How to make an arrow straight in Word. Drawing an arrow in a Microsoft Word document

When working with text, there is often a desire to illustrate the text using some diagrams or other objects that would make it more visual. We have already talked about how to make a graph or table in Word, this time we will talk about arrows and other objects for creating diagrams.

Here you will learn how to draw an arrow in Word. The material will be useful for current versions text Word editor, including Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016.

In order to make an arrow in Word, you need to go to the “Insert” tab. Here in the “Illustrations” button block there is a “Shapes” button, with which you can Word document You can insert various objects, including various arrows.

In Word 2010, the Shapes button looks like this:

And in more modern versions Word like this:

By clicking on the "Shapes" button, you will see big list shapes that you can insert into a Word document. IN this list There are two types of arrows. Thin arrows in the “Lines” block and large arrows in the “Curly arrows” block.

In order to draw an arrow, you need to select one of the types of arrows, left-click on the document sheet and, without releasing the button, pull the mouse to the side. When the arrow reaches the desired size, simply release it left button mice. This way you can insert any number of arrows of any size into Word.

Already drawn arrows can be edited without any problems. For example, you can change the size of the arrow and its direction. To do this, you need to select the arrow with the mouse, after which it can be changed by dragging the points that lie at its beginning and end

Also, when you select an arrow, the “Format” tab becomes available, where all settings related to arrows are concentrated. Here you can change the color of the arrow, add a shadow or other effect to it, adjust its position in the document or the text wrapping.

By combining arrows with other objects available in the list of shapes, you can create almost any complexity.

Also articles about working with symbols in Word:

  • How to put em dash in Word?
  • How to put emphasis in Word?
  • How to put square brackets in Word?
  • How to put quotes in Word?

If necessary graphic design text, you have to use the drawing functions in Word, and then we will look at how to draw arrows in Word.

You can place an arrow in Word using the “Shapes” menu item on the “Insert” tab. When you select this menu item, a window will appear in which all possible lines and shapes that can be inserted into Word, among which you can find numerous arrows.

To draw an arrow in Word, just select required type arrows in the presented base, and place it on the sheet with the mouse. The arrow will be drawn in the direction in which the mouse cursor will move, therefore, if you need to draw an arrow in Word from left to right, you need to click the left mouse button in the right place after selecting the type of arrow and drag the arrow from left to right to the required length.

After you have managed to make an arrow in Word, an additional “Drawing Tools” tab appears, where you can apply various styles shapes, and in the “Size” menu specify the exact dimensions of the arrow.

To draw an arrow in Word strictly perpendicular, parallel or at an angle of forty-five degrees, you must hold down the “Shift” key while drawing.

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Good day to all! Today you will learn how to draw an arrow in Word.

The famous MS Word program, as everyone knows, is not just text editor. It provides the ability to add various shapes, graphic objects and other elements. You can also easily change them. Among all these elements you can also find drawing tools, not as complete as in “Paint”, but very useful for certain cases. For example, many people may need to add an arrow to text or a table. This will be discussed in this article.

How to draw an arrow in Word? - How to insert an arrow?

  1. You should open the document required to add the arrow and click on its location.

  1. Next, open the “Insert” tab and click “Shapes”, which is located in “Illustrations”.

  1. Stop selecting the “Lines” section. In it, find an arrow that suits your type to add to the document.

It is worth noting that this section contains only arrows normal looking. In addition, the program provides for the addition of curly arrows, which are often used when drawing up flowcharts. So you can select the "Curly arrows" section if you need it.

  1. Now left-click specifically on the place where you are going to insert the arrow and hold down (this will be the beginning of the arrow). Next, you should stretch the arrow in the direction you need and release it where you think the arrow should end.

It is worth noting that it is always possible to edit the arrow size. To do this, click on it by the marker with the left mouse button and drag it in the desired direction.

  1. Now the arrow has been added to your document and acquired the size and direction that you specified.

Changing arrows

The program offers the ability to change the appearance of an arrow already inserted into a document. You just have to double-click on it with the left mouse button, and the “Format” window will open.

There is a “Shape Style” where you can choose your preferred element style.

There is also a button called “Shape Outline”. Click on it and you can set the color of the regular arrow.

When adding a curly arrow, a feature called Shape Fill is useful. With its help, you can set your preferred fill color from those presented.

It is worth noting that the visual styles of curly arrows and linear arrows differ at first glance, but at the same time their range of colors is similar.

Regarding the curly arrow, it is possible to change the thickness of the outline. The “Shape Outline” function is designed for this purpose.


Now you know how to draw an arrow in Word. In general, working with arrows is not as difficult as many may think. Even beginners will quickly master the tools and functions provided for this purpose. Each user of the program may find them useful at some point.

Text Microsoft editor Word is quite functional. In it you can work not only with text, but also with tables, diagrams, graphs, formulas, pictures and more. We have already written about all this and detailed articles are on the website.

Now let's learn how to draw arrows in Word, and figure out how to change their length, color, thickness, etc. I will show you how to do everything in Word 2010, but these screenshots will work if you have Word 2007 or newer versions installed.

You may need to make an arrow if you are making a diagram in a document or drawing a graph. Or maybe you just need to point out some drawing or figure in the text itself.

If you need to make a diagram in Word, then read a detailed article on this topic by following the link.

How to put an arrow in the form of a line

You can draw it in two ways: either a regular thin one using a line, or make a curly three-dimensional one.

In the first case, open desired page in the document, go to the “Insert” tab and in the “Illustrations” section, click on the “Shapes” button. In the list that opens, in the “Lines” group, select the arrow that suits you best.

The cursor will then become a plus sign. Click where you want it to start on the page and, without releasing the button, drag in the direction where you want it to end. If the arrow is selected, then there will be blue markers at its ends, as shown in the screenshot.

To move it to another place on the sheet, first select it so that markers appear along the edges and hover the mouse cursor over it. It will become arrows pointing in four directions, hold down the left mouse button, drag the arrow to another place in the document and release the button.

To ensure that the arrow points clearly down, up, right or left, hold down the Shift key on your keyboard while drawing. Holding “Shift” will also allow you to draw it exactly at an angle of 45 degrees.

Inserting a curly arrow

If you want to make it wide, then on the “Insert” tab, click on the “Shapes” button and select one of the options that are in the list in the “Curly arrows” group.

Then draw it where you want on the page. It is drawn from the corner. I drew from the bottom left to the top right corner. I clicked the mouse from below, moved the cursor up to the right, and released the button after the arrow became the desired size.

Changing the appearance of the arrow

After you draw the arrow, you may need to change its appearance: make it thicker, change the color, etc. To do this, double-click on it to open the “Drawing Tools” – “Format” tab.

For arrow lines in the “Shape Styles” group, select one of the already ready-made styles, or use the Shape Outline and Shape Effect buttons to create a look that suits your shape.

In the menu for changing the contour of a figure, you will also find such items as “Thickness”, “Strokes” and “Arrows”. “Thickness” – increase or decrease the corresponding parameter. “Strokes” - here, instead of a line, another type of arrow is selected: dots, strokes or dotted lines. “Arrows” – changing the pointer: making it thicker, changing the direction, etc.

For horizontal and vertical lines You can specify the exact length of the arrow. To do this, click on the “Size” button. If the line is horizontal, change the “Width” parameter; if it is vertical, change the “Height” parameter

To move, select it and, by clicking on any of the markers at the beginning or end of the arrow, drag the selected end to the desired location. A silhouette will be shown as you move.

To change the volumetric arrow, select it to open the Drawing Tools - Format tab. Then, in the “Shape Styles” section, select one of the ready-made styles, or use the “Shape Fill”, “Shape Outline” and “Shape Effect” buttons to change it as you need.

Having selected it, in addition to the main markers, yellow markers appear on the left of the pointer and below at the base. By clicking on them, you can change the pointer itself or narrow/stretch the shape. During the change, a faded silhouette will allow you to see what the result will be.

The exact dimensions for the pointer are set in the right top corner, by clicking on the corresponding button.

If you drag any of the blue handles along the outline of the selected shape, the length or thickness will change.

I think everything worked out for you. Draw diagrams with arrows in necessary documents or simply insert them into the text if they are relevant in meaning, now there should be no difficulties.

In MS Word, as you probably know, you can not only print text, but also add graphic files, shapes and other objects, as well as modify them. Also, this text editor has drawing tools, which, although they do not even reach the standard for the OS Windows Paint, but can still be useful in many cases. For example, when you need to put an arrow in Word.

Lesson: How to Draw Lines in Word

1. Open the document in which you want to add an arrow and click in the place where it should be.

2. Go to the tab "Insert" and press the button “Shapes” located in the group “Illustrations”.

3. Select from the drop-down menu in the section “Lines” the type of arrow you want to add.

Note: In chapter “Lines” presented regular arrows. If you need curly arrows (for example, to establish connections between elements of a flowchart, select the appropriate arrow from the section “Curly arrows”.

Lesson: How to make a flowchart in Word

4. Left-click where the arrow should start in the document and drag the mouse in the direction where the arrow should go. Release the left mouse button where the arrow should end.

Note: You can always change the size and direction of the arrow; just left-click on it and drag one of the markers framing it in the desired direction.

5. An arrow of the dimensions you specified will be added to the specified location in the document.

Change arrow

If you want to change appearance added arrow, double-click on it with the left mouse button to open the tab "Format".

In chapter “Shape Styles” you can choose from standard set liked the style.

Next to the window of available styles (in the group “Shape Styles”) there is a button “Figure Outline”. By clicking on it, you can choose the color of the regular arrow.

Note: The set of styles for line arrows and curly arrows is visually different, which is quite logical. And yet they have the same color scheme.

For a curly arrow, you can also change the thickness of the outline (button “Figure Outline”).

Lesson: How to insert a picture in Word

That's all, now you know how to draw an arrow in Word and how to change its appearance, if necessary.

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Good day to all! Today you will learn how to draw an arrow in Word.

The famous MS Word program, as everyone knows, is not just a text editor. It provides the ability to add various shapes, graphic objects and other elements. You can also easily change them. Among all these elements you can also find drawing tools, not as complete as in “Paint”, but very useful for certain cases. For example, many people may need to add an arrow to text or a table. This will be discussed in this article.

How to draw an arrow in Word? — How to insert an arrow?

  1. You should open the document required to add the arrow and click on its location.

  1. Next, open the “Insert” tab and click “Shapes”, which is located in “Illustrations”.

  1. Stop selecting the “Lines” section. In it, find an arrow that suits your type to add to the document.

It is worth noting that this section contains only regular arrows. In addition, the program provides for the addition of curly arrows, which are often used when drawing up flowcharts. So you can select the "Curly arrows" section if you need it.

  1. Now left-click specifically on the place where you are going to insert the arrow and hold down (this will be the beginning of the arrow). Next, you should stretch the arrow in the direction you need and release it where you think the arrow should end.

It is worth noting that it is always possible to edit the arrow size. To do this, click on it by the marker with the left mouse button and drag it in the desired direction.

  1. Now the arrow has been added to your document and acquired the size and direction that you specified.

Changing arrows

The program offers the ability to change the appearance of an arrow already inserted into a document. You just have to double-click on it with the left mouse button, and the “Format” window will open.

There is a “Shape Style” where you can choose your preferred element style.

There is also a button called “Shape Outline”. Click on it and you can set the color of the regular arrow.

When adding a curly arrow, a feature called Shape Fill is useful. With its help, you can set your preferred fill color from those presented.

It is worth noting that the visual styles of curly arrows and linear arrows differ at first glance, but at the same time their range of colors is similar.

Regarding the curly arrow, it is possible to change the thickness of the outline. The “Shape Outline” function is designed for this purpose.


Now you know how to draw an arrow in Word. In general, working with arrows is not as difficult as many may think. Even beginners will quickly master the tools and functions provided for this purpose. Each user of the program may find them useful at some point.

How to draw an arrow in Word?

Text editor Microsoft Word quite functional. In it you can work not only with text, but also with tables, diagrams, graphs, formulas, pictures and more. We have already written about all this and detailed articles are on the website.

Now let's learn how to draw arrows in Word, and figure out how to change their length, color, thickness, etc. I will show you how to do everything in Word 2010, but these screenshots will work if you have Word 2007 or newer versions installed.

You may need to make an arrow if you are making a diagram in a document or drawing a graph. Or maybe you just need to point out some drawing or figure in the text itself.

If you need to make a diagram in Word, then read the detailed article on this topic by following the link.

How to put an arrow in the form of a line

You can draw it in two ways: either a regular thin one using a line, or make a curly three-dimensional one.

In the first case, open the desired page in the document, go to the “Insert” tab and in the “Illustrations” section click on the “Shapes” button. In the list that opens, in the “Lines” group, select the arrow that suits you best.

The cursor will then become a plus sign. Click where you want it to start on the page and, without releasing the button, drag in the direction where you want it to end. If the arrow is selected, then there will be blue markers at its ends, as shown in the screenshot.

To move it to another place on the sheet, first select it so that markers appear along the edges and hover the mouse cursor over it. It will become arrows pointing in four directions, hold down the left mouse button, drag the arrow to another place in the document and release the button.

To ensure that the arrow points clearly down, up, right or left, hold down the Shift key on your keyboard while drawing. Holding “Shift” will also allow you to draw it exactly at an angle of 45 degrees.

Inserting a curly arrow

If you want to make it wide, then on the “Insert” tab, click on the “Shapes” button and select one of the options that are in the list in the group "Curly arrows".

Then draw it where you want on the page. It is drawn from the corner. I drew from the bottom left to the top right corner. I clicked the mouse from below, moved the cursor up to the right, and released the button after the arrow became the desired size.

Changing the appearance of the arrow

After you draw the arrow, you may need to change its appearance: make it thicker, change the color, etc. To do this, double-click on it to open the tab "Drawing Tools"– “Format”.

For arrow lines in the “Shape Styles” group, select one of the ready-made styles, or use the “Shape Outline” and “Shape Effect” buttons to create a look that suits it.

In the menu for changing the outline of a figure, you will also find such items as “Thickness”, “Strokes” and “Arrows”. “Thickness” – increase or decrease the corresponding parameter. “Strokes” - here, instead of a line, another type of arrow is selected: dots, strokes or dotted lines. “Arrows” – changing the pointer: making it thicker, changing the direction, etc.

For horizontal and vertical lines, you can specify the exact length of the arrow. To do this, click on the “Size” button. If the line is horizontal, change the “Width” parameter; if it is vertical, change the “Height” parameter

To move, select it and, by clicking on any of the markers at the beginning or end of the arrow, drag the selected end to the desired location. A silhouette will be shown as you move.

To change the volumetric arrow, select it to open the tab "Drawing Tools"– “Format”. Then in the “Shape Styles” section, select one of the ready-made styles, or using the buttons "Shape Fill", “Shape Outline” and “Shape Effect” change it as you need.

Having selected it, in addition to the main markers, yellow markers appear on the left of the pointer and below at the base. By clicking on them, you can change the pointer itself or narrow/stretch the shape. During the change, a faded silhouette will allow you to see what the result will be.

The exact dimensions for the pointer are set in the upper right corner by clicking on the corresponding button.

If you drag any of the blue handles along the outline of the selected shape, the length or thickness will change.

I think everything worked out for you. Draw diagrams with arrows in the necessary documents or simply insert them into the text if they are relevant in meaning, now there should be no difficulties.

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The Microsoft Word text editor has a lot of functionality. In Word, you can not only create and format text, but also draw various graphic objects. Thanks to the convenient location of the tools, this is done quite simply.

How to draw a table in Word?

To draw a table in Word, you should:

  1. in the “Insert” tab, click the “Table” button;
  2. select “Draw table”;
  3. place the cursor at the required place in the document;
  4. press the left mouse button and move it to the side and down (stretching the contours).

This creates one cell. The rest are created by repeating step 3. You can also divide ready-made table diagonally, vertically and horizontally. The color of the lines, their thickness and style are set in the “Layout” subsection.

How to draw a line in Word?

A line separating one part of a document from another is used as often as a table. To draw it, you need:

  1. select the “Line” tool in the expanded gallery;
  2. place the cursor on the point in the document where one end of the line will be located;
  3. Press the left mouse button and stretch the line in the desired direction to the required length.

In the expanded “Format” subsection, you can set the color, style, shadow and other parameters of the created line.

How to draw a diagram in Word?

A diagram is created in a document to visually display the sequence and dependencies. It can be added in two ways:

  • draw;
  • insert a SmartArt object.

To draw, you will need to create several separate blocks and connect them with lines. In this case, blocks can have any shape (square, oval, triangle, circle, etc.) and size. They are added to the document as follows:

  1. in the “Insert” tab, click the “Shapes” button;
  2. select the tool corresponding to the desired block shape in the expanded gallery;
  3. hold down the left mouse button and stretch the figure to the required size.

Inserting a finished object is implemented as follows:

  1. in the “Insert” tab, click the “SmartArt” button;
  2. in the window that opens, select the template that is most suitable in a particular case;
  3. press the “OK” button.

How to draw a frame in Word?

A frame is often a mandatory attribute of reports, abstracts, announcements and other documents. To draw it in Word, you need to:

  1. in the “Insert” tab, click the “Shapes” button;
  2. select the “Rectangle” tool (or “Rounded Rectangle”);
  3. place the cursor in the upper left corner of the document;
  4. hold down the left mouse button and stretch the shape (downwards to the right) to the required size;
  5. in the “Format” subsection, click on the “Text wrapping” item;
  6. select “Behind text”.

By clicking on the “Shape Outline” item in the “Format” subsection, you can set the frame to the desired thickness, color and pattern. The “Shadow Effects” and “Volume” buttons will make it more expressive.

How to draw an arrow in Word?

In some cases, a Word document cannot do without a graphic arrow. To draw it you will need:

  1. in the “Insert” tab, click the “Shapes” button;
  2. select the “Arrow” tool in the expanded gallery;
  3. place the cursor in the desired place in the document;
  4. hold down the left mouse button and stretch the arrow to the required size.

The arrow, like any inserted shape, can be made thicker if necessary, change its color and texture, and/or add a shadow and volume effect.

How to draw a graph in Word?

Comparing different data and studying progress (regression) is more convenient if the information is presented in the form of a graph. In Word we draw it like this.