How to remove bold font in Odnoklassniki. How to increase the font on VKontakte and Odnoklassniki

Hello, dear site visitors! Every year more and more users use a computer or laptop more and more often. Everyday life. We also watch TV, read books, magazines, peer into small font your mobile or tablets.

Considering that few people follow the generally accepted recommendations: 45 minutes at the computer, 15 minutes rest, many users eventually face problems associated with deteriorating vision. Naturally, technology is not the only reason that causes them, but it is clearly one of the factors.

As a result, it becomes difficult to look at the fine print of Internet pages, especially if these are social networks. After all, here we can read news, view publications of other users, communicate via messages and much more. And, you see, you can’t spend time comfortably if you have to peer at the next message sent by a friend.

That is why, in this article we will figure out how you can enlarge a page in Odnoklassniki on a computer so that it is comfortable to read text and view photos of other users. We will also consider how you can return the scale to its original state.

How to zoom in on a page in Odnoklassniki

So, if the content of the Odnoklassniki page seems too small to you, you need to increase its size. To do this on a computer, hold down Ctrl key on the keyboard and smoothly scroll the mouse wheel away from you. Spin the wheel until you feel comfortable watching. This was the case from the beginning.

And this is how you can do it. As you can see, the font and all other content have increased.

If you need to enlarge text and pictures on a laptop, but there is no mouse, then use the keyboard. Again, hold down Ctrl, then find the “+” near the number area and press it until you are completely satisfied with what is displayed.

In order to remove an enlarged or reduced page in Odnoklassniki and return to the original scale, hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard and then press 0.

How to zoom out a page in Odnoklassniki

If, on the contrary, everything is too large and everything needs to be reduced, then you need to perform the opposite steps to those described above. To make a page smaller on your computer, hold down Ctrl and roll the mouse wheel towards you.

If you need to make a page smaller on a laptop, hold down Ctrl and click the “-” sign on numeric keypad. This is how it might look initially.

Zoomed out page. This can make fonts, photos, and other content smaller.

If you want to change the page format in Odnoklassniki in mobile application on a phone or tablet, then to zoom in, place two fingers in the center of the screen and move them apart; to zoom out, place your fingers on the edges and move them to the center.

How to change page scale in Odnoklassniki using a browser

In addition to the methods described above, to enlarge or reduce a page in Odnoklassniki, you can also use the settings of the browser itself. To do this, open the browser menu, then find a number with percentages in it, next to which there will be a “+” and “-” sign. Accordingly, to reduce the scale, press “-”, to increase “+”.

One of the most popular social networks is a network for users of all ages. Most people now begin to communicate not only in real time, but also on the Internet. Thanks to social networks, you can maintain constant communication with distant relatives and friends who are in different parts of the world. “Odnoklassniki” is a social network where you can find and start communicating with fellow students and classmates, view other people’s photos and upload your own photos, leave comments and give ratings. Also thanks social network you can find a soul mate and a new friend. Therefore, it is important that during communication it is comfortable not only for them, but also for you.

IN Lately Many people have problems related to vision.
All over the world, unfortunately, it is growing big number people who have problems with vision impairment. Of course, you can blame the computer monitor and TV for everything, but experts say that the problem lies not only in these significant factors. It turns out that harmful environment, from which, alas, there is no escape. Even the font that once seemed large to us becomes difficult to see over time. Therefore, for more convenient use Internet connection, you need to increase the font in Odnoklassniki.

How to solve a problem

To solve this problem and for convenient communication on the Odnoklassniki Internet network, you can use a variety of site settings. Most users want settings that meet their specific requirements. Unfortunately, on a site like Odnoklassniki you can use the function to view messages in standard mode. For example, on the VKontakte website there is a special function that is designed to increase the font size. If we talk about the Odnoklassniki website, then you cannot change the font directly. However, on the desktop you can easily enlarge the icons and enlarge not only the font, but also the pictures, both on the Odnoklassniki social network and on other sites. So overall it's very convenient.
Most tired or visually impaired people wanted to change the settings and make the font larger. The font in messages is very small. You can change the settings on the website itself using a special button.

To increase the font in Odnoklassniki, you can use two methods:

  • Hold down the Ctrl button and scroll the wheel away from you with the mouse.
  • Hold the Ctrl and + button while increasing the font to the required size.

After you have completed the necessary manipulations, the font will change easily to the desired size and communication will immediately become convenient and enjoyable! You can also use third party programs for correspondence in Odnoklassniki, which supports the XMPP protocol. One such program is QIP 2012, Pidqin.

Thanks to simple tips and settings, you can communicate on the Odnoklassniki social network without any restrictions. Have a nice chat!

Many users of the Odnoklassniki social network use a variety of applications and games. The existing page scale may not always be comfortable. For example, if there is a lot of density on the page functional elements or too small details there is a need to understand how to zoom in on classmates. This problem can be solved by scaling like text information, and graphic.

How to increase Odnoklassniki?

You can quickly zoom in on a page in Odnoklassniki using either the keyboard or the mouse.

Every keyboard has hot keys. They provide many different options. So, to zoom in on Odnoklassniki, you need to go to the social network site and press the Ctrl button. Without releasing this button, you must press “+” repeatedly. You should click until the size becomes comfortable.

Advice! To return the page to its original settings, you need to press a combination of the Ctrl and 0 buttons.

In order to enlarge or reduce a page in Odnoklassniki, you can use not only the keyboard, but also the mouse. To do this, you will need to press the Ctrl button on the keyboard on the website and scroll the wheel on the mouse away from you. Each step will increase the page by ten percent.

Every browser has page scaling. Using it you can also resize on social networks. So, if you use the Mozilla browser to access Odnoklassniki, in this option you can enlarge the font without affecting other elements.

To change the font you will need:

  1. Click on Alt keyboard.
  2. A main menu will appear in which you should select “View”.
  3. A list will appear where you need to click “Scale”.
  4. Next, you should click on “Text Only” and enlarge using the keyboard or mouse.

After this, you can only change the font in Odnoklassniki.

In Opera, you can zoom in or out in Odnoklassniki using a special indicator located in the lower right corner of the browser. By moving it manually, you can zoom in or out in Odnoklassniki.

In Yandex or Google browsers, it is possible to change the scale of the page in Odnoklassniki by clicking three in the corner horizontal lines and opposite “Scale” click on the plus sign several times.

Odnoklassniki is a site that is among the top ten popular resources Russian Federation. Day and night, millions of people visit his pages, communicate with each other, play online games - in general, spend time in an interesting way. But, in order to make communication on a social network comfortable for you, it would be useful to learn about some of the features of setting up your computer or laptop. Today we will talk about how to increase the font in Odnoklassniki on a page, because this is the question that worries users most often.

Not everyone realizes that the size of letters in your account or anywhere else on the Internet often depends not on the site itself, but on the settings that were installed on your computer. For example, if the size of symbols and pictures is always very small, this means that the settings are set too a high resolution, and if, on the contrary, both the letters and icons are excessively large, then it is too low. Also, the problem may lie in your browser settings.

How to increase the font in Odnoklassniki on a computer?

Option 1: working with settings Windows

Instructions may vary slightly depending on your operating system.

Option 2: working with browser settings

For different browsers Entering the font size settings is slightly different. We will provide instructions here for the most common ones. Also, settings may differ depending on the browser version.

Internet Explore

This is where it will be easiest to adjust the size.

Mozilla Firefox

  • Open Mozilla Firefox.
  • Click on the three lines in top corner on right.
  • At the top of the screen you will see a row of icons with labels. You should click on “Content”.
  • There will be a section called “Fonts and Colors”. You need to find the “Size” item and increase its value.


Now you know what to do if, as a result of working with the settings, the font in Odnoklassniki has decreased, how to increase it and adjust all the parameters so that it is convenient for you. If you still have any questions, ask us by filling out the form below. The answer will not be long in coming!

Detailed information abouthow to reduce font size in ok you can find out from our other article located on the same site.

How to make a font larger