How to make two independent columns in Word? Read more about settings. Using the float property to create two columns

In continuation of my topic New in CSS3: multi-column, flexbox, grid layout, I offer you a translation of an article with a deeper dive into the multi-column property with simple and clear examples.

Newspapers and magazines have also proven in practice that text divided into several columns is much easier to perceive. On web pages, until recently, displaying content in this way was a problem, to the point where the layout designer divided the text into several divs. But everything can become much simpler with the CSS3 Multi Column Module.

Creating multi-column content

Using HTML5 tag article:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc libero magna, venenatis quis aliquet et, rutrum in ague. Donec vel tempor dolor. Donec volutpat fringilla porta. Suspendisse non nulla tortor. Quisque commodo ornare mi, sit amet aliquet justo bibendum non. Integer bibendum convallis sapien, sit amet tincidunt orci placerat in. Integer vitae consequat augue. //etc.

We divide the text into two columns:

Article ( -webkit-column-count:2; -moz-column-count:2; column-count:2; )

Using the property column-width You can set the columns to the required width:

Article ( -moz-column-width: 150px; -webkit-column-width: 150px; column-width: 150px; )

Column spacing

The interval is specified by the property column-gap in px or em, and cannot be negative:

Article ( -webkit-column-gap: 30px; -moz-column-gap: 30px; column-gap: 30px; )

Column separator

Property column-rule allows you to add a separator between columns, the principle of operation is similar to border.

Article ( -moz-column-rule: 1px dotted #ccc; -webkit-column-rule: 1px dotted #ccc; column-rule: 1px dotted #ccc; )

Merging Columns

Property column-span works similarly with colspan V table, combining the required columns.

Article h1 ( -webkit-column-span: all; column-span:all; )

Bottom line

Thanks to the CSS3 Multi Column Module, you can quickly and easily split text into readable columns. The list of supported browsers is already sufficient to try out multi-column functionality on working projects. For outdated browsers you can use a special

First you need to understand how the text should look, you can enter the text initially, or choose the second method when the text has not yet been entered. If the text is present, it will be much easier to understand what it all looks like.

How to make 2 columns in Word?

Method after writing the text:

  1. Need to look at top panel, find the margin adjustment slider. There are numbers written there and lines between them, and on the sides there will be figures, such as hollow arrows.
  2. Go to the "Page Layout" tab.
  3. Left-click on the function called “Columns”. There will be many options, so if you need more than two columns or a different view, then choose the settings yourself.
  4. Select option "Two".
  5. We look at the ruler sliders.

It doesn’t look very nice, the distance between the words is disgusting, the title may completely move to another place.

When you need a certain part of the finished text to be divided into columns, then first select this piece of text and select the right option breakdowns. We repeat the steps described above.

Now let's work on this text.

  1. Go to the “Columns” function, select “Two”. The first line of the left column was lower than the first line of the right column.
  2. Place the cursor at the beginning of the first line of the right column.
  3. Press Enter or Enter.

If you want to change the broken text, you can change the font size. Don't forget that the "Columns" function contains additional item called "Other Columns".

How to make 2 columns of text in Word to comply with the printing standard?

You need to accept the text formatting using the Columns option. This is how you can change the format in Word.

Don't forget about the ability to change margins and spacing between columns. With the help of additional manipulations we will achieve better readability.

  1. Resizing in the "Home" tab. We find about five windows with letters (“Editing”) and see the “Select” item next to it, select everything.
  2. All text is now waiting for changes to be accepted.
  3. IN top menu select the text size, by default it is 12 or 14. We will need values ​​from 11.3 to 11.8.
  4. Click Enter, the big button between the letter “E” and the number “Four”, if you have a NumPad.

If desired, we change the intervals at our discretion.

Now let's move on to the title. It should rise above the text. To do this, look at the “Columns” option, “Single” option. However, the heading has become smaller in size, then select it and return its font to the desired size.

Option to create columns using a table

The method is not entirely correct, but it can be used to create the appearance of a text breakdown.

  1. Insert tab.
  2. Find the "Table" item.
  3. Go to “Designer” and “Working with tables”.
  4. Using the pen "Draw Table".

If you want, remove or leave the borders.

Differences between versions

It became clear how to make 2 columns in Word, but what differences are there in the option associated with creating and dividing text into columns in different Microsoft versions Word 2007 and 2003, as well as the newest ones?

IN Microsoft Word The 2003s are a little different. The interface of the program itself and the “Page Layout” tab are missing; instead, next to the option for creating tables and changing the position of the text, there are buttons for splitting the text into two or more components. You can also configure the column type.

How to make 2 columns in Word? Version 2007. There are differences with the 2003 version in the following elements:

  1. "Page Layout" tab.
  2. The very appearance of the column example and the program interface are different.

In all versions, it is advisable to check the “Separator” box on the “Columns” tab so that there is a line between the columns.

In new versions, all of the above is located in the "Layout" tab.

Vlad Merzhevich

A two-column modular grid is quite often used on websites, and, as a rule, one column contains the main material (the text of an article, for example), and the second contains links to sections of the site and other information. To create such a layout, tables are quite convenient - each cell acts as a separate column, which makes it easy to adjust various parameters document display.

Column width

First, let's consider the simplest option, when the width of the left column is hard-coded in pixels, and the width of the right column varies depending on the size of the browser window. To do this, you need to set the total width of the entire table as a percentage through the width attribute of the tag

and for the first cell set its width in pixels or percentages also using width attribute, but for the tag
(example 1).

Example 1: Column width in pixels

Two columns

Left columnRight column

In this example, the table border is not displayed, and the vertical alignment of the cell contents to the top edge is determined valign attribute with the value top . This is required so that when the contents of the cells differ in volume, they do not move relative to each other, but start the same way from the top edge.

The width and valign attributes can be replaced with the width and vertical-align style properties with the same values. Then this code will have the following form (example 2).

Example 2: Using styles

Two columns

Left columnRight column

Margins inside columns

The distance between columns is controlled by the cellpadding attribute of the tag

. Since cellpadding defines the distance from the cell border to the edge of its content, the space between the contents of different columns will be equal to twice the value of this parameter. Using styles, in particular the padding property, you can easily adjust the padding value for each column (example 3).

Example 3: Using fields

Two columns

Left columnRight column

In this example, the values ​​of the cellspacing and cellpadding attributes are zero, and the spacing between column contents is determined by the padding-right property, which is added to the left cell through an identifier called leftcol .

Similarly, indents can be adjusted not only on the right, but also on other sides of each cell. Example 4 shows how to set margins for all cells using styles.

Example 4. Margins in cells

Two columns

Left column Right column

Column background color

To visually separate one column from another, different techniques are used, the most common of which is perhaps the use background color. It is better to specify the color through styles; this allows you to put the page design into a separate file. To do this, create a new style class, set the background property for it and apply it to the required cell (example 5).

Example 5: Background color

Two columns

Left column Right column

In this example different colour background is added for the right and left columns (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Columns of different colors

Column separator

Using margins is not always suitable for setting the required distance between columns. For example, in the case where fields around the text cannot be included due to various reasons. Then adding another cell will help, which acts as a separator between the columns (example 6).

Example 6: Using three cells

Two columns

Left column Right column

This example introduces another column with the style identifier spacer, this makes it easy to change the width between columns. You don’t have to put anything inside this cell; browsers work quite correctly with such cells.

In Fig. Figure 2 shows the result of the example. For clarity and beauty, a border has been added around the columns.

Line between columns

You can separate columns not only using the background color and empty space, but also by adding a line between the columns. Again, styles come in handy here because they make creating lines much easier. You just need to set the border-left property for the right column or border-right for the left one (example 7).

Example 7: Adding a line

Two columns

Left columnRight column

Result this example shown below.


Creating columns using tables is a fairly simple and fast process; you just need to add a table with two cells and define its visual attributes. In addition, most of the parameters that determine the type of table can be put into styles and thus speed up the process of adding tables of the same type and documents based on them.

For a two-column layout, use different means on the design of the columns. For example, it is used background fill, adding a frame around the columns, changing the distance between them, or setting a vertical dividing line. All these things are controlled using styles, which leads to code reduction, expands table modification options and ease of site development.

Today we'll look at a very simple responsive layout element, such as two-column text. Having understood the meaning, you can make three and four columns, which, upon reaching a given minimum width, go down. Naturally, you can add pictures to the text, and absolutely any design elements.
Naturally, you can add not only text, but also any other content to columns or columns. This adaptive layout of blocks is also called floating. Because of which? Read on and you will understand everything.
The following two-column text examples stretch across the full width of the container. In my case, this is a sample content area in WordPress blogs.

Two-column text from the WordPress editor

I took the snippet from the example and simply installed it by copy-pasting through the built-in WordPress editor to publication, everything works great. Only the editor needs to be switched to HTML mode

Adaptive layout. Two column text without images

You can add a button to the editor

In order not to enter the text code in two columns manually each time, you can do it once, without using a plugin. It is very comfortable.

Well, let's take a closer look simple code adaptive layout of two columns.
Here I bring source HTML text in two columns:

Text, Text, Text,

Text, Text, Text,

div class="left-col" - left column with class.left-col

div class="right-col" - right column with class.right-col

div class="clearfix" - special block to cancel float . See below.

CSS code for adaptive text layout in two columns:

Left-col, /* left column */ .right-col/* right column */ ( width: 50%; /* width */ min-width: 180px; /* minimum narrowing width */ height: auto; /* height */ box-sizing: border-box; float: left; /* floating blocks */ ) .left-col( padding-right: 10px; /* right padding */ ) .right-col( padding-left: 10px ; /* left indentation */ )
/*Styles for small monitors*/ @media (max-width: 479px)( .left-col, /* left column */ .right-col/* right column */ ( width: 100%; /* width */ ) .right-col( padding-left: 0px; /* left padding */ ) ) /* clearfix resets float*/ .clearfix:after ( content: " "; display: block; clear: both; visibility: hidden; line -height: 0; height: 0; )

Left-col and .right-col the width is not fixed, but as a percentage - width: 50%; relative so that the columns are stretched relative to the width of the container.

But, when reaching 180px, each column is no longer reduced.
min-width: 180px; - set minimum size columns

Naturally, these sizes can be changed at your discretion. Three columns, so set width: 33.3333%; .

height: auto; - the height of adaptive columns, it automatically changes depending on the volume of content in the columns.

box-sizing: border-box; - it is advisable to register it for adaptive layout. A property in which all indents are padding, border frames etc., fit into the given container size. In our case, .left-col and .right-col .

float: left; - a property in which columns with text are lined up horizontally in turn. The number of columns depends on the previously specified relative sizes. We have width: 50%; - two columns.

@media (max-width: 479px) - the so-called breakpoint. This means that on monitors smaller than 479px, each column will stretch across the entire width of the monitor. The code states:

Left-col and .right-col (width: 100%;)


Using breakpoints you can easily control the size of elements for different monitors.

@media(max-width: 479px)( ) @media(max-width: 767px)( ) @media(max-width: 991px)( ) @media(max-width: 1199px)( ) @media(min-width : 480px)( ) @media(min-width: 768px)( ) @media(min-width: 992px)( ) @media(min-width: 1200px)( )

Difficult? Only at first glance. Download the source and change the parameters, look at the logic. Or just copy the source code and replace the text with your own.

Adaptive layout. Two-column text with pictures

Naturally, you can add any elements to adaptive columns. Let's look at an example of adding pictures to adaptive columns with text.

First, let's make the pictures themselves adaptive. To do this, assign them a class and set the width to 100%.
CSS styles for responsive images

/*Styles for responsive images*/ .img-responsive( display: block; max-width: 100%; /* width, dimensions in percentages*/ height: auto; margin: 20px 0px; /* top and bottom padding */ background: #fff; /* for beauty, fill color */ padding: 4px; /* for beauty, inner padding */ border: 1px solid #ddd; /* for beauty, frame in gray */ )

It is advisable to select pictures 500px wide, so that on small monitors they stretch across the entire width of the screen and look beautiful.
HTML markup for adaptive columns with images:



The Word text editor allows you to format text in the most different ways. Latest versions this program has become so overgrown various functions that now there is practically nothing that this one cannot do text editor. In this article we will talk about how to make text in two columns in Word.

The correct way to make text in two columns in Word

In order to make text in two columns in Word, you need to go to the tab Page layout and press the button Columns. After this, a drop-down menu will appear in which you can select the number of columns you want to place on this page.

The following options are available in this drop-down menu:

  • one– one column, regular format pages in Word
  • two– two identical columns, page with two columns
  • three– three identical columns, page with three columns
  • left– narrow additional column on the left side of the page
  • on right– a narrow additional column on the right side of the page

In addition, in the drop-down menu there is an item Other speakers. This item opens additional window, in which you can adjust the width of the columns and the space between them.

You can also set the size of the columns using the ruler located above the page.

Wrong way to make text in two columns in Word

Second way creating columns in Word can be considered incorrect, but it is often more convenient. For this method tables with invisible frames are used. Go to the tab Insert and using the button Table create a table with two columns.

After the table is created, place the cursor inside the table and go to the tab Working with tables – Designer. Here you need to change the line type that is used to draw the table boundaries. To do this, open the drop-down menu and select Without border.

This line is visible when editing a document, but is not displayed when printing it.

If you are using Word 2003, then in order to make text in two columns you need to open the menu Format - Columns. After this a window will appear Columns.

In this window you need to select the number of columns and click on the button OK. If necessary, you can adjust the width of the columns, the spaces between them, and other parameters.

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Good afternoon. In the new Word I found how to create two columns, but it’s not clear how to switch between them! That is, the first column, which is on the left, is active and you can print in it, insert a table, etc., but the second one is not clickable at all! Tell me how?

Hello. From Word's point of view, the second column is almost like the second page. You must fill the first column completely, after which the cursor will move to the second column (instead of moving to the next page, as it usually does). If you want to go to the second column without filling the first one with text, then just click on Enter key as many times as necessary to move to the second column.


I have a group of aspiring artists. In column #171my photos#187 there is an album with drawings of the participants. How can I move this album to the main page in the left or right column?

are my photos in Word? I don’t remember anything like that...

Good afternoon I have two contracts, in English. and accordingly the Russian language, it is necessary to put it together... in the first column Russian in the second English #8230 Tell me, now I need to copy and paste both and then separate them.

In Word, columns are filled with text one by one. First the first, then the second, etc. like in a newspaper. Until the first column is filled with text (or line breaks), you will not be able to fill the second.

Therefore, if the text is more than 2 pages, then it will probably be more convenient for you to use an invisible table to divide the text into two parts.

Hello! I need a table to have two columns in one column. Is this really possible? That is, one column was normal, and in the second the text was divided into two columns.

I don't see a problem. First, divide the second column using a line into two smaller columns (Designer tab #8212 Draw table button), and then make this line invisible (drop-down menu with line thickness on the Designer tab).

If the first page is divided into colonies, how can the next page be returned to normal?

You need to use section breaks (Tab #171Page Layout#187, button #171Breaks#187).

Insert a section break after the first page and then apply a two-column split to the first page. As a result, the first page will be divided into two columns, but the second will not. I specifically checked that this method works.

Thank you for your studies. I wrote a comment on Google about your practice and advice.

But I will have two columns, and the second column is much shorter than the first (this is how it should be), and it stubbornly aligns with the bottom edge of the first column. Of course, I will try to do it using a table, as you advised. I don’t know whether it will work or not: I know very little of the Internet, a little over 2 years, but this kind of STUDY helps me do something that many of my friends #8212 don’t know how to do: they have computer specialists at work who They will do EVERYTHING themselves. THANK YOU!

Hello, tell me how to switch back from 2 columns to normal mode, if all this is placed on one page?

On one page you can use either 1 column or 2. Mixing these options will not work.

If you really need to, you can split the page into 2 columns using invisible table. Then you can make regular text in 1 column below or above the table.

Please tell me why the text is moved to the second column before the first is filled?

Maybe the fields need to be adjusted. There are no other ideas.