How to make points in the content of an open office. Using cross references

Eyelash extensions are a popular procedure. However, cosmetologists advise wearing eyelash extensions for no more than three months. There are several ways to remove them yourself at home without causing harm to your own eyelashes.

How long do eyelash extensions last?

Eyelash extensions require special care. This alone determines how long the eyelashes will last. On average, they last 3-4 weeks, after which correction is required, during which old, broken hairs are removed and new ones are added. If the skin of the eyelids is oily, then correction may be required after 2 weeks, since fat softens the glue faster.

For reference: The pronunciation of the word as “naroshennye” or “extended” is outside the norms of the modern Russian language. The “extended” option is the only correct one.

Eyelash extensions require special care and correction

Removal methods at home

There are several ways in which you can remove eyelash extensions yourself. To carry out the procedure you will need the following tools and materials:

  • a means by which glue will be removed;
  • cotton pads;
  • brush or cotton swabs for applying the product;
  • tweezers for removing artificial eyelashes;
  • tonic for treating eyelid skin after the procedure.

Using a debonder + video “How to shoot yourself”

Debonder is a special product for dissolving the glue that is used to glue hairs. It contains acetone, so if it comes into contact with the eyes, it may cause discomfort in the form of tingling. Debonder has a liquid or gel composition. Gel debonder is easier to use because it does not smear.

Debonder - professional product for removing eyelash extensions

The procedure for removing eyelashes is as follows:

  1. Remove makeup, cleanse skin.
  2. Protect the skin of the eyelids from the action of the debonder. To do this, place half a cotton pad under your lower eyelashes.

    Halves of a cotton pad will protect the skin of the eyelids from solvent

  3. Using a brush or cotton swab, apply debonder liberally to the eyelash line and leave for 2-3 minutes.

    Debonder is applied along the eyelash line

  4. You need to remove it by gently pulling the extensions with tweezers or a cotton swab, moving it from the roots to the ends of the eyelashes.

    Artificial hairs are removed with tweezers after the glue has dissolved.

  5. After removing all artificial eyelashes, you must completely remove any remaining glue to avoid irritation of the eyelids. For this, a tonic is used, which is used to wipe the eyelids and especially the eyelash line.
  6. Use a special brush (you can use a clean brush from an old mascara) to comb the eyelashes to remove all particles of glue.

    Using a brush-brush, you can easily remove remaining glue from eyelashes.

  7. After the procedure, be sure to rinse your eyes with water.

Below is a video tutorial on how to do it.

Using the remover + video on working with the cream type

Remover is another eyelash remover that, in addition to solvent, contains special gentle and caring components to protect eyelashes. There are gel and cream removers. They differ only in consistency. The operating principle is similar to a debonder.

Is it possible to do a chemical facial peel at home yourself?

Remover contains caring and softening components

  1. We remove makeup.
  2. Place half a cotton pad on the lower eyelid and close your eyes.
  3. Apply the product to the upper lash line.
  4. Hold for 5–7 minutes.
  5. Gently move the cotton swab along the eyelashes towards the ends. As the glue dissolves, the artificial hairs will begin to fall off.
  6. We comb the eyelashes with a brush to remove any remaining glue.
  7. We wash our eyes with water.

Below you can see the removal option using a cream remover.

Use of oils: olive or sunflower

To remove artificial eyelashes, you can use vegetable or olive oil. This procedure will take much more time, since it is recommended to be carried out in the evening. Overnight the oil will completely dissolve the glue.

The oil gradually softens the glue that attaches the eyelashes

How to use:

Castor and burdock oils are also used to remove eyelash extensions, which have a beneficial effect on damaged hairs and enhance eyelash growth. To do this you need:

  1. Cut a cotton pad into two parts, moisten it with warm oil and place it under the lower eyelashes.
  2. Close your eyes and generously lubricate your eyelashes with oil using a cotton swab.
  3. The oil should be kept for 20–30 minutes.
  4. Then gently massage the base of the eyelashes and carefully remove loose hairs with tweezers.
  5. If it is not possible to remove all the eyelashes, apply the oil overnight. In the morning, the hairs will gently and painlessly separate from the eyelid.

How to remove at home using a rich cream without harming eyelashes

For this procedure, use baby or any other cream. The main thing is that it does not cause irritation.

Fat baby cream can be used to remove eyelash extensions

How to proceed:

  1. It is necessary to remove makeup first;
  2. The cream is applied to the eyelash line for 5 minutes;
  3. Using a cotton swab, we move the artificial hairs, moving from the base to the ends of the eyelashes;
  4. If not all hairs have separated, you can apply the cream again and increase the duration of action.

Safety precautions: what is possible and what is not

To avoid harming yourself and your eyelashes, you must follow these rules:

  • Do not pull out hair extensions in bunches without using special removal products, as there is a possibility of damaging the eyelashes;

To remove eyelash extensions, you must first by special means dissolve the glue

  • Do not wash off the glue with soap. This can cause inflammation of the eye;
  • It is contraindicated to remove eyelashes during illness or eye infections;
  • Do not use a needle or other sharp objects for removal. You won't be able to pick out a glued bunch of eyelashes, but it's very easy to injure your eyelid.
  • Do not use hot steam to dissolve the glue. You can get burns on your face, on which eyelash extensions will look more than strange.

We restore natural properties with castor oil and masks

After the eyelash extensions have been removed, Special attention should be given to your natural and eyelid skin. Eyelash loss and thinning are consequences of eyelash extensions.

Chamomile decoction relieves redness

To do this you need:

It should be noted that all of the listed methods for removing eyelashes only work if high-quality glue is used. Otherwise, you should contact a salon where special products will be used. It takes about a month to restore eyelashes and eyelid skin, so it is recommended to do the next extension no earlier than a month later.

You were given eyelash extensions at a beauty salon and warned that three weeks later You will need to order one of the procedures: eyelash extension, or eyelash removal.

If you decide to return your eyelashes natural look, then choose the procedure for removing eyelash extensions. You can order the service in beauty salons from professional artists or do it yourself at home.

During the procedure, the master will apply a special solution (remover) to your eyelashes, and then will carefully remove artificial eyelashes.

average price for the procedure of removing eyelash extensions – from 500 to 1000 rubles. The price for removing eyelash extensions in a beauty salon depends not only on the type of service, but also on the level of the salon, the qualifications and professionalism of the technicians, the complexity of the procedure, and the client’s wishes. Some artists provide this service free of charge even if they did eyelash extensions for you.

The procedure performed by professionals will give row benefits:

  • safe removal of eyelashes using professional means;
  • quality service in a short time.

How to remove eyelash extensions at home

Eyelash extensions must be removed in a timely manner, because aesthetically, after the expiration date, they fall out and do not look attractive, and also, after accidental contact, they can injure the mucous membrane of the eye. The eyelash removal procedure is quite simple, so you can do it yourself at home.

You need to remove eyelashes carefully using softening and moisturizing agents, namely: remover (debonder), oils (castor, burdock, sunflower, etc.), emollients. All of these methods are painless, safe and reliable to use.

Removal with remover

The easiest way to remove eyelash extensions is using a special solution - remover (debonder). Debonder the most effective drug for removing eyelash extensions at home, which can be purchased in any online store or beauty salon at an affordable price from 300 rubles. Remover is a harmless product that can be used by women during pregnancy and lactation.

To remove eyelashes with a remover at home you need:

  • make a notch in the cotton pads in the shape of the eyelids;
  • Place the prepared pads on your eyelids and apply for a few seconds remover;
  • remove loose eyelashes with cotton swabs;
  • Rinse eyes with water and apply care product to eyelashes.

It is advisable to use safe and quality products for removing eyelashes that will not cause allergic reactions and eye irritation. Most of our products are based on natural ingredients that gently dissolve glue and do not contain aggressive components.

Advice! After removing eyelash extensions, it is not recommended to use cosmetics for several days.

Removing eyelashes with oil

In addition to using cosmetic products, you can remove eyelashes using improvised means. The easiest way is to apply (coconut, vegetable) oil to the eyelashes.

To remove eyelashes, needed for the night Apply oil to eyelashes and eyelids, covering them with cotton pads.

Before the morning, the eyelashes will separate on their own and you can carefully remove them with cotton swabs. During the procedure forbidden pull out eyelashes yourself.

When carried out correctly procedures with oils, your eyelashes will remain safe and sound, strengthened, and nourished with useful substances.

Eyelash removal will be effective mixed solutions various types oils, taken in equal parts, which are preheated in a water bath.

Removing eyelashes with softening creams

Alternative option Removing eyelash extensions is to use a rich cream. The application process is similar to the previous method: cream is applied along the contour of the eyelids and left for 2-3 minutes. If during this time the cilia do not separate on their own, then it is necessary to increase the exposure time.

To remove eyelashes, you can use a face cream that does not cause an allergic reaction; children's hypoallergenic cream that prevents irritation and burning of the eyes. After removing artificial eyelashes, you should thoroughly care for natural eyelashes with strengthening and nourishing products.

Withdrawal with drugs

If none of the described methods suits you, then, to remove eyelashes, you can use a drug such as Albucid.

The drug Albucid is used to treat various eye diseases (conjunctivitis, etc.) and will help quickly you to remove your eyelash extensions.

To do this, just apply the substance to the eyelashes in several layers and leave for 30 min, and then remove the remaining artificial eyelashes with sterile tweezers. A slight tingling or burning sensation may be felt during the procedure.

Before starting the procedure You must first apply a small amount of a substance (remover, cream, oil) to your wrist or elbow to make sure there is no allergic reaction.

Attention! You should not carry out the procedure for removing eyelash extensions at the slightest inflammation (redness) of the eyes; during critical days (or a few days before them).

Thanks to the extension procedure, your eyes can turn from expressionless to charming in a short time. Lush and thick eyelashes certainly adorn the fair half of humanity. But sooner or later the time comes to remove the false eyelashes. Let's talk about how to do it yourself.

Removing eyelashes with a special product

If you often apply eyelash extensions, then you need to purchase a special product for removing them. This is the case if you cannot get to the master. Gel, cream or liquid products allow you to remove artificial eyelashes most quickly and painlessly. You need to remove eyelashes with a special product like this:

  1. Take a cotton pad, fold it in half and make an arched cut under the eyelid.
  2. Now attach tape to this disk and stick the disk under the lower eyelid.
  3. Close your eye and apply the product along the eyelash growth with a cotton swab.
  4. Wait a while, then apply another layer.
  5. The glue will soften in this way, and you can gradually remove the artificial eyelashes with a cotton swab or brush.
  6. Remove them gradually and do not rush.
  7. When all eyelashes have been successfully removed, rinse the eye and move on to the next one.
  8. After removing eyelashes, wash your face so that the product does not get into your eyes.

This method is the most convenient and reliable, since the special composition gently and fairly quickly softens the glue.

Removing eyelashes with vegetable oil

Olive, burdock, sunflower, and castor oils are suitable. It should be said that this method may not always lead to quick results. And sometimes it doesn’t bring success at all, because the glue may simply not dissolve. The procedure for removing eyelashes with oil lasts much longer than removing them with a special product:

  • Soak a cotton pad with oil and place it on your eyelashes.
  • Wait until the glue begins to soften.
  • Use tweezers to separate eyelashes and remove them carefully.

Be careful not to get it in your eyes or damage your eyelashes.

Removing eyelashes with rich cream

Any cream is an analogue of vegetable oil. The main thing is that it is fat. Proceed this way:

  1. Apply a thick layer of cream to the eyelashes, first placing the disc under the lower eyelid.
  2. Then wait a little and allow the cream to absorb into the glue.
  3. Use tweezers to carefully separate the artificial eyelashes from your own.
  4. Wash thoroughly.

When removed with cream or oil, the bunched eyelashes will be easier to remove. Removing single eyelashes is much more difficult and takes much longer.

It is recommended to remove eyelashes at home only in cases where going to the salon is not possible. If you have never removed artificial eyelashes before, doing it yourself will not be easy. Therefore, think again before adding extensions whether you can use the services of a specialist to remove such jewelry, because removal is inevitable. Also, after extensions and removal, you should pay attention to your own eyelashes. As a rule, their condition after such a procedure is very deplorable. Make sure you have caring products to restore them faster.

Removing false eyelashes yourself is not easy. If you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to entrust this task to a master. If you decide to remove eyelashes yourself, watch the video and find out how the masters do it.

How it is forbidden to remove eyelashes

Eyelash extensions are not exactly a home procedure, so it is very important to know the rules and nuances of how to properly not only care for them, but also remove them, and even more so if it is not possible to get to a professional technician.

Prohibited techniques for removing eyelashes:

  1. Do not pull out artificial hairs - this is a sure way to be left without your natural ones.
  2. Do not use sharp objects - this will still not help remove eyelash extensions, but it is quite possible to damage the eye or eyelid.
  3. Hot steam or the steaming method is also a bad option in this matter. Special glue is not susceptible to such effects, but the skin of the face and eyes may be damaged.

This is best done by a professional, but for other situations or eyelash removal at home, read on.

Eyelash removers

There are several types of products for removing hair extensions:

  1. Debonder- a special liquid device for removing the glue on which eyelashes are attached. With its help, you can quickly and effortlessly remove artificial hairs yourself. But debonder also has negative aspects, because of which it is used less and less in beauty salons, replacing it with alternative means. It has a strong, unpleasant odor, and the fumes can irritate the membranes of the eyes and cause a burning sensation in the eyelid.
  2. Gel remover- similar to a debonder, with the same disadvantages, only due to its thickness, it simplifies the procedure for removing eyelashes and does not get into the eyes
  3. Remover cream- for today one of the best means for removing artificial hairs. It has no pungent odor and does not evaporate, making the procedure comfortable and safe.
  4. Oils- a universal product for removing eyelash extensions. Olive, flax, peach, and grape seed oils are best suited. Their natural ingredients not only remove what you want, but also care for natural hairs.
  5. Crema- one of the popular means for removing eyelashes. It is advisable to use fatty creams, but it is better to use special ones for the eyelids, because the former can cause irritation and redness of the mucous membrane.

Technique for removing eyelash extensions

To remove eyelash extensions, first prepare necessary materials and tools. Next, follow the instructions.

Step-by-step description of removing artificial hairs from eyelashes:

  1. Cut the cotton pad into two even parts. In one of them, make a semicircular cutout in the shape of the eyelid.
  2. Next, attach the cotton pad with a cutout to the lower eyelid using a piece of tape.
  3. Conditionally separate artificial and natural hairs by lifting the upper eyelid.
  4. Using a cotton swab, apply the selected product, leaving it on required time. The eye must be closed.
  5. After exposure to the liquid, remove artificial eyelashes, which should peel off on their own. Those that have not been removed should under no circumstances be pulled out with tweezers, but the removal procedure should be repeated.
  6. Next, wash your face with warm water. Gently blot your eyes with a towel.

By following these tips, your eyelashes will remain safe and sound.

Required Tools

To remove artificial eyelashes you need a small list of materials:

  1. Removal products (debonder, gel or liquid remover, cream, oil of your choice).
  2. Cotton swabs and disks.
  3. Mirror.
  4. Scissors and tape.

Almost every one of them is in any cosmetic bag.

Consequences and restoration of eyelashes

Eyelash extensions are beautiful, but they require no less care. And after removal, you need to take care of your natural ones, so that if you decide to do this procedure again, you have something to glue the artificial ones on. Before applying extensions, it is recommended to check whether you are allergic to products or glue. This is very important, because red eyes do not look very attractive.

After the procedure, the master must advise you on how to properly care for your hair extensions and what rules must be followed so that they last longer. Often ignoring the instructions of a professional and removing them themselves at home, many women remove their own eyelashes.

If you plan to do extensions constantly, then you need to take a break between procedures, strengthening your eyelashes with special products in salons or at home.

The best products for eyelash growth.

Some tips on how to restore natural eyelashes:

  1. Natural products such as butter, sour cream, eggs, tomatoes and carrots, when consumed orally, will fill your body with vitamins and help accelerate the growth of eyelashes.
  2. The above-mentioned oils of burdock, peach, grape seed, olive, flax, and also - this great way recovery. Only they are already applied directly to the eyelashes using a cotton swab.
  3. Nettle decoction also works according to this system. A tablespoon of herb is poured with boiling water, infused for about twenty minutes, cooled and applied with the same cotton swab.
  4. Also, vitamins A and B in any form will perfectly help for the active growth of your eyelashes.

OpenOffice. org Writer for students

Publication date: 01/09/2007 15:48

This manual is not intended for those who have not previously used similar software products, as well as for those who use multifunctional text editors as a modern version of a typewriter, in which you can also change the font :-) This manual will be more valuable to those who need to write essays, term papers, diplomas, dissertations and other documents similar in structure, and who already have some experience in solving such tasks, in particular, familiarity with the concept of style is highly desirable. As for typewriter connoisseurs, i.e. For real office users, they need to pay attention to document templates.

When writing of this document the package 1.0.2 for Win32 was used (with Russification from ALT Linux Team), the manual itself was typed in Mozilla 1.6 Composer. I also note that this document is not documentation, but only a brief overview the program features that are most in demand by me, and, I hope, by many others OpenOffice Writer. It’s absolutely too lazy to describe in detail, and there’s no need - the main thing is to give direction, I spent time on this, I hope you’ll save it. If it’s completely unclear what I was raving about, write letters.

Formulation of the problem

Let's imagine a situation - we need to create a document (let coursework) in accordance with the following requirements:

1. Structure: title page, contents, three chapters with subchapters, conclusion, bibliography and appendix. Contains figures and tables. 2. The title page is not numbered. Pages, certain headings, tables and figures should be numbered automatically, and the table of contents should be formed similarly.


I won’t go into detail about the interface, it’s not small, you’ll figure it out. I will only say about two things: the navigator and the stylist. When working with a large document, moving from one part to another becomes quite a tedious task; to facilitate this process, a Navigator was created in the OpenOffice package:

Just enter the page number or double-click on the title, the name of the picture, and you magically find yourself in the right place. To hide the navigator when you don't need it, just double-click on its title, and only that (the title) will remain. So that nothing remains at all, press F5, and in order to return everything back, we do the same. The situation is similar with “Stylist” (F11). These two windows greatly speed up working with styles and navigation. Preparing the pages

We need the title page not to be numbered, and its margins should be symmetrical, but the remaining pages should be numbered, and the left margin (3 cm) should be larger than the right one (2 cm). In OpenOffice Writer, there is a concept of page style, which includes margins, headers and footers, etc. So, let's open new document and, without entering anything, click the “Page Styles” button in the Stylist and doubleclick on the “First Page” style, then select the “Insert” - “Break” menu item in the “Page Break” window that appears with the “Standard” template:

That's it, now our first page has one style, and the rest have another. These styles are configured by right-clicking on its name in the stylist.

Setting up styles

By default, the entered text is designed in the "Standard" style, this style is the initial one for most styles (i.e., other styles are its descendants), and it should not be changed, with the exception of the font size, in our case this style will be applied only to title page, for the text you need to use the "Body Text" style, where all the settings are made: alignment, paragraph indentation etc. There are “Heading 1-10” styles for section and subsection headings; they are descendants of the “Heading” style, so it is better to make changes needed for all headings in it. Heading styles are used by the Writer editor when creating a table of contents and numbering headings, but we do not need to number all headings - the introduction, conclusion and appendix do not need to be numbered. To exclude these headings from numbering, we will create special styles for them. Select the “Heading 1” style in the Stylist and click right click, and in the menu that appears, select Create. enter the name “Heading 1 not numbered”, the next one “Body text”, thus creating the required number of non-numbered heading styles.

Heading numbering

To automatically number headings, go to "Tools" - "Chapter Numbering", in the "Level" field, select 1-10, to configure all styles, in the "Number" field, select the type of numbering. In the “all levels” field, enter 10 so that the subsection number includes the section number. It is more convenient to make the “Separator after” a space. After these simple manipulations, when selecting text with the “Heading X” style, it will be automatically numbered.


Inserting page numbers consists of two steps: inserting headers and footers and inserting the Page Number field. Place the cursor on any non-first page that has the “Standard” style (page style, not text) and select “Insert” - “Header” - “Standard” (footer is also possible), a header appears at the top of the page, the cursor is in it, Click "Insert" - "Field" - "Page Number" and get the numbering of all pages except the title page. This is what everyone dreamed of; To align the number to the right, set the appropriate style.

Filling: text, pictures, tables

Now is the time to enter the text into our coursework. We enter sections and subsections, highlighting their headings with the appropriate styles ("Heading 1, 2, ..."), the text of the sections itself with the "Body text" style. We insert pictures and tables, if you right-click on them, then in the menu that appears you can find the “Signature” item, which makes it possible to sign the object with automatic numbering, i.e. you only have to enter the signature itself, and the system will add the word “Table 2” itself. According to any malicious standards, these same objects (tables, figures) should have links like: “Scheme of inverted diode bridge is shown in Figure 7 :-)". So, instead of the number “seven” in the text, we must insert a field into which the desired number. This is done like this: “Insert-Field-Advanced”, tab “Links”, select the field type “Figure”, “Selection” - “Figure 7”, “Format” - “Number”. The situation with formulas is more complicated; they need to be numbered on the right; the developers did not provide a normal mechanism. So far all I have been able to do for formulas is create a variable in the document and insert a field where it is automatically incremented. In links, if you know exactly where they are: before or after the formula, you can use the same variable. However, a normal mechanism for numbering formulas was subsequently discovered - autotext. We type FN and press F3, we get a formula with a number written in the table, we edit the formula, and now the dream has come true.

We generate an automatic table of contents

"Insert" - "Indicators" - "Indicators". In the title we write, for example, “Contents”, and in the type we select “Table of Contents”. Since we have section headings highlighted with the "Heading X is not numbered" styles, we need to adjust the index so that they end up in the table of contents. Check the box "Additional styles" and click the button next to it, move the desired styles to the appropriate position ("Heading 1 not numbered" in column 1, etc.) and click the OK button everywhere.

When automatically generating a bibliography, the same trick must be done with the “Bibliography: title” style.

Automatic bibliography

To automatically generate a bibliography, you need to insert sources into the text "Insert" - "Indices" - "Bibliography element", I usually select "From document contents", then do "Create" and enter the necessary data. Then “OK”, “Paste”. Now in the right place "Insert" - "Indices" - "Indices" type "Bibliography". By default, books in the list are poorly displayed, so they need to be configured - see the "Elements" tab.

Minor advantages and disadvantages of OpenOffice and MS Word

Disadvantages of OpenOffice: starts slowly, links to tables break, etc. When inserting new ones between existing ones (possibly a problem in Russification), replacing paragraph characters (\n) does not work. Advantages: quickly counts pages, unlike MS Word, opens the document at the place where the last changes were made, page styles are convenient and logical.


My opinion is that the OpenOffice package is worth attention, for me MS Office is already overboard, I just don’t use it. Of course, everyone is used to Word and switching to Writer requires effort, but respect for the ideology of open software gave me a boost of enthusiasm, and this is the result. By the way, spell checking for the Russian language works, but not right away; first you need to check a few boxes in the settings. And don't forget: Writer is part of the package, there's plenty more useful programs in OpenOffice (Draw, Calc etc.) and outside it (Gimp, Mozilla etc.)