How to become famous without the Internet. Why don't many talented people become famous?

To become a star, it is not at all necessary to have connections, money and a producer who will undertake to promote you. The Internet can easily cope with this task, and for almost nothing. The main and only condition is your talent.

Peter Nalich
Petr Nalich, who instantly became famous thanks to the Internet, is a clear confirmation of this. A no-budget video, shot on an amateur video camera at the dacha in the company of friends for the cheerful song Guitar, was posted on YouTube on April 27, 2007. Within a month, the video became record-breakingly popular among Internet viewers and bloggers. And by November 20, 2007, Nalich’s “clip” was in 20th place in terms of the number of views among Russian music videos on YouTube. In this simple way, a young talented musician was able to gain popularity.

Susan Boyle
There is another, no less striking example - Susan Boyle, who, thanks to her voice, managed to conquer the whole of Great Britain in three minutes, and the whole world in a week. This case has already been dubbed in the media as the “English grandmother” phenomenon: Susan Boyle, disabled since childhood, living in a small Scottish village on unemployment benefits, always dreamed of fame. This dream brought her to the Britain's Got Talent competition. However, it was not possible to win Susan’s audience right away - seeing an already middle-aged and ugly woman on stage, the jury and the audience reacted differently - some with humor, some with pity. But as soon as she began to sing, the ironic smile disappeared, and many began to cry, so that at the end the audience applauded while standing. Despite the fact that Britain's Got Talent is a television competition, what made Susan Boyle truly famous was the Internet. On YouTube alone, her performance was viewed 33 million times, and if we take into account all video hosting sites and social networks, the figure will increase to 85.2 million.

It turns out that the Internet is an inexpensive and effective way to become popular. Similar to television talent search competitions, there are sites on the Internet that can also help you become famous.

Song for a star
An online competition that gives musicians and composers a chance to express themselves. Organizers of the competition: Elena Kiper Publishing and Production and Moy [email protected]. This year, works for the competition were accepted until February 10, and the winners were announced on February 14. The authors of the three best songs, according to the jury, got the opportunity to record them in a studio. In the future, they may enter the repertoire of such performers as Philip Kirkorov, Lolita Milyavskaya, Sergei Lazarev, Ani Lorak.

Empire of Music
The international competition of young performers Empire of Music is an Internet analogue of the “People’s Artist”. Anyone can take part here. In 2008-2009 The first competition was held, which helped such performers as the B.U.N.N.Y group, the Oil group, and Fake Elegance to make themselves known. This year, according to the organizers, the famous TV and radio host Vladimir Solovyov agreed to “move” the competition to his blog.

Internet bard song competition

A competition for romantics who sing their own songs with a guitar. Anyone can take part, but there are several conditions: firstly, the author himself must perform the song; secondly, no musical processing is allowed, only live instruments; and thirdly, the song must be written only in Russian. At the end of the competition, an audio CD with the winners' songs recorded on it is released.

Miss Runet
An Internet beauty contest is another chance for beauties to show themselves, if not to the whole world, then to the whole Internet, which is no less. According to the organizers, the Miss Runet competition is unique in that any girl from any region of Russia (and not only) can take part in it; you just need to register on the website. Every month, based on the results of user voting, Miss of the Month is determined; 12 Miss of the Month become finalists of the competition. Another 12 girls are selected by experts (stylists, photographers, makeup artists). Thus, 24 girls make it to the finals, one of whom receives the title of Miss Runet. But, as it should be in any beauty contest, here you can evaluate girls by their beauty not only externally, but also internally. Contest participants keep their diaries on the website, where they talk about themselves, their interests, and plans for the future. In addition, all girls can communicate with their fans online.

Family Glory Page
The international Internet competition “Family Glory Page” is being held for the second time. Its main theme is the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory. Basically, the competition is aimed at students, but anyone can take part. Works for the competition can be submitted in two formats: either as a website, or as works of classical journalism, prepared using traditional office applications. The winners' works will form a chapter in the book of Memory, which is located at

Internet mathematics

The online competition organized by Yandex is being held for the third time. Its main topic is information retrieval and real data for solving problems. This is a chance for students, graduate students, programmers, and young scientists to prove themselves. The winners of the competition are awarded cash prizes.

New Age Stars
Competitions are also organized for talented children on the Internet. New Age Stars is one of them. The site hosts online competitions for children's works in various categories, such as “Drawing, Graphics,” “Photography,” and “Applied Arts.” The maximum age of a participant is 14 years.

IKonAct (All Runet competitions)
This is a site that contains all the competitions and promotions taking place in the Runet. So, for example, you can take part in a competition for free diving training, or send photos and a description of your “wonderful city” and receive a laptop as the main prize. And if you have well-developed analytical skills or intuition, you can try to guess the dollar exchange rate on December 11 and win 500 rubles. So go for it!

Find out what you are good at and what you enjoy doing. There are a variety of ways to achieve online fame. Quite popular methods include publishing gaming videos online or producing unique content through video filming or writing. Other Internet celebrities are finding fame on social media. Think about what you enjoy doing and come up with a suitable strategy based on your own skills.

  • If you don't have well-developed skills in something, think about something that interests you and that you would like to study in more depth.
  • If you know a lot about different makeup techniques, you can make instructional videos about it for other people.
  • If you're great at gaming, you can stream or record and then post your gameplay on YouTube to build a following.
  • If you already spend enough time on social networks to become a famous person, you need to think about actively increasing the number of your subscribers.
  • If you think you lead an interesting enough life, you can start a video blog that other people can follow.
  • If you have extensive knowledge on a particular topic, you can start a blog or create video tutorials to share your knowledge with others.

Watch those people whose fans you consider yourself to be. Another good way to get inspired to work is to copy the actions of your idols. If you don't already follow any Internet celebrities, start by searching them online to better understand what you need to do to gain fame. Visit websites like, YouTube, and online blogs to find celebrities. If you're already a fan of an internet celebrity and regularly follow the content they post, you probably already have a good idea of ​​what you need to do.

Research the community you want to join. Communities are made up of different people with the same interests who share their ideas and thoughts with each other. Some community members create online content and become famous for it. Researching internet celebrities and people who create interesting content will allow you to gauge the level of competition as well as the potential fan base you can gain. Also within large communities there are often subgroups or niches based on more specific aspects of a topic. Find these content creators' social media profiles or check out the videos and posts they create.

  • Narrow down the list of options available to you and settle on what you will do. Now that you've done your research, you can narrow down your list of possible activities. Think about your goals and find out how realistic they are. Write down all the things you could do and weigh the pros and cons of that type of activity. Once you've narrowed down this list, choose what you're really ready to do and start creating a strategy for what to do next.

    • Determine the likelihood of success in the relevant community by assessing the competition, the overall viewer base and the popularity of the platform itself on which you will publish your content.
  • Do you want to become famous? We offer 8 effective tips that will help you get to the top of Olympus! Go for it!

    Have you ever wondered, dear readers of the Success Diary, why some people who do not shine with special talents or knowledge rise to the top of Olympus of popularity and celebrity?

    While others remain forever in the shadows and die in obscurity.

    Why is this happening?

    Why do some people get everything and others nothing?

    How, in the end, become famous?

    What is a celebrity and why don't you have one?

    Celebrity means the presence of a certain quality that distinguishes a person from the general gray mass.

    Famous people always show their talent in a special way, different from all existing ones.

    In order to become famous, desire alone is not enough.

    In addition, you need ironclad patience and faith in success.

    Many people usually believe that fame and fame come instantly.

    Someone woke up in the morning and that’s it – he’s famous.

    Yes, of course, this can happen.

    But behind such quick fame lie years of hard work that no one notices!

    In general, celebrity can be compared to climbing a mountain.

    Just imagine for a moment that you are about to climb to the top of a high mountain that no one has climbed before. We bought all the necessary equipment and came to the foot.

    They immediately began to dissuade you, give reasons that you would crash, die of hunger, etc.

    In the end, you decided to climb anyway.

    For a couple of days people watched you go up step by step, and when you were out of sight, everyone forgot about you. And so you go up the mountain, you go for a month, a year, two.

    And finally, you defeated her.

    The people at the bottom saw you at the top and started talking.

    The whole world immediately learned about your feat, because you climbed an inaccessible peak!

    Yesterday you were a nobody, but today you are a star!

    Magazines are ripping you off, they want to make a film about you, you are invited to the best establishments.

    But no one thinks about the fact that it took you 2 whole years to reach the top.

    Perhaps all this time you were malnourished, cold, battling a harsh climate, etc.

    In fact, no one is interested in your torment.

    The only thing that is interesting is the accomplished fact!

    So remember that behind any discovery or invention lie years of painstaking work.

    And you are not famous only because you do not start climbing your mountain.

    How to become famous - a guide to action!

    If you still want become famous, then the following guide will open your eyes and help you achieve what you want.

    However, before you begin, I want to tell you that after reading these instructions, you will still not achieve anything if you do not intend to stock up on patience and willpower, and also develop self-confidence!

    So, let's go!

    Tip 1. Set a goal and a deadline for achieving it

    In order to achieve something in life, you simply need to boldly go towards it. Moreover, in addition to the goal itself, it is necessary to limit yourself to clear deadlines for achieving it.

    Why such difficulties?

    But imagine 2 situations:

    • I want to finish acting courses in a year.
    • I want to take acting classes someday.

    Now tell me, which goal looks more realistic?

    That's it!

    Tip 2. Start working on charisma and charm

    Look at all the famous people.

    To some extent they have something in common.

    All of these people have charisma and have a special influence on others.

    Such that the crowd wants to follow.

    In addition, almost all famous people have compassion, they are open and easy to communicate.

    So don't turn up your nose and develop charisma.

    Tip 3. To become famous you need to work

    As a rule, no one is born famous, just as no one is born a genius.

    They say that every person has only 3% talent and 97% perseverance. However, not everyone is ready to correctly apply this persistence.

    If you really want to become famous, work at it day after day and success will not be long in coming.

    Tip 4: Give education credit

    All famous people were very educated people.

    If now you argue with me, arguing that not many graduated from universities, then I will agree with you.

    But tell me, is the education of a person really just about getting the necessary qualifications?

    Of course not!

    You can be an educated person without a university diploma.

    But you must constantly develop as a person, read relevant literature and attend trainings.

    In the modern world, there are cases of achieving popularity through stupid fools.

    But tell me, where are all these fools now?

    Yesterday they were famous, and today they clean the floors in the entrances.

    Those who realized the importance still remain at the top of Olympus of fame.

    We all know Cleopatra as the most famous beauty in the history of mankind. However, the facts claim that besides body and mind, there was no other beauty in her.

    Cleopatra realized the power of knowledge in time. She knew how to seduce men, could support any conversation and inflame interest in her person.

    Men lay in stacks at her feet.

    And all only because she correctly used her existing knowledge...

    Tip 5: Open something

    This advice will only suit you if you are really good at science.

    Discover something previously unknown to the world and you are guaranteed fame (and with it a Nobel Prize)! 🙂

    Tip 6: Do something heroic and become famous

    If you are not Batman or Superman, then you will have to rack your brains about heroism.

    The important thing here is to do something that people will start talking about.

    You can save a drowning person in front of passers-by or enter a burning hut.

    Tip 7. Don’t follow the public’s lead

    We all know the famous game “Angry birds”.

    And besides the game, angry birds are sculpted on T-shirts, notebooks, postcards, etc.

    But when several “poor students” came up with this game and wanted to sell it, not a single large company wanted some stupid birds.

    They just laughed at the young guys.

    That's why you don't follow the crowd. Show your personality.

    After all, once upon a time people even laughed at the fact that the Earth was round...

    Tip 8. Become a socialite

    In this case, you will not need to have any qualities at all.

    The rich husband will fashion you into a piece of candy himself.

    You can easily plan a tour for yourself to the most famous places, go to glamorous parties, and there you can have a row, tear out some bitch’s hair, and then leave with your head held high.

    With this kind of behavior, the media will do everything for you.

    And having gained fame, you can safely write disgusting books, make unreadable websites or sing terrible songs.

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    Popularity, this is one of the earning opportunities, the achievement of which, like business development, is a complex process.

    Becoming popular is not so easy, because thousands of people strive for this, but only a few achieve the highest level of success.

    In any case, every person has a chance to become popular; you just need to choose the optimal path and strive to fulfill your dream.

    An excellent option for gaining popularity is the Internet. An audience of millions of users can instantly learn about you or your activities.

    Become popular

    Through the Internet, quite a lot of people have become popular, whom everyone knows today. A striking example would be “Max +100500”, which started its activities practically from scratch, and now it is recognized on the streets.

    There are quite a few such examples on the Internet, and it is worth noting that every Internet user is given this opportunity.

    It is necessary to use every opportunity to “shine up” in front of a huge audience. The best option would be to implement something non-standard, for example, your own photographs, which will have several meanings.

    If you decide become popular, then choose a niche in which you would like to promote yourself, because... It will be quite difficult to achieve popularity at the level of the entire Internet.

    To spread information about yourself, use all highly visited resources, social networks, video hosting sites, etc. Achieve sharp popularity development It will be very difficult, because To do this, you will have to “blow up” the brains of users and present something like that.

    As a rule, sharp growth occurs spontaneously, but you should not wait for it with folded arms, keep trying and spread the word.

    If you can achieve popularity at least in some area, then this will already be a success. Even a small audience that recognizes you will allow you to earn money.

    In order to gain popularity, you will be offered various interviews, materials will be created about you, etc., which together will allow you to generate income.

    It is also worth noting that by owning popularity, you will be able to use a “personal brand”, in other words, promote your business through your own popularity.

    Fame, power, material well-being are, perhaps, the most favorite “goodies” of all humanity. Why not? Agree that you also sometimes thought about how to become famous. Let's talk about how realistic this is in the modern world.

    Is the thirst for fame good or bad?

    Some people condemn the desire to become famous - they say that there is something of pride in this, and pride, as we know, is sinful in all religions. Let's think logically. Bad is causing harm to other people.

    Fame can be used in different ways. A considerable number of stars, actors, and performers lead a healthy lifestyle, promote sports, call for help for the sick all over the world, and open hospitals and special centers for children. It is unlikely that these people would have achieved even one percent of the results of their actions if they were not famous. Therefore, fame can become a ladder to a right life. Feel free to ask yourself the question “how to become famous” and achieve your goal.

    When does this desire arise?

    Perhaps, even at an early age, the desire for universal fame appears. “How to become famous in kindergarten? How to become famous at school? - these questions arise in the minds of very young people.

    Popularity is quite beneficial - people recognize you, they want to be friends with you, boys carry briefcases, girls treat you to sweets. Further more. The older a person becomes, the more benefits he can derive from the fact that he is famous, even within the same educational institution or area where he lives.

    At what level can you become famous?

    Let's expand the scope and look at the situation on a larger scale. You can gain schoolwide fame by performing in KVN, amateur clubs, or by being a desperate hooligan.

    At university or at work, things are about the same. Famous people include both kind, cheerful and resourceful people, as well as evil, scandalous personalities. What if we talk about a city or country? Is it possible and how to become famous for citizens of your state or the whole world? Of course. Let's figure out what needs to be done for this.


    We live in an amazing time when everyone can become famous and famous, regardless of age, gender, nationality and place of residence. Also, your occupation, appearance, skills and abilities do not matter. Do only the beautiful and talented achieve fame? Haha, not at all! Thanks to the ever-expanding influence of television and the Internet, anyone can become famous. Therefore, the answer to the question “where” is incredibly simple - within walking distance from each of us!


    Striving for fame is striving for big money. Psychologists around the world never tire of repeating: “You don’t need to wish for big money, wish for your dreams to come true, and the money will come!” It's about the same with fame. Don’t ask yourself the question: “How to become famous on the Internet?” or “How to get worldwide fame?” Better set yourself the desire to find your path and follow it. Each of us is talented in something. Singing, dancing, the ability to play music, compose, draw, cook, make people laugh, create - these are not divine skills, but completely human abilities. Don't chase fame, even if you don't mind being famous - chase possible self-realization. This is what will make you happy, and this is what will bring you fame.

    Why don't many talented people become famous?

    Part of the reason lies in the fact that a person interferes with himself with the question: “How to become famous?” Instead of doing what he likes, he rushes from side to side. “Look, Dima made a video about cats and became famous. Cats have power, I’ll start making videos and become famous!” And instead of going your own way and doing what you do well (for example, writing poetry and lyrics), you shoot mediocre videos in the hope of success. What will happen? There will most likely not be a positive result.

    Read biographies and so-called “success stories.” Not a single celebrity asked the question: “How to become a famous actress?” or “How to become famous?” It’s just that a person discovered his talent and did not hesitate to express it, to go his own way. And, like all talented people, fame came to him.

    Believe me, Leonardo DiCaprio or Brad Pitt were not tormented by the question: “How to become a famous actor?”, otherwise they would not have come to anything. They simply did what was close to their spirit.

    Path to glory

    So, we have already figured out that in order to become famous, it is not necessary to go somewhere (for example, to conquer Moscow or other famous capitals of the world). We also concluded that an empty, unfounded desire for fame is a mistake that will not lead to anything good.

    What to do in this case? How do people become famous?

    First of all, you have to figure out what you're really good at. Let it be something that you really consider “yours”, not related to work. Believe me, every person is talented. Sometimes someone thinks that he does not have any innate abilities for the reason that he simply does not give them any outlet, does not develop his talents. What do you do best, what do you like to do, what makes you “high”? The answer to this question is the first step on the path to fame.

    The second step is to give up the desire to become famous, replace it with the desire to become happy and the best in your business. How are these concepts related? It's very simple: when you do what you love, you should experience a flow of happiness. Do what you like to do every day - play sports, dance, sing, write, draw, cook, sculpt, play... Perhaps you are happy when you communicate with people or children or maybe make someone laugh? This is also a talent, so do it. If necessary, quit the job you hate - this way you will definitely not achieve what you want.

    Stage three - let's release your creative energy. This means that you should not sing in the shower, but go on stage - participate in the show, shoot a video and post it on YouTube, look for producers, who, in turn, look for talent... The same goes for all other types creativity. Think about where you are missing and boldly go there.

    Stage four - be open to everything. Nobody knows how life works. But here’s the paradox - it’s definitely designed so that we find what we’re looking for. Believe me, when you implement the previous three steps, opportunities will knock on your door. The main thing is to be open to them, to let them in.

    Do not be afraid!

    A huge obstacle is fear. Many people lack self-confidence even when they do something exceptionally well.

    Either the parents raised them this way, or the external environment influenced them, but the person is afraid to express himself loudly. And it may happen like this: one day you (endowed, for example, with the gift of singing) will perform a song in karaoke. That same evening, a famous producer will be in this place. He will be delighted with your singing, come up to meet you and offer to work together. And you will refuse. Not because you don’t want to, but because you’re afraid. Therefore, another component of success is not to be afraid! Take risks, climb, make mistakes, fall - and still get up and try again. And those people who are afraid may never achieve anything at all, and all because of ephemeral fear.

    About good and bad fame

    Remember, at the beginning of the article we noted that you can become famous not only by being a kind and sympathetic person, but also by having an evil disposition? So it is, and therefore there is good and bad glory.

    If you are interested in how you can become famous, then strive for good fame. Do good deeds, do what is dear to your heart. Scandal will not do anything good for you - you will not find real friends, comrades-in-arms, like-minded people. Imagine that in order to become famous, you will argue with your boss at work. Colleagues will treat you with caution and distrust, and the boss, instead of tolerating your antics, will simply say goodbye to you. Many individuals turn to crime not only for profit, but more for fame, and do not receive anything good except a prison term in places not so remote. This is not at all interesting, so go your own way.

    Summing up

    If you want to know how to become famous or how to become famous on the Internet, then you need to do the following: do what you like, create and be happy at the same time, be open to opportunities and not be afraid of anything.

    Nothing can stop you from becoming famous except one person - yourself. And you can be both the greatest supporting force in your success and the biggest and most powerful hindrance. Always remember that luck and success favor the brave, so be open to everything and everyone. And one day the world will know about you and your talent.

