How to make your own server? How to make a server in Minecraft? Download the server core of your choice. Description of available commands

All Minecraft players have thought about: - “How to create a Minecraft server?” , "How to open ports on a computer?", "How to start a minecraft server?" Everyone wants to feel the power of the administration over the server players, or simply finding a suitable server to play with friends is not so easy. Since not every player can afford to rent expensive hosting for a minecraft server. we will look at options for running a server on a computer. We will discuss these and a few more questions in part in this article.

Features of kernels for minecraft

To run the server, the developers created server cores. They are our main part of the server, which determine the version of the server.
We have created where the most common versions of cores for the minecraft server are located with download links from the site and a description of each core and its features. You can choose the right kernel for you.
We will consider from the most simple kernels for the minecraft server to the most difficult.

Description of the core for the Minecraft server


Vanilla Core- this is the very first kernel that is released after the version of the game itself is published, then assemblies of other kernels are created on its basis. You cannot install mods or plugins for Minecraft on the Vanilla core. It can be downloaded from the official website


CraftBukkit - aims to make it easier for developers to create plugins, since CraftBukkit can support plugins that are written only for this core.


Spigot core created on the basis of the CraftBukkit core and is designed to replace the “big brother” with stability and performance as it allocates even less random access memory. In addition, all plugins written for CraftBukkit will also work on Spigot, but Spigot also has its own plugins that are not available to CraftBukkit.


PaperSpigot core is a third-party improvement to the Spigot core that requires even less RAM and is perfect for installing plugins on it. All plugins designed for Spigot will install perfectly on PaperSpigot.

MCPC plus

MCPC plus core is a server modification which, unlike its older brother (MCPC) which was created on the basis of Bukkit, MCPC plus is written from scratch, and allows you to install mods and plugins on the minecraft server without any porting.


Cauldron Core is a server modification based on MCPC plus which is created for installing both mods and plugins on the server. Minecraft is already built into it, and installing mods with this core will not be difficult. This kernel was developed by combining the efforts of the Swedish developers of server server kernels Spigot, Cauldron and Bukkit.

Choosing a kernel for creating a server

This is one of the most important issues when creating a server. First, you must select the version of your server, then will this server have mods, or will it only have plugins.

For a server with only plugins, server cores such as PaperSpigot, Spigot, CraftBukkit, and of course Vanila are excellent.

For a server with mods, you can use the Cauldron and MCPC plus kernels.

You can find all server cores

1) Create a folder future server and go to it.
2) Download your chosen server core
3) In the same folder, create a text document and call it starter.bat(you can name the file whatever you want, the main thing is that it has an extension .bat)
4) Click right click mouse over the file and click "Change". It is better to use an editor to edit server files

5) Write the value in the file -

@ECHO OFF SET BINDIR=%~dp0 CD /D "%BINDIR%" java -Xincgc -Xmx1G -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -jar paperspigot-1.11.2.jar

where paperspigot-1.11.2.jar is the name of your kernel.. Save the file

6) Launch our created file double click left mouse button.

The server console should appear, and after a while it should close so that you can agree to the rules EULA.

7) Several folders have appeared in the folder with our server, we now need a file called eula.txt. Open it and change the value false on true. Then save the document and close.

8) We launch ours again starter.bat. The console should appear and the server should boot completely.
We write in English letters in the console stop And press Enter thereby stopping the server.

After which the server will save all files and the console will close.

Approximately the same folders and files will appear in the server folder as in the screenshot below.

9) Now in the folder with the server, open our main server settings file -, and immediately change the value online-mode=true on online-mode=false, thus we will be able to access the server from pirated versions of Minecraft. Save the file.

generator-settings- sets the template for generating a superflat world;

allow-nether- determines the possibility of transition to the Lower World. By default, this setting is set to true. If set to false, then all players from the Nether will be moved to the normal one;

level-name- the name of the folder with map files that will be used during the game. The folder is located in the same directory where the server files are located. If there is no such directory, the server automatically creates new world and places it in a directory with the same name;

enable-query- at set value true enables the GameSpy4 protocol to listen to the server;

allow-flight- allows flights on Minecraft world. The default value is false (flights are prohibited);

server-port- indicates the port that will be used by the game server. Standard port for Minecraft - 25565. It is not recommended to change the value of this parameter;

level-type- determines the type of world (DEFAUT/FLAT/LARGEBIOMES);

enable-rcon- opens remote access to the server console. By default it is disabled (false);

level-seed- input data for the level generator. To be able to create random worlds, this field must be left blank;

force-gamemode- sets the standard game mode for players connecting to the server;

server-ip- indicates the IP address that will be used by players to connect to the server;

max-build-height- indicates maximum height buildings on the server. Its value must be a multiple of 16 (64, 96, 256, etc.);

spawn-npcs- allows (if set to true) or prohibits (if set to false) the appearance of NPCs in villages;

white-list- enables and disables the use of a white list of players on the server. If set to true, the administrator will be able to create White list, adding player nicknames to it manually. If the value is false, then any user who knows its IP address and port can access the server;

spawn-animals- allows automatic spawning of friendly mobs if set to true);

snooper-enabled- allows the server to send statistics and data to developers;

hardcore- enables Hardcore mode on the server;

texture-pac- texture file that will be used when the player connects to the server. The value of this parameter is the name of the zip archive with textures, which is stored in the same directory as the server;

online-mode- includes verification of premium accounts of users connecting to the server. If this parameter is set to true, only premium account holders will be able to access the server. If account verification is disabled (set to false), then any users can access the server (including, for example, players who have faked their nickname), which creates additional security risks. When checking is disabled, you can play Minecraft over a local network, without access to the Internet;

pvp - allows or denies players to fight with each other. If this parameter is true, then players can destroy each other. If set to false, players cannot deal direct damage to each other;

difficulty- sets the difficulty level of the game. Can take values ​​from 0 (easiest) to 3 (most difficult);

gamemode- indicates which game mode will be set for players entering the server. Can take the following values: 0 - Survival, 1-Creative, 2-Adventure;

player-idle-timeout- inactivity time (in minutes), after which players are automatically disconnected from the server;

max-players- maximum allowed number of players on the server (from 0 to 999);

spawn-monsters- allows (if set to true) the generation of hostile mobs;

generate-structures- enables (true)/disables (false) the generation of structures (treasuries, fortresses, villages);

view-distance- regulates the radius of updated chunks to be sent to the player; can take values ​​from 3 to 15.

10) Start the server again by running starter.bat.

After the server is fully loaded, you will be able to log into the server. Using an IP address or localhost. This local addresses your computer, and at this address you will be able to connect to the server that is running only from your computer.

To make the most of your server, you need to give your nickname an OP. The easiest way to do this is to write in the running server console
op VashNick Everything in the console is written in Latin (English) letters.
For example, my nickname in the game SyRauk
So in order to register the op I need to register in the console
op SyRauk You need to write without "/" (slash)

After entering the command, press ENTER

The case does not matter. (You can write with either a small or a capital letter)

Article extracted from site article

Minecraft Admin Commands

/clear [object number] [additional data]- Clears the specified player's inventory of all items or specific IDs.

/debug- Starts debug mode or stops it.

/defaultgamemode- Allows you to change the default mode for new players on the server.

/difficulty- Changes the difficulty of the game, 0 - peaceful, 1 - easy, 2 - normal, 3 - difficult.

/enchant [level]- Enchant an item in your hands to the level specified in the command.

/gamemode [target]- Changes the game mode for the specified player. Survival (survival, s or 0), Creativity (creative, c or 1), Adventure (adventure, a or 2). For the command to work, the player must be online.

/gamerule [value]- Allows you to change several basic rules. The value must be true or false.


doFireTick- if false, stops the spread of fire.
doMobLoot- if false, mobs do not drop drops.
doMobSpawning- when false, prohibits mob spawning.
doTileDrops- if false, objects do not fall out of destructible blocks.
keepInventory- if true, after death the player does not lose the contents of his inventory.
mobGriefing- if false, mobs cannot destroy blocks (creeper explosions do not spoil the landscape).
commandBlockOutput- if false, the command block does not output anything to the chat when executing commands.

/give [amount] [ Additional Information] - Gives the player an item specified by block ID.

/help [page | team] ? [page | team]- Displays a list of all available console commands.

/publish- Provides access to the world via a local network.

/say- Shows a message in pink to all players.

/spawnpoint [target] [x] [y] [z]- Allows you to set the spawn point for the player at the specified coordinates. If coordinates were not specified, the spawn point will be your current position.

/time set- Allows you to change the time of day. Time can be specified in numerical value, where 0 is dawn, 6000 is noon, 12000 is sunset and 18000 is midnight.

/time add- Adds the specified amount of time to the current one.

/toggledownfall - Allows you to enable or disable precipitation.

/tp , /tp- Makes it possible to teleport a player specified by name to another or to the entered coordinates.

/weather- Allows you to change the weather to certain time, specified in seconds.

/xp- Gives a specific player the specified amount of experience, from 0 to 5000. If you enter L after the number, the specified number of levels will be added. In addition, levels can be lowered, for example -10L will reduce the player's level by 10.

/ban [reason]- Allows you to block a player’s access to the server by nickname.

/ban-ip- Allows you to block a player’s access to the server by IP address.

/pardon- Allows you to unblock the specified player from accessing the server.

/pardon-ip- Removes the specified IP address from the blacklist.

/banlist- Allows you to see a list of all players blocked on the server.

/op- Gives the specified player operator privileges.

/deop- Takes away operator privileges from the player.

/kick [reason]- Kicks the specified player from the server.

/list- Displays a list of all players online.

/save-all- Forcefully saves all changes to the server.

/save-on- Allows the server to make automatic saves.

/save-off- Prevents the server from performing automatic saving.

/stop- Shuts down the server.

/whitelist list- Displays a list of players in the whitelist.

/whitelist- Adds or removes a player to the whitelist.

/whitelist- Enables or disables the use of a whitelist on the server.

/whitelist reload- Reloads the whitelist, that is, updates it in accordance with the white-list.txt file (can be used when white-list.txt is modified manually).

Even more commands for the minecraft server have been written

How to open ports for a minecraft server

If you have ever used Skype or torrent or creating game server on your computer, then you encountered the problem of opening ports on the router and setting up a firewall or firewall. If in the case of programs like Skype or for example uTorrent it is much simpler, since they themselves configure and open ports in automatic mode using UPNP (Universal Plug And Play) technology - Universal automatic setting network devices., and add themselves to the firewall exclusion list themselves, then setting up a game or web server requires the user to do all this manually.

Before moving directly to practice, let's define the terminology:

Port- application address to local computer. It is tied to the IP address of your computer and it looks something like this: . IN in this case this is the IP address, and what remains after the colon is the port, that is 80 . Ports are needed in order to determine for which program the information received from the network was intended. There are 65,536 ports in total, which is two to the sixteenth power. Some of them are reserved. For example, port 80 is used by servers to work with HTTP and port 444 is used to work with HTTPS. If you need to create your own own web server, then you will need to open both of these ports for incoming and outgoing connections. By the way, ports are used by two protocols, TCP and UDP, and the difference between them is that TCP allows you to create a connection in which all data is checked and reaches the recipient guaranteed, without errors. And UPD transmits data without integrity checks and does not guarantee delivery, which is not entirely good. But due to unreliability UDP protocol the load on the server is reduced, so it is very often used in online games, where a lot of players play at the same time, and for transmission streaming video For example Skype program. Sometimes ports are used by viruses to remote connection and transferring user data to attacker servers, for this there are programs for filtering ports, they can be called differently Firewall, firewall, firewall, and so on. But they have the same goal - to prevent viruses from working normally, and vice versa - to do everything possible to regular programs worked correctly. For example, if your computer is connected to the Internet through a router, and this router has a firewall, and you have a firewall installed on your computer and the rules of these firewalls It is forbidden to accept and receive traffic, for example, on port 5000, then until you configure both of these filters, your program that uses this port will not work correctly.
I hope now you understand more or less what a port is and what a firewall is used for. And now you can move on to the most interesting and useful thing, the settings.

Video instruction.

Information for this article was taken from the news site

Now many fans are very interested in setting up a Minecraft server, because not everyone manages to do it the first time. This is where it is given detailed instructions and most important issues, which arise in most cases from inept programmers.

Before that, you should know the types of “packages”. There are several of them: original (clean) and with a set of certain mods. Having dealt with standard version server of a popular game, it will be much easier to understand the essence of other varieties.

Brief introduction

For every creator of such a server, the most important thing will be attendance. Therefore, first of all, you need to know how to create a live and fairly visited server without extra costs. In fact, setting up a Minecraft server is carried out in three simple steps:

The first item on this list can be accomplished in just half an hour, the second may require full development all day, but the third one needs an indefinite amount of time.

Each gamer can simply create a server to play there with his friends. But it will be much more interesting to develop it in order to glorify it among the majority of players. Promotion will require a lot of time and effort, although this will have nothing to do with the game. To do this, you will need to create a separate website, promote your own advertising on third party resources and so on.

Download all necessary programs

The first step is to ensure correct operation servers, which will definitely come in handy java package on the computer. It must be installed first by downloading it from the official website. If the package is already available on your personal computer, then the game client will launch instantly. In this case additional installation various programs will no longer be needed.

Next, you need to visit the game developer’s download page and download the server part itself. Many versions are located in the MultiplayerServer section, where each player has an excellent opportunity to choose the most suitable one for himself. The file must be saved in specific folder, which in the future will become the basis for a new “package”.

Like Minecraft without much effort, we now understand, but the next steps will not be so simple.

Creation and configuration

In this section, setting up the Minecraft server will be a little more complicated, but overall there will not be any particular difficulties. After downloading the server part to a personal computer, it must be launched. First, you need to wait for the generation to complete, and at this time there will already be several new files and folders in the database. All the main settings can be found in a file called It's best to download it to text document, then all symbols will open without problems.

Creating a Minecraft server without registration is quite easy, since the developers took care of the convenience of users and removed all additional items that take up some time (messages on mobile phone for confirmation, email, etc.).

It would seem that all the basic settings have been completed, and you can already start enjoying your favorite game. But still for complete safety and reliability, it’s worth performing a few more settings:

  • You don’t have to touch the server-ip field, since immediately after the game starts, all the necessary parameters will be entered automatically.
  • The gamemode field will need to be filled in with the name game mode. All players who join the server will be automatically directed to it.
  • When you enable the white-list, you must add yourself to the white list or make yourself an operator.

If you change any of the parameters, the server must be restarted in any case so that the program begins to function normally and does not cause glitches, lags, and so on. Better yet, customize Extra options while the server is in a completely offline state.

Connecting to the server

It should be noted that not only users of the same local network can play on the same server, but also other gamers from the Internet. Most often, a server is created on the computer where the game itself will be played. In this case, you must enter the connection address: or simply localhost. This Minecraft server IP will, of course, be used by the network interface. Its advantage is its availability even when away network card on a computer device.

Now Minecraft servers with a launcher are becoming more and more popular. Note that in them all these settings items will be exactly the same. All difficulties that arise lead to the need to check the antivirus and, just in case, the firewall. You may have to add the server with the port to the exceptions, but such problems are very rare, and professionals can find many solutions for them.

Setting up via local network

Now playing on the Minecraft server will be very interesting and even educational for all players. It will be much easier to set it up here. Any beginner in this business will love this option. Among other things, the local network guarantees a normal connection to the service and a significantly lower number of errors.

Players have the opportunity to open the world from the game in single player mode for the local network. This is done quite simply and quickly: you need to load the world itself, press pause and select an item in the menu called “Open the world for the local network”. But you should definitely take into account that the server owner in this situation is significantly limited in management capabilities.

Of course, Minecraft servers with a launcher also belong to the local network, and problems with them are extremely rare.


As you know, in order for other players to connect to a specific server, they personal computers must be located in the same local network together with the base server, that is, with the owner’s computer.

There is a special line for the address where you need to enter the data of the computer with the main server.

Setting up a game using the Internet

When using the Internet, setting up a Minecraft server is much easier and faster. The static address does not contain any problems, so you can safely work with it. You can find it through special services, of which there are now a large number on the Internet.

To connect other players to to the required server You must enter this address and then click the "Connect" button. Some problems can sometimes arise with this point, but here a program called Hamachi will come to the rescue. It allows a computer to assign an external static address. Knowing it, all players who want to connect will be able to carry out this action in a matter of seconds. In addition to this program, you can find some more similar ones that will function on exactly the same principle.

So you can create good server, which will gather quite a lot of active players in the future. On free servers Modern gamers visit Minecraft quite often, so their number is rapidly increasing.


The administration process is easy. At this time, the player will have to manage and ensure correct operation without unnecessary crashes. Command line and become good helpers in this case.

The server GUI windows contain interesting elements:

  • Information window shows necessary information on the use of RAM. There is a dynamic graph on which everything is clearly expressed.
  • The list of players shows all the nicknames of people who connected and started playing on this server.

And most important part these windows are command line. She always helps in any matter related to computers, so this couldn’t be done without her. With its help, the administrator is given the opportunity to ban players, whitelist them, grant powers, and so on.

And Minecraft servers without registration are available to absolutely every gamer in different countries.

Reasons for defining a server as offline

Playing on the Minecraft server in offline mode is impossible, so when similar problem it is necessary to immediately look for ways to solve and eliminate it.

You need to immediately check the IP, it must be external. If you do not understand this definition, you should definitely call or write a letter to the support service, where they will sort out this issue.

An external address using a router must be forwarded via Virtual Server or Port Forwarding. If not, then you should perform this action, it will not take too much time.

If this is not the problem, then the last option is to disable the antivirus. While connecting to the server, the antivirus itself must be completely disabled, and then added to the exceptions.

Unfortunately, Russian Minecraft servers quite often produce similar problems.

Defining the server as Unnamed Server

Unfortunately, free Minecraft servers more often present this problem, but there are still methods to combat it.

IN standard file, through which all settings went, the following option should be present - motd=Minecraft Server Name. If it is missing, you need to add it to the very end, changing it to the server name.

If the result of such actions is unsuccessful, you will have to configure everything manually. To do this, you need to go to the server and click "Edit".

Reasons for removing a server from monitoring

Now the IPs of Minecraft servers play an important role in promotion, so problems can also occur because of them.

First you need to try to independently search for the server by address, entering it into address bar, present on home page. There may also be a situation where the server will not be deleted, but simply hidden for other players. And this happens because it is offline for two hours or more. In this case, the server will return to its place after half an hour has passed online.

Now you know how to promote own server"Minecraft". Android is a platform that also allows you to play such a wonderful game, but the settings here will be completely different. Despite the graphics and image clarity, this program has many fans on phones and tablets.

Minecraft is a cubic, limitless 3D world, waiting for its creator to survive in its sometimes harsh conditions. Here you are free to do what you want, whenever you want.

Explore a limitless world; get to the bottom of it, extracting the largest possible amount of resources; go on a journey across the vast ocean, full of secrets and uncharted lands; or simply settle in one place, creating your own city, or an entire empire. The game is already full of content, but it can be diversified by installing various types modifications. But the most wonderful thing is the opportunity to plunge and immerse yourself in this world together with your comrades. To do this, you just need to create your own server and find yourself a company.

If you want to know how to create your own server in Minecraft, then this article is just for you.

So, how to install a minecraft server?

1. Creating a Minecraft server begins with downloading the archive with the version of the server you need. They exist for absolutely all versions of the game. For the newest one, you can find the server on the official website.

2. Launch the downloaded file and wait for the program to conduct a test run and generate all the files necessary for the server to operate. They will appear at the same address as running file, so it's better to create for this separate folder.

3. In order for your friends to be able to play with you, you need a local network connection, for this you need to be connected via one wire, or download the Hamachi program.

4. In the program we create local network, then copy its name and IP and tell them to your friends so that they connect to your local network.

5. We return directly to the server. In the folder where the new files were generated, a document called “properties” appeared. Open it using any of your installed text editors and carefully study every line.

How to set up a minecraft server?

Setting up a Minecraft server is a very important and crucial moment. If you do it incorrectly, the server may not let players in, or may not work at all. We configure the name, IP, port (here it is very important that your computer is connected to the Internet directly, that is, without a router, or the server port must be specified in the network block settings).

Another quite a few important point: if you use for gaming pirated version(which is, of course, very bad), then in order for the server to let you into the game, the line called “online mod” had the value “false”.

The method is quite simple if you do not have any complications with the router.

But if they suddenly arise, then how can you make a server in Minecraft even simpler, without conflicts with the network?

A program for creating a server in Minecraft will help you, which itself will solve problems with ports and licenses. Everything is described there quite clearly and simply.

You can also use the site to create Minecraft servers, which will also not have network problems or other difficulties. The server will work in online mode. Creating a Minecraft server for free through the website is the most affordable solution, which does not require you additional programs and skills. Simply specify the desired server settings and start playing.

For owners of a licensed version of the game, creating your own Minecraft server for free is even easier

Recently, the game has added a feature to open your world to multiplayer. Once you have done this, your IP will be shown to you, and any owner of a license key can safely and without unnecessary problems enter your world. That is, as such, creation is not required here at all.

How to install modifications on the server?

1. First, of course, you need to select and download the desired add-ons in .zip format

3. Open the folder of the created server (instructions for creation are given above), on which you need to install the mod.

4. Find a file that has the name: “minecraft_server.jar.”

5. You need to open it using any archiver installed on your PC and transfer the contents of the downloaded mod there.

6. There is no need to delete the folder called META-INF, as when installing modifications for a single game.

7. Actually, now we start the server and enjoy.

We also take into account the fact that modifications installed on the server must be installed on the client of any visiting player, otherwise they simply will not be able to connect to you.

If you have problems with the creation process, you can watch the Minecraft training video on how to create your own server. Such in the vastness of the Internet, and especially in YouTube networks great multitude. You can find the process of creating any server, any version, in any way. All that remains is to wish you a pleasant game with nice people.

Greetings, active diggers in Minecraft! I’ll be honest, a couple of years ago I myself became actively addicted to this toy and killed a lot of time in it, which I now regret (the toy is very interesting but takes a lot of time). After playing a single-player game and building everything that was interesting to me, I got bored, and it was decided to play with friends online, and then on the Internet...

How to create a Minecraft server (Hamachi and LAN)

This note promises to be long, but we will not consider various mods and additions, we will create an original Minecraft server. Perhaps in the future I will try some interesting additions in practice, but now I don’t see the point in rewriting other people’s articles for show. So let's look at how to create a Minecraft server (Original)

About two years ago I bought myself a premium account of this wonderful game, but this is an optional condition for the server, we can download the server from the official website and allow pirate users to play with you. Surely there is a desire to play with friends, but friends have no desire to buy the game (personally, I’m more interested in playing with offline friends than with strangers from somewhere unknown.) So to speak, let’s create our own Minecraft server with blackjack and sh….

In fact, creating a server is as easy as shelling pears, but setting up a connection to it is exactly the most interesting thing, because this is no longer relevant to the game, but it is on these things that we will focus our attention, since little has been written about this, and questions arise like the rule is precisely in these moments.

1. Create and configure a Minecraft server

If anyone doesn't know, the Minecraft game is written in JAVA language and requires appropriate software, the server was no exception. So we need to download and install current version Java, but if Minecraft works for you without problems, then you have everything you need installed on your system and no additional programs are required!

We have downloaded and installed everything we need, now let’s move directly to setting up the Minecrfat server. The most latest version always available on the official website on the downloads page. You can download the server directly from there without any registration, absolutely free.

We download the Minecraft server to our computer and, for convenience, put it in a separate folder (for example, in the MINE_SERVER folder - this is necessary because when you first start the server, it will create configuration files, and I don’t like a mishmash of unknown things in one folder)

We start the server and wait until the world is generated, and at the same time the configuration files are created, after which we close the Minecraft server

After the first launch, a file will be created, in which all our settings are stored (you can open it using notepad, if you don’t know how to do this, read the article:). We are considering basic settings Minecraft server and therefore I will make minimal changes, namely, I will allow pirate owners to use the server. To do this, I will write false in the online-mode parameter, this will tell the server not to check those connecting for the presence of a premium account.

Now we restart the Minecraft server (but with our settings) and try to connect to it. Since the server is located on our computer, we write in the server address localhost.

And now we are already in the game...

The same can be seen in the server.

This completes the creation of the server, now let's move on to the most interesting part - we are trying to provide our friends with access to this server.

2. Set up a connection to the Minecraft server via Hamachi

The most in a simple way games via the Internet I believe the creation virtual network using Hamachi programs However, there is one drawback: free version will allow you to create a network of up to 5 computers. Let's take a closer look at this option:

Installing Hamachi to create a Minecraft server is very simple, you just need to create a connection on the main one and connect to it on the client ones, that's all)

Hamachi installation(Click to view)

Launch the installer and select the language

Program information

License agreement

Installation options

Install Google Chrome as desired


Installation completed

Now let's get straight to hamachi settings. Click the “Enable” button

Come up with a computer name on the network and click Create

Then go to “Network” “Create a new network”

We come up with a name and password for new network(be sure to come up with a good password, because you will essentially be creating an ordinary local network, and you expose your computer to additional vulnerability if someone can guess the password)

After you have created your network, your comrades should launch Hamachi at their place, and select “Network” “Connect to an existing network”

Enter the name and password for the created network

Now on the main computer you can see who is connected

Create a Minecraft server on client machine there is no point, now we need to connect the lane to the server. To do this, we need the IP address of the server, since we use hamachi, we look at the IP in the program on the computer where the Minecraft SERVER is installed.

Then we enter it into the server address

...and we see that the Minecraft server is running and is ready to provide us with access to the game

That's all, as you can see, playing Minecraft online is very easy through Hamachi!

3. How to open port 25465

In order for the Minecraft server to be available for play from the Internet, we need to open port 25465. I will open it using the standard example firewall in Windows 8.1, but keep in mind that if you have third-party software, you need to configure it in it. Go!

In the Control Panel, go to “System and Security”

Open "Windows Firewall"

Click on “Advanced options”

Select incoming connections on the left and in the menu select “Actions”, “Create rule...”

for port

write the port number and select the protocol...

...and allow the connection...

...Check all the boxes...

Please note that this action must be performed for both protocols (TCP and UDP)

We are coming up with names for the ports...

...and the rules should look something like what I have in the picture below

We do the same for outgoing connections.

At this point, the opening of the port is completed, sometimes in order to process changes correctly it may be necessary to restart the computer (I don’t know what this is connected with)

4. Set up a connection to the Minecraft server without third-party applications

Actually, there’s nothing special to configure. We need to find out our external IP address, which can be done by going to the website

You can also check if the port is open...

Enter the port number and click “Check”

After a short wait, you will receive a message that the port is open, if, of course, you have configured everything correctly

Every person should at least try to play Minecraft. There is a high chance that this game will become your favorite. Of course, there will be those who won’t like it, because many people don’t like the “sandbox” genre as such, but there’s no arguing about tastes. The main thing is not to give up on this game until you try it in all variations. For example, some people mistakenly believe that Minecraft is exclusively Single player game, which cannot be played online. But this is not so - it has a fairly developed and intriguing multiplayer mode. Moreover, absolutely anyone can create a server, so this makes the game even more attractive. But in order to invite your friends, you should figure out how to make your own server in Minecraft.

Downloading the necessary files

Naturally, you cannot create a server out of thin air. You do not have the necessary files on your computer that would allow you to generate a multiplayer world and keep other players connected to it. But how to make your own server? For this you will need special file, which will improve your game client and allow you to make multiplayer games. It is called minecraft_server, but it can have different extensions - both .jar and .exe. When you download it, you will take the first step towards becoming a Minecraft host. But there's more to come long haul, and you will need a lot more knowledge to figure out how to make your own server.

Running a file

So, you have a downloaded file that will allow you to turn your computer into a Minecraft server. But how to achieve this? How to make your own server from one file? To do this, you need to run it, but be careful - look where you downloaded this file. It should be in the "Minecraft" folder. If it is located in any other place on your computer, then do not run it, but move it to the desired location. Just make sure that it is located in the game folder and launch it. In this case, the system may ask you for permission several times for certain functions - you will have to allow everything that is asked of you. But don't worry - usually this is only permission to run the file itself, as well as using Java. This is all absolutely safe, since it was downloaded from the official Minecraft website, and there is no threat to your computer.

When the file is unzipped, you will find that there is much more content in your Minecraft folder. Congratulations - now you can create your own servers. But, of course, you also need to learn this. You know how to download and install a server on your computer, and now you need to understand how to make a server in Minecraft in the game itself.

Defining and setting IP

You might definitely be intimidated by the number of files that will appear after unpacking. Questions about the Minecraft folder may immediately arise: how to make a server out of all this? But you don't have to worry - you only need one file called, which is where you will make all the changes that will affect how your server will function. You can open it with regular Notepad, because the changes will be exclusively text.

The first thing you need to do is change the server IP address in this file. Since you are creating it on your computer, you need to indicate your own IP address. If you don’t know how to do this, then the problem can be solved simply - there are a large number of services on the Internet that will tell you for free in two seconds network information about your computer. Remember - you only need the IP address, you copy and paste it into the appropriate line of the file. Make sure to save your address as you will need to provide it when you start your server after setup. Minecraft servers are monitored via IP, so you should be sure to enter it correctly - moreover, wrong address will result in a game error and you will not be able to try yourself as an admin.

An important point - the map

Pay attention to the line level-name, for which the default value is World. This means that the world in which the game will take place is created randomly. This standard scheme, which is present in both single-player and multiplayer games, and does not play a role here, did you try to find out how to make a server without Hamachi, using other software, and so on.

By default, the world is always created randomly, and if you want something different, you will have to change everything yourself. To do this, you will need a map that you created or downloaded from the Internet, which you would like to apply to your server. Having placed it in the "Minecraft" folder, you must copy its name and replace it with the world value in the level-name line. Only in this case you will not get a random world in which a multiplayer battle will take place, but a specific and specified one.

Other properties that can be changed

You should not think that these are the only two parameters you can change when interacting with this document. It contains absolutely all the properties of the Minecraft world, and you can change all of them. For example, you can enable or disable the Nether, allow or disable flight, and so on. There are quite a large number of settings, each item among which is very important. Don't skip the line that says maximum amount players if you don't want your server to be too busy. Enable PvP if you want players to be able to damage each other. In general, the scope for imagination is very wide, and you can customize your world as you please. You should also figure out how to make a server with mods to give your players even more options.

How to add a server to the game

You already know how to download necessary files, install the server on your computer, configure it. The final step remains - launch. You shouldn’t have any problems here, since everything is done extremely simply. You need to start the game, go into multiplayer mode and instead of joining other servers, select the option to create your own. There you will need two items - its name, as well as your IP address, which you should have remembered back when you edited it in text file. After filling these two cells you will be taken to game world, which will become the basis of your server. Here you can already build, extract resources, hunt animals and fight mobs, that is, do everything that you can in standard game. But why do you need a server for one?

Adding new players

If you have already created your server and are ready to host guests on it, then you won’t need much - you just need to invite a couple of friends to create the appearance of activity. Then other players will also become interested and join. Moreover, many Minecraft fans prefer to play in those worlds where nothing has happened yet, rather than where various events have already happened. So you are unlikely to be left without players.

Common Mistakes

You should always remember that the version of the game for everyone must match installed version server. If they differ, then the player simply will not be able to connect to the server. This is the most common mistake in the multiplayer environment. You will also receive an error message if you try to log into the server using a login that you have not yet registered. And, of course, do not forget to check the permissions for Java in your antivirus - without it, playing online simply will not work.