How to remove public notifications on Android. Why don't I have menu options to turn off notifications? System disable notifications

Notifications are what makes the operating system different Android feature. In the 2000s, we could not even imagine that in the future individual applications would learn to notify about certain events - previously, even the operating system itself could only tell about a received SMS message or email. But some people consider Push notifications to be a natural evil. The fact is that the developers of many programs go beyond all limits of reason. Notifications from such applications pour in like a river. They may also contain advertising, which no one wants to be distracted by. That's why many people think about how to set up notifications on Android.

Previously, you couldn’t even dream of managing notifications. The user considered it lucky if the application developer included in the “ Settings» item regarding Push notifications. If it was not there, then they could only be disabled by the so-called “freezing” of the utility. But then the meaning of her presence on the smartphone was lost.

Fortunately, the situation has now changed. This happened with the release of Android 5.0. Google has made sure that the owner of a tablet or smartphone can easily configure the appearance of certain notifications. Moreover, from now on, disable notifications from specific application you can literally do it in just a couple of touches of the screen using the appropriate panel. And in future versions of Android, even more global customization of the notification panel will be available, which should make the user’s life even easier.

Disable notifications in a few taps

If you start to get annoyed by notifications from some specific application, then turn them off. This will take you about one minute.

This method only works in Android 5.0 and newer versions of the operating system!

Step 1. Wait for the next notification from the intrusive program or game to appear. When this happens, open the notification panel.

Step 2. Hold your finger on a received notification until it changes color to a darker color.

Step 3. Click on the round button with the letter "i".

Step 4. You will be taken to a menu dedicated to receiving notifications from this application. Here you can activate the checkbox next to the item “ Block" After this, you will no longer receive notifications from this program or game.

Slightly longer way

Of course, it is not necessary to wait until the notification arrives to make this setting. To do this, you can do the following:

Step 1. Go to " Settings».

Step 2. Go to the section " Apps and notifications».

Step 3. Click on the item " Setting up notifications».

Step 4. Turn off notifications individual applications.

On older versions of Android:

Step 1. Go to " Settings».

Step 2. Go to the section " Sounds and notifications».

Step 3. Click on the item " Application notifications».

Step 4. Select the program you don't like.

Step 5. This will take you to the menu we have already discussed. Check the box next to " Block».

It should be noted that on some devices the number of steps is greatly reduced. For example, on devices from Samsung operating under Android control 6.0, you just need to go to the “ Notifications", and then deactivate the checkboxes of unwanted applications.

And if you do not want to receive any notifications at all, then you need to turn off the checkbox near the top “ All applications».

Eliminate notifications from the lock screen

Some people are very afraid of losing their smartphone, not because of the subsequent financial costs, but because a stranger might gain access to personal information owner. Such people tend to remove notifications from the lock screen so that even they are not visible to a stranger. If earlier it was impossible to do this, then today’s smartphones really allow you to clear the lock screen of unnecessary elements. To do this, perform the following manipulations:

Step 1. Go to " Settings».

Step 2. Proceed to the subsection we have already discussed “ Sounds and notifications" On Samsung tablets This may require going to the " Device».

Step 3. Here you should see the item " On a locked screen"(may have a similar name). Click on it.

Step 4. In the displayed context menu select " Don't show notifications».

Some devices offer slightly more extensive customization for this feature. For example, you can often enable the display of notification titles, but at the same time specify that the text contained in them not be shown.


Oddly enough, the Android operating system is still far from ideal. Yes, it allows you to block notifications from individual applications. You can turn off the display of all notifications at once. But for some unknown reason Google company does not allow you to turn off the sound that plays when you receive a notification about an event. More precisely, you can disable it, but also for calls and SMS messages. Separately, the sound for calls and notifications is regulated only on a select number of devices that have a special shell.

* Android applications consist of one or more components: Activities, Services, Content Providers, and Broadcast Receivers.

* Each component plays its own role in the application and can be activated separately from the others (and can even be activated by a third-party application).

This is how your group chats are muted

For them the blue hook is open invitation ask or even criticize why they can't respond to their message. Anyone who comes into contact with such people for any reason may wonder if they are simply turning off the blue hooks. But be careful: if you read your messages, you won't be able to see them anymore. Keep in mind that you will still be shown as "Internet" if you are. Lovers and Hate: group chats provide an easy way to communicate with friends or family.

* AndroidManifest.xml (manifest file) must declare all application components and system requirements, such as the required minimum Android version or a specific hardware configuration.

* The resources required for the application (images, markup files, strings, etc.) must contain alternative options for different device configurations (for example, lines on different languages or different layouts and images for possible screen sizes).

Main class of the DatagramChat application

Depending on how much information people have in the group, many notifications can be very annoying. Luckily, you can also disable groups. To do this, you must click on the menu icon on the right top corner groups. You can now choose whether you want the group to "unplug" for eight hours, one week, or a whole year.

Broadcast Lists: Message to Many Recipients

Additionally, you can specify whether you want to receive notifications from the muted group. But if you want to send a message to multiple contacts, then no other recipients will be the same, then create a broadcast message list for that. The recipients' corresponding replies will be shown to you as separate chats.

This text is a translation (albeit a little loose) of an article from the official Android documentation.

Note: some words in the text are left in English, because these terms coincide with the names of the classes with which they are implemented and their translation only complicates understanding (their literal translation is written in brackets).

Another way to avoid annoying SMS

Then, if you are using the same phone, your previous chats will be received. By now everyone should know that this is the most effective tool communications. And not only does it allow you to be in direct contact with friends and family, instantly and individually, but you can send messages to group conversations to communicate with multiple people. A feature that helps you send messages individually, without having to create groups or relationships between contacts to provide information to a large group of people.

Android applications are written in the Java programming language. Android SDK Tool (Software Development Kit- software development kit) compiles the code along with all data and resource files into an Android package - archive file with extension .apk. This file allows you to install the application on any device running the Android system.

This means you avoid creating groups to make one message public or need to introduce contacts into a group conversation that are not related to them. Its use is very simple and is that it is similar to creating a group conversation. On the chats or conversations screen, simply look for the " New broadcast", either in the Menu button for users or at the top of the screen for users. When you click it, the creation screen will appear. At this point, all you need to do is add the contacts you want to send the message to.

Once installed on a device, each application lives in its own sandbox:

  • The Android operating system is a multi-user Linux system in which each application is a separate user.

  • By default, the system assigns each application a unique userid (which is used only by the system). The system sets permissions for all application files so that only a certain user (with a certain userid) can access them.

  • Each process has its own virtual machine, so that the application code runs in isolation from other applications.

  • By default, each application runs in a separate Linux process. Android starts the process when one of the application's components needs to run, and then ends the process when it is no longer needed or when the system needs memory for other applications.

Thus, the Android system implements the principle of least privilege. That is, each application by default has access only to the components that are necessary for its operation and nothing more. However, there are ways to share data between applications and gain access to system services:

  • It is possible to give two applications the same userid (userid), in which case they can access each other's files. To save money system resources applications with the same ID can also be run in the same process and share the same virtual machine. Such applications must be signed to the same certificate.

  • An app may request permission to access system data such as the user's contacts, storage (SD) card, camera, Bluetooth, and more. All access requests must be allowed by the user during installation.

Application Components
Components are the building blocks that make up any application. Each component provides a separate application entry point for the system, although not every entry point is relevant to the user. The components may depend on each other, but each of them is separate entity, which plays a special role and helps define the overall behavior of the application.

There are four types of application components. Each of them serves a different purpose and has its own life cycle, which determines how the component is created and destroyed.

The problem is that until now the list of common contacts for distribution cannot exceed 25, which we do not fully understand, since up to 30 people can be added during group conversations. Once selected, you can compose a message by clicking the “Done” button.

Here is a text field where you can include a message. A plus is the ability to connect image, video, sound, location or contact information, just like regular conversations. In addition, you can still add forgotten contacts to the list. Broadcasts are recorded as another conversation on the chats screen. Just click on it to access a screen where you can see which users in the list have received the message thanks to the graphic that shows.

An Activity is a single screen with a user interface. For example, an email application might have one Activity that displays a list of new messages Email, another to create a new message, and another to read the letter. Although they all work together within the same application, each is independent of the others. This way, other applications can call any of these Activity (if mail application allows this). For example, a camera app might open an Activity in which a new message is created so that the user can send photos by mail.

Additionally, by tapping each broadcast again, you can access a screen where you can read the broadcast message, see which users have formed a list, and the ability to send a new message to your contacts list.

Finally, like any conversation, you can delete broadcasts from your chat screen. To do this, you just need to long press on the one you want and select “Delete”. Mateo has a degree in journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid and a passion for technology. He enjoys staying updated with mobile apps and gadgets that make life easier and more fun. And always carry your smartphone.

Service is a component that runs in background and doesn't have user interface. Services are used to handle long-running operations or to run remote processes. For example, a Service can play music in the background or receive data over the network without blocking the user's interaction with the running application. Service can launch other components, such as Activity, and then interact with it.

The run method of the ServerThread class

When you return to a chat with one of the participants to whom you broadcast this message, the message broadcast is added to top part message, and a dialog box opens above it that talks about editing, information, etc. when you click the Edit button you select the broadcast message and when you delete it you finally delete the source broadcast. All diffusion is eliminated. Well, that didn't help me! Fabi, solved this way, thanks. Click to send a message to this contact. Then the message you shared appears and three buttons appear above, one of which is for editing. You select the message you shared and click Delete.

  • Because there is no way and it's annoying to have it there.
  • In fact, the same thing happens to me.
This is the equivalent of sending a BCC email with a condition.

Content provider
Content provider manages application data. Data can be stored in file system, base SQLite data, on the Internet or any other storage location accessible to the application. Through Content providers, other applications can request or even change data (if they have access rights to do so). For example, in the Android operating system there is a Content provider that manages the user's contact list. This way, any application with the appropriate permissions can request information about specific person for reading or writing. Content provider can also be used to read and write data that is only accessible by one application.

Directed Broadcast

If this is not the case, nothing comes to them. In this way, the risk of spam is minimized since adding a contact to our agenda is a voluntary action, and if we are bothered by messages, all we have to do is remove it from contacts and we will not know anything different from the sender for many links that send , Only those who will be individually will continue to receive.

If they have more, you need to create more listings. There are several smartphones that do not have this application installed, despite the fact that in the recent past it has been the protagonist of numerous news stories about how vulnerable and unreliable their systems are.

Broadcast receivers
Broadcast receiver - a component that allows you to receive broadcast messages operating system. Such messages include, for example, announcements that the screen has turned off, the battery is low, or a photo has been taken. Such messages can also be sent custom applications, for example, notifications that some data has been downloaded and is ready for use. Although Broadcast receivers do not have a user interface, they can generate status bar notifications. However, most often the Broadcast receiver is simply a “gateway” for other components, for example, it can launch a Service to process certain events.

Since it is still widely used despite everything, we as users can't do more than try to take precautions. " Double check does not mean that the message was read - only that it was delivered to the recipient's device."

Phishing and fake apps

Of course, if read receipts are deactivated, they will not be able to be seen by others, as happens with the last hour of the connection. Only use officers loaded from official stores each system. Much attention is also paid to unofficial applications.

A unique feature of the Android system is that any application can run components of another application. If you need to give the user the opportunity to take a photo, then it is not necessary to implement this; you can already call existing application. Once completed, it will return the created photo to your application for further use. To the user it will look like one application.

Focus on groups

In the case of heterogeneous groups, keep in mind that the people are often unknown. Be very careful about what comes with them.

Does the status of the account or photograph say more than it needs to?

The photo of the selected avatar can also be seen by anyone, known or unknown, and should therefore be taken into account when choosing.

Photos containing hidden information

Could this affect my reputation? It is not recommended to enter too much information because if someone, famous or not, sends us a message and we respond, you will receive that information. When shooting with a smartphone, the most common thing is that unless the photo geolocation option is turned off, a series of metadata is recorded, as described in the article.

To launch any component, the operating system starts a new process (if it does not already exist) and initializes the classes necessary for the component. For example, if your application launches an Activity for working with a camera (owned by a third-party application), then it is launched in a separate process that belongs to this third-party application, and not in the process of your application. Therefore, unlike applications on most other systems, Android applications do not have a single entry point (there is no main() function).

This overall photo is "clean" as you can see in this one. All smartphone models allow you to block the terminal in one way or another, and to use it you must enter a password or equivalent. Keep in mind that if you remove a chat from a group, the user is removed from that group and must be requested to read.

Block unknown people from interacting without reason

If desired, messages can be sent via email before deletion. IN different systems you can find. To disable this option, enter. It can only be installed if they are stored on a card or phone. If you wish, you can block certain people.

Because the system runs each application in a separate process with file permissions that restrict access to other applications, your application cannot directly call a component from a third-party application. However, the Android operating system can do this, so to activate such a component, you need to send a message to the operating system about your intention to start a specific component and it will activate it.

Permanently delete your account

Hide what we know when we were in last time online. You can unsubscribe and separate the number. To delete account, you must gain access. The worst thing is that even if you close the application, this message is fixed and no visible way its removal. When a video is playing, a notification appears with two buttons that don't work and can't be removed unless you close the app.

Basically, you should turn off social network notifications from the terminal settings.

For example, at my gym they use them for every class schedule every month. However, not all users receive them. Of course, to receive broadcasts on your mobile phone, you need to add the phone that sends those broadcasts to your contacts list. You might think that the problem isn't yours, it's the one that's sending broadcasts that don't have your number included in your list.

Component Activation
Three of the four types of components - Activity, Service, and Broadcast receivers - are activated using an asynchronous Intent message. Intent connects individual components with each other at runtime, be it a component belonging to your application or another.

An Intent is created using the Intent class, which describes a request to activate a specific component or a specific type of component; accordingly, the Intent can be explicit or implicit.

For Activity and Service, the Intent defines the action to be performed (for example, “View” or “Submit” something), and can specify the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) ​​of the data needed to perform it. For example, an Intent can send a request to an Activity to show an image or open a web page.
For broadcast receivers, the Intent simply defines the messages to be broadcast (for example, a broadcast message that the battery is low contains only a string constant indicating "the battery is low").
The last component - Content provider is not activated using Intent. Although it can be called if the Content provider requests data from the ContentResolver.

Methods for activating each type of component:

  • To start an Activity, use the startActivity(Intent intent) or startActivityForResult(Intent intent) methods (if you need to return a result).

  • To start the Service, the startService (Intent service) method is called.

  • To launch a Broadcast receiver - sendBroadcast(Intent intent), sendOrderedBroadcast(Intent intent, String receiverPermission), or sendStickyBroadcast(Intent intent).

  • To generate a request for the Content Provider, use the query() method

Manifest file
Before any component is launched, the Android operating system reads the application manifest file AndroidManifest.xml to ensure that the component to be launched exists. This file must declare all application components that are located in the application root folder.

In addition, the manifest file performs other functions:

  • Defines user permissions, such as accessing the Internet or reading contacts.

  • Declaration of the minimum API level (Android version) required for the application.

  • Declaration of hardware and software requirements, such as camera, Bluetooth, or multi-touch screen.

  • API of libraries with which the application will communicate, for example Google Maps libraries.

But still, the main task of the manifest is to inform the system about the components of the application. For example, you can declare an Activity like this:

In the element, the Android:icon attribute points to the resources for the application icon.

In the element, the Android:name attribute specifies the full path to the name of the Activity class, and the Android:label attribute specifies the title of the application.

To define components the following are used:
for Activity
for Service
for Broadcast receiver (recipients of broadcast messages)
For Content providers (data providers)

Activity, Service and Content providers that exist in the source code but are not declared in the manifest are not visible to the system and, therefore, will not be able to start. However, Broadcast providers can be created dynamically in code (as BroadcastReceiver objects) and registered using the registerReceiver() call.

Declaring Component Capabilities
As discussed in the “Activating Components” section, you can use the Intent class to call the Activity, Service, and Broadcast receiver. This can be done explicitly by specifying a specific component name, or implicitly, in which case only the type of action to be performed (and possibly the data required for it) is described. The system itself finds a device component that can perform actions and launches it. If several matching components are found, the user chooses which one to use.

The system determines components that can respond to an intent by comparing the received Intent with the Intent filters defined in the manifest files of other applications.

When you declare a bean in the manifest file, you can optionally include an intent filter that declares the bean's capabilities so that it can respond to requests from other applications. An element is used to declare an intent filter.

For example, an email application with an Activity for creating new messages could declare an Intent filter in its manifest file to run on a "send" request. An Activity in a third-party application creates an Intent with an action type of "send" (ACTION_SEND), which the system will map to the email application and launch the desired Activity.

Declaring Application Requirements
Exists a large number of devices running Android, however, not all of them provide the same functions and capabilities. To prevent an application from being installed on a device that does not have necessary functions, you need to declare the hardware and software requirements in the manifest file. Most of these statements are for informational purposes only and are not read by the system, however external services such as Android Market use them to provide filtering for users who are looking for applications for their device.

For example, if an application requires a camera and uses the APIs introduced in Android version 2.1 (API level 7), you need to write these requirements in the manifest file. Thus, devices that do not have a camera or with an Android version lower than 2.1 will not be able to install the application from Android Market.

However, the application may use a camera, but this requirement is not critical for its operation. In this case, the application must perform a run-time check to disable features that use the camera.

When designing and developing an application, you must consider:

Screen size and density
Android defines two screen characteristics for a device: screen size (the physical dimensions of the screen) and density (the density of pixels on the screen, or dpi (dots per inch). To simplify, Android generalizes them into separate groups

Size: small (small), normal (medium), large (large), and extra large (very large).
Density: low density (low), medium density (medium), high density (high), and extra high density (very high).

By default, the app is compatible with all screen sizes as the Android system makes the necessary changes to the user interface and images. However, it is better to create specialized layouts and images for certain sizes and densities and declare in the manifest exactly what screen sizes the application supports in the element.

Input means
Devices may have a variety of input options, such as a hardware keyboard, trackball, or joystick. If the application requires specific input hardware, then it must be declared in the manifest in the element. However, in most cases, applications support any input medium.

Hardware requirements
Not all hardware or software functions, such as a camera, light sensor, Bluetooth or touchscreen, may exist on a specific device, so any functions used by the application must be declared in the element.

Platform version
The devices run on different versions of the Android platform. Each subsequent version often includes additional APIs, which are not available in the previous version. To indicate which set of APIs is available, each platform version has an associated API level (for example, Android 1.0 - 1 API level, Android 2.3 - level 9). If your application uses APIs that were added to the platform after certain version, must be declared minimum level API using element.

Application Resources
Android applications consist of more than just source code, but also from visual representation resources such as images or sound files. Your application must define menus, styles, colors, and UI layout in XML files. Using resources makes it possible to change some parts of the application without modifying the source code, and also allows you to optimize the application for different devices (with in different languages interface or screen size).

For each resource included in an Android project, the SDK defines a unique identifier (an integer) that can be used to reference the resource from code or from other resources defined in XML. For example, if an application contains an image named logo.png (saved in the res/drawable directory), the SDK will generate a resource identifier R.drawable.logo, which can be used to reference the image.

The main advantage of storing source code and resources separately is the ability to create different resources for different hardware configurations. For example, interface strings for different languages ​​can be defined in different xml files(they are stored, for example, in the res/values-fr/ directory for the French language). Depending on the language selected by the user, the Android system substitutes required lines to the interface.

Android supports many classifiers for alternative resources. A qualifier is a short string in the name of a resource directory to determine when those resources should be used. Often, different interface designs are created for different device screen sizes and orientations. For example, when portrait orientation It is more convenient to place the buttons vertically, and for landscape orientation - horizontally. To change the layout based on orientation, you can define two different layouts and add the appropriate qualifiers to the directory name of each layout. Then, the system automatically applies the appropriate layout depending on the current device orientation.

Guys, new phone I bought a Lenovo S 2 and a SMS with cellular broadcasting! practically without stopping, you just need to come within the transmission radius of your router! Tell me how to remove this, please, it’s impossible! October 18, 2016

I solved the problem half a day later on a 1000 by going to messages and in the upper right corner I clicked settings and then continued as usual, radio broadcasting, messages, removed the checkboxes and voila August 17, 2016

I was not recently installed with an MTS operator and when the mobile network is 1000 pieces each, it’s good that I’m in a village where in some places it receives MTS, but the problem has been solved, so on the Alcatel phone we go to the sim menu, then MTS news is also additional and the newsletter is turned off and everything is turned backwards I don't receive anything July 4, 2016

I have BQ5009. None of the described methods help. The operator refers to the phone, brand representatives and the salon refer to the operator. what to do? There is no such option “broadcast SMS” or notifications in the phone settings. help.. April 7, 2016

in Lenovo A1000 you need to dial *#*#83781#*#* -- App.settings -- CellBroadcast -- off on both SIM cards, but it doesn’t help for long, you have to check it several times a day and turn it off again. February 8, 2016

Lenovo a1000+ helped up to a certain point, I called Lenovo, they shout at Google and like it’s not warranty repair, I bought the phone on November 24 and in December I started acting up, my wife doesn’t have this on the 4th droid. I think Lenovo employees are not competent. I tried everything, it didn't help. The conversation with the Lenovo employee led me to a dead end. A former programmer of computers and bodies sewed different things, but here it’s a dead end! January 12, 2016

Phone RitZviva S500C. Alerts to the population came every second. All the boxes have been unchecked and everything else has been tried. The only thing that helped was inserting another SIM card from another operator into another slot. January 9, 2016

THANK YOU! Mother bought a Lenovo phone, and almost went crazy from the constant notifications! they came to her with broken encoding - complete rubbish, it’s not at all clear what, from whom, and it’s impossible to find where to disconnect it yourself. December 12, 2015

Lenovo A1000+ megaphone, everything like the authors above, broadcast information messages with the title “notification of the population” in wild encoding, which come out 20 times per minute and do not stop. I removed all the checkboxes in the settings, it did not work. I reset the phone to factory settings and removed it again, it didn't work. I called Megafon and they said it was a phone problem. I moved the SIM card into the slot for the second SIM card, IT HAPPENED, the alerts stopped popping up. But now I can’t use mobile Internet, so I don’t consider this a complete solution. November 27, 2015

Lenovo A1000 per day up to 2000 thousand of these alerts, I have MegaFon. Without hesitation, I went to the MegaFon salon and they told me that it was because of the SIM card that Lenovo was supposedly rebelling against MegaFon and there was no way to fix this, only if the SIM card was inserted into the second slot and bought another one for the Internet, the IT guru at MegaFon said that Flya, this problem cannot be cured at all November 23, 2015

I have a Supra tablet. Alerts to the public I'm tired of this spam and garbage. Everything is disabled in the settings and I also constantly stop the damn application itself and everything is useless!... Good people, I ask you to help me get rid of this scourge in the end. ?!... This is Impossible comes in packs with some kind of signs, but there is no direct text. Thank you in advance!...

Question: Good afternoon. A couple of days ago I bought a SIM card from an operator that supports 3G, because... I need a quick one Mobile Internet. And suddenly I was faced with an unexpected problem: some strange messages with hieroglyphs called “Public Alert” began to arrive on my phone. Messages come in hundreds and you have to delete them one by one. But the most annoying thing is not even this, but the fact that these notifications instantly drain the battery. After all, the phone constantly beeps and vibrates. Therefore, I have to charge my phone 3 times a day - both at home and at work.

I also understand that it somehow depends on my movement around the city - in some place the phone is at rest, and in another there may be silence again. There may be silence for a couple of hours, and then the pop-up “population alert” messages begin to arrive again. I have a Lenovo A1000 smartphone, which I bought a month ago. Before this, we used another operator that operates in 2G mode, and there were no such problems on the same smartphone.

So, in this article we will try to collect all possible solutions. Unfortunately, one thing helps some, something completely different helps others. Some solutions can be called solutions - they are more like a way around the problem.

What is Cell Broadcast?

Cell Broadcast (also known as “Broadcast messages”, “Network messages” or “BS Information”) is standard function GSM network designed to make life easier for the subscriber. Often it serves to display the name of the current metro station, the nearest settlement or telephone code terrain. On older phones like the Nokia 3310, network information was conveniently displayed on the screen under the operator name. But on new smartphones, broadcast messages arrive as SMS: with sound signal and appear in the Messages app. It is worth remembering that the enabled Cell Broadcast function will in any case further drain the battery.

How to turn off public notification

Solution #1. Disable Cell Broadcast

On Lenovo smartphones:

Messages → Settings → SMS/MMS settings → Default message manager → Public notification.
Select the SIM card for which you want to disable notifications and uncheck the boxes.

Disabling messages from the base station in Samsung Galaxy:

Go to Messages.
Press the Menu key (or long press the Recent Applications).
Select Settings.
Network messages (or Network message settings).
Click the switch or uncheck the box to turn off:

Solution #2. Change broadcast channel

Sign in to Messages.
Bring up the menu and select Settings.
Select Channel configuration→ Reception channels → My channel.
After that, click Add channel and enter the number (let's say 10). By default, channel No. 50 is used, so you need to specify some other one.

Solution #3. Move the card to another slot

This method really helped my friend turn off the “population alert” spam with hieroglyphs on Lenovo smartphone A1000 with Android 5. Moreover, the interesting thing is that in the second slot the SIM card also works in full 3G mode (for some models of dual-SIM devices, only one of the two slots can work in 3G mode). It is not entirely clear why this happens, but the solution helped get rid of spam.

Solution #4. Change 3G mode to 2G

If none of the above helped, then finally I’ll tell you about one more way to get rid of annoying public notifications on your phone. Switch the card to 2G mode. On some operators this solves the problem. Naturally, the data transfer speed will be reduced.

Go to Settings → Other networks → Mobile networks→ Network mode.
Select 2G or GSM Only.

This is more of a crutch than a solution... However, if you do not use the Internet on your phone, then you have an additional chance to get rid of broadcast spam.


In conclusion, I can say one more thing. They write on the Internet that it is possible to disable the public notification on the operator’s side by executing some USSD command, but we were unable to find such a solution. Operators refer this problem to the smartphone manufacturer. Therefore, I would really like to hear the opinion of Lenovo representatives regarding this problem on their devices.

Notifications are a great tool for communicating important information from applications to the smartphone user. But many application developers abuse this feature. As a result, on Android devices There are a lot of notifications that are irrelevant and not of interest to the user.

Faced with similar problem, users are wondering how to turn off notifications on Android. Luckily, turning off notifications is quite easy. Now we will tell you how this is done on Android example 5.0, as well as the older version of Android 4.1.

How to turn off notifications in Android 5.0

To do this, when you receive an unwanted notification, you need to click on it and hold your finger on the screen until the notification is highlighted in black. After this, you need to click on the button with the letter “i”, which will appear on the right side of the notification.

After clicking on the button with the letter “i”, a window will appear on the screen in which you can turn off notifications. To do this, just activate the notification blocking function.

It should also be noted that in Android settings 5.0 yes separate section called “Sounds and Notifications”, where you can fine-tune the display of notifications.

How to turn off notifications in Android 4.1

If you have a device with operating system Android versions from 4.1 to 4.4, then you can turn off notifications too. This is done almost the same as in Android 5.0. First, you need to click on the unwanted notification and hold your finger on the screen until a button appears that says: “Application information” or simply “About the application.” Click on this button and go to the application settings.

After this, a window called “Application Information” will open in front of you. Here you can configure some application settings.

To turn off notifications sent by this application You need to disable the “Show notifications” function.

Increasingly, owners of Android devices have begun to encounter broadcast messages. Moreover, it is not possible to take them and simply get rid of them. Usually you have to delete them because of duty, but after that they still arrive on the device like an avalanche. As a result, such “surprises” bring not only the owner of the device to the brink of madness, but also the smartphone itself begins to slow down terribly.

Three ways to disable public notification on Android

Don't be upset if you think that such messages will never be deleted. At the same time, in order to get rid of numerous spam, you need to do the steps described below.

Method 1: Disable Push Messages

The first thing to start with is to find the “Messages” icon on the desktop and click it. Going there, look for “Options” or “Settings”. Having opened the found menu, you must select the section “ Information messages", on some devices they may be called "Push messages", or "Network messages". Next, after unchecking all the boxes, you will have to reboot your smartphone.

Method 2: Removing spam from information messages

Go to “Messages” and look for the “Options” or “Settings” item. After that, go to the found menu and look for “SMS/MMS Settings” there. Then you need to go to “Settings” information messages" In the same way, uncheck all the boxes and reboot the device.

Method 3: Turn off the public notification function

We go to “Settings”, after which we look for a section with wireless networks. After that, click “More”. In the menu that opens, we look for the section that would be responsible for notifying the population. Uncheck all checkboxes and reboot the device.

Of course, if these methods are too complicated for you, you can try blocking messages using programs Titanium or CDMaid(root). You can also go to a mobile phone store and turn off this newsletter there.