How to download new applications on old iOS. How to install an application from the App Store that requires a new version of iOS? Deactivating Find My iPhone

Well, you've updated yours favorite app to the latest current version, but the developers made a mistake and the program began to work worse, or completely cut down its functionality (for example, removing the Audio Recordings section from the VKontakte application). There is no need to be upset, there is a way to downgrade Apps Store.

How to install old version of App Store apps on iPhone and iPad without jailbreak

1 . Download the utility for Windows, OS X or Linux from the developer’s official website. The program is paid, but the first 30 days are provided without the need to make a payment.

2 . Close your browser window.

3 . Install and run.

4 . Grant privileges to the program by clicking the " Grant Priveleges" and then " Install».

5 . Open iTunes, find the application you are interested in and click on the download button.

6 . In the " Structure"in the left side menu of the Charles program, find the line " p…" and select it.

7 . Right-click on this line and select the menu item “ Enable SSL Proxying».

8 . Return to iTunes, stop downloading the application and delete it by pressing the key " Delete».

9 . IN iTunes search Enter the name of the application you are interested in again, and by going to its page, you will thereby update the content.

10 . Press the button again Download».

11 . In the " Structure» in the left side menu of the Charles program, find new line « p…" and expand its contents.

12 . Right-click on the file " buyProduct" and select " Export».

13 . Save the file in the "XML Summary file (.xml)" format.

14 . Click right click mouse over the saved file in .xml format and select in the context menu Open in the programTextEdit(any text editor will do for this procedure).

15 . Scroll down the code until you find the line softwareVersionExternalIdentifiers , under which the text will be located in the following format:









This is all possible versions applications, starting from the oldest to the latest.

16 . Copy the version number.

17 . Go back to Charles and right-click on buyProduct and click " Edit».

18 . At the bottom, select view " Text" and at the top of the text find the following line:


19 . Underneath between the keys XXXX replace the value with the one you copied from TextEdit.

20 . Click the button below Execute».

21 . Charles will create in the branch new file « buyProduct" (at the very bottom of the "wa" folder).

22 . Go to the " Response", and select " XML Text».

23 . Find the line in the code with the name of the application and its version.

ATTENTION! If the application version does not suit you, then repeat steps 16-23 using brute force, substituting other values ​​in the key XXXX.

24 . Right-click on " buyProduct" and activate " Breakpoints».

25 . Switch to iTunes, refresh the application page and download it again.

26 . A new Charles window with Breakpoints will appear.

27 . Go to the " Edit Request" and click on " XML Text».

28 . In line XXXX paste your version of the application that you copied in step 16.

29 . Click the button below Execute».

30 . A new Charles window will open with Breakpoints in which click the “ button again Execute».

31 . Wait until the application download process finishes in iTunes.

32 . Go to the " My programs» and find the downloaded offer.

33 . Right-click on it and click " Intelligence».

34 . As you can see, in our case we downloaded SoundCloud version 3.9.1 while current version 3.15.0.

34 . Connect your iPhone iPod touch or iPad to Mac or PC.

35 . Synchronize the application or simply drag it onto the icon with your device.

How to install old version of App Store apps on jailbroken iPhone and iPad without a computer

1. Install the iFile file manager in Cydia, thanks to which you can access all directories of the drive.

2. Launch iFile and go to /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/. Here you will see a list of all installed applications on iPhone, iPod touch or iPad, but unfortunately with strange names. So you will have to search for the application at random, opening each folder and looking at the name “ХХХ.app”, where XXX is the name of the application.

By the way, so as not to go through this every time long way(/private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/), add the folder to your bookmarks. To do this:

A) on the bottom panel, tap on the icon with shortcuts/bookmarks;

b) go to the tab " Bookmarks»;

V) click on the plus sign in the lower right corner of the display;

G) change the bookmark name if necessary, for example “ All applications" and click " Create».

3. Find required application, the version of which you want to rollback.

4. Open the file " iTunesMetadata.plist" and click " Text editor».

5. Scroll down the page until you see the format text:









The numbers refer to the program version. Copy any of the versions. They will also have to be sorted out at random in the future.

6. Install the free App Admin jailbreak tweak from Cydia repository BigBoss.

7. Open App Store and find the application you are interested in.

8. Regardless of whether it is installed or not, click the " Download / Open».

9. In the pop-up message, select " Downgrade».

10. Once in the section " Known Versions", you can select one of the old versions available in the list, and if there is no exact version, then click the plus sign in the right top corner and paste the code copied in the seventh paragraph there.

11. Wait for the installation to finish (the app download may be very slow. Don't worry, this is normal).

As you can see, we have installed old version VKontakte application, which also had an Audio Recordings section.

In the App Store, next to the application, there will, of course, be the inscription “Update”, after clicking on which you will get the latest version.

Recently, Apple has opened access to all versions mobile programs for iOS. Charles Proxy useful tool for Mac and Windows, which allows you to download older versions of games and applications from the App Store.

In what situations might this be useful? The need to roll back from the latest releases may be due to the appearance of software restrictions in updates (such as deleting the VKontakte music section) or various types of glitches.

Below are instructions on how to downgrade applications on iPhone and iPad:

Step 1: Download, install and run Charles. On a Mac, click the Grant Privileges button and enter your administrator password.

Step 2: Launch iTunes and download the app you want to downgrade from the store.

Step 3: In the Charles window you will see several servers that iTunes connects to, you need to find the one that has the word “buy” in it. Right click on it and select Enable SSL Proxying.

Step 4: Go back to iTunes and stop downloading the app.

Step 5: Search for this app in iTunes search again and click the Download button.

Step 6: Go back to Charles and look for lines with the word "buy". In the program window you will see a second object labeled “buy”. That's what we need. Go back to iTunes and stop downloading.

Step 7: In the Charles application, expand the branch with the word “buy” to the end and find the buyProduct line. Right click, then Export and select your desktop as the location to save the file.

Step 8: You will have a new XML file on your desktop. Open it in any text editor and find the field:


Below you will see lines like:


This different versions of your application, starting from the oldest to the newest. Copy to clipboard desired number versions (at random).

Step 9: Return to Charles, right click on buyProduct and select Edit.

Step 10: Click at the bottom of Text and find the following line at the top of the page:


On top between the keys XXXX you will see the value. Replace it with the one you copied in step 8. After that, click Execute at the bottom.

Step 11: Scroll down on the Response tab to the line bundleShortVersionString. Below you will see the numerical value of the application version. If this is not the version you need, repeat the procedure starting from step 8, copying a different value to the clipboard.

Step 12: Right click on buyProduct again, but this time select Breakpoints.

Step 13: Switch to iTunes, find your application and refresh the page. Click the Download button.

Step 14: Return to Charles, select the object with the word “buy”, and on the right side of the window switch to Edit Request –> XML Text. Here in the field XXX paste the code copied in step 8 from the clipboard. Click the Execute button.

Step 15: When you see Breakpoint, click Execute again.

Step 16: Return to iTunes and the download should continue.

Step 17: Look at the My Programs tab, where the program will be downloaded. Find it in the list and right-click – Details. Pay attention to the version field: this must be the old build of the program.

Step 18: Connect your iPhone or iPad to your computer and transfer the application icon to your device. Before syncing your gadget, make sure you remove the newer application from your device. After synchronization is complete, your gadget will have the old version of the program.

Step 19: Close and remove Charles.

Below you can watch video instructions for downgrading from iDB:

Guide to installing unsupported games and programs on iPhone, iPad previous generations and running previous versions of iOS.

Developers often place restrictions on their applications, prohibiting them from running on devices of previous generations and/or with an old version iOS. There are several reasons for this:

The application was compiled (built) for a newer processor

Technical reason. If so, then the application was created exclusively for new iPhones, iPad and there is no reason to edit it, since it will still crash on old devices.
Here is a list of processors arranged by device model:
  • iPhone 2G: ARM11
  • iPod touch: ARM11
  • iPhone 3G: ARM11
  • iPod touch 2g: ARMV6
  • iPhone 3GS: ARMV7
  • iPod touch 3g: ARMV7
  • iPhone 4: Apple A4
  • iPod touch 4: Apple A4
  • iPad: Apple A4
  • iPhone 4S: Apple A5
  • iPad 2: Apple A5
  • iPad 3: Apple A5X
Sometimes an application uses a library that is not involved in previous version iOS, alas, nothing can be done here either (well, we are not going to lose our precious one).

However, sometimes developers are simply trying to push the user to buy a new iDevice or iOS update to temporarily get rid of piracy, for example, as was once done with iPhoto And iWork.

Then, edited, this application will run smoothly on your iPhone or iPad, without the need to update it.
Each application lists its system requirements. Your requirements - capabilities are indicated in:

"/System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist" "/System/Library/CoreServices/***AP.plist"

These sheets cannot be edited unless your device has been jailbroken, but we can edit the application requirements.

How to change application requirements for iPhone, iPad

What do we need for this:
Archiver 7-zip, an editor for *plist type files such as Plist Editor For Windows , file manager iFunBox, well IPA file the application itself.

Editing procedure:

1. Copy your IPA file somewhere;
2. Open it using 7-zip;
3. Find, extract and open" iTunesMetadata.plist". For the first time, we recommend extracting it and editing it separately using Plist Editor For Windows;
4. In it you will find the lines " UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities", or " MinimumOSVersion". You just need to remove the required DeviceCapabilities and set it to minimum system requirement iOS version 1.0 If there is no line " UIRequiredCapabilities"then nothing to worry about, same with" MinimumOSVersion";

How to change requirements:
We find:

200?"200px":""+(this.scrollHeight+5)+"px");"> UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities


An empty line looks like this:

200?"200px":""+(this.scrollHeight+5)+"px");"> UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities

How to change operating system requirements:
We find:

200?"200px":""+(this.scrollHeight+5)+"px");"> MinimumOSVersion

We change:

200?"200px":""+(this.scrollHeight+5)+"px");"> MinimumOSVersion

5. Replace the original one with the modified one plist;
6. Find Info.plist in the application file and do the same as we did with " iTunesMetadata.plist"
7. Save;
8. Install using iFunbox.

If the installation fails, see the error message. If it is "0xe8003ffe" or "-402636802", then the growth application was created for a different processor. Even if you manually install the application, it will not start.

Try it, as the chance of launching the application increases significantly, at least on iOS 5.0 iPad 2 iPhoto launched.) Unsubscribe.

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Application updates do not always bring something new and useful; some errors are often eliminated, but others immediately appear. It’s worse when, after an update, advertisements appear or useful functions disappear, and there are a lot of such cases.

In this article we will tell you how to roll back the version of an application on iOS using the Charles and iTunes programs. But before you start, please note:

  • the instructions only work on version Charles 4, tested on Charles 4.0.2 (the program is paid, but has unlimited trial period, the trial version stops working every half hour);
  • the maximum version of iTunes for macOS is 12.3.3, for Windows - 12.2.2, on next versions this method no longer works: either iTunes program does not start, or there is no Load button (12.4-12.4.3), or an error appears
    "iTunes cannot verify the authenticity of the server. Invalid server certificate" (12.5-12.6.3).

Unfortunately, this method will no longer work on macOS versions High Sierra and above. When running previous versions of iTunes, you will receive an error because the minimum version for High Sierra is 12.7 (without the App Store).

Attention! Starting from iTunes versions 12.7 there is no longer an App Store in the program, so to install the downloaded application on your device, use the latest working version — 12.6.3.

How to roll back an application version on iPhone and iPad

Step 1 Download Charles 4 for your operating system (macOS or Windows) and install it. If the method does not work on a newer version, then download Charles 4.0.2 from here

Step 2 Launch the Charles program. On macOS computers, when you first launch the program, click the Grand Privileges button

Step 4 Go to the Charles program and in the Structure panel (on the left) find the line containing “”. Right-click on it and select Enable SSL Proxying

Step 5 Go back to iTunes, stop downloading the application and remove it from the download list (click on the downloads icon in the upper right corner, select the application you are downloading and click 2 times Delete key). If the download has already completed, then go to the “My Programs” section and delete the downloaded application

Step 6 Search iTunes again and download the app again. If iTunes warns you that it can't verify the server's authenticity, click Continue. The application will start downloading, stop it and uninstall it

Step 7 Go to Charles and find a new line containing “”. Expand it and select "buyProduct"

Step 8 In the right panel of the program, select the Contents tab (instead of Contents, in some OS there may be Response) and specify the display type “XML Text”. Among the lines of code, find:


In line indicated current version application, and under it there are already identifiers of all previous versions:


Select the version you want to install and copy its number

Step 9 Return to left panel Structure and on the “buyProduct” line, right-click and select Breakpoints

Step 10 In iTunes, find and download the application again

Step 11 Once you click Load, a new window will appear in the Charles program. Go to it, select the Edit Request and “XML Text” tabs

Step 12 Find the stitch XXXX and instead of XXXX (a set of numbers) insert the version number of the application that you copied earlier and click the Execute button once, and then again

Step 13 iTunes should start downloading the selected version. Once the download is complete, the downloaded application will appear in the “My Programs” section. Look at the program version, call context menu right-click and select Details or press Cmd+I (macOS) / Ctrl+I (Windows). If you are not satisfied with the version, copy another version ID and repeat Steps 10 - 13

Step 14 Connect your iPhone or iPad to your computer and install the app on your device

After completing all operations, do not forget to return everything to default in Charles, go to the program again, select the “buyProduct” line, right-click on it and click Disable SSL Proxying, and also uncheck Breakpoints or simply uninstall the program.

The instructions are not easy and require effort, but it is worth it if you want to return the old version of the application.

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Yesterday we talked about how iPhone and iPad can be installed outdated versions applications using the Charlie program. From the comments to that article, it turned out that there is an easier way that does not involve the use of third-party tools. This method only works if the new version of the application is not supported by your device due to system requirements.

If you are using an old Apple smartphone or tablet, or have not updated iOS to version 8 or 9, you will inevitably encounter limitations - the App Store will prompt you first or update operating system. However, you can cheat and download not new version applications, and compatible with old technology or an outdated iOS build.

How to install an old version of the application on iOS?

1. Go to system settings iPhone or iPad and turn on iCloud synchronization.
2. Launch iTunes on your computer and download the application you need, even if it’s a new version.
3. Open the App Store on mobile device and find the application you downloaded through iTunes.
4. Near the name of the application, instead of the “download” button, a button with a cloud will appear, which shows what is in your account a "purchase" has already been registered and you can freely download this application on your device.
5. If your iPhone or iPad is incompatible with this application, the system will display an error and... offer to download the version that was once compatible with it.
6. Wait a while - the outdated version of the application will be downloaded to your device.

We emphasize once again that this installation method can only be used on older devices (iPhone 3, 4, etc.), and install outdated versions of applications on new smartphones and Apple tablets you can use the Charlie app, which we recently wrote about. Charlie works as a proxy that downloads from servers Apple needed you a version of the application - more stable than the new one or with features that were subsequently removed by the developers. One of these applications is the official VKontakte client, which once had a full-fledged music section, but now only excerpts from songs are available, leading to the iTunes store.

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