How to make a webinar selling: useful tips. Tools for presenting material during a webinar

So, you have decided to prepare a webinar. Now you have a question: what is needed for this? How to select and properly structure the material, what tools are needed for this? Sometimes tutors try to put all their knowledge and experience into the program. However, we must not forget that every online event should have one main goal. Let's look at the step-by-step process of creating and organizing content for a webinar.

P.S. Full entry you can watch the master class

How to prepare a webinar correctly - basic rules

Preparing a webinar always begins with choosing a topic. It determines how interested your audience will be and how many listeners you will gather at your event. Therefore, it makes sense to consider this point in detail.

SEO name

To let everyone know about the webinar more people, you need to think about the SEO component of the title. Correctly chosen name for the webinar, with popular keywords inside, will dramatically increase the search results of sites with information about the webinar. To do this, you need to clarify how people formulate the problem whose solution you are proposing in keyword selection services, for example, on Type different variations of your theme into the search box on the page provided. You will see which formulation is more popular. Take it into service.

Header type

Having dealt with the keywords in the title, let's get acquainted with the types of its design. They can be roughly divided into three groups:

  • Question headings Reading such a headline, a person subconsciously tries to answer the question posed, and therefore looks through the subsequent text.
  • Promise of benefits for completing specific steps. This headline sounds very solid, because in an affirmative form it guarantees results. For example: “5 steps to the success of your webinar.” In this formulation, try to use odd numbers.
  • Frightening and shocking headlines. Fear makes you act famous formula. Therefore, such headlines will give results. But do not forget to rely on the specifics of your target audience. Scare and offer relief from fear in a webinar.

Rules for a good headline

There are unbreakable rules for writing headlines that will help you grab the attention of readers:

  • The title should be succinct and informative. It is important that by looking at the title, a person immediately understands the essence of the problem and determines for himself whether its solution is important.
  • The first and last three words are the ones that catch your eye the most. Not everyone likes to read. This applies not only long texts, but also headings. Therefore, a name of 6 words is considered optimal.
  • Use numbers - they are easy to remember. For example: "5 important reasons select the eTutorium portal."
  • Break up the title. If the title is quite large, try dividing it into two parts - each separately is easier to read and remember.
  • Use quality adjectives. For example: “easy, important, special.” They are quite clear in their meaning and consist of an average of 6 characters.
  • Address the reader. You achieve more attention if the headline speaks directly to the reader.

Materials need to be prepared

Content selection

Once you have decided on the topic of the webinar, move on to the main part of the content. It is important to pay attention to this element Special attention, because it will help you attract as many people as possible. And if the information provided turns out to be of poor quality and irrelevant, then all efforts will be wasted.

Material supply methods

There are several main schemes for constructing the structure of a webinar. They will help you navigate which material is best suited for the purposes of a particular event. This will simplify the content preparation process.

  • Review webinar. Used for a superficial consideration of the webinar topic, without deep analysis. IN in this case you only need general information and its generalization.
  • Deep Scan. At such a webinar, you consider highly specialized issues and reveal secrets for professionals. Here it is important to choose material that allows you to deeply penetrate the essence of the stated topic.
  • Step-by-step strategy. You give listeners a specific action plan, a kind of checklist, to obtain the desired result.
  • Questions and answers. The webinar is built on the principle of a press conference, where listeners ask questions on the topic, and the tutor tries to give the most complete answers that can be prepared in advance.

Gathering information on the topic

When starting to collect material, you should already have a clearly formulated topic and structured rough plan what will become a webinar in the future. This will allow you to understand exactly what material is needed. You can use your own knowledge, skills, achievements, experience. Or resort to searching for information on the Internet. In fact, it is better to combine both methods; this will allow you to create a complete text that will reveal all the issues that are relevant and in demand for the target audience.

When collecting information online, don’t be afraid to play with words in your search—sometimes necessary information found for queries that are not directly related to your topic. Choose only what you need and weed out everything unnecessary. The less “water”, the higher the audience’s interest. Try to stand out from the crowd of speakers by presenting your unique methodology or presenting a new product in an interesting way. This will make it memorable and attract listeners to your other events. the main task– organize all the information that you will collect according to the drawn up diagram, and present it correctly during the webinar.

Preparation of related materials

To better convey information to the audience, it is advisable to use additional materials. They clearly illustrate everything that has been said, which in turn makes it possible to maintain the interest of listeners throughout the webinar.

Tools for presenting material during a webinar

Mind map

When you have decided on the type of your webinar, you need to structure it and select material for each section. One of the most effective ways creating a clear system for an online seminar - draw a mind map, thanks to which you will have the complete structure of the webinar before your eyes. What makes it different from a regular line-by-line outline is that by holding a diagrammatic outline in front of your eyes, you use the creative part of your brain, which greatly helps in preparing content. There are a number of popular solutions for compiling mind maps. You can simply create a diagram by hand on paper or use special software on the Internet.


The infographics, tables, pictures and diagrams that you prepare need to be formatted into a solid presentation. Eat important rules, which should be followed when creating a presentation:

  • Create an intro slide that will be shown before the webinar starts. Place the name of the online seminar and information about the presenter on it.
  • Create a final slide with all your contact information and links to your resources. Don't forget to duplicate them in the general chat so that listeners can click on them.
  • Drawings, photographs, diagrams should complement text information or convey it in a more visual form.
  • It is important to use no more than three colors in the presentation style.
  • All presentation slides should be in the same style and not distract listeners’ attention from its content.
  • Slides should contain only the most important information.
  • When creating a presentation, you should not use animation - it may cause problems on the webinar site.

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Most recently, eTutorium Academy hosted a master class on the topic “Presentation design for NON-designers: how slides will help you enhance the effect of a webinar”. Ekaterina Lezhneva and her audience analyzed the most common mistakes in presentations and analyzed design principles good slide, and also worked step by step real presentations participants.

Video and audio

Preparing video and audio materials will also take a lot of time. But it is important to understand that people have come to listen to you, and therefore the duration of the video should not exceed one minute, and the volume of the audio file should not drown out the presenter.

The programs usually used for editing are Adobe Premiere or Sony Vegas. It won't be difficult to master them. Make sure that the resulting file is saved in a format that your webinar platform supports.

Preparing a webinar is a labor-intensive process, and working with content is its main part. However, do not be alarmed; in the course of this work you will be able to understand your topic even better and learn a lot interesting facts and learn special skills that will make future online seminars much easier. Don’t forget that quality content is the key to a good webinar,
and therefore do not waste time creating it.

I believe that with the help quality content You can overtake competitors, gain the reader’s trust and turn him into a grateful client.

The prevalence of webinars raises questions among many producers of goods and services, especially among aspiring solo experts and other business owners. What can sales webinars provide? Can they really sell? How to carry them out correctly and will it have the opposite effect? Today we’ll talk about the possibilities of webinars, their benefits as a tool for stimulating sales, as well as how to prepare and conduct an effective selling webinar.

Selling webinar: opportunities and benefits for business

First of all, it is worth noting that it is customary to distinguish between interactive and auto-webinars. Both varieties provide different opportunities and have their pros and cons.

Interactive webinarsallow you to directly interact with the audience, track their moods and answer questions. They create maximum effect involvement. Such webinars, provided that the presenter does everything correctly, provide the highest sales because they allow you to analyze feedback from the audience and instantly respond to the slightest changes in mood.

Autowebinars(webinars configured using special services and conducted automatically) are pre-recorded, and the effect of involvement is created due to pre-conceived questions that are answered by the presenter and which are asked automatically by robots in the chat specified time. They save time because they allow you to “run” the same webinar countless times, say, on certain days. This eliminates the risk of unforeseen situations that may arise during interactive communication with the audience.

Regardless of the type, sales webinars have the following advantages:

  1. They combine visual impact (video inclusion of the speaker and a properly constructed accompanying presentation in which key accents are placed), auditory impact (speaker's oratorical abilities) and live communication through chat activity.
  2. Arouse maximum interest among the audience due to exposure through several (the above) channels simultaneously.
  3. Allows you to easily control the audience's attention.
  4. They allow you to present yourself as an expert in the most favorable way.

In terms of efficiency, this tool is close to “live” presentations, but requires much less organizational effort.

How to prepare and conduct a selling webinar

Preparation for the webinar includes the following points:

  1. Creating an attractive name.

There are several rules:

1) The name should not be generic. “Foreign language learning” is an unattractive title because the potential listener will not understand what they will get from the webinar and will not want to waste their time on it. “10 Ways to Memorize French Words Fast” is an attractive title because the potential participant clearly understands what he is getting.

2) The name should not be difficult to understand. People do not perceive clerical language, adverbial and participial phrases, and chains of several nouns in the genitive case well. "10 methodological recommendations, helping to solve the problem of learning words” is not a title for a selling webinar, because a potential listener will stop reading it in the middle.

3) The name should not be expressive. The potential listener expects that he will be given serious information, and expressive epithets are associated not with seriousness and informativeness, but with empty promises and deception. "10 great ways to as soon as possible remember thousands of words” is a title that will not help expand the audience.

  1. Preliminary audience assessment.

For the webinar to be effective, it is worth assessing in advance whether the analysis of the audience and its expectations was correct. To do this, it’s worth creating a webinar group or a Google form where potential listeners could communicate about themselves and their expectations. The easiest way to do this is after registering for the webinar: leaving your contact information on the registration page, after submitting the form, the participant is redirected to the so-called thank you page, where he receives confirmation of his participation, as well as an offer to clarify information, for example, about his type of activity, the purpose of participation in webinar, wishes regarding its content and other information useful for the organizer that should be referenced in the future.

  1. Webinar promotion.

It is important to determine which audience segment will be most involved in the webinar. For example, many people want to learn a foreign language. But if, for example, the goal is to sell a series with an analysis of the foreign speech of the characters, then the audience will also consist of fans of this series and similar series, average age will fluctuate around 17-27 years. If the goal is to sell an online course based on a traditional program with an emphasis on business conversation, then the audience may cover a larger age range, but will apply to fans of the series to a much lesser extent. In accordance with this, sites for promotion are selected.

To recruit listeners, it is useful to publish informative content on your website, blog, in the media, on social networks and promise to tell more at the webinar. Before the event, you should definitely remind listeners about it several times (the day before, in the morning on the day of the webinar and an hour before it starts, for example).

  1. Technical training.

Technical training includes setting up and testing all tools - video, sound, chat. Held approximately 30 minutes before the start of the webinar. Then it’s worth looking through the plan and remembering the structure.

Selling webinar: structure for increasing sales

The selling structure of the speech is one of the most important elements of an effective webinar. As a rule, such a structure includes the following components, but their order and quantity, of course, in each individual case is determined by the goals and specifics of a particular webinar:

  1. Introduction. It is important to focus on the title and the fact that the listener will actually receive what is promised. For example: “Today I will tell you about 10 ways to remember French words.” It also makes sense to lure the listener with other useful and pleasant promises like: “I’ll also tell you a couple of interesting facts about...” or “Towards the end we’ll hold a competition with prizes.”
  1. Building trust in an expert. Here you can appeal to your regalia, achievements, results. The listener must be convinced that the information will be useful to him because it is given by an expert.
  1. Formation of information hunger. Here it is worth smoothly moving from the previous point to the benefits of expert information, revealing this benefit, and focusing on the uniqueness of the information. It would be useful to mention that the information is presented only in this webinar and in the book (in courses, in training) by the author.
  1. Statement of a problem close to the listener. It should be mentioned here that the presenter faced the same problems that most of the audience are experiencing (these may be problems identified by the listeners themselves during registration or during discussions in communities), and note that they were solved relatively simply.
  1. Appeal to objections. It is useful to list the main objections that listeners may have, including those that arise from people who have never tried to do what the expert proposes to teach. For example, mention that the method of learning words is also suitable for those who have never taken up the French language.
  1. Help offer. After listing the problems and objections, it is worth noting that a technique or an expert will help everyone existing problems decide.
  1. Examples from life. Here it is worth telling how this technique worked with other people or with the expert himself, emphasizing that it is accessible to everyone (meaning to oneself that it is accessible to every listener).
  1. Useful content about solving a problem. Actually, the key information part is where the initially promised material is presented, the stated methods for solving the problem are listed, and their simplicity and effectiveness are demonstrated. It is imperative that listeners feel this simplicity and be inspired by the novelty of the methods, as well as highly appreciate the speaker’s expertise in this matter.
  1. Engaging part. Optional, but desirable item. The aforementioned competition with prizes may be held here, practical lesson type quick lesson. The main thing is that it be effective, that is, that at the end the students actually learn new words.
  1. Statement of a broader problem. Here it is worth saying what the product should provide to the listener. For example: “Today you learned about 10 ways to learn new words, but there are 10 more life hacks for mastering French grammar, and in addition, you can very quickly learn to communicate with native speakers if you know a few constructions.”
  1. An offer to solve it with a product or service. Immediately after the previous paragraph comes a mention of the product or service. For example: “I write about this in my book” or “The third part of the course is devoted to grammar, and the fifth to constructions. Besides, there is...” This is a completely advertising part, where you need to communicate all the advantages of the product related to the topic of the webinar.
  1. Encouragement to buy a product, pay for training, etc.. While the listener is inspired and sees the real benefit of the proposed methodology for his needs, it is necessary to take advantage of this and encourage him to buy the product right away, so that he does not switch to the mode of endlessly thinking about the purchase. For example, inform that right now webinar participants can purchase a book at a discount, or that a promotional code will be valid for a short time, or that those who buy now will receive additional bonus and so on.
  1. Conclusion. Here you can answer questions, engage each participant who asks, and thank them for their participation. Good effectiveness is shown by selling the product online before the participants leave, and by emphasizing that right now people who are used to taking action and want to achieve results are buying the product.

Is a sales webinar always effective? Basic mistakes

Webinars fail when a number of mistakes are made. The most common of them:

  1. Failure to keep promises. If the listener doesn’t get anything new at the end, the webinar will not be successful. Moreover, the listener will be annoyed that he wasted his time and will most likely write off the speaker along with any of his products.
  1. Lack of punctuality, technical failures on the part of the hosts. If problems arise, delays and delays take place, the listener’s respect for the expert is lost - or, at a minimum, a feeling of irritation arises, which, of course, does not contribute to the fact that the selling webinar will bring outstanding results. The best compensation for any shortcomings in this case is really useful content, for the sake of which the audience is willing to put up with minor inconveniences.
  1. Disrespectful attitude towards conversation participants, aggression. Often during the webinar, questions are asked by skeptics and “trolls” who came for the purpose of provocation. Skeptics must be answered calmly and respectfully, under no circumstances succumb to provocations, and “trolls” must be removed from the chat. Although there is an alternative approach, in which the speaker deliberately reacts harshly to negatively-minded participants, thereby reinforcing his authority in the eyes of positively-minded and neutral ones.
  1. Excessive webinar length. Optimal time- up to 90 minutes. Then the level of attention and concentration of the participants drops noticeably.
  1. Too much information. People go to a webinar to find out what they can learn, try it, understand the quality of the information - but not learn. Therefore, the information should be simple and as practice-oriented as possible: the average webinar listener is not ready right now for strong intellectual efforts; he came for specific, understandable solutions to his problem.
  1. Uncertainty. An expert who doubts his abilities, stumbles and gets lost does not inspire confidence in his listeners. Even if the reason is shyness, the audience will still consider him less competent than a confident expert.

Avoiding these mistakes is already half the battle. The second half of the battle is to capture the audience, inspire them, and show them that what is complex is actually simple.

Webinars are most effective when selling informational goods and services - books, courses, lectures, etc. But in general, webinars can be used in almost any business: when selling equipment, food, household goods; providing services from hairdressing to repair. In all these cases, you can create a webinar that:

  • focuses on the quality of the product or the competence of the specialist;
  • will explain why it is worth buying this particular product or contacting this particular specialist;
  • list the problems that consumers have;
  • will explain how these problems will be solved;
  • will outline general principle works (information part);
  • will sell a product or service (advertising part).

Users often choose both goods and services on the Internet, so a high-quality webinar on a common problem will be of interest to many. A wide audience, in turn, allows you to make the most of a sales webinar and, ultimately, increase business sales.

In this article, I want to give you my secret nine-step script writing formula. This formula has been tested hundreds of times in the most different niches- from SEO promotion services to sales professional means hair care, from information business to product business.

And if you decide for sales, then this webinar script is perfect for you. Because he decides the most important task- how to combine interesting content and sales. This means that your listeners will be clapping and buying at the end of the webinar.

You can estimate how much they will buy on our website. I took average market figures for him. And let's move on to the webinar plan itself.

The ideal webinar sales script consists of the following 9 steps:

And let's take a step-by-step look at what and how you need to say in order to get good sales from the webinar.

#1 – Hook

Just because people came to your webinar does not mean they will stay. In the first 5-10 minutes, they will decide whether they should spend time on your webinar or not. And we definitely need to convince them that it is definitely worth it.

We need the webinar listeners, firstly, to fully concentrate their attention on us and, secondly, to stay with us until the very end (because we will provide a link to payment at the end).

And to do this, you need to make it interesting for listeners. The formula of interest is very simple: news + benefit + intrigue.

That is, you need to promise people some new information that will benefit them, and also promise them to reveal some secrets/destroy myths in the topic on which you are conducting the webinar. Here's an example of how this can be done:

« Hello, friends. I am glad to welcome you to our webinar “Forever young - forever drunk.” In 90 minutes you will learn how you can maintain the beauty of your skin, hair, and lose excess weight, without denying yourself anything.(benefit). I must warn you that you will not be able to find this information anywhere else because it is the result of my ten years of personal research(news). I will also tell you why regular diets can, on the contrary, lead to loss of figure and deterioration of health.(intrigue)".

In this simple way we “catch” the attention of the audience, and they decide to stay to listen to what interesting things they will tell us.

#2 - Building trust

Right after getting attention, we need to convince people that we really understand what we're talking about. In other words, we need to create a certain level of trust against which listeners will consume all subsequent information.

The easiest way to quickly build strong trust is to list your credentials. That is, some official achievements, awards and titles in your field.

For example:

  • Diplomas
  • Official titles
  • Printed books
  • Awards in this field
  • Articles in magazines (TV appearances)
  • Large and famous clients

You list your credentials very briefly - and this will be quite enough for people to immediately understand that they are dealing with an expert. There is no need to waste any more time here; you can immediately move on to the next point.

#3 - Create a need

This is a very important, even key stage in the webinar scenario. Here you need to convince your audience that the topic of your speech is very important. They should really want to immediately rush to solve the problems you are talking about.

Again, just because they came to your webinar called “How to Lose 10 Pounds in 30 Days” does not mean that they are ready to take action immediately. These people did not develop excess weight yesterday, and they have managed to come to terms with it. Your task is to revive this pain and bring it to the surface so that it overshadows all other problems and worries in their life (at least for this evening).

And for this we use the “pain - increased pain” technique. First we say something like - “ Let me tell you in a nutshell what problems 99% of people who come to me for consultation face...“And then we describe ordinary everyday problems that our listeners face.

In the topic of weight loss it will be, for example - “ shortness of breath, difficulty moving, we don’t like ourselves" And so on. This is the same “pain” that the listeners managed to partially come to terms with. And now we need to intensify this pain, no matter what they think - “ so what, I’ve been living like this for a long time”.

Increasing pain is when we scare people about the dire consequences that await them if they do not act immediately this problem. In our example, these will, of course, be diseases, in the literal sense of the word - heart attacks, heart attacks, etc. That is, we “open their eyes” to why this problem needs to be dealt with right now, without putting it off until the day after tomorrow.

If you are convincing enough, the webinar listeners will “get into it” and “think about it.” Which means it’s time to move on to the next point in the scenario.

#4 - Product Presentation

This is also a very important point (like all the points in the script). The fact is that selling begins only from the moment people find out that they are being sold something. And so that this does not become a surprise for them at the end of the webinar, warn them about it in advance.

Here, in no case should you dwell in detail on your product and describe how wonderful it is. Otherwise, webinar listeners will start dropping out right away. Say just one phrase - “Today at the webinar I will tell you and explain in detail how to get rid of this problem (the pain that we raised in the previous paragraph), and if this topic interests you, you will be able to especially favorable conditions purchase our product that will help you with this.”

Just be sure to say that this product will need to be purchased (even on especially favorable terms) so that listeners understand that we're talking about about something paid.

For starters, this is quite enough. Now let's move on to the second key point the entire scenario.

#5 – Selling story

A selling story is a tool for creating secondary trust and distinguishing yourself from competitors. You see, there are probably many different ways to solve the problem you are talking about. And you need to adequately differentiate yourself from your competitors.

The best way to do this is to tell a story about how your product helps solve this problem, or how you spent a long time searching and discovering your method. Here I will give you a link to the material on, at the end of which you will find detailed plan compiling such a selling story. And also for inspiration.

#6 - Three pillars

But this is actually the most important point in the webinar script. Because this is where the selling of your product happens. Yes, yes, don’t let this surprise you. The sale does not happen at the end, but here. At the end of the webinar, you will simply make an offer to push people to take immediate action (purchase).

But technically, the sale of the product should already be done by this point. And we will do it using the “three pillars” technology. It is especially important that this particular point is the most “content”. That is, here you will simultaneously give the very “meat” that the listeners came for and sell.

To achieve this “combination of incompatibles,” you need to divide the path to the ideal goal that your webinar audience wants to achieve into three steps. You tell them something like this: “To get rid of this problem and get such and such a result, you need to take only three steps...”

Step 1 - Find the right keywords

Step 2 - Write the right ads

We then detail each of the three steps using the following outline:

  1. Why is this step necessary?
  2. Why people usually do it wrong (why they can't do it right themselves)
  3. Why does this step need to be taken with us? (what unique tools/methods do we provide in our product that will help a person take this step correctly).

Thus, we simultaneously give people content (we tell them a very specific formula of three steps, as they like), and sell our product - we convince them that our product will help them take these steps correctly, or even do them for them.

At first glance, the task of writing “three pillars” for a webinar script may seem difficult to you, but with practice you will learn to do it quite smartly.

#7 - Appeal

After content-selling whales, we should slightly revive the emotions of listeners. This is necessary so that by the time the price is announced and the payment method is transferred, they are in an optimal emotional state.

Simply put, we need to remind them why they came here. We once again briefly pronounce “pain-increasing pain” from the point “creating a need” so that the audience again becomes eager to solve the problem.

Only now her desire will be much stronger, because they listened to the “three pillars” and managed to gain deeper trust in us (after the selling story and the content part).

Formulate this in the form of a rhetorical question (by the way, I took the term “appeal” from classical ancient works on rhetoric). Something like this: “So, at the end, I would like to ask you a simple question - why endure this pain? Why look at yourself in the mirror every day with hatred? Why suffocate under the weight of your own? Why wait every day for a heart attack? After all, there is a simple way to solve this problem - our product.”

And now you can name the price and give people a link to pay.

#8 — Offer

In sales, an offer is usually called something special. profitable proposition, which only acts here and now. Let me remind you that an offer is not needed to get people to buy your product. They should already be ready to buy. An offer is needed to get people to buy your product. right now, rather than putting it off until next time (read: forever).

For this additional motivation of listeners to buy, you can:

  1. Offer them a discount (just be sure to explain why the discount, otherwise they won’t believe you)
  2. Give them a special bonus (and be sure to separately describe the value of this bonus, otherwise they won’t be impressed)
  3. Offer them special conditions (for example, a 100% money-back guarantee if they are unhappy).

And be sure to emphasize several times that these are special, special conditions that apply only here, and only for those who are currently present at the webinar.

And yes, don't forget to call people to action. That is, directly literally tell them - “ Now you need to click on this link/button, go to the ordering page, enter your name, email and phone number in the form and click the “place order” button.

This is not the end of our webinar script. Now we need to “put the squeeze on those who haven’t been squeezed out.”

#9 – We’ll push it

We have already answered the main questions from listeners - “why do we need this?” (in the paragraph “creating a need”), “why should I trust you?” (in the points “presentation” and “selling story”), and “expensive” (in the points “creating a need” and “three pillars”).

But they probably still have smaller questions and objections about your specific topic - (how the product will be delivered, whether it will be suitable in a given situation, whether it is necessary to have something else besides your product to achieve the result, and so on) .

You need to write down all these residual questions/objections in advance, before the start of the webinar. And at the end, present them in the form of an “Answers to Frequently Asked Questions” item.

Of course, first it’s better to give the floor to the listeners themselves - let them ask questions, and you sort of answer them impromptu. But if the listeners are silent, ask yourself questions (like “ But I often get asked this question..."), and answer them yourself.

And after each question, repeat your offer and call to action. This way, you will have another 15-20 minutes to put the squeeze on those who have not submitted an invoice. In fact, the booster stage can last even longer than the main webinar - at least several hours, if the listeners start talking. Communicate, push through.

Ideally, at the end of the webinar you should have as many invoices as there are still online listeners. If it’s less, it means they didn’t put the squeeze on someone.

I hope this webinar script will be useful to you and will bring you a lot of sales. Save it to your bookmarks so you can quickly find it when you need it.

P.S. Be sure to watch the recording of my webinar - How to make money from webinars.

Selling webinar- Are you familiar with this combination of words? If not, then I’ll explain first what it is, and most importantly, why it is needed in principle. So, a selling webinar is an online event that the organizer holds for free. At the free webinar we give listeners the opportunity to get to know us and the topic we cover. For the speaker, such an event is an opportunity to increase the level of confidence in himself as a master of his craft, an expert in his field of knowledge and, of course, sell his paid information product(master class, series yu video lessons, course, training, etc.).

Unfortunately, I often encounter a number of questions and complaints from novice speakers. They usually sound like this:

“I seem to be doing everything the same as others, but I have no sales as a result. Why?"

— “Where should I put myself during a performance? What to say and when to say it?

— “How to end a speech correctly so as not to spoil the impression of the audience?”

— “Do you need to share your experience during the webinar and give examples or is it enough to just give useful content

- etc.

Are these questions familiar to you? If you also had such thoughts, read on. Today I want to sort it out a number of the most common mistakes made by novice speakers that kill the sales of newbies in the bud.

So, let's go!

  • The first mistake is starting a speech without getting to know the audience.

When speaking at conferences, the speaker is usually briefly introduced by the host of the event. The ideal option would be when you provide the presenter with a text about you in advance in order to avoid possible errors: incorrect pronunciation of your last name (unfortunately, I myself often encountered this), “crumpled” information, and so on. After all, you want to be “on top” and not remain “in the shadows”? 😉 A lot depends on the correct presentation - the first impression of listeners, the level of attentiveness of the audience, the initial formation of authority in the eyes of the public. And yes, even if you were introduced by the presenter, under no circumstances begin your speech immediately by delivering content. Do smooth transition. And start with getting to know each other. Thank the presenter for the introduction and try to get feedback from the audience. Ask a series of simple questions: “What city are you from?”, “How are you in the mood?”, “What do you do (what kind of business, type of handicraft, etc., according to the theme of the event)?” All this will allow you not only to get answers to your questions, but to get closer to the audience, establish contact and increase the level of loyalty. In the case where you yourself are the organizer of the webinar and speak without a presenter, you must introduce yourself as a speaker and expert yourself. Here key point is the “golden mean”, which is often difficult to achieve. Say little and dryly - they will not remember or will not consider it necessary to trust you. A lot and for a long time - they will consider him too arrogant and will hate him for it. Try to find a balance, don’t go too far, but don’t be modest either. Show the main thing - expertise and experience in your topic.

  • Mistake two - the role of the student in the exam

Often, a novice speaker behaves at his own selling webinar like a guilty student in defense thesis. What gives away such a speaker is his lack of confidence, his desire to be liked, which he tries with all his might “to get free”, the presentation of material without emotions and receiving feedback from listeners, and other characteristic signs. When performing in such a role, no matter how hard you try, you will not get the desired result 🙁 Put yourself in front of the audience correctly! This is your webinar and you provide useful content, respectively, your position is that of a leader, expert and mentor. Have more confidence in yourself and your abilities, and you will definitely succeed! 🙂

  • Error three - presenting material without examples from personal experience

You should not act as a lecturer. Content based only on knowledge from books is not interesting to the audience. If your webinar is not based on your experience, examples from the experiences of your successful students, then you risk remaining in the memory of your listeners as an extremely boring speaker and, most likely, they simply will not believe you. 😥 Personal experience and cases of successful students - that’s what should come first.

  • Mistake four - pausing while waiting for a response from listeners

Pauses, especially long ones, are the worst thing that can happen during a sales webinar. 😳 Yes, I understand perfectly what to find the right words While you are waiting for feedback from the audience and, it would seem, you have already said everything, it can be difficult. BUT! There is no way without this. Moreover, it is not so important what you talk about during such waits or technical delays, the main thing is not to be silent. Tell personal stories, give examples, encourage listeners to give you feedback, ask additional leading questions - whatever you like, but do not remain silent. Such silence kills the entire drive of your webinar, scatters the audience’s attention and creates awkwardness for both parties. But, as we remember, our goal is to demonstrate our expertise during the webinar, to provide useful free content and, of course, ultimately sell your paid master classes, courses, video tutorials and other paid programs. Remember this.

  • Mistake five: a meek “thank you” at the end of the webinar

Forget about saying “thank you” or “thank you for your attention” at the end of your speech. By saying these words, especially if they are said too modestly and often guiltily, you somewhat humiliate yourself in the eyes of the audience, as if you are thanking the listeners for their politeness. But you are the expert here, which means the audience should be grateful to you for useful information that you shared today. What about gratitude? - you ask. No, I am in no way saying that we should forget about gratitude as such. Just switch the applause and the “thank you” at the end. First they thank you, and only then you. Wait for applause in the chat from your listeners. And most importantly, don’t end your communication with the audience with a meek “thank you.” How finish your speech? Choose your option: a bright emotional appeal, transition to a block of answers to questions, etc. Important! Even if you spent your whole speech “hiding behind the presentation slides,” at the end you will definitely come into contact with the audience “in person.”

Here is the whole set of basic (but not all possible) mistakes of novice speakers. This will help you plan your sales webinar correctly and conduct it with a bang. mind map of conducting a selling webinar, which I specially prepared for you.

Review your recordings of speeches for possible errors and share the article with your friends if you find it useful.

Good luck and great sales to your business!

How to conduct webinars correctly? Don’t think that you can just go on air without any preparation and start saying whatever comes into your head.

The structure of a sales webinar is not some mythical beast that can be ignored. This is a very real workhorse that needs to be curbed, and then it will work for you and be useful.

Let's look at the scenario of a selling webinar - where to start, how to lead participants to the sale and how to competently end the webinar. Sales techniques, audience involvement and purchase motivation – we will look at all this in our article.

Where to begin

The structure of a selling webinar should be written in advance. This can be compared to defending a thesis at a university. When you prepare for this event, you write down an outline of your speech on a sheet of paper to make sure you cover all the important points.

It's the same with webinars. You need a plan to guide you. A script for a selling webinar is required, because without it you won’t be able to make your blockbuster.

This is where a webinar begins: the sales technique is built in right away in any case, and from the very first second you need to start engaging participants. And from the very first second you sell the idea that you need to be listened to.

How to build a selling webinar? The scheme is quite simple: an introductory part, content and selling. These are the main blocks, and now we will analyze each in more detail.

We start with a greeting and introduction. Ideally, you need someone to introduce you - a star, an opinion leader in the market, a person everyone knows; your partner, colleague; your student.

If you have no one to introduce you, you can include a video about yourself. It should contain your name, it should convey your expertise, your values ​​and your Short story. Ideally, this will be a video case on the webinar topic.

At the same time, you still need to talk about yourself, broadcasting your regalia and expertise. People need to see that you are a professional in your stated topic. For example, you are a master of organizing webinars, the author of a sensational program, more than 10 thousand people have completed your training. Tell us that you are the author of books and articles in printed publications, speaker of major online and offline conferences, member of major thematic communities, you are invited for interviews on TV and radio.

What to do if you do not have the attributes of external expertise - books, diplomas, certificates? Create them. For example, writing a mini-book will not take much time.

People trust cases, so be sure to include them in your sales webinar plan. In the introductory part you can briefly mention them, and in the content part you can reveal them in more detail.

If there are not very many cases, conduct free education. This way you kill several birds with one stone: you not only receive cases, but also sell your paid program at a free event, you establish trust with the audience and improve your own professional skills.

At the beginning of the webinar you also need to put a frame and outline the boundaries. If you are selling, for example, a monthly training, then in one hour you will not be able to deliver the entire system. People must understand this and they must agree with it. Explain that it is physically impossible to cover everything during the webinar, so you will only give the basics so that participants can understand how much they need it. This way you set a framework and people accept your rules.

To maximize audience engagement, use inclusion exercises. Then people become as immersed in the process and in what you say as possible. To do this, ask questions. If you position yourself as a webinar trainer, ask them to write how much participants want to earn from one webinar. By asking such questions, you understand the level of the target audience, see how advanced they are, how ambitious they are, and what they want.

Also discuss the rules of conduct during the webinar: no extraneous links in the chat, no insults to other participants or the presenter.

Content part of the webinar

The structure of a selling webinar necessarily includes a content part.

What's important in content? Stories, cases, comparisons, clear step-by-step structure. Just as you prescribe a plan for a selling webinar, you prescribe the structure of the content inside the webinar in the same way.

People are most willing to buy a system and specifics. Since we assume that you are a master of organizing webinars, we will give an appropriate example. You need to say something like this: “The presentation needs to be saved in pdf format, one thought - one slide, there should be no unnecessary pictures, 24 font.” The person writes down to himself: 24 font, pdf, no extra pictures needed.

People like to be told exactly what to do. Because you often come somewhere, and there they tell you something about life, and give you a minimum of content. And if you are telling a story, then try to give interesting content and be sure to clearly show the structure (steps, stages, stages).

Tell us in detail about the cases that you mentioned in the introduction. This way you not only give people useful information, but also show yourself as an expert.

It is very important not to say trivial things in your content, otherwise no one will buy from you. People will be negative: I came and didn’t learn anything interesting. In the training, in turn, you can tell anything.

You must in simple language explain complex things. And be sure to provide depth, show the audience that you are developing content in more detail than your competitors. Don’t talk about how you need to open an individual entrepreneur to start a business. The following text will increase conversion: “To start a business, you need to earn money, and today we will figure out how you can earn money tomorrow. Step 1: …"

Give people specifics. There is no need to motivate them, unless, of course, it’s a motivational webinar. Now there are thousands of trainers on the market besides you, and there are more and more of them. If you don't provide useful content, you won't make sales.

Important point: there is no point in answering questions during the webinar. If a person leaves your webinar satisfied, he will not buy. He must understand that he does not know something. If he has answered all his questions, he will say: “Thank you, I’m going, I won’t buy anything.” It makes sense to answer questions in a separate webinar, preferably for those who have already purchased.

Selling part of the webinar

Is it possible to have a selling webinar that does not involve sales? Yes, if you don't want to earn something from it. Therefore, sales are the next important point in the scenario of a selling webinar.

Remember when you were a child and asked your parents to buy you something. Or if you have children, remember how they behave in such cases. The child asks his parents more than once, not twice. He asks until his parents agree.

Selling through webinars is not much different from this model. We sell to people until they buy.

Let's move on to the selling part of the webinar. What does it consist of? We show the main offer of the program. We say what people will receive, learn, be able to do, and do after completing the program. Then we show options for participation, set deadlines, and encourage people to follow the link and submit an application.

There is no clear answer to the question of how to conduct webinars correctly when it comes to the selling part. Eat different ways close the sale. You can move on to closing softly - if people are interested, they can come in, take a look and make an application. You can act tough, that is, set a deadline. You can choose a middle ground. A lot here depends on the topic and niche.

The main problem here is when you start selling abruptly without preparing the participants and yourself. You've communicated your content well, it's time to sell - and then your voice changes and you start talking about the product. When you suddenly switch to sales without preparing and without preparing the audience, your internal state changes, your voice, intonation, emotions subside, and people feel it. At this point, more than half of the audience usually leaves, if you don’t prepare them for this, if you don’t weave sales into the process from the very beginning.

To prevent this from happening, there is one important principle How to conduct webinars correctly. You need to constantly cross the webinar with sales. A professional webinar trainer delivers content and sales in parallel, not one at a time.

Then you start selling, present the offer, say that there is a special offer. And this should be a special offer - a discount or a bonus, or something else additional to highlight those who came to the webinar. Give them a reason not just to think and buy one day, but to order from this webinar.

The important point is the call to action. These are specific instructions: follow the link, enter your name, email, phone number and click “Order”.

The call to action must be specific so that a person does not have a double reading of this call. Many people do not take this point into account, and therefore do not understand how to build a selling webinar. Sales techniques involve clear instructions so that any of your clients understand what needs to be done. If you say it in a calm, confident, commanding voice, then people will do it simply because you tell them to.

These are the main points on which a selling webinar is built. The diagram, as you can see, does not include many elements. The webinar organizer must take into account and work through all of them.

A clear plan for a selling webinar will allow you to stay on track and guide people from not knowing about your product to wanting to purchase it.