How to remove contacts from lg. How to copy contacts from Android to computer

Every person comes to such a moment when you need to have saved contacts somewhere other than, as soon as on the phone. For example, when your phone is lost, broken, or just bought a new cover. Android developers have foreseen this and offer several options for saving your phone book on your computer (using various applications) or on the Google server if your contact is synchronized with a Google account.

There are several ways to export your contacts and common problems with these actions.

When entering a new contact, we are offered the choice to save to: telephone\SIM \Google (gmail). When adding a contact, save to your gmail, and not to your phone or SIM card. Thus, if something happens to your phone, you can always see the numbers from your computer, after restoring your phone, just enter your mail.

Import \ Export Android Contacts

The second method is as simple as the first. Go to the "Contacts" application, then in the menu and select the line "Import \ Export"

The service provides us with several options:

Third Party Applications

There are many applications in GooglePlay that perform various actions on your contacts (export \ import \ file, etc.). There are many of them and they do everything that standard Android offers you, so there is no point in describing them.

In addition to Android, there are other operating systems that offer their own software for saving, exporting and creating backups: Windows and Mac OS X. Certain programs are also suitable for some devices. For Samsung - KIES, or for Xperia, Sony PC Companion is suitable, for transferring contacts from opposite devices like Android and iPhone from Apple, the Copy Trans Contacts program is suitable.

We think we will not be very wrong if we assume that the first question that immediately arises for a user who just bought a brand new mobile device on the Android operating system is "How to transfer contacts from an old phone to a new smartphone or tablet." Manual re-filling of all contacts in the phone book will obviously not suit buyers who have purchased a modern Android device. There are various ways to help automate the process and make transferring contacts fast and user-friendly. We will talk about the most popular of them in the following article in our database of frequently asked questions.

Before reading about the methods of importing and exporting your contacts, we suggest that you additionally familiarize yourself with the methods. If you are migrating from one device with an installed Android OS to another with the same operating system, it will be very convenient to transfer not only contacts, but also system settings and even installed user applications to the new device.

If you are switching to Android from a regular phone or smartphone on another operating system, read on to learn more about how to transfer contacts to devices with our favorite mobile operating system.

How to transfer contacts to Android using a sim card

Undoubtedly, the oldest and most familiar way of copying a phone book between devices to the owners of the first mobile phones is to save it to a SIM card and then import it from a SIM card into the memory of a new phone. If, for some reason, technical progress has not touched you until this time, and you are switching to the Android operating system from the simplest and most primitive mobile phone, the above method of transferring contacts may be the only one possible for you. In order to transfer contacts in this way, copy your contacts to the SIM card in the old phone, and then insert this SIM card into your smartphone or tablet on Android OS and in the "Contacts" device press the "Menu" button by selecting for this item "Import from a SIM card".

The above method, despite its simplicity, has many limitations: on the length of the contact name; according to the information that will be transmitted (only the username and his phone number); by the number of contacts that can be saved to the SIM card. Therefore, if your old device is not the most primitive "dialer" for which this method is the only one, it is better to try something more modern and convenient for transferring contacts.

How to transfer contacts to Android using a Google account

The Android operating system was developed by Google, which means that devices on which this OS is installed synchronize with Google services as well as possible. If by this time you have not yet managed to get an account in Google services, with the purchase of a smartphone on the Android OS, it is high time to do it, because both the application store for the Android OS and other functionality of Android devices with Google services are tied very tightly.

The user's contacts are located in Google Mail. Go to your mail account and click the down arrow next to the Gmail inscription in the upper left corner of the mail window. In the drop-down list you will find the "Contacts" menu item.

You can export contacts from your old device in * .csv format from popular programs of Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express, from Yahoo mail and Hotmail. It also supports vCard format and even export from Apple Address Book.

This way of storing your contacts is very functional in that you can edit them directly on your desktop computer, and have access to them from anywhere with the Internet, even without an Android device. In addition, when you activate the automatic synchronization of contacts on your smartphone or tablet with Android OS, the contacts will be automatically transferred to your Google account and saved there.

To transfer contacts from your Google account to your Android device, as well as other operations with them, click the "Advanced" button. Above the list of contacts you will see the "Export" menu item. By selecting it, you can save your contacts in a convenient format, and then transfer them to the memory of your new Android device.

How to transfer contacts to Android using an SD flash card

VCard files, each of which store information about one contact, are a convenient way to transfer contacts from one device to another. If you have saved your contacts in vCard format, they can be easily imported into the memory of your Android device using an SD flash card, which is the standard for Android mobile devices.

Each Android device has an SD card import function in the Contacts app. Create a "Contacts" folder in the root directory of the flash card and copy your contacts in vCard format to this folder. After that, go to the "Contacts" application on your phone, press the "Menu" button and select "Import / Export" and then "Import from SD card".

The contacts on the flash drive will be transferred to your phone. In the same way, you can make a backup copy of all contacts in vCard format to a USB flash drive if you select "Export to SD card" in the "Import / Export" menu. In this case, a "Contacts" folder will be created on the USB flash drive, in which vCard files of all your contacts will be saved.

Transferring contacts to Android using Bluetooth

The wireless Bluetooth module is present in many mobile phones, even of fairly old models. Its use can be very convenient in order to copy contacts from device to device without resorting to a computer or additional applications.

Activate Bluetooth on both of your phones and establish a connection between them, entering a password on each of them if necessary. Go to the "Contacts" menu item on your old phone and look in its options for something similar to "Select all" or "Select several". If there is no such item, then (for example, such a menu hierarchy is implemented in Samsung phones), you need to go to "Options" here in contacts and select the "Send contact" item there, specifying the Bluetooth option after that. After that, the "Select All" item may appear in the list.

If your old phone supports group selection and transfer of contacts via Bluetooth, this method does not require much time and the need to use additional applications from you, and you will quickly transfer your phone book to a new device.

Transfer contacts to Android with MOBILedit! PC Suite

The developers of software for the Android operating system have created many applications for convenient import and export of contacts. One of the most functional among them is the MOBILedit! PC Suite available for download on the Google Play Store. The program has a huge database of phones of various models and, in addition to importing and editing contacts, it can also do a whole list of very useful operations. Of course, such a program can be useful to every owner of a smartphone or tablet on the Android OS.

Install the application on your desktop computer, connect your old phone to your PC via USB and synchronize your phone with your computer. After that, a list of information available on your phone will appear on the left side of the "Navigation" panel.

In this case, we are interested in transferring contacts, so select the "Phonebook" menu item and press the "Export" button at the top of the application window. We save the phone book in the desired format, for example * .csv, and disconnect the old device.

After that, we just need to connect our brand new Android smartphone to the computer in order to import contacts. We press the "Import" button at the top of the program window, and indicate on the computer the folder in which the file with the contacts of the phone book we just saved is located.

Other ways to transfer contacts to Android

Each major manufacturer of mobile devices has its own software that makes it easier to work with contacts on devices of this brand. For Nokia, this is Nokia Suite, for LG, the program is called LG PC Suite, and so on. Usually, these programs are capable of working with the universal file format * .vcf or * .csv (of which the former is more preferable due to its standardization). Therefore, if you purchase a branded device, or switch to Android between devices of the same company, it is possible that using the software of this company will seem to you the most convenient way. Carefully study the instructions for your phone for support of such functionality.

As you can see, the question "How to transfer contacts to a device with the Android operating system" has many answers. Transferring contacts to a new smartphone or tablet with this OS from an old one to another operating system can be done in various ways. We are sure that among the methods given in our article you will find an option to your liking. Do not forget to regularly backup your contacts outside the phone's memory, and everything will be fine.

Timely synchronization of contacts on Android with a computer allows you to prevent the loss of data from the phone book when, or in other similar cases. Even if the smartphone irrevocably breaks down, the information copied from the mobile device will not suffer. Let's consider how to save contacts from Android to a computer.

Ways to Synchronize Phone Book with PC

You can transfer contacts to your computer or laptop in the following ways:

  • Using standard Android functions;
  • Manual copying of the file with the base of numbers;
  • Via Google virtual storage;
  • Through additional software.

The choice of a specific backup method depends on what functionality your device has. So, if the Internet is connected to it and you have your own Gmail mailbox, the easiest way is to synchronize Android contacts from your PC via the Google cloud service. If you do not have access to the network, you can transfer numbers manually or use the built-in tools of your smartphone.

Copying the phone book using standard Android functions

Considering how to copy contacts from Android to a computer, it should be noted that this operating system is endowed with ample opportunities to preserve personal information. One of these tools is the Import / Export function. With its help, you can write data from the phone book into one file, and then upload this document to a PC via a USB cable.

The recorded document will be called Contacts.vcf and will be located in the storage / emulated / 0 / directory. Now, in order to transfer contacts from Android to a computer, you will need to connect your smartphone to a PC via a USB cable and copy the required file to your hard drive.

If necessary, you can open this file and edit contacts using the standard Windows utility Microsoft Outlook. It should be noted that the numbers in the backup are saved in UTF-8 format, while Windows reads text information in Windows 1251 encoding by default. This leads to incorrect display of Russian letters.

To get rid of such inconsistency will help the Sublime Text program, which must be installed on your computer. You need to open the Contacts.vcf file through it, and then change its format in the settings.

Creating a backup of contacts in manual mode

When considering how to transfer contacts to a PC, a manual backup method should be noted. To do this, you need to know in which folder the contacts are stored on Android. All information from the phone book is located in the data directory (file contacts.db). If necessary, you can copy it to your computer or to external media:

Using Google Cloud Storage

If your phone is connected to the Internet, you can save your Android contacts to Google Virtual Drive and manage them using your computer. This is done as follows:

When you save the file in CSV format, you can later manage your synchronized contacts from your PC using Outlook.

Synchronization of the phone book via additional software

Considering how to synchronize Android with a computer, you need to highlight the MyPhoneExplorer application. With its help, you can make not only a backup of contacts, but also create a complete backup of the system, which is especially important before flashing or resetting the settings on a smartphone.

To copy a phone book via MyPhoneExplorer, you need.

Smartphones and tablets have become an integral part of the daily life of most of the population. To communicate with another user, just go to "Contacts" and in a few clicks call or send a text message to the subscriber.

Gadgets based on the Android operating system have a built-in function that allows you to synchronize contacts. However, not many people know about this, and therefore, smartphone owners often face such a problem as how to save contacts from Android to a computer or other phone.

What is contact sync and what is it for?

It's no secret that theft of smartphones has become more frequent in recent years. Also, many can simply lose the gadget. Sometimes, in the course of unforeseen situations, the phone can be seriously damaged. In such cases, it can be difficult to restore all contacts, since almost no one uses the notebook anymore.

To avoid such problems, you need to prepare in advance and learn how to save contacts from Android to your computer. Due to the fact that the Android operating system was developed by Google, it is quite easy to synchronize contacts.

All data is uploaded to the cloud storage where the user can view and edit it. In addition, data can be accessed from any device: smartphone, tablet, computer.

This function is useful when changing a gadget, just connect a Google account to your smartphone, and all contacts will be automatically restored.

How do I sync on my smartphone or tablet?

Synchronizing contacts on a smartphone is pretty straightforward. Further information is provided on how to save contacts from "Android" to a computer step by step.

In order for the data synchronization to succeed, you must be registered with the Google system. Then:

  • Open the "Settings" menu in your smartphone.
  • Go to the "Accounts and sync" tab.
  • Click on the item "Add account".
  • Select "Add a new account" from the list provided if you need to register with Google. Or "Link already existing" if the mailbox is already registered.
  • Enter your account details.
  • Exit the "Settings" menu and go to "Contacts".
  • Open the setup menu and select the "Import / Export" item.
  • From the drop-down list, select the location from which the data will be copied: SIM card, phone memory or memory card.
  • After choosing the location of the contacts, you must mark the account with which the data will be synchronized.
  • Select the desired contacts and click "Copy".

How to save contacts from Android to a computer?

Synchronization of contacts is complete. It remains to learn how to save contacts from Android to your computer. You can now view all contacts transferred to the cloud storage from your computer. To do this, you need to log in to the Google system through any browser.

You can view the data in the "Google Contacts" tab, which is located on the e-mail page. Thus, you can not only view all contacts, but also perform several actions. Data can be edited, copied and deleted. The service allows the user to combine identical contacts.

It remains to figure out how to save contacts from Android to a computer and vice versa. In the case of a smartphone, you just need to enter your account details and they will be displayed in the phone book. Copying data to your computer is easy. Necessary:

  • Go to the "Contacts" tab.
  • Select the "Advanced" item.
  • In the menu that appears, click on "Export".
  • Select the format in which the data will be saved (vCard, CSV for Outlook and Google CSV).
  • Click "Export".

Synchronizing data without an internet connection

You should not despair, you can create an additional copy of your contacts using a backup. After that, you don't have to worry about how to save contacts from Android to your computer. They will be transferred via USB to secure storage in a few minutes.

Transferring data from a computer to an Android device

After all contacts have been synchronized with the account in the Google system, and then exported to the hard drive, the owner of the smartphone needs to figure out how to transfer the information back to the phone.

There are several ways to transfer data:

  • Via USB connection. Thus, it is necessary to transfer the contacts file from the computer to the phone memory.
  • Transfer a file via Bluetooth.

But the easiest way to restore contacts is to add a Google account to your smartphone.

Transferring contacts from an Android device to an Android or iPhone

You can transfer contacts from one smartphone to another without using a computer.

In order to copy data to another Android device, Internet access is not required. Necessary:

  • Go to the "Contacts" menu.
  • Select "Import / Export".
  • Save data to memory card.
  • Transfer a file via Bluetooth or insert a memory card into another smartphone and import data from the file.

Unfortunately, this method may not work when transferring data to an iOS device. Different operating systems support different data formats. The safest way is to use synchronization through your Google account.

It takes several minutes to synchronize contacts with your Google account or save the data to a separate file. But this action will help protect yourself from losing all contacts in the event of an unforeseen situation.

Buying a new phone is usually a joyous event for every modern person. After all, the new smartphone model provides more options, additional functions and other interesting gizmos that were not in the old one. However, people often rush to deal with complex innovations and forget about the simplest things. For example, how to transfer contacts from phone to phone. In addition, it is desirable to use a method that would help to avoid a large number of complex actions. When theory gives way to application of practice, it turns out that there are several trivial ways of transferring contacts from phone to phone that absolutely anyone can handle.

Equipment for copying information using a computer

In order to transfer contacts from an old phone, you need to prepare the following technical devices:

  • Old phone from which data transfer will be carried out.
  • Stationary computer or laptop.
  • USB wire. It is desirable that it be original, in order to avoid unforeseen circumstances.

PC software

To solve the question of how to transfer contacts from the phone to the computer, it is recommended to use the MOBILedit program, which will make it easy to copy the necessary information.

It is best to find and download the utility on the developer's official website, rather than resorting to third-party sites and file sharing. Otherwise, there will be a risk of virus infection on the old and new smartphones and the computer.

Before starting copying, the program may request a software update. All you need to do is choose the correct phone model. Then you need to connect the old phone to the computer using a USB cable. A window will appear on the monitor, which will offer you to choose an action from several options. In this case, you need to enable synchronization.

In the program, you need to select a phone book or contacts and set the export command. To do this, be sure to select a folder or file in which the information will be stored. Once the contacts are exported, you can transfer them to your new phone in the same way. We press the import button and wait for the copying to complete. In addition to USB, wireless media can also be used.

Using Google Virtual Storage

If it is possible to access the Internet from both gadgets, you can use the capabilities of Google virtual storage. In this case, you need to synchronize contacts and information with the phone book. It is worth noting that this method is very convenient, since you can make the necessary changes to contacts through an online connection. First, you need to authorize your Google account using a new phone, and then start syncing contacts, accepting all the conditions. This is the easiest way to transfer contacts from Google to your phone.

Using virtual storage from "Yandex"

If we talk about using Yandex.Disk, the process is extremely similar. The only recommended thing to do is install the utility and select the moving tab. The application itself is always available on the Google Play site if the phone has an Android operating system. Therefore, if a user has a question about how to transfer contacts from a phone to an "Android" device, the application from "Yandex" will be very useful.

In addition, you can install and download it to your phone absolutely free. Further, all that is required is to follow the prompts that appear on the screen. You just need to copy all contacts that you plan to move in the future. After copying is complete, you must activate your Yandex account. To complete the entire process, you need to follow a series of simple steps:

  1. Install the application on a new phone and log into your account, where you already have all the saved information.
  2. Select the section called "Moving".
  3. Perhaps the application will ask for a secret combination, which will be previously sent in the form of SMS or e-mail. This is necessary in order to confirm the registration data.

As soon as the application completes the export process, a notification will appear on the screen.

Ways to copy contacts without internet

If the phone model is not very old, then, most likely, transferring and copying contacts by means of a SIM card or memory card is quite possible. In fact, the process will not take much time if you strictly follow the instructions of the instructions.

Copying and transferring information via SD card

You need to do the following:

  1. Fix the memory card in the old phone.
  2. Using the main menu, you need to copy contacts or move them to a memory card.
  3. In safe mode, remove the memory card from the old phone and install it on the new device.
  4. Select "Import contacts" in the main menu of the phone book and wait until the process is completed.

How to transfer contacts from phone to SIM card?

To make a copy using the subscriber ID module, you first need to export the entire phone book from the old phone. Then turn off the old phone, remove the SIM card from it and insert it into the new gadget. How to transfer contacts from SIM to phone? To copy the saved data, you need to go to the phone book settings and import information.

What is the disadvantage of copying contacts via a SIM card?

If we recall the time when mobile phones had just appeared, then even then it was possible to easily solve the question of how to transfer contacts from phone to phone by means of a SIM card. Therefore, this method can be equated with the classic and proven method that always works. If there are no other options, there is nothing left but to transfer contacts from the phone to the SIM card. While this method is extremely easy to use, there is one drawback. The phone allows you to broadcast only a certain number of characters, so after the transmission, most often the names appear to be incomplete, and you have to correct everything manually.

How to transfer contacts from phone to phone: modern methods

Most of the advanced users who are familiar with the technology actually use even simpler methods of data transfer. As a rule, they do not even imply the use of a USB cable. If technical devices are equipped with a function such as Bluetooth, then all that is required is to synchronize the devices and transfer data from one phone to another. The whole procedure takes a minimum amount of time, and it is simply impossible to make a mistake here.

The only precaution that every owner of a newfangled gadget should follow is to install the application exclusively from trusted sources. It should be understood that the most harmless side effect will be the appearance of advertising banners or the installation of unnecessary applications. However, quite often they are masked by Trojan viruses that literally plant equipment in front of our eyes.