How to remove streaks on your monitor. Vertical stripes appear on the monitor, what should I do?

Please note: WE DO NOT REPAIR MATRIXES or remove stripes on the screen. Such repairs are not worth the cost.

One of the most unpleasant symptoms in terms of the degree of elimination and the cost of repairing a monitor are thin vertical stripes along the entire height of the monitor screen.

In some cases, the cause of the malfunction may be a failure of the computer or laptop video card.

To identify the source of the problem, just connect the monitor to another computer or laptop. If the problem disappears, there is a malfunction in the computer; if it remains, the monitor needs to be repaired.

Often, the appearance of stripes is associated with mechanical impact on the edge of the case (the top of the monitor was moved, pressed or hit); in rare cases, multi-colored stripes appear on their own without any external intervention.

Before answering the question “where did they come from and how to eliminate them,” briefly about the theory of image formation on the monitor matrix:

The image on the screen consists of dots, the glow of which is controlled by so-called “drivers”. It is these microcircuits that give the signal to the required pixel to turn it on or off, as a result of which we can see the picture on the monitor screen. The drivers are located on the LCD matrix itself. Each chip can control pixels on an area of ​​the screen about three centimeters wide. Each vertical line of the screen is controlled by a corresponding pin of the driver chip.

The matrix cable, through which information from the driver is transmitted directly to the screen, is glued with a special conductive glue. It is this place that most often becomes the weak link in the operation of the screen.

When tracks detach from the matrix driver, we observe the appearance of thin vertical stripes on the monitor screen. Moreover, their number can change when pressing in the upper area of ​​the monitor.

The only reliable and correct solution to the problem of the appearance of thin vertical stripes on the monitor matrix is ​​to replace the LCD panel, which is not always economically feasible. In most cases, the cost of a new monitor matrix is ​​up to 80% of the cost of a new device.

Due to the fact that most service centers do not have the technology to remove and install microcircuits and cables glued with conductive adhesive, repairs to faults of this type are not eliminated.

Despite the complexity of this widespread problem, there are still a couple of possible solutions.

If there are not many thin vertical stripes and they disappear after pressing in the upper area of ​​the monitor case, you can try to disassemble the monitor and gently press it in the upper part above the place where the strip appears. If it disappears, you can place something in this place so that after assembling the housing, the gasket will press the cable against the matrix body with a little force.

Unfortunately, this method cannot 100% guarantee normal operation of the monitor in the future, but with all the options, it deserves to exist.

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A vertical line appears on the monitor

A computer is a technically incredibly complex device in which even a small breakdown of one part or loss of contact with other elements leads to disorganization of the operation of the entire equipment. Often, even a practically new PC refuses to work normally, and a vertical stripe appears on the monitor. Why this happens and how to deal with it is in this article.

Why did a vertical stripe appear on the monitor?

The most common reasons include:

  • video card damage;
  • poor contact between cables connected to the monitor;
  • motherboard malfunction.

What to do if vertical stripes appear on the monitor?

The most common reasons why colored vertical stripes appear on the monitor have nothing to do with software, all kinds of viruses and drivers. Most often, the monitor is negatively affected by faulty components of the computer or the whole point is their incorrect interaction with each other. When carrying out diagnostic measures, it is first necessary to exclude incorrect operation of the video card. It is necessary to check how it functions, what condition the cooler is in, and whether it is dusty. Based on Aida's temperature readings, you can determine whether overheating has occurred.

All existing dust must be carefully removed and all available connectors must be cleaned. By the way, from time to time cleaning of dust is necessary for the entire system unit, all cables, fans and other elements. It is necessary to eliminate breakdowns of this or that equipment one by one by installing them on another working computer. That is, check the operation of the video card on another PC, then each cable. If knowledge allows, then you can independently replace them with new ones. The appearance of a vertical stripe on the LCD monitor may indicate a malfunction of one of the internal devices, namely the motherboard.

If some of the tracks and connecting elements are blackened, and the resistors are swollen, then no amount of knowledge and skills will help here; you need to change the motherboard. It is also impossible to diagnose it on your own, so you will have to take the PC to a service center. The appearance of a vertical stripe on the monitor can be blamed on a burnt-out driver chip, although this happens quite rarely. In any case, to troubleshoot, it is better to contact a specialist who can accurately determine the cause and give advice for the future on how to handle your PC so that this does not happen again.

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Stripes appear on the laptop screen: what to do and how to determine the cause of the problem

The laptop is a one-piece design that combines the system unit and monitor, as well as peripherals. This is convenient from the point of view of the portability of the device, but any malfunction makes it almost impossible to use it. Such malfunctions include a very common problem with laptops - the appearance of stripes on the screen. It becomes almost impossible to work at a computer when there are horizontal or vertical stripes on the output image. The stripes may be black, white or multi-colored, depending on the cause of the malfunction. In this article, we will look at what to do if stripes appear on the laptop screen, and what malfunctions most often lead to the problem in question.

Why stripes appeared on the laptop screen: reasons

The graphics chip, which can be installed separately on a video card or integrated into the central processor, is responsible for displaying images on a laptop. Information from the chip is transmitted through a cable to the screen, and the system as a whole is controlled by the motherboard. As you can see, not many elements are involved in the process of displaying an image on the monitor screen. Based on this, we can conclude that the following reasons can lead to the appearance of stripes on the screen:

It is worth noting that it is extremely rare that the problem with the appearance of artifacts and stripes on the screen is associated with drivers. Therefore, the first thing to do if stripes appear on your laptop screen is to download new drivers for key computer components. You can also try to “roll back” Windows if the system was updated shortly before the problem occurred.

How to determine why stripes appear on a laptop screen

Since the symptoms of stripes appearing on a laptop screen are characteristic of a number of malfunctions, in order to fix the problem, you must first determine what led to it. Specialists in service centers can do this using diagnostic equipment, but at home it is quite easy to find out why stripes appear on the laptop screen. Based on the cause of the malfunction, it will be possible to draw a conclusion about the advisability of repairing the computer.

Below we present a series of diagnostic measures that allow you to find out what led to the problem with the appearance of stripes on the screen.

Checking the matrix and cable by pressing

You can make sure that the malfunction is associated with a damaged matrix or a problematic cable in a fairly simple way:

It is worth noting that a malfunction of the matrix or cable is also indicated by incorrect display of colors on the laptop screen. For example, when in addition to stripes on the screen, other colors are displayed in black and white.

Testing with an external monitor

A fairly simple test if you have an external monitor that can be connected to your computer via a DVI or HDMI cable. At the same time, this test allows us to exclude the possibility that stripes on the screen occur due to a faulty video card or motherboard.

To carry out diagnostics, connect an external monitor to the laptop via a wire and, based on what you see, draw the appropriate conclusions:

  • If the image on the external monitor is correct, that is, there are no stripes or artifacts, this indicates that there are no problems with the laptop’s motherboard and video card;
  • If stripes are displayed on the external monitor, it means that the display and cable are working properly, and the problem is with the motherboard or video card.

Checking the matrix loop

If you come to the conclusion that the video card and motherboard are working properly, but the problem is in the cable or matrix, you can perform the following test. Since the cable moves when the lid is opened, it may become pinched, which leads to the appearance of artifacts or stripes on the screen. Look at the image displayed on the display from different angles when the lid is opened. If the stripes change their position or disappear when the lid is tilted at a certain angle, this indicates a problem with the cable.

Checking the video card

It is not difficult to determine that it is the video card that is causing the streaks on the screen. Make sure that the bars appear on the display immediately after you turn on the computer, and not after some time. If they occur after a few minutes of working on the laptop, this indicates that the video card chip is overheating or is malfunctioning.

Also, most often, when stripes on the screen occur due to problems with the video card, when Windows boots, the image from the display completely disappears and a black screen remains for some time.

What to do if your laptop video card is faulty

The first thing to do if you suspect problems with the video card is to make sure that the computer does not have cooling problems. In particular, the following actions need to be taken:

When disassembling your computer and replacing thermal paste, pay attention to the chip. If there are obvious traces of carbon deposits on it or the radiator that fits it, this indicates that the device has failed and needs to be replaced. Often, it is not economically feasible to change a laptop's video card.

What to do if your laptop motherboard is faulty

The motherboard is one of the most difficult laptop components to repair. To determine which particular block of the motherboard has failed, you will need to take the laptop to a service center, where it can be checked using diagnostic equipment.

Most often, a board malfunction is associated with oxidation or burnout of elements. Due to the technical manufacturing process of the motherboard, it is almost impossible to repair it if it fails.

What to do if there are problems with the matrix cable on the laptop

The simplest malfunction that can lead to streaks appearing on the laptop screen. If you can establish that the cable is to blame for the problem, you need to disassemble the computer case and inspect the cable for twisting, kinks, breaks or burnouts. Sometimes the cable simply does not clamp properly when opening the cover, which causes artifacts to appear on the screen. In this case, if it is not damaged, it is enough to simply correct its position in the computer case.

However, if the image output cable on the laptop is burnt out, frayed, or has other mechanical damage, it will need to be replaced. On sale you can find cables for almost all modern laptops. If you cannot find a suitable model, you can contact specialists in the field of radio electronics, who can use a tester to determine which part of the loop is faulty and replace it using MGTF wires.

There are streaks on the screen on the laptop, what should I do?

Recently, a lot of complaints have been received about the appearance of various stripes on laptop screens. What is the reason for this phenomenon, how to avoid it, what to do if stripes appear on the laptop screen? You will find answers to all these questions and many others in the article.

Computer and laptop: diagnosing the cause

Many people know that it is easier to determine the cause of a particular breakdown on a personal computer than on a laptop. This is directly related to the fact that the laptop is one solid structure, and the computer has separate elements, which can hardly be called a minus. But at the same time, laptops are much more popular because of their compactness. And that's why they break more often. One of the most annoying laptop problems is the appearance of stripes on the screen. This is especially unpleasant when you handle your laptop very carefully, but here is such a ridiculous situation. Today we will look at all the ways to solve this problem and figure out what to do if there are stripes on the screen on your laptop.

How it all begins

Most often, one small strip of some color appears on the laptop screen. The owner of the laptop does not pay attention to this, but this cannot be left to chance. In the first days, a maximum of three stripes (green, red or blue) appear on the screen, but within a week the horizontal or vertical stripes begin to “multiply” very actively. And only then does the user realize that something is wrong. Some people manage to fix this for a few minutes by pressing on the laptop screen matrix (exactly where the stripes were). After a couple of minutes, the problem returns, and there are simply no options to solve it.


Vertical or horizontal stripes on a laptop screen can appear for several reasons, which will be discussed below. The reasons are as follows:

  • breakdown of the video card of a personal computer (in certain cases, the element can be repaired or completely replaced);
  • damage to the motherboard (most often due to overheating);
  • failure of the laptop matrix (you will have to make a complete replacement);
  • various damages (poor contact, breakage and other problems with the cable).

Breaking laptop components can always be repaired, both with your own hands and with the help of various companies engaged in such activities as laptop repair.


  1. We connect some external monitor to our laptop to check whether the video card is to blame for the appearance of stripes, and whether everything is normal with it. If the image on the connected monitor matches what is on the laptop screen, the problem is probably not with the video card. If there are no problems on the second screen, but the situation is the same on the laptop, everything is fine with the video card, the problem is something else.
  2. If the first situation did not suit you and you have not identified the problem, we can move on to check number two. You need to test the matrix for pressure or bending. If, when you click on a specific place where, for example, a white stripe appeared on the laptop screen, the image changes slightly, most likely the problem is in the matrix or a cable directly connected to the PC screen.
  3. Does the image change when closing/opening the laptop? The problem lies in the cable (poor contact or broken tracks).

Matrix cable

If multi-colored stripes appear on the laptop screen, most likely the problem is in the laptop matrix cable. It is important to note that the stripes do not affect the operation of the computer itself, they are just a little annoying. There is only one way to get rid of them - by replacing the cable. It is almost impossible to do this on your own (there is a high probability that you will only make things worse), so it is better to turn to professionals who will do everything at the highest level. Repairing laptops is not the best activity for non-professionals. In this case, you can ruin not only your laptop, but also your nerves, and also lose a lot of time.

Check everything again. When you tilt your laptop screen, stripes should appear on a different part of the screen. If this happens, then the problem is definitely in the PC matrix cable.

Multi-colored stripes on a laptop display

What should you do if vertical stripes appear all over the screen? You will now find out the answer to this question. Often the stripes are red and blue, and over time they become much larger (increasing in width and length). Multi-colored stripes on the screen are ways to change your color to another - white. If you are not sure what the problem is, it is better to carry out self-diagnosis, which is described in detail a little higher. If, when you connect an external monitor, stripes also appear on it, there is a problem with the video card. Laptop models are divided into two types: those in which the video adapter is installed in the motherboard, as well as those in which the video chip is a separate module of the personal computer.

In most cases, only replacing the video card can help solve this problem, but it is better to contact specialists so they can try to fix it. It will cost several times less.

Monitor ripples

Ripples of one color or another across the laptop display prove that the problem is really in the cable. But in order to be completely sure of this, it will be necessary to carry out diagnostics again. If everything is fine on the external monitor, the problem definitely lies in a malfunction of the cable or the matrix of the personal computer. You should contact a repair professional to replace the necessary parts to keep your laptop running.

You can often encounter a problem when a person recently picked up his laptop from repair, where he took it to have the technicians fix the cable or matrix, but after a while the monitor started charging again.

This, in turn, is due to poor-quality contact between the motherboard and the video adapter of your laptop. In such a situation, you should re-bowl the chip or completely or partially replace the motherboard (you need to consult about this with the technician you contact for help). Do you have a line on your laptop screen? What to do if you don't know? Nothing helps? Continue reading the article - you will definitely find the reason for the appearance of stripes on the monitor and be able to solve this problem!

Multicolored lines

The appearance of lines that move chaotically across the monitor and constantly change their colors proves the fact that the problem is a broken cable. This problem was already discussed a little higher, however, as you understand, this such a common problem already has many “modifications”. In what cases does the problem lie in the matrix cable?

  1. You turned off your laptop, there were no stripes, and the next morning you turned it on again, but stripes had already appeared. This is a sign of a problem with the matrix or cable.
  2. The monitor not only flickers and changes colors, but also becomes negative (the image on the screen is sometimes shown in negative). This is already the extreme stage of a breakdown of the personal computer cable or its matrix.
  3. The image is only on one half of the screen, while the other is simply empty. There is a problem with the matrix that should be resolved before turning off the monitor completely.
  4. A non-working laptop backlight indicates that the matrix module - the inverter - needs to be replaced in the near future.

Single system violation

If stripes appear on the screen on the laptop, this may not mean that there really is a problem as such. It may be a single malfunction. People who are sure that their laptop is broken (something with the matrix or video card) often turn to specialists because, for example, a black line appears on the laptop screen. But this in no way proves the need for urgent repairs. There were situations when a small blue stripe appeared on the screen (it was not smooth, but moved chaotically). This “thing” was on the screen for about a week, but no one paid attention to it. At first it seemed that the stripe was getting larger, but after five days it became clear that it was not increasing either in length or width. After two days the strip disappeared and never appeared again.

It is precisely because of this that it is better to wait a week or two to make sure that this is really a problem, rather than paying money to technicians who will fix the laptop in a day, and in another month it will “break down” again. But if the problem is not solved, then you can go to the technical center, where you will find the right specialist.

PC Drivers

There are often situations when various stripes of different colors and sizes appear on the laptop screen. Many people immediately go to the service center to have the laptop repaired by technicians. But is this always correct?

Often the cause of stripes appearing on the monitor of your personal computer (laptop) is incorrectly installed drivers or their absence at all. An outdated version of the software may also be the source of the problem. Everything here is quite clear: you need to reinstall the drivers. It is necessary to select a version in which the problem on the screen will disappear. How to do it? Only at random. Please note: you need to download drivers for your laptop from the official website of the manufacturer of your model. You can install them using various programs, but it’s better not to take risks and do everything according to the rules.

Sometimes the laptop comes with a disk with all the necessary drivers. If you have one, of course you can use it, but remember that the content on it is not updated. But it’s worth a try, because the problem may simply be a malfunction of the laptop drivers. If you have already tried all the updates, most likely the problem is in other components of the device.


If strange stripes appear on your personal computer, you don’t have to immediately run to the specialists. You can try to find out on your own the cause of what happened, which is quite possible to eliminate on your own.

The cause of the breakdown can be both problems with the video card and the matrix cable. In certain situations it will have to be replaced, but someone is lucky - it’s enough to just fix it. Drivers often become a problem for the appearance of various stripes on the laptop screen. Update the software to the latest version, and if this does not help, contact a specialist. Or, still try to diagnose your PC yourself, which is described a little higher.

What to do if stripes appear on the screen on your laptop? What are the reasons for what happened? Most likely, you have already found answers to these questions, but if this still does not happen, you should immediately contact specialists. They will examine your laptop individually, be able to pinpoint the exact cause and indicate the time needed for repairs. And you will be convinced that the cause of the breakdown was still before your eyes, just in a more open form. Are there streaks on the screen on your laptop? This is no longer a problem!

Stripes on the laptop screen - what is the reason and what to do?

It's a shame when the laptop was working fine, and suddenly at one not-so-great moment it started to malfunction. One of the problems is the appearance of stripes on the screen. But you shouldn’t panic right away; you need to try to figure out the cause of the malfunction.

Possible reasons for streaks on the screen

Different stripes may appear on the screen:

  • Horizontal stripes in the middle of the display;
  • Vertical colored lines across the entire screen;
  • Ripple;
  • Half of the image is missing;
  • Poor image, blurry and unclear;
  • White vertical stripe in the middle;
  • Only a small part of the display works.

There are many more characteristic signs, now let’s look at what could be the reasons for a faulty screen:

  • There are breaks in the cable, the contact periodically comes off;
  • Problems with the video card;
  • Fault in the motherboard;
  • Dead pixels on the display.

Broken laptop monitor cable

It is not so rare for cables (video cables) of a laptop matrix to fray. There is nothing strange about this - the display mechanism is a moving part, it constantly opens and closes. In addition, the portable PC is often moved and shaken. The reason for chafing of the cable may be its incorrect installation - if the cable is connected a little crookedly. Poor contact of the cable becomes apparent almost immediately after the defect appears - as soon as you turn the housing with the matrix at a different angle, the image on the screen either becomes worse or the defect disappears.

You can replace the cable yourself, but disassembly and reassembly must be done with extreme care. The replacement principle is the same on many laptops, so let’s look at a general example:

  • Turn off the power and remove the battery. We wait a few minutes for the device to free itself from electrical charges;
  • Open the lid and remove the plugs from the matrix frame. There are screws hidden under the plugs, unscrew them;
  • Carefully remove the monitor frame;

  • We unscrew all the screws securing the matrix and remove the screen. You need to keep in mind that there are screws on the side;
  • The matrix cable is located on the back side of the screen. Carefully pull off the connector and disconnect the matrix from the cable;
  • To get to the other end of the video cable, you will have to remove the top cover of the laptop itself. For some models, you first have to remove the keyboard;

  • We disconnect the connector from the motherboard, install a new cable, and put everything back together.

Faulty matrix

If you suspect the matrix, you need to make sure it is faulty. Checking the display is very simple - you need to connect an external monitor to the laptop. Many laptop PCs have such a connector, but it can be located in different places - it all depends on the specific model of the computer device.

If, when connecting an external monitor, the image on the screen is normal, then the reason is most likely in the matrix itself. Changing it is even easier than the cable - you won’t need to disconnect the cable from the motherboard.

Signs of a faulty matrix:

  • The colors on the display are inverted - light tones become dark and vice versa;
  • One half of the screen displays the picture normally, the other is all white;
  • Vertical stripes appear immediately after starting the laptop.

You can also check the matrix for bending or torsion. When the monitor is turned on, we begin to gently bend or twist it with our hands. If the image changes (strips or artifacts disappear or appear), then there is a high probability that the matrix is ​​faulty and needs to be replaced. By the way, in this case the cable may also be to blame. You should pay attention at what bending of the display the picture on the screen begins to change.

Problems with the video card

There are two main problems with the video card on a laptop:

  • Overheating may cause the video chip to become unsoldered (lose contact with the motherboard);
  • The video card itself will burn out.

Malfunctions in the video card are characterized by the appearance of multi-colored stripes on the screen not immediately after starting the PC, but while loading the operating system. If the video chip is faulty, the motherboard at its location may become very hot.

You can diagnose a video card by heating it. The chip is heated with a soldering station to a temperature of 400ºC. If after this procedure the image returns to normal, the problem is with the video card. Please note that the image will not be restored for long - you need to prepare to replace the chip.

If the video chip is unsoldered, it is still better to replace it. Soldering a video chip in workshops is not cheap, but whether it will work is still unknown. There is no point in repairing an old laptop with such a defect; it is better to buy a new laptop PC. Replacing a video card will cost around 2000-3000 thousand UAH, including the cost of the part.

Motherboard problems

The motherboard can also fail due to overheating. Often the board overheats precisely in the area where the video card is located. It should also be taken into account that often “motherboards” on “laptops” are integrated, that is, in them the video card is an almost integral component of the entire main board in the laptop. In the event of a malfunction of the integrated motherboard, it is also easier to replace the entire old laptop, and laptop repair itself in Kyiv will now be very expensive.

Display backlight

There is another option for a bad image - the screen is almost dark, it is almost impossible to see the picture. That is, the display works, but the backlight does not illuminate the monitor. You can check what's wrong quite easily without disassembling the computer. The button to turn the monitor backlight on and off is usually located closer to the display, on the front panel of the device next to the keyboard. If the button is not there, it is most likely stuck. Also, the button may simply break, and if it gets stuck pressed, the screen will not light up. Often the backlight switch is hidden in the hinge of the display lid's rotating mechanism. In this case, you have to partially disassemble the laptop to identify the defect.

In the worst case scenario, you will most likely need to completely replace the laptop matrix.

In this article we will look at such a problem as a malfunction of the matrix, or, more precisely, the appearance of stripes on the screen.

The occurrence of this failure is a serious disruption to the operation of your device. And dealing with such a problem is not so easy. Identifying this breakdown is not as difficult as diagnosing why exactly ripples appeared on the screen of your favorite laptop, since the design of laptops is much more complex than the design of a home PC. The stripes on a laptop matrix can be absolutely anything (horizontal, vertical, colored, white, black). And the reasons lie deep in the problems of your device.

Reasons for the appearance of stripes

Diagnosis of problems

The main task is to correctly determine the reason why there is a problem with image transmission and screen color rendering.But it is worth noting that a complete diagnosis of the reasons for the appearance of stripes on the screen can only be carried out in a service center for special equipment.But an initial determination of the cause can greatly facilitate solving the problem, and such diagnostics can be performed at home.

Using an additional monitor

To do this, we need a VGA cable to connect the laptop to the monitor.

As a result, we will get one of two results:

  1. On extra the monitor image will be clear (without interference, ripples and multi-colored stripes)
  2. The image will not change, everything will be the same as on the screen of your device.

In the first option, we see that the video card is functioning normally, there are no failures, and then the solution to the problem must be sought in the matrix or cable. In the second option, we see that there are problems with the operation of the board and video card. In any case, repairs cannot be avoided.

How to check the matrix for functionality?

In order to check the screen matrix at home, you need to deform it a little.

  1. Try to push the screen as carefully as possible in the place where the image is most distorted.
  2. Then try bending the screen slightly in the horizontal plane.
  3. Be sure to pay attention to the colors, contrast, and brightness of the bars depending on your exposure to the screen.
  4. If changes are present, then the problems are hidden either in the loop or in the matrix.

When should the matrix be replaced?

  1. If, while working with a parallel-connected monitor, if the matrix is ​​deformed, the surface is pressed inwards, such parameters as color rendition of stripes, disappearance and reappearance change.
  2. The stripes appear at all stages of loading your device.
  3. A ripple appeared, a wide white stripe (in the horizontal or vertical axis, it doesn’t matter)
  4. The image appeared in negative or the color scheme changed, for example: blue was replaced with yellow.

Checking the loop

Everyone understands that the cable is very flexible because the laptop screen can change its original position (move).

What to do?

So, in order to verify the serviceability/failure of the cable, we need to slowly open and close the lid, while observing changes in the operation of the monitor. If there are any, then the source of the stripes on the screen is the cable.

Checking the video card

You should pay attention to the video card if: the screen of your laptop and additional. The monitor displays a picture with multi-colored stripes, and also distorts or duplicates the image.

  1. When Windows boots, various stripes appear (vertical, horizontal, black, white, colored.)
  2. The image disappears while the OS is loading.
  3. It gets very hot in the area where the card is located. (but it could also be the system board)

Checking the system board

  1. If after replacing the cable, matrix and video card the situation has not changed and the screen is still covered with stripes.

Problem solving

Loop repair

Recently, cable-related problems have most often occurred in older laptop models. Because new models use stronger, updated and adapted cables. This is the trap that finding a new cable for an outdated laptop model will be quite difficult, but possible. But there is one thing: Before you go looking for a new cable, be sure to rewrite the matrix model of your device. But still, if you are lucky and you find the one and only, you are lucky, but if not, then you can take the risk of trying to fix the damage with your own hands. For repairs we will need: electronics skills (the basics), a soldering iron, solder, rosin, a tester and an MGTF mounting wire. To ring the loop we will have to get to the ends on both sides.

And the repair plan is quite simple (it’s better, of course, to contact a service center if you don’t have the skills to work with a soldering iron):

  1. We call the train.
  2. We find a break (if there is one).
  3. In the place where the break occurred, we solder a duplicate wire parallel to it.

If no break was found, then the problem lies in more expensive components.

System board repair

The motherboard is not a simple thing and may not fail completely. As a result of overheating of individual areas, the microchip or the bus (responsible for exchanging data with the video card) may burn out. It is important not to forget about the PCMCIA slot (the slot in which the video card is installed), whether there are any scorched or oxidized contacts there. But even if the contacts fall off, you cannot do without repairs. The ideal solution to this problem would be a number of the following actions.

The monitor is one of the most important devices for working with a personal computer. It helps you obtain all the necessary information. However, sometimes a situation arises when the monitor breaks down or begins to work incorrectly. For example, stripes of different colors may appear, ripples, or the picture may be incomplete. There are few reasons for their appearance. These are either problems with the monitor itself, or incorrect operation of the system unit. What to do if a green thin strip appears? Let's try to figure it out.

ADVICE. Before you start searching for possible problems and ways to solve them, it is advisable to connect the screen to another system unit. This will help narrow down the possible causes.

Why do vertical stripes appear on the screen?

There may be several reasons for this defect to appear. All of them are divided into hardware or software. That is, some are caused by the breakdown of some computer component, while others are caused by the absence or errors in the operation of the software.

The main reasons include:

Vertical stripe on laptop screen

There are several types of screen defects:

  • Placed vertically or horizontally.
  • Only half of the picture is displayed.
  • There are ripples.
  • White or multi-colored.

REFERENCE. When identifying the causes and their subsequent elimination, it is very important to know exactly what defects are present, how the stripes are located and what color they are.

White vertical stripe on the monitor

Are white stripes appearing on your monitor? This defect indicates that problems have arisen in the operation of the display matrix. It is necessary to gently press the surface of the monitor and, if the defect disappears, this part of the screen should be replaced. If they flicker or are barely visible, then you should inspect the cable connecting to the system unit or the power filter.

Red vertical stripe on the monitor

The defect is often periodic, that is, it occurs from time to time and is not present all the time. Very often the reason lies in a defect in the cable contacts. In rare cases, red streaks are caused by combustion of system components. If there are bunches of red stripes in the form of a rectangle on the screen, this means that the cable is dusty or its connectors are damaged.

Black vertical stripe on the monitor

This view can be located in any part of the display, sometimes even in the center of the display. The source of the defect may be a failure of the video adapter or its incorrect operation, matrix or cable. If the reason is in the matrix, then this element needs to be replaced.

Yellow vertical stripe on the monitor

When a defect of this color forms, you first need a few things. First, the screen should be disconnected from the system unit and plugged into a power outlet. The disappearance of the defect indicates that you should check the cooler on the video card, as well as update the graphics adapter drivers. It is also worth inspecting the capacitors located on the adapter. If there is swelling, the faulty part must be replaced.

REFERENCE. If the monitor was manufactured with a manufacturing defect, a pink stripe will appear on the surface of its display.

Vertical stripe on the monitor - how to remove it?

Some problems that cause stripes of different colors to appear on your monitor screen can be resolved by yourself.

  • Graphics adapter drivers. If the source is missing or incorrectly installed video card drivers, they must be installed. This is done as follows:
  1. First you need to open “Control Panel” and find “System” in the menu.
  2. In the list on the left, select “Device Manager”.
  3. In the “Video Adapters” tab you need to find the installed video card. There should be a yellow exclamation mark next to it, indicating that the drivers do not work or are not installed.
  4. If the drivers are installed incorrectly, you need to remove them and reboot the system unit.
  5. Then you need to download the necessary drivers from the official website of the graphics adapter manufacturer.
  6. After downloading and installation, you also need to reboot the device again.
  • Screen resolution. If the culprit is incorrect settings, then you need to set the recommended resolution. To do this you need:
  1. While on the desktop, right-click and select “Display Settings” from the menu that appears.
  2. Then find “Advanced settings” or “Screen resolution” and set the value recommended by the system.

REFERENCE. The sequence of actions or names of menu items depend on the version of the operating system.

  • Video card. First you need to make sure that the problem is in the graphics adapter; to do this, you need to install it in another system unit. If the stripes persist, then the reason is definitely in the video card. The device must be carefully inspected for dust and dirt. If they are present, you need to clean the card. If this does not help, you need to take the adapter to a workshop or buy a new one.
  • "Motherboard." If the board fails, you won’t be able to do anything on your own and will have to contact a service center for help. The following repair options can be carried out:
  1. Chip heating. An inexpensive repair method, however, does not guarantee that the problem will not arise again.
  2. Reballing. The option is more expensive, but it gives an almost 100% guarantee that the stripes will not appear after some time.
  3. Chip replacement. An option with 100% success and a guarantee, but it is rarely used.
  • Plume. It is quite difficult to repair it yourself; this requires good soldering skills, knowledge of electronics and all the necessary materials. Therefore, it is worth contacting a repair shop.

If none of the solution options helps, or the monitor or system one is already quite old, then it is more advisable to purchase a new device.

>TV malfunctions

The appearance of a vertical stripe on the screen indicates a malfunction of the matrix cable. Symptoms such as ripples, screen flickering, and distortion may also indicate a malfunction of the matrix. The width of this stripe can vary from 1 pixel to several centimeters. In this case, the vertical stripe can be of different colors, black, red, etc.

The reason lies in the poor contact of the panel cable with the board, where the signal from the T-con is routed through the corresponding cables; it is glued to the matrix with one side, and the other to the imaging board. If we are talking about laptops, then the appearance of a vertical stripe on the LCD monitor screen may also be associated with a break in the cable tracks. Also, the appearance of a stripe on the TV screen can appear if there is a breakdown in contact and oxidation of the SMD elements installed on the cable, mainly resistors.

A defect with a vertical stripe can also be caused by poor contact in the connector itself, if this is the case, then you are very lucky, it is easy to deal with yourself.

The defect can be either permanent or temporary, disappearing, for example, after the LCD TV warms up. Also, the vertical stripe may disappear and then reappear as a lighter image than the main one. The defect can be eliminated by pressing on the connection point, but if the non-contact point has oxidized, then you need to press hard.

In the professional case, special machines are used to restore LCD matrix cables. The thing is expensive and not for a single occasion. It is very difficult to restore the cable yourself at home. This requires very precise positioning of the cable, a tool and a special anisotropic adhesive film. This adhesive film contains tiny bonding pads surrounded by insulating materials. Once positioned, heated and pressed, it provides electrical connection between the pads.

As mentioned above, vertical stripes on an LCD TV may appear as a result of faulty soldering of SMD resistors. Arm yourself with a magnifying glass and check the solder joints, as well as the resistance of these resistors.


The trouble is that the cables are very difficult to restore and sometimes the only way out is to replace the matrix, and replacing the matrix is ​​almost the cost of a new TV.

If you have determined for sure that the vertical stripe on the LCD TV screen is associated with a defect in the cable connection, and professional repair is impossible, then try your luck by trying to repair it yourself.

This requires accuracy, accuracy and more accuracy. All work is carried out using a microscope, binocular glasses with an additional lens or magnifying glass.

To begin with, you can try this method: take a conductive varnish, pierce the paths with the missing contact with a needle in several places and apply varnish into the hole. The work requires accuracy and patience. After the varnish has dried, seal the repair area with tape.

The second method is more labor-intensive, so try it if the first does not help.

Carefully disconnect the cable while heating it with a hairdryer. Clean the cable and board from the anisotropic film with acetone, and if there is oxidation, then clean it with something sharp (for example, a scalpel). If there are no visible signs of oxidation, then you don’t have to clean them, they are already tinned well. Apply liquid rosin and fix the train, positioning it well. Using a soldering iron, slightly heat the cable from above so that the flux alcohol evaporates and the soldering area is preheated, then solder the contacts. Experience plays a role here, the correctly selected amount of solder on the soldering iron and a well-heated soldering area ensures that the solder spreads along the tracks without jumpers.

Of course, I was horrified and I think, well, the video card has probably failed. Why did I think so, tell me, because in the system unit there are other components besides the video card, and the monitor itself could provoke the problem? I already encountered this problem when stripes appeared and there were ripples on the monitor when the capacitor on the video card burst. Of course, it was possible to repair the video card, but I decided to just buy a good, new one.)))

And so, if you have stripes and ripples on your monitor, as in my case, I can offer the following option, I will show the example of the Windows 7 operating system, but there is no difference what kind of Windows is installed. Sorry that there is no screenshot of this problem, you just can’t see anything on the screenshot.)))

First of all, try updating your video card drivers; read how to do this in this article. If after updating the video card driver the stripes and ripples on the monitor disappear, then everything is great.))) In my case, this did not help and the problem remained.

The second thing I did was completely remove the video card driver. And believe me, the monitor screen became the same and beautiful.))) I exhaled, well, I think the problem is solved, but it was not there, after I reinstalled the drivers on the video card, stripes and ripples appeared on the monitor again.

I tried different versions of drivers, to no avail, I was already desperate, but I remembered one moment when I used it a long time ago. We do the following. Right-click on the desktop and select the “Screen Resolution” tab.

In the window that opens, click on the “Advanced settings” item.

In this window, select the “Monitor” tab, then click on the arrow and select the screen refresh rate of 75Hz. Click “Apply” and “Ok”.

After these settings, all stripes and ripples disappeared from the monitor, the monitor screen became the same and bright. That's it! I certainly cannot guarantee or promise that stripes on the monitor will disappear in your case, you understand, the problems may be more serious, but still I think the article will be useful to someone. If you have questions, write in the comments, I will be grateful. Good luck to all!