Safari browser Clearing your browsing history is done as follows:

  1. Open in Safari new tab and click on the button Story».

New Safari Tab

  1. In the lower left corner, click on the button " Clear the history…»

Safari clear history button

  1. A cleaning window will appear, where in addition to deleting history, you can choose to clear “Top Sites” (the list of most visited sites). To start clearing history, click on the " Clear».

Safari Clear History Window

  1. After clearing the history, the window will close and you will be able to use the browser.

You can also press the Alt button on your keyboard in Safari. IN top menu choose " Story» -> « Clear the history…».

Hotkeys for clearing history

In all browsers except Safari, the history clearing window can be called up using the Ctrl+Alt+Shift hotkeys. This saves time on calling the window.

After pressing these keys, a clearing window will appear, where you can configure the deletion of history and delete it immediately.

I hope I have fully covered for you the topic of how to delete browser history and you can do it yourself. If you have any questions while reading the article, ask them in the comments, I will try to answer them.

Internet connection becomes more and more necessary every year. Using the Internet, a person can download or stream multimedia files, work, communicate via voice call or video. If just recently, the presence of a personal computer did not mean that the user had the Internet, but now, imagine Personal Computer Without an Internet connection it is almost impossible.

Sometimes working on the Internet requires privacy from the user. Either home computer or a work machine in the office. Modern technologies, when working with a computer, significantly increase the user’s comfort, however, at the same time, the data becomes more vulnerable. Regular synchronization and saving of passwords in cloud services search engines present a person with a choice between working comfortably or safely.

The visit history is generally characteristic feature operating rooms Windows systems. You can even view the history in . To do this, select “ Recent Places» in the left pane of File Explorer.

After going to this section, a list of recently opened directories will open in the window and multimedia files. To clear this list, you should click with the left mouse button on free space and select the option “ Clear list of recent items».

Why do you need history in the browser?

To view website pages, a person needs to install on his computer special program, which transforms html code, scripts and graphic files into a readable format.

These programs are called, the most popular of which are: Internet Explorer, Opera, Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. Each of these programs saves the user's browsing history and passwords. In addition, other data is saved, such as the user's location, autofill, user's IP address and even MAC address network card. All this data is stored in special files, called "cookies". If necessary, a particular site may require cookies, thereby regularly gaining access to the user's confidential data.

The easiest way to leave no trace on the Internet

One of the most popular browsers today is Google Chrome. And it is thanks to him that a person can work on the Internet without leaving unnecessary data. To do this, just right-click on any link and select “”, after which all subsequent actions will not leave cookies and visit history in the system.

In other matters, until complete anonymity this method still far. For real anonymous browser it could be considered Tor Browser, which not only deletes all saved data after closing the program, but also completely hides the user’s IP address.

On this moment is the leader among all browsers in terms of confidential browsing. Unfortunately, this application has one huge drawback, namely, low speed work.

Selective history deletion

Sometimes, when using the browser for a long time, problems may arise. Website without visible reasons is not displayed, the correct password does not work, etc.

Such failures are sometimes resolved by deleting cookies files. However, if you regularly clear your history, it is not at all necessary to delete cookies and saved passwords.

In any browser, when clearing history, you can select with checkmarks those items that should be deleted. At the same time, deleting data about viewed resources, a person leaves saved passwords on social networks and other sites.

Not many people use this browser, and yet, Internet installation Explorer by default to any Windows version helps the application retain a certain circle of users.

To clear the history in the pre-installed browser, go to the “ Safety" and select the item " Delete browsing history».

In the window that appears, the user selects the data that should be deleted. By default, the data that will least affect the further operation of the application is selected.

To delete only your visit history, you need to leave one single checkmark on the “ Magazine", then click on the " Delete».

Many users complained about the complexity of the interface of this browser. Apparently, the developers met the users halfway and redesigned the interface, making it as simple as possible. To delete history, you need to click on the “ Magazine" and select the section " Delete recent history».

In the window that appears, the person selects for what period of time the history needs to be cleared.

To choose Extra options, you need to expand the menu “ Details» and uncheck those items that should not be deleted.

Clearing history in Opera browser not much different from previous programs. To delete history, you need to call up the menu and go to the “ Story", then select " Clear browsing history».

In a new window, the user selects the period of time for which the history should be cleared and the items that will be deleted. By default, all sections are selected, including cookies and saved passwords.

IN Google browser Chrome has several ways to clear history, the easiest is to go to settings, move to the bottom of the menu and press the " Additional", then select the section " Clear the history».

In the window that appears, you can select the history clearing period and the items that should be deleted. Unlike other browsers, under each item it is indicated how many passwords the browser has remembered and how much space the browsing history takes up.

Surely everyone Google user Chrome uses its Gmail account to synchronize passwords with Google services.

In this case, a person must understand that the browsing history is saved in personal account user.

To delete your browsing history from Google account, you need to call " Google Apps "(nine squares per home page search engine Google)

and go to the section " My account", then select the item " View activities».

This section stores the history of visiting sites; to delete it, you need to call left menu, indicated by three horizontal lines and go to the section “ Select uninstall option».

In a new window, you can select the period, history deletion, and service in which to delete browsing data.

Except Chrome, through this menu you can delete history in all Google services, including Android applications.

However, it should be noted that unless unnecessary, you should not resort to clearing history too often, because unlike temporary Windows files, the browser history does not take up that much space.

If you want to hide your visits to certain resources, it is not at all necessary to delete the entire history. Sometimes clearing the last few sites is enough. Moreover, they do not have to be the last; individual history deletion can be done in a chaotic manner.


If you often use the Yandex browser to access the Internet, then you probably know about the history of visits to it. This function is very convenient when you need to return to a viewed page or find a downloaded file. But over time, the list accumulates, which leads to an increase in the amount of space for storing it. Therefore, it is recommended to delete your browsing history from your browser. Read about how to do this correctly in this article.

How to delete history in Yandex browser - where is it located?

To search for previously viewed pages, you need to go to your browser history. This function in the program is very useful if you have not bookmarked the site. To edit or delete a watch list, you first need to find it in the program.

  • To do this, launch the Yandex browser in your usual way. This is usually a shortcut on your computer's desktop or an icon in the control panel (most often located at the bottom of the screen).
  • In the program window that opens, select settings. The icon is located at the top of the window on the right side in the form of several vertical lines.

  • By clicking on it, a menu with program settings will open in front of you. In the list, find the line “History”, left-click on it.

  • As a result of these actions, the additional window. In it you can find recently viewed sites, as well as open the entire history.
  • To see all pages with the time and date of viewing, select “History” in the settings section.
  • In the same way, you can find your Yandex browser history on any device: computer, laptop, tablet or phone.

How to delete history in Yandex on a computer

There are several ways to delete the list of visited sites from your computer.

  • First, open the history page in the browser through the settings, as described in the previous paragraph.
  • If you don’t have time to look through every history item or want to delete all the information at once, then find the “Clear history” button on the page. It is located on the right side of the window at the top. This will delete your entire browsing history.

  • This method is not suitable if you want to leave some sites in the list of viewed pages. To delete only some lines, check them in the box next to each item.

  • Then select the “Delete selected items” section or click “Clear history”.

  • You will see a warning window, in which you can confirm the deletion or refuse it.

  • As a result of these actions, the specified pages with your browsing history will be deleted.

  • If this is tedious for you or you need to delete data only for certain time, then use the “Clear history” function.
  • When you click on it, a pop-up menu will open in which you will be able to select the deletion period in the corresponding section.

  • Then look carefully at the other sections of the menu. Here you can clear your browsing history, delete downloads, clear cache and remove cookies, as well as delete saved passwords and autofill information. This will also allow you to delete files on your computer about your visits to pages on the Internet.

  • Confirm the removal steps.

  • There is another function in Yandex browser for browsing history. By turning it on, the history will never be saved in the browser. For this purpose in open window Yandex simultaneously press three buttons on the keyboard – Ctrl+Shift+N. It will enable the Incognito feature in the program.
  • Or go to the settings section in your browser and select “Incognito Mode.”

  • It will notify you when it is turned on. special message. But this mode will not make you invisible on other sites. You can exit it by closing the browser window.

How to delete history in Yandex on a tablet and phone

  • The algorithm for deleting browsing history in a Yandex browser on a tablet is almost the same as working on a computer. Only the site is presented in a reduced version.
  • All actions must also be carried out in the program settings menu. You can find them at the top right of the browser page. It can be presented in the form of a gear or vertical lines.
  • Deleting viewed information is possible completely, as well as certain period. This can be done through the “Clear history” function or delete separate files through the “Delete selected items” section.
  • But before you completely clear your browser history, think carefully. Maybe this data will be useful to you soon.

Another way to remove all browsing data on your computer through the Yandex browser, watch the video:

If you have a phone or tablet running on the Android platform, and you don’t know how to clear history from Yandex, then watch this video: